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Please read sections 1.3 and 1.4.
After reading section 1.3, please respond to the following questions.
Prior to reading this chapter, what did you think about behavior modification? Why? What are three things you will remember from what you read in the chapter? Why? What was one thing that you really liked that was in the chapter? Why? What was one thing that you disliked that was in the chapter? Why? How has reading the chapter changed what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
are three things you will remember from what you read in the chapter?
Why? What was one thing that you really liked that was in the chapter?
Why? What was one thing that you disliked that was in the chapter? Why?
How has reading the chapter changed what you originally thought about
behavior modification? How so?
Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Before reading this last section, I didn't realize we would have to remember all the vocabulary from other sections. I was very surprised at how much I will have to remember and understand; especially the different terms. I wasn't quite certain about that until you made it very clear in section 1.3. Behavior Modification is all about learning this new language. Words kept popping up that looked familiar, but it's still hard for me to completely understand them all.
Some things that I remember after reading this section are some key terms. I remember that this section recapped a lot on the previous sections vocabulary. It went over a lot of stuff with punishment, reinforcement, consequence and etc. I remember this because these are key terms that are now hardwired into my brain, and I really do understand them now.
Something that I really liked about this chapter was the fact that it did recap on the previous chapters vocabulary. The vocabulary is still very new to me, so it was nice having the refresher. Another thing I really did like is how much detail this section went into with the words emit and elicit. I can now better understand what each of them mean and the difference between the two.
Something that I didn't like about this chapter was the fact that you really did have to remember the terms quite well, because it didn't give you a recap on what the terms actually meant. Aversive is still a word that I don't quite understand, and I didn't like that I had to look it up and go back in a section to remember what it meant.
I now know that I really have to take time to understand each term, because I will not just be using them once. I will be using these terms over and over again from here on out. Unlike other classes, when I learn something in this class I can't just forget about it and move on, and that is going to be a challenge.
I will remember three terms from this chapter very easily. These are terms that I easily understood and some I have heard before. I will remember deprivation, satiation, and operant behavior. All of these terms are rather simple and easy to understand.
Something I really liked about this section was how I could create my own sentences from the words we were using and how I could create my own definitions. This really helped me to get a clearer understanding of the words and how they could be used in context.
Something that I didn't like about this section was where I had to write about personal instances. The only reason I didn't like this is because it was really hard to come up with things like that right off the top of my head. Most of them I ended making up because I just couldn't think of anything.
After reading this chapter I can better see how more and more things in my life involve behavior modification. This is true because of the deprivation examples, satiation examples, and rat studies.
punishment, reinforcement, consequence, emit, elicit, aversive, deprivation, statiation, operant behavior
At the beginning of the class I knew there was going to be vocab. I have said that the vocab said what it meant but it will still be tough. Like the reading says it is a language and I have never been good with languages. In high school I barley passed Spanish. I hope that learning the language of bmod will be easier for me to understand and remember.
I like the way that the reading was trying to help us learn the language by using the fables. I grew up on aesop's fables. When the terms are in a story maybe I will remember them better. The crow emitted a behavior experienced extinction and was reinforced by the water rising when he put a stone into the pitcher. I hope that if I am able to put the terms in a story I will remember them.
This chapter is really trying to help us remember the terms. When giving examples of when I emit something or use reinforcement, punishment, or elicit I will remember those example the most. With every example we were given in the reading if I try to use a example from my own life I believe I will remember the terms better and learn this new language.
I like how this chapter go's over the terms making us try and think of examples. Of course no one likes learning new terms or languages. If they did everyone one would be learning all languages. I don't think this chapter has change what I fist thought about bmod besides making me really understand how much the terms mean in this class and how it really is a new language for me.
emitted, reinforced, extinction, reinforcement punishment elicit.
The way that I think of behavior modification has not changed since my last reading of the previous chapters. What changed is my having to incorporate new ideas and terms into the original information.
After emitting the behavior of reading the chapters they elicited a remembering response about some of the terms and concepts. The example of translating behavior language into common language helped me to see how behavioral language can be very vague and open to interpretation. I remember how to use the terms punishment and reinforcement because those had already been covered.
I found the comparison to Spanish to be pleasurable because it reinforced the idea that behavioral language has different meaning for words than what they are commonly used for and you need to know the behavioral definition to use them correctly.
I found the example of the crow and stones to be aversive because I have heard it so many times and, consequentially, it has become boring to me. But that's a personal feeling.
Overall I now think that behavior modification could easily become very complicated to me if I do not keep up with understanding the concepts and terms.
I learned about target behavior which is helpful because it makes reinforcement and punishment more clear when there is a specific behavior involved. I remember discriminate stimulus because it is a stimulus that doesn't have to be the effect of someone else, like a sign. I will definitely remember satiation and deprivation because the BMod definition if the same as the common definition.
I found the example of the establishing operation pleasurable because it showed the concept in action increasing the likely hood that I would emit a remembering response.
I found the writing of so many examples slightly confusing because after awhile I started second guessing myself.
After reading the chapter I wanted to know what an operant was because it was used twice. I also tried out using the terms to say normal things, and people became annoyed. I am realizing that although the concepts are simple they can happen in many ways, which takes some time to understand.
emit, operant, establishing operation, satiation, deprivation, discriminate stimulus, reinforcement, punishment, elicit, consequence.
For Section 1.3
Ookay, well, prior to reading this chapter I felt pretty good about all of this behavior modification stuff. I like the way that the information is being presented and I feel that i am understanding the majority of what is being discussed. I can only hope that I don't make this too complicated for myself. Before i read the chapter, I felt the same way as i did before i read the last two chapters. I'm still okay with manipulating the behaviors of others because it, and this has been reinforced by the readings, does not seem like a very sinister thing. The smallest, most innocent things we do that influence the behavior of others is not on purpose to take advantage of others, it's just something that can happen subconsciously.
I will remember all of the terms because I have heard and discussed them before. I know them well by now and further review of the terms simply cements them in my mind. I will remember the difference between elicit and emit because of my earlier misunderstanding of them. I begin to suspect that they were misused in the blogs in which I first saw them. To elicit is to invite a response while to emit is to perform a response. This is helpful. The last thing I will remember from this chapter is the idea that learning about behavior modification is like learning a foreign language. This concept is one I find interesting and I see that it is applicable to all of my classes. I'm not sure it will be beneficial to my learning specifically, but i do like to think of these things in this way. This concept is also the thing I liked most about this chapter. I find this idea to be a very apt one. The passages from Skinner and Goldiamond indeed sounded like a foreign language. And this could apply to anything. If i know a lot about 14th century musicians, for instance, and you don't, I could talk for hours and you wouldn't understand a bit. Learning the lingo is vital to understanding the rest, i think.
The thing i liked least about the chapter was the inclusion of the story about the man who was bitten by the dog. I was confused by the end of the story and i guess i just didn't like the story.
Once again, I am forced to conclude that this chapter has not changed my view of behavior modification very much, if at all. The only major cognitive shift I had concerned the foreign language concept.
For Section 1.4
This chapter was little more difficult to understand. The first thing i will remember from this chapter is the term operant behavior. Operant behavior is the behaviors of people that may elicit modification. (also- if anyone notices that i am defining anything incorrectly, please let me know. Like i said, this chapter was more difficult to comprehend) I took this to mean that anything and everything anyone and everyone does can become a target behavior to be punished or reinforced by someone else. The second thing i will remember is the term discriminative stimulus. I'll remember this one because I am shaky on its meaning and I want to think more about it in order to understand. Lastly, I will remember the idea of establishing operation. This is good because i couldn't think of why i hadn't thought of this before. Making performing target behaviors more desirable? Great ideas.
The thing I like most about this chapter was all of the new terminology, even if i didn't understand it all. I had heard all of the terms from the first chapter in my intro class, so I'm glad to be learning a whole new set of terms so soon.
The thing i liked least about the chapter was working through all of the examples in the text. I especially disliked the marathon example generation right at the end. This elicited a frustration response from me and I was forced to emit the behavior of waiting until the next day to continue working on them. My thoughts about behavior modification are the same as at the end of the last chapter.
punish, reinforce, elicit, emit, target behavior, operant behavior, establishing operation, response.
What I thought prior to reading this section about behavior modification is how interesting it is that what we do and the behaviors we emit and elicit can manipulate the people along with the situation. I understand behavior modification a little better, with reinforcement and punishment. It is very interesting to break down our behaviors and see the consequence and outcome of the behaviors we emitted.
The three things I will remember from this section is the term establishing operation, and extinction. Also the examples we had to use day- to day events using behavioral terms and also knowing if it a example of reinforcement or punishment. I will remember those 3 things the most because the behavioral terms are something that is helping me understand why we emit and elicit the behaviors we do in certain situations and circumstances. I also liked the examples we had to come up with using day-to day events because it is breaking it down better, it seems like it should be an easy concept to understand but its also something that is more then just a behavior we are emitting, there are reasons why along with punishments and reinforcement that will increase or decrease the likelihood of the behavior.
What I liked in this section is the stories at the end of the section and the translating of it in behavioral terms that is very helpful in understanding the terms and how they are used and written. I liked everything in the section I thought it was helpful and nice to see examples to help me get on the track in how terms are used and worded in sentences.
After reading this section what has changed is using the terms and how they can be used in examples to better understand the material being taught to us.
After reading this section three things I will remember are the behavioral terms discriminate stimulus because its not what a person can do but is the environment that is affecting our behavior. Satiation is helpful because it explains how after using an excessive amount of reinforcement the reinforcement will no longer have its effect. Deprivation because withholding the reinforcement make the person or the example want to behave in the certain behavior to receive the reinforcement.
I liked the example we had to come up with because it is helping with the practice of using the terms and having the example of how the terms are being used helps in understanding and I am getting more comfortable using the terms.
Something I got confused about was at the beginning having to restate was reinforcement was after already doing it a few times, but as I keep doing the section I realized that it is more practice to help understand it because it can get confusing.
After reading this section I have not changes my thoughts about behavior modification but I have learned some new terms and it was very helpful dong the examples to understand and use and see the behaviors in day to day events.
Terms: elicit, emit, reinforcement, discriminate stimulus, satiation, deprivation, establishing operant, extinction, punishment
1. I really didn’t ever think about behavior modification, but having children I figured it could help in my parenting. I haven’t ever spent any time learning about behavior, nor as a society, do I think behavior is really a focus of discussion.
2. I remember the terms discussed in previous chapters, such as, reinforcement and aversive. Also the phrase “Frustration means your are in the process of learning; bordem means you’ve learned it; giving up…ended process of learning”. I’ll remember them because they are words I have learned previously and because I believe the phrase to have merit.
3. The assurance that although the language is difficult now, with time and practice you will learn it.
That there is no room for error when speaking about behavior, and that it’s truly like a foreign language. I never would have thought that the selections of terms could mean so much.
It has brought into focus for me that as a society behavior isn’t something we think about, but just how vital it is to help understand the way people think, feel, or act, to some degree.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
What are three things you will remember from what you read in the chapter? Why?
1. The introduction of terms I have heard before, the clear-cut definition of each term, and the introduction of terms that I haven’t heard prior to this chapter and the challenge that comes in learning them.
What was one thing that you really liked that was in the chapter? Why?
2. The way that the need for patience and diligence are necessary in order to truly learn and understand behavior modification, and that is becoming more and more evident with each chapter.
What was one thing that you disliked that was in the chapter? Why?
3. With establishing operation how can one be sure that an organism’s behavior will in fact be modified; can true certainty be achieved.
How has reading the chapter changed what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
I don’t think it has I still have the same worries about learning a vast array of terms that I have never used or at least not on a regular basis.
Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Reinforcement, aversive, establishing operation
Prior to reading this I have started to gain an understanding of what behavior modification is. I am finally starting to see that antecedents behaviors and consequences are present everywhere is our daily lives. Behavior modification is looking at all of these and the finding a way to modify them through things like punishment and reinforcement. One thing that I will remember this section is elicit or to make behavior happen. I will remember this because it is another term that I can add to my behavior modification vocabulary. Another concept that I will remember is the idea of establishing operation. Establishing operation is what makes the reinforcer reinforcing. This is another new term that I will add to my behavior mod vocabulary. The third thing that I will remember is extinction or when behaviors that were reinforced are no longer reinforced. This is another new term that will help me accurately describe behavior situations. One thing that I found interesting was the concept of extinction because it explains how something can go from reinforcing our behavior to no longer reinforcing our behavior. I did not find anything in this section uninteresting I thought that all of the material was useful in furthering my knowledge of behavioral modification. Reading this chapter has changed my understanding of behavioral modification by increasing my understanding of behavioral mod and increasing my behavioral mod vocabulary. I know and understand the concepts of extinction, eliciting, and establishing operation.
One thing that I will remember from this chapter is the concept of deprivation or the idea that you withhold a stimulus to make the reinforcement factor much more effective. This is a key concept in trying to make the reinforcement as effective as possible. Another concept that I will remember is the idea of target behavior or the behavior that you are trying to reinforce or punish. This term is another term that I can to my increasing behavior mod vocabulary. Another thing that I will remember from this section is the idea of satiation or the idea of being filled. If you trying to use food as a reinforcer for a rat and the rat is full then the food is not going to work as a very good reinforcer. This is another critical term to increasing my behavior mod vocabulary. One topic that I found interesting was discriminative stimulus or the stimulus that allow us to generate a response to a situation. An example of a discriminative stimulus is a bell going off to signify the start of class. I found this interesting because it provides insight into the basis of our behaviors. I liked everything in this section because I thought that all of the information was useful to increasing my knowledge of behavior modification. After reading this section my behavior modification vocabulary has increased greatly. This section hasn’t changed what I think it has just provided me with more insight into what behavior modification actually is.
Terms: Punishment, Reinforcement, Elicit, Reinforcer, Establishing Operation, Extinction, Deprivation, Target Behavior, Satiation, Discriminative stimulus
Behavior modification is the process of changing or manipulating yours or other peoples actions.
I will remember the words operant, emiting, and elicting. These words are wonderful new vocabulary words that greatly further the effect I have in conveying what I mean.
I enjoyed the fairy tales. They helped understand the vocab without being beat to death with example formats.
Once again I disliked the constant need for example, example, example. Gets to be so repaticious and boring.
My idea about behavior mod. has not changed but my understanding of it has grown. With the further of my vocab I understand more and more how it can be used in everyday language.
I will remember satiation, operant behavior, and deprivated. These words made the most sense to me right away and allowed me to understand the reading better.
I enjoyed the new vocabulary and the examples that went along with it. They made the material more easily able to understand and take in.
I dislike the fact that this singel section introduced so much vocabulary without spreading it out more. It was a little much to take in all at once for me.
I guess I would have to say I never really knew there was so much behind the words behaviro modification and that it is as complicated as it really is.
Terms: Postive/negative Punishment,+/- Reinforcement, Elicit, Emit, Reinforcer, Establishing Operation, Extinction, Deprivation, Target Behavior, Satiation, Discriminative stimulus, operation behavior.
Section 1.3
Before reading this chapter, I thought behavior modification was a process used to change someone's behavior in a medical/therapeutic sense. I thought it was a simple process of If A then B so if you change A then you will get what you want for B.
The three things I will remember from the chapter are: 1. The language of behavior can be used to describe most all situations. 2. Classification of behavior is important because we observe it and then classify it. 3. That the language is so precise and that similar words have very different meanings, i.e. reinforcement, reinforce, and reinforcer. I think overall just realizing the important of language has really stuck out in my mind because often times we use words so interchangeably when really language is very important and we should use the exact terms that we mean. I think just reading this information has made me more aware of the importance of terminology in describing behaviors and any other situation.
I like the ability of the chapter to be applied to everyday life. Typically chapters can be applied to life situations because we are talking about behavior and behavior happens all the time, but I specifically found that the terminology in this chapter can be used is every day life. Especially the terms emit and elicit. Because I elicit certain behaviors all the time from people i work with or see everyday and I also emit my own behaviors all the time.
I disliked the examples in the chapter because I found it extremely hard to read through and confusing to understand. Which, I understand was the point of the chapter as a "foreign language" but it was definitely hard to get through this chapter with coherence.
After reading the chapter, I found that there is a much more complicated process to behavior modification full of a broad bank of terminology relate to behavior modification including elicited, emitted, deprivation, satiation, established operation, and extinction. It became very clear to me that using the right terminology is so important to accurately describing a behavior.
Section 1.4
The three things that I think I will remember from this chapter are: 1. How relatable the terms are to each other when dealing with behavior. Especially how terms are generally how to get an outcome or what kind of outcome you are looking for. 2. The difference between elicited and emitted. They are very similar, however mean two totally different things. 3. Just the general definitions of many of the terms important to behavior modification, specifically target behavior and operant behavior.
I really like the interconnectedness of using a stimulus to get a target behavior. Through learning about the discriminate stimulus, I feel like I actually learned how a stimulus works. For example, seeing someone hold up their hand, or gesturing to be quiet by putting their finger over their mouth stimulates you to be quiet.
Surprisingly, I think I disliked the most about this chapter was the lack of examples given. I thought the definitions helped with understanding the concepts, but I would have liked to see more applicable examples to really grasp the concepts more thoroughly.
After reading this chapter, I learned how many different words are important to behavior modification. Before I would have assumed that reinforcement was a part of behavior modification, but I wouldn't think of extinction as behavior modification. I often think of the end to something just being the end, not a form of behavior modification. Like the extinction of dinosaurs, it clearly modified the earth, but I didn't think of it like that.
Terms: Classification of behavior, language of behavior, elicited, emitted, deprivation, satiation, established operation, extinction, target behavior, operant behavior, stimulus, discriminate stimulus, and reinforcement.
Prior to reading this chapter, behavior modification was starting to make a bit more sense to me. I was aware of how many times we manipulate things and people, and how often we are manipulated. This was an odd concept to me, at first, but I had finally caught on to the thought of manipulation.
Three things I will remember from this chapter…
1.That “the language of behavior is very precise.” I had no idea that one simple word could mean something specific, but yet could be used in so many ways. The language of behavior is something I was very unaware of.
2.The terms “emit” and “elicit”. Those words seem, to me, to be very important in the language of behavior and I intend on using them a lot, especially in class.
3.Re-writing “The Man Bitten by a Dog” story. That was much more complicated for me than I thought it would be, and I hope we learn more about how to do that, but it’s something I won’t forget.
One thing I liked about the chapter…
1.I liked the vocabulary in this chapter. I understood the words very well, I thought, and hope to get to use them a lot more as the class goes on.
One thing I disliked about the chapter…
1.I disliked having to re-write the story in the language of behavior. I don’t think I was quite ready to re-write something like that, but I know it was necessary. Now I understand what I’m going to have to do more in-depth someday, and I feel like I’ve gotten that “first draft” out of the way.
This chapter has changed what I thought by really showing me what I’m going to be doing with all this vocabulary in the future, and has changed what I thought about the necessity of the vocab.
Three things I will remember from the chapter are…
1.How to combine the words I learned into sentences of their own. Although it was a lot of work, I feel a lot more able to combine my vocabulary words into sentences that make sense and are understandable.
2.The discriminative stimulus. I think this is a very important term, and is one that makes the most sense to me. I honestly think now, every time I’m driving and put down my visor because the sun in my eyes, I will think about this term.
3.The terms reinforcement and punishment. I really think that I thought I knew these terms better, but forcing me to define them for myself really proved to me that I didn’t, and forced me to know them by my own corrected definition.
One thing I really liked from the chapter…
1.I liked being able to write the sentences and see how many vocabulary words I could use. I thought of it as a challenge and wanted to see how many I could get. Also, I knew it would definitely help me in the long run.
One thing I disliked about the chapter…
1.As helpful as I’m sure it was; I greatly disliked putting all of those vocabulary words into my own words. I didn’t like having to come up with my own, different definition, and thought that was rather hard.
This chapter continued to make me think about all the different vocabulary words that I’m not used to using. I had to really think about the definitions of most of these words and will continue to think about how I can use them in the future. This chapter made me a little bit nervous for how much vocabulary we’re really going to have to know for this class considering how much we’ve learned so far.
Words I used: Reinforcement, punishment, emit, elicit, discriminative stimulus
Prior to reading this chapter, I was unaware of all the new vocabulary the behavior modification came with, because I thought it would be like any other psychology course. I have a stable vocabulary from my previous psychology classes, but I had never been taught the exact meanings and how to properly use them in behavioral speak. It is relatable to a foreign language course.
Three things that I will remember in this section are how important the language is, how foreign the concepts and vocabulary can sound, and how to translate sentences that are written in behavioral terminology. Some of these new terms included emit, reinforcement, elicit, establishing operations, extinction, and extinction bursts. I will remember each of these, because they all can benefit me immensely to fully grasp this course. If I am unaware of the translations of the terminology, I won’t be able to understand the blog posts and exercises in this class.
One thing that I really enjoyed in this chapter was how we had the opportunity to translate the behavioral terms, and got to utilize the terms in our own sentences. I feel like this helped me to get a better hold on what is expected of me, and to practice these new terms.
There really wasn’t anything that I disliked in this section, but I found it a pain to learn all of these new ways of formulating sentences in behavioral terms. I have never looked at behavior from that perspective, so it was difficult at first to obtain a different mindset.
Reading this chapter changed my view on this chapter by showing me how behavior modification can be similar to a foreign language. All of these new terms and thinking differently about behaviors is what would have been accomplished in a foreign language course.
Emit, reinforcement, punishment, elicit, establishing operation, extinction, extinction burst
Three things that I will remember from this section are the terms operant behavior, target behavior, and discriminative stimulus. I will remember these, because they are all things that happen on a daily basis that go unnoticed. For example, the book talks about how a stop sign is a discriminative stimulus, but we just see it as a simple stop sign.
Something that I disliked was how difficult it was for me to adapt my brain to use the new terms in sentences. It is just difficult to have my brain think in a different way that it isn’t used to. Before I would simply say, “I opened a pop bottle”. Now I could say, “The target behavior was to manipulate the pop bottle”.
Prior to reading this chapter I had been getting a better understanding that the words that seem so complex really will just come in time, like Dr. MacLin says, it’s just like learning a foreign language.
Three things I will remember from this chapter are; topographically similar, although it may not be the case, the first thing I thought of when I read this was identical twins. Identical twins look the same on the outside, but although probably pretty similar on the inside as well, it is possible for one of them to be sick and one of them not to. Another is, extinction burst, I thought this was really interesting. I have never heard of this, so, this is definitely a new word for my vocabulary. Satiation actually for me was a new word. I had heard the word used before, but never really knew what it meant. I am still somewhat confused on how to use it, but it surely one I will remember.
One thing I really liked from this chapter was the stories written by Aesop Fable that we were to translate. Although I liked it because it challenges you to think more in depth, I did not understand how to translate. I think a lot of it is just over thinking to much because when the first scenario was translated, it made sense to me, but when it came time for me to translated, I drew a huge blank.
One thing I disliked from this chapter was also the stories at the end. I enjoyed the idea of translating, but it made me upset I couldn’t do it.
How has reading the chapter changed what I originally thought about behavior modification? Each time I read further and further I become more and more comfortable with knowing that probably everyone is all thinking the same thing I am and a little overwhelmed with all the new vocabulary. Behavior modification has a lot of vocabulary words that will really take some adjusting to get use to using and in the correct situations.
What are three things you will remember from what you read in the chapter? Three things I will remember are; what reinforcement is, what punishment is and what a target behavior is. The reason I will remember them is because each section continues to go back over them, it instills it in your brain. Those 3 particular I’ve heard in most every chapter.
What was one thing that you really liked that was in the chapter? One thing I really liked in this chapter was re-discussing the previous vocabulary words and trying to place them in your own terms to relate them to your daily life. I know this will only help remembering the terms in the future.
What was one thing that you disliked that was in the chapter? One thing I dislike is the vacab word operant behavior. I just don’t quite understand what it is and how to relate it to myself
How has reading the chapter changed what you originally thought about behavior modification? This chapter didn’t really change anything I think about behavior modification, it just continues to reinforce the concept of learning a new language and reading the same words and applying them to different situations will only help remembering them.
Section 1.3
Before I emitted the behavior of reading section 1.3 I though that just knowing the ABCs would be enough to modify someone’s behavior. I thought that just seeing what led up to the behavior and the consequence of that behavior would change the behavior. One thing that stood out about the section was the word extinction. Reading the blogs from the previous class elicited a behavior wanting to learn more. Having a one year old also elicits the response of this. I was curious to find out how my behavior affected his behavior and would lead to a different consequence. Another thing I will remember about the section is the meaning of deprivation. When deprivation occurs it elicits a strong behavioral response that will emit a behavior leading to gaining that particular resource. I think that being able to use deprivation to modify behavior makes it more remember able for me because it is easier to emit a remembering behavior when I have seen the definition being applied. Finally I will remember that satiation means that an organism has had its fill of a resource. This concept instantly elicited a smiling behavior because it reminded me of thanksgiving and my emitted behavior of eating way too much. One think I liked about the section was how it talked about the language of behavior modification being like a foreign language. It made me believe the consequence of learning the language will be that I become more comfortable emitting the behavior of using it. I did not like changing the story of the man bitten by a dog into behavioral terms however I did find it beneficial to learning how to use the language of behavior modification. Reading the section elicited a change in my beliefs about behavior modification because it helped me understand that every story or conversation or basically anything can be translated into behavioral speak. It also encouraged me to attempt to emit a behavior of using behavioral speak even though I believe I will sound funny.
Section 1.4
Before emitting the behavior of reading the section I thought that behavior modification focused on things one person could do to help someone else willingly modify their own behavior. After emitting the behavior of reading the section I will remember that the relationship between satiation and deprivation has somewhat of an opposite consequence. Satiation means that an organism has had its fill of a resource and deprivation means that an organism has been without that resource. I will also remember that deprivation can be used for reinforcement. Finally the consequence of reading the section is that I will remember that many of our terms together have a pleasurable outcome of making it easier to use them. The thing I found reinforcing about the section is that it acknowledges emitting a learning behavior of the language of behavior modification can be frustrating. I like the section talks about when someone is frustrated they are in the process of learning and when they are bored they have already learned the material. The thing I found aversive about the section was how close the words operate behavior and establishing operation sound. I think this will have a consequence for me of being a little harder to learn. Reading the section elicited a learning behavior and I emitted the behavior of learning that there are many resources one can utilize as reinforcement or punishment for an organisms behaviors. I also now understand that certain discriminative stimuli set up how someone will behave in that situation. This is good to know because it explains why some people emit the behaviors they do when they are around their friends as opposed to say their grandmother.
Terms used: behavior, emit, elicit, extinction, consequence, deprivation, reinforce, reinforcement, reinforcer, target behavior, satiation, aversive, pleasurable, punishment
Sec. 1.3
Prior to reading this chapter I thought that behavior modification was going to be a pretty easy concept to understand. I thought I would just have to take about how behaviors are manipulated in different ways. But after emitting the behavior of reading this section I realized just how many new terms I was going to have to understand and be able to use in my posts. I was just starting to understand the stuff that we covered last section and then I saw all of the new terms and I got a little bit nervous again. The fact that the language of behavior is very precise worries me a little bit. I am nervous that I will have a hard time using the new terms in the correct way. But as far as what behavior modification really is, I don’t think my ideas about that have really changed from reading this section.
Three concepts that will elicit a remembering behavior from this section are; that the language of behavior is very precise and anything that we say can be translated into the language of behavior, also I will remember how to use the different forms of the words punish and reinforce correctly, and finally I will remember the term extinction means. The fact that anything we say or write can be translated into the language of behavior is easy to remember because we do this every day in class and while writing our posts. Also the example problems in the section gave me the opportunity to practice translating and by practicing I will be better able to remember how to do it in the future. After reading the first two sections of this book I was still a little bit confused about how to use the different forms of the words punish and reinforce. But after reading this section and having the opportunity to practice writing sentences using each form correctly, I started to understand how each should be used. This practice allowed me to think carefully about each one and then try to use it in a sentence. Before this course I had always referred to the reinforcer as reinforcement without realizing that reinforcement is the process by which you increase the frequency of a target behavior and the reinforcer is the object/action that leads to this. I will also emit the behavior of remember the term extinction because I just thing about what extinction means in everyday language and that goes along with what it means in the language of behavior as well. I will probably not be able to remember the term establishing operation though because I am still a little bit confused about what it really means.
I know that I said this for the last two sections as well but the one thing that I really liked about this section was the example boxes. At the time when I was filling them out I didn’t really enjoy them but after I was finished I realized just how much these examples will elicit a remembering behavior for me. I learn best by doing so this really added to me learning experience.
The one thing that I disliked about this chapter was the very last example where I had to translate a story. I know that it was good practice for me but I just found it very difficult and I was constantly second guessing myself because I was not sure if I was doing it correctly. A few of the terms I still didn’t understand so this made it a little more difficult for me. I know that after more practice it will not be as bad but I did not enjoy it during this section.
After reading this section I have just realized how difficult it is going to be to remember all of the terms and use them correctly, especially when using them during class discussions. There is a lot that goes into behavior modification and I am going to have to work hard to remember all of the terms and practice using them so that it becomes easier.
Sec. 1.4
Three things that I will remember from this section are; the relationship between punishment and reinforcement, the relationship between a response and a target behavior, and the relationship between satiation and deprivation. There were a lot of new terms in this section so they were kind of hard to remember but the terms that I stated above just seemed to sink in better than other ones. I will remember reinforcement and punishment because we have talked about them so much in class already and I have used these words several times in my blog posts and reading examples. Emitting the behavior of practice really has elicited a learning behavior for me. Response will also be east for me to remember because I have used it in a different context in several of my biology courses but it still means the same thing. There is a stimulus and then a response, and the response occurs because of the stimulus. Target behavior is a term that we have used in class a few times as well. When we first started using this term in class I was not sure exactly what it meant but after reading this section I was able to build on my knowledge and understand it a little better. I will also be able to emit a remembering behavior for satiation and deprivation because I thought this was a very interesting part of the section. The fact that deprivation can have a huge impact on the effectiveness of the reinforcement and can lead to changes in operant behavior as well as target behaviors was interesting. Also, the fact that satiation does exactly the opposite really made sense to me. I have seen examples of this in my daily life so it was nice to have a behavioral word for what I have been seeing for years.
One thing that I really liked that was in this chapter was the way the terms were presented. I liked how they were italicized so that they stuck out and then immediately after the word there was a definition followed by an example. The examples really helped me out because even after reading some of the definitions, I was still confused about what some of the terms meant.
One thing that I disliked about this chapter was the number of terms I was expected to learn. I just thought that there were too many for me to actually use them all well in my practice problems and truly understand how to use each one correctly. I know that there are probably a ton of terms to learn so there had to be a lot in the section, but I think I would have been able to remember and learn the material better if I was responsible for so many terms in one section.
After reading this chapter I am pretty nervous about what is to come in behavior modification. I am afraid that I will not remember what all of the terms mean and that I will not use them enough in my posts to receive full credit. I know that behavior modification is a complex thing and now I see just how much goes into the language of behavior. I am also able to see more examples of behavior modification in my life because after I read a term I think about how I have seen an example of this in my daily life.
Terms: Elicit, Punish, Reinforce, Extinction, Manipulated, Emitting, Reinforcer, Reinforcement, Target behavior, Satiation, Deprivation, Stimulus, Operant behavior, Behavior modification
Section 1.3:
1)Prior to reading this chapter, I realized that behavior modification was a psychological technique that we use to manipulate the consequences and responses of particular behaviors in order to shape the behaviors according to whether or not we wanted them to increase or decrease in frequency. Throughout sections 1.1 and 1.2 we learned a lot about punishment and reinforcement and the differences between the two, so in my mind going into sections 1.3 and 1.4 I did not realize how in depth and detailed the language of behavior is. It is just like what was written in the text, it is an entirely new language!
2)Three things that I will remember from this chapter include:
First, the ability to transfer a sentence from behavioral terms to a sentence that is understandable to someone who may not know as much about behavioral terminology.
- This was a part of the chapter that came pretty quickly to me. After learning the terminology it really helped to see the terms within a sentence and decipher what exactly the sentence was trying to say. Not only did this activity challenge my knowledge of the terms, but it also helped in applying my knowledge to better understand the material.
Second, the difference between elicit and emit.
-Before this chapter I thought I understood the difference between these two terms fairly well, but the activity where we were asked to write sentences using the two words with each other really drilled the difference home.
Third, the term: Extinction.
-This is a term where the word itself helps to explain its meaning. The word is pretty self-explanatory. Although, the story from Aesop’s Fables helped to explain the meaning within a context surrounding a particular behavior.
3)One thing I really liked from this chapter was the way in which the text explained the language of behavior as a foreign language. After putting it that way, it made it easier to understand how exactly to learn this complicated material. Seeing the sentences with the terminology built in and then deciphering them out helped in truly understanding the terms, just like it would if we were learning Spanish.
4)As far as something that I disliked about this chapter, nothing sticks out. Yes I did get tired of all the writing activities we had to do throughout, but that is all something necessary in order to learn the material.
5)After reading this chapter, it hasn’t really changed what I thought about behavior modification, it just made me realize how complicated this language is going to be to learn. It will be challenging, but this is something that will be applicable to our lives as well as beneficial to learn.
Section 1.4:
1)Three things I will remember from this chapter include:
First, the term: Deprivation.
- This particular terminology used in this chapter was interesting to me. I have seen this modification used throughout many aspects of life whether it be on television, witnessed, or whatever the case may be, the effect that deprivation has on an individual and the rate at which a behavior changes when this is in use is amazing.
Second, the term: Satiation.
-This term was something new to me and definitely made me think. At first glance I never really thought this happened much, but when I really thought about it, I realized it made a lot of sense. For instance, you can see this form of behavior modification in children. Children will accept pleasurable reinforcement easily while stopping an aversive behavior, but after a while of receiving the same reinforcement, it tends to lose its’ effect on the child.
Third, the term: Discriminate Stimulus.
- This term was also another one that stuck out to me while reading this chapter. The very meaning of the word is something that we encounter in our daily lives without really thinking about it. For instance, a STOP sign is an object that most individuals emit the same particular behavior to when confronted with the object, but it is something that is just done without thought. The very fact that something such as a STOP sign can modify our behaviors is unbelievable. It truly can be the smallest things that manipulate each and every one of our behaviors and we don’t even pay much attention to it. The idea of behavior modification just amazes me!
2)One thing I really liked in this chapter was learning about the terms satiation and deprivation. The two terms were things that I had always seen throughout life, but never was able to pinpoint a word or phrase to explain it. I just think the idea of these two terms and the power that they have in the language of behavior is incredible!
3)One thing I disliked about this chapter was all of the boxes we had to continuously fill out. I believe that writing these new terms down and practicing their meanings is important and necessary for learning this material, but it just became too repetitive to me. Although, overall I thought this was a great chapter!
4)After reading this chapter, my idea of behavior modification hasn’t really changed, it has just been broadened. Like I said earlier, there have been things that I have seen throughout life but have never really pin-pointed and named until I read this chapter. I think the idea of behavior modification is very interesting and definitely believe in the power behind it more now than ever before.
Terms and terminology I used in my post:
- Manipulate
- Consequence
- Response
- Punishment
- Reinforcement
- Elicit
- Emit
- Extinction
- Deprivation
- Satiation
- Discriminate Stimulus
The first thing that I will remember from this chapter is how it emphasized the importance of the behavior terms. Looking at behavior modification language as a foreign language has been a helpful approach for me learning all the terms so far. The second thing that I will remember from this chapter in the difference between elicit and emit. They are pretty straight forward definitions, elicit means to make a behavior occur and emit means to do a behavior. Writing sentences using both these words was also helpful. The third thing I will remember from this chapter is the translation of Aesop's Fables into behavioral terms. The story was a good way show how establishing operation and extinction are used.
I liked that the terms from this chapter weren't too difficult and I got to practice using them in the boxes. I disliked the part at the end of the chapter where I had to translate the story into behavioral terms. The only reason I didn't like it is because I was frustrated as a result of not understanding how to do it right away. Reading this chapter has fully driven home the point that the language and use of the terms in behavior modification need to be precise.
elicit, emit, establishing operation, extinction
The first term I will remember from this chapter is target behavior. A target behavior is a behavior of interest that we want to be emitted more frequently or less frequently. The second term I will remember is discriminative stimulus because of its similarity to elicit. Elicit makes a behavior occur and so does discriminative stimulus. Lastly I will remember that commercials are establishing operations. A Commercials goal is to make sure their product (the reinforcer) is still reinforcing.
I liked all the examples of each term. Examples are always helpful and often times help me remember the term more than the actual definition.
I didn't like having to write sentences at the end of the chapter. However, it did show me that reading the definitions of the terms in the chapter didn't stick with me and I had to go back and make sure I knew what exactly each term meant.
discriminative stimulus, establishing operations, reinforcer, reinforcing, target behavior, elicit, emitted
1. My opinion of behavior modification has not really changed from this Monday to last Monday. Although I will say that I am surprised that I have been picking up on the vocabulary, to the point where I feel more comfortable using the terms in my blog posts as well as the readings.
2. Three things I hope I will remember from this chapter are the terminology (or language of behavior modification), the way pos/neg punishment/reinforcement works depending on the behavior, and the concept of establishing operation/extinction. I think that these are all vital concepts when it comes to truly understanding the language of behavior modification. I also think that the pos/neg punishment/reinforcement concepts can get a little confusing because of the differences between whether it is punishment or reinforcement based on the behavior. I’m biased towards reinforcement because I feel like that tends to be more effective but I have to take off those blinders and really focus on the fact that the behavior is the predictor rather than what we want to happen.
3. I really liked the more in depth examples because I felt like I was figuring out how these things work and I really had to work hard and it wasn’t just simple busy work. I thought the section about Aesop’s fable was particularly difficult but I felt accomplished after I completed it.
4. I don’t know that there was anything that I really disliked in this chapter, I’m trying to take in all this new information so that I can effectively communicate in the language of behavior modification.
5. I don’t know that this chapter has truly changed how I feel about behavior modification, rather it has widened my horizons on the complexity involved with behavior modification. I have found that there are many terms in this section that I was not familiar with prior to reading. I had heard of emit, elicit, reinforcement and punishment, but the concepts of establishing operation and extinction were foreign to me.
1. I would hope that I would be able to remember all the terminology, also I would hope to remember the differences between establishing operate behavior vs. discriminatory stimulus, I also think that I will be able to remember satiation and deprivation because we use these techniques while training our dog. (No, we do not deprive our dog of food but he doesn’t get a treat EVERYTIME he performs a trick. We randomly give him a treat so that he doesn’t expect a treat when we need him to do something in an unexpected situation such as needing the dog to “come” immediately, even if we aren’t waving a treat in his face.)
2. I liked all the definitions that also included the examples. I felt like they were examples I could understand and relate to which will really help me to review and remember what the definition is other than just strict memorization and regurgitation.
3. I have to admit that the last 3 pages of examples kind of frustrated me. I felt like those last three pages had already been done many times before. I felt like I gave the same examples over and over again and felt it was repetitive. I do understand the necessity for these exercises when it comes to retention.
4. This chapter has just contributed to my feelings that behavior modification is much more complex than I ever realized. I think that it will take some time for me to really get all the language down but I think that eventually, with practice, I should be able to understand the vocabulary necessary to effectively communicate.
Terms: emit, elicit, reinforcement and punishment, establishing operation, extinction, retention, operate behavior, discriminatory stimulus, satiation, deprivation
I was surprised that 1.3 covered so many vocabulary terms from the previous sections. I think it will be easier to remember them if they all link together. There really is a behavior language, and using the words more will help me remember them better.
3 things I will remember:
1). I will remember every consequence will either be reinforcement or punishment. It will be one or other, and reinforcement is going to increase that behavior and punishment will decrease the behavior.
2). The word you choose will have a huge effect on what the sentence means. You have to know the different of nouns, adjectives, and verbs to write a sentence correctly. Reinforcement, reinforce, and reinforcer are all the same base word, but all have different meanings.
3). I will remember elicit means to make a behavior occur. It is different than emitting a behavior because that is doing the behavior.
I liked how this chapter used words from previous sections to help me remember them better and use them correctly. The more I use the vocabulary, the more comfortable I am using the terms. I did not like how some of the examples I had to give were unclear and it was hard in some parts to know what I was supposed to do (page 5). After reading this chapter I know that there is an entirely new language here and using the terms will help me fully understand them.
3 things I will remember:
1). The target behavior is the behavior that will be focused on to decide whether reinforcement or punishment is going to be used.
2). I will remember operant behavior is the outside factors that are involved in how human and non human animals will behave. The outside factors do make a difference in behavior, and that will cause different consequences.
3). I will also remember deprivation is keeping the reinforcer from somebody or something.
I did like using reinforcement and punishment sentences to make sure I understand those concepts. I also liked how the definitions were given and we could write them in our own words to understand. I did not like how all the examples needed lots of vocabulary words because sometimes it was hard for the sentences to be clear. After reading this section, I believe that reading definitions and re wording them is extremely helpful.
Terms: reinforcement, punishment, deprivation, target behavior, operant behavior, consequence, elicit, behavior, reinforcer
Before reading this chapter I will honestly say that behavior modification was a little confusing to me. I didn’t really understand how the ABC’s could modify someone’s behavior and after reading the chapter I can tell that there is much more at work than I thought.
The three things that I will likely remember the best are establishing operation, the terms emit and elicit, and the fact that behavior modification is like learning a new language. Establishing operations is also the part of the chapter that I found most interesting. For some reason this concept stuck out to me the most and it’s not really that big of a thing. Establishing operations is a procedure that makes a certain reinforcer even more reinforcing. For example giving someone who is extremely thirsty even the smallest drop of water is like a state of ecstasy. I remember some nights where I woke up extremely thirsty and taking a drink of water was one of the best things that I could be doing at the time. Before taking this class, I didn’t know that this drink of water was reinforcement for getting out of bed. The terms emit and elicit are likely to stick with me because they obviously are going to be around this class for a while and they are already becoming repetitive. As it stated in the book, behavior modification is like learning a new language and I will not argue with that. After reading the first couple of chapters I learned that words that I used in everyday life apply to behavior modification but have greater importance.
The thing that I disliked most about this chapter was the reading example where we were to translate the fable into behavior modification language. I had no idea what to do and the example before that made no sense to me and I seemed to be just staring at the computer screen with a blank look on my face.
This chapter has changed what I originally thought about behavior modification in a slightly negative way. After reading this chapter, I realized that there are going to be many concepts that all relate to each other and seem to blend together.
The three main things that I took out of the fourth chapter are deprivation, responses, and punishment/reinforcement. Deprivation is something that I had some experience with before taking this class and this chapter helped build on the knowledge that I had of the subject. Punishment/reinforcement are two terms that I will remember the best after this chapter because I couldn’t seem to get rid of them and they are obviously going to be needed in this class. The section on responses was relatively short but I still found it easy to understand and interesting. I originally thought that responses were a naturally occurring thing and I never really thought of them as a behavior and because of this it sparked my interest of learning more.
The thing that I disliked most was not really related to the material in the chapter but rather the reading examples. I don’t know if this applies to anyone but myself, but the reading examples seem to be getting harder and harder to finish. I believe that this is a problem for me because the section of text that they cover does not give much insight on how to answer the questions.
Establishing operation, emit, elicit, reinforcement, punishment, deprivation, response
Prior to reading this section I think I have a better understanding of behavior modification thanks to my new knowledge of its ABCs. Knowing how to properly place these in any behavioral setting really helps to better understand what behaviors are being elicited and why.
After reading this section the first thing I will remember is that the language of behavior modification is like a foreign language, but it can be uses to describe almost all situations. I will remember this because both of these things seem very true to me. The second thing I will remember about this section is the difference between eliciting and emitting a behavior. I had trouble mixing these two terms up, but I now know that eliciting means to make a behavior occur and emitting means to do a behavior. The last thing I will remember will be the difference between deprivation and satiation. Deprivation means withholding reinforcers and satiation means allowing sufficient access to reinforcers.
One thing I really liked about this section was the emphasis on how hard the language use is. I like that that it is understood how frustrating it can be on our end how difficult it is to use the correct language.
One thing I disliked was the story at the end that we had to translate. It really wasn't anything like the example and was more difficult to translate.
After reading this section I have a better understanding of the terms used to describe behavioral situations. I also learned new terms such as the ones mentioned above, as well as extinction and extinction bursts.
The first thing I will remember from this chapter is what an establishing operation is. An establishing operation is an operation used to make a stimulus more reinforcing. The second thing I will remember is what a discriminative stimulus is. This is a stimulus that causes a response of some kind to occur, such as leaving class when you hear the end bell. The third thing I will remember is what the target behavior is. The target behavior is the specific behavior that is wanted to increase or decrease.
One thing I liked about this chapter was learning the new definitions. I find it easier to understand behavior modification as whole when you receive more pieces of the puzzle.
One thing I didn't like was the repetitiveness of this section. I know that behavior modification can be a hard concept but beating it into my head is a little annoying.
After reading this section and repeating pretty much everything I had learned so far I definitely think I have a strong grasp on the knowledge needed so far.
Terms used: Elicit, Emitt, deprivation, satiation, extinction, extinction bursts, establishing operation, discriminative stimulus, target behavior
Section 1.3
Before reading this chapter, I thought behavior modification was a set of techniques for changing behavior. That is, I thought it was part of applied psychology. Now I am beginning to see that it is much more. This chapter’s discussion of behavior language is more than just a list of techniques. It’s a whole new way of approaching problems.
The three things I will remember from the chapter are: 1.) that a behavior can be topographically different, but functionally the same. 2.) That many ordinary events can be translated into the language of behavior. 3.) That establishing operations is a way to make reinforcers more effective.
What I liked about this chapter is the way events or stories can be translated into the language of behavior. This means that many problems or events can be understood in a way so that we have techniques to deal with them. I am sure there are many events that I cannot yet put into a “behavior language.” But I think I get the point of first isolating the target behavior, then looking for the consequences that are reinforcing or punishing it. As well as trying to identify the antecedents of the behavior and looking for establishing operations that may have made the reinforcer more effective.
What I disliked in this section was the example from Aesop about the dog biting the man. I think I clearly understood the translation in the previous example about the crow, but I am not sure I got the dog one right. It seemed much harder to identify the target behavior and much more confusing about the reinforcers and the point of the advice he received. I felt like this example made a too big a leap compared to the previous one.
As I mentioned above, what this chapter changed in my thinking about behavior modification was that behavior modification involves more than just a bag of tricks. It is a whole new way of thinking about, or seeing, people and other organisms. It’s also a new way of thinking about the environment and our relationship to the environment. A relationship not in the way we learned in environmental science, but rather with the environment as a source of reinforcers and punishers that is constantly influencing our behavior.
Section 1.4
Three things I will remember from this chapter include:
1. That an establishing operation makes a change in the environment that creates or increases a reinforcer
2. That some responses are elicited, but that most are emitted
3. That punishment is not being aggressive toward an organism, but following a response with an event that will result in a decrease in the rate of that response (a punisher).
I liked the idea of establishing operations, especially as it was illustrated with the role of commercials by creating deprivation. I am interested in marketing. And I now see how a lot of what takes place in trying to create a “need” for a product is in the form of establishing operations. This section gives me a new way to think about marketing and may be a way for relating behavior modification to marketing techniques.
I am a little confused on eliciting a behavior because in some classes I think this has been associated with just classical or Pavlovian conditioning and in this section of the chapter it seems to have a broader definition. So I am not sure exactly how this term is to be used.
The chapter changed my understanding of behavior modification by adding a lot of terms to my behavior language and teaching me how to apply these terms to ordinary behavior. The terms are not just a list of techniques to be used. They are a way of understanding how things happen, a way of understanding operant behavior (and a particular target behavior).
Terms: Establishing operation, elicit, emitted, punishment, behavior language, reinforcer, deprivation, operant behavior, target behavior
Section 1.3
Before reading this chapter, I thought behavior modification was a set of techniques for changing behavior. That is, I thought it was part of applied psychology. Now I am beginning to see that it is much more. This chapter’s discussion of behavior language is more than just a list of techniques. It’s a whole new way of approaching problems.
The three things I will remember from the chapter are: 1.) that a behavior can be topographically different, but functionally the same. 2.) That many ordinary events can be translated into the language of behavior. 3.) That establishing operations is a way to make reinforcers more effective.
What I liked about this chapter is the way events or stories can be translated into the language of behavior. This means that many problems or events can be understood in a way so that we have techniques to deal with them. I am sure there are many events that I cannot yet put into a “behavior language.” But I think I get the point of first isolating the target behavior, then looking for the consequences that are reinforcing or punishing it. As well as trying to identify the antecedents of the behavior and looking for establishing operations that may have made the reinforcer more effective.
What I disliked was the example from Aesop about the dog biting the man. I think I clearly understood the translation in the previous example about the crow, but I am not sure I got the dog one right. It seemed much harder to identify the target behavior and much more confusing about the reinforcers and the point of the advice he received. I felt like this example made a too big a leap compared to the previous one.
As I mentioned above, what this chapter changed in my thinking about behavior modification was that behavior modification involves more than just a bag of tricks. It is a whole new way of thinking about, or seeing, people and other organisms. It’s also a new way of thinking about the environment and our relationship to the environment. A relationship not in the way we learned in environmental science, but rather with the environment as a source of reinforcers and punishers that is constantly influencing our behavior.
Section 1.4
The three things I will remember from this chapter are:
1. That an establishing operation makes a change in the environment that creates or increases a reinforcer
2. That some responses are elicited, but that most are emitted
3. That punishment is not being aggressive toward an organism, but following a response with an event that will result in a decrease in the rate of that response (a punisher).
I liked the idea of establishing operations, especially as it was illustrated with the role of commercials by creating deprivation. I am interested in marketing. And I now see how a lot of what takes place in trying to create a “need” for a product is in the form of establishing operations. This section gives me a new way to think about marketing and may be a way for relating behavior modification to marketing techniques.
I am a little confused on eliciting a behavior because in some classes I think this has been associated with just classical or Pavlovian conditioning and in this section of the chapter it seems to have a broader definition. So I am not sure exactly how this term is to be used.
The chapter changed my understanding of behavior modification by adding a lot of terms to my behavior language and teaching me how to apply these terms to ordinary behavior. The terms are not just a list of techniques to be used. They are a way of understanding how things happen, a way of understanding operant behavior (and a particular target behavior).
Terms: Establishing operation, elicit, emitted, punishment, behavior language, reinforcer, deprivation, operant behavior, target behavior
Section 1.3
Before reading this chapter, I thought that behavior modification could only happen if a person wanted it to happen to their self. I still kind of believe that, but I realize that it is possible for someone else to inflict a behavior on someone else by conditioning them.
Two of the things I will remember are elicit and emit. There always has to be a stimulus for a behavior to happen and the stimulus elicits and the behavior is what is emitted. The third thing I will remember is the word aversive because it reminds me of the word abrasive which is something that is usually not pleasurable.
One thing I liked about this chapter was how it talked about how talking in behavior modification terminology is almost like talking in a different language. I didn't like having to decipher the difference between a reinforcer, reinforcement, and to reinforce something (and also with punishment). It just changed how I thought that behavior modification can only be self-inflicted to that other people can change someone's behavior.
Section 1.4
One thing I will remember from this chapter is target behavior. Everything that we do to try to change in someone is to produce a certain behavior, but just because that's what is expected, that's not necessarily what's going to happen. A second thing that I will remember is discriminative stimulus because it's a subtle stimulus that expects big results. The third thing I'll remember is deprivation because that's when you want to change a behavior that has already been conditioned. This whole chapter in general was very interesting to me.
Really this whole chapter was interesting to me. All of the terms I had already somewhat heard of, but it was nice to read this chapter and get more information about every section. However, I guess one thing I didn't like was the establishing operation. It was hard coming up with an example for this section of the chapter.
Once again, this chapter didn't really change what I thought about behavior modification. Like the last chapter, it was just nice reading this chapter to get more explanation on all of these vocab words.
Terms: emit, elicit, aversive, reinforcement, reinforcer, reinforce, punishment, target behavior, discriminative stimulus, deprivation
Section 1.3
Before reading this chapter, I thought that behavior modification could only happen if a person wanted it to happen to their self. I still kind of believe that, but I realize that it is possible for someone else to inflict a behavior on someone else by conditioning them.
Two of the things I will remember are elicit and emit. There always has to be a stimulus for a behavior to happen and the stimulus elicits and the behavior is what is emitted. The third thing I will remember is the word aversive because it reminds me of the word abrasive which is something that is usually not pleasurable.
One thing I liked about this chapter was how it talked about how talking in behavior modification terminology is almost like talking in a different language. I didn't like having to decipher the difference between a reinforcer, reinforcement, and to reinforce something (and also with punishment). It just changed how I thought that behavior modification can only be self-inflicted to that other people can change someone's behavior.
Section 1.4
One thing I will remember from this chapter is target behavior. Everything that we do to try to change in someone is to produce a certain behavior, but just because that's what is expected, that's not necessarily what's going to happen. A second thing that I will remember is discriminative stimulus because it's a subtle stimulus that expects big results. The third thing I'll remember is deprivation because that's when you want to change a behavior that has already been conditioned. This whole chapter in general was very interesting to me.
Really this whole chapter was interesting to me. All of the terms I had already somewhat heard of, but it was nice to read this chapter and get more information about every section. However, I guess one thing I didn't like was the establishing operation. It was hard coming up with an example for this section of the chapter.
Once again, this chapter didn't really change what I thought about behavior modification. Like the last chapter, it was just nice reading this chapter to get more explanation on all of these vocab words.
Terms: emit, elicit, aversive, reinforcement, reinforcer, reinforce, punishment, target behavior, discriminative stimulus, deprivation
Before reading this chapter, i knew that it was going to be an intersting class but i also knew that there was going to be a bunch of terms just because its in the psychology field. Some of the things i had liked were that was got to practive using some of the older terms we had learned before and try putting them into sentences like; elicit, emit, and aversive. I also really liked the short stories near the end of the chapter where a behavior would be modified and then it went into further detail of exactly how the new terms fit and how easy it really is to use them. The last thing i liked was that we got to make up 3 different situations for different behaviors.I liked all of these because it was more practice. A few things that i didnt like were for example, the segments we had to fill in for the different ways to use reinfocer or punisher along with its adjective and verb just because i always get confused with the actual uses. My perspective did change a bit because im realizing now that this topic really is easy to learn and it is pretty interesting.
Three things i will remember from this chapter are: the handy examples for each term, a few new terms, and practice sections for each term because we were able to increase our chance of better remembering what each one meant and gain a new understanding for each of them in a better way. One thing i really liked was that it solely focused on the terms which is really a big thing for this subject and we were also able to practice using each of them which i liked because i need the help to remember them. I didn't really like that we didn't learn anything new. But after reading it i really do like this subject more especially now that i am gaining such a better understanding on what it actually is and how to use it in different situations.
Terms: Elicit, Emit, Aversive, Reinforcer, Punisher
1.3 Before reading this section, I knew that like every other subject in school, there would be vocabulary. What I didn't know was that it would be so extensive! I knew it had to be important, or else we wouldn't be learning it.
One thing I will remember from this chapter is when it says that learning the language of behavior is like learning a new language. This couldn't be any more true. Like any new language, it takes time to get used to hearing it, speaking it, and writing it, and I know the vocabulary in this class will be the same way. Putting it this way makes me feel a little less intimidated by it. Another thing I will remember is where it talked about deprivation. Deprivation is when water, food, or other reinforcers are withheld (according to the reading). I will remember this because as simple as it sounds, I never really had thought of this as a term for behavior modification. It makes sense though, how it would make the person or animal more likely to emit the desired behavior. Going along with that, a third thing I will remember is the term "establishing operation." This makes the reinforcer more effective. I will remember this for a lot of the same reasons as the previous vocabulary word I mentioned, and also because it's very new to me, but easy to understand why it exists.
One thing I really liked about this section of reading is where it explains that the language of behavior can be used to describe most every situation. I liked this because it is kind of cool that we can see a single behavior in a sentence, and be able to translate it into almost a different language.
I didn't find any part of this reading that I found aversive, besides the fact that there were so many vocabulary words to remember.
After reading this section, I now know that there is a lot more to behavior modification than I previously had thought..mostly having to do with vocabulary.
Since this chapter was all about different important vocabulary words dealing with behavior modification, the three things I will remember from the sections were the words that stuck out to me the most. First, I will remember operant behavior, because it has to deal with the factors and events involved in behavior. So that means this word is really important, because it is the basis for everything people do, and why. Another word I will remember is target behavior. I'll remember this because it's what you need to know in order to increase or decrease the liklihood of the behavior. Thirdly, I will remember the word satiation. I never had thought of this before, but it makes complete sense. You have to make sure you don't over reinforce the behavior you're trying to elicit, or else it won't be as effective.
One thing I really liked about this section was how in depth it explained every vocabulary word. The examples that were given were really helpful. Without them I probably would have been lost.
The one thing I disliked about this chapter is that there was so much information to comprehend all at once. However, that was the point of this chapter, so I can't really complain!
After reading this chapter, like with the section above, I now know that there is a lot of vocab dealing with behavior! It really is like a whole different language. I know with enough practice that anyone will be able to master the language eventually.
words used: deprivation, reinforcer, desired behavior, establishing operation, operant behavior, target behavior, satiation, elicit, reinforce, emit, aversive
Section 1.3
Before reading these sections my ideas of behavior modification did not extend very far. So far in this course, I have thought behavior modification was a pretty simple thing to study and figure out. However, just from reading these two sections, I have already learned there is a lot of vocabulary and techniques used in understanding behavior modification.
Three things I will remember from the reading are as follows:
1. The word “topographically”, in terms of similarity, means two or more things look the same on the surface, but may not actually be the same. I will remember this because it is a term I can use in all areas of life, not just behavior modification.
2. B.F. Skinner is an important figure in terms of behavior modification as a study. I will remember this because his name was mentioned several times throughout this section followed my several statements he has made about behavior. Clearly, he has contributed a lot to the study of behavior.
3. Elicit means to make a behavior happen VS. Emit means to do a behavior. I will remember this because it has been mentioned in previous sections and also because it is important in understanding the text provided for this course.
One thing I liked about this chapter was the repetitive use of elicit and emit, as well as aversive. Although these terms have already been covered, I was happy to go over them again. This was also a clear indicator that these particular terms will be very important for this course.
I did not prefer the part of the section where establishing operation and extinction were covered. I am still a little confused about these terms and I would prefer more examples of each term. The following activity of translating the small story into behavioral terms was interesting and enlightening, but very confusing at the same time.
As I mentioned earlier, this section of chapter one has reminded me and reinforced the fact that behavior modification involves a lot of imperative vocabulary.
Section 1.4
Three things I will remember from this section are as follows:
1. Operant behavior is the network of factors and events involved in the behavior of human and non-human animals. To me, operant behavior is the opposite of a reflex behavior, meaning it is learned and altered, whereas a reflex is relatively automatic. I will remember this definition because it is a key definition in terms of operant conditioning.
2. A discriminate stimulus is a person, place or any aspect of environment that act as a stimulus leading to a variety of different responses to a situation. I will remember this because I found it confusing and truly had to think about it. Now that I have, I will not forget it.
3 Deprivation can be used as reinforcement and not just punishment in terms of behavior modification. For example, depriving someone of water will allow you to get particular behaviors out of them by rewarding them with water, something they have been missing.
One thing I really liked about this section of chapter one was the discussion of satiation and deprivation. I think both are fascinating terms and concepts in life to learn about in any realm, including behavior modification. It is interesting to think about what deprivation, in particular, does to people and how it affects their behaviors.
Generally, I did not like section 1.4 because I felt the activities of writing sentences was becoming extremely monotonous. I know it is important for out understanding of the material, which is why I completed the work. In the end, though, I was just annoyed and no longer excited or interested in the material.
This section opened my eyes to one thing in particular to behavior modification: deprivation causes significant changes in behavior. I knew this before reading this section but I had never really thought about it. Since reading section 1.4, I have thought about the role of deprivation in my own life. I have concluded deprivation certainly works with reinforcement.
Terms Used: Topographically, elicit, emit, aversive, establishing operation, extinction, operant behavior, discriminative stimulus, deprivation, satiation
Section 1.3
Prior to this chapter I thought that behavior modification was about how different humans and the environment can manipulated behavior. I also realized how reinforcement and punishment manipulates behavior and how one's behavior can change based on certain situations. I also knew that different stimuli elicit certain behaviors that we emit. I also knew about positive and negative punishment and reinforcement. I also knew that one can reinforce themselves.
I knew these things from other psychology courses and from the previous readings and posts we had emitted for class.
I will remember more of the vocabulary, such as elicit, emit, reinforcement, reinforcer, punishment and punisher. All the new terms are building on each of those terms, so I am starting to comprehend those terms based on repetition. Another thing I will remember from this chapter is extinction. I remember talking about it in my psychology class in high school. It is a behavior that is emitted a lot that, after awhile people stop getting reinforced for their behavior, and the people just expect certain things. If you aren't reinforced for behaviors it can lead to the extinction of that behavior. I will remember it because I had liked learning about it in high school and it's something that does happen in life. The third thing I will remember about this chapter was learning about the establishing operation. I can see where if I was elicited a scholarship for doing well in school versus a piece of candy, I would emitted a behavior of trying even more in school and be better reinforced. I liked learning about it because it is so very true. I like learning about things that happen in our lives, and this happens all the time.
I really liked that we had to translate the story into behavior terms. Repetition helps me to memorize and really understand terms. So if I keep on using them in different ways I should know them very well.
I did not like all the examples. Although repetition helps me, I'd like it better if there were more diverse ways to repeat the terms than just writing three sentences.
Reading this chapter elicited me to be more comfortable with the terminology. although I am still working on it, I think I am improving. It helped me see that there's a lot more to behavior modification with establishing operations and extinction, but other than that not much changed.
Section 1.4
Before reading this chapter I knew that terminology was vital to success in behavior modification and understanding of behavior modification. I knew how to translate stories and elicit them into terms of behavior modification. I know the basics about behavior being manipulated by many things. I also know the basics of operant conditioning such as reinforcement.
I knew these things based on class discussions and readings that we were reinforced for. I also knew based on previous classes.
The three things I will remember are terms that were more fully explained in this chapter. Such as Response and how it is almost something that is automatic or natural. Such as falling and catching ourselves with our hands. The example helped to more fully explain what it is. Target behavior was another term that I learned more about. Knowing that it is the behavior you want changed. Then the operant behavior, I learned that one's behavior could be either aversive if in the wrong environment or pleasurable. I also learned the new term Discriminative stimuli which tells one how to behave based on the situation or the antecedent they are in. I also liked learning about the establishing operation and how that term is basically what happens when people set trends. They see what people are wearing and then wear it too. It's very important in fashion and in overall merchandising. It was fun learning some older terms better and then learning some new ones as well.
I liked all the different ways we repeated the terms to learn them. The repetition was more varied than in the previous chapter.
I didn't like how much vocabulary there was though. There was a lot of vocabulary and it was hard to remember everything because it was almost overwhelming. I had wished we focused on about half of the terms that we went over. It's just hard to learn vocab and terms when you're overwhelmed by the amount.
I learned much more about how everything in life really does manipulate our behaviors. especially with establishing operations. The fact that everything we see either wants us to get it, or maybe not get it. I learned much more about how and why certain behavior occur.
Terms: manipulate, behavior, reinforcement, punishment, stimuli, elicit, emit, positive and negative punishment and reinforcement, self-reinforcing, extinction, establishing operation, establishing operation, operant conditioning, response, target behavior, aversive, discriminative stimuli, operant behavior, establishing operation
Prior to reading this section I was thinking that behavior modification was just about how people felt and how others interacted with each other. I thought this because of what we had been talking about in class and also just the name in general. When people think of behavior they think of interactions and social exchanges.
After reading this section I will remember how to emit my actions and what elicited them to happen. Also I will remember how we punish and reinforce others in our lives and how we manipulate people all the time without even realizing our actions. These things stand out to me because they are things that I use in my everyday life without even realizing it.
One thing that I really liked was the different uses for reinforcing and punishing. It made me realize that there is way more to it than just the generic "you're in trouble." Just because you are punishing a person does not mean that you are doing harm to them, there doesn't have to be anything wrong you just want the behavior to decrease; good or bad.
There was nothing in this section that I dislikes. It was all interesting to me.
Reading this section has changed how I think about BMod by showing me that there is more to it than just rewarding or punishing. There is always a reason for the things I do and now I will be able to look out for these things and understand why things happen in my life.
Three things that I will remember after reading this section are target behavior, discriminative stimulus, and establishing operation. I choose these three things because they are every important in situations and learning about why people behave the way they do. We have always wondered why people do they things they do and why they emitted a specific behavior and what elicited them to do it.
I really liked learning the different terms in this section. Also I liked making the examples for the terms and understanding what they mean and how they will help me in this class and in my life. These terms will help me analyze situations more closely to understand the targeted behaviors and why these were the behaviors emitted.
There was nothing that I did not like because I loved learning the new terms to get a better view.
Reading this section has helped with my understanding of BMod because I have learned the specific parts and terms of the subject and what will help me become better and more understanding in this class.
Terms: Emit, elicit, punish, reinforce, manipulate, reinforcing, punishing, behavior, target behavior, discriminative stimulus, establishing operation.
Section 1.3
Before reading this chapter, my thoughts on behavior modification did not extend very far beyond the ABCs. I thought that using the ABCs was pretty straightforward and that because all behavior could be narrowed down to them, there wasn’t so much more vocabulary to be learning. I was wrong about that. Now I’m learning so much more about behavior modification and that the antecedent, behavior, consequence idea has so much more to it.
Three things that I will remember about this chapter are:
1. Even if you are reading something in English, when new terminology is introduced, it can seem like a foreign language. When I was first reading the quote by Goldiamond, I had to go back and re-read it a couple times before I could start to understand it.
2. Elicit and emit are new terms. Elicit means to make a behavior happen and emit means to actually do the behavior. Using these terms over and over have started to help me to be able to use them in everyday life.
3. Establishing operation is also a new term. This is what is used to make a reinforcer more reinforcing.
Something that I liked about this chapter was the way that the new terms were explained and the examples given. Many textbooks can introduce new terms but not give real life examples and I will not understand them when used. I like how the terms are explained in a way that I can understand them.
What I disliked about the chapter is all the writing I had to do, making simple sentences. I understand that by using these terms over and over, it is helping my understanding of them. The consequence of writing the terms again and again is my better understanding. See? I get it.
Now I understand that there is so much more to behavior modification than just the ABCs. There are a whole number of new terms that I will need to really put these new tools to use.
Section 1.4
Three things that I will remember about this chapter are:
1. Establishing operation is still a fairly new term to me. Because this chapter focused heavily on terminology and various definitions, I am having an easier time remembering. I remember from the previous chapter that establishing operation means that you are making a reinforcer more reinforcing. This chapter stated that to be effective, it “needs to ensure that an organism’s behavior will be modified based on the type of reinforcement being used”.
2. New terms such as discriminate stimulus. This is a stimulus that sets the occasion for an operant response to occur. To me, this means stimuli that help an operant response to happen because of a certain situation.
3. Satiation is when introducing additional reinforcement has no effect on something because it is already full in a sense.
Something that I liked in this chapter, again, was the examples. The examples after the definitions helped me to understand them more. In this case, because there were so many new terms that I am learning, the spaces given to me to write my own examples were very helpful.
Even though I know that writing my own examples is going to be helpful in the long run, I am not the most creative person, so coming up with my own examples could be difficult at times.
Again, I am understand more that a lot goes into behavior modification than simply saying, the ABCs are it.
Terms: elicit, emit, reinforce, establishing operation, antecedent, behavior, consequence, discriminate stimulus, satiation
Section 1.3
Prior to reading this chapter, I hadn't really thought of behavior modification in much more than positive and negative reinforcement and punishment. This chapter then introduced new terminology that made it seem much more in depth and as though there are more ways to explain the terms we do know.
The three things I will remember most from this chapter is 1.) that the words we use in behavior modification and the way we use them is like a foreign language; using them at first is tricky and slightly complicated but with practice and review it is quite simple. 2.) That there are different ways and needs for the verb, noun, and action of punishment and reinforcement. For example, things I was calling a reinforcer were actually reinforcements and vice versa at times. 3.) The last thing is the overall new terminology i.e. extinction, emit, deprivation, etc. I've always known what they are but to have a word for them is really nice.
What I liked and disliked from this chapter was actually the same thing and that being the terminology. What I liked about it was that I had a word to put to an idea that I've known. I also liked how the chapter had the terms laid out. It was simple yet in enough detail for me to fully understand. What I disliked is actually something I liked; that there were many practice problems. I liked doing them and all but it was difficult to come up with examples; just because it was hard to think of random situations.
My idea of behavior modification hasn't changed; I just think that it is growing since I have more terms to put into the behavior modification. I feel my understanding of behavior modification has grown ever so slightly
Section 1.4
The three main facts that I pulled away from this section were 1.) How to put the terms we used into sentences. 2.) The relationships the terms we have learned so far have. 3.) How to use operant behavior and target behavior in behavior modification.
The thing I liked most from this chapter was how we could practice and work with the terms that we have gained from the prior chapter. This helps reiterate the material and helps me to further understand those terms in the context of behavior modification.
I felt as though there was a lot of material to cover in the chapter. I would have liked an initial example of operant behavior just because I felt it was at first very difficult to grasp. However, by the end I think more of it made sense.
I think that this chapter helped put all the terms into a way in which I understood much more. I liked being able to see a relationship between them all and the bigger relationship between reinforcement and punishment.
Terms: Reinforce, Reinforcer, Reinforcement, Punisher, Punish, Punishment, Emit, Elicit, Pleasurable, Aversive, Operant, Target, Extinction
Prior to reading this chapter, my thoughts about behavior modification really haven't changed since the last two sections we were to read. I think it is very interesting but it's going to be hard to put all of the terminology into blogging and in-class discussions.
The three things that I will remember from the chapter would be both the terms elicit and emit and putting those into context. I will remember them because I need to learn to use the terminology. I will also remember that I need to really look more into typical stories like at the end of the section. I need to look past the story and put it into behavioral terms.
The one thing that I liked about this section would be the last part. I like that you can use behavioral terms to describe just about anything you want to. That's interesting to me.
There wasn't really anything that I didn't like about the chapter, it was all very interesting to me.
I just think that reading the chapter has opened my eyes to see that behavior modification can be applied to every situation, it's not just certain ones. That's really the only thing that has changed from what I originally thought about behavior modification.
The three things that I will remember from the chapter would be 1) I need to learn to use more than one term in a sentence if possible, 2) I need to learn the definitions of the terms before using them, and 3) I need to know examples of the terms talked about before. I really just need to learn how to integrate them all together.
I really liked the examples in the chapter, they helped me learn exactly what the term meant and made me think how I could apply them in my everyday life.
Again, there was nothing that I didn't like about the section. It was all interesting and very useful to what we are learning about in class.
I didn't know that there were so many terms incorporated in behavior modification. I had heard terms like satiation, elicit, and emit before but I would have never thought them to be terms that would be used in behavior modification.
Terms: elicit, emit, behavior, satiation
Section 1.3
Prior to reading this chapter I believed behavior modification was manipulating someone into behaving the way you want them to by using reinforcement and punishment because that is what we have learned so far. I have emitted a remembrance behavior for knowing that using behavior modification language is very important and some what difficult. I remember this because it seemed to be the main focus of this section. Another subject I have emitted a remembering behavior for is the difference and definition of "elicit" and "emit". This behavior occurred because the section elicited me in to using these words in sentences and thus I emitted to expected behavior. The third thing I have emitted a remembrance response for is establishing operation. I was able to emit this response because I understood the definitions and the examples were very helpful. One thing I liked about this section was the activities that elicited the behavior of using what I just read immediately. The activities forced me to think about what I had read and emit the behavior of writing it down. I did not like the section about extinction because I have not yet emitted the target behavior of remembering it. I have not emitted this behavior because I am slightly confused about what extinction means in the realm of behavior modification. After reading this section I now see that behavior modification relies heavily on its language and that trying to emit a remembrance response for the terminology is much like trying to learn a new language.
Section 1.4
Much like the previous section I have emitted an understanding of how important terminology is in behavior modification. It is obvious that this section elicits us to learn the terminology. I have created a remembrance response for deprivation because I understood the definition and the concept of it. I have also established a remembrance response for satiation. Much like with deprivation the examples allowed me to emit the behavior of understanding the terminology. One thing I liked about this chapter was the end activities because they allowed me to test old terminology that I have already created a remembrance response for and they also manipulated me in to emitting the behavior of incorporating new terminology into my examples. One thing I did not like about this section was reviewing old terminology first and then moving on to new terms. By the time I had reached the new terms I was overwhelmed with trying to remember the old terms and not confuse them with the new ones.
After reading this section my thoughts of behavior modification are more complex and now have terminology to go with things I have seen or heard of.
Terms:emit, elicit, target behavior, remembrance response, deprivation, satiation, manipulated, reinforce, punish, extinction, established operation
What I thought about behavior modification is that it was going to be a lot of difficult terms and complicated theories that I would Have to remember and I thought that I would never retain any information. The name 'behavior modification' sounds like a complex thing.
one thing I will remember from this section is the vocabulary we learned. there was lots of new terms and language in this part of the chapter.
1. establishing operation: this is used to make a reinforcer more reinforcing. What that means is that it just makes the reinforcement more effective. the example that is used is depriving someone or something of food or water, then they will be highly motivated to eat or drink when they are finally given the chance.
2.extinction:this occurs in situations that were previously reinforced , but are no longer reinforced. an extinction bursts is when during the extinction where the person begins for vary their behaviors in hopes of being reinforced. it involves a variety of behavior similar to the behavior that was previously reinforced. they often get very upset during the extinction bursts.
3.elicit means to make a behavior occur
one thing that I did like that I actually didnt think I would like is having to write down sentences with using the terms. It helped me understand the words a lot more when I was using then the correct way.
What I didnt like is how many new terms there were in this section. They all sounded a lot alike which made it a little confusing for me.
This section didnt change my thoughts about Behavior modification, it just exercised what I had already known,
three things that I will remember from this section
1.Operant behavior is the network of factors and event involved in the behavior of human and non human animals. these are which set the occasion for either reinforcement or punishment to occur. this is altered as a result of an organism behaving in a certain mannor.
2.Target behavior is the behavior of interest for which attempting to increase or decrease in frequency. these are behaviors are behaviors that we either want to occur more often or less often.
3. Discriminative Stimuli is all around is in the enviroments which we encounter. this allows us to generate a response based on the situation which the stimuli occur.
I like how we are using terms and ideas that we have already learned and are Incorporated them into what we are learning now.
Like in section 1.3 I didnt like all of the vocabulary. there were many terms which was kind of confusing
discriminative stimuli, enviroments, target behavior,decrease, frequency, behaviors,operant behavior, punishment, reinforcement, extinction, extinction bursts, elicity, extinction, reinforcer,
Section 1.3
Prior to reading this chapter, I always thought behavior modification to be simple. I thought behavior modification was as simple as why do people do what they do. Although this is the basis to behavior modification, it is a very complex matter. As the chapter explains, the language of behavior at first may seam like a foreign language. The language of behavior is very precise because it is important to describe behaviors accurately.
Three things that I will remember from this section of reading is the vocabulary. I am very good at remembering terms so I will most likely remember them easily! Deprivation is when food, water, or other reinforcers are withheld. Satiation occurs when sufficient access to the reinforcer is allowed. And Extinction occurs when a previously reinforced behavior is no longer reinforced. These are important terms to remember.
One thing I really enjoyed about this chapter is all of the bubbles to put in my own answers. It really helps me when I have to use my information to the test and as always practice makes perfect!
One thing that I really didn't enjoy about this chapter is that the reading seemed very wordy. The content is much easier to understand when there is more terms included!
My thoughts about behavior modification has not changed all that much except for the fact that it is a lot more complex than I thought it was going to be. Behavior modification can not be described in one specific way and this language of behavior can be used to describe most or all situations including the behaviors of humans.
Section 1.4
One of the three things that I will mostly remember from this chapter is the example involving Ben and Jerry's ice cream. I will remember this example because I love ice cream and it has happened to me before that I have eaten something too frequently and I became sick of it! Another thing I will remember from this section of reading is that behavioral modification is cumulative. Because there is redundancy and repetition which both foster learning and behaviors. A third thing that I will remember is all the vocabulary! I will remember these once again because I enjoy learning new terms. Some examples of the terms from this chapter are emitted, which means the occurrence of voluntary behaviors and elicited, which means the occurrence of behaviors which are caused by the presentation of a stimulus.
One thing that I enjoyed from this section of reading was all the different terminology because I feel as though I haven't, learned many new terms from previous classes. A target behavior is the behavior of interest for which you are attempting to increase or decrease in frequency. A response in behavior modification is a behavior that occurs as a result of the introduction of a stimulus.
One thing that I really didn't enjoy once again, was how wordy the section seemed to be. Although, there were a lot more vocabulary words, I still feel like the chapter was lengthy and harder to understand, I like when there are more examples!
Since the previous 1.3 section of reading my thoughts have not changed all that much on what behavior modification really is. But as I read on, it seems like the subject goes more in depth and there is always more to learn!
Terminology: Target Behavior, Introduction to a Stimulus, Redundancy, Repetition, Elicit, Emitted, Behavior Language, Deprivation, Satiation, Extinction, Reinforcer, Occurrence.
Prior to reading 1.3, I had a pretty good understanding what punishment and reinforcement was, both positive and negative. I knew that behavior modification had a certain language to it however after reading 1.3 I never could have imagined the variety of terms I would be learning. The examples were able to give me a lot of practice which I think will help me better understand the terms. The three things I will remember for this chapter are as follow:
1.) The term and meaning of extinction that is when a behavior is no longer being reinforced.
2.) I also will remember that establishing operation is a procedure that makes a reinforce more reinforced. This term really clicked with me when the example was given about the rats being deprived of food.
3.) I know that this language and terms is something that I will learn in time the more that I use them. This if the first chapter I realized I can compare learning this terms more like I’m learning a foreign language.
I enjoyed the stories in this chapter, it let me take a break from learning the terms right after each other, I also enjoyed the examples that are given. I also enjoyed the saying “frustration is just the process of learning something.” I did not have anything that I disliked in this chapter; it made me feel comfortable using my term in my examples. After reading 1.3 has changed my perception of behavior modification by realizing that I can use behavior modification to literately explain every situation even though the actual antecedents, behaviors and consequences may be more complex.
I felt like 1.4 was a review of terms we have already learned yet adding additional terms to our vocabulary to build on what we currently know. The 3 items I will take away from 1.4 are as follows:
1.) I got a better understanding of what a target behavior is. I knew what a behavior was prior to 1.4 but I learned that a target behavior is the behavior that is being either increased or decreased the frequency.
2.) Deprivation was also introduced in this chapter which basically means withholding the stimulus which is being a reinforcement.
3.) The opposite of deprivation in terms of rats and foods is free feeding weight is the recording of rats when they are given the opportunity to eat whenever and how much they want!
I really enjoyed this chapter because as I have previously stated I felt like this chapter was a refresher for some of the terms we have already learned however now we are just building upon those terms. I enjoyed this chapter however if I had to choose one thing I didn’t enjoy so much was the amount of examples that were given in this chapter. Normally I really enjoy doing examples and find them very useful however there were a lot of them however I understand their purpose. This chapter has helped shape my terminology better in behavior modification. This chapter also made me realize that behavior modification is more complex than I thought it would be.
Terms: extinction, reinforced, punishment, establishing operation, deprived, antecedents, behaviors, consequences, target behavior.
My thoughts on behavior modification still haven't changed, even after reading this section. Behavior modification is still the behaviors a person does that has to do with the brain. I also knew that all behaviors have to do with certain parts of the brain. I've known this just from past experiences and from what we've learned so far in class.
After reading this chapter I will remember the new vocabulary words and more of the vocabulary like emit, reinforce, and punishment. I know that these words are important in my everyday life. I will also remember that ordinary events can be translated into the language of behavior.
I really liked how the chapter incorporated all of the vocabulary words that were in earlier sections. It's really helping me learn the vocabulary words better. I also like that we had to relate the section into vocabulary words.
At the same time I wish the section wasn't all vocab words. I know that vocabulary is a big deal in this class because we are supposed to learn to speak in the language for the vocabulary words, but it is also difficult to relate everything we're reading to a word.
Reading this chapter hasn't really changed my interpretation of behavior modification because it is just helping me learn more and not really changing how I looked at it before. I am learning more in depth about behavior modification, but my original thought about it is still there.
Three new words I will remember from this chapter are discriminative stimulus, satiation, and deprivation. I liked reading about these words because I've never really heard them before and learning new words is always interesting to me.
I enjoyed learning the different terms in this section because they were mostly all new words to me and I haven't been familiar with them before I read this chapter.
Same as before, the only thing I didn't really care for were all of the words being incorporated into the chapter.
This chapter has also made me have a better understanding of behavior modification because I'm learning so many new words and terms. I like learning about these new things because it helps my learning process.
Prior to reading the chapter I knew the information was going to be interesting because so far the class is entertaining. However, I didn't realize all the termonolgy that comes along with behavior modifications just because I never really thought about it.
Three things I enjoyed about the chapter were;
1. A behvaior can be topographically similar(which means on the surface it looks the same) but functionally different.
2.That language is generative and there are often many ways to describe a behavior's sequence, and that frustration means your are just in the process of learning.
3.Goldiamonds report on self-reinforcement and the personal thinking we had to do on his views.
Something I enjoyed about this chapter was that at the beginning of the chapter it recapped some vocabulary from the previous chapters, which I found helpful considering it is the third chapter in so the review was helpful.
Something I disliked about the chapter was I found it difficult to remember the terms I was taught because there wasn't much recap on them throughout the chapter, such as aversive. I just feel like the chapter could have covered a few more times.
By reading this chapter it has made me look at behavior modifications with a broder view because in the chapter we covered many professional definitions and thoughts about certain terms.
Terms: Topographically,behavior modification,self-reinforcement
Three things I will remember from this chapter are;
1. That the language of behavior is cumulative because we build on what we have learned before, which just reassures you that learning these terms is going to be a process.
2. By making me redefine reinforcement and punishment in my own words because doing something along those lines helps you understand it on a personal level.
3. That discriminate stimulus sets the occasion for an operant response to occur.
Something I liked about this chapter was the fact that it covered old and new terms, but it also seemed to go into depth more on explinations and examples.
Something I did not like about the chapter was that that for the examples it asked for a wide selection of vocabulary words because I kept confusing myself.
In the end the chapter didn't change my thoughts on behavior modification but rather just added to my anticipation on what's to come, mainly with vocabulary and how important it is.
Terms: Reinforcement, punishment, discriminate stimulus
Prior to reading the chapter I knew the information was going to be interesting because so far the class is entertaining. However, I didn't realize all the termonolgy that comes along with behavior modifications just because I never really thought about it.
Three things I enjoyed about the chapter were;
1. A behvaior can be topographically similar(which means on the surface it looks the same) but functionally different.
2.That language is generative and there are often many ways to describe a behavior's sequence, and that frustration means your are just in the process of learning.
3.Goldiamonds report on self-reinforcement and the personal thinking we had to do on his views.
Something I enjoyed about this chapter was that at the beginning of the chapter it recapped some vocabulary from the previous chapters, which I found helpful considering it is the third chapter in so the review was helpful.
Something I disliked about the chapter was I found it difficult to remember the terms I was taught because there wasn't much recap on them throughout the chapter, such as aversive. I just feel like the chapter could have covered a few more times.
By reading this chapter it has made me look at behavior modifications with a broder view because in the chapter we covered many professional definitions and thoughts about certain terms.
Terms: Topographically,behavior modification,self-reinforcement
Three things I will remember from this chapter are;
1. That the language of behavior is cumulative because we build on what we have learned before, which just reassures you that learning these terms is going to be a process.
2. By making me redefine reinforcement and punishment in my own words because doing something along those lines helps you understand it on a personal level.
3. That discriminate stimulus sets the occasion for an operant response to occur.
Something I liked about this chapter was the fact that it covered old and new terms, but it also seemed to go into depth more on explinations and examples.
Something I did not like about the chapter was that that for the examples it asked for a wide selection of vocabulary words because I kept confusing myself.
In the end the chapter didn't change my thoughts on behavior modification but rather just added to my anticipation on what's to come, mainly with vocabulary and how important it is.
Terms: Reinforcement, punishment, discriminate stimulus
I feel like this question becomes a bit redundant. However, I’ll answer it anyways ;) Behavior modification is the manipulation of others behaviors. We learned in last weeks readings how different antecedents elicit different behaviors. We also learned that the consequence, though obviously depending on the behavior, also depends on the antecedent. We also went over about the vocabulary, which will definitely be my biggest weakness in this class. This brings us up to section 1.3!
The first thing I’ll remember, though I used it in the last section, was key terms. As I just eluded to, this chapter really focused on the importance of vocabulary, and gave a great review of some of the terms we learned in the last chapter. Positive and negative reinforcement and punishment are tricky concepts to grasp, and this chapter helped pound them into my brain even more. The examples helped a lot with this.
Another aspect of the chapter that was reassuring and will stick with me is how repetition will help me learn the vocabulary. I liked the comparison to Spanish, because it made me remember how my first year in high school Spanish was much different than my fourth year. Though we don’t have that kind of time, I know that this is a process and over our blogs emitting the proper terminology will become easier.
Finally, classification of behavior is important. Observing and explaining behaviors are only one point, something I think I knew, but didn’t KNOW I knew (ya know?) Classification is just as important as using our ABC’s to explain behaviors.
As in the previous chapters, I like getting to do the work as I go along. It helps so much to really understand the terminology and concepts.
Though I like the text, I’m aversive, to some extent, to the whole thing. It is very helpful in understanding. However, I find it very boring. It is a lot of explaining with examples, which is good. But at the same time, there are no attention grabbers.
This chapter was tougher, mainly because it introduced new material, such as the word operant behavior. This term has always been difficult for me to fully understand, so I appreciated having it introduced and explained in this section. Operant behaviors are those behaviors that may elicit modification.
Next I liked reading about satiation, because I feel like it can easily be applied in everyday life. Satiation is when your reinforcers lose their effect due to over stimulation. I find this with many things – people always want/expect more!
As stated in other chapters (which is why it makes it easy to remember!) behavior modification becomes more complex with each section, and it is important to have patience with learning all the different facets and terminology. It doesn’t happen over night!
As always, I enjoyed getting to participate throughout the section, and disliked the format. I need an attention grabber to keep me interested, so it is very hard to stay focused and not wonder away from our blog site to Facebook!
Positive punishment, Negative punishment, Positive reinforcement, Negative reinforcement, elicit, emit, operant behavior, antecedent, consequence, behavior, satiation, extinction, deprivation, target behavior, reinforcer, discriminate stimulus,
Prior to reading this chapter, I thought bmod was seeing the antecedent, watching the behavior, and predicting the consequence because of what we have learned so far in and out of class. Three things that I will remember from this chapter are the two stories and rewording them with behavioral terms, the crow with the pitcher of water, and the man who was bit by a dog. I think I remember these two because it really made me think how I would reword the story while keeping the context and but using terms that I have never used in a story that I am not familiar with. The third thing would have to be the new word elict. I am still having some trouble understanding in what context to use it, but hopefully I will catch on soon.One thing I liked in this chapter was using the word averse because I haven't used it much in my vocab and it is a good word. One thing I didn't like/understand was the boxes about translating into behavioral terminology and explin why it is one or the other. I am not sure what is meant by that. My thoughts on behavior mod have changed a little because there are now new words to get used to and use along with translating, which I am pretty sure I already don't like, but we will see.
Three things I remember from this chapter are discriminate stimulus, satiation and deprivation. I remembered these because I have learned them before in previous classes, and they were easier to find fitting examples when compared to the last few new words.One thing I liked in this chapter was all the review of the stuff I have learned in the past, along with stuff we have learned recently and still adding new material. Something I didn't like was all the boxes we have to fill out. I start dreading turning the pages when I see there are fifteen more boxes when I've already completed what seems like twenty. My view has changed that knowing how we say things and what context, tone, rate, ect really can effect the outcome of some consequences.
discriminate stimulus
Prior to this chapter behavior modification was a simple enough subject and I had learned more about modifying people's behaviors in other psych courses I had taken so I figured it was simple enough, very interesting but still simple.
Three Things I will remember from this chapter was that behavior modification has it's own complete foreign-like language. Second, that this language comes with practice and can be used fairly simply if you use it properly and frequently. And last, that extinction is when something is not being reinforced anymore, the behavior goes away. I think I will remember these because they will further my education in behavior modification and are the main points I believe anyone should get out of this chapter.
I really loved having the examples of what everything was, such as the 2 tale examples of what it means to translate something into behavior modification language. This greatly helped me figure out how to word my examples and showed me the correct way to use many of the terms.
I disliked the instructions sometimes when we were asked to put things in the boxes because I really didn't understand sometimes what I was to put there. When I was asked to translate a sentence, then explain it again using different new terms I was conflicted because it was already written in behavior modification terms.
This chapter has increased my knowledge that there is more to behavior modification then I once thought, the new language will elicit new behaviors from me when completing assignments. I will look over things more closely to watch where I may be able to use terms from the class.
Three things from this chapter I will remember have to be operant behavior because I know that this is a commonly used term and I will use it in the future. I also will remember the difference between elicit and emitting a behavior because they are two totally separate things and if you get them confused then anyone reading your research etc. may not understand. One of the last things that I will remember will be that behavior modification resembles math a lot for me. To learn something knew it has to be tied into what you already know and therefore you must know what you are already expected to know to move onto the next thing.
I really liked that this chapter had almost all of the vocabulary words explained and THEN gave you a chance to use them in real examples. This made it very easy to translate the vocab into real life situations.
I didn't like that this chapter asked you to repeat the definitions of words in your own words. I felt as though this was repetitive and not needed and if you didn't fully understand the concept putting it into your own words when your wrong could easily solidify it in your head as that wrong definition.
Reading this chapter, I believe, gave me greater meaning to how deep behavior modification goes and it really helped me start to understand it at it's deeper level. Knowing the vocabulary at my disposal will greatly help my understanding.
Before reading this section, I didn’t realize how much vocabulary there was to describing behaviors. I didn’t think there was that much terminology. There is a lot of stuff to remember. I didn’t realize how difficult this was actually going to be.
The first thing that I will remember from this chapter is the difference between elicit and emit. I had heard these words before but didn’t quite know what the difference was, but I do now since it was clearly stated in this chapter. I now know that elicit means to make a behavior occur and emit means to actually do the behavior. The second thing I will remember is that talking about behavior is like learning a foreign language. This has been mentioned to us since day one. With behavior, it is difficult to get use to the terminology, but once you start to use it, it will become easier, just like a foreign language. And the last thing I will remember is how everything can get turned into behavioral terminology.
I thought it was interesting when The Crow and The Pitcher was turned into behavioral terminology. It definitely ruined the story, but it was just proof that anything can be thought of in behavioral terms. Trying to do this with The Man Bitten by a Dog was aversive for me though because I’m not use to the language and I found it to be difficult.
This chapter changed what I originally thought because I realize now how much the terminology is like learning a foreign language. I hadn’t realized how much there was to learn until now.
One thing I will remember from this chapter is the analogy of learning behavior is like learning math. I found this interesting. We don’t just forget the things we learned first. The concepts we learn in earlier chapters will still be used in later chapter. We will just build on them. We don’t just learn some definitions and use it a little and then forget it, we continue to use it throughout the class and build on what we’ve learned and use it even more. Another thing I will remember is what the target behavior is. It is the one behavior that you are interested in increasing or decreasing. It is the main focus. I will also remember what satiation is. To me this is a weird word, so I will remember it. It is when the reinforcer isn’t reinforcing anymore. The reinforcer becomes aversive to them.
What I liked about this chapter is how you defined each term. You used a standard definition and then explained it in a way that is easier for us to understand. This really helped me learn the vocabulary. I liked it being broken down into simpler terms. There really wasn’t anything I disliked about this chapter as far as content. I didn’t really enjoy doing all of the writing assignments, but I guess it did probably help me in the end.
Elicit, emit, aversive, target behavior, satiation, reinforcer, reinforcing
Chapter 1.3 was very challenging to read and understand. When asked the meaning of the passage by Goldiamond I had little clue as to what he was talking about.
Before reading the chapter I had no idea that behavior modification was discussed with such wide range of vocabulary. It gets so technical that one would have to immerse themselves in the field in order to understand the meaning of every term. If someone outside the field of psychology tried to read a passage described in behavioral terms they would have no clue what the passage was referring to.
I took several things from the chapter that will help me to understand behavior modification further.
It was interesting for me to learn how to describe trivial daily events in a behavioral manner. The exercise allowed me to become conscious of daily happenings that can be described with behavioral lingo. While I may not always be thinking about behaviors in this manner, I might be able to step back on occasion and break my or others behaviors down in this fashion.
The concept of an establishing operation was also interesting to me. So far in this course we have just discussed simple behaviors and punishments/reinforcers. I never considered a precursor to a reinforcement that would strengthen the effect. Purposefully depriving someone of water makes the reinforcement of giving them water SO much stronger.
Extinction was also an interesting concept to grasp. When I was able to understand this concept I was able to come up with many examples of it from my own experiences as well as in the mainstream media. When I am hungry, I open the cabinet hoping that there will be some wonderfully delicious snack just waiting for me to consume it. But everyday I open the cabinet when I am hungry, and everyday I am disappointed by what I find or don't find. It made me question if directors put examples of extinction in media on purpose or if its such a common thing that they put it in unknowingly.
I really liked the process of breaking the behavioral sentences into day to day terms and vice versa. This exercise was very effective in helping me to understand just how many things can be described in behavioral terms. This understanding makes the material more relevant to my life and this makes the material more interesting to study.
I didn't like how complicated some of the passages sounded! I am not used to being confused by any literature so it definitely brought me back to earth as far as how much I thought I understood behavioral literature to this point.
This chapter reinforced my new understanding of how complicated the discussion of behavior is among behaviorists. So many terms for so many things!
I again took several things from this chapter to help me understand behavior modification further.
The concept of a target behavior became clearer to me after reading this chapter. I was already fairly certain of what a target behavior refers to but this chapter helped to solidify the concept in my brainium. The completion of this assignment is the target behavior of the points you are giving me.
This chapter provided me with the terminology to describe concepts that I would have otherwise explained in layman's terms. For example, a stop sign gives me a suggestion for the behavior I am supposed to emit when I come upon it. The stop sign is a discriminate stimulus because it sets the occasion for me to respond to it.
The concepts of satiation and deprivation were also revealed to me in this chapter. I hadn't considered that providing too much of a reinforcer would not help increase a behavior any further. If I keep giving my kid candy over and over again in a small time frame as a reinforcer, he will eventually get full and candy will not help at all. Concerning deprivation, I never thought about witholding a certain percentage of crack from a crackhead as a form of reinforcement.
I liked the process of coming up with my own examples for concepts this process really helps to cement these ideas in my head. It is frustrating to have to think critically and analytically about the concepts and relating them to my experience, but it helps once I do understand because it makes the material more interesting to me.
I disliked how frustrating it was to come up with examples for each topic. Just like eating vegetables its not a pleasurable experience, but it helps in the long run.
This chapter didn't really change my previous thoughts about behavior modification. Most of the information I learned I had't even considered before. So, I wouldn't say any kind of transformation occurred but more of an augmentation of my understanding.
Discriminate stimulus, positive reinforcement, punishment, extinction, explanation operation, target behavior, emit, deprivation, satiation, reinforcer, reinforce
Before I read this assignment, my perception of behavior modification was that I had really on reached the tip of the iceberg. Prior to 1.3, we had been introduced to the ABC's, as well as punishment, reinforcement, and how they are effected by the term positive and negative. Section 1.3 further develops our infantile ability to interpret behavior language. There were three things that stand out for me in this section:
1. Obviously the idea that behavior has a language is more than just a little drilled into our heads. To quote, "the language of behavior is very precise" (first paragraph of 1.3). This stands out to me because this class is very different from any other I have taken, other than a language class. To learn psychology as a language is enlightening for me. I am beginning to see why it is that we learn the terminology, and therefore begin to utilize the terms as a language. It is just a very different approach to learning a science.
2. I experienced irritation during this section, again. It seems like interpreting a behavioral sentence would be easy, but it wasn't. I know what I want to say, but it is difficult to write it out behaviorally.
3. Elicit and Emit were introduced, and I really like using these terms. They are effective and relevant in most sentences involving behavior. I enjoyed being provided more words to add to my behavioral vocabulary, in order to better articulate my thoughts.
I really liked the use of quotations. I found the quotes inspiring and insightful, and would hope to see more!
I, again, found the amount of boxes to be tedious. But I have to admit that they are effective, and so, I know that it would be foolish to delete them because they are good at effecting learning.
Reading this section reminded me of the vastness of the vocabulary available for use in describing behavior. I was happy to have the vocabulary list lengthened. Mostly this section causes me to reflect that, for the three-ish months of experience I have of Behavior Modification, I have much to learn.
Three things I will remember:
1. Operant behavior: the behaviors that create the context for reinforcement or punishment to occur. I remember this because I can't readily use it in my speech. My approach to behavior modification has been such that I felt that it is simple and easily useable in speech. But this term serves to be more difficult for me. In fact so are a few others.
2. Discriminate stimulus: a stimulus that cues a specific response. Easy to understand, but harder to use in a sentence. What helps me remember this is the idea of two gossiping girls. Upon the entrance of the subject of their gossip, the discriminate stimulus, the gossip ceases.
3. Deprivation: withholding a desired reinforcer in order to make it more reinforcing. This one stands out for me because I really like to please people. Because of this, it is really difficult for me to deprive people of what they want. But it is really effective in eliciting the type of behavior I really like!
I really like how the terms were introduced and immediately prompted a box for response.
Again the length was too lengthy, but I did end up putting this off till the last minute due to bad!
Mostly this section has humbled me. I have a lot to learn.
Prior to reading this section, I felt that I was just beginning to understand behavior modification. The previous sections had done a very good job laying the foundation for my understanding of this concept. I felt that I had a very good understanding of what we had gone over and I felt ready to build onto the foundation of my understanding.
1. I think the thing I will remember most is comparing learning the language of behavior to learning a completely new language. Well I was working on these two sections I often found myself saying along the lines of, “It took you 3 years to learn how to speak Spanish. It can take longer than an hour to learn how to speak behavior.” Thinking of the new terms that way made learning them easy and less stressful.
2. Before you emit, something normally elicits. When I first read those two words I was very nervous about them because I saw myself mixing them up. One of the first things I noticed about these two concepts was that they are present in both punishment and reinforcement.
3. Aesop isn’t as scary as it seems. When I first read the part about rewriting the fable, I was a little worried. The prospect of using my new found language elicited a strong desire to do something else. However, once I took the time to really break down the fable, I realized that although I may not be able to carry on a fluent conversation in behavior terms, I could get my point across.
I really enjoyed doing all the examples in this section. I felt like they were simple but got the point across very well. Being made to do it on my own really reinforced the ideas and concepts.
One thing I disliked was the sheer size of the list of vocabulary. When looking at all the words and concepts, it is very intimidating to think about having to learn all of them.
This chapter did not change my view on behavior modification that much. After reading it and finishing all the examples, I am simply excited to learn more.
1. Target behavior doesn’t necessary mean more. When I first read this term, I assumed it meant reinforcing a positive behavior. I now understand that it simply means the end goal.
2. Discriminate stimulus is like the green light. The term is very easy to overlook but is necessary for the rest of the behavior to occur.
3. Satiation is very different from deprivation. At first glance, these two terms seem similar, but after reading closer, I feel that satiation is a type of punisher and deprivation is a type of reinforcement.
One thing I didn’t really like was using terms to describe other terms. It was hard to put them in my own words without copying the book and still use other terms. To use the language example again, I felt like it was trying to explain what you said in Spanish, to someone who doesn’t speak Spanish.
After reading this chapter, I feel like I am beginning to understand just how complicated behavior is. I am very excited to continue to learn and develop my language skills further.
Terms: reinforcement, elicit, punisher,
Prior to reading this chapter I thought of behavior modification as being pretty straightforward and easy to grasp. I really just thought about it in the context of teaching a dog to sit, or some other kind of basic basic task. After reading this section I realize the heavily technical and precise nature of behavior modification.
Three things that I will remember from this chapter are the terms deprivation, satiation, and extinction as they relate to the field of behavior modification. I will remember these because the chapter makes it clear that very precise terminology needs to be used to describe behavior.
I liked the example of spanish translation and heavy accents in explaining how the terminology of behavior modification may seem like a foreign language. It made clear the importance of knowing the vocabulary and it's descriptive context.
I really didn't like the fill in boxes as they can get pretty tedious, but they definitely work in helping me to grasp the material
I realize after reading the chapter that in order to describe behavior effectively, very precise language is necessary.
Three things that i learned in this chapter would have to be target behavior, discriminative stimulus, and establishing operation. I had seen these terms before but the definitions and examples shed more light on their role in behavior modification. I feel that now i can use these terms confidently in describing behavior.
One thing that i really liked in this chapter was the way that the vocabulary was presented. There are quite a few terms to learn but the explanations and examples that we had to give really helped in learning them quickly.
One thing that i did not like about this chapter was that it is repetitive. I realize that the repetition helps in learning the material, however it can get a bit dull when rehashing the same topic.
After reading this chapter i have come to understand some of the complexities of behavior and the terminology used to describe them.
Terms: deprivation, satiation, extinction, target behavior, discriminative stimulus, establishing operation
Section 1.3
Prior to reading this chapter I didn’t realize how important the terminology is. Last week when we talked about the verb, noun, and adjective of punish and reinforce, what aversive emotions are, consequences, and what emit and elicit were as well. Some new terms that I learned this week are establishing operation, which is the procedure that makes the reinforcer more reinforcing. Another term is extinction, extinction occurs in situations that were previously reinforced, but are no longer reinforced. It is going to be hard to remember all the terms, but it will be very important to use them all properly.
Some things I will remember is how the language of behavior is very precise, and is almost like a foreign language. I can’t argue that the language of behavior is like a foreign language, because it is hard to integrate all the proper terms into my vocabulary. It is also very important to be able to differentiate between the similar behaviors and classify them as different behaviors as well. This information is important to understand to be able to use the language of behavior properly.
Something I really liked about this chapter was the comparison between Spanish, and the language of behavior. The reason I liked this is because it made the reading easier to read and understand, because the way it was written and described made it easier to understand and relate to. There wasn’t anything I really disliked about this chapter besides doing some of the exercises.
Reading this chapter changed what I originally thought about behavior modification, because it opened my eyes to the importance of using the proper language. I didn’t know that if you use the improper terms you could be saying something totally different than what you meant, making it feel like a foreign language. I think using the vocabulary properly might be a struggle, I guess we will find out soon.
Section 1.4
Some things I will remember from this chapter are the difference between establishing operation and deprivation is. Establishing operation is when you take something away and it effectively alters the target behavior. Deprivation is similar but without there necessarily being any effective results, and is just the act of taking something away to change a behavior. Something else I will remember is that emitted is your voluntary actions where elicited is what causes you to emit a behavior. The reason I will remember this is because they are terms that can be easy to mess up, so I made it a point to remember these terms.
There were some things in this chapter I liked as well as disliked. I liked the exercises we had to do from the reading, because it helped me understand the terms a little better. At the same time I didn’t like how many examples we had to give during the chapter, but I know that did help me understand the material better.
The reading has made me realize once again that behavior modification is a far more complex than I originally thought it would be. It wont be so bad once I get the terminology and language down properly, it seems very overwhelming right now with all the terms, but I hope it will get easier.
Terms: Reinforce, punish, aversive, consequence, elict, emit, extinction, establishing operation, deprivation, and target behavior.
1.3 I will remember the first question asked and my response to, the reference of what Goldiamond wrote about self-reinforcement. Another thing I will remember is comparing the "behavioral language" to learning and using a new and different language such as Spanish. An additional thing I will remember are the two references of Aesop’s Fables, the bird searching to quench its thirst and the man searching to heal is dog bites. I liked the first question where I was to figure out and put in my own words what Goldiamond meant about self-reinforcement. There was nothing in this chapter that I can say I disliked.
1.4 One thing I will remember from reading this chapter is the concept of "satiation." The point at which a reinforcer ceases to be a reinforcer and will likely be a punisher. I will also remember the concept of "deprivation." A stimulus that would serve as a reinforcer is withheld from the organism whose behavior is attempting to be modified. An additional concept I will remember is "establishing operation." The manipulation of the environment or situation that will ensure that a reinforcer is actually a reinforcer to the organism being tested. I liked learning about satiation. The only thing in this chapter that I think I can say I disliked is the concept and carrying out of food deprivation on animals. At first reading it, it sounded closely towards starving an animal for result purposes. (Mistreatment of animals) But after further reading, finding that the researchers have a body weight percentage they use to find reasonable weight amount to deprive the animal to, I think it is okay then as long as they aren't brutally starving the animals.
The questions about what did I think of Bmod before reading the chapter and how has the chapter changed what I think about it, is redundant and do not want to answer it every time because I'm pretty sure I've got a hang of what Bmod is.
1.3- Before reading this section when I thought of the phrase ‘behavior modification’ the word ‘manipulation’ seemed to be synonymous. When I thought of manipulation I couldn’t help but feel like it was something way beyond my comprehension. That I was much more likely to be unknowingly manipulated myself than to increase a behavior in someone else. After reading it I understand what behavior modification is. I don’t want to tag the idea with the work ‘easy’, although the idea is rather easy to comprehend, the actual actions may not be easy to produce. I realize the importance in the choice of words used when trying to summon a particular behavior.
The first thing I will remember from this section is the application of reinforcement and punishment to my everyday life. I have never realized how everything can be placed under one of these two categories. I know I will see these behaviors and chuckle to myself because I understand them.
Second, I learned that the vocabulary used in behavior really is like a foreign language. I skimmed through the section earlier and was very confused by the Elicit/Emit section. After reading the section I understood what it was trying to say.
Lastly, I am going to remember the vocabulary terms. They are different and not defined like vocabulary usually is so it is a bit difficult when learning them. No matter how hard it is I understand how lost I will be if I do not fully comprehend these terms.
I really liked the term aversive. It was easy to understand what it can be substituted as, and the wide range of words it encompasses. It will be one of the easier vocabularies to remember.
I have an extreme dislike for the last story about the man who was bitten by a dog. While I have heard the story about the crow time and time again it still has an almost charm to it. Seeing that there was another story I had hoped it would be similar, but also new. When I finished reading it I continued to scroll down, assuming there was more. It seemed incomplete or not even started really. To be honest I wasn’t even able to translate it to behavioral terms. I didn’t feel I had enough to go on.
I now know that behavior modification if something I can produce. I am actually very excited with my new found power and looking for ways to implement it into my daily life!
1.4- First, I know I will always remember the definition of reinforcement and punishment. Even though they have already been defined to us it is different because I am defining it in my own terms. It will be easier for me to recall the meanings because it is in my own words.
Next, discriminative stimuli is a phrase I have known the definition of, but never known the actual word. It is something I have noticed, in classes especially. Then an instructor walks in all inappropriate conversations cease because they know the professor would not approve of the subject.
Finally, I am going to remember to put things in my own words to make them easier to define later. I will apply this to the vocab in this class and others.
I did not like the huge amount of definitions that I had to come up with and remember in just this one section. It seemed like a little much.
I am much more excited about this topic because I have a better understanding of it.