Topical Blog Week #1 (due Thursday)

By now you should have been able to log in and comment on the blog site. What we would like you to do now is to go to the following page and read some of the comments left from the students in the class before you.

After reading the posts please answer the following:
Which posts did you like the best? Why?
Has reading these posts changed your idea of what behavior modification is? Why or why not?
Based on these posts are there any specific topics you are interested in learning?


--Dr. M


After reading a few of the posts form week 16 of last semester, I really enjoyed the post by livesimply. As I had mentioned in the week #1 assignment, the use of behavior modification language was most intriguing for me. Livesimply posted a thorough response, and what I liked about it is that I could see that she was purposefully using the appropriate language while giving examples that made the concepts easy to understand. Reading the blogs was a great refresher for me, and I found that reading them caused me to remember how to think in behavior modification terms. My first experience of Behavior Modification was enlightening. I remember feeling as though I had been given a better vocabulary for the way I already saw the world. I found that the behavioral approach to viewing the world had a way of eliminating some of the "magic" that once defined the world around me. Understanding the antecedent in a situation, and how it provokes a behavior makes it a lot more difficult to be enamored by ideas like love at first sight, or believing in an all-powerful unseen force in the world. By learning the ABC's, it did help me to be more aware of the techniques that companies use to get people to be consumers. Overall I found that I became somewhat disenfranchised from the world as I developed the language of behavior modification.

All of that being said, this is a new year. I don't think that learning this language absolutely has to result in disenfranchisement. Instead, I believe that it has the ability to cause us all to be better informed about the subtle interactions that occur between us and our worlds. This semester I would like to better understand the idea of extinction and extinction burst.

I really considered a lot of the posts to be sincere and a lot of people really did have a strong reaction to this class. I only found positive things to say about the class. It seemed like a lot of people found the book to be one of the most helpful things and they liked how it was written so college students (such as us) could understand it.
A lot of them also talked about how they could use what they learned in everyday life, a lot of them mentioned modifying their family's and roommate's behaviors now that they know how to do it. Honestly this still freaks me out a bit, I get trying to change someone for the greater good but people shouldn't have to change for other people. I know this is not what we're always talking about when we say modification but I think it may be the word that still freaks me out. I am hoping to overcome that as we go through this class.
I really liked kenzie's post because she seemed to be deeply improved by the class and she knew enough to tell you about the changes she saw in her life, which means they must have been big enough for her to notice.
I think the posts taught me that this class will bring a new perspective to behavior modification and I'm sure like me many of them were a little freaked about the idea in the beginning but they got over it and seemed to really enjoy it so I'm really excited to do the same.

I really enjoyed every student's post. They all seemed to have really enjoyed this class, and all talk about how much they got out of it. Mostly, they talked about the many ways you can manipulate someone in everyday life, and it's really interesting to see. Students talked about manipulating their roommates, siblings, anyone really, and I can see where there would be a controversy over if it's a good or bad thing. I guess I don't really know what I thought about the class going into it, but now I am super intrigued! I liked beckabk's post because she was thorough about what she learned, and talked about how she now uses what she's learned in this class in her every day life. She shares her improvement, like almost all the other students who blogged, and it excites me for what is to come in this course.

One post that i thought was really good was one where they explained the abc's of behavior mod by describing telling a joke in two different situations. First as a party and then at a funeral and how you would get two completely different reactions. A lot of the other posts that i thought were really good were describing how the person used the things that they learned from the class and then used that information to identify things in their daily lives. This shows that the information that we are learning in this class is practical which in my mind means that it will be useful as well as easier to remember. I didn't think that these post changed what i thought behavior mod was, but it as kind of channeled it. These posts gave me a lot better idea of what the specifics of behavior mod are, which is a lot more than i have discussed in any of my other psych classes. After looking at these posts i think that i would be interested in learning about the abcs of behavior mod, steps to self directed behavior and token economies

The post that I found most interesting was the one by taralee. I found this post to be interesting because it said about how she was a bit overwhelmed at the beginning of the class and gave a summary of what she learned throughout the course. I liked that she honestly said that she was overwhelmed by all the new terms and concepts but it is evident that she caught on quite quickly. Like you said in class in Tuesday, you will leave this class remembering certain aspects of the course. This was evident in taralees post because at the end she stated about how she was going to use it in her everyday life and throughout her career.
Coming in to this class I didn’t know much about behavior modification, but after reading taralee and the other students’ posts, I realized that it is more common than I originally knew. The topics that I am looking forward to learning the most about are negative/positive reinforcement, token economies and superstitious behavior.

Although all of the blogs were fun to read and interesting, one that really stuck out to me was the one written by Aaron Aamodt. I really liked that he had learned a lot throughout the course and that a lot of what he had learned had stuck with him with in his day to day activities. I remember in my junior year of high school in anatomy and physiology class when we learned muscles and bones of our bodies we would say things like, "Ow that hurt my patella!" or, "my vastus medialis is sore!" And our whole class would joke that once you start using your anatomy vocabulary in everyday life that you will always remember them and you are having fun learning in the class! Aaron just made me think of that year in anatomy class because he mentioned that he watched peoples behaviors and wondered, why I am constantly questioning why myself and others behave the way they do. I am always wondering ‘what was the antecedent for that?’ when I observe very weird behavior. He would ponder why people did and said the things that they did! I just found this very interesting!! I have a better understanding on what behavior modification is now and I am very excited to learn the logistics of every human beings behaviors! Based on some of these posts, I think I am most looking forward to learning about token economies, extinction, and of course manipulation, because I would be impressed if you found a girl who hasn't used at least a little manipulation on a man in her life!

After looking at some of the posts i have gotten more excited to be in this class. My opinion really hasn't changed all too much on behavior modification, if it's related to psychology then im interested. I don't really have any specific topics of interest that i do want to descuss but i was reading a post put up by tasha and she was describing the language of behavior and different superstitious behaviors that we do to feel at ease and she said that after taking this course she knows why we do these superstitious behaviors and id really like to know more about that and why we do some of the things that we do, i thought it was just OCD or something but apparently not.

I thought that all of the posts were very good, and I liked reading all of them. They all seemed to have enjoyed the class very much. It made me much more excited to start the class and learn everything that they learned. Most of the posts were very similar in what they learned about the class. They all seemed to talk about the ABCs of behavior modification and what they stand for. there was one post that I really like that kind of explained ab out the ABCs and gave an example about kids at a preschool or day care and also the situation about telling a joke in a different setting such as a party or a funeral. Also many of the posts talk about how they can apply what they learned to either different classes,their job, or just in everyday life. I like they said that because it makes me feel like Im going to learn so much and be able to use it to other settings also. Many of the old students brought up what they learned about reinforcement and punishment and how reinforcement is better than punishment
I really didn't know what to expect when thinking about behavior modification, so I wouldn't say that reading other posts changed my mind. I think that the others and what they said just gave me a whole lot more to think about when coming to class.
A topic I'm interested in learning about is superstitious behavior. I liked one of the posts an old student put about it. She talked about the different types of the superstitious behavior and how much she notices it now when she sees other people or herself doing it.

Of the posts that I read I most enjoyed what taralee had to say. She admitted that she thought some of the material was dull, which is true in all classes, but she also says that she has learned information that she will remember for the rest of her life. When she describes the different forms of punishment I immediately read with intrigue. I've learned about the forms of punishment and reinforcement before and it's always fascinated me. Reading that we will be learning more about it excites me. I really thought taralee was straight forward about the big things that she learned and he writing, to me, seemed to be very truthful. It really didn't change my mind about what behavior modification is. I still believe it's manipulation, good or bad. Although, I am excited to learn more about what exactly behavior modification is and see if my opinion of it changes once the class begins and ends. I'm also excited to learn more about the types of reinforcement and punishment.

I'm also very excited about this class. I'm also new to the hybrid in the future I maybe asking questions. :) I'm a little nervous about forgetting posts or something like that, but hopefully I will find my voice and can write good blogs. I read in some of the earlier blogs that we will learn about positive and negative reinforcement which I have learned a little bit in my other psychology class. We use positive and negative reinforcements in our everyday lives. I'm also excited about learning about manipulation and telling if someone is lying or not. Overall I'm excited!!!

When I was reading the posts I noticed that each on had a certain voice, a way of wording things and a style to their writing that I was happy to find. The post seemed to be sincere and no like people struggling to fulfill the requirements. I liked the post by Tasha J because of what she wrote about. The things that stuck with her really interest me and I think they will be helpful in my future career and after reading her blog post I am even more excited to start this class. I also like the fact that she seemed to have different interests than a lot of the others in the class. I noticed that a lot of students mentioned the ABCs and it made me even more eager to learn what they are and how to use them. I also liked how Tasha J used examples from her life to illustrate topics she liked. I'm excited to have my perspective changed and to view the world differently through what I learn in this class.

If I had to pick just one blog I found interesting I would have to say it was the post from tessgarceau. The reason I found it interesting was because the person seemed excited about what they learned and it seemed like they took a lot in from the class. I also liked the topics they mentioned such as The ABC's of behavior modification, punishment, manipulation, and so on.

Reading these posts haven't really changed my idea of what behavior modification is, because of the various other psychology classes I have taken I have a decent knowledge of what it was before. Reading these posts has made me a little more interested in behavior modification. I'm not sure what topics I find interesting right now but I'm sure there will be many things that I will learn during this class that will interest me.

After reading the post I feel like I identified and enjoyed livesimplys the most because it mentioned parenting. I have 2 children so I immediately zone in on anything that has to do with parenting. I think that everything she said showed just how much people can apply this class to real life situations. I like that the previous students didnt see it as just another class to take and forget about. Many of the post really seemed to reflect the fact that they enjoyed the class and it was worth taking. I also liked the fact that many people applied the things they learned in this class to other classes. It is always helpful when you can use information that you have learned to help you in other areas of your education. I think that these post have changed my idea of what behavior modification is all about. I thought that it was just going to cover the basics of changing behaviors and now I believe it will go more in-depth with the causes and effects of certain behaviors. I am particularly interesting in learning more about extinction which I seen mentioned in tessgarceaus post because it would be nice to know that “temper tantrums” (as she put it) do not only occur in my 1 year old son. I am really looking forward to this class and learning about all the things the previous students enjoyed!

there are many good post from the last class its hard to say witch one i like the best. a lot of people talk about the ABC's and i am excited to learn about them. multiple people also talk about the positive and negative enforcement. seems like all the things we will learn in this class we will be able to use in are life. I'm excited for this class.

The comment that caught my attention the most was written by m.anderson on Dec. 7. The reason that it caught my attention more so than the others initially was because the vocab wasn’t catching my attention with others. Only to notice after getting in to m.anderson’s comment did I realize that the reason the vocab was not catching my attention was probably because it seemed as though many students became more familiar with a wider vocab from this course.

Another reason that this particular student captured my attention was because in almost every situation that she explained how the specific vocab words helped her, was by referring them to something that occurred in her daily life, how she really did things to “test” the behaviors. I really liked how she used the CHAT coffee shop punch card in explaining token economies.

I was already extremely interested in learning more about his class, but I’m thoroughly excited to learn now that it is a hybrid class. I definitely agree that by defining new vocab and applying it makes it “stick”, I think also by blogging and relating topics to daily situations will obviously only continue to make it easier to refer back and gain more knowledge of the topic. I am really looking forward to learning more

I liked all of them, many of them talked about the same thing but they talked a lot about the ABC's and how the things they learned in class they saw it a lot in there day to day in themselves and people around them. I liked how it mentioned how it has changed peoples vocabulary by learning different word concepts and terms that can be applied day to day. After reading the post, I did gain a better understand of the topics discussed in this class, someone talked about goals and 7 ways to reach them, to make a goal realistic and how the steps were simple but very helpful which is exciting to know that what we learn in this class we can and will imply not only in the classroom but in our lives. I am interesting in a lot of the concepts like understanding the ABC’s, the reaching goals topic, also learning the negative and positive reinforcements.

I am excited for this class because it is going to be different than just the regular classes. Usually I just have to take notes all week and then take a test, but this is an interesting way to run a class. The website is easy to use and I am happy the book is online also. The other blogs are very different from beginning to end and I understand how the class will work better. A lot of posts talked about the ABC's and it seemed everybody really enjoyed the class.

The posts I enjoyed reading the most was about the ABC's. I like the fact that I will be able to apply this into my everyday life and keep it with me throughout my career.
At first thought I believe it would be merely being able to get people to do what I would like them to. Obviously, I am not taking this class to manipulate people but to understand that it can be done and how it will be done. Also, the posts I read make me believe that I will take a lot more away from this than I had originally believed.
The topic I am most interested in would be the ABC's, I like the fact that it can be applied back to my everyday life and it would become useful in my life to know how to handle people a little bit differently.

To be perfectly honest, I wasn't too impressed by most of the posts. While the majority of them portrayed the information very clearly and seemingly accurately, it was not written in a way that captured my attention. I would read the first few sentences of each and it was all "I really enjoyed this class because x and x topic was interesting me because y" blah blah. I was expecting more CAPITAL LETTERS and ENTHUSIASM from the posts! If I am TRULY excited about something it will be VERY clear in my post.
The posts I read did't change my idea about this class very much. I don't have any expectation for the course as far as material is concerned and I am already very familiar with the format so reading the posts really couldn't change my mind too much.
I have taken several psychology courses over my career here at UNI and some of the terms I read in the posts are similar if not the exact same as other terms I've learned. But, there were also PLENTY of terms that I haven't read before. Many of the students in your previous class found token economies to be interesting so I am genuinely curious about them. I am sure there will be plenty of concepts that I will find interesting and I am honestly glad that I enrolled in this course.

I think this class will be an interesting one - partly because of the topic but also the format. I have had a couple of distance ed classes that were online and I really enjoyed those, but this is my first hybrid. I skimmed some of the online text material and it also looks very interesting. This is the first class I have had with its own website as well.

I think this format will allow us to express our opinions more easily. I find sometimes in class I don't get to say everything I would like. The blog is good way for people to have a chance to word things exactly the way they want and have their comments/opinions come out more completely since, often in a class discussion, things move quickly, people get interupted or distracted and they will leave out a few things they meant to say.

I think this format will allow not just for more flexibility in working through the content but also we will have more current topics. I definitely am more interested in blogging versus completing premade tests. Overall I am really looking forward to this class!

I can tell that the majority of the posts had a certain language to them. I loved the blog that spoke about the steps to self-directed behavior. The author applied this to a New Year’s resolution which I can relate to currently. I think this will help me continue on my resolution and ultimately help me change my behavior (working out/dieting) in the long run. I’m not sure why I didn’t realize that behavior modification does not just involve the modification of one’s self but it can also apply to modifying someone else’s behavior. I got the feeling that the majority of the students were able to apply what they learned in the real world setting and not just something they read in a text book. I was interested in positive and negative reinforcement and punishment. Especially when parenting was brought up, though I am not a parent myself, I like to think that I’m preparing myself on learning how to raise a child someday. With that being said, I am interested in learning about the connection between parenting and behavior modification more in depth.

After reading the blogs posted by students from previous classes, it definitely gave me a better idea of what is expected of us this semester in terms of blogging.

The posts I read really didn't change my understanding of what behavior modification is due to some background knowledge learned from previous psychology courses, but the posts did provide insight into main topical areas that was helpful in recognizing a few of the more finer details to this particular area of study.

One of the posts that really stood out to me was written by Steve. It really showed how what he learned in this class was applicable to all of his every day activities. In particular, it was neat to read the part in his blog where he mentioned that at times while he would watch television he would catch himself breaking the scene down into the ABC's. The very fact that the material he learned from this class affects him daily in his life experiences is fascinating.

I enjoyed reading many of the blogs from the students to see the true impact this class unintentionally had on the students' lives. The daily impact shows the deep interest these students had for the topics involved. The blogs absolutely interested me further into learning more about behavior modification.

A topic that stood out to me as interesting was the idea of token economies. I am excited to learn more in-depth of what exactly that is.

All in all, I look forward to this semester and what knowledge it will bring to my understanding of the field of psychology as a whole, as well as, the reasons for the behaviors human beings elicit.

Out of the posts I read I enjoyed Lauren Kirbys the most because of the wording she used. She made it seem like she had learned a lot from the class and was precise in the the terminology she used. After reading these posts my view of behavior modification has not changed very much. I have taken multiple psychology classes so I have a pretty good understanding of behavior modification, although I would like to know it more in detail. I hope to learn how to shape others behaviors and better understand the reasoning behind certain behaviors. Based on most of the posts I am really curious as to what ABCs are. I'm also hoping to learn some knew things that can be applied in every day life.

Every post that I read seemed to have a very positive outlook on this class. This seemed like an interesting class to me from the beginning, but reading these posts only reinforced how excited I am to take it.
I really liked Monica E's blog post because she wrote about something different than everybody else but still seemed to make it interesting. While everyone was talking about liking the ABC's, punishment vs. reinforcement, etc., she decided to talk about self-directed behavior change, functional analysis, and changing the antecedent. I'm not really sure what the last two are about, but the first one sounds really interesting to me. I believe that change can only occur when the person wants to change themselves, not when other people want to change them.
These posts haven't changed what I think about behavior modification because I knew it was a difficult process to begin with. It takes a lot of time and effort into changing someone or yourself with certain methods.
All of these posts make me excited to learn more about the class. I love psychology and learning how the human mind works, and I can't wait to figure more of it out. I'm really excited for this class!

Reading blog post from the end of last semester felt like an awesome little cheat-preview to see what I was going to find interesting about the class! I read several different blogs posted from last semester and right away I liked the different ways that people used their "blogging voices" to tell about the things that they learned.

I liked many of the posts that I read, but for some reason, I was drawn to the posts that talked about token economies and posts that gave specific examples of what the ABC's are all about. I really enjoyed m.anderson's blog post about token economies and realized that I totally fall prey to token economies all the time with gimmicks of buy one get one, or drink 9 and the 10th is free! Also I thought when i browsed over the first chapter of the book just briefly that I would totally be confused with the ABC's but Rezinr's post about the ABC's really helped me understand what the ABC's are all about.

Reading these posts changed my perception of what behavior modification is. I thought going into this class that behavior modification was a manipulative way to get people to do what you want them to do. Which to an extent it is, but it is also so much more dealing with modifying our own behaviors and learning about the ways they we are manipulated in everyday life by society. It seems that manipulation is just a part of life and everyone uses it to get what they want, consciously and subconsciously.

Based on these posts I am interested in learning about token economies and self-directed behavior. I think both of these topics can be interesting to learn about and easily applicable to dealing with situations/ behaviors of everyday life. Overall I think that behavior modification is something that happens all the time whether we realize it's happening or not.

Some of the posts I like the most are the ones that incorporated parts of psychology I didn't already know. Being that I've already taken Psychology, Sociology, and Social Psychology I am well educated on a lot of different areas of Psychology. I really enjoyed one of the posts that a girl talked about how she incorporated parts of Psychology into her life with her roommate, and also how it will help her in the future with raising children. I am rally curious now to learn about manipulation after reading a couple different posts about students talking about how manipulation is a part of our daily lives. This is really intriguing to me, because I am a person who really doesn't like manipulation right now. Overall, after reading these posts it makes me even more excited to start this class. It seems like we have a really good class, and I really like Mr. MacLin as a professor. I hope to be having lots of in depth talks about Psychology, because to me, Psychology is my favorite topic!

I read a few of the blog posts and out of the ones I had read I liked the posts that explained or defined each of the topics that were important to them. It makes it easier when I go through the blogs if I can know a little more about the terms and the things that they learned. It also makes me them more interesting. It's better when I learn about the topics if I actually know what they are. I liked posts that had topics that I haven't studied yet, or didn't have much knowledge on, it helped me get a small idea of what they were about.
Reading these posts makes me more excited and I feel like this class will make me more aware of certain things in our everyday life. I guess it doesn't necessarily change my views on behavior modification, but it gives me more of a view on the subject. I'm more aware of what behavior modification could be, than I was before. I guess I just don't have enough knowledge on it yet, to have much of an idea on what it is.
I'm interested in learning about token economies. I think it should be interesting and it is something that is in our everyday life, so I'm excited to learn more about it. I'm excited to learn more about self-directed behavior. I like to set goals, so if I can figure out a good way to meet those goals and that works really well, then I'm all for it!

Reading the posts from the class before has really let me see what this class is going to be like. They all seemed to have enjoyed the class and learning about the subjects.
I best liked the blogs that talked about the fun they had learning things that interested them. I found the amount of people talking about manipulation interesting. You don't usually see people taking advantage of a thing like that, but they discussed their intrigue in using it in future events; raising children, marriages, and roommates.
So reading these posts has really changed my idea of this class. It won;t just be textbook information that no one cares about, it will be things that I can put to use every day in my life.
The posts were all over the place when it came to topics they liked. No one seemed to have a complaint about the material, so that was a very good sign for me. I am really looking forward to this class and everything in it.

Going into this class I didn't really give much thought to it. Originally I signed up for the class because I liked my intro to psych class and it was just a filler class. After reading posts from another class I am really looking forward to learning what is offered in this class. I read beckabk's post and their view of having taken the class is very encouraging. Being able to have a better and easier way a reaching my goals is something I could find very useful. As well as being able to modify people's behavior around me if I am irritated by things they may do.

After reading several of these posts I could not pick a particular favorite because they were all very similar. A very apparent pattern I observed was the interest that several students had in the ideas of reinforcement and punishment. This topic of Behavior Modification seems to have interested several past students, so I am getting intrigued by it.

As I have written before, through viewing all types of past posts by students my ideas of behavior modifiation have changed a little. In the past, I would consider behavior modication as a topic that involved FUTURE events and how to CHANGE them. After these activities, I have become well aware that behavior modication involved before AND after in regards to modifying behavior. Still, behavior modification as a whole still interests me very much.

I am interested and hoping to learn more about the brain in regards to behavior modification and, now, excited to learn more about reinforcement and punishment. I am overall looking forward to another hybrid class format this semester.

After reading the post from last semester I’m even more interested in this class. Everyone seemed to like the class and find certain parts of the course they found particularly interesting.

There was more variation in the posts than I thought there was going to be; not everyone talked about the same things. One of the posts that stood out talked about the 7 steps of changing behavior which I’m very interested in studying in more depth. I don't look at changing behavior as manipulation the way some of the posts did, I believe that finding ways to help behavior change self destructive behaviors is a good thing and a positive outcome of therapy. The posts also reinforced my initial thought that this format allows people to expand on their ideas more than classroom discussions do.

However, it occurs to me that in the absence of the immediate social reinforcers (to increase or decrease verbal behaviors) in a face to face discussion, the discussion can be one sided. When blogging not only do you not see the nonverbal reactions of someone looking bored, interested, disagreeing etc… you don’t even have to read all the return postings. I have been very eager to take behavior mod after my social psychology class because I see the two fields as related. The blogging format is one I am looking forward to using. It will also be interesting to see if people change their opinions more or less often than they would in a traditional classroom discussion.

After reading through the majority of the posts, I pretty much liked all of them. I can’t just pick a certain one that I like best. They all pretty much reinforced my excitement for this class. They all seemed to really enjoy it and learn a lot from it. I don’t think these posts have really changed my view on what behavior modification is. I’ve learned what reinforcement and punishment is, which is a big chunk of what this class is. This class is a lot more than that though and will be a lot more in depth that what I’ve learned in other classes. I am interested in learning what a token economy is/what token behaviors are. Maybe I should know what that is, but I don’t. Some people mentioned this in their posts, so I’m curious to learn more about that. I am also interested in learning how manipulation is used in our everyday lives. I guess when I think of manipulation, it has a bad connotation with it. I’m just interested in learning all about behavior!

After reading the blog posts from the end of last semester, I am even more excited to dive into the class material. All of the blog posts that I read seemed to have a genuinely positive outlook of the class as a whole and it seems that the students from last semester all learned a lot and learned things that they will take with them and use in their everyday lives.

I noticed that a lot of the blogs talked about our book, the ABCs and how helpful and useful they are. I am personally interested in a future in corrections, specifically juveniles (I am a crim. minor) and I know that behavior modification is going to a very important tool for me when working with kids. Looking forward to this class!

After writing this blog, I accidentally clicked close and poof! It disappeared so here I go again. I am looking forward to this class, especially after reading the other blog posts from students last semester. Everyone seemed to have positive things to say about the class. A lot of people talked about the ABC's and how helpful and useful this book was.

For me personally, I am interested more in this class now because I know how important the information will be in my future career. I want to work in corrections, specifically juvenile corrections (I am a crim. minor) and behavior modification will be a very important tool for me to use. Looking forward to this class!

My favorite post out of all of them was the one by Rezinr. What I liked most about hers is that she picked very broad topics (though most writers did too), but very important topics. Some may see this as the "easy way out", yet I feel it is almost the exact opposite. Talking about something that everyone understands and knows can become very difficult. It is hard to create a blog post worth reading when your audience already knows the material. However, I feel like the author did a great job of briefly explaining the material and why he or she was interested in it. Which brings me to another reason why I liked this post, because I feel like I shared the same interests.

The author's favorite things about Behavior Modification were the ABC's, positive and negative reinforcement, and the seven steps of changing behavior. She picked these because she can easily relate them to everyday life. I would agree with her statements. Learning psychology is fun when it can be APPLIED. Behavior Modification seems like it will be a very fun class to learn about because I read in not only Rezinr's blog, but it many blogs that these certain things can be applied to practically anything and everything!

For the most part, this really didn't change my thoughts on behavior modification. The term in itself is pretty self explanatory. I've taken many psychology classes here at UNI, and all of them, some more than others, touch on the subject. I also lucked out and had two really good friends take this class last semester, so I've talked with them briefly on what the class is all about!

One thing I hope we discuss/learn in this class are the reasons behind some of the most horrific actions. Why do school shootings happen? How on earth did we ever think it was okay to treat minorities poorly? We do some people STILL treat minorities poorly? It is questions like these that are hard for everyone to answer, yet I hope taking this class can make the job a bit easier.

One of the post I liked best was by Kempkera because it outlined some steps of behavior modification in a clear list. It was very organized and easy to understand. I also liked to see how everyone seemed to have a strong grasp of the terms they were using and I could interpret the meaning from the context. It was interesting to compare the writing style to the style of the posts from this blog so far.
The posts haven' changed my ideas about what behavior modification is, although they all seem to speak very positively of it, so i'm guessing they got over the stigmatization of the word 'manipulate'. The posts do refer the bemod in a more technical way than I am used to.
So far I am most interested in personal behavior modification. A few of the posts mentioned a project related to this and I think that would be fun to try. I also want to learn more about the antecedents and how they relate to the behavior and consequences so I can apply it to myself and understand why I do some things so I can better work on changing them. Most of the posts said that they could easily apply these things to behavior they saw and that it fit the abc formula. I am curious to see if this is actually true and want to try it myself. I'm also interested in learning various applications for Bemod. Overall the comments indicate that this was a good class and that if they tried they actually learned information that was not only useful as a class but to their lives. I cant wait to manipulate some people.

Reading the posts by the previous class has really made me more excited for it. Bmod has always been of interest to me but from reading all of the posts, I expect to learn a lot more than I had originally planned to going into the class.
I couldn't really pick just one post that particularly stood out to me because I believe that they were all sincere in what they were posting about. They all stated what they had learned most from the class and their favorite topics.
I don't think the posts have really changed my perception of the what behavior mod is. I think I know the basics but I wasn't exactly sure what to expect from the class, so reading the posts basically informed me of what I would be taking from the class.
The one topic that I read about and am most interested in would probably be ABC's. I noticed in one of the posts they stated that it could be applied to any behavior and I'm excited to learn about it!

I am looking forward to behavior modification this semester. When I first signed up for it I wasn't so sure what I would be learning and or what behavior modification was. But after reading some posts from classes before I realized it is a lot of information about the brain and how behavior is affected.
I really like reading Reznir's post. This person used very important topics and talked about the major things learned in the class. I liked this because it told me what to expect and what she got out of the class. I hope to walk away with the exact same knowledge after this class. After reading this post it did not change my idea about behavior modification. I know that the class will have a lot to do with behavior and different ways that it can change and be affected.
The only specific thing that I'm looking forward to learning about it the ABC's of behavior modification. Almost all of the posts that I read had something to do with the ABC's and I'm curious to find out what exactly they are. I am really looking forward to this class and I'm sure I will learn a lot of interesting things!

Wow! I looked at about 5 post or more and they all are very positive about this class. (Not that anyone would be dumb enough to write anything negative on there final assignment lol) But it still stands that this class will be one of my more memorable and enjoyed this semester. I chose Chelsea on her last assignment post. I liked how she was so enthusiastic about what she had learned about modifiying peoples behaviors and how she is and will use it in her everyday life and career. I also am shooting for counseling career, so some biased here as well. I do have a vauge idea of what behavior modification but cant wait to learn more. I wish to learn more about a token economy. she used this word and I am unfamiliar with it. I can guess but I am sure there is more behind it then just a mear definition.

I am very enthused to take this class after reading some of these posts but the one that stood out to me most is the one from TashaJ. I liked reading about what topics she found interesting from the class and why she found those so intriguing. She ended her post with how the class affected her overall and how she used behavior modification not only in the world around her but in her own habits as well. I too would like to take away a similar notion from this class.
I wouldn't necessarily say my opinion of the class has went through a dramatic change after reading the posts, just because I didn't have an extreme feeling either way in looking at the course, but it did help put into perspective how valuable I think the course will be. It seems that there is a lot to take in and that students end up being able to apply their knowledge gained in the course into the real world. I think this is going to be the greatest accomplishment I hope to possess like the past students did.
Two topics in particular that we will cover, according to the past students, really stood out to me. The first topic I found interesting is ABC's and how to use them. One student went into detail describing the concept and I think it will be a great tool to use! Many of the posts talk discuss the idea of superstitions and so I am very curious as to how those lectures, and the topic in general, will pan out!
Overall, based upon the posts that I read it sounds as though we will cover some very interesting topics and learn how to use them in the real world. This isn't something every class I've taken has done but I think this class will succeed after reading the posts and exploring the site. Super psyched to begin learning about b-mod!

First I'd like to say that all classes should have students do something similar to the final assignment in this class because it shows how much everyone learned and the students got to talk about the topics that they were most interested in. I like how the ABC's can be applied to every situation and I will get a lot out of learning about the them. A topic that I think I will be interested in is self-directed behavior. I've always been a person who trys to set my own goals and I like to be my own enforcement which is a part of self-directed behavior.

After reading through several blogs done by previous students, I came across one that really grabbed my attention. It was written by Rezinr and explained many different behavior modification terms in a way that I could really understand. Many of the other students wrote about the same types of terms and ideas but I thought that this person did a good job of explaining exactly what each thing was so that I was finally able to figure out what other students had been writing about as well. I also liked that there were several examples of the ABC's ofg behavior modification. These examples really gave me a better understanding of how the ABC's work.

oops... I did not mean to submit the first part alone, so here is the rest! Before joining this class and reading the previous students' blogs, I really had no idea of what behavior modification entailed. So reading through these blogs has not changed my idea of what behavior modification is, it has just taught me a lot about what it actually is and I cannot wait to learn more! Seeing how behavior modification plays a role in everyday life is exciting and I can tell that previous students have really enjoyed this course. It just seems like in so many courses what you learn cannot be applied that well to the outside world but this course does not seem to be like that at all! After looking at a few of the topics in the blogs, I am looking forward to learning more about the ABC's of behavior modification, token economy, extinction, and reinforcement.

Okay, I know this isn't something he asked to write, but I could not help but notice that just about every single blog I read talked about how the class "elicited" something from them and i think this sounds really weird. It must be something that we learn in the class, and i guess now this part of my blog counts as something he asked us to do because I am extremely interested in learning about this and why so many of the people were saying it. It has to be something from the class, it just has to be. Anyway, rant over, I really liked the tessgarceau and m.anderson blogs. I like the tessgarceau one because i agree with her when she says that she came to believe that manipulation is part of what people do every day. I, obviously, already believe this is true so reading this and some of the other blogs hasn't really changed my point of view on behavior modification. Everyone manipulates everyone else, that's just the way it is. I also really liked that she mentioned the Little Albert experiment. I like the m.anderson blog because they didn't say elicited and they brought up new topics like behavior languages and reinforcement. I know a little bit about both of these but I'm looking forward to a more in depth look at them. I'm also interested in learning more about just about everything these blogs mentioned. I am a little intimidated by m.anderson's amount of writing, though. I hope we work up to writing that much, because wow they wrote a lot.

I enjoyed reading all of these posts, because all of the bloggers seemed as if they truly enjoyed taking this class. All had many things to say on their favorite topics, so I could really tell that the grasped the concepts in this class and were excited about knowing these new concepts. Reading what they had to say makes me want to jump in and start learning more about the concept of behavior modification. One blogger even said that this class changed how they view psychology and the world in general. A majority of the posts talk about the ABC’s of behavior modification and I am interested in going into detail on what those actually are.

As a business and psychology double major, I think bmod will be interesting from both a business and psychology viewpoint. I thought the blogs were interesting but I noticed a lot of similarities between each commenter, specifically word choice. I noticed a lot of commenters using the phrase 'emmiting the behavior' which I assume is a phrase used in class a lot. I am excited to learn about the ABC's of bmod because behavior modification is something I will undoubtedly want to use in the future. M.Anderson's posts in particular really caught my eye, mainly because (s)he talked about things that that other bloggers didn't cover.

After reading the posts I got a sense that everyone to some extent thoroughly enjoyed the class. One post that I really enjoyed was about supersticious behavior and the blogger went to explain what they had learned in class and how they noticed things in their own everyday life, such as keeping her feet under the blanket at night for security. To me this was very interesting and it actually made me excited to start getting into class and finally finding out what it's going to be about. Personally, this topic seems really interesting to me because I know I have supersticious behaviors that I emit and it's going to be fun to learn and realize them.I guess you could say that after reading these posts my mind has changed on what behavior modification is, or that I now have a better understanding of what I'm going to be learning. Until this point I hadn't put much thought into it and I really didn't realize some of the information were going to be learning about and how it plays a role in our everday life.

After reading the posts, I have been undermining just the elaborate undertaking that behavior studies have taken. Some of the terminology that was used i have heard before but not real sure I have ever used them in pretaining to behavior. It's just not a subject that I have ever discussed, nor do i fell it's a subject that society really dicusses.
I do look forward to learning about behavior modification and hope as a parent I can elicit what I will learn in punishing and reinforcing my children appropriatley.

After reading some of the blog posts, I liked reading the one done by Rezinr. They went into detail about what each topic was and it was easy to read-although I had to look up the words emit and elicit to fully understand. I am interested in learning about the topics that they discussed such as the ABCs of B. Mod, Negative and positive reinforcement, and self-directed behavior. The self-directed behavior looks like something you could definitely apply out of class and I hope to do that when we get to that point.

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