Hi Class,
So far we have discussed reinforcement (increasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence) and punishment (decreasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence). What I would like you to do is to find a couple of video clips off the internet where one illustrates reinforcement and the other illustrates punishment.
For each clip I would like you to briefly describe/summarize the clip. 1) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced or punished behavior (be careful as there are often many behaviors in a video and you need to isolate the behavior of interest). 2) Next tell us what the consequence of the behavior is. 3) Then tell us how, that consequence either will increase or decrease the frequency of the behavior. 4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something. 5) Finally tell us to the antecedent is.
Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, positive punishment, negative reinforcement, negative punishment.
Do the same for the second clip
For originality sake, make sure the videos you are not using the same videos the four other students before you just used.
When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URL at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used.
Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Let me know if you have any questions....
Here is an example....
1) This is a video where someone put keypads on stairs so they play music when people walk up them. 2) the behavior is walking up stairs (as opposed to taking the escalator). 3) The consequence of taking the stairs is they get to make music as the go up them. 4) because they get to make music which is pleasurable, they will take the stairs more often. 5) This consequence involves adding something, in this case music is added. 6) The antecedent is being in a train station and having the option to take either the stairs or the escalator.
A=leaving train station and having a choice of stairs or escalator.
B=choosing to take the stairs
C=playing music
This is an example of positive reinforcement because they are adding music to increase the frequency of taking the stairs.
Now Do The Same For The Second Clip :-)
NOTE - You can add to your blog post (for example if you realize you forgot to include your URLS: -) And you can comment on other students posts by clicking on the Reply link (right after the time and date of the post). People like it when you like what they wrote and you tell them so...
Also notice that when you reply to a comment it is indented so you know which post the person is replying to....
1) This is a video of two students horsing around in class until their teacher gets fed up and smacks one of the students off his chair. The target behavior that was emitted and punished was horsing around and not paying attention in class. 2) The consequence of this behavior was angering the teacher and getting hit. 3) This consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior emitted because the student will think twice before they misbehave and are hit again. 4) The consequence involves the addition of something, in this case pain, to deter the target behavior. 5) The antecedent in this case is being in class and having the option to either pay attention or misbehave.
A= Being in class and having a choice to pay attention or not
B= Choosing not to pay attention and horsing around
C= Getting hit by the teacher
This video is an example of positive punishment because it involves adding an aversive stimulus(pain) to decrease a certain behavior(horseplay).
1) The second video is of a toddler receiving cookies from his mother. After he eats a cookie he cries until his mother gives him another cookie. In this case, the target behavior emitted and reinforced was crying from the child. 2) The consequence of the child crying was he received another cookie from his mother. 3) This consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior because the child will cry until he receives another cookie. 4) This consequence involves the addition of something, in this case a cookie, to reinforce the behavior. 5) I'm not 100% sure, but I think the antecedent in this case is the child sitting at the table.
A= Child sitting at the table
B= The child cries out for a cookie
C= The child receives a cookie
This video is an example of positive reinforcement because the child receives something pleasurable(cookie) to increase the behavior(crying).
Note* I know this video is actually a bad way of reinforcing this child because the child will be more apt to continue crying in hopes of receiving another cookie.
In the video that I found we see examples from Family guy of both reinforcement and punishment. In the example of reinforcement we see Peter at a stag party playing a drinking game with Quagmire.
1. In the example of reinforcement the target behavior is to drink beer. Quagmire says who wants to play the game drink the beer. Peter says me and then finishes his beer.
2. The consequence is that Quagmire says you win. Peter asks what he wins and Quagmire gives him another beer.
3. The consequence of hearing that he has won and receiving another beer makes Peter much more likely to keep finishing beers and getting another one; which is increasing the frequency of that activity.
4. The consequence involves the addition of something, which is the beer that he receives for ‘winning’
5. The antecedent is the fact that Peter is at a stag party with a bunch of other males
A – Peter is at a Stag party
B – Peter plays drink the beer and finishes his beer
C – He wins another Beer
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the addition of something makes it much more likely that the subject will repeat the action.
In this example of punishment Peter and Chris are watching one of their favorite TV shows and Louis comes in and says no more TV until Chris gets his grades up.
1. In this example the behavior that needs to decrease is Chris’ laziness of not wanting to his school work. This behavior is going to be decreased through punishment
2. The consequence is that he gets bad grades, so Louis says no more TV until he gets his grades up.
3. This makes Chris much less likely to be lazy when it comes to completing his school work because he will want to watch his favorite TV show, which Louis has taken away.
4. The consequence involves the removal of something, which is his favorite TV show
5. The antecedent is the fact that Peter and Chris are watching their favorite TV show
A – Peter and Chris are watching their Favorite TV show
B – Chris hasn’t been doing his school work
C – Louis takes away his favorite TV show until his grades improve
This is an example of negative punishment because Louis is taking something away that will decrease the likelihood of Chris being lazy when it comes to his school work.
Terms: Reinforcement, Punishment, Behavior, Consequence, Antecedent, Positive Reinforcement, Negative Punishment
sheldon reinforces Pennys behavior by giving her chocolate when she performs good behavior. 1) The targeet behavior in this clip is Sheldon correct behavior. (Not sitting in his chair). 2) The consequences of the behavior is a reward of a chocolate. 3) The consequence will increase the behavior of not sitting in Sheldons chair because when she doesn't, she gets rewarded with a chocolate. 4) The consequence involves the additon of something such as a positive stimulous, in this case chocolate. 5) The ancedent is being around sheldon, (Or good Sheldons manners in general.)
A= Being around Sheldon
B= Behaving in good sheldon manners or not sitting in his chair.
C= Chocolate for doing good.
Positive Reinforcement is shown in this clip because the person is rewarded for good behaviors.
For my punishment clip I chose the classic cell phones in class bit. Basically the teacher punishes the student by breaking their phone. 1) The targeet behavior is (not to use cell phones in class). 2) The consequence of the behavior is in this case, getting your cell phone destroyed. 3) The consequence of getting your cell phone destroyed will decrease the behavior of using your cell phone in class because everyone loves there cell phones. 4) The consequence involves the subtraction of something, your cell phone. 5) The antecedent is being in class.
A= in class
B= use cell phone
C= get it broken
Negative punishment is what the clip shows becuase you are taking away a postive stimulous.
Positive reinforcement, punishment, consequences, antecedent, negative punishment, reinformcemnt, behavior, stimulous
1) this video is giving dogs treats to make them stop barking at a door knock. 2) the behavior is the dogs sitting on the couch and not barking at the door knock. 3)getting a treat for every time the dogs sit on the couch and not barking is enjoyable because dogs love treats. 4)the dogs are getting treats witch is pleasurably so they will continue the reinforced behavior 5) the antecedent is hearing the knock on the door and barking or sitting and being quiet.
A= barking at door knock or sitting on couch being quiet.
B= sitting on couch being quiet.
C= getting a treat
this is positive reinforcement
1) this video is a game that teaches kids math when you get a answer right you through a snowball at someone git it wrong you get hit by a snowball.
2) If you get a answer wrong you get hit by a snowball if you get hit to many times you in a way have to start over.
3) this will decrees the behavior of getting a answer wrong by getting hit by the snowball.
4) it has the removal of answering wrong
5) the antecedent is answering right or wrong
A= answering right or wrong
B= answer wrong
C= get hit by snowball
positive punishment
This first clip from the movie “Mean Girls” illustrates punishment. Just like we talked about in class on Tuesday, it was a lot easier to find clips that showed punishment over reinforcement. In this clip, Karen and Gretchen are trying to get Regina to not wear sweatpants. 1) The behavior the mean girls want to diminish is Regina wearing sweatpants. 2) The consequence of Regina wearing sweatpants means she can’t sit at the popular girls’ table. 3) Regina wants to sit at the popular girls’ table because she wants to be seen as popular, therefore she will stop wearing sweatpants so she can still sit there. 4) This consequence removed something (her spot at the lunch table), therefore it is negative punishment. 5) The antecedent is lunch time on a school day.
A – Lunch time on a school day
B – Regina wore sweatpants
C – Regina can’t sit at the popular girls’ lunch table
This clip is negative punishment because it took away an appealing stimulus.
I then found this clip from the movie “Up” to illustrate reinforcement. Here we see Russell trying to get the “snipe” out from hiding. 1) The behavior Russell is reinforcing is the bird coming out from behind the bushes. 2) The consequence of the “snipe” coming out of hiding is he gets rewarded with chocolate. 3) The bird likes chocolate and therefore wants more. In order to get more chocolate, the bird will come out of hiding. 4) The consequence added an addition of something (the chocolate), therefore this is known as positive reinforcement. 5) The antecedent is the bird is hiding in the thick forest.
A – “Snipe” hiding in the forest
B – Bird slowly coming out of the bushes
C – “Snipe” gets chocolate
This clip is positive reinforcement because it added an appealing stimulus.
Positive reinforcement, negative punishment, behavior, reward, stimulus, consequence, antecedent, punishment, reinforcement
This clip is about a man getting pulled over and receiving a ticket for speeding from a policeman. 1. The target behavior was speeding. 2. The consequence of the behavior was getting pulled over by the policeman and getting a speeding ticket. 3. This consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior because the man will not want to pay another ticket, and therefore will not speed again. 4. The consequence involves adding something; a ticket. 5. The antecedent is driving and having the option to follow the speed limit laws or not.
A= Man driving (having the option to follow the laws or not)
B= Speeding
C= Receiving a ticket
The video is an example of positive punishment
This clip is about a mother who gives her children money for doing chores. 1. The target behavior was doing chores. 2. The consequence is that the kids get money for each chore they do. 3. The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior because the kids get money and get a chance each week to go and spend it how they choose. 4. The consequence involves the addition of something; money. 5. The antecedent is seeing the “chore list”.
A= Seeing the “chore list”
B= Doing the chores
C= Receiving money
This video is an example of positive reinforcement.
Words: Antecedent, consequence, frequency, target-behavior, positive punishment, positive reinforcement
This is the clip from the disney pixar film Up where Russell finally finds the snipe who he affectionately names Kevin. He is trying to get Kevin to come out of the bush when he figures out that Kevin is a fan of chocolate and then uses that to get Kevin out of the bush.
1. The behavior is Kevin walking out of the bush
2. The consequence of the behavior is that Kevin gets chocolate
3. The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior because Kevin loves chocolate and so he will do what he can to get more chocolate and that means coming out of the bush.
4. The consequence involves the addition of chocolate to Kevin
5. The antecedent is Roaming in the Jungle
A: Roaming in the Jungle
B: Kevin walking out of the bush
C: Kevin gets chocolate
This is an example of positive reinforcement
This is another clip from Up where Doug cunningly slips the cone of shame on the Alpha dog to render him helpless and the Alpha dog loses all control of the other dogs as Doug becomes the new Alpha.
1. The behavior is wearing the cone of shame
2. the consequence of wearing the cone of shame is that you no longer have authority over those around you.
3. The consequence will decrease the behavior because Alpha likes having power over the other dogs and did not like to give it up when wearing the cone of shame.
4. The consequence involves the addition of the cone of shame onto Alphas neck
5. The antecedent is in the blimp
A: In the blimp
B: Wearing the cone of shame
C: Losing authority of those around you
This clip is an example of positive punishment because you are decreasing the likelihood of the behavior but you are adding something new into the situation.
Terms: Behavior, Consequence, Antecedent, Positive Reinforcement, Positive Punishment
The first video clip I found was from Modern Family. The father is trying to teach Manny, his son, a lesson to learn. So, he then proceeds to try and shoot Manny with a bee-bee gun. When he was first trying, he failed. So, then he put the gun down and said, "well, you get the point here, it was supposed to scare you." Then he accidentally shoots his son. His son then gets mad saying, "That hit my bone, it really hurt. I thought I was your friend." His dad then says, "I am your friend." His daughter then comes outside and starts telling her father that he needs to go inside and calm her mom down. He then accidentally shoots the girls boyfriend in the neck with a bee-bee. Then, he drops the gun and shoots himself. Instead of teaching Manny a lesson. The father in turn was the one who was taught a lesson.
1. The behavior that was preformed in this video was the shooting of the bee-bee gun, and it turned out to be a punisher.
2. The consequence of the behavior is the pain he then felt by the bee-bee gun himself.
3. Because of the negative consequence this will cause the frequency of the behavior to go down.
4. This consequence involves the inevitable subtraction of the bee-bee guns usage.
5. The antecedent is being in the back yard.
A= being in the backyard
B= shooting a bee-bee gun
C= getting harmed by the bee-bee gun
This is an example of a negative punishment because the father is shot with a bee-bee gun trying to teach his son a lesson, so inevitably, although it doesn't show it in this clip, the bee-bee gun will be subtracted from the home.
The second video clip is from The Big Bang Theory. In this video clip there are multiple instances where reinforcement are used. I am going to use just the first one that comes up. In this video, the lady stands up and takes the mans plate into the kitchen, so as a reward, he gives her a piece of chocolate. This same process of her doing things for him keeps happening, and he keeps giving her chocolate. Finally, at the end of the clip the other man finally figures out that his friend is using positive reinforcement for what he thinks is appropriate behavior.
1. The girl taking the dishes into the kitchen.
2. The girl then receives a chocolate.
3. The consequence of receiving the chocolate will obviously increase the behavior, which it demonstrates in this clip.
4. The consequence involves the addition of chocolate every time she does something good.
5. Sitting on the couch in the living room after eating is the antecedent.
A= sitting on the couch in the living room after eating
B= taking the dishes into the kitchen
C= being reinforced with chocolate
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the girl is being rewarded for taking the dishes into the kitchen by receiving chocolate.
punisher, consequence, negative consequence, antecedent, negative punishment, reinforcement, reward, positive reinforcement
This clip is getting students to participate in class. 1)target behavior was getting them to answer questions. 2)consequence of participation 3)will most likely increase rate of particiaption beacuses they recieved both praise and a twizzlers.4)involves the addition of something;twizzlers and praise. 5) the antecedent is the participation.
B=Answering the questions
C=recieving praise and twizzlers
This video diplays positive reinforcement.
Terms: positive reinforcement, consequence, target-behavior, antecedent
This clip displays interviews regarding corporal punishment in UK schools. 1)Target behavior was corporal punishmentfor misbehaving in school 2)spanking and others 3)it did both (depends on who was speaking about it) 4)Removal of self dignity, misbehaving; addition of humiliation, anger, resingment, fear. 5)behavior in school
A=Behavior in school
This video is a clip of negative reinforcement and negative punishment.
Terms:negative reinforcement, negative punishment, target-behavior,
This first clip I used was to encourage positive reinforcement. The video clip was from an old Dexatrim weight loss pill. First of all they had all skinny women in workout outfits displaying the results of having taken the weight loss pill. How they were able to lose the weight and not feel hungry with Dexatrim. I believe the behavior emitted is taking the pill which would then have the consequence of losing weight from taking the pill. The consequence would then increase the frequency of taking the pill because the result would be losing weight by taking the pill. The antecedent of these would be the want to lose weight.
A=Wanting to lose weight
B=Taking the Dexatrim Pill
C=losing weight without being hungry
This is an example of positive reinforcement.
My second video clip is about a dog who is playing with a stick and the owner is wanting her to come to him, but the dog is refusing to listen because she is too busy playing with the stick. So, when the dog comes to him he takes the stick away. The unwanted behavior is ignoring commands from the owner because she’s busy playing with the stick. Therefore the consequence then would be removing the stick. The consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior. It is due to removing the stimuli (the stick). The antecedent I believe is the dog playing with the stick although was told not to.
A=playing with the stick when told to come
B=Refusing to listen to owner
C=Removing the stick from dog and the dog pays attention to owner
This is an example of negative punishment. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=1qaVqvzMTLo&NR=1
Terms: Antecedent, behavior, consequence, negative punishment, positive reinforcement, emit
In this video Eric Cartmen has a chip implanted in his brain that will shock him every time he says an obscenity. This is positive punishment used to decrease the behavior of cussing. It is positive because it is adding (presenting) a shock each time the child emits the behavior of cursing.
A – the setting or event that leads the child to curse
B - child cursing
C- the child gets shocked
This commercial illustrates the use of positive reinforcement to increase the rate of behavior. If the son does well in math (the emitted behavior), he gets minutes added to his cell phone. The target behavior is to get the son to do better in math and the reinforcer is more cell phone minutes.
A -Son taking math test
B -Son getting a better grade
C –Son gets minutes added to his cell phone.
This video is a principle talking to a student about her being late for school. The target behavior is the student being late to school. The consequence for her behavior--being late--is that she must either spend an entire Saturday in detention or take three spanks with a paddle and half a day of detention. Because the girl is being punished for emitting the behavior of being late with detention the behavior will decrease. The punishment she chose added three spanks with a paddle as well as half a day in detention. The antecedent in this clip is the school.
B-Being late
C-Three spanks and half a day of detention
This is an example of positive punishment
The second clip is a scene from The Big Bang Theory where Sheldon tries to get Penny to emit behavior he deems good. The consequence of Penny emitting a behavior is Sheldon giving her a chocolate. This consequence will increase the likely hood of Penny emitting these behaviors because she likes chocolate. Chocolate is added into the situation. The antecedent is Sheldon and Lenard's apartment.
A-Sheldon and Lenard's Apartment
B-Penny doing a "good" behavior
C-Sheldon gives Penny a piece of chocolate
This clip is an example of positive reinforcement.
Terms:positive reinforcement, antecedent, behavior, emit, emitting, consequence, positive punishment, target behavior
In my first clip for my reinfocement i chose a bit from the classic, A Christmas Story. In this part of the movie the mom is trying to get her son to eat his dinner, meatloaf, but the son keeps refusing but she knows that if she makes eating "fun" that he will eat his dinner so she tells him to eat like a piggy. The antecedent is dinner time, the behavior is acting like a piggy and then the consequence is the boy eating his supper. This is a positive reinforcement. The target behavior is for him to eat.
A: Dinner Time and son needs to eat
B: Mom convinces son to act like a pig so he will eat his food
C: The son has fun and he eats his dinner
For my punishment example i used a very short clip from the tv series, family guy. It doesn't show the whole clip, however earlier on this episode peter refuses to finish eating his dinner because he wants to eat ice cream and his "stepdad" tells him he has to finish eating his dinner first but peter doesn't listen so he gets spanked. The target behavior is to get him to finish his dinner before he gets desert. The Anteceent is basically, proper eating at the dinner table. The behavior is not listening and the consequence is getting spanked so next time he will know to listen. This is a positive punishment.
A:Peter must finish eating his dinner
B: He doesn't listen and tries to get ice cream instead
C: He gets spanked
So the first clip is a mom filming her young son after he has successfully taken his first poop in the toilet.
The behavior targeted by the reinforcement is pooping and more specifically pooping in the toilet.
There are multiple consequences of the pooping in the toilet including improved sense of self efficacy, relief from stomach pressure, praise from mom, sense of accomplishment, and a lollipop.
The lollipop and the praise from mom are the two consequences specifically designed to reinforce the behavior of pooping in the toilet.
The lollipop is something sweet which the child will eat. Eating the lollipop is a pleasurable experience for the young child. Praise from mom will help the child to feel confident and make the child feel good. Both of these will improve the chances of this behavior occurring again.
In this example, the lollipop is added.
The antecedent would be “Need to Poop” or “In the home”
A= In the home A= Need to poop
B= Poop in toilet B= Poop in toilet
C= Lollipop + Praise C= Lollipop + Praise
Positive Reinforcement
This second clip is of students in a lecture hall with a professor speaking at the podium. The professor is explaining something when a student gets a call on his cell phone. The student proceeds to emit the behavior of answering the call in class while the professor is speaking. As he is talking on the phone, the professor comes up and asks to see the student’s phone for a minute. The professor then SLAMS the phone on the ground and walks back to the front.
The target behavior of the punishment is debatable in this clip. It could be talking in class, answering the phone in class, using the phone in class, or just interrupting the class in general.
Again there are several consequences for this behavior, but the consequence that is specifically designed to decrease the target behavior is the SLAMMING of the cell phone.
Slamming the cell phone is taking something pleasurable away from the organism (the student) leading to a negative experience. This helps to decrease the probability of the target behavior reoccurring.
In this case, the consequence involves the removal of the cell phone and the addition of embarrassment.
The antecedent would be “Receive call in class” or “In the classroom”
A= In the Classroom A= Receive call in class
B= Answer phone call B= Answer it
Negative Punishment
Terms: Emit, Reinforcement, Punishment, Positive Reinforcement, Negative Punishment, Consequence, Antecedent, Target Behavior
The clip is about positive reinforcement every time the women in the video would emit the behavior the man in the video liked she would get some chocolate so that would make the women want to emit more positive behaviors to get chocolate. 1) The behavior that was emitted picking up after herself 2) the consequence of her behavior was getting chocolate 3) the consequence of the behavior caused increased the likely hood of this behavior reoccurring, 4) the consequence involved the addition of the chocolate. 5) the antecedent is the woman having dirty dishes.
A) A woman has dirty dishes.
B) Women picks up dirty dishes
C) Man gives the woman a piece of chocolate
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the addition that was something pleasurable will increase the likelihood of her repeating this behavior.
This is a video of girls in the video are demonstrating what they think is negative punishment. The behavior was she was told not to touch anything in the store but she child did so she was punished by a “smacken” to not do it again. 2) the consequence of the behavior was that the child was punished by a “smaken” and she didn’t touch anything in the store again. 3) The punishment made it less likely she will touch anything in the store.4) The punishment didn’t involve any addition or removal of anything. 5)The antecedent was being at the store around items the child wanted.
A) Child sees a item she wants in the store
B) Touches item
C) Gets punished
This is an example of punishment because by her mother punishing her it will decrease the likelihood of this behavior occurring again.
Positive reinforcement, punishment, behavior. emit, antecedent, consequence., negative punishment
1) In this clip Penny, Sheldon, and Leonard are watching anime in Leonard and Sheldon’s apartment. The targeted behavior is Sheldon wanting Penny to behave in a correct manner. 2) The consequence of the behavior is Sheldon giving Penny a piece of chocolate. 3) The consequence will increase because Penny will want more chocolate (positive valence) if she realizes she is doing as Sheldon wants her to. 4) The consequence involves adding a piece of chocolate as the stimulus to keep her quiet during the show. 5) the antecedent is watching the show with Sheldon in peace.
A= Watching a show with Sheldon
B= Choosing to be quiet during the show
C= Getting a piece of chocolate
This is an example of positive reinforcement because Sheldon is rewarding Penny by giving her a piece of chocolate for increasing the chance of her being quiet while watching the show.
1) In this clip the older Camden kids are trying to prove a point to their Mom that their sister doesn’t deserve the garage apartment. To prove to their Mom, they decide to protest by staying in the apartment overnight. The targeted behavior is Annie (mom) using negative punishment on her kids by giving making them stay in the garage apartment with little to nothing and not allowing them to come back into the house if they realize that living in her house is a privilege not a right. 2) The consequence of the behavior is having to stay in the garage apartment with only a change of clothes, one weeks allowance and school books without coming in the house unless to use the toilets. 3) I think the consequence will decrease because defying their mother to prove a point left them bored and turning against each other. 4) The consequence of their punishment is not being able to use the resources their parents have granted them since they were born (food, laundry, use of the bathroom). 5) The antecedent is staying in the garage apartment overnight to prove a point to their mother.
clip 3-4 start 4:40-6:32
Clip 4-4 start til 1:46
(there are two clips to highlight the main point of negative punishment
Terms: Antecedent, Consequence, Negative Punishment, Positive Reinforcement, Target Behavior
In this episode Joey gets his insurance taken away because he didn't work enough. 1) The target behavior is Joey not working enough throughout the year 2)He looses his health insurance 3)This will decrease his behavior of not working 4) This takes something away 5)The antecedent is Joey not taking enough acting jobs
A= Joey not having good acting skills
B= Not working enough acting jobs
c= Loosing his Health insurance
-negative punishment
In this episode Monica sings in front of a pleasurable crows who cheers her on. This emits her to sing another song, however, they only do it because they can see through her top. 1)The target behavior is Monica singing on stage without a bra 2) People cheering for her 3)Increase her behavior of singing 4)It is an addition of something 5)The antecedent is a bar on karaoke night
A=Karaoke night at the bar
B=Monica singing on stage without a bra
C=People cheering
-positive reinforcement
-Emit, pleasurable, positive reinforcement, target behavior, antecedent, consequence, negative reinforcement
In this first clip, it shows a teacher asking her students in a classroom what part of speech certain words were. If they got it right, they were rewarded with candy.
1)the target behavior was the students saying what part of speech the word was.
2)The consequence of the behavior was that the student who said it correctly would be rewarded with candy.
3)This consequence increased the behavior, because they wanted the candy.
4)The consequence involves the addition of something (the candy)
5)The antecedent is rowdy students in a classroom with their teacher asking them parts of speech.
A:Students in a classroom, with teacher asking questions.
B:Student correctly gives the part of speech of the asked word.
C:Student is rewarded with candy from the teacher.
The is an example of positive reinforcement.
In the second clip I found, two girls were demonstrating negative punishment. Although the video wasn't very well..put together, it still demonstrated it well. One of the girls was jumping on the bed, and her mom said since she was doing that, she couldn't go to her friend's house anymore.
1)The target behavior was the girl jumping on the bed.
2)The consequence of the behavior was that she could no longer go to her friend's house.
3)The consequence will decrease the behavior, because something she wanted was taken away.
4)The consequence involves taking away the privledge of visiting her friend.
5)the antecedent was the girl in her room, with the intentions of staying at her friend's later that night.
A:A girl in her room, with plans to stay at her friend's house later that night.
B:Girl jumps on her bed.
C:Her mom says she can no longer go to her friend's house.
This is an example of aversive punishment, taking away something desirable.
The clip above is from the feature film, "Mean Girls". This group of girls are called the "Plastics" and to sit together at the table there are certain rules that you have to follow. The one that Regina is disobeying is the rule that they can not wear sweats on this particular day. But that is all that Regina can fit into at this time. This is an example of negative punishment.
1.) The target behavior is that you will wear the correct styles of clothing on the proper days. This of course is negative punishment. This is an example of a punishment because the behavior of the girls wearing sweats on an unappropriated day is a behavior that needs to stop. It is negative because something is being taken away. In this example, not being able to sit at their lunch table is what's being taken away.
2.) The consequence of wearing the wrong style of clothing on the wrong day of the week results in being yelled at and told that they are not allowed to sit at the same table as the rest of them.
3.)The consequence of being told to leave the lunch table will decrease the behavior of wearing sweats on that particular day.
4.) This example includes the action of removing a stimulus. The stimulus being removed is not being able to sit with the "plastics" at the lunch table.
5.)The antecedent in this case would be in the morning, deciding what to wear for the day.
Antecedent (A)= Deciding what to wear in the morning before school.
Behavior (B)= Putting on or wearing the sweats (on the incorrect day).
Consequence (C)= Not being able to sit at the lunch table with your friends.
This is an example of negative punishment! Punishment because the frequency of behavior needs to lessen and negative (aversive) because a stimulus is being taken away, in this case, being able to sit at the lunch table.
The video clip above is about Bio life Plasma Services. Donators go into the building and give their plasma for some compensation.
1.)The target behavior in this case is to donate your plasma to save lives. This is an example of positive reinforcement. This is a pleasurable experience.
2.) The consequence in this example is being paid with money for the donation of your plasma.
3.) The consequence for this behavior should in turn, increase the target behavior because you are being paid which will make you want to come back and donate your plasma for more money!
4.) This example's consequence involves the addition of something. Money is what's being added to the stimulus to increase the frequency that you will emit this behavior
5.) The Antecedent would be at the plasma donation services building, getting ready to donate your plasma for money.
Antecedent (A)= In the Plasma Donation Services Center, getting ready to donate!
Behavior (B)= Donating your plasma.
Consequence (C)= Receiving money as compensation for your donation.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because a stimulus is being added (money for compensation) and the behavior is being reinforced (the behavior's frequency is to be increased).
TERMS: Target Behavior, Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence, positive reinforcement, negative punishment, emit, aversive, pleasurable, stimulus.
This is a scene from the movie Hancock in which he throws a child into the air. 1) The target behavior that was emitted and punished was the child calling Hancock an asshole.2)The consequence of the behavior was getting thrown very high up into the air 3)This consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior emitted because this child will think again before calling someone a name.4)In this case the consequence involes the addition of something, which would have been pain and fear. 5)The antecedent is being respectful when asked to not saying something mean.
A= being told not to say a mean word
B= Saying the word anyways
C= Being thown high up into the air
This video is an example of positive punishment because it involves adding an aversive stimulus(pain) to decrease a certain behavior(swearing).
-target behavior, emitted, antecedent, positive punishment,punished.
clip 2:
This is a scene from the movie blind side, Sandra Bullock teaches "micheal" how to block. 1)The behavior Sandra is reinforcing is Micheal blocking for his team. 2)The consequence of Micheal seeing his team as his family gets him to block. 3)Micheal wants to protect his family and by blocking successfully he will continue to do so. 4) The consequence added the addition of the thought of his family, therefore it is positive reinforcement. 5)The antecedent is Micheal on the football field.
Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= On the football field
B= Protecting "family" (team)
C= Blocking the opponent
This clip is positive reinforcement
Terms: positive reinforcement, consequence, behavior, reinforcement, antecedent.
1) This is a short clip from the television show The Big Bang Theory. In this clip, Sheldon wants Penny to decrease her behavior that he finds aversive. For example, the target behavior that was emitted by Penny was her realizing she was talking too much according to Sheldon's standards, so she zipped her lips and quit talking. In order to increase the likelihood of this behavior, Sheldon uses chocolate as a reinforcer to Penny.
1) Target Behavior: Penny becoming quiet.
2) Consequence: Sheldon reinforces her with chocolate.
The use of chocolate will increase Penny's likelihood of being quiet around Sheldon due to her behavior being reinforced with something she finds desirable such as chocolate.
The consequence from Sheldon's point of view involves the removal of Penny talking.
The consequence from Penny's point of view involves the addition of chocolate.
The antecedent in this case is when Penny asks Sheldon if she is talking too much.
A = Penny asks Sheldon if she is talking too much.
B = Penny zips her lips and becomes quiet.
c = Sheldon reinforces her behavior with chocolate.
This is an example of positive reinforcement.
2) This is a clip of two brothers, an older brother and a younger one names Charlie, sitting on a sofa chair together. The older boy sticks his finger in Charlie's mouth and Charlie bites and lets go. The second time the older boy sticks his finger in Charlie's mouth, Charlie bites down harder and doesn't let go as quickly until the older boy starts getting uncomfortable and screaming due to the pain he is feeling. Charlie then lets go and the older boy speaks of his finger hurting.
1) The target behavior: The emitted behavior of the older boy sticking his finger in Charlie's mouth, and the behavior being punished by Charlie biting down hard.
2) The consequence: Charlie not letting go of the older boy's finger and the boy later experiencing pain in his finger.
The consequence will decrease the likelihood of the older boy emitting this behavior due to the pain he experienced from Charlie biting down. The older boy will most likely think twice before emitting the behavior again.
This particular consequence involves the removal of the older boy's finger from the mouth of Charlie.
In this clip, the antecedent is the laughter from the first time the older boy put his finger in Charlie's mouth without experiencing pain.
A = Laughter from the older boy sticking his finger in Charlie's mouth the first time without experiencing any pain.
B = The older boy sticking his finger in Charlie's mouth.
C = Charlie bites down hard and the older boy experiences a lot of pain and begins to scream.
This is an example of positive punishment, because the older boy sticks his finger in Charlie's mouth and he bites down hard. Therefore, the emitted behavior of Charlie biting down really hard will decrease the likelihood of the older boy sticking his finger in Charlie's mouth.
1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qy_mIEnnlF4
2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPDYj3IMkRI
Terminology: Positive reinforcement, positive punishment, reinforcer, emitted, behavior, antecedent, target behavior, and consequence.
In this clip, contestants are playing on the game show Jeopardy. The host asks a question, and the contestants try answering the question correctly. The first contestant who’s answer was “Donkey”, didn’t provide the correct answer, so he didn’t receive any points. The contestant who’s answer was “Monkey”, got the question right and received points for it. The target behavior that is reinforced in this clip is responding to the question correctly. The consequence of answering the question is receiving points for that correct answer. This consequence will increase the likelihood that the contestants will answer future questions correctly, because they will want to receive the points. The consequence involves the addition of points when providing the precise response. The antecedent is being on Jeopardy.
A=Being on Jeopardy
B=Responding to the question correctly
C=Receiving points
This is an example of positive reinforcement, because the show host is reinforcing by granting points to the contestants who provide correct answers, therefore, increasing the likelihood that more questions will be answered correctly.
The segment of this video I am focusing on starts at 1 min. 23 sec. and ends at 1 min. 50 sec. The part of this this clip that I’m interested in talks about how a mother punished her child by making him kill his own hamster with a hammer, because he didn’t receive high grades in school. The mother’s target behavior was for her son to try harder to get higher grades in school. The child’s consequence for not getting those high grades was the addition of having to kill his own hamster with a hammer. The antecedent of this situation is the mother checking the child’s grades.
A=Mother checking the child’s grades
B=Child receiving poor grades
C=Making the child kill his hamster with a hammer
This is an example of positive punishment, because the mother is trying to decrease the likelihood of her child receiving poor grades with the addition of forcing her son to kill his hamster with a hammer.
1.)This video is a little flashback to the good old days of Full House. DJ and Kimmy are babysitting a little boy. The target behavior is that the boy gets his head stuck in the stair railings 2.) The consequence or punishment of his behavior is getting butter smeared all over his head and also having to smell Kimmy's stinky feet. 3.) The consequence will decrease his behavior because getting butter smeared on your face and smelling stinky feet is aversive. 4.) The consequence involves the addition of butter and Kimmy's smelly feet. 5.) The antecedent would be playing rough games.
ABC's of Behavior
A=Playing rough games
B=head stuck in railings
C=Smelling stinky feet and getting butter smeared in hair
This would then be an example of positive punishment because the smelly feet and butter are added.
1.)This second video is also clips from Full house. The target behavior is saying "You got it dude!". 2.) The consequence of Michelle saying "You got it dude!", is that the audience starts laughing. 3.) The consequence will increase the behavior because the audience always laughs when the behavior is emitted. 4.) The consequence involves the addition of laughter, so it would be positive reinforcement. 5.) The antecedent is being Michelle on Full House.
ABC's of behavior
A= Michelle on Full House
B= Say "you got it dude!"
C= Audience laughs
This would be an example of positive reinforcement because there is an addition of laughter when she says, "You got it dude!".
Terms: Positive reinforcement, positive punishment, emitted, aversive, antecedent, behavior, target behavior, and consequence.
The first clip I watched was from the movie Aladdin during the very beginning of the marketplace scene. In the beginning of the scene, Aladdin and Abu play a trick on one of the sellers and end up stealing a watermelon.
1. The target behavior: Stealing is the emitted behavior as a reinforcer.
2. The consequence: Got to eat the watermelon without paying for it.
3. It will increase the amount of stealing to occur because they got away with it so easily.
4. It involved the addition of free food.
5. The antecedent: Extreme hunger with no money.
A= Extreme hunger with no money.
B= Stealing food in a tricky way.
C= Eating the food without having to pay for it.
Its an example of a negative reinforcement because the act was wrong, however the outcome was pleasurable.
The second clip I looked at was from The Little Mermaid when Ariel gets in trouble for not showing up to a concert, but instead goes to the surface where she is not supposed to be. Her and King Trident get into an argument about it.
1. The target behavior: Going to the surface of the water being punished.
2. The consequence: Being watched by Sebastian and not allowed to go up to the surface.
3. Decrease the behavior because she was being punished for disobeying her father.
4. The consequence removes something from her, her freedom, as Sebastian is ordered to keep an eye on her.
5.The antecedent: Missing the concert and having to admit to where she really was.
A= Not attending the concert.
B= Admitting she was at the surface.
C= Losing freedom and being followed by Sebastian.
It is a negative punishment because she loses something she enjoys during the punishment.
Clip 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RW5n4sIOj9s
Clip 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xh50LRJ8-gI
Terms: reinforcer, negative reinforcement, emitted, behavior, antecedent, target behavior, negative punishment and consequence.
The first video was a typical shampoo commercial advocating pantene brand shampoo. It involved a girl and her account of her experience with Pantene.1) The girl emitted the behavior of using the pantene shampoo to wash her hair. 2)The consequence of this behavior was that her hair looked shiny and was healthier.3) The resulting shiny hair acted as a reinforcer of the behavior, using pantene brand shampoo. Because the girl now has shiny hair she will be more likely to use Pantene in the future.4) This is positive reinforcement because shiny was added.5) The antecedent was the girl taking a shower. Also, her hair was not shiny before using the pantene.
A= Taking a shower.
B= Washing her hair with Pantene Shampoo.
C= The girl's hair becomes shiny.
This is positive reinforcement. It is also pretty straight forward because the add want the viewerw to believe in the consequence.
The second video was called called angry grandma hits car. It was very simple, but illustrated punishment perfectly. 1) There is an impatient man in a car, emitting the behavior of honking his horn at an old lady. 2). The consequence is that the grandma hits the man's car with her purse.3) this will (hopefully) decrease the likelihood of the man honking at people in the future to make them cross the road faster. 4)the consequence involves the adding of the behavior hitting the car. I think the antecedent of the whole scenario is grandma crossing the street slowly, but this could also be a behavior with the consequence being her getting honked at.But not for my example.
A= Grandma crossing the street slowly.
B= The man in the car Honks at Grandma.
C= Grandma hit the car with her purse.
This is an example of positive punishment because the action of the car being hit is added to decrease the honking.
The first clip I found was from the tv show How I Met Your Mother. In this clip the character, Robin, is told that if she can successfully hit the hockey puck through a doorway than she will receive money. However, this shot is blocked by Lily, who is angry for the game being played and the two then get into a physical fight. Ted breaks this up and Barney yells at him because 'you never break up a girl fight'. 1) The target behavior is shooting the puck through a doorway. 2) Robin wins the bet. 3) The behavior will, in theory, increase. 4) In the bet, Robin receives $20 so something is being added. 5) The gang is in Lilly's apartment with a hockey stick and puck.
The ABC's of the behavior
A= The gang is in Lilly's apartment with a hockey stick and puck.
B= Hitting the puck through the doorway
C= Winning the bet ($20)
This is an example of positive reinforcement, Marshall wants Robin to hit the puck through the door and gives her money to do so. He therefore is adding something in to increase the likelihood of that behavior.
Clip 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_PIixlTHfQ&feature=fvst
In this clip from Finding Nemo, the friends are at the drop off and daring one-another to 'touch the butt (aka boat).' As the girl in the group drifts out to 'touch the butt' the seahorse grabs her causing her to get scared. Each character in the clip fears going off the drop off to touch it. 1.) The target behavior is leaving the reef where danger occurs. 2) Seahorse grabbing you for going to 'touch the butt' 3) The behavior of leaving the reef will decrease. 4) Getting grabbed by the seahorse is an addition into the situation. 5) On the reef at the drop off.
The ABC's of the behavior
A= On the reef at the drop off.
B= Leaving the reef
C= Getting grabbed by the seahorse
This is an example of positive punishment, as the seahorse grabs the girl, hence scarring her when she leaves the reef. Grabbing her is added to decrease the frequency of her leaving the reef.
Clip 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WeaVb242Kgg
Terms: reinforcement, punishment, positive, negative, adding, receive, target behavior, etc.
This is a commercial that shows a couple getting ready to go on a date. The man opens the passengeer car door for the woman to get into the car and right after he closes the door she cuts a loud fart. Little did she know there was another couple sitting in the back seat who heard the fart. Once the woman notices the couple in the back seat she is visibly embarrassed.1) The target behavior emitted was the woman farting. 2) The consequence of her farting is that she is extremely embarrassed making it an aversive environment for her. 3) This will decrease the frequency of her emitting that behavior again.4) This behavior involves the addition of embarrssement. 5) The antecedent is in a car.
A = in a car
B = loud fart
c = very embarrassed
This is positive punishment
Clip 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URlXMYIkKao
This is a clip of a little league baseball player robbing a home run from the opposing team. 1) The target behavior emitted was the player robbing the homerun. 2)The consequence of him catching the ball was praise from his teammates, coach, and fans. 3)This will increase the frequency of him trying to emit that behavior again. 4) This behavior involves the addition of praise. 5)The antecedent is playing baseball.
A - playing baseball
B - great catch/robbing home run
C - praise
This is positive reinforcement
Terms: frequency, antecedent, behavior, positive reinforcement, positive punishment, emitted, consequence
The first video clip I choose was from the show "The Big Bang Theory." Lenards girlfriend has been staying over a lot and she emits bad behavior. Shelton ended up correcting her and when she acts correctly, he rewards her with chocolates. 1.) One of the behaviors that I saw was the girlfriend was talking to much during a movie. Shelton said that was appropriate. She said sorry. Two seconds later she received a phone call and she started talking and realized she should go out in the hall to talk. Shelton liked this behavior and gave her a chocolate. 2.)If she doesn't do a behavior right, she gets corrected and then when she portrays it she gets rewarded. By getting rewards the good behaviors will increase. 3.)Because she gets chocolates, which is pleasurable, the more good behaviors she will protray. 4.)This consequence involves adding something, such a in this case chocolate. 5.)The antecedent is being at the apartment and having the option to portray good behavior or not.
A- visiting er boyfriend and portraying good behavior
B-choose to use behavior
C-get to eat chocolate
This is an example of positive reinforcement because they are adding chocolate to increase the frequency of good manners.
The second clip I choose was a mother and her little boy eating cookies. The boy wants to keep eating them, but his mother says, "No more cookies." In response the little boy starts crying. 1.)The behavior is taking away cookies because he has had enough. 2.)The consequence is taking away the cookie and the boy cries. 3. The boy cries for a cookie, which he will not get because he cries. 4.) This consequence involves adding, a cookie. 5.) The antecedent is being at the table and portraying good behavior.
A-sitting at the table
B-Choosing not to cry or not
C-If cry no cookies
This is an example of negative reinforcement because they are taking away cookies to decrease the frequency of the child crying.
1) In this video this guy gives chocolate to this girl for taking the dirty dishes to the sink. 2) The behavior is taking the dirty dishes to the sink (opposed to just taking her own plate, or none at all to the sink). 3) The consequence of taking all the dishes to the sink is that she will receive a chocolate. 4) Because she got a chocolate for taking the dishes to the sink, because she found the chocolate pleasurable, she will be more likely to take the dishes to the sink now. 5) This consequence involves giving something, in my example it is a chocolate. 6) The antecedent is finishing the food on your plate, and deciding to take just yours to the sink, or ask others if they would want you to take theirs to the sink too.
A= finishing your plate and having the choice to take just your plate to the sink, or take your plate as well as ask others if they would want you to take their plate to the sink too.
B= choosing to take other peoples plates too. C= receiving a chocolate
This is an example of positive reinforcement because he rewards her with chocolates when she does different tasks.
1) In this video a girl was jumping on the bed and was punished for not stopping by having her privilege of being able to have a sleepover at her friends house taken from her. 2) The behavior was not listening and jumping on the bed. 3) The consequence of not listening and jumping on the bed is that she can no longer stay over at her friends house. 4) Because she had her privilege of going to her friends house taken from her, which she found adverse, the likelihood of her repeating that behavior will decrease. 5) The consequence involves taking something, in my example the mother took away the child’s privilege of going to the friends house. 6) the antecedent was jumping on the bed.
A= jumping on the bed B= not listening to the mother tell her to stop
C= mom takes away the sleepover.
This is an example of aversive punishment, because the mother takes away the child privilege of a sleepover.
1) This video illustrates POSITIVE PUNISHMENT by a girl taking hanging out and drinking with her friends. The target behavior is when she takes a shot of cinnamon then a shot of whiskey. 2) The consequence of her taking a shot of cinnamon and then whiskey is her vomiting. 3) This consequence will likely decrease this behavior from happening again. 4) The consequence, vomiting, is the addition of something: her behavior is ADDING VOMIT to the situation. 5) The antecedent is hanging out/drinking with friends.
A = Hanging out/drinking with friends.
B = Taking a shot of cinnamon and whiskey.
C = Vomiting.
1) This video demonstrates POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT by a man taking a shot of alcohol in a way to teach others how to take shots of alcohol. The target behavior is simply taking a shot of alcohol. 2) The consequence of taking a shot is a “burn”. This is a positive feeling, though, as we can see the man smiling afterwards. 3) This consequence will likely increase chances of the behavior, taking a shot, happening again. 4) The consequence, a “burn”, is the addition of something: taking the shot ADDS a burn in the man’s throat. 5) The antecedent is making a “how to” video.
A = Making a “how to” video.
B = Taking a shot of alcohol.
C = A good feeling “burn”.
This clip is a video of a busy bridge while it is very windy out. It says in the description that there was a sign before the bridge saying that the only vehicles allowed on the bridge were cars because trucks were too big and could be blown over.
1) The target behavior is getting blown over by the wind because of the large vehicle.
2) The consequence of the behavior is causing a traffic jam.
3) The consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior because people don't want to be embarrassed for causing a traffic jam.
4) This behavior is followed by the removal of being able to pass over the bridge.
5) The antecedent is driving over the bridge on a windy day.
A = driving over this bridge on a windy day
B = the truck is blown over
C = traffic jam
This is an example of negative punishment because it is taking away the ability to drive because the vehicle is stuck, and it will decrease the behavior of driving on this bridge with any vehicle other than a car.
This second video clip is of the new Nike Fuelband and how it will improve your performance. It shows a lot of instances where the Fuelband will help you in everyday life.
1) The target behavior is buying and wearing the band.
2) The consequence of someone wearing the band is improving their performance in things such a sports, but also everyday activities.
3) This behavior will supposedly increase the frequency of performing well on any physical task.
4) This behavior involves the addition of the bracelet.
5) The antecedent is watching this video clip or some other advertisement for this band.
A = watching an advertisement for this bracelet/band
B = buying and wearing the band
C = improve performance in physical activities
This video is an example of positive reinforcement because you are adding something (the Fuelband) in order to increase performance.
Terms: target behavior, behavior, antecedent, consequence, positive reinforcement, negative punishment, frequency
To summarize this frist video, Penny is practicing her bar tending skills on the guys and they order their preferred drinks.
1) In this clip the target behavior is one of the guys has trouble talking to girls, after having a few drinks he and begins to open up. The alcohol is reinforcing his confidence towards women.
2) The consequence in the video is his ability to talk to Penny.
3) This particular consequence will increase Koothrappali's behavior of drinking to increase his confidence to talk to women.
4) The consequence involves the addition of alcohol.
5) The antecedent is Penny offering drinks to the guys.
A= Penny practicing bar tending
B= Koothrappali drinks alcohol
C= He talks to Penny.
This video is an example of Positive Reinforcement because there is an addition (the alcohol) to increase the frequency of the behavior.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOan_0acqE8 1:26
In this second video Penny is taking the orders at the Cheesecake Factory and Sheldon is giving her attitude.
1) The target behavior in this video is Sheldon giving Penny attitude when she is behind at taking their order.
2) The consequence of this behavior is the possibility that Penny will spit on his food.
3) The consequence will most likely decrease Sheldon's behavior.
4) The consequence involves the addition of Penny's spit onto the food.
5) The antecedent is Penny taking orders at the restaurant.
A= Taking food orders at the restaurant
B= Sheldon giving attitude
C= The possibility Penny will spit on his food
This video is an example of Positive Punishment because you are adding something (spit) in order to decrease the frequency of the behavior.
Terms: Target behavior, reinforcing, consequence, antecedent, Positive Reinforcement, behavior, frequency, Positive Punishment.
The clip is from the show The Big Bang Theory. The antecedent is Leonard is attempting to build a rocket but he mixes the formula wrong. The target behavior is his roommate Sheldon throws the formula in the elevator. The consequence of this is that the elevator explodes and they can no longer use it.
A: Mixes the formula incorrectly
B: Throws the formula in elevator
C: The elevator explodes
This is a form of negative punishment. The fact that they can no longer take the elevator decreases the likelihood that they will throw the mixed up formula in the elevator.
The clip is also from the Big Bang Theory. The antecedent is the group is trying to prove there are manmade objects on the moon. The target behavior is they shoot a laser beam at the moon. The consequence of this is that they see the laser beam return and their experiment is a success.
A: On the roof top with their laser
B: Shoots laser beam at the moon
C: See the laser beam return
This is a form of positive reinforcement. The fact that they seen the laser beam return and that their experiment was a success increases the likelihood that they will emit the behavior of shooting a laser beam at the moon more often.
Terms used: Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, emit
This is a video where two brothers are in their home and one keeps kicking and pushing the other so he gets slapped in the face with an Ipad. 1.) The target behavior that was emitted in this video is the boy slapping his brother. 2.) The consequence of this behavior is that the boy gets slapped in the face with an Ipad. 3.) The consequence of being slapped in the face with an Ipad will decrease the frequency of the target behavior occurring again because the boy will want to avoid the pain he felt when he was slapped. 4.) This consequence involves the addition of something; in this case pain is added. 5.) The antecedent is being in the living room with a sibling.
A- Reading in the living room with a sibling
B- Push brother
C. Get slapped in the face with an Ipad
This is an example of positive punishment because pain is added to decrease the frequency of slapping a sibling.
This is a video of two boys riding in their mother’s car and saying words to make each other laugh. 1.) The target behavior that is being reinforced in this video is saying “poop.” 2.) The consequence of this behavior is that the other child laughs. 3.) This consequence will increase the frequency of emitting the target behavior because people enjoy feeling like they are funny and affecting those around them. 4.) This consequence involves the addition of laughter. 5.) The antecedent is riding in the back seat of the car.
A-In the backseat of the car
B- Saying the word “poop”
C. Other child laughs
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the frequency of saying the word “poop” will increase due to the other child’s laughter.
Terms: target behavior, emit, antecedent, reinforced, positive reinforcement, positive punishment, consequence, frequency
This is a video of a pit bull pulling a weighted wagon. 1. Target behavior is pulling a wagon. 2. Consequence is getting praise. 3. Consequence will increase the behavior because the dog is given praise for pulling the wagon. 4. Consequence involves the addition of praise. 5. Antecedent is being in alley.
A Being in an alley
B Pulling cart
C Getting praise
Positive Reinforcement
This is a video of a man getting tazed because he volunteered to do so at a university police station. 1. Target behavior is getting tazed. 2. Consequence is 50000 volts of electricity go through body. 3. Consequence will decrease the frequency of volunteering to get tazed. 4. Consequence involves the addition of 50000 volts of electricity. 5. Antecedent is being in university police station.
A Being in university police station
B Getting tazed
C 50000 volts through body
Positive Punishment
Antecedent, Consequence, Target Behavior, Positive Reinforcement, Positive Punishment
This video clip is off the show Friends. Ross is under the influence a pill his therapist gave him because his boss ate his sandwhich and he yelled at him. He had to take a leave of absence because he had too much rage at work towards his boss.
1). The target behavior is Ross yelling at his boss.
2). The consequence of Ross yelling is taking a leave of absence from work.
3). The consequence will decrease Ross's rage at work because he enjoys his job and will have to work to pay his bills.
4). The consequence is taking away the option of being able to go to work.
5). The antecedent is Ross yelling at his boss for eating his sandwhich.
A. Ross working
B. Ross yelling at his boss
C. Ross is told to take a leave of absence
This is an example of negative punishment because you are taking away the ability to work so Ross does not emit bad behavior at work.
Terms: negative punishment, consequence, target behavior,emit, frequency
This video clip is a commercial for the shake weight. It has a guy using a shake weight and describes how to do it correctly. It also describes the advantages of using the shake weight over other regular weights.
1). The target behavior is using the shake weight for .
2). The consequence is getting better definition, size, and strenght in your muscles.
3). The behavior will increase the frequency to have your body more toned.
4). The consequence adds size, definition, and strength.
5. The antecedent is the option of buying the shake weight or not.
A. Buying the shake weight
B. Using the shake weight correctly and for the amount of time your supposed to.
C. Muscles increase in size, definition, and strenght.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because they are adding size to their muscles with the shake weight.
In this clip Monica and Chandler are leaving to go on their honeymoon. When Chandler sees a sign that informs travelers to not make jokes about bombs, Chandler then does so and is apprehended by airport security.
The behavior that is being punished in this video clip would be Chandler joking about bombs in an airport. The consequence of this behavior is that both Monica and Chandler are prohibited from boarding the plane. Being that they will not be able to board the plane if they make jokes about bombs would effectively deter them from making further jokes. It would be taking away their right to board the plane. The antecedent in this situation would be being in an airport.
A= Being in an airport
B= Making a joke about bombs
C= They are prohibited from boarding the plane
--Negative Punishment
In this clip Pheobe is in the coffee shop by herself when Ross suddenly comes up to her and unintentionally scares her. The behavior that I am analyzing would be Ross coming up behind Pheobe and saying "Guess what?"The consequence of this behavior is Pheobe is startled and starts screaming. The act of Pheobe screaming as a result of Ross coming up behind her will likely prevent him from doing that again. The consequence adds Pheobe screaming. And finally, the antecedent would be Pheobe alone in the coffee shop.
A= Pheobe alone in the coffee shop
B= Ross approaches her from behind and says "Guess what?"
C= Pheobe screams from being startled
--Positive Punishment
Terms: behavior, punished, consequence, antecedent,
This is a video clip from the show the office. It shows an example of punishment. 1. Michael and Dwight are driving somewhere in Michael's car. They are using his gps. Michael turns and drives into a lake because he is listening to exactly what the gps says. He ruins his car because of the water. 1. the target behavior was Michael driving his car. The consequence of his behavior is wrecking his car by driving into a lake. the consequence will decrease his the frequency of using a gps. The consequence adds water into the scenario. the antecedent is Michael and Dwight in his car.
A. In michaels Car
B. Driving car into a lake
C. wrecking car.
This is an example of positive punishment.
my next video clip is from the tv show Friends. The scene I chose is Joey is auditioning for a play in which he is supposed to speak french. He does not know how to speak french, but Phoebe lies to the director and tells him that joey is mentally retarded and to humor Joey. The director reinforces Joey by giving him a lot of praise for his french. 1. The target behavior is Joey speaking French. 2. The consequence of this behavior is receiving praise. The praise he is receiving will increase the likely hood of him speaking French again. The consequence is adding praise. The antecedent of the scene is auditioning for a role in the play.
A. auditioning for the play
B. speaking french
c. receiving praise.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the praise is being added.
some terms I used is, target behavior, antecedent, positive reinforcement, positive punishment, behavior, consequence, frequency, increase, decrease.
The target behavior in my first clip is calling 911. The consequence of this behavior is receiving a policeman/woman to come to the caller’s residence. The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior. The consequence is involving the addition of something, and in this case it is adding the assistance of the police officer. Therefor making this clip positive reinforcement however hopefully this is something that will not happen often! :) The antecedent in this clip is the caller wants a beverage.
A= Caller wanting a beverage
B= Calling 911
C= Policeman coming to house
This clip is an example of positive reinforcement.
When searching for my second clip, I came across another clip involving beer that I found pretty interesting as well! The target behavior in my second clip is of a dog running. The consequence of this behavior is the man gets a beer. The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior. This clip also indicates there is an addition of something, which in this case is a beer. The antecedent in this clip is the man sitting on his couch.
A= Man sitting
B= Dog running
C= Man enjoying beer
This clip is an example of positive reinforcement.
Terms: Positive reinforcement, antecedent, consequence, target behavior.
This first video is an example is a candid look a positive reinforcement, and how it is often a reciprocal relationship. In this video there are several different clips of cats and dogs "talking" and receiving praise from their owners. Specifically at 1:30 the interaction of the dog and owner:
A=In the context of the owner saying "I love mommy"
B=Dog barks "I love mommy"
C=Observers laugh, and the dog receives a treat.
This is positive reinforcement because the owner adds the desirable stimulus after receiving the desired behavior. The owner is increasing the likelihood of the desired behavior, human-like talking, by adding the treat as a reward for the behavior. Therefore, the owner creates a conditioned stimulus, which is the phrase "I love mommy", and the dog has a conditioned response, "I love mommy". The consequence is a treat, and the dog learns to respond to the phrase as a desirable stimulus.
In this situation, clearly this is a case of positive punishment. A man catches his son using and selling drugs, so he decides to force his son to stand on the side of the road wearing a sign that identifies the boy as a drug user and seller. The antecedent is that the boy is caught using drugs. The behavior is standing on the side of a road wearing a sign labeling him as a drug user. The consequence is humiliation.
A=The boy is caught using drugs.
B=The boy is punished by standing on the side of the road wearing a sign labeling him as a drug user and seller.
C=Boy is humiliated, and will probably not reuse drugs for a while.
This is positive punishment because the father is adding an undesirable stimulus to decrease the likelihood of his son reusing drugs and selling them. While this may be effective, the father could utilize positive reinforcement by encouraging non-drug-using behaviors, such as joining an after school program.
terms:positive reinforcement, stimulus, response, desirable, undesirable, positive punishment, behaviors, conditioned stimulus, conditioned response, antecedent, behavior, consequence.
In this clip, a seal (Kilo) is putting on tricks for spectators near by. Every few tricks he does right, the handler gives the Kilo a fish or two.
1) The behavior that is targetted is a trick called "stretch" where Kilo bends his neck stretching it backwards as a trick.
2) The consequence of doing the trick correctly lead to the handler feeding Kilo a fish as a treat.
3) Assuming that Kilo likes fish, this is going to increase the possiblity of him doing the "stretch" trick for the audience again.
4)The reinforcement is positive because Kilo is gaining a fish to eat when he does a trick correctly.
5) The antecedent is that there are people there to watch, and maybe a time limit that Kilo performs these tricks every hour or so.
A= Scheduled show
B= Kilo stretching his neck when told by the handler
C= a fish as a treat (if Kilo does the trick right)
This is positive reinforcement.
This clip is the preview for the movie Denis the Menace in 1993.The second in interest is 50 seconds into to clip. Denis thinks that Mr. Wilson needs an asprin and instead of placing it nicely in his mouth while he is sleeping, Denis uses his sling shot to shoot it to the back of his throat. This causes Mr. Wilson to sit up and scream that ultimately makes Denis falls over onto the floor from the bed.
1)The targetted behavior in this clip is the punishment Mr. Wilson gives Denis by screaming after Denis shoots an asprin in the back of his throat.
2)The consequence of Mr. Wilson screaming is that Denis gets scared and falls off the bed.
3)I think Denis falling off the bed would decrease the behavior since it will prevent the antecendent all together, once again assuming Denis didn't like falling off the bed.
4) I think the consequence removed Denis from being on the bed with Mr. Wilson.
5) The antecedent is that Denis thought Mr. Wilson needed an asprin, while sleeping, and opened Mr. Wilson's mouth and using a sling shoot to put the asprin into Mr. Wilson's throat.
A=The thought that Mr. Wilson needed an asprin and shooting it into the back of his throat
B= Mr. Wilson screaming
C= Denis falls off the bed onto the floor.
This would be a good demonstration of negative punishment.
Terms: Reinforcement, Punishment, Consequence, Antecedent, Positive Reinforcement, Negative Punishment
1) This video is about a mother who is walking down a sidewalk with her daughter who is on a tricycle (or whatever she is riding) and kicks the child’s tricycle to get over a bump and the child flips out of the tricycle and starts crying. 2) The target behavior here is the mother kicking the child’s tricycle. 3) The consequence of this behavior is that the child flips out of the tricycle and cries. 4) The consequence will decrease the likelihood that the mother will kick her daughter’s tricycle again. 5) The consequence involves the addition of the crying. 6) The antecedent is being outside and walking down the sidewalk.
A= Being outside
B= Mother kicks the child’s tricycle (or whatever the kid is riding on)
C= Child flips out of the tricycle and cries
This is an example of positive punishment.
1) This video shows a woman calling for her dog and bunny to come to her and then she tells them to sit and they do so she gives them a treat. 2) The target behavior here is the dog sitting on command. 3) The consequence of this behavior is that the dog receives a treat. 4) This consequence will increase the sitting behavior. 5) The consequence involves the addition of a treat. 5) The antecedent is being in the vicinity of the owner.
A= Being in the vicinity of the owner
B= Dog sitting on command
C= Get a treat
This is an example of positive reinforcement
In this video it is showing a boy who has autism and down syndrome. His mother is teaching him life lessons in which he needs to know. The boy has a behavior consultant and she is very strict about how he does each task. She makes a list of what he needs to do. She makes sure that every task that is being taught has a clear start and finish.
1. The behavior in this clip is to teach the boy, Rob how to do daily tasks like put away the groceries. After every task he does right his mom and behavior consultant give him reinforcement by telling him that he is doing things right.
2. The consequence of the behavior is if Rob doesn't do the tasks right he is told to do them again the right way and he doesn't get any sort of reinforcement. This helps him get each and every one of his tasks right.
3. This consequence will increase the frequency of his behavior because it will teach him to do the tasks right. If he doesn't put the groceries away in the right places he is told to do it again so he gets it right. These kinds of tasks are good for Rob because it will teach him how to do things right and will help him later in life so he doesn't mess things up.
4. This consequence involves the addition of something because it helps Rob learn how to do things right that he is told to do. If he learns to do things wrong he will keep doing that the rest of his life so his mom and behavior consultant try to help Rob do the tasks right.
5. The antecedent is choosing to do the daily tasks at home right or wrong.
A. Daily tasks at home.
B. Learning to do the tasks right in the home.
C. Being recognized and told that he has done the tasks right.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because Rob is learning to do the tasks right and is being acknowledged for doing them the right way.
In this next clip there is a family on Supernanny and the children are very misbehaved. The nanny is there trying to help their family with discipline and to teach the parents better parenting skills. The children are very disrespectful and are overall naughty kids.
1. The children are very disrespectful to the parents, so the dad yells at them and tries to teach them discipline.
2. The consequence of the children yelling and throwing fits is the dad or mom yelling at the children and telling them to do something to punish them.
3. In my opinion the behavior will increase the frequency of the consequence because the children don't listen to their parents and continue to be naughty.
4. The consequence is the addition of something because by the parents yelling at the children and grabbing onto them it just causes the children to be afraid of the parents and to continue to act the way they do because they don't know of any other way to act with their parents.
5. The antecedent is being at home and or in the community and misbehaving.
A. The children acting naughty at home.
B. The children act naughty and throw fits.
C. The parents yell at them.
This is an example of negative punishment.
Terms: Antecedent, consequence, behavior, negative punishment, positive reinforcement, stimulus.
In this video, we see the beginning of a political debate between Richard Nixon and two other candidates.
1. The behavior is Nixon's stating his values of being both pro-war and pro-family.
2. The consequence of the statement is the applause from the audience.
3.The consequence is likely to increase the behavior as he is gaining political support from these statements.
4. The consequence involves adding applause where there would otherwise be none.
5. The antecedent is the lack of applause (support) from the audience.
A. The audience is silent
B. Nixon says that he is pro-war and pro-family
C. The audience applauds.
This is an example of positive reinforcement.
In the next clip, Homer Simpson is trying a sales pitch at the mall.
1. The behavior is Homer saying "you look like a man who needs help satisfying his wife"
2. The consequence of this behavior is that Homer gets hit in the mouth.
3. The consequence will in all likelyhood keep Homer from repeating the behavior.
4. The consequence involves an addition of a punch in the mouth.
5. The antecedent is Homer initiating his sales pitch.
A. Homer begins his sales pitch.
B. Homer inadvertently insults the man with his pitch.
C. The man angrily hits Homer in the mouth.
This is an example of positive punishment.
Terms: antecedent, consequence, behavior, positive reinforcement, positive punishment,
I) http://www.youtube.com/watchfeature=endscreen&NR=1&v=jSJQEl5vcAo
In this clip Bart Simpson is being interviewed while he is bedridden because he is extremely overweight.
Putting assumptions aside for reality, because this is a cartoon, the reaction at the end of the clip is the opposite that most people would have.
1) The behavior that is being reinforced is laziness (and being largely overweight) as well as creativity.
2) The consequence of the behavior is applause from the news crews/interviewers.
3) The applause from the interviewers will reinforce Bart to be fat and lazy, as well as laziness by creativity.
4) The consequence is applause from the interviewers, which would be an addition of something.
5) The antecedent is being bedridden by means of being extreme overweight.
A= Being bedridden, (extremely overweight).
B= Excessive laziness, (washing "with a rag on a stick").
C= Applause from interviewers.
*This is an example of positive reinforcement.
II) (The first 14 seconds)
1) Penny doing something that Sheldon approves of.
2) The consequence of the behavior is Penny being rewarded with a chocolate.
3) Penny likes chocolate so being rewarded with chocolate will increase the likelihood of her repeating the behavior.
4) The consequence is the addition of a chocolate candy.
5) The antecedent is Penny being in the same room as Sheldon.
A= Penny being in the same room as Sheldon.
B= Penny doing something Sheldon approves of.
C= Penny is rewarded with a chocolate.
*This is an example of positive reinforcement.
***This isn't part of the assignment but I wanted to share this with everybody- silliest/most stupid commercial ever :-P
This is a clip from the TV show Friends. Joey has recently gotten a job has a model for the city’s free health clinic. The pretty girls’ reaction to Joey’s newest project is the behavior I focused on.
1-The behavior that is being punished in Joey being a model on a poster for gonorrhea.
2-The consequence of the behavior is most of the citizens of New York City thinking Joey has gonorrhea.
3-The consequence decreases the chance that Joey will pose for the free health clinic again.
4-The consequence involves removing the pretty girl from Joey’s life/bed.
5-The antecedent is Joey needing a job.
A=Joey needs a job
B=He poses on the poster for gonorrhea
C=Everyone thinks he has a STD
This is an example of negative punishment.
This is a clip from one of my favorite shows, The Red Green show. In this clip, Red’s awkward nephew Harold tells a joke.
1-The target behavior is Harold telling a joke.
2-The consequence of the joke is people laugh
3-The consequence will increase the chance of Harold telling the joke again because the laughter encouraged him
4-The consequence adding the approval of the audience and his uncle Red
5-The antecedent is Red and Harold talking
A=Red and Harold talking
B=Harold tells a joke
C=The audience laughs
Positive reinforcement.
1.) In this clip from Two and a Half Men, Charlie and his brother Alan are at a bar (Pavlov’s). In correlations with Pavlov’s most famous experiment every time the bar goers hear the bell ring 2.) they must bark and take a shot of tequila. 3.) Excessive amounts of alcohol clouds judgment and therefore the brothers will not know when to quit taking shots and 4. & 5.) will continue to drink them whenever the bell rings.
A- Charlie and Alan are at a bar.
B- They will hear a bell.
C- Upon hearing the bell they will bark and take tequila shots.
Positive reinforcement.
***Only the first 30 seconds are relevant.***
In this clip Jim and Dwight are on a sales call together. 1.) Jim politely holds the door opened for Dwight. When Dwight refuses to walk through the door before Jim, 2.) Jim slaps him. 3.) Next time Jim holds the door for Dwight there is most likely just going to walk through it as opposed to 4.) being slapped again. 5.) Dwight will not be difficult and will walk through the door without issues.
A- Dwight will not walk through the door Jim is holding open for him.
B- Jim slaps Dwight across the face.
C- Dwight will walk through the door without issues next time.
Positive punishment.
The clip is from Fox’s Family Guy and shows Peter, Brian, and Stewie sitting in the family kitchen as Peter read’s the newspaper. Peter’s latest obsession is the catchy yet extremely annoying song Surfin’ Bird, which he will break into with only the slightest provocation. This clip shows the consequences of provoking Peter into song.
1) Brian emitted the behavior of answering Peter’s question with “Heard what?” 2) The consequence is that Peter breaks into Surfin’ Bird. 3) This will decrease the likelihood of the behavior of Brian answer Peter’s questions with an answer that could cause him to break into song. 4) This consequence involves the addition of Peter’s singing. 5) The antecedent is in the family kitchen, hardly a location for a full scale song and dance,
A=In the Kitchen
B=Brian answering Peter’s question
C=Peter breaks into song
Positive Punishment because Peter’s singing will reduce the likelihood of Brian answering Peter’s question “Have you heard?”
The second clip is also from Fox’s Family Guy, but this time the two characters in the clip are Lois and Stewie. We see Lois lying on her bed, clearly looking worn and exhausted and Stewie enters the room and tries to get her attention.
1)Stewie emits the behavior of repeating the word Mom over and over again using different variations of the word. 2) The consequence is that Lois yells “what!?” at Stewie. 3) This will increase the likelihood of Stewie’s behavior because he has successfully gained Lois’s attention. 4) This consequence involves the addition of Lois’s raised voice. 5) The antecedent is in the master bedroom as Lois tries to relax and rest.
A=Master bedroom
B=Stewie repeating variations of the word mom
C=Lois yelling “what?” at Stewie
Positive Reinforcement because Lois gives Stewie attention he is looking for, which will increase the likelihood of repeating the behavior.
terms: Consequences, Postive, Reinforcement, Punishment, Addition, Antecedent, Behavior, Emit
The first video is from The Big Bang theory. It is a clip of Sheldon knocking on the door of Penny's apartment repeatedly until she answers it.
1) Sheldon wants Penny to answer her door.
2)If she answers, Sheldon will stop knocking on her door.
3)The knocking will increase her door-opening behavior because the knocking is aversive.
4)This consequence involves removing the aversive knocking stimulus.
5) The antecedent is Sheldon knocking on the door.
A= Sheldon knocking on the door.
B= Penny answering the door.
C= Sheldon stops knocking on the door.
This is an example of negative reinforcement because Sheldon is taking away the aversive stimulus to increase Penny's door opening behavior.
My second video is also from The Big Bang Theory (can you tell I like that show?). In this video, Penny tries to hug Amy in thanks for inviting her to a spa and Amy reacts in a way which makes Penny stop.
1) Penny tries to hug Amy.
2) Amy yells at Penny for doing so.
3) Penny will be less likely to hug Amy around the chest.
4) The consequence is an addition of yelling.
5) The antecedent is Amy inviting Penny to a spa.
A= Amy invites Penny to a spa.
B= Penny tries to hug Amy.
C= Amy yells at Penny.
This is an example of positive punishment because Amy is adding the yelling consequence to decrease the likelihood that Penny will hug her around the chest.