Reading Activity week #2 (due Monday)


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Please read sections 1.1 and 1.2.

After reading section 1.1, please respond to the following questions.

Prior to reading this chapter, what did you think about behavior modification?  Why? What are three things you will remember from what you read in the chapter? Why? What was one thing that you really liked that was in the chapter? Why? What was one thing that you disliked that was in the chapter? Why? How has reading the chapter changed what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?

After reading section 1.2, please respond to the following questions.

What are three things you will remember from what you read in the chapter? Why? What was one thing that you really liked that was in the chapter? Why? What was one thing that you disliked that was in the chapter? Why? How has reading the chapter changed what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?


1.1 Before reading the chapter I was thinking of Benhavior Modification in as a more complex issue. I still think that it is, but I am glad that the book has started out so basic. I will definetly remember the ABC's because they are the name of the text book and were mentioned several times. They were also used in all of the diagrams. I especially liked the diagrams because they laid out everything, which made the concepts easy to visualize and, therefore understand. I always understand from pictures and diagrams better. I will also remember that antecedant is the occasion that sets up the likelyhood of a behavior, based on its consequence because of the specific examples that were shown. I also found the italicising of the psych terms very helpful. I really liked this. They were clearly set apart. The definition after the word and example of the term in use was also helpful. So the textbook was succesful in eliciting the behavior of remembrance from me.
Personally I dont like that the term for performing a behavior is 'emit' because when I think of emit I think of food or warm bread emmitting oders. I picure little waves of smell wafting off of the food. So When the book kept saying they emmited the bavarior of... I kept thinking of a person with waves coming off them. At least I'll remember the word.
Like, I said before, the chapter has helped me think of Bhavior modification in more specififc terms and veiw it as simpler, for now.
First I'm hopefully going to remember all the terms because I wrtoe them down with simplified explanantions. I will also remeber them in context because of the little practice demos in the books where you filled in your own examples. I'll probably remember some of those more than the book's examples because I thought of them myself.I'll also remember the example about banging on the roommate's door to make them turn down the music, because I think they are more likely to become angry.
I disliked how some of the examples for so simple that they dont seem realistic. I mean they would probably work to modify a child's behavior for a while, but I'm sure some people could see through it. Especially if you give out a lot of praise to try an elicite favorable behavior the person might realize you are just praising them to get a response. On the other hand the examples were easy to follow. I enjoyed how the book broke down the the subjects into sections. It was good to have the puishment sections seperate otherwise things could become confusing.
i dont think my htoughts on behavior modification have changed much since reading the last chapter. I 'll have to wait untill we are farther in. Maybe when I apply it to outside situations I'll begin to see new things.

1.1 Before reading the chapter I was thinking of Benhavior Modification in as a more complex issue. I still think that it is, but I am glad that the book has started out so basic. I will definetly remember the ABC's because they are the name of the text book and were mentioned several times. They were also used in all of the diagrams. I especially liked the diagrams because they laid out everything, which made the concepts easy to visualize and, therefore understand. I always understand from pictures and diagrams better. I will also remember that antecedant is the occasion that sets up the likelyhood of a behavior, based on its consequence because of the specific examples that were shown. I also found the italicising of the psych terms very helpful. I really liked this. They were clearly set apart. The definition after the word and example of the term in use was also helpful. So the textbook was succesful in eliciting the behavior of remembrance from me.
Personally I dont like that the term for performing a behavior is 'emit' because when I think of emit I think of food or warm bread emmitting oders. I picure little waves of smell wafting off of the food. So When the book kept saying they emmited the bavarior of... I kept thinking of a person with waves coming off them. At least I'll remember the word.
Like, I said before, the chapter has helped me think of Bhavior modification in more specififc terms and veiw it as simpler, for now.
First I'm hopefully going to remember all the terms because I wrtoe them down with simplified explanantions. I will also remeber them in context because of the little practice demos in the books where you filled in your own examples. I'll probably remember some of those more than the book's examples because I thought of them myself.I'll also remember the example about banging on the roommate's door to make them turn down the music, because I think they are more likely to become angry.
I disliked how some of the examples for so simple that they dont seem realistic. I mean they would probably work to modify a child's behavior for a while, but I'm sure some people could see through it. Especially if you give out a lot of praise to try an elicite favorable behavior the person might realize you are just praising them to get a response. On the other hand the examples were easy to follow. I enjoyed how the book broke down the the subjects into sections. It was good to have the puishment sections seperate otherwise things could become confusing.
i dont think my htoughts on behavior modification have changed much since reading the last chapter. I 'll have to wait untill we are farther in. Maybe when I apply it to outside situations I'll begin to see new things.

For Section 1.1
The way I see it, manipulation of others, whether we call it that or not, is a natural part of human experience. We are all motivated by our desire to increase the pleasure and decrease the pain in our lives. We manipulate those around us, and even ourselves, in order to achieve these goals. So I'm not sure I can answer the question of whether manipulating the behavior of others is good or bad. I think this would largely depend on our motives and our means of doing so. As far as I understand, simply telling someone they should/shouldn't engage in a behavior can be enough to influence their behavior. As long as the behavior suggested doesn't harm the one it is suggested to or take advantage of them in a significant way, then I would argue that this manipulation is at least okay, if not categorically good. I understand that "significant way" is an extremely subjective term and will understand if others disagree on the exact benchmark that represents. Also, does the act of manipulation by definition mean that you are taking advantage of the person whom you are manipulation. I think if the answer to either of these questions is yes, then it is robbing the other person of their free will and is necessarily bad.
The three things I will remember from this chapter are that emit means to do or perform a behavior, that when a behavior is performed successfully in a certain context that behavior is likely to be repeated in that context, and that the antecedent and the consequences of behavior are closely connected. The first I will remember because I have been rather vocal about my dislike of its use in the blogs of the students from last semester. I now at least understand what it means and know why they were using it. The second I will remember because I found it very interesting and it seems related to certain aspects of social psychology and that is something I am very interested in. And I will remember the third because it makes a lot of sense and solidified the point for me very well. I can't really say I disliked anything about the chapter. It was too short for me to find anything to dislike. I think the chapter affected my beliefs about behavior modification minimally. Mostly, I will be sure to take into account the effect of context more often.
For section 1.2
The first thing I will remember from this chapter is the difference between punishment/reinforcement and punisher/reinforcer. I will remember this because it is something new to me and also because it is something most other people who haven't read this aren't likely to know. The second thing I will remember from this chapter is that smiling is a natural reinforcer of the behavior of smiling. I think this is neat and reminds me of that saying "Smile. It's Contagious." While the saying is a little cheesy, this information does seem to support this. The third thing I will remember from this chapter is the concept of valence. It is a completely new concept to me and I find it interesting, so I'm going to read over it some more and therefore will most likely remember it. I really like the explanation of the difference between punishment and punisher. This is because knowing this difference will be helpful to me in this class and will help me to avoid sounding unintelligent, something which is aversive to me. I didn't like that the chapter didn't provide an explanation/ example of positive punishment. I don't fully understand this concept and expected the book to explain it. In answer to the last question for this blog assignment, reading this chapter still hasn't changed my beliefs about behavior modification and I doubt they will. I think this is because the ideas presented haven't directly challenged my own beliefs and ideas. And somehow I don't think they will. The book is leaning towards the "Behavior Modification is Okay" belief and I agree with this.

Section 1.1
Before reading i did think that there was more to behavior modification than just the three steps of antecedent, behavior, and consequence. But after reading it really made me feel like this subject is very simple to learn/use. i really would like to learn how to manipulate behaviors (for the good, not in a bad way) because there are some people in my life who are natural manipulators and i would be really interested in manipulating a few of their behaviors. But the manipulation was something i will really remember. Another thing was the terms "emit" and "elicit" meaning to do or to cause behavior because i prefer these terms over actually saying that i have done this and now this has happened or that i am causing this behavior to happen. Another thing is the fact that all three stages, antecedent, behavior, and consequence are all linked. I originally understood that the antecedent, atmosphere/occasion, would be the base of a behavior and then a consequence will follow the behavior but then it later on said that based on the consequence the person received from their behavior, the behavior may or may not change due to the appropriateness of the behavior and the antecedent. manipulation really was one of my favorite things that i read and i really hope that we get to learn more about it in the future. There wasn't really anything that i had disliked in this section, mainly because it was basically our intro to what the ABCs are and i found a lot of stuff that had intrigued me. The reading made me become more interested in this subject and wanting to learn more.
Section 1.2
Three things that i will remember are; the difference between the noun, verb, and adjective of reinforce and punish. And also the actual act of reinforcing a behavior/ punishing one. And the act of self reinforcement and our choice as to whether or not we will change something we do just because the consequence didn't turn out how it should have.One thing that had interested me was that we could elicit an aversive consequence for a desireable behavior. So its basically a positive punishment, the example used was "the mother took away her sons driving privaleges because he had received a speeding ticket". one thing that i didn't like was the reinforcing act, i didn't really understand it fully because i had pictured the terms to be a little more complex but reinforcement is as easy as smiling to someone and having them smile back. I now have a better understanding after reading this section, because i can actually tell the difference between a reinforced act and a punishable act.

SEC 1.1
Before reading this chapter, I thought Behavior Modification was all about how our behaviors change as we age. I believed this because the word modify means something similar to change. I really didn't know much about this class, but that was my general idea.

The three things I will remember from reading this chapter are the ABC's of Behavior Modification, which are antecedent (what happens before any action), behavior and consequence. I will also remember manipulation isn't necessarily a bad thing, and it happens in our daily lives. Finally, I will remember that the consequences of an action always lead back to the antecedent. This causes us to perform the action again, or not to. All of these things seem like a major part in the class, so that's a main reason i'll remember them. I really liked learning about what an antecedent is and why they are important. This wasn't something i ever really though about, so I found it really exciting to know how it relates to the behavior and consequence. The only thing I didn't like about this chapter was all the repetition, because all of the topics were really easy to understand, so I found it a bit repetitive. Finally, this chapter changed my perspective of the class by finally figuring out what it was really about. It finally told me what the ABC's of Behavior Modification are.

SEC 1.2
One thing I will remember about this section is how to use the terms reinforcement, reinforcer and reinforcing are all used in different ways. Also, punishment, punisher and punishing and the difference of these terms. Second, I will remember that the tern valence means means the psychological value placed on a person or thing. Also there are positive and negative valences. Finally, I will remember that some things that are normally looked on upon as punishments can actually be pleasurable and create a positive end result. This was really interesting to me, because I had never though of something in that perspective before. The rest of these things I will remember because they were fun things to talk about, so I take a lot of interest in learning about them. My favorite part of this section was learning about the positive and negative punishments and reinforces. I really liked coming up with my different scenarios for them. One thing that I disliked about this chapter was trying to come up with the self-reinforcement. It was really difficult to come up with things on the top of my head like that. I didn't quite understand the last part of this chapter, so it made it a little difficult for me. Just like the first chapter, this chapter has helped me to discover more about Behavior Modification. I have learned all the different ways in which we use reinforcement and punishment, and it was extremely interesting and fun. I can't wait to keep reading and learning more. So far this book is really starting to change my perspective of the world and the people around me.

When I first thought of this class I thought it was going to be harder than what it seems as of right now. I understand it will become more advances as this is only the beginning or introduction of this class. I like that the chapter is breaking down the ABC's so simply for us. It will help when we are applying this to our everyday life so regularly. I liked how this book has interactions with the reader. By filling out what was necessary it will elicit the image of them in my memory. I didn't like the way we need to use the word emit. I understand what it means but to emit a behavior doesn't sound as fluent to use as other words, it may take time getting use to. This chapter was about explaining what the ABC's are. So the first thing I will remember about the ABC's is how important the antecedent is. The example in the book was the difference from telling a joke at a funeral or at a party. This taught me how important the antecedent is and how dramatically it can change the consequence. The second thing in this chapter that I will remember is how the antecedent will elicit the behavior, then cause the consequence. Lastly, the most important thing i took away from this chapter is how to apply it to my every day life. The last portion we had to fill in helped me understand how to apply it to anything.
I liked that even though this chapter entail new information it still uses the old information. This reinforces the old information into my memory better and emits me to use the vocabulary regularly. Which will help my grade during my blogs, as this is part of the assignment. I dislike the way the vocabulary is explained. I believe that it is used more easily than how it is taught in the text. The words themselves aren't hard words to comprehend, it's just the way they are explained makes it seem a little more complicated then need be. I don't know if my opinion of behavior modification has changed at all since just reading this chapter, I believe that it has merely explained some of the tools of behavior modification.

Sec 1.1
Before reading the chapter I guess I thought behavior modification was just about learning who people behave and why. After reading the chapter it is about that but also about how to make a situation turn out a specific way or make someone behave a specific way. I will remember the ABC's because they A-antecedent B-behavior C-consequence. How you can have the same behavior but one small change in the antecedent can complacently change the consequence. I will also remember that emit means to "do" a behavior.
I like how the terms relate pretty well with there meaning there is not a lot of words that fell like they mean something totally differently then what they sound like. There is the aspect about the positive and negative from my intro and social class I have learned what those terms mean as far as they are the outcome of a situation but it sound like they have a more specific meaning in this class so that will take a little more getting used to.
This reading has only change my thought of behavior modification by telling me more about it just supporting what i have already learned.

Sec 1.2
some things I will remember and I like this part of it as well is the terms the verb noun and adjective are easy to remember with reinforcement and punishment. also punishment is to decrees and reinstatement is to increase. It is very interesting on how you get the different outcomes with a punishment or a reinforcement. not sure what I dislike with this chapter but that could just be because is all new things I have never really thought about in the past and the more I learn the more I enjoy it all.

Section 1.1
Before I emitted the behavior of reading the first section of the chapter I thought behavior modification was a pretty complex concept that involved multiple steps. I also thought that it was something that was based on the behavior and what happened after that behavior. I did not really consider the antecedent or the situation in which the behavior was occurring as part of the modification of the behavior.
The first thing I will remember about the section is the ABC’s because they are the basic foundation of behavior modification. Another thing I will remember is that emitting the same behavior in tow different antecedents could produce two different consequences. I will remember this because it was presented with the behavior of telling joke in tow different settings. There are certain behaviors people just do not do but I’m beginning to understand that the consequences they have encounter while emitting these behaviors have influenced them to modify their behaviors to fit what is considered socially acceptable. The last thing I will remember from the section is that meaning of emit is “to do” a behavior. It is an interesting term and a lot more fun to say than to do this behavior will have this effect.
The thing I really liked about the section is the way the ABC’s were set up to give examples and provide an opportunity for practice. The boxes helped in understanding the relationships between the antecedent, the behavior, and the consequence. There was not really anything I disliked about this section. I thought it did an awesome job of breaking down the concepts and displaying them in a way many students can comprehend.
When I was through reading the section I realized the antecedent greatly affects the consequence. Emitting the same behavior in a different antecedent changes the consequence and therefore either increases or decreases the behavior. This is all new to me because before reading the section I wouldn’t have really thought about the way the ABC’s would be connected.

Section 1.2
The first thing I will remember about the chapter is that reinforcement and punishment involve the consequence and the behavior. I will also remember that a reinforcement procedure increases the likelihood that the behavior will happen again. Knowing the definition of reinforcement procedure will help me remember that a punishment procedure will decrease the likelihood that the behavior will happen again.
One thing I liked about the section was when it explained self reinforcement because I have friends who continue to tell jokes that no one else finds funny. It is interesting to find out that they are reinforcing themselves to do this because they believe their jokes are funny. One thing I did not like about the section was its explanation of negative reinforcement. I believe it is a hard concept and would have liked to see more examples to help me understand it.
When I was done reading the section my perception of behavior modification changed because I now understand that there are certain behaviors that people emit in order to manipulate another person’s behavior to receive the desired consequence. They can use reinforcement procedures to increase a behavior and punishment procedures to decrease a behavior. The section has shown me that behavior modification involves more than one person’s behaviors.

Terms used: emit, antecedent, behavior, consequence, reinforcement, punishment, self reinforcement

I think it is easy to think that Behavior Modification is simple. The ABC's seem simple enough that it has had a way of tricking me into believing that Behavior Modification will be simple to learn. But after reading sections 1 and 2, I am compelled to believe that understanding behaviors is not simple at all. My experience of reading the assignment has elicited in me a new consideration: that I don't know it all and will benefit from adopting a posture of humility, thus emitting learning behaviors.

What stands out from the reading for me is the idea of positive/negative, reinforcement, and negative reinforcement.

Positive/negative: positive and negative are words deeply rooted in our ordinary, day to day language. Due to this, these words stand out to me because they take on a more profound meaning in Behavior Modification. Even after reading only the first two sections of the book, I find myself more inclined to rethink how I structure a sentence whenever I want to utilize the words: positive or negative. By articulating my sentences using words like pleasurable or aversive, I find that I can more precisely say what I am attempting to get across when communicating.

I really prefer the idea of reinforcement. I believe that gaining an understanding of reinforcement can be profound enough, that the idea of punishment does not need to be utilized. I have thought a lot about how I would like to raise my children, if I ever have them. When I consider the idea of reinforcement, I find that it has positive valence (a desirable connotation). Rather than emitting punishing behaviors on my fictitious children, and thus eliciting undesirable feelings in them towards me, I can see that reinforcement schedules could be initiated in which I get to be the "good" guy in their eyes, and they can learn to self-reinforce!

I really struggled with negative reinforcement. At face value I understand the concept that emitting the behavior of giving out information will cease water-boarding, I really struggled to think up good examples. Thus I spent more time on that section thinking of examples, which I found to be an undesirable experience. It would be silly of me to think that I will always readily understand a subject as it is introduced to me, but I found that negative reinforcement sent my mind in a loop. The benefit of thinking about negative reinforcement, is that it allowed me to consider undesirable events through a desirable lens. For instance: if you get a headache, you focus on the pain. Negative reinforcement situates the headache in a way that you focus on the behavior of taking a pill and feeling better, rather than on the undesirability of the pain.

After reading section 1.1, I recognize that the ABC's of behavior must be the tip of the iceberg of Behavior Modification. The emphasis of the ABC's elicited in me an awareness of the world around me. Through this concept I find that I am already more prone to view the world through a more strategic lens. Understanding the Antecedent, or what I prefer to refer to as the context, my eyes are open to how it is that we can manipulate each other for better or for worse. For instance, in the classroom we can all choose to be interactive and vocal, stimulating discussion behaviors. If we all chose to be reluctant to speak in class, then the discussion behavior would not be emitted, and the type of class experience that I desire to have would not occur. One way to safeguard against reluctance to speak in class is the clever use of the attendance contract! By signing the contract, we are positively reinforced by receiving attendance credit. We are also positively reinforced because we are all committing to emitting discussion behaviors, which will elicit profound learning experiences.

I guess I merged the two sections, but here are three more things I will remember from section 1 and 2.

The ABC's are circular. As I have thought about the Antecedent, I can see how the consequence of a behavior sets up the context for the next occasion for a behavior. For instance, in a moment of vulnerability, I might share something personal with someone I am getting to know as a friend. How they respond to me will dictate how I in turn, continue to orient myself towards them. If they respond warmly to my personal admission, I will more likely confide in them more. If they respond in an undesirable way to me, I may not even attempt to meet up with them again. This may be due to their aversive response causing me to emit embarrassed feelings.

Another thing I learned is a new context for the idea of punishment. As I have thought about punishment, I can see how I have been raised on a punishment based schedule. Rather than emphasis being on reinforcement, it seems that the parenting style that my parents had was to punish undesirable behaviors. While this was effective sometimes, such as any time my mother would take my video games away, I find that the punishment schedule produced sneakiness in me. Rather than learning desirable behaviors, I got better at not getting caught doing undesirable behaviors. Because of this, my mother lived under the illusion of my obedience, rather than reinforcing desirable behaviors, and ultimately creating more honesty between us.

I also prefer the section on self-reinforcement. This concept is very ideal for our culture. This is probably due to our culture's emphasis on DIY (do it yourself). Self-reinforcement is rewarding by its very nature. It feels good to reinforce behaviors that I desire to regularly emit, and find that it is therapeutic too. In fact, part of the reason that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy works is due to the fact that the client has to go out into the world and change certain behaviors on their own. This process of emitting desired behaviors feels good!

While I understand the necessity of all the blank box examples, I found that I started to get irritated at the number of boxes I had to fill in at the end of section 1.2. But I can't really recommend changing the amount of boxes because they were effective in driving in the point. While the number of boxes was undesirable, they elicited learning effectively.

Reading the two sections has caused me to rethink the idea that Behavior Modification is simple. As it turns out, it is simple, and it isn't.

Prior to reading this chapter I really did not know much specifics on behavior modification, I just figured upon seeing in class the first day that it would be discussing manipulating and senerios of behavior of how the same antecedent in one situation may result in a different consequence.

The 3 things I will retain from this chapter are antecedent, behavior, and consequence because we will be using them frequently and refering back to them often.

One thing that really interested me was how you could have the same antecedent and behavior, but a totally different consequence giving the situation. These things are not something you always think about or put definitions to.

One thing that I really liked about the chapter was to learn a few new vocab words. I thoroughly enjoy learning more vocab and to know that it will be put to use only makes it a lot more easier to retain the information we've learned.

One thing I dislike about the chapter is that although I enjoy learning more vocab, having more vocab introduced and trying to remember it at times does become difficult.

Reading the chapter helps me realize that there are ways to control the situation. Again, although typically these things come as a natural response, to actually break it down and think about it for a minute makes it become more interesting. I think going forward with now knowing the ABC's it will definitely be useful in my future.

Sec. 1.2

3 Things that I will remember from this chapter are reinforcement, punishment and self-reinforcement. I think it is somewhat easy to think of a reinforcement and punishment, but it can be tricky telling them apart sometimes. I think because I personally spent a lot of time trying to come up with different scenarios between the two it helped me know and remember the difference between them. The self-reinforcement actually through me for a loop for a bit and I had to read and re-read it over and over again therefore, it seems to have stuck.

One thing I really liked about this chapter was the how in depth things are and how they are explained in terms that are easy to relate to your daily life. No one thing really particularly trumped the other as far as my liking it. I just really like how the book is written thus far.

One thing I disliked was punishment involving something ordinarily pleasurable because when it came to making examples I was lost. I didn’t seem to get it.

Reading this section of the chapter is just making me more knowledgeable in behavior modification in general. I think the relating to live situations really help keep it more interesting.

Section 1.1
In the beginning I thought behavior modification was how behavior changes based on time and how we mature throughout life. I guess I thought that because I knew modify meant a change or molding and shaping,and that would be a change of behavior. So I knew what the root words meant, it was just finding out exactly how to interpret that.
I remember the ABC's Antecedent, Behavior, and Consequence. Antecedent is what happens before the Behavior, and Consequence is what happens after the Behavior. I also remember the word emit, I had seen it in the posts we read earlier, and could kind of interpret the meaning based on context clues, but now I know that it means to do a behavior. I remember what Elicit is, and that is means to bring about or make a behavior occur.
Personally I liked all the diagrams and how interactive the books was. It makes it easier to read and then to understand. I'm more of a hands on learner, and in this book it's very hands on because it allows you to create your own examples of things that interest you. I feel like with this book I am guaranteed to remember more things. I disliked the vocabulary part the most. Although it was easy to understand the terms, I think it may be hard for me to regularly use them in the posts, if we would practice the terms in sentences than maybe I would be able to use them more.
Reading the book made me realize that our behavior is constantly changing, due to our environment, the people we are around, among many other things. Our behaviors our constantly changing, and I never really had thought of it that way. Mainly because I'd never been challenged to think of behavior in that way.

Section 1.2
I will remember that valence and that it is the psychological value placed on a person, place, or thing. It's a fun word and It made sense to me. I will also remember to use pleasurable or aversive because it was said many times to use that rather than positive and negative. I also will remember self reinforcement. I don't think this term was used when I learned about punishment and reinforcement before, so it is new to me, but it helps to explain self-motivation, and certain behaviors.
I liked the breaking up of parts into the reinforcement, punishment, and self reinforcement categories. It helps to get each little thing down. It does help, but at the same time it was the thing I dislikes, because I had done reinforcement and punishment before, and I felt like I was just rereading what I already knew. This chapter didn't really change my thinking of behavior modification so much, but I read both chapters right after the other, so it could have changed some things.

Coming into this class I didn’t really know anything about behavior modification or behavior in general. I knew that you could modify someone’s behavior because it is seen everyday in your house, classrooms, driving down the street, etc but I didn’t know the psychological factors behind it. After reading this chapter I can honestly say that I knew more about behavior modification then I gave myself credit for. The ABCs are something that you don’t really think about but occur naturally. I can say that I have stopped myself sometimes and asked myself if what I was about to say was appropriate for the situation. This is behavior modification and I wasn’t aware of it.
The three things that I found most interesting were the antecedent, behavior, and consequence. The ABCs are very simple yet are present in every form of behavior that we emit. What I mainly found interesting about them was how the book broke them down and made them easy to understand and even easier to remember.
In this chapter there really wasn’t anything that I for the most part didn’t like. As I said earlier the book did a good job of tying everything together and making it easy to understand and kept everything engaging enough to make it interesting.

This chapter took longer to understand than the last one. This chapter had more terminology and examples and as a result I had to read it a couple of times. The three things that I do understand and will hopefully remember are: valence, reinforcers, and punishers. Valence was the easiest to remember and personally the most interesting because it is a matter of good or bad. A positive valence is something that you find pleasurable and a negative valence is something that you find undesirable. Reinforcers and punishers are terms that I have heard before and this chapter put them into simplistic terms instead of giving an in depth explanation that nobody understands.
The one thing that I didn’t like in the chapter was the fact that there were so many variations of reinforcers and punishers. I found that the examples on reinforcement involving something that is ordinarily aversive and something that is ordinarily pleasurable were very hard to think of and didn’t come to me as quick as the other examples.
This chapter didn’t really change how I thought about behavior modification because I knew that it was a very complicated subject and all of the terms and examples in this chapter made it clear the behavior modification has a lot of moving parts.

1.1 Before I started reading the chapters, I thought that this class was going to be difficult to understand, confusing and time consuming. If you have never taken a hybrid class before that can be confusing, but as far as the text that you prepared for this class it's very easy to understand. I'm glad it's easy to understand then more of the information will stick with me, because like you stated in other classes if one's not interested in something or they do not understand it, ones not going to obtain it. Since, I have read the section I believe that the information and this class in general will be a big help in my career which is; Child Psychology. Three things that have stuck with me are; of course the context of ABC's, Manipulation and of course the vocabulary.
I actually didn't know that this sequence of behaviors doesn't need to go in order and they occur naturally or automatically in everyone's daily lives. They are also important because they are the basis of this class. So, that is the reason the ABC's will stick with me. One thing that will stick with me is that manipulation is not always considered a bad thing. Manipulating is part of our lives also, sometimes people don't realize they are manipulating a situation. As long as you don't use it in a negative won't be bad.
When I actually saw this class on the list and read; Behavior Modification, I thought that we were actually going to take behavior problems and try and change them. In a way we probably are doing something like that with using the ABC's sequence. Our behaviors, action's and our lives are constantly changing.

1.2 I actually found section to more appealing the section one. I have already learned a little bit of reinforcement and punishment tactics from other classes. I have learned that "when the consequences of a behavior is punishing, the future probability of the behavior occurring under the same circumstances will decease." Which means, if someone did something wrong, that person would loose privileges or something of that sort. You are punishing and not getting anything out of it versus reinforcement. Reinforcement is "when the consequences of a behavior is reinforcing, the future portability of the behavior occurring under the same circumstances will increase." If someone does something good, that person would get rewarded...making them want to get more rewards in turn doing more good deeds. I have also learned the word "valence." Valence refers to the psychological value placed on a person, place or thing.
One thing I enjoyed learning about is the reinforcement. I have always believed that rewarding children versus punishing them for something goes a lot farther. Some children are naughty because they want or need more attention, have a horrible family life at home, have no friends...there are number of reasons. So, just yelling or punishing them probably won't get through to them because they are so used to being punished. Instead, rewarding for good behavior is probably new to them and they would get recognition (attention based). One thing I didn't care for is all of the new vocabulary. Some are hard to wrap your head around I suppose...because of different means or what you thought they were.
The chapter really hasn't changed any of my thoughts too much, just enhanced them.

1.1 Previously, I had thought that behavior modification was centered on positive and negative reinforcement. I now see that my perception of behavior modification was much less then accurate and there are many more things that it deals with than just positive and negative reinforcement and punishment. I'm sure I had those perceptions due to the other psychology classes that I've taken. Most of them didn't deal much with behavior modification, but did mention reinforcement and punishment. The thing I will remember most from the chapter is the ABCs, antecedent, behavior, and consequence. They seemed to make a lot of sense to me and really stuck out as being very important, also, they were already mentioned in class and that puts a red flag on them immediately. Among other things, I will also remember that the ABCs are not linear and have more of a circle effect on each other. This stood out to me because it's something I wondered while I was reading the first page of 1.1 before reading more in depth. Another thing I will remember is the terms pleasurable and aversive. The terms seem easy enough to use, however, they stand out to me due to my common use of the terms positive and negative. It will be something that I will need to get used to. While reading the chapter I found that I really liked the examples that they gave of the use of the ABCs. The chapter was very easy to read, however, the clear-cut examples really pulled it all together for me. There really wasn't anything that I didn't like, but a challenge that I will face with this class is learning the terminology. I have heard and know what a lot of the vocabulary words in the chapter mean, but will need to get used to replacing words I commonly use with the ones I need to use. This chapter made me really think about what behavior modification is and start to think of the things people can do with it. Before, I thought it was focused on reinforcement and punishment, although, I now see that it goes much more in-depth than that.
The thing that I will remember most from this chapter is the negative reinforcement. I had known quite a bit about it before, but I learned more about it now and it will stick in my head forever probably because the example of water boarding kind of threw me off. I had never thought about something that bad being negative reinforcement, but it really makes sense. Something else that I will definitely remember is the punishers. When I thought of a punisher before, I always thought of a person, but it's not really the person, it's the action or thing that really makes it a punishment. That really makes a lot of sense to me now as well. Something else that I will remember is the self-reinforcement. I know a lot of people that do things that make no sense to me or other people, simply because they get some sort of pleasure out of it that makes them continue the behavior. I really liked filing in the ABC graphs with the punishment and self-reinforcement examples. That really helped put those things in a different perspective. However, I felt like a lot of it seemed to be repetitious, and I was not fond of that at all. This chapter really didn't change any of my thoughts on behavior modification. I knew a lot about reinforcement and punishment already, so it really just built up more of what I already knew.

Prior to this chapter I thought mostly what I know now after reading the first secion. Behaviors are basically cause and effects, determined by the enviorment at large. The three basics things I will take from this chapter are Antecedent, Behavior, and Consequence. I already had the basic idea in my head pertaining to these three words but the order of operation hit me and made me think more linearly about it.I liked the last bit about how we as people manipulate each other in everyday life for everyones benifit. Such as putting up a sign that says wet paint so as not to ruin it or your clothes. I did not really dislike anything in this chapter since it was so straight forward in the reading. Like I mentioned it has not yet changed my idea about behaviro modification so much as giving me a rough diagram on how your actions turn out. This did change my view on the way people can go about changing behavior in a more clear cut way though.

I will remember Self reinforcement, positive valence, negative valence. They are very interesing and I never realized my actions occurred due to these simple vocabulary words. I liked the aspect of self reinforcement because our whole world revolves around this concept. We do this for ourselves in almost everything we do. For instance we go to college to reinforce our career. We decide to go to a party to have fun. We have a girlfriend to enrich our own lives! I did not enjoy doing so many repetative examples of the same thing. It did not feel helpful after doing them. This chapter opened my eyes pertaining to our own behaviros and what we do in our situations. I had thought about how we act on others to manipulate them but never really pondered what we do to manipulate ourselves. This completely made me think backwards for a change.

For Section 1.1:
Prior to reading this chapter, I really didn't know a whole lot about behavior modification. I thought that behavior modification included a lot of little complex steps in order to modify one's behavior, and still do. I did not fully understand the basics of behavior modification, such as the ABC's, until now.

Three things that I will remember from what I read include the following:
1) For every behavior we emit there is an antecedent as well as a consequence. I will remember this, because it makes a lot of sense and is quite interesting when you think about it. Before reading this chapter this particular information really went without thought, but it is now something that I believe I will think about often.
2) Depending on the antecedent the consequences can be either pleasurable or aversive. I will remember this, but it truly is the antecedent that sets the stage for the outcome and consequence of the behavior. The antecedent is a huge predictor. The antecedent can either be the person or the overall environment. This too was something I had never really noticed before, but now that it has been brought to my attention it is an obvious factor when studying behavior.
3) The environment has a strong impact on behavior. When I initially read this in the chapter I really didn't think a lot about it. After reading through the entire chapter and being asked throughout to come up with my own examples of different situations, it is truly evident that environment has a profound impact with behavior and its' consequence.

One thing I really liked in this chapter was learning about antecedents. The idea of an antecedent is very interesting to me. As I mentioned earlier, I really hadn't thought about behavior so in-depth before, but now that the idea of an antecedent has been brought up, it is definitely something I consistently unintentionally associate with my own as well as others' behaviors.

One thing that I wouldn't say I didn't like but that challenged me in this chapter, was when it put the idea of behavior modification on the same level as manipulation. Manipulation has always been something that I have always looked at negatively, not positively.This chapter just challenged me in thinking of manipulation in a different way than I always have, but hey who doesn't like being challenged? It keeps life interesting!

This chapter changed the way I think about behavior modification in that it allowed me to see behavior modification in a deeper way. I now am able to pick out the antecedents when looking at an overall behavior as well as weigh the difference between the individual's impact on the behavior as well as the environment. Also, this chapter allowed me to view behavior modification as a form of manipulation whether that be good or bad, as both are possible.

For Section 1.2:
The three things that I will remember from this chapter include the following:
1) Reinforcers can occur naturally or they can be used with a reinforcement procedure. When the chapter talked about how a smile was a natural reinforcer, it is so true. It is something we don't really talk about, but just do kind of like waving back at someone who waves at us. This part of the chapter was very interesting to learn.
2) The term valence in general. I had never previously heard of the term, but it definitely is something that is valuable to know.
3) The idea of a reinforcer. Reinforcers are something all of us use from day to day without thinking about it. It is interesting to think of all aspects of my life and how reinforcers have shaped the decisions I make as well as the behaviors I emit.

One thing I liked about this chapter was learning about reinforcers, and how they might lead us to repeat behaviors. This overall topic was fascinating to me

One thing I didn't like about this chapter was trying to learn all the new terminology. At times it was difficult to try and change the way you have always learned things, but overall it expands my knowledge of behavior modification and begins to make sense in the context.

This chapter has changed the way I think of behavior modification in that it makes me think more in-depth about individuals' behaviors and why people do what they do. It also brings sense to me as to why some behaviors are continued and why some are left in the dust.

Section 1.1
Prior to reading this chapter I thought behavior modification was far more complex than the three steps (antecedent, behavior, and consequence). I also thought behavior modification was more about signs, warnings, therapy, and things like that, but after reading it is basically involved with everything we do in everyday life, an example from the book, the antecedent: go to a party, behavior: tell a joke, Consequence: people laugh. It is amazing how behavior modification seems so easy with three steps, but at the same time so complex because it basically involves everything you or anybody does.

The three things I will remember from reading this chapter are the ABC’s of behavior modification, which is A= Antecedent (before), B= Behavior, C= Consequence (after) which almost all behaviors can be broken down into these three stages. I thought this was interesting because I thought there would be more than just three steps, and it is just interesting, now knowing the ABC’s of behavior modification, to break down the things in your own life by going through the steps. Another thing that I never thought about that I learned is that manipulation is not always a bad thing, and we are manipulated everyday. I thought this was interesting because I guess I didn’t notice how much signs, laws, warnings, and various other things manipulate our everyday behavior. The third thing I learned was when we can control the antecedents and the consequences we can control the behavior. I just thought it was interesting how easy it would be to control behavior by doing this, and how we are manipulated by this everyday, for example a handicap sign says improper use will result in a fine and your car towed so they actually tell you the ABC’s of behavior modification in the sign, Antecedent (illegally park in a handicap spot), Behavior, Consequence (fine and have your car towed). They control the antecedent and the consequence, and manipulate your behavior with aversive consequences.

The thing that I really liked about this chapter was the ABCs of behavior modification. The reason I like this topic is because it helps you understand the roots of behavior modification. It is also amazing how three easy steps can break down almost every complex and/or simple decision. The thing I disliked about this chapter is the terminology. It is nothing bad or hard to do but just need to remember to use the proper terminology. Reading this chapter hasn’t changed what I originally thought about behavior modification, but has done a great job in refreshing my memory, and getting me ready for the topic of behavior modification.

Section 1.2
The three things I will remember from what I read in this chapter are first the verb, noun and adjective of the two basic behavioral principals of reinforcement and punishment. I will remember this because this is key to behavior modification and involve both consequence and the behavior. Second I hope to be able to remember all the terminology, the reason I will remember the terms, is because I need to and have to, to be able to properly understand behavior modification. Third I will remember is that the valence of a consequence can be pleasurable, desirable, or good, and it can also be unpleasant, aversive, or undesirable.

One thing I really liked about this chapter, because I found it interesting, was the different types of punishment and reinforcement. The reason I liked this section was because I just think it is amazing how many different ways there are to manipulate a behavior. This chapter has started to change my thought about behavior modification, because I am starting to realize you may be able to break down behavior modification into three steps, but it is far more complex than that, behavior modification is everywhere and is largely incorporated with manipulation.

Before reading this chapter I thought that a majority of behavior modification would be directed at modifying a behavior of someone is who doing something negative or aversive. I now realize that behavior modification can be applied to any type of behavior.

I will remember the ABC's because they are obviously a main part of the class and the title of the book. Remembering the vocab words from this section will be important, they were all basic terms that I'm guessing we will build off as we read further into the book. I liked the summary part at the end of the chapter, it has the definitions of emit "to do a behavior" and elicit "to make a behavior occur."

I really liked learning about the ABC's because I haven't really critically thought about some of my behaviors and why exactly I emit them.
This chapter changed what I thought about behavior modification because I didn't know much at all about it. The main thing that I learned was that behavior modification can be applied to anything.

I will remember reinforcement and punishment procedures from this section. It is a pretty simple and easy to understand, if someone is reinforced the probability of them emitted that behavior will increase and if that person is punished for a particular behavior the probability of them emitting that behavior will decrease. Positive and negative valence is something that I will remember because they are also fairly self explanatory.

One thing that I liked about this section was how it got into self-reinforcement. After looking at my examples of ABC's from section 1.1 I realized that they were mostly self-reinforcement examples.

The only thing that I didn't really like about this section was how reinforcement, reinforcing, and reinforcer have to be a noun, verb, or adjective. Sometimes it can be confusing but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it.

Reading 1.1
Besides behavior modification having to do with behaviors and those behaviors having consequences, I really didn't know a whole lot about behavior modification. Also, just like most of the previous bloggers, I thought that behavior modification was going to be a lot more difficult to understand than just an antecedent, behavior, and consequences. Although, it is more complex than literally A.B.C, it is pretty simplistic. One thing that I will definitely remember from this section of reading is the thought of manipulation. In a bad sense, I know all about manipulation, when I was younger I could always get my father or grandpa to do whatever I wanted them to do. But on the other hand it could be good because it could help the person that you are manipulating. Another thing that I will remember from this reading is that "Emit" means to do a behavior and "Elicit" means to make a behavior occur. I remember reading "Emit" a lot! Then, a third thing that I will remember from this reading is that we generally are unaware of the ABC's in our everyday life.
One thing about this section of reading that I enjoyed was all of the real life situations that the text included. Using real life examples makes the reading more relatable and easier to understand. I didn't dislike anything about this section of reading. It was easy to read and understand, it repeated words and definitions which I like for memorization, and all of the examples and practice guides were nice for self learning.
After reading this section I think of Behavior Modification as the same as before but I have a better understanding of the certain vocabulary words used in this text book.

Reading 1.2
One thing that I will remember about this section of reading is what valence is. Valance is the psychological value placed upon a person, place, or thing. I will remember this because I have never heard this terminology before this class. Another thing that I will remember from this section of reading is that reinforcement can cause something aversive and punishment can cause something desirable. I will remember these things because they will drilled into my head in AP Psychology and this reading refreshed my memory! A third thing that I will remember is that punishment, punisher, and punishing are all similar. One is a verb that
involves a procedure, the others are a noun and an adjective. I will remember them because it seems simple enough!
One thing that I really enjoyed about this section of reading is that most of the information that I read about was review from past psychology classes and this was a nice little memory refresher. Once again, I didn't really dislike anything, I like reviewing and repeating things I have learned in the past so it was nice to read.
Also, once again, what I think about Behavioral Modification has not really changed all that much. I already knew that behavior can be modified by either punishments or reinforcers. But the farther in depth I get into the reading, the more complex this topic seems to get. I'm excited to know the ins and outs of behavior modification, and intrigued to use my new knowledge on friends and loved ones!

Sec 1.1
Prior to reading this I thought that behavior modification was simply a branch of psychology that involved changing an individuals behavior. I thought that this was used to change behavior of individuals who were in need of it because of some psychological problem. I thought this simply from what I had learned on my own and what I had learned in my intro to psych class. After reading this section one thing that I will remember is the abcs or the antecedent or before the behavior occurs. The behavior or what you actually do, and finally the consequence or the result of the action. Another thing that I will remember is that for every behavior we emit there is an antecedent and a consequence. Finally I will remember that the terms pleasurable and aversive are used to describe positive and negative consequences. I will remember these concepts because they were very useful in helping understand the basics of behavior modification. One thing that I found interesting was the ABCs of behavior. I found this interesting because it gave me insight into how all of my behaviors can be broke down into three simple categories, antecedent, behavior, and consequences. I thought that everything in this section was interesting. I thought that all the topics were very useful in furthering my knowledge of behavior modification. Before I read this section I did not have a very good idea of what behavior modification was. After reading this section I now know that all behaviors can be broken down into three basic concepts, the situation before the behavior, the behavior, and the consequences of the behavior.

sec 1.2
One thing that I will remember are the terms punishment and reinforcement. In general punishment means doings something that will reduce the likelihood that a certain action will be taken. In general reinforcement means that the likelihood that a certain action will be taken more often. I will remember these concepts because they are the next concept that fits in with the abcs of behavior modification. Another concept that I will remember is the idea of naturally occurring reinforcements or punishments. These are things that occur naturally such as someone smiling back at us as we walk by or going outside into 20 below zero temperatures. Another topic that I will remember is positive and negative valence. This is the value that we place on things whether is be pleasurable or undesirable. One topic that I found interesting was the idea of self - reinforcement. This refers to when we take an action that was contingent on our behavior. This means that when we do good on a test then reward our selves with a new shoes it is a self reinforcement. I thought that this was interesting because it helped me understand some of the self reinforcement that I do in my own daily life. I did not find any of the material in this chapter to be uninteresting. I thought that all of the information is this section was useful in furthering my knowledge in the area of behavior modification. I think that after reading this section that my understanding of behavior modification has increased because I know understand that not only the abcs are used in understanding our behavior. We also used reinforcement, punishment, positive and negative valence, and self reinforcement are just a few of the concepts that we use in addition to the abcs.

Sec. 1.1
Prior to reading this chapter I had always thought of manipulating someone’s behavior as a bad thing. Since I did not know a lot about what behavior modification really was, I also thought that it would be a complex issue that I would have a difficult time understanding. But after emitting the behavior of reading this section, I realized that manipulating behavior really is not a bad thing and we do it every day without even realizing it. I also realized that the ABC’s are pretty simple to understand and that gave me hope that behavior modification may not be that tough to understand after all.
Three things that will likely emit the behavior of remembering for me are the ABC’s of behavior modification, the fact that the ABC’s are not linear, they are fully connected with a feedback loop, and depending on the antecedent, similar behaviors can result in different consequences. I will remember the ABC’s because we have already talked about them some in class and they were covered several times in this section. The diagrams where I could fill in A- antecedent, B- behavior, and C- consequence were very helpful. After filling in several diagrams I started to understand what each was and how it differed in various situations. I learn best by visualizing things so these diagrams really helped me understand and learn. Since this section focused so much on the ABC’s of behavior modification I am more likely to emit the behavior of remembering this idea. I will also remember that the ABC’s are not linear because there was also a diagram of this idea so I was able to visualize it. Since I am a visual learner I am more likely to remember this than I am something I just read. The antecedent and consequence are related, if the consequence is pleasurable, then the behavior is likely to happen again given the same antecedent. I found this interesting which helped me to remember the idea. The last thing that I will remember is the fact that similar behaviors can result in different situations based on the antecedent. The example of telling a joke at a funeral versus telling a joke at a party really grabbed my attention and helped me to remember this idea.
The one thing that I really liked in this section was the diagrams. I was able to participate in the readings by filling in the diagrams and by emitting the act of writing I was able to better understand the ideas being portrayed. There was not anything that I really disliked in this section however I did feel like it was a bit repetitive for such an easy concept.
Reading this section has not changed my ideas about what behavior modification is that much. I feel like I still do not know enough about it to have a good understanding of exactly what behavior modification entails.

Sec. 1.2
Three things that I will emit the behavior of remembering from this section are the differences between the noun, adjective, and verb forms for reinforcement and punishment, what reinforcement and punishment are, and what self-reinforcement is. I will likely be able to remember these things because the section really concentrated on them and had several different diagrams to fill in that helped me better understand what each one was. At first I was confused about the three different forms of the words punishment and reinforcement but after I spend a little more time concentrating on these ideas and coming up with examples I finally understood each one. I believe that the extra time I spent on this part will help me remember them in the long run. I will also be able to remember what reinforcement and punishment are and what they aim to do because I have come across these terms in other psychology courses that I have taken so this was sort of a refresher for me. Self-reinforcement is also something that I will remember because this helped me realize why people do what they do sometimes. For example why people tell jokes repeatedly even when no one ever laughs at them. Connecting this term with things that I have seen in the real world will likely help me remember it.
Like I said in the review of Sec. 1.1, I really liked the boxes where I could fill in examples of each of the topics covered. I believe that they did a good job of eliciting a learning behavior. Without these I probably would have just flown through the reading without truly understanding each term and concept. So having these boxes to fill in was a nice learning tool for me. There was nothing that I disliked in this section. I found it very interesting and informative and I enjoyed emitting the behavior of reading it. After reading this section I realized that there is a lot that goes into behavior modification and I am excited to continue to learn more. This section has not really changed my beliefs about what behavior modification is, it has just taught me a lot more about what goes into behavior modification and it has also helped reiterate that manipulation of behavior is not a bad thing.

Before reading the chapter, I thought behavior modification would involve the discussion of behaviors and the techniques that behaviorists use to modify them. The only information that I had regarding behavior modification came from classes I had previously taken that mentioned it. In these classes, studies such as the Pavlov experiment and Milgram’s experiments were discussed. So, my idea of behavior modification was shaped using these examples.
There are several concepts that I have taken from the chapter. I now understand that the antecedent is very important in determining and predicting behavior. For example if I had a stomach cramp and knew I had a disastrous fart coming, I would be much more likely to blast it out sitting at home on the couch than if I was sitting in a business meeting at the office.
I also came to realize that when you are aware of an antecedent and a consequence it can be somewhat easy to determine the behavior that was emitted. I also learned the meaning of Emit. Although it isn’t accurate for every situation, most situations provide an obvious answer. For example, if the antecedent is “At a fast food place” and the consequence is “Bringing out a bag of food” the behavior that MOST LIKELY occurred is the purchasing of food. But, is the antecedent is “On a plane” and the consequence is “Crash” any number of behaviors could have occurred.
While there are several other small things I took away from the chapter, the other most memorable truth I took from the chapter was that manipulation is only a bad thing in special situations. Everyone is CONSTANTLY being manipulated whether it be by signs such as “slippery when wet” or by the quick swipe across the neck motion your friend gives you when you’re talking to someone undesirable for one reason or another.
I liked how most behaviors can be simplified into the three steps. It makes the process of learning about behavior modification a lot easier and simple. If all concepts could be broken down into such a simple structure, no one would fail any class.
One thing that I disliked? Does there have to be one? I wouldn’t say there was anything that I particularly disliked from the chapter. It is kind of discouraging to realize that we don’t really consider the ABCs in our daily lives but then again it wouldn’t be particularly helpful to make assumptions about every antecedent we come across or deeply analyze every consequence we incur.
I wouldn’t say the first chapter changed my idea about behavior modification too much. As previously stated, I have taken courses that discussed the concept and I already assumed that modifying behavior could be simplified to an extent.
This chapter was very informative and the concepts discussed were less trivial than the last chapter. I took several things away from the reading but if I were to select three that left the biggest impression on me they would be as follows.
A reinforcement procedure is one that is trying to INCREASE the frequency of a behavior. It increases the likelihood of the behavior occurring. An example would be, “After my roommate vacuumed the living room, I said ‘Way to go Bud!’”
A punishment procedure is one that is trying to DECREASE the frequency of a behavior. It decreases the likelihood of the behavior occurring. An example would be, “After my roommate called my girlfriend a bitch, I bicycle kicked him in the chin.”
Both reinforcements and punishments can be naturally occurring such as a smile or the temperature.
Things can have a positive or negative valence. A positive valence refers to characteristics which are pleasant, appealing, or desirable. A negative valence refers to characteristics which are repulsive, unpleasant or unattractive.
These concepts are pretty easy to grasp and they are key in behavior modification.
I liked the fact that we have procedures that we have determined to be influential in modifying behavior. I also like the fact that many of the procedures we can use are subtle and/or discreet. When we praise someone for doing something they don’t assume we are trying to influence their behavior. And usually, we aren’t directly trying to influence their behavior we just appreciate whatever it is that they’ve done.
I didn’t like how confusing the chapter makes reinforcement seem. It seems that there is a difference between reinforcement, a reinforcement procedure, and a reinforcer. Aren’t they all related and BASICALLY the same thing? Plus I was confused by the idea of self-reinforcement. The book gave an example of telling a joke and no one laughs. If I still think the joke is funny, then I will continue to tell the joke because I have self-reinforced my behavior. Does this mean that when I play a video game that has a bad rating or that my friends don’t like, but I get enjoyment out of it and continue to play it, that I am self reinforcing my behavior? It’s kind of a confusing concept.
I never really thought critically about punishments and reinforcers. I thought that a reinforcer was anything that we added to help increase behavior such as money or privileges. I never thought that the removal of something aversive was a reinforcer. I also had never thought analytically about self-reinforcement, but I am still unclear about what exactly a self-reinforcer is.
You will give me points for completing this assignment. REINFORCEMENT.

Prior to reading this section I knew a few things about behavior modification. I’ve read about B.F Skinner and other behaviorists. My first thoughts about behavior modification were that it seems like a complex topic. The idea that you could change someone’s behavior is interesting to me. One of the main things I will remember about this section is the ABC’s, antecedents, behaviors and consequences. I learned that, if you do the same behavior, but change the antecedent or setting you will change the consequences. That was the part of the section I liked the best because it showed how things leading up to a behavior, or the setting of the behavior, changes the consequences and effects of the behavior.

The feedback loop is something I will also remember from this section. It shows the connection between the antecedent and the consequences and how it influences whether we do the behavior in the same circumstances. There wasn’t anything I really disliked about the section, however I would have liked more detail on what exactly counts as, or is considered to be, an antecedent. This section did not change my opinion on behavior modification, but it provided more knowledge and detail regarding behavior modification.

In this section I will remember most the concepts of Reinforcement and Punishment. Reinforcements and punishment are both used in behavior modification. Reinforcement is used to increase the behavior, while punishment is used to decrease the chances of repeating a behavior. I also learned about valence both negative and positive. Positive valences are pleasurable, while negative valences are unpleasant. Self- reinforcement is a part I found interesting. It shows that, even if other people are giving your behavior punishment or a negative response, if you give yourself a reward, by patting yourself on the back, you are reinforcing your own behavior.

This was another section where there wasn’t a topic I really disliked. I would like a few more examples of self-reinforcement just to better understand it. This section made me think about how other people’s reaction to our behaviors really changes how much or little we will repeat that behavior.

Section 1.1

Before reading this section my ideas about behavior modification involved a lot of changing behaviors, specifically stopping bad behaviors. I always think of modifying behavior as something that needs to happen to STOP a certain behavior. For some reason I never think about behavior modification as something that can INFLUENCE certain behaviors. Although, through reading this section, I have been reminded that behavior modification involves stopping and influencing behaviors.

Three things I will remember from this section are, of course, the ABC’s of behavior: A (antecedent), B (behavior), and C (consequence). I will remember these things because they were used over and over again throughout this section of the book, as I am sure they will be used a lot in the future, as well. Secondly, I will remember using “pleasurable” and “aversive” instead of “positive” and “negative” is important. I will remember this because, as the text states, “positive” and “negative” are both reserved words that have very specific meanings in our language. Thirdly. I remember that “emit” means to DO a behavior while “elicit” means to MAKE a behavior occur. I will remember this because I am sure it will be used a lot in the future of this course.

One thing I particularly liked about Section 1.1. was the repetitive use of the ABC’s of behavior. I liked this because it really engrained this concept into my brain, making it easy for me to remember and apply in the future of this course. One thing I disliked about this section was the lack of information about manipulation. The concept of manipulation was mentioned briefly early in the chapter and kind of drifted off as the chapter continued. In the summary of the section it says “Manipulation is not necessarily a bad thing.” I believe this is true and would have liked more text regarding this topic.

As mentioned earlier, this chapter has changed my ideas of what behavior modification entails. Previously, I thought of behavior modification as stopping a behavior in some sort of way. Now, I am aware modifying behavior can involve stopping a behavior, but also influencing a behavior.

Section 1.2

Three things I will remember from this section of the book are, firstly, that reinforcement and punishment are considered procedures. I will remember this because I know it is possible that I will confuse reinforcement and punishment with reinforcer and punisher. Secondly, I will remember that punishment is a procedure used in behavior modification to DECREASE the frequency of behavior and reinforcement is a procedure used to INCREASE the frequency of a behavior. I will remember this because it is extremely important to consider when using the ABC’s of behavior. Thirdly, I will remember that the word “valence” is used to describe the psychological value placed on a noun. Three are two types of valence: positive (attractive, pleasant, desirable) and negative (aversive, unpleasant, undesirable).

One think I really liked about this chapter was the explanation of the word “valence”. It was a very clear explanation and helped me understand the word “valence” because the meaning was unclear to me prior to reading this section. What I really disliked about this section was the discussion about “self reinforcement”. I mostly understand what it is, but the explanation was kind of confusing. I think I would have liked more examples so I could have more clarity.

Through reading this section, my thoughts about behavior modification have been slightly altered. I did not realize that the ABC’s of behavior modification could easily be applied to different types of consequences: reinforcement, punishment, and self reinforcement.

Before I read this chapter I just had the idea that behavior modification was being aware of your behavior and also changing it but I did not know the process, I didn’t know the actual definition of behavior modification and all that goes into it. The three things I will remember is the ABC’s. I think that they make perfect sense when understanding your behavior the outcome. The letter A meaning antecedent, B means behavior and C means consequence. It makes sense in understanding the behavior we emit there is a antecedent and a consequence. By controlling the antecedents can set the occasion for the behavior, that it will make the behavior happen. Also that by controlling consequence we can tell if a behavior will happen again or is appropriate in the future. I really liked understanding by the behavior we emit everyday there was a antecedent and consequence to that behavior, it may be a aversive or a pleasurable consequence. There wasn’t anything in this section that I disliked, I think that everything made sense and I really liked the examples that will help understand the concept better to the ABC’s. This section has helped me take the ABC’s concept in understanding the behaviors that are people are emitting everyday.

The three things I will remember from this section is understanding Reinforcement and Punishment, which they are both verbs. The nouns are reinforcer and punisher and the adjectives are reinforcing and punishing. I will also remember the terms positive valence and negative valence. The things I liked in this section is understanding the self-reinforcement, it makes since on why when negative consequence and negative valence occurs because of the behavior a person has emitted the person will still emit those behaviors because they are self-reinforcing the behavior. In this section I also didn’t find anything I didn’t liked I learned and for the most part understand what this section is talking about. I think that is was something I was aware of talking about behavior modification, but the nouns and adjectives was very interesting on how they come in play with behaviors

Before I read this chapter I just had the idea that behavior modification was being aware of your behavior and also changing it but I did not know the process, I didn’t know the actual definition of behavior modification and all that goes into it. The three things I will remember is the ABC’s. I think that they make perfect sense when understanding your behavior the outcome. The letter A meaning antecedent, B means behavior and C means consequence. It makes sense in understanding the behavior we emit there is a antecedent and a consequence. By controlling the antecedents can set the occasion for the behavior, that it will make the behavior happen. Also that by controlling consequence we can tell if a behavior will happen again or is appropriate in the future. I really liked understanding by the behavior we emit everyday there was a antecedent and consequence to that behavior, it may be a aversive or a pleasurable consequence. There wasn’t anything in this section that I disliked, I think that everything made sense and I really liked the examples that will help understand the concept better to the ABC’s. This section has helped me take the ABC’s concept in understanding the behaviors that are people are emitting everyday.

The three things I will remember from this section is understanding Reinforcement and Punishment, which they are both verbs. The nouns are reinforcer and punisher and the adjectives are reinforcing and punishing. I will also remember the terms positive valence and negative valence. The things I liked in this section is understanding the self-reinforcement, it makes since on why when negative consequence and negative valence occurs because of the behavior a person has emitted the person will still emit those behaviors because they are self-reinforcing the behavior. In this section I also didn’t find anything I didn’t liked I learned and for the most part understand what this section is talking about. I think that is was something I was aware of talking about behavior modification, but the nouns and adjectives was very interesting on how they come in play with behaviors.

Section 1.1:

Before doing any of the reading for this class, I thought that behavior modification was something one would do to for people who do things that society frowns upon. This was my belief because I really didn’t look at the idea of behavior modification on any other level; this was the first an only that really came to my mind. I’ve always thought about Pavlov and his work with dogs in conditioning at first also. I think that is because it is what we are taught about first in our intro classes so it definitely sticks with you.
The three main things that are most memorable from this chapter are; the definition of ABCs of behavior modification, the relationship between the behaviors, consequence, and how important the antecedent is, and lastly how easy it is to implement this into everyday life. The definition of ABCs made the idea of behavior modification much more simplistic, in my mind, and hence easier to understand and put into perspective. The examples and practice problems in this section also helped make this prior statement true. This can also be said about seeing the relationship between behavior and consequences. When I was able to make my own examples and fill in the blanks I saw this being true. The examples also made it clear to me that this concept can be applied to some of the simplest behaviors in everyday life, not just negative behaviors that people emit, but little things like ‘raising your hand.’
One of the things I enjoyed about this chapter was how it seemed to simply set up the overall idea of behavior modification with the concept of ‘ABCs’ while still introducing the topic in an appropriate ‘language;’ using terms like ‘elicit,’ ‘aversive,’ ‘emit,’ and so forth. This made the topic easy to grasp as well as keeping it informing.
I don’t like getting nit-picky but if I didn’t necessarily like that the section said we want to avoid terms such as ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ while discussing behavior modification; I honestly didn’t consider using such words but now that they were brought to my attention, they are in the back of my mind as equivalents to ‘pleasurable’ and ‘aversive’ and I hope that I don’t use them. However, I do understand that they were merely examples and I don’t anticipate this to be an epic concern.
After reading this section, I was able to put the idea of how behaviors have certain consequences partially do to the environment into a greater perspective. I also can see that the overall idea of behavior modification is much more than just changing negative behavior but that it can be thought of in terms of small, everyday actions like telling a joke.

Section 1.2:

From this section, the three things I will remember most are; that punishments and reinforcements can be either naturally occurring or procedural, that the consequences can be either pleasurable or aversive, and that there is such a concept as self-reinforcement. I hadn’t really thought of the concepts of punishment and reinforcement in the idea of being natural or procedural though it is clear after reading the section. I also liked that the section touched on the idea that consequences can be either pleasurable to the person or they can be aversive hence they will elicit the behavior of the person in a certain way. Lastly, the concept of self-reinforcement was quite memorable because it is something that can easily be done, just not as noticeable until I read this section.
I really liked the part about naturally occurring reinforcements/punishments versus procedural reinforcements/punishments. This section made me think a bit more about the whole concept and brought a new way of looking at the two ideas as I hadn’t really looked at this in prior classes.
The thing I disliked about this section was similar to the thing for section 1.1 and it being the use of the terms positive and negative but this time, in relation to the valence. The term valence was introduced with the term positive and negative but then was later suggested that we use ‘pleasurable’ and ‘aversive’ though positive and negative were used shortly after. It just was a little confusing.
I hadn’t really thought about the idea that certain reinforcements and punishments could be natural versus procedural until reading this chapter. I understand it fully but hadn’t really thought about the fact that there actually are naturally occurring punishments and procedures. I suppose I just never put it into perspective but knew it was there.

Prior to reading this section of the book, I didn't really know what to think about behavior modification. I guess I just thought about it literally...modifying behavior. To me, that seemed pretty self explanitory, and I didn't think much deeper about it. One thing I will remember about this chapter is what the ABC's of behavior modification are: Antecedent, Behavior, and Consequence. When I think about it, that seemes simple and like it should have been common sense to me, but I had just never really thought about it before. Another thing I will remember from this chapter is about how the ABC's are a continuous feedback loop, not just a linear equation of events. The feedback is always there, because the relationship is always there (according to the reading). Thirdly, I'll remember that for every behavior we emit, there is always an antecedent and a consequence. There is never a time where there isn't all three. What I liked about this reading was how it explained that the antecedent and consequence can be the same in a few examples, but the behavior could be completely different. You could easily think that if two are the same, the last ABC that's missing would be the same too, but that isn't the case. There wasn't anything I really disliked about this section. It was easy to understand and explained what everything meant pretty thoroughly. The reading hasn't really changed my mind on what I think about behavior mod, it's just given me more information to help me further understand what it is.
One thing I will remember about this section is where it talks about negative and positive reinforcement and punishment. When you hear negative, most people think it's a bad thing that happens, but it really just means taking something away, or decreasing a behavior. Another thing I will remember is the difference between a reinforcement or punishment that is natural, or a procedure. The example about smiling (behavior:smiling at someone, Consequence:them smiling back) increasing the probability of it happening more really helped grasp that understanding. Thirdly, I will remember where it explained what valence is. I've always known about people have good qualities or bad qualities, but didn't really know this was a way to say what it is. I really liked how this section very thoroughly explained the differences between negative and positive reinforcement and punishment. That goes along with what I didn't like, because it almost made it somewhat confusing. I thought I understood what it all meant, but after reading the section it made me question what I really know...
Reading this section has helped me better understand this aspect of behavior modification. All the types of behavior modification are used in every day life, all the time, whether discreetly or openly.

Before reading 1.1, I thought behavior modification was to learn how to read people's actions more closely and predict the outcome more precisely. I'm not really sure why I thought that to be honest, I guess I took the words behavior and modification in a way that I would be looking at someone else's behavior, not my own or made up scenarios.
Three things from the chapter that I will remember are the three letters which is apparent in the rest of the semester ahead. A for antecedent, B for behavior and C for consequence.The three letters stuck out to me because of all the exercises in both sections that we had to fill out in the text book half of the assignment. I liked thinking about the manipulation part of the assignment and reading the foot notes at the end of the chapter that looked outside of the box. I love thinking outside of the box and trying to see things others don't. The thing I disliked the most was trying to explain if behavior is more complicated than the ABC boxes or not. I could have come up with a hundred situations where it is or isn't more complex/simple and trying to explain that could take forever but I dislike being vague. My view on behavior modification has changed because I can now see that our behavior depends so much on context and environment that if we know the consequence and the antecedent, we pretty much know what the behavior was.
Three things I remember from this section was punishment, reinforcement and the term valence. I remembered the punishment/reinforcement because of all the examples we had to complete for the homework and valence because it was a term that is new to me. One thing I liked in this chapter was coming up with examples of terms that I have already learned in previous classes and such because it was easy for me and didn't take a lot of effort. Something I didn't like was the self-reinforcement because I didn't really understand that term and it was hard to come up with examples of activities people do that are usually punishers but make them into reinforcing activities. The only ones I could really think of were silly like picking wedgies and burping out loud. I don't think there was much change from section 1.1 to 1.2 in terms of my perception of behavior modification because I read them back to back.

Before reading the first part of the chapter I thought that behavior modification was this very complex thing I thought that I might not understand. I thought this because well the title seems like it would be more in depth to different behaviors or ideas about behavior. The book breaks it down so simple. It makes everything easy to understand and be able to remember it. Three things I will remember from this section is the ABCs of behavior modification. The antecedent is what happens before the behavior, Behavior is what was done, and Consequence is what happens after the behavior. They make behavior easy to understand. Almost all behavior can be broken down into these three parts. I will remember this because they gave a very good example. It was used as the Antecedent was a party, the behavior was telling a joke, and the consequence was people laughing at the joke. another thing I will remember is the consequence. it can be a good consequence like the people laughing at the joke, or it can be aversive (which is bad. The reason I will remember this is because they used the same example but they changed the antecedent. Instead of a party, it was a funeral. This changed the consequence because its not very appropriate to tell a joke at such a somber place. I will also be able to remember the terms easier because of the way they were in the book. They were italized and the meaning was right behind the word so you can see what it means and see how it was used in the sentence. One thing I really liked in the chapter was the tables they had. You would fill in the blank of a consequence, or a behavior. I liked this because it was good practice to make you apply what you learned so you know you are getting it. This actually also helped me realize how much the environment is related to behavior. There was nothing that I really disliked in the section. It just kinda laid it all out and was easy to understand. This has not changed my understanding of behavior modification it just made me realize that it is not as confusing as I once thought.

I think there was lots of information in this part of the chapter. three things that I will remember is reinforcement and punishment. They are both very important to behavior modification. reinforcement is the increase in behavior and punishment is the decrease in behavior. I also learned about reinforcers and punishers that are natural occuring. Smiling at people is reinforcing because people will usually always smile back at you, but when going outside when it is really cold out is punishment. you decrease going outside because of being cold. Other things I learned was more vocabulary. There was lots of new words in this part. we learned about the verbs, nouns, and adjectives of the basic functions that I mentioned earlier, the reinforcement and punishment. there was also the valence, which was very new. The valence is the psychological value placed on something. What I really liked in this section was the natural occuring reinforcement and punishment. I thought it was very interesting that we dont even realize that its happening. One thing that I didn't really like was all of the vocab. I learned it because it will be very helpful for the rest of the class but it was alot of different words. This isnt changing my thoughts about behavior modification it is just giving me a lot more information to learn. Im understanding how it works and how to break it down using the ABCs and the punishment/reinforcement

Section 1.1

Before I read the chapter, I wasn’t exactly sure on what to think of behavior modification. To me, when I heard behavior modification it referred to controlling behavior or changing someone else’s behavior. Now I know that there is much more to it then simply mind games and such. The biggest thing that I will remember about this chapter is obviously the ABCs and what they are. The vocabulary especially since it is going to be a part of the class (antecedent, behavior, consequence). Another important thing that I will remember from this chapter is the terminology when it comes to using terms like positive or negative. Because positive and negative mean something really specific, it is better to use terms like pleasurable and aversive. Finally, I learned that we use the ABCs everyday and in most cases are unaware that it is happening. For both pleasant and unpleasant consequences, we are mostly unaware that the consequences are due to a behavior.

Something that I really liked about this chapter and I’m sure I will like about the whole book is that there are examples that I can relate to and spaces to make my own examples. This is very helpful so that I can really understand the concepts and apply them to my own life. What I didn’t like about this chapter was that some of the examples seemed repetitive. After reading this chapter I am starting to understand that behavior modification is that every action can be explained using the ABCs. Every behavior has an antecedent and a consequence.

Section 1.2

Three things that I am going to remember about this chapter are the differences between reinforcement and punishment, what “valence” means, and that we can self-reinforce. These are the main ideas of the chapter and what I will take away from it. Reinforcement is a procedure used to increase the frequency of a behavior, while punishment is a procedure used to decrease the frequency of a behavior. Valence is a term used to, “describe the psychological value placed on a person, place, or thing”. Also, reinforcement does not only occur when dealing with other people. You can also reinforce yourself.

Something that I liked about this chapter was one of the examples given when it comes to reinforcement. The example about the roommate and doing the dishes is something that I can relate to. I am currently living with 3 other girls in an apartment and I am literally the only one who takes out the trash. I’m not exaggerating. The rest of them put it by the front door and it smells because they are too lazy to go outside and take it to the dumpster. Maybe I will try to reinforce the behavior. There was nothing that I can say I disliked about this chapter. I am still continuing to learn about the ABCs and how to apply them to my life.

Prior to reading this chapter, I was confused on what behavior modification actually was. I had never learned about the ABC’s in my previous psychology classes, or was even informed that there are such things. Three things that I will remember the most from this chapter are that controlling an antecedent can set the stage for a behavior, we are unaware that we are practicing the ABC’s on a daily basis, and that the same consequence can be brought about from different behaviors as well as different antecedents. The book uses an example where the same behavior is emitted but an altered consequence resulted, because the antecedents were different. Telling a joke at a funeral might be socially unacceptable, while telling a joke at a party could result in a good time. I found it interesting that we use the ABC’s everyday unknowingly, because it is such a big part of our daily lives. For example, even what we choose to eat for breakfast in the morning can be applied to this concept. The antecedent is one getting ready for the day, the behavior is one skipping breakfast, and the consequence is that person feeling hungry until lunch time. I will remember that the same consequence can result from different behaviors and antecedents, because it allows you to look at a consequence and then work back to the antecedent and that intrigues me. One thing that I really liked was how depending on the antecedent, a consequence can be either pleasurable or aversive. I enjoyed reading about this, because people can emit the same behavior and receive completely contrasting consequences depending on the setting. One thing that I disliked, even though it will help me, is having to switch out the words positive and negative for pleasurable and aversive. I will have to get used to the new vocabulary. My position on behavior modification has changed after reading this chapter, because I now have an introductory knowledge on what behavior modification is what the ABC’s are.
Three things that I will remember from this section is the concept of reinforcement, the concept of punishment, and the term valence. Reinforcement is used to increase the occurrence of a desired behavior. Contrarily, punishment decreases the frequency of a behavior. The term of valence describes the psychological value that is placed on a person, place, or thing. If something has a positive valence, then we like it, but if that same thing were to have a negative valence, then we don’t like it. For example, saying, “The cake was delicious!” has a positive valence. In this section, I really thought it is interesting how we can have a pleasurable outcome that involves something aversive, because it is strange think of an aversive experience ending out pleasurable. The thing that I disliked was how repetitious filling in the examples could be. I felt that the topics were easy to grasp and that the repetition was unnecessary, but maybe others would find it helpful. I originally thought behavior modification was more about modifying people’s behavior, but so far, the text has just gone over identifying behaviors and the process of behavior modification.

Section 1.1

Before taking this class, I knew that Behavior Modification dealt with changing one’s behavior. I knew certain vocabulary words, if you will, that deals with behavior modification (operant and classical conditioning, punishment, reinforcement, etc.). Then on our first day of class we discussed what the ABC’s of behavior modification were. Before syllabus day, I understood the Behavior and Consequence portion, but I did not understand the Antecedent. Now after attending that first day of class and reading section 1.1, it makes perfect sense and I also realize the importance of the antecedent.

The first thing I’ll remember, like I just said, was the importance of the antecedent. It is almost so much of an obvious concept that one overlooks it. Of course the situation and one’s surroundings would alter the behavior emitted and/or the consequences of that certain behavior. The antecedent is what sets up our entire ABC situation.

The second thing I’ll remember is the definition of the word ‘emit’. If you emit something, you do something. I understand the importance of this because it was used in this section multiple times and was also italicized whenever it showed up in the text. I kind of “caught the drift” that ‘emit’ is an important vocabulary word of Bmod and should be used in place of the word ‘do’. At the same time, this was the one thing I didn’t like about the chapter. I understand completely that we as psychology students need to be using the correct terminology. However, I do believe that certain words can be over used. I tend to notice this in all of my readings. Even while reading for fun I’ll notice when an author uses the same verb over and over. Get a thesaurus! 

Finally, I’ll remember just the ABC’s of behavior modification in general. It sounds like this will be the building blocks or the foundation of the entire course. The ABC’s are also my favorite part of the chapter because it makes sense. My favorite thing about psychology is taking general concepts and explaining them in more detail. Psychology takes common sense things yet puts them in a scientific perspective. The ABC’s of behavior modification does just that!

Section 1.2

Though kind of tricky, after reading this section I know understand the difference between reinforcement and punishment. Reinforcement is a procedure used to increase a behavior where as punishment is a procedure used to decrease a behavior. Knowing these alone is simple enough, but it’s when you add the ‘negative’ and ‘positive’ part when it gets tricky. The exercises in the section helped distinguish between the two and were very helpful.

I’ll also remember that punishment and reinforcement doesn’t have to be a behavior emitted by someone else. Punishment and reinforcement can be naturally occurring as well. This section explained the difference between a procedure and naturally occurring behaviors and punishments. Procedures are deliberate and intentional. Where as natural occurrences happen on their own.
I’ll also remember what self-reinforcement is. This is where you deliver yourself a consequence depending on your behavior. I liked reading about this because it is good to know that you yourself can manipulate your own behavior. I didn’t really know that or think about that before reading this section. We don’t really think about it this way – we just do it. But by realizing that we can modify our own behaviors can perhaps help us to obtain the consequences we desire easier.

I didn’t like the positive and negative valence section. I already knew what the word ‘valence’ meant and it was very easy. This made it very boring. I feel like once you describe positive and negative reinforcement and punishment, that also describes how you can use something with positive valence for punishment and vice versa.

Besides what I said earlier about self-reinforcement, this chapter also helped solidify my knowledge on positive and negative reinforcement and punishment. Though I already knew this before reading this section, it definitely helped me retain the information better. Besides that, so far everything in behavior modification makes sense and fits with what I already knew.

Prior to reading about behavior modification I honestly did not know a whole lot about it. Before reading, I thought behavior modification could be measured by expressing certain feelings about one’s self. My thoughts on behavior modification is simply the change of someone’s behavior to better a situation. Three things I will remember from this chapter is first and foremost is the ABC (antecedent, behavior and consequences). The second thing I remembered is a consequence could be described either as pleasurable or aversive. For example, if a child did their chore, a pleasurable (positive) consequence could be a treat whereas if he/she not do their chore then an aversive (negative) consequence is in order. The final and third thing I will remember is how setting an antecedent is just like setting a stage for the behavior. Altering the behavior may alter the consequence. After reading the chapter, I really enjoyed being able to do examples of figuring the ABC’s of a situation. I think doing examples always help me learn something better. The only thing I didn’t necessarily understand right off the bat was the vocabulary but I’m sure I will pick it up in the future the more I emit it. Reading chapter 1.1 helped me realize the proper terminology for behavior modification.
After reading 1.2, I will remember that there are reinforcements and punishments with every behavior. I also learned about the term “valence”. A valence is used to describe the psychological value of a person, place or thing. A valence can be viewed as either being positive or negative. The third item I will remember is that self-reinforcement is used when the reinforcement is self-delivered. I really enjoyed all of the detailed descriptions that describe something. For example, when reading about a negative valance, the example was given “stepping in poop.” There honestly wasn’t anything I disliked in this chapter, in fact I loved how easily I was able to read it and understand it. It was almost as if the professor was talking directly to our class instead of reading a text book. Reading 1.2 made me realize that behavior modification is more complex that I imagined it to be. Though it may seem complex in regards to the terminology, I’m confident that I will pick up the vocabulary.

Section 1.1
Before reading this chapter I thought behavior modification was changing someones behavior to achieve a certain outcome. After reading previous blogs I realized that it was more complicated then I originally thought. I will remember the ABCs of behavior modification after reading this first section and that all behavior can be explained using this method. It is obvious that the ABCs are important and they are easy to understand as well. Another thing I will remember is the importance of the antecedent. The antecedent determines if the behavior is pleasurable or aversive. That is the last thing from this chapter that is important, that there is pleasurable and aversive consequences and they increase and decrease behavior accordingly.
I liked how there was activities to help understand the different concepts. I found it extremely beneficial to have these placed in the chapter because it got me to think and come up with my own examples thus, testing to make sure that I truly know the material. I didn't dislike anything from this chapter probably because it is introductory. Overall, I enjoyed learning the concepts and I understood the information.
I now know that behavior modification isn't simply about changing a behavior but what changes the behavior and how so. I also became aware as to how much the antecedent effects behavior, even in my own life.
Section 1.2
The first thing I remember from this chapter is valence and that there can either be a negative valence or a positive valence. I had never heard this terminology before. Another thing that I remember is negative punishment and negative reinforcement. I have discussed these in previous psych classes but now I understand better how they relate to behavior modification. Finally there is self-reinforcement and how it can create the opposite outcome than what is expected. It has helped me realize one of my friends a lot more than I used to.
I liked the self-reinforcement portion of this section. It interested me a lot and I was able to use friends to help me further understand this concept. I now understand that my friend tells the same stories over and over again because he thinks they are funny despite the rest of us ignoring him. One thing I did not like about this chapter was that there was only one or two examples of some of the concepts. For certain concepts another example would have been helpful.
This section changed my perception of behavior modification by expanding my idea of what it is. I now understand that people manipulate one another on a daily basis. I also understand that while behavior modification can be basic there it also involves a lot of information.

Section 1.1--
I didn't really know much about behavior modification and while reading the posts from previous classes, I found they were using a lot of terminology that I was unfamiliar with. I am a mere 4 classes away from completing a psych undergrad degree and I was seeing words that I haven't seen at UNI yet, which made me a bit nervous. After having them explained in detail in ABC's I feel like I have a base knowledge of the terminology but I still have a lot to learn. I feel like behavior modification tends to be a loaded term because it makes people nervous. We don't like our behavior to be "modified" and often the stereotypical opinion of psychologists is that we are always attempting to 'mess with their heads'. I'm excited to learn more about this area of psychology.

This chapter really helped me to think about everyday events in a different way. I've already begun thinking about events using the concepts of the Antecedent, Behavior, and Consequences. Another things that I feel like I'll really remember that context is everything. A funeral and a party are not the same antecedent. Telling a joke at a party will go over much better than a joke at a funeral. I also hope I will remember that while the consequence could be the same, different behaviors could result in the same consequences depending on the context. I think these three concepts are very important because they seem to be the basis of behavior modification and social interaction.

I really liked the student interaction sections where I was asked to place my own answers in the boxes, I feel like that helps me to immerse myself in the material, thus allowing me to really learn and retain the information.

One thing I disliked about the chapter is purely aesthetic. As a visual person, I prefer some colors in the images. Other than that I found the information in the chapter to be really interesting and informative.

My view of behavior modification has changed a bit after reading this chapter but not that much. I'm really interested to see what else the ABC's of Behavior Modification has to offer as I learn more about the subject.

Section 1.2--
I thought it was really interesting the way that reinforcement and punishment were used. In intro psych we learn about pos/neg punishment and pos/neg reinforcement. It was refreshing to have new examples for these concepts rather than the basic ones from intro psych. It was interesting to learn about how we can apply the reinforcements and punishment to human behaviors. I'm also hoping that I'll be able to remember the term 'valence', which until this point in time, I thought of as a curtain. I also think I will remember the roles that reinforcement and punishment can play in the ABC's particular with consequences.

As mentioned above, I really like the student interaction sections and I feel like they are really helpful in retaining the information. I also liked all the examples, I feel like if I can find examples that relate to me, I will remember them better.

I don't know that there was anything I didn't like about this section. I'm really looking forward to get more in depth and begin to move away from what I would consider to be the basics.

I don't know that this chapter has really changed my feelings or opinions of behavior modification but I'm hoping that as I learn more about the subject I will be able to really delve into the topic.

Sec. 1.1
Before I read this chapter I wasn't exactly sure what behavior modification was. I thought it was just a study of psychology that had to do with behavior and how the brain works. After reading this section one thing that I will remember is the abc's. The section went into great detail to explain what each letter meant and how it's a process that everyone makes. And it is also easy to remember because antecedent, behavior, and consequence. It always has it's specific order. I will also remember that after every action you make there is an antecedent and a consequence. I wasn't too sure of the definition of behavior modification before reading this section, but the more I read the more it made sense. For every action a person makes there has to be a consequence and this section helped me realize that.

Sec. 1.2
After reading this section one thing that I will remember are the terms reinforcement and punishment. I will also remember the ABC's in this section because it again broke it down for me to understand what each word had to do with the examples or items used. I will also remember naturally occurring reinforcement and punishment. I never thought too much about this until I read the section. I didn't realize that we do things unconsciously or without knowing that we're doing something so often. I think it's pretty cool because our brain automatically knows what to do even if we aren't mentally thinking about it. After reading this section I better understand behavior modification. It is a big part of our daily lives and we don't even know that we're doing it sometimes. I know from now on that I'll go on doing my daily activities but thinking more and more about the ABC's or what is going to be affected by my behavior or actions because of the consequences.

Section 1.1

Before reading this chapter I thought behavior modification with a complex process, but after reading about the ABC's behavior modification seems to be a pretty simple process. I thought it would take the entire semester to really grasp how behavior modification works, but by simply changing either the A or the C of the ABC's can change a behavior the way you want it to be changed. Also before reading this chapter, I thought manipulation was negative term, but now I realize that is typical in everyday life.
The three things I like the most about this chapter and will remember from the chapter were 1. the examples of how the ABC's work, 2. how a behavior can serve for many functions, and 3. simply the set of the occasion changes what a behavior means. As simple as all these things are, once put together it can completely change what a behavior means in a particular setting and it's fascinating.
I did not really dislike anything about the chapter, although I think there more example exercises then needed at the end of the chapter.

Section 1.2

The three things that I will remember from this chapter are: 1. how reinforcements can increase an aversive behavior, 2. positive and negative valence, and 3. how self-reinforcments change our behaviors by increasing or decreasing them. All three of these topics are common sense when you think about them as a process of changing of a behavior, however we don't think of theses changes as processes. I think I will remember these because they simply make sense and are applicable with daily changes you want to make for yourself and others around you.
The one thing I really like from this chapter was the idea of making aversive tasks pleasurable by reinforcement. We often justify why we do things that we don't to because of reinforcements that tell us that it was worth it.
I didn't enjoy the dryness of the material in this chapter. It seemed redundant and repetitious.
Reading this chapter has made me realize the simple ways in which to change behaviors by simply offering reinforcements or punishments for the behavior. Once again it seems obvious and self-explanitory, but unless you actually take the behavior apart through the process of modification, you don't realize the simplicity of changing behaviors.

Professor Maclin, just FYI the time stamp is off by 6 hours!

Section 1.1
Before reading this chapter I thought that behavior modification was literally controlling someone. But after reading this chapter, I've come to see that it really isn't that loaded of a subject. One thing that I will remember from this chapter is that every behavior has an antecedent. There is always a reason for someone's behavior; it doesn't just occur on its own. Another thing I will always remember is that there is a consequence for every behavior. Whether it's a good thing or a bad thing, there will always be something that happens after every action (behavior). A third thing I will always remember is manipulation is not necessarily a bad thing. Manipulation can be used on a person to help shape them into being a better person in life.
I really liked the part in the chapter that just explained how the ABC's worked. It's always interesting to me to find out what different psychology terms mean and to learn more about psychological occurrences. There wasn't really anything in the chapter that I didn't like. This chapter made me realize that it's really not that hard to manipulate someone's behavior. I still believe that it's not possible to manipulate someone else's behavior; it always leads back to the person being "manipulated" who wants to change.
Section 1.2
One thing I will remember from this chapter is reinforcement. If you want a behavior to change, you need to make a positive consequence, or depending on the situation, a negative consequence (reinforcement) occur more often. Another thing I will remember is punishment. There will always be less of a behavior occurring if there is a negative punishment proceeding the behavior. A third thing I will remember is valence. If a person has a high valence for someone/something, it is more likely that their behavior is going to change based on what someone threatens concerning that thing/person.
Once again, I really just enjoyed the whole chapter. Learning about how people react to reinforcements and punishments is so interesting to me; and there wasn't really anything in the chapter that I didn't like.
This chapter hasn't really changed what I think about behavior modification but it has let me understand that behavior modification is a daily occurrence that happens all the time between all types of people.

Prior to this reading, I thought that behavior modification was only about our own behaviors and feelings. After reading the first section of the book, I understood that behavior modification was about more than just our own behaviors. We have the ability to change to mood of those around us just by displaying our own emotions. If I am feeling happy and doing productive things, it is likely that the people around me will be motivated to as well. The main points I will remember is that every action has a consequence, no matter what, good or bad. Also, that we can influence our environments with our behaviors and setting the tone of the occasion. The last thing was that even when using the same action, depending on the surrounding environment, our outcome can always be different. I really like reading about different outcomes of the same situation. It was interesting to see how quickly perspective can change when the occasion has changed. There wasn't really anything that I did not like in this reading. The reading has changed how I will always look at social outings from now on. It will be easy to see how people react to the different situations and respond to the outcomes.

Things I will remember from this chapter are that even positive outcomes can lead to a negative consequence. By adding something that is aversive to a situation you are using positive punishment. I really liked how in the section it talked about how these things are easily misunderstood. Like how could a punishment be positive? It was interesting to read the examples given and compare them to situations in my own life. Also to understand how the punishment and reinforcement tactics are useful in every day life. Again there was nothing in the reading that I did not like. It all seemed fascinating and helped me understand already how I would use what I am going to learn in this class and apply it to my life. After this reading, I learned that behavior modification is more that just a person's feelings. I am beginning to understand what this class is all about and I can not wait to learn more!

Prior to reading the chapter, I thought behavior modification would be a very interesting topic. I like the thought that I could manipulate someone's behavior to how I would like them to.
Three things that I will remember from the chapter would be 1) The ABC's of Behavior and how every behavior has an antecedent to accompany it. 2) You change change the behaviors with different contexts. And 3) I also will remember that manipulating people is not a bad thing. It can be used for many positive ways.
One thing I liked from the chapter would be knowing that one can manipulate another with almost no effort at all. It's interesting to me to watch those behaviors.
There wasn't really anything that I didn't like about the chapter. I thought everything was interesting and I'm excited to learn more!
I originally thought behavior mod was going to be some long strenuous process to emit a change of behavior but from reading the chapter, I now know that it is not the case.

The things that I will remember about this chapter are reinforcement, punishment, and the positive and negative valances. I believe all the topics to be interesting in their own way and I can't wait to try out some of the topics in everyday life.
Again, I don't really think there will ever be anything I don't like about the chapters. I am very intrigued by behavior mod and I've liked everything so far!
After reading the chapter, I learned that behavior mod is really not a complicated subject. The topics are put right in front of me and are very clear. There's not any of the complicated stuff that I expected going into this class!

1.I have always found the idea of being able to modify or change the behavior of yourself or others around you very interesting. I really enjoy knowing why people do the things they do and being able to change what they are doing was just taking that interest another step.
2.Three things I will remember from this chapter are 1-consequence does not mean bad. Has I was doing the textbook activity, I had to remind myself often that a consequence can be a good thing. 2-Most behaviors are very simple to understand. I had always thought of behavior being a very complex process but was very excited to learn that it can be broken down into three parts. 3-What causes the behavior can drastically change the consequence. This was most notable in the first example of raising a hand.
3.I didn’t enjoy making my own ABC chart. Even has I write this I’m looking at my examples and wondering if I did them right. I really don’t feel confident enough about the ABC’s to break down my own behavior.
4.I had always thought of behavior as something very complicated and hard to understand. This chapter showed me that no matter how complex the behavior, it can always be broken down, although some behaviors are easier to break down than others.

5.1-The way words end will be very important. Even though that is a very simple concept, I think in the future, I will pay careful attention to the difference between reinforcer and reinforcing 2-Antecedent is very important not only to the behavior but also to the consequence. This stuck out to me because of the example given in the book. 3-There are many different forms of punishment. As I read through the definitions in the book, I thought back on ways my parents punished me and was able to match an example from my childhood to what was in the book.

6. I really liked all the examples. Having a clear picture of what the definition looks like made it easier to understand.

7.I never really understood how many different types of punishments and reinforcers there are. I’m excited to be able to fully understand all the differences.

1.1 Before reading the chapter I had heard enough about Behavior Modification and thought of it as using a technique designed to get a certain desired result (behavior). 1) A-antecedent (setting) B-behavior, C-consequence. 2) The consequence has more of a relationship to the antecedent than I originally thought. 3) Having some degree of control over other's actions isn't necessarily a bad thing. Learning of the relationship between the antecedent and the consequence seemed very interesting to me. I didn't really like how there are so many options for the behavior and consequences when they are not given to you; I like things to be more cut and dry, however, I'm not against having to think that part through. It didn't really change much after reading the chapter, like I said before it was different learning of the relationship between the antecedent and the consequence.
1.2 1) Reinforcement is used to increase the likelihood of eliciting a certain behavior after the antecedent. 2)Punishment is used to decrease the likelihood of eliciting a behavior after the antecedent. 3) Most people find a smile to be reinforcing. I think ice cream and music sound good together lol. I disliked part of the bang on wall example for the loud music. That "punishment" will more likely result in the person playing the music louder, I think. It didn't really change what I think of Behavior Modification, just getting more in depth.

Section 1.1
Before reading the chapter I didn't really think to hard on what behavior modification was, instead I just took the words individually and by breaking those down assumed that it had something to do with our behaviors in everyday life and how we can modify them. Three things I will remember from the chapter would first off have to do with learning the word "emit" because from last weeks readings every previous students blog I read used the word frequently. So finding out that emit means do, and how it fits in with behaviors was good information. I also read how important the antecedent can be considering based on the antecedent it can alter what the consequence will end up being. Finally the third thing I read was the fact that with behavior modifications we need to use the terms pleasurable and aversive rather than using negative and positive because those two words in behavior modifcations have a very specific meaning. Ill remember these things because it seems as if I'm going to be using the terms learned often. Something that I really liked in the chapter was the examples of ABC's because for me visually seeing what I am reading is helpful in connecting everything together. Something I didn't like was how the chapter didn't cover how we manipulated people, considering we had to do a question about it I just figured there would have been a little more information presented about manipulation. I'd say after reading the chapter it changed my mind in the fact that I no longer think learning the ABC's is going to be as difficult as what I thought it would be because it's pretty easy to follow and interesting.

Section 1.2
Three things I learned from reading chapter two would be starting off with reinforcement and punishment and that and depending on how you use them you can increase or decrease the likely hood of a behavior. I also learned that using either a reinforcement or punishment as a procedure you can ultimetly change someones behavior for your benefit. Thirdly, I learned what the word "valence" in behavior modification means to describe the value put on a person, place or thing, and if it has positive valence than we like it, negative valence then we dislike it. Something I liked about the chapter was that it gave a lot of room for practicing sentences on what you had read, on the flip side though something I did not like about the chapter was that it didn't give examples on what the writing assignments were asking for. I feel like an example would have assured me I was doing it correctly. After reading the chapter it didn't change my mind on behavior modificatioon, but rather just added in more vocabulary which only helps me understand the concepts better.

Before reading this chapter I thought behavior modification dealt with changing people's behavior. I did not think about the consequences or different situations that caused the behavior. I only thought it would be about changing people psychologically, not about the actual concept of behavior. I thought this because its a psychology class and I thought it would focus on people changing themselves. I will remember that every behavior has a consequence, and the same behavior might have different consequences. I could do the same behavior in two different setting and get two completely different responses. Another thing I will remember is that the outcome will either be pleasurable or aversive. Pleasurable outcomes would be better and aversive outcomes would be the "negatie". I will also remember that we are not aware of many behaviors we emit each day. There are so many behaviors we emit and we do not even think there are consequences with them. I will remember this because it is the foundation of the ABC's. It made me think about my behavior and how I do not pay attention to the consequences of a simple behavior. I really liked the example of telling a joke because it is a great demonstration of how the environment can effect the antecedent. Two different settings would give you two completely different consequences. I did not like how it uses pleasurable and aversive instead of positive and negative because positive and negative are more common. It will just take a little time to get used to using different vocabulary. This chapter has changed my outlook because it showed me that you can have multiple consequences for different behaviors. It went into depth about the actual behavior definition, instead of specific behaviors and how to change people.
I will remember reinforcement increases how often a behavior is done, and punishment decreases how often a behavior is done. If a person is awarded for a certain behavior, they will want to do that same behavior more to get more rewards. The same goes for punishment, nobody wants to be punished so they will more than likely stop the bad behavior to avoid punishment. A reinforcement behavior is used to increase a speceific behavior, therefore it changes a person from doing an unwanted behavior and then they will act more how you want them to. I will also remember consequences will be either a reinforcer or a punisher because these ideas describe how to modify a behavior. It gives us an example of how to modify someone's behavior if you do not like what they are doing. Which my roomate can be annoying so I now know what to do to change his behavior. I really like how this section gives examples on how to modify the behavior. It proves that a behavior can be changed from bad to good, or the other way around. I did not like how many terms there were because it was kind of hard to read at first, but it was clear if you read it more than once. This section also changed what I originally thought because it showed me how easy it can be to modify behavior. You don't need a therapist or medication to change unwanted behavior, you can just do simple things like giving rewards or punishment. This section kind of reminds me of parenting, because these techniques are used in raising children also.

Section 1.1

I thought behavior modification was the process of changing people's behavior by showing them operant or classical conditioning. I knew this before this class because they have talked about it in other classes. Modifying behavior is down to a science these days and people are finding new ways and more efficient ways of doing it.
Three things this chapter taught me:
1. That there is definately going to be a vocabulary all belonging to behavior modification and there are going to be new words I'm going to have to learn and understand. It's not the same as other beginner psych courses.
2. I learned that the ABC"s are a very effective way of learning this material and that the process is relatively simple once you think about it in the ways of the ABC's.
3. I learned that the words pleasureable and aversive are much more descriptive then postive and negative. They help you fully understand what kind of behavior you are trying to describe.

Reading this section was really interesting but also slightly confusing when discussing fully what behavior modification was. that was what I expected from the first chapter and not that it was bad but just different then I thought it would be by going straight into learning about behavior. This chapter was very well put together and it really was laid out very well when explaining what points it wanted to get across and taking you step by step in everything.

Section 1.2
1. I will remember that reinforcement and punishment are now to be considered verbs and they are put together with procedures, such as a punishment procedure instead of just being considered a punishment. It is another vocabulary lesson on behavior modification.
2. I learned that there are reinforcements that occur naturally in our everyday lives. They happen sometimes without our knowledge and we just do them instinctively. And some are purposful and recognized as something to change someone's behavior.
3. I learned that reinforcemet and punishment have their own continuous loop of actions and instead of ABC it is Behavior Consequence and Probability of the Behavior happening whether it decreases or increases.

Reading this chapter helped me to better understand just how complex this class will be and how much thinking on my part I will have to put into understandin because there was some stuff that I was a little slow on and had to read twice. This included the section where it talked about the punishment and reinforcement with something that is ordinarily pleasurable or aversive. I believe this was more difficult to come up with examples for and I wasn't sure if I was completely set on what the examples were suppose to be.

1.1) Prior to reading this chapter, behavior modification sounded like it had negative connotations; in my experience, i have found it to be a bad thing when people try to control each other. I really liked the straightforwardness of the 'abc' model; it makes the subject of behavior modification much easier to grasp for me. One thing that I did not like about the chapter was the fill-in boxes. For whatever reason they take me back to the dark days of middle school busywork. Reading the chapter has helped me to understand the scientific and objective approach to behavior modification, rather than to see it as manipulation for manipulation's sake.

1.2) The first thing I remember from the chapter is that reinforcement is a procedure used to increase behavior, while punishment is a procedure used to decrease the frequency of a behavior. I also remember the difference between positive and negative valence. There isn't anything that i particularly dislike about the chapter, but if i had to be negative about something i guess it would be the over-abundance of examples given to explain the definitions. Reading the chapter has helped me to achieve a better understanding of the context and application of behavior modification.

Section 1.1
Prior to reading this section I thought that behavior modification was the act of categorizing and explaining behaviors in hopes of altering them in some way. I thought this because modifying something, in this case behaviors, means attempting to alter and change it somehow. The main thing I will remember from this section is the ABCs of behavior modification because I have been wondering what those were. I will remember them because they are important cornerstones to what behavior modification is and the basis for explaining behaviors and their outcomes. Another thing I will remember is the terminology used in this section. I will now use the terms elicit, emit, set the occasion, antecedent, and pleasurable and aversive from now whenever possible in my blogs. This is important because it is good to use the correct terminology so you will sound more like you know what you are talking about. The last thing I will remember is that the same behaviors emitted can elicit different outcomes, depending on the situation. This is important in that behaviors are very complex and do not always follow a strict system in being able to explain them. One thing I really liked about this section was the add on at the end making it a point to say that when manipulation is used in a helpful manner its not such a bad thing. I agree with this statement and was glad i saw it. There wasn't really anything I disliked from the section because it was all pretty helpful in understanding the ABCs. After reading it my views haven't really changed, but I definitely better understand the ABCs.

Section 1.2
After reading the next section the first thing I will remember is the difference between punishment and reinforcement. Reinforcement is the procedure to increase the frequency of the behavior emitted, where as punishment is the procedure to decrease the the frequency of the behavior emitted. I had learned this in prior psychology classes and it was good to reinforce and strengthen this knowledge. Another thing I will remember is that reinforcement can involve something aversive and punishment can involve something desirable. It is good to keep this in mind because these two techniques are often complex and not so clear cut. The last thing I will remember is that valence refers to the psychological value placed on a person, place or thing. This term seemed familiar to me, but I did need it further explained. One thing I really liked was the Halo reference because I played Halo and could relate to the example. One thing I didn't quite understand was the the stress on the verb, noun, and adjective use of reinforcement and punishment. I feel like the all mean the same thing, you just use different ones depending on how you word your sentences. Prior to reading this section I thought I had a good grasp on the differences of reinforcement and punishment and after reading my grasp has been strengthened substantially.

Before reading this chapter, I thought behavior modification to be about behaviors and changing behaviors. I thought it was a lot about reinforcement and punishment. We’ve talked a lot about reinforcement and punishment in other classes. It was just an introduction to it though. Three things I will remember from this chapter is: the ABC’s, that manipulation can be either good or bad (mostly good), and consequences can be good or bad as well. These things are what the majority of the chapter is about, so of course these would be things I would remember. I’ve always thought of manipulation and consequences to be bad, so learning that they can be good and most of the time are good, then I am going to remember this. I thought the section on how the ABC’s are connected was interesting. How different antecedents cause different behaviors and in turn cause different consequences. Like how the same behavior can cause different consequences with different antecedents. One thing I didn’t like about the chapter was having to come up with so many examples. It was somewhat hard to come up with some of them. It does help to learn the concept though, so in the long run it will help. This chapter changed how I viewed behavior modification. I view manipulation differently now. I didn’t realize how much we manipulate people in our day to day lives. I didn’t realize that the majority of manipulation is positive as well.

Three things I will remember from this chapter are: reinforcement increases the frequency of a behavior, punishment decreases the frequency of a behavior, and what valence means. These are all important concepts to know, so these are things I will remember. The part I found interesting is the part about reinforcement. It talks about how we can reinforce someone and that will increase a behavior that we like or are trying to get them to do. This comes in handy when trying to increase good behaviors. I also think its interesting when it talks about the natural reinforcements. Those are some things that we never even think about. We don’t think of smiling or going out in the cold without a coat to be reinforcement. One thing I didn’t like were the differences between reinforcement, reinforcer, and reinforcing and also punishment, punisher, and punishing. These are all a little confusing to understand the difference between them all.

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