Topics in the News?
What I would like you to do is to continue applying what we are learning in class to real world matters. Some might ask, "What good is learning psychology if we can't apply it to real world matters?" So that is what we are going to do with this week's topical blog assignment.
What I would like you to do is to either go to NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to what we have been learning in the class.
For your news I would like you to briefly describe/summarize your piece. 1) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced or punished behavior (be careful as there are often many behaviors in a video and you need to isolate the behavior of interest). 2) Next tell us what the consequence of the behavior is. 3) Then tell us how, that consequence either will increase or decrease the frequency of the behavior. 4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something. 5) Finally tell us to the antecedent is.
Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, positive punishment, negative reinforcement, negative punishment. Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
Now find another behavior in the same news piece and repeat the steps (i.e. do it again).
For originality sake, make sure the videos you are not using the same pieces of news the four other students before you just used.
When you are done, copy and paste the URL at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
Since we are trying to get you to use terms we are learning, please either underline the terms used (prob with a word processor cut & paste) or make a list of terms at the bottom of your post.
Let me know if you have any questions.
--Dr. M
The news article that elicited a reading behavior from me was about the increase in violence on Black Friday from shoppers trying to get good deals. People were shot, robbed, and pepper sprayed this year as people fought for the holiday sales.
1) The target behavior is spraying others waiting in line with pepper spray.
2) The consequence of the behavior is moving up in line and getting an X-box 360 at a reduced price.
3) The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior because it is pleasurable to get items at a reduced cost.
4) The consequence involves the addition moving up in line and the addition of a cheap X-box 360.
5) The antecedent is being in a large crowd during Black Friday shopping and waiting in line with only a limited number of X-box 360’s for a reduced price.
Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Large crowd during Black Friday shopping, being in line, limited number of X-box 360’s
B=Spray others in the line with pepper spray
C=Increase chance of getting X-box 360 at reduced price
This is an example of positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of a cheap X-box 360. The behavior does involves establishing operations because really great sales on X-box 360’s typically only occur on Black Friday so emitting the behavior of pepper spraying others waiting in line to get a cheap X-box 360 is not likely to be reinforced on other days of the year.
1) The target behavior protesting shopping i.e. trying to prevent people from entering at large, chain stores on Black Friday.
2) The consequence of the behavior was being pushed aside and people still shopping at the chain store on Black Friday i.e. the protestors were ignored.
3) The consequence will decrease the behavior because it is aversive to be pushed aside and have one’s cause ignored.
4) The consequence involves the addition of a push but the removal of people’s attention.
5) The antecedent is Black Friday.
Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Black Friday
B=Protesting shopping at large chain stores
C=Being pushed aside and ignored
This is an example of positive punishment in regards to the push because there is the addition of the push which is aversive and likely to decrease the behavior. In regards to being ignored, it is negative punishment because the attention of the target audience is being removed which is aversive. This behavior involves extinction because people do not listen to protestors that often so their behavior is not being reinforced. The protestors probably experienced an extinction burst in which they emitted several behaviors to try to gain attention such as yelling, chanting, waving signs, and physically getting in the way of others.
Terms: positive punishment, negative punishment, positive reinforcement, target behavior, behavior, emitted, elicited, extinction, extinction burst, establishing operations, antecedent, consequence, aversive, pleasurable
After emitting a reading behavior on, I was able to find a story about how American teenagers are driving less than they used to. The article offers several explanations for this, ranging from gas prices, to parents having less money to buy their kids a car, to the fact that teens today would rather meet with their friends online then drive to their houses. The author of the article interviews one teenage boy who chose to not get a license and car when he turned 16. He said that he preferred spending time on video games with his friends, and that was the main reason he didn’t get a car – that and it saved him a lot of money. He did admit, however, that he did get teased from his friends. He bought a car at age 23, long after he left high school. 1. The target behavior is saving money to buy a car later in life. 2. The consequence of the behavior is that he was teased by his peers. 3. The consequence is supposed to decrease the money-saving behavior. 4. The consequence involves the addition of ridicule. 5. The antecedent is the refusal to get a license or car before age 16.
A. Refusal to get license/car
B. Ridicule of peers
C. Hang out with other friends
The teasing from his friends was intended to be a positive punishment; however, it didn’t work because the teen just hung out with other friends who didn’t tease him. The reinforcement he got from having more money than others his age was enough to overcome the punishment his friends tried to inflict. The money-saving behavior elicited a desire for a car after he had enough, however. At that time, he emitted a car-buying behavior. This caused the teasing to become extinct in that area.
The second article that I emitted a reading behavior for discussed a study done that found that BPA, which is believed to have adverse health effects in high doses, can be found in urine samples for 100% of people who eat canned soup. The findings suggest that the amount of canned goods and beverages that one consumes should be limited unless BPA is not used in the coating of the metal. BPA is currently used to prevent rust and as a preservative. Several countries have banned this chemical from use, especially in baby bottles, after studies suggested adverse health effects. The study looked at the differences in BPA levels between people who ate homemade soup and those who ate canned soup. While the canned soup group had 100% show detectable BPA levels, the homemade soup group only had 77% detectable BPA levels. 1. The target behavior is to decrease the amount of BPA the body absorbs. 2. The consequence of the target behavior is to become healthier. 3. The consequence will decrease the amount of canned soup eaten. 4. The consequence involves the addition of health benefits. 5. The antecedent is new information that eating canned soup raises the body’s levels of BPA.
A. Learning new information that eating canned soup raises the body’s levels of BPA.
B. Eating homemade soup instead of canned soup.
C. Becoming healthier.
This is an example of positive punishment, because we are adding health benefits (positive) to decrease the amount of canned-soup-eating behavior (punishment). In this case, the punishment is enjoyable, since homemade soup is frequently better-tasting than canned soup anyway. These finding elicit a throwing away reaction to the cans of soup that I may have in my cupboard….I will have to emit a searching behavior for new recipes for soup!
Terms: emitting, behavior, target behavior, consequence, decrease, addition, antecedent, positive punishment, reinforcement, elicited, extinct, adverse
I chose to emit a reading behavior of an article called Fighting Childhood Obesity: It's a Family Affair. This article is about steps a family can take to reduce childhood obesity and maintain a healthy diet for their children. The overall goal is not necessarily to lose weight, but instead to maintain a healthy lifestyle and improve confidence in that weight without gaining.
1) The target behavior in this article is to maintain a healthy weight by gradually cutting back on junk food and increasing the amount of exercise.
2) The consequence of this behavior is becoming a healthier person overall.
3) This consequence will increase the behavior because it will create more confidence and will make the child feel better.
4) This target behavior involves both the addition and removal of a stimulus. It involves removing junk food gradually while steadily increasing the amount of exercise the child takes part in as well.
5) The antecedent to this behavior I believe would be the child sharing his or her feelings to his parents about his or her weight.
A= Child sharing his feelings about his weight
B= Maintaining a healthy weight by decreasing junk food and increasing exercise
C= Increased confidence and healthier lifestyle
This is both an example of negative reinforcement and positive reinforcement I believe. I believe it is negative reinforcement because it involves the removal of junk food which has a negative effect on the body to increase the behavior of maintaining a healthy body weight. I it also positive reinforcement because it is adding exercise which has a positive effect on the body. It could be punishment in a way, but since the consequence is trying to increase the behavior of maintaining a healthy weight, it is not a punishment. In the program, it is meant to be a positive thing and the children don't even realize that there is anything aversive taking place. It elicits a positive response rather than a negative one because these children are taking part in these activities with family and see that others are doing it too. The exercises could even be activities such as playing games with the family as well. That is why I believe that negative and positive reinforcement are used.
1) Another behavior emitted in this article is that a parent should listen to his or her child's cry for help.
2) The consequence of this behavior is that the parent can find a solution to help the child with his or her weight problem, which will therefore lead to a happier, healthier life.
3) This will increase the frequency of the parent listening to the child because they will see that the child is happier overall and therefore they will believe that listening to the child can help with other problems as well.
4) This behavior involves the addition of the mother's listening which is a positive aspect.
5) The antecedent could be that the child was having problems at school being bullied about his or her weight.
A= Child having problems at school
B= Parent listening to the child's problems
C= Parent helping solve the child's problem
This behavior is an example of positive reinforcement because the parent is adding the fact that he or she is listening to the child which, in turn, reinforces the child by helping him or her solve the problem with weight and health. In the future, however, this could result in extinction because the child might be tired of the parent knowing all of his or her problems, and may even try to get the parent to stop listening in on his or her life. It could turn into a punishment instead.
Terms: target behavior, emit, elicit, consequence, extinction, aversive, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, punishment, antecedent
After emitting a behavior of reading an article about a Vermont man taking his own life after a hunting accident, I related the behaviors of the individual to concepts we have learned in class. On Saturday, a hunter in Vermont emitted a behavior of taking his own life after accidentally killing a friend while deer hunting. The 49-year-old man, Timothy Bolognani, was found dead next to the man he accidentally shot, Benjamin Birch. According to Mark Colford, a man hunting with Bolognani and Birch, Birch emitted a behavior of shooting a deer, and while tracking it Bolognani shot at the deer but missed and hit Birch. Birch cried out in pain, and the other two found him injured. When the police arrived at the scene, they emitted a behavior of finding Birch dead from the gunshot wound, and Bolognani also dead by his own hand. No foul play was suspected. Unfortunately, this is the second tragedy to strike the family of former state representative Betty Bolognani. Tim Bolognani’s daughter, Jessica, was killed in a snowmobile accident, when she fell off her own and was run over by another snowmobile early in 2010.
The target behavior I have emitted a behavior of choosing to discuss is shooting a loaded gun. In this situation, the behavior of shooting a gun elicited a consequence of killing an individual. This consequence will result in decreasing the likelihood of the individual emitting the target behavior, because the consequence is aversive. This consequence elicits the removal of something, unfortunately, the removal of a friend’s life. The antecedent in this situation is people emitting a behavior of hunting deer.
A= hunting deer
B= shooting a loaded gun
C= killing a friend
This is an example of negative punishment because the consequence elicits the decrease in frequency of the target behavior. Unfortunately, in this situation extinction is involved because the behavior will be extinguished because the person emitting the target behavior is no longer capable of emitting the behavior.
Another target behavior I have chosen to emit a behavior of discussing is running over a person on a snowmobile. In this unfortunate situation, an individual emitted a behavior of accidentally running over another person, Jessica Bolognani, and killing her as a consequence. This consequence will elicit a decrease in the target behavior because the consequence is aversive. The consequence elicits the removal of something, unfortunately, the removal of a person’s life. The antecedent is people emitting a behavior of riding snowmobiles.
A= riding snowmobiles
B=running over a person on a snowmobile
C=killing a person
This is another example of negative punishment, because the consequence elicits a decrease in frequency of the target behavior. Sadly, extinction is probably involved in this example because the person will be apprehensive about riding a snowmobile again, due to the negative memory of killing a person while riding one. Thus, if the behavior of riding a snowmobile is decreased, then the behavior of running over a person while on one, will hopefully be extinguished, because the person will hopefully be more careful in the future, if they choose to emit a behavior of riding a snowmobile again.
Terms used: behavior, emitting, emitted, elicited, consequence, negative punishment, antecedent, target behavior, aversive, extinction, extinguished
After emitting a behavior of reading an article about a Vermont man taking his own life after a hunting accident, I related the behaviors of the individual to concepts we have learned in class. On Saturday, a hunter in Vermont emitted a behavior of taking his own life after accidentally killing a friend while deer hunting. The 49-year-old man, Timothy Bolognani, was found dead next to the man he accidentally shot, Benjamin Birch. According to Mark Colford, a man hunting with Bolognani and Birch, Birch emitted a behavior of shooting a deer, and while tracking it Bolognani shot at the deer but missed and hit Birch. Birch cried out in pain, and the other two found him injured. When the police arrived at the scene, they emitted a behavior of finding Birch dead from the gunshot wound, and Bolognani also dead by his own hand. No foul play was suspected. Unfortunately, this is the second tragedy to strike the family of former state representative Betty Bolognani. Tim Bolognani’s daughter, Jessica, was killed in a snowmobile accident, when she fell off her own and was run over by another snowmobile early in 2010.
The target behavior I have emitted a behavior of choosing to discuss is shooting a loaded gun. In this situation, the behavior of shooting a gun elicited a consequence of killing an individual. This consequence will result in decreasing the likelihood of the individual emitting the target behavior, because the consequence is aversive. This consequence elicits the removal of something, unfortunately, the removal of a friend’s life. The antecedent in this situation is people emitting a behavior of hunting deer.
A= hunting deer
B= shooting a loaded gun
C= killing a friend
This is an example of negative punishment because the consequence elicits the decrease in frequency of the target behavior. Unfortunately, in this situation extinction is involved because the behavior will be extinguished because the person emitting the target behavior is no longer capable of emitting the behavior.
Another target behavior I have chosen to emit a behavior of discussing is running over a person on a snowmobile. In this unfortunate situation, an individual emitted a behavior of accidentally running over another person, Jessica Bolognani, and killing her as a consequence. This consequence will elicit a decrease in the target behavior because the consequence is aversive. The consequence elicits the removal of something, unfortunately, the removal of a person’s life. The antecedent is people emitting a behavior of riding snowmobiles.
A= riding snowmobiles
B=running over a person on a snowmobile
C=killing a person
This is another example of negative punishment, because the consequence elicits a decrease in frequency of the target behavior. Sadly, extinction is probably involved in this example because the person will be apprehensive about riding a snowmobile again, due to the negative memory of killing a person while riding one. Thus, if the behavior of riding a snowmobile is decreased, then the behavior of running over a person while on one, will hopefully be extinguished, because the person will hopefully be more careful in the future, if they choose to emit a behavior of riding a snowmobile again.
Terms used: behavior, emitting, emitted, elicited, consequence, negative punishment, antecedent, target behavior, aversive, extinction, extinguished
Holiday Shopping: How To Spend Meaningfully
After emitting the behavior of reading this article, I learned it is about how to spend your money well during the holiday season. She talks about the word "haimish" which is a Yiddish word that means "warmth, domesticity and unpretentious conviviality." Then, she goes into saying that you should stay on the Haimish side that is comfortable and isn’t as expensive.
The target behavior would be buying a smaller house, rather than a big house. The consequence would be saving money, and being happier because it is what Haimish stands for. You are closer with people, generally, literally and mentally. It involves the addition of a smaller house, and removal of a larger house.
A= Holiday Season
B= Buy a smaller house
C=Save money, and be happier with “Haimish”
This would be an example of positive reinforcement. She used her personal story about having a smaller house, and it was cozier, and the neighbors were nicer. This elicited a pleasurable response to her because it reinforced her (increased the frequency) to continue buying homes that are smaller, not as luxurious.
When she talked about the more luxurious house, it could be an establishing operation, because it made the smaller home she moved into more reinforcing.
The target behavior would be eating at communal table. This elicits more pleasurable conversation and meeting new people. It is usually livelier and cozier. This would involve adding dinner at a communal setting. The antecedent for this example is the holiday season, but this could be something you do to improve any season of your life.
A=Holiday Season
B=Eat at communal table
C=Trade “fancy” restaurants for a meaningful dinner= happier
Since this article elicits behaviors to INCREASE, this is another example of positive reinforcement. Eating at a communal table is reinforcing because it elicits a pleasurable, home-like feeling. The holiday season elicits these behaviors because it can be a good time that people are joined together.
The weight and overall health of our children is a major concern for our country today. The article that I found that interested me was about how fighting childhood obesity should be less and individual mission for the child and more oriented around the family as a whole. The program is designed around a traffic light system to let the children know what they are eating red for the worst foods, green for healthy foods, and yellow for ok foods. This program allows kids to cut back on their junk food intake at a gradual rate making it less shocking for the child to change immediately. The idea of the program is to help develop healthy habits in kids now that they are able to use the rest of their lives.
1. The targeted behavior is to get the child live a healthier lifestyle through better eating habits.
2. Through the program the child keeps track of their diet and if they progress with the program the child’s eating habits should improve.
3. As the child follows the program their eating habits improve and their dependence on junk food is lessened.
4. The consequence is that junk food is removed for the benefit of the child’s health.
5. The antecedent to this would be a parent seeing their child struggling with their weight.
A. Parents realize their child has a weight problem.
B. The child eats too much unhealthy food.
C. Parents take the junk food away and the child lives a healthier life.
This treatment is a form of positive punishment. By taking away unhealthy food that the child may enjoy the parents are able to help their child live healthier.
1. Gabriel loves burritos which aren’t necessarily a healthy food.
2. Gabriel joins the program and keeps track of the food that he eats.
3. Gabriel through the program reduces his “red lights” from 90-30 food items per month.
4. By reducing the amount of unhealthy food Gabriel is able to live a more healthy life.
5. Gabriel’s parents realize he has a weight problem.
A. Gabriel’s parents notice that he has a weight problem.
B. Gabriel is a self-confessed burrito lover along with other unhealthy foods.
C. Parents enroll Gabriel into the health program and as a result he becomes healthier by eating healthier foods.
Once again the treatment is a form of positive punishment. Gabriel has his favorite foods taken away but because of this he is able to live a healthier life.
NPR: Bringing Audi Back, For A Younger Audience
I elicited the behavior of reading this article on the marketing strategies of Audi and other luxury cars. Marketing executives of companies such as Audi, Chrysler and Fiat are choosing to feature pop stars such as Justin Timberlake, Eminem, and Jennifer Lopez respectively. Using this type of strategy creates a market that focuses on very young consumers, eliciting them to buy their luxury cars. Audi claims to have the most affluent consumers as well as the youngest out of the three. This response was elicited by the use of Justin Timberlake in their commercials who is the youngest out of the three mentioned pop stars. 1) The first target behavior is represented when Audi emits the behavior of using Justin Timberlake in their commercials. 2) The consequence of this behavior is having the most affluent and youngest customers compared to Audi’s competitors. 3) This consequence will elicit the target behavior to happen more frequently because having a young and affluent consumer population is a desired consequence. 4) The consequence involves the addition of something to their consumer population. 5) The antecedent of this behavior is selling cars in a sluggish economy.
A= Selling cars in a sluggish economy
B= Using Justin Timberlake in the company’s commercials
C= Having the youngest and most affluent consumer population
This scenario is an example of positive reinforcement. It involves the addition of something and the consequence increases the frequency of the target behavior.
1) The second target behavior is redesigning cars. This is the behavior Audi elicited in order to sell more cars. 2) The consequence of this behavior is that you sell more cars which elicits a positive response. 3) The consequence will elicit an increase in frequency of the target behavior because it elicits a positive response. 4) The consequence involves the addition of something and that is profit. 5) The antecedent to this target behavior is not being able to sell enough cars.
A= Not selling enough cars/ not making money
B= redesigning the look of the cars
C= Selling more cars/ making more profit or money
This is another example of positive reinforcement. The target behavior is reinforced by the consequence of selling more cars which will ultimately increase the frequency of the target behavior. Obviously the company was experiencing some form of extinction before they redesigned the cars; they were no longer being reinforced with a profit when they still had the old design. Redesigning the cars was a way to counteract the extinction. There might come a day when Audi needs to redesign the cars again because of another extinction in the new design.
I chose to emit a reading behavior about a 5 year old kindergartener who was bound by his feet and hands, was arrested, charged, and taken to a mental hospital. The boy (Michael) is suffering from the disorder ADHD. Michael emitted an acting out behavior in class, did not listen, and distracted other students. The school thought it was necessary to bring in a “school police officer” to have a talk with Michael. The officer reported that after he touched Michaels hand during the conversation, Michael pushed him, pushed all the papers off the desk, and then kicked him in the knee. This story had now brought on a controversy asking “was this much?” and what other measures should, and can be emitted.
1)) One of the target behaviors being emitted in this article would be the 5 year old boy assaulting the officer. One of those target behaviors would be kicking the officer in the knee.
2)) The consequence to this behavior is that the boy get his hands and legs tied down, arrested, charged and is taken to a mental hospital
3)) this consequence is pretty aversive, and it would most likely decrease the behavior the boy emitted.
4)) The consequence of this behavior would remove something, as well as add something. The removal from this consequence would be that the boy is removed from the school, yet the addition to this consequence would be that Michael was charged, and taken to a mental hospital, which would both cost money (even thought the charge was eventually dropped).
5)) The antecedent would be the police officer meeting with the boy, and touching his hand.
A)) The police officer touching the boys hand
B)) The boy assaulting the police officer (pushing, and kicking)
C)) The boy being arrested, charged and put into a mental hospital
I would say that this is an example of negative punishment. The boy received something aversive after his actions; which means he will most likely not do those same things again, such as kick, and push the officer. The consequence he received elicits a decrease in the target behavior, which would make it a punishment.
There was also another story cited in this SAME article about an elementary student girl who was talking too much, so a paraprofessional in the classroom taped her mouth shut with clear tape, to prevent her from emitting a talking behavior.
1)) The target behavior would be placing clear tape over a young girls mouth
2)) The consequence of the behavior would be that the paraprofessional was put on leave
3)) The consequence will most likely decrease this target behavior, because something is being removed
4)) The consequence of this behavior would elicit a decrease of something, and in this case her job. The individual that taped the girl’s mouth shut was currently put on leave, which means she is currently unemployed, and this could also mean it is the removal of money or income considering his behavior she emitted could potentially mean a loss of her job.
5)) The antecedent would be in a classroom
A)) In a classroom
B)) Paraprofessional taping a young girls mouth shut
C)) Being put on leave
I would also say that this is an example of punishment, because the paraprofessional is getting something taken away. Eliciting this behavior put her on leave, which means she had the removal of her job, which also means she has a removal of money, and income, which could potentially elicit the removal of other things considering she will have less money (it could really go on and on..). Also, this could lead to extinction, because this leave could potentially turn into her being fired, which may mean she would lose her license, which means she can no longer teach.
BMOD Words: Aversive, consequence, elicit, emit, target behavior, behavior, removal punishment, negative, extinction, antecedent,
I emitted a reading behavior over an article from the Huffingtonpost. This article was named "American Students Abroad Told to Avoid Protests." It discusses American students studying abroad in Egypt and how professors and advisors are trying to keep students safe by keeping them away from the protests. Some students find the protests happening in Egypt intriguing and want to experience the movement first hand. Some students were arrested by the Egyptian officials for standing on top of the buildings near the protests and other have been caught fleeing from police raids around the area. Many of the schools involved in the study abroad program have pulled their students from Egypt because of the danger involved, while a small amount of schools still believe it's safe and educational. Some of the students behaviors may lead them to consequences that are dangerous during the protests.
1. The target behavior of the students are wanting to join in on the protests to show support or for the thrill of the movement.
2. The consequence of the some of the students behaviors were getting arrested by the Egyptian officials.
3.The consequence of the students actions will probably decrease their behavior of wanting to go back to the protests but it may elicit them more to want to go back again.
4.This behavior of students elicits the addition of thrill and therefore may increase their behavior.
5.The antecedent in this situation are the protests happening in Egypt because of the democratic movement taking place and history is being made.
A-The protest happening in Egypt
B-going to the protests to support or learn about the movement
C-risking getting hurt/killed or arrested by Egyptian officials
I believe that for the students deciding to stay, this would be positive reinforcement. They understand the risks involved and the thrill elicites them to join in on the protests. On the other hand, some students may find this movement dangerous and find it as a negative reinforcement because the protests is a negative situation to be in the middle of and it's dangerous and so avoiding large crowds and outrage, this increases our behavior of because of a negative situation.
Also, in this article, Universities began pulling students out of the Egypt because it was considered too dangerous.
1. The target behavior here is making the students go back home looking after their safety.
2.The consequence is possibly ending students experiences but keeping the students safe.
3.The consequence is positive but could also be looked at as aversive because it is such a such a dangerous situation to put their students in.
4.This will increase the universities behavior to be more cautious on where they are able to send their students.
5.The antecedent is making the decision on whether or not they want to make students leave or let them stay for the experience.
A-large decision of making students stay or leave
B-Sending most students home for their safety
C-cutting of the students experience in Egypt could upset students
This is an example of punishment, because they removing the students from the study abroad program because of a dangerous event taking place, but it is also considered a positive thing because they are concerned about students safety. This may lead to extinction in the future areas of where students are allowed to travel and study abroad. But not to the extinction of studying abroad all together.
The article I found dealt with the issue of HIV in the United States. According to this article, the United States isn’t doing a good job of treating people with HIV, therefore Americans can expect to see many future cases of HIV in the future. However, If we treated HIV more efficiently, we would be likely to see a decrease in this epidemic. Another problem that is causing HIV to spread is that often times people are unaware that they even have this disease, so educating people about HIV is also crucial in stopping HIV from spreading.
1.) The target behavior is not treating HIV cases efficiently.
2.) The consequence is that HIV is still spreading.
3.) The consequence of HIV spreading will hopefully decrease the target behavior because HIV spreading is aversive.
4.) The consequence involves the addition of HIV viruses.
5.) The antecedent could be a number of things: poor research on treatments of HIV, laziness of doctors while administering treatment, etc.
A= Poor research on treatment of HIV
B= Not treating HIV cases efficiently
C= HIV spreads
This is an example of positive punishment because by increasing the spread of HIV, this will likely decrease the likelihood of people not treating HIV cases efficiently in the future.
1.) The target behavior is people coming in for treatment.
2.) The consequence of the target behavior is that HIV spreading will decrease.
3.) The consequence will increase the target behavior because we want to stop the spreading of HIV.
4.) The consequence involves the removal of HIV virus spreading.
5.) The antecedent is educating people about HIV and its symptoms.
A= educating people about HIV and its symptoms
B= people come in for treatment of HIV
C= HIV stops spreading
This is an example of positive reinforcement because by adding education, more people will come in for treatment.
After emitting a searching behavior I found an article about HIV/AIDS in the deep south. After emitting a reading behavior I learned that this article was about an increased number of people living with HIV/AIDS in this part of the country and the stigma that goes along with that especially in rural areas. It talked about the people receiving treatment away from their community so others wouldn't know they had the disease, the lack of treatment being received, and the reasons why there is such an overwhelming negative stereotype against people with this disease in this part of the country. The first target behavior I found was a man that asked a local pastor to come to his partner's deathbed to pray for him. This target behavior was punished; the consequence of the target behavior was that the pastor refused to do what the man was asking of him. This particular consequence would most likely decrease the frequency of this man from asking that same pastor or other pastors to do that same behavior. I think this consequence involves the addition of something, the pastor telling the man no. The pastor's response isn't removing anything from the situation. The antecedent is the man dying from HIV/AIDS.
A= The man dying from HIV/AIDS
B= The man's partner asking the pastor to come pray for him
C= The pastor refusing to pray for him
I think this is an example of positive punishment because the target behavior (asking) elicits an aversive consequence that will likely decrease the likelihood of him emitting that target behavior again. Also the consequence involved to addition of something ( the pastor saying no).
After emitting a reading behavior I also found a target behavior of moving. The daughter of a female preacher in South Carolina moved back home when her mother got sick. The consequence of this behavior is that the daughter will take care of her ailing mother. The consequence of this behavior (taking care of her mother) would increase the likelihood of her emitting the moving behavior again since it seems like she cares about her mother so if she ever moved away again and her mother became ill she would most likely want to move back and care for her. The consequence involves the addition of something (care for her mother). The antecedent is the mother getting sick.
A= Mother getting sick
B= Daughter moving back home
C= The daughter takes care of the mother
I think this is an example of positive reinforcement because the target behavior will most likely elicit a desirable consequence (caring for her mother), and it involves the addition of something (her care for her mother).
Terms: emit, elicit, aversive, target behavior, consequence, positive punishment, positive reinforcement
The article that I chose to relate to class this week is about how the former CEO of Blackwater is threatening to sue a congresswoman who has been and continues to make degrading remarks about the military contracting company.
1) The target behavior that is being punished in this article is the negative comments about Blackwater by the congresswoman.
2) The consequence of these behaviors are the former CEO of the military contracting company threatening the sue the congresswoman because her comments are eliciting a negative response from the former CEO.
3) This consequence will more than likely decrease the emitting of the behavior because who would want to be sued? Usually using something like suing the person will stop the aversive behavior.
4) The consequence involves the addition of the threat to sue the congresswoman if the comments continue.
5) The antecedent in this case is Blackwater USA being tied to a shooting in 2007 that left 17 civilians dead.
A= Blackwater being tied to a shooting in 2007 that left 17 civilians dead
B= A congresswoman, who was a harsh critic of Blackwater ever since the incident, continues making "defamatory statements" about the military contracting company
C= The former CEO of Blackwater threatens to sue the congresswoman if the statements continued
This is an example of positive punishment because the congresswoman is being punished for her actions, and the punishment will more than likely cause her to stop emitting the behavior.
After reading further into the article, I found another behavior that could be applied.
1) The behavior that is being punished here is the actual shooting incident in 2007 that Blackwater was tied to.
2) The consequence of the behavior was the Iraqi government refusing to renew the firm's operation license, as well as The State Department refusing to renew their contract with the company in 2009.
3) The consequence here will definitely stop the behavior from happening, because the company has lost support in many ways. I think this is an eye opener to show them that they need to be more careful.
4) This consequence involves the removal of the firm's operating license as well as their contract with The State Department.
5) The antecedent here is Blackwater being a main military contractor in Iraq.
A= Blackwater being a main military contractor in Iraq
B= Blackwater becoming tied to the 2007 shooting that left 17 civilians dead
C= Iraq refusing to renew Blackwater's operation license as well as The State Department refusing to renew their contract with the firm in 2009.
This is another case of positive punishment because Blackwater is being punished for the shooting, and something like that is bound to not happen again with their firm because they lost a lot of confidence and support from very important people and places.
Terms: target behavior, aversive, elicit, emit, positive punishment, consequence
After emit a reading behavior of BBC news I choose a new about Honduras. In this country because of the highest murder rate elicited by drugs, army is called to help police and fight this problem.
1) The target behavior is the Honduras Congress voted to allow troops to take on police duties.
2) The consequence of this behavior should be the decrease of murders is Honduras.
3) The consequence will decrease the number of deaths in Honduras.
4) The consequence involves the removal of violence in the country.
5) The antecedent of this behavior are the elevate number of murders in Honduras.
A= Highest murder rate.
B= Congress voted to allow troops to take on police duties.
C= Decrease the violence and murders in Honduras.
This case is an example of negative punishment, because there is the removal of the violence of the streets with the troop’s intervention. I think there are no extinction because they can’t take care of all the violence but they can control a part and avoid so many murders.
1) Doubts about the implications of sending the army to do police work.
2) The troops are not prepared to deal with civilians.
3) If the troops are not prepared will increase the frequency of the doubts about the decision of the congress
4) The consequence involves the confirmation of the doubts about the implication of the troops on police work, so there is an addiction of doubts.
5) The antecedent is the Congress has voted to allow troops to take on police duties.
A= Congress voted to allow troops to take on police duties.
B= Doubts about the implications of sending the army to do police work.
C= Troops are not prepared to deal with civilians.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because there is an addiction of doubts if the troop’s don´t do a good work, and there is an aversive consequence.
Terms used: positive reinforcement, behavior, antecedent, consequent, extinction, emit, negative punishment, aversive.
I emitted the behavior of reading an article regarding body image and how positive or negative thinking causes individuals to emit certain responses that eventually become habitual. Many individuals are displeased with their appearance, and think negative thoughts about themselves. The negative thoughts elicit a negative response such as eating junk food. According to the article, overtime, the neurons in the brain will wire together and form neural networks. Once these neural networks are established, habits are formed. The article suggests that one should think positive thoughts and emit positive behaviors in order to form a better body image. The target behavior discussed in the article is thinking negatively about oneself. The consequence of the target behavior is emitting negative responses such as eating junk food. The consequence will increase the frequency of the negative thinking because the aversive, negative response will make the individual’s body image worse. The consequence involves the addition of a negative response. The antecedent is a person having a poor body image.
A- Negative body image
B- Individual thinks negatively
C- Emits negative (aversive) responses (e.g. eating junk food)
This is an example of positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of a negative response such as eating junk food, which will increase the frequency of negative thoughts.
The article states that being emotionally aware of your feelings which will encourage you to think positively and engage in healthier responses. The target behavior is to think positively. The consequence of this behavior is engaging in healthier responses such as going on a jog. The consequence will increase the frequency of the target behavior because engaging in healthy activities will elicit positive feelings about one’s body image. The consequence involves the addition of healthier or positive responses. The antecedent is being aware of your feelings.
A- Being emotionally aware of feelings
B- Thinking positively about self
C- Emitting positive, healthier responses
This is an example of positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of healthier responses which will increase the frequency of positive feelings or thoughts. This is also an example of DRO or differential reinforcement of other. The article encourages DRO in order to improve body image. Instead of emitting negative thoughts and responses, the article encourages emitting positive thoughts and responses.
Words used: Aversive, positive reinforcement, emit, elicit, differential reinforcement of other, antecedent, target behavior, consequence
I emitted the behavior of reading an article about how to avoid holiday weight gain. This is something that is probably on every one’s minds right now. People are trying to emit different behaviors to not gain a lot of weight and have an aversive outcome after New Year’s. The article explains five different reasons why holiday weight gain happens: scheduling problems, stress, ever-present food, cold weather, and peer pressure to eat those delicious foods. The smell of all those goodies can elicit a behavior of eating as much as a person can.
1.One for the target behaviors in this article is doing light exercise in the morning such as jumping jacks or light stretching.
2.The consequence of emitting this behavior of jumping jacks or stretching is that a person will get their metabolism going for the day and burn a few calories before even starting to eat.
3.This consequence of burning calories in the morning will increase the behavior because people will feel better about eating holiday treats because they started off their day right with some exercise.
4.It is an addition of something because it causes people to burn some calories and boost metabolism in the mornings.
5.The antecedent is the behavior of feeling guilty or over-weight for eating so many goodies.
The ABCs are:
A= Guilty or over-weight feeling from eating so much
B= Do jumping jacks in the morning
C= Boost metabolism and burn calories to be able to eat more food
I believe this is an example of positive reinforcement. People will feel better about themselves when doing exercise so they can eat more. Seeing no or very little weight gain will reinforce them to continue light exercise. Extinction could occur after the holidays because people may get tired of doing light exercise in the morning when they aren’t eating as much after the holidays.
Emitting the behavior of reading the same article, there was also evidence that cold weather plays a factor in weight gain during the holidays. It is hard for people to exercise outside because it is so cold and people don’t like going out in the cold to their cold cars to go to the gym.
1.The target behavior I will explain this time is the behavior of warming up muscles before exercise.
2.The consequence of warming up muscles before exercise is that it will be easier to begin your workout and you will be less sore the next day.
3.Not being sore the next day could increase the behavior of warming up muscles before exercise because you won’t have aversive pain the next day.
4.The consequence involves the addition of staying warm all day and pumping the heat up really high in the car on the way to the gym.
5.The antecedent is the behavior of feeling cold or stiff.
The ABCs are:
A= The feeling of being cold or stiff
B= Stretching or putting the heat on high in the car before going to workout
C= Get a good exercise in and not being sore the next day
This is an example of positive reinforcement because by reinforcing yourself to stay warm you will be more likely to go to the gym or workout. Feeling good after working out will also reinforce a person positively because they will feel good about themselves and their body. Extinction will occur when it comes to having the heat on high in the car when the weather starts to get warmer.
B. Mod. Terms: behavior, emit, elicit, target behavior, extinction, aversive, antecedent, consequence, positive reinforcement, reinforce.
I read an article about a woman, Heather Mayo who had emitted the behavior of calling the police to have her boyfriend removed from her house. The elicited response was their arrival on the scene. The boyfriend then proceeded to emit the behavior of showing the cops the vehicle in which she had driven and had borrowed on the night of an unsolved hit-and-run, the victim had died. Heather was then arrested and interrogated and finally admitted to the crime she had committed. She was charged with leaving the scene of the crash and driving while intoxicated.
1) The target behavior was Heather calling the cops.
2) The consequence of the behavior was the arrival of the cops.
3) The consequence will increase the likelihood of this behavior occurring again because the response she had hoped for was elicited.
4) The consequence involves the addition of something, the police.
5) The antecedent was the boyfriend being in Heather’s home.
A: The presence of Heather’s boyfriend in her home.
B: Heather calling the police.
C: The police arriving on the scene.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the response elicited was initially the response she had hoped for and it is positive because it involved the addition of the police. However, I am going to assume that extinction has occurred because of the consequence of the behavior which will be talked about next.
1) Heather’s boyfriend emitting the behavior of showing the police the vehicle which had been involved in an unsolved hit-and-run accident which had happened prior to these events.
2) The consequence of this behavior is Heather’s arrest.
3) The consequence will likely increase the likelihood of this behavior being emitted again (as I assume this was the response he expected).
4) The consequence involves the removal of something, Heather’s presence.
5) The antecedent is the presence of the police (to pick up Heather’s boyfriend).
A: The police at Heather’s house (which were there to pick up Heather’s boyfriend).
B: Heather’s boyfriend showing the police the vehicle which was involved in an unsolved hit-and-run.
C: Heather being arrested.
This is an example of negative reinforcement as it involved the removal of Heather from the picture. I assume that this was reinforcement for the boyfriend because I do not think that he would have emitted the behavior of showing the police the car had he not wanted the elicited response of her being taken away.
I read an article on Huffington Post that addressed an uprising issue across London restaurants and food establishments. In this particular article, it discusses a restaurant that has recently started enforcing a 'baby tax' for bringing your young children out to eat. The mother was initially outraged by the extra $5 that was added to her bill. This restaurant claims that this 'tax' is enforced when toddlers eat, but just not as much as children. The behavior I am particularly examining is the restaurant adding a extra tax fee for parents with young children/toddlers. However, I (and many others) believe that restaurants have started incorporating this tax as a way to discourage parents from bringing the children. Therefore, the consequence of this behavior is parents bringing their children out to eat less frequently. In this case, the behavior involves the addition of something, which is the 'baby tax'. Finally, the antecedent seems to stem from a number of reasons or possibilities. I think that the main antecedent is how children in restaurants require extra care and attention. They're messy, they're loud, they're rowdy... From my personal experiences of working in the restaurant business, I can say that taking care of small children while waiting tables is a hassle and requires extra cleaning and attention.
A = The extra care, cleaning, and attention children require when at a restaurant.
B = Restaurant enforces a 'baby tax' when parents bring their children out to eat with them.
C = Parents less likely to bring their children out to eat, or may be more cautious of children's activities while out in public.
This is an example of positive punishment, because it involves the addition of the new tax, while discouraging parents to bring children to restaurants.
Another behavior I observed within this story was at the end. A mother spoke out about how she thinks the tax is reasonable. She was thinking on the same lines as I was earlier by saying that children are a hassle and definitely require extra attention. I believe the consequence of this behavior the mother emitted is that more mothers and fathers will understand and grasp the concept of this extra fee. When you see other parents rationalizing (instead of being biased to their "perfect" children), it's easier to understand and be content with this tax. I think the consequences of this mother speaking out about this issue will increase the likelihood of parents obeying this tax and bringing to realization how their children can become an "inconvenience" to restaurants. The consequence involves the addition of the mother's words. Without them, I think that parents would continue to pretend their kids are perfect and never cause a ruckus while eating out. The antecedent to this behavior must be the mother's own experiences with restaurants and children. I think we have all see or witnessed the wrath of kids when they come to restaurants... It's sometimes as if they'd eaten ten pounds of sugar before dinner, then end up running around the restaurant for 30 minutes without eating a single thing. It's frustrating to witness, and that is why this mother chose to support this 'baby tax'.
A = Seeing first-hand how children disrupt restaurants.
B = Women with children of her own speaks out and agrees with the new tax.
C = More parents will start to see the reasons why they added the tax and spend less time fighting it.
This behavior is an example of positive punishment because it involved the addition of an aversive stimulus, which is the mother speaking out against outraged parents, and this stimulus will, in turn, decrease the frequency of upset parents.
The article that elicited a reading behavior from me was an article on the BBC website about the Canadian hokey riots in Vancouver.
1) My Target behavior was the fans and attendees of the hockey game who rioted. This is a punished behavior because it is dangerous and they rioted because they lost.
2) The consequence was thousands of dollars of damage, loss of integrity for the city of Vancouver and injuries. Jail time and fines.
3) We hope the consequence will decrease the behavior because so many aversive behaviors occurred.
4) The consequence involves the addition of jail time and fines for those involved.
5) Loss of a hockey game
A: Lost a hockey game in the NHA final
B: Riots
C: Jail time and loss of integrity
This involves negative punishment because they are taking away freedom with jail or money with fines. With these consequences the police and city of Vancouver hope to elicit a behavior of reducing the behavior of rioting.
The other behavior I will emit a behavior of writing about is the behavior of police tear gassing the rioters.
1) The target behavior was the police spilling tear gas at the rioters in order to get them to stop.
2) The consequence is the rioters getting sick and leaving so they stop.
3) This will decrease the frequency of the behavior because it is aversive
4) It involves the addition of tear gas and pain
5) Riots and dangerous situations.
This is positive punishment because the police adding tear gas to the antecedent.
#1 The article I chose to read was called “London Restaurant Charges Moms a “Baby Tax” and this article was located on the website Huffington Post. I found that this article was very interesting and disturbing because 2 different mothers were charged baby tax for having their toddler/ infant in the restaurant COSMO because they were “taking up space.” These mothers were very upset and even reported to the restaurant staff, but they wouldn’t even budge because it was in their “new policy.” Later on in the article it discusses that the restaurant values parents and their children and that they would be retraining their wait staff immediately and apologizing directly to the 2 mothers.
1. The target behavior was taxing on the bill due to having a baby in the restaurant COSMO.
2. The consequence of the behavior was paying extra for having their child taking up space.
3. The consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior because the mothers will not want to return to the restaurant due to poor service.
4. The consequence involves the addition of tax on the bill.
5. The antecedent was Cosmo Restaurant
A= Cosmo restaurant
B= having baby in restaurant without eating
C= results in taxing on the bill
This is an example of positive punishment because it includes the addition of tax on the bill and will decrease the frequency of the behavior of returning to COSMO. The mother emitted a behavior of having the baby take up space which resulted in an aversive feeling and would eventually cause the extinction of never returning to that particular restaurant.
#2. 1. The target behavior was the restaurant defending themselves to the media.
2. The consequence of their aversive behavior was poor customer service/ having people boycott the restaurant
3. The consequence will decrease the behavior of the restaurant taxing other customers for having their children with them.
4. The consequence involves the removal of bad service to future customers.
5. The antecedent was Owner of Cosmo restaurant.
A= Owner of Cosmo restaurant
B= defending restaurant to media
C= removal of bad service for future customers
This is an example of negative punishment because the consequence will elicit a decrease the frequency of taxing mothers for their children who do not eat in the future. Moreover, the consequence provides a removal of bad service because the restaurant does not want to look bad.
The article that I chose to read was titled “Coffee shop caffeine levels ‘vary’ widely” by Eleanor Bradford from the Scotland Health Correspondent. The article talks about high street coffee shops posing a risk to pregnant women because of the large variations in the amount of caffeine in each cup. Researchers found that of 20 shops, one was six times stronger than the others. Too much caffeine can result in miscarriage or a low birth weight. It’s such a risk for pregnant women because they metabolize caffeine much more slowly. The FSA currently advises pregnant women to consume no more than 200mg of caffeine a day. The analysis done showed the amount of caffeine ranged from 50mg per cup from Starbucks, up to over 300mg per cup from another coffee house, Patisserie Francoise.
1) The target behavior is pregnant women emitting the behavior of drinking more than 200mg of coffee a day.
2) The consequence of a pregnant woman drinking too much caffeine can cause risk of miscarriage or a low birth rate.
3) This is a very serious consequence that will definitely decrease the behavior of pregnant woman drinking more than the recommend amount of caffeine per day.
4) The consequence involves the removal of emitting the behavior of drinking caffeine.
5) The antecedent is a pregnant woman drinking going to a coffee shop.
A= Pregnant woman going to a coffee shop
B= Pregnant woman drinking more than 200mg of caffeine in a day causing potential pregnancy risks
C= The decrease of the behavior of drinking more than 200mg of caffeine a day
This example would be considered negative punishment because the consumption of caffeine is being taken away from the pregnant woman. If the woman found drinking more than 200mg of caffeine a day pleasurable, this is negative punishment because we are taking away something that they enjoy doing so we can decrease the frequency of the undesired behavior.
Second target behavior:
1) The next target behavior is the behavior of coffee shops like Patisserie Francoise putting a lot of caffeine in their drinks.
2) The consequence of this behavior is losing customers that are expecting.
3) Losing customers of any sort should cause a decrease in the behavior of adding caffeine to their coffee drinks.
4) The consequence involves the removal of certain coffee shops adding too much caffeine to their drinks.
5) The antecedent in this case would be an employee making a coffee drink in a coffee house such as Patisserie Francoise.
A= An employee at Patisserie Francoise making an espresso
B= The employee emits the behavior of adding more than 200mg. of caffeine in the drink
C= Pregnant women will not drink the espresso and will not do business with this coffee shop
This is an example of negative punishment for the coffee shop. The coffee shop is losing business as punishment for making their drinks too caffeinated, which is aversive to pregnant women. There will be a decrease in the behaviors of having pregnant women do business with them.
Terms Used: negative punishment, emitting, behavior, target behavior, antecedent, consequence, decrease, and aversive.
The video tat elicited my watching behavior was on the sidebar of the Huffington Post under the category comedy and titled "'Wheel of Fortune' contestants handjob gesture unintentionally funny". In this video it shows a woman talking about her hobby of karaoke and then making a gesture and saying sometimes she gets karaoke elbow, the gesture ensues. To ease the awkwardness the host of the show does the gesture too and just makes the whole thing comical, eliciting a laughing behavior.
1) Target behavior would be the behavior of explaining "karaoke elbow".
2) The consequence of the behavior would be a laughing behavior by the audience.
3) The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior during the behavior. Afterwards when people explain the behavior to the contestant it may decrease the frequency.
4) The consequence involves the addition of laughing from the audience members.
5) The antecedent would be the game show.
A= Game show.
B= "Karaoke elbow" motion behavior.
C= Laughing by the audience members.
At first the consequence would be positive reinforcement. The reason for this would be because it is increasing the frequency and it is adding laughter to the situation.
For the second behavior in the video the only really available one would be the behavior of laughter by the audience.
1) The target behavior would be a laughter behavior.
2) The consequence of the behavior would be rewarding the "karaoke elbow" motion and in turn increasing it's frequency.
3) The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior until it is no longer funny, once this happens the behavior will no longer be reinforced and go into extinction.
4) The consequence involves the addition of the "karaoke elbow" motion.
5) The antecedent would be the game show.
A= The game show.
B= Laughing behavior.
C= Rewarding "karaoke elbow" and increasing that behaviors frequency.
This is an example of positive reinforcement. This also includes extinction because after a certain amount of time the "karaoke elbow" motion will become not as funny and will eventually be put into extinction due to no more reinforcement.
Terms: Reinforcement, positive reinforcement, extinction, elicit, antecedent, behavior, consequence, frequency, reward, target behavior, decrease, addition.
Here is the link:
The article I found of interest and decided to emit the behavior of reading was about an Afghanistan woman who was raped and she along with her attacker was sentenced to jail time. However as long as the woman agreed to marry him they would both be cleared of the charges and allowed to be freed from prison.
1) The target behavior I am focusing on for this example is the behavior of the man raping his young female relative. This behavior is being reinforced.
2) The consequence of the behavior of the man raping his female relative was him gaining her as a second wife.
3) I think that the consequence will increase the behavior of the man raping women because as long as the women agree to marry him he does not have to do anymore prison time. It makes it appear as if this behavior is okay.
4) The consequence involves the addition of the woman becoming the man’s second wife.
5) The antecedent would be being in Afghanistan because if this behavior would have happened in the United States the consequence would be very different.
A= In Afghanistan
B= Man rapes female relative
C= she becomes his wife
I would say that this would be an example of positive reinforcement because I feel like the behavior of the man raping his female relative is being rewarded or reinforced by him gaining her as a second wife.
1) The target behavior that I am addressing at this time is the behavior of the young women being raped by her male relative.
2) The consequence of the behavior of the women being raped by a male relative is that the woman was sentenced to prison time for “committing adultery”.
3) The consequence will decrease the behavior of the women “emitting the behavior of adultery” because she is in prison and is not able to be attacked. (still doesn’t make sense to me how she emitted adultery when she was the one who was raped)
4) The consequence involves the removal of the young women’s rights which I find horrible since she was the one that was attacked and she is the victim, but I guess that is how things work in Afghanistan.
5) The antecedent again for this example would be being in Afghanistan because if this behavior would have happened in the United States the consequence would be very different.
A= In Afghanistan
B= Women is raped by a male relative
C= goes to prison for adultery
I would say that this is an example of negative punishment because her rights are being taken away in order to decrease the behavior of her emitting the behavior of adultery.
The article that I found is about a woman who calls the cops on her boyfriend to have him removed from her property. The man had just been released from the county jail after serving 40 days. The reason that he came over was to see his seven year old daughter. Once the cops were called, instead of the man being removed his now ex was arrested for an unsolved case that was hit and run. Once exiting the house he pointed out a car in the drive way that matched the one the police officers had been looking for since February. This woman in fact had killed the other woman that she hit while she was driving while intoxicated.
(1)The target behavior that is being illustrated in this article is sending the woman who hit and killed someone to prison. She is being punished by being sent to prison.
(2)The consequences of this behavior is long term prison time. In some cases, the consequences may be a death sentence.
(3)This consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior. It is hoped that prison time can be a deterent to others as well so that they do not drive drunk.
(4)The consequence of going to prison involves the removal of freedom.
(5)The antecedent of all of this is driving drunk.
A= Driving drunk
B=killing someone and fleeing the scene
C=Going to prison
This article is an example of negative punishment. The removal of freedome took place.
This link takes you to the website of the lady who was driving drunk.
This next article is about slaughterhouses and finding out exactly what goes on inside of them. When they are investigated, often times there are large amount of salmonella found inside.
(1)The target behavior of this article is to find ways to improve conditions and operations inside of the slaughterhouse plants. If cleaner slaughterhouses were reinforced then less people would get sick from the food that is produced there.
(2) The consequence of this behavior is less people getting sick from the meat products.
(3) The behavior of having cleaner plants will increase the frequency that people will buy their products. If they buy their products then the meat companies will make more money.
(4)This consequence involves the addition of more sales and happy customers.
(5)The antecedent is large amounts of salmonella in meat packing plants.
A=Salmonella in meat packing plants
B=finding a way to make the plant cleaner
C=people not getting sick
This is an example of negative reinforcement because the consequence of healthy people resulted from the removal of salmonella.
The article I read discusses “human inertia.” The author compares asteroids to humans; they are on a path in their life that they cannot seemingly get away from. He believes that the forces that are pushing us forward in our lives are too great to diverge from with just one simple decision. He says that we must add new forces to our lives that have more power than the ones that are currently choosing our direction.
1) A target behavior in this article is having a job we don’t like.
2) The consequence of having a job that we do not like is that we are unhappy with the rest of our lives and have a feeling of loneliness.
3) This consequence should decrease the behavior of keeping a job we don’t like.
4) The consequence adds negative feelings.
5) The antecedent, according to the author, is a combination of many factors. He believes that as a child, you are set in motion down a certain track in life and you do not have control over where it takes you (unless you make an extremely drastic change.)
A= Many and all events of your life.
B=Having a job you do not like.
C=Feeling lonely and depressed.
This is a form of positive punishment, the addition of negative feelings acts as a punishment for having a job you do not like. This behavior includes extinction, if you take away the job, then you can take away the consequence of negative feelings, which can act as a reinforcer for quitting your job. Satiation can also be a factor in not liking your job. If you are there more than you wish than you can get overwhelmed and dislike being there just for the fact that you can’t do what you really wish to be doing.
1) The second behavior I decided to analyze is changing our life direction.
2) The consequence of changing our life direction by some large force is that we are experiencing more happiness from our lives.
3) This consequence should increase the likely hood of making more life changing decisions
4) The consequence adds positive feelings to person who alters their life path
5) The antecedents to this behavior are feeling unsatisfied with your life, resulting in the change.
A= feeling unhappy
B=making a life altering decision
C=positive feelings
This is an example of positive reinforcement. The behavior of making a change is reinforced by the addition of happiness. Satiation is in use here, the person is satiated with being unsatisfied which results in their life changing move.
This piece, which I retrieved from the Huffington Post, is about the show The View which airs on ABC. During this 4 minute clip, the ladies on the show emit a discussing behavior on the topic of young girls (ages 10-15) getting bikini waxes. During this clip, most of the ladies agree that bikini waxing is unacceptable for girls at this age. However, this elicits a negative behavior from Whoopi Goldberg, She expresses her opinion very loudly and ends up getting bleeped because she uses inappropriate language.
1) The target behavior in the clip which illustrated a reinforced or punished behavior is when Whoopi says a swear word
2) The consequence of this behavior is that Whoopi gets bleeped.
3) The consequence will hopefully decrease the frequency on this behavior occurring again.
4) This consequence can either be seen as adding a bleep, or taking away the swear word Whoopi said. To keep things simple, I will do with it adding the bleep.
5) The antecedent is Whoopi giving her personal opinion about young girls getting bikini waxes.
a) Discussion about young girls getting bikini waxes
b) Whoopi swearing and saying the word a$$wh*le
C) Getting bleeped by the editors.
This is an example of positive punishment. The reason this falls under the category of positive reinforcement Is because Whoopi emits the behavior of saying a swear words. This causes the editors to add a bleep to the clip so that the public doesn’t have to hear her use profane words. Because the editors or required to add the bleep, it would include the addition of “something”.
1) The target behavior is that young girls get bikini waxes.
2) The consequence of this behavior is that the show The View discusses this topic during their air time.
3) I believe this consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior.
4) The consequence involves the removal of the behavior.
5) The antecedent is that young girls are not happy with their self-image.
A) Young girls are not satisfied with their self-image
B) young girls go out and get bikini waxes
C) The show The View discusses the topic of young girls getting bikini waxes
This is an example of negative punishment. Because the women on the show The View discuss this topic in a negative light, hopefully more moms out there will see this as a bad idea, therefore decreasing the amount of young girls who go and get bikini waxes.
TERMS: emit, behavior, elicit, target behavior, reinforce, punish, consequence, antecedent, positive punishment, negative punishment
The article I choose to emit the behavior of writing about was about two people who fell in love after meeting in a Black Friday sale line. They emitting the behavior of going to a Target sale on Black Friday and elicited a response of talking to each other while in line. Three years later they are now happily engaged. The target behavior here is the boy engaging in casual conversation with the girl while standing in line. The consequence of this behavior is that the boy gets the girl’s number so that he could talk to her again. The consequence could increase the target behavior because the boy could figure that if he talks to girls while he is in line then he will always get a girl’s number (however if the boy ends up marrying this girl then I’m pretty sure he’s not going to continue to talk to girls in Black Friday lines, but you never know.) Although, I suppose the girl giving the boy her number could increase the behavior in that the boy will end up talking to the girl again. The consequence involves the addition of something, that something being the girl’s number. The antecedent is both the boy and the girl waiting next to each other in the Black Friday line at Target
A=both girl and boy waiting in line for Black Friday sales
B= Boy talks to girl
C= Girl gives boy her number.
This would be a form of positive reinforcement because it is increasing the likelihood of the behavior by the addition of something. The likelihood of the boy talking to the girl again or talking to a girl while in line again is increased by the addition of a pleasant stimulus of the girl giving him her number. I think you could also say that the whole day of Black Friday could be a discriminative stimulus because it is setting the occasion for the behavior to occur. Without Black Friday they wouldn’t have been waiting in line and never would have met.
The second target behavior would be that the girl texts the boy the next day. The consequence of this behavior is that the boy and the girl start a relationship and eventually get engaged. I suppose the consequence would increase the target behavior seeing as if you are in a relationship with someone you are probably going to want to text that person. The consequence involves the addition of something, the something being a relationship. The antecedent is that the boy and girl exchange numbers while waiting in line.
A= Boy and Girl exchange numbers waiting in line
B= Girl texts the boy the next day
C= Boy and girl start relationship and eventually get engaged
This would be another example of positive reinforcement because the addition of the boy and girl starting a relationship increases the chances of the pleasant stimulus of texting each other occurring.
Terms: Target behavior, antecedent, consequences, behavior, positive reinforcement, pleasant stimulus, discriminative stimulus, emit, elicit
The video elicited a behavior of watching was about a young boy who hates Tom Brady. He emitted a behavior of disgust when Tom Brady played poorly in a game against the Eagles.
1) The Target behavior is Tom Brady playing poorly.
2) The consequence is the young boy throwing a fit towards Tom Brady.
3) The consequence will increase the behavior of the young boy if he continues to play poorly.
4) The consequence involves the taking of something as the kid becomes more upset as he plays bad.
5) The antecedent is the game that the kid is watching.
A=Football game
B=Tom Brady playing bad
C=Kid saying he hates Tom Brady
This is an example of negative reinforcement because the kid is becoming more upset as he continues to watch his favorite team.
The second article I emitted a behavior of reading was about journalists being arrested at the occupy Wall Street movement.
1) The target behavior is journalists being in the wrong area
2) The consequence is them being arrested.
3) The consequence will decrease the behavior of journalists being in the wrong area.
4) The consequence involves that taking away in the fact of being arrested.
5) The antecedent is the occupy Wall Street movement.
A= Occupy Wall Street movement
B= Journalists being in wrong area
C= Journalists being arrested
This is an example of negative punishment as the journalists were suspected as being part of the movement which was being violent and the extinction of the reporters caused other reporters to go to the designated press area.
This assignment elicited me to read an article from the Huffington Post about a mother who is sentenced to life for first degree murder. Her boyfriends aversive attitude to become closer in their relationship, lead Sharon Hinojosa to emit a fire starting behavior in her home, killing her two kids that didn't belong to her boyfriend.
1. The target behavior is Sharon killing her children.
2. The consequence is her receiving a life sentence.
3. This consequence will decrease the frequency of her committing the same crime because she will stay in prison for the rest of her life.
4. The consequence involves the removal of an aversive behavior.
5. The antecedent is being closer to her boyfriend.
A) Boyfriend wants Sharon to be closer to him
B) Sharon kills her two children
C) Sharon earns a life sentence
This is an example of positive punishment. Sharon's crime is justified by receiving a logical punishment. This involves extinction, because locking her up for life means she won't get the chance to kill her other child.
1. Another target behavior is Sharon going to prison.
2. The consequence of this is that she will never live a normal life again.
3. This consequnce will decrease the frequency of the behavior.
4. The consequence involes the removal of freedom in living an every day life.
5. The antecedent is her killing her children.
A) Sharon kills her kids
B) Sharon receives life sentence in prison
C) Sharon will never live a free life again
I believe this emits an example of positive punishment. Mothers reading this article will see the aversive consequences of Sharon's actions and will hopefully reinforce a loving behavior instead of despiteful.
TERMS: elicit, aversive, emit, behavior, target behavior, consequence, antecedent, positive punishment, extinction and reinforce.
While emitting a reading behavior of this assignment I stumbled upon a hilarious video on YouTube. I decided that I would tie this into my assignment and this is the product of that. My video is a tranquil car commercial that is only 17 seconds long but has a hilarious ending that I refuse to ruin. I am hoping this will cause you to emit a watching behavior of the clip.
1.) The target behavior that I am illustrating is employees’ watching YouTube videos.
2.) The consequence of this behavior is the introduction of positive punishment, the arrival of something scary.
3.) This consequence will decrease the frequency of the targeted behavior because it is a punishment
4.) The consequence involves the addition of a zombie
5.) The antecedent is being bored while at work or when you should be trying to type up a blog for behavior modification.
A-Being bored at work when you should be focusing on work and instead you are on the internet.
B- The behavior is employee’s watching YouTube videos.
C- The consequence is the introduction of a positive punisher, a scary zombie!!!
This is an example of a positive punisher because it is introducing something that is aversive to end the target behavior. The person whose behavior is being targeted may go into extinction and watch the video over and over again but it will have the same results and eventually the behavior will become extinct.
The next video that I stumbled upon while emitting a writing assignment of this blog was something relevant to our society. It is a commercial for Nando’s six person meals that uses the demise of dictators for humor to sell their product. The relevant part to our society in the video is the end of these dictators’ rule.
1.) The target behavior in this video being a dictator
2.) The consequence of this behavior is death or the end of their rule
3.) This consequence will decrease the frequency of dictators staying as dictators and it will decrease the frequency that others will become dictators.
4.) This consequence involves the removal of life or power.
5.) The antecedent I picked is being in a position to seize power and keep it unlawfully.
A- The antecedent is being in a position to seize power
B- The behavior is being a dictator
C- The consequence for being a dictator is having your life or your power eventually taken
This is a great example of negative reinforcement. It involves the removal of something pleasurable, which in this case is a dictator’s life or power. This will not involve an extinction period because the person emitting the target behavior will either no longer be alive to emit the targeted behavior or will have no ability to emit the behavior.
Terms: emit, emitting, positive punishment, negative reinforcement, extinction, antecedent, consequence, aversive, target behavior.
-When looking for the video it is the number one video on their list.
The article I read is about a 12 year old boy who has been put through many foster homes throughout his life, while being misdiagnosed on several medications. The target behavior of this article is misdiagnosing the child for ADHD and being bipolar. The consequence of this behavior is that the boy felt irritable, had stomachaches, lost his appetite, and would act up in school and at home. The consequence of the boy acting up and feeling irritable will decrease the behavior of the doctors misdiagnosing him again. This consequence adds the addition of the boy’s uncomfortable symptoms. The antecedent is the boy having tantrums as a child, so he was put on medications. However, these medications were not suitable for him.
A= tantrums as a child
B= put on medication (misdiagnosing)
C= boy feels irritable and acts up more
This is an example of positive punishment because it involves the addition of the boy feeling uncomfortable and upset. This will involve the extinction of doctors misdiagnosing patients (hopefully).
The next target behavior is the child being taken off the wrong medications and being put on the right ones. The consequence of this is that the boy was able to think clearer and improved his behavior and performance in school and at home. The consequence of this will increase the likelihood of this behavior happening. This consequence adds the addition of the child’s positive behavior and emotional stableness. The antecedent is the child being misdiagnosed for having ADHD and being bipolar.
A= misdiagnosed
B= child is taken off wrong medications, put on right ones
C= child is much happier, improved behavior
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the child is better able to focus and function by adding the right medication to his system. This will involve the extinction of the child’s previous aversive symptoms and behaviors. He is now less likely to act up, and also be less likely to feel uncomfortable.
The article emits the behavior of writing about a woman who elicited the behavior of pepper spraying another shopper while going for an xbox 360. The article basically in summary talks about violent behaviors emitted by shoppers trying to get good deals this Black Friday. The elicited violent behaviors include people being shot, robbed, pepper sprayed and more.
1. One of the target behaviors in the article is a Californian man was shot and robbed while walking to his car. The target behavior is the robbery.
2. The consequence in this instance was getting shot and robbed.
3. It may decrease the behavior of going out shopping on Black Friday
4. The consequence involves the addition of something bad.
5. The antecedent is Black Friday Deals
A=Black Friday deals
B=Walking to the car after shopping
C=Getting shot and robbed.
The article/robbery is a reflection of positive punishment for the man who was shot because he had the addition of something aversive in response to emitting the behavior of walking to his car after shopping at a specific store. I do not believe that extinction would be part of this as the consequence is aversive. Perhaps extinction of the walking to the car in the parking lot of that store will no longer occur as a result of the shooting and robbery. This is an example of an established operation because it is unlikely that the great sales or violent actions will occur on other shopping days throughout the year. It is a reasonable assumption that this behavior of being shot and robbed in a parking lot is something that is extremely unlikely to occur on shopping days other than Black Friday. However, it is not something that never happens…yet Black Friday may increase the likelihood of violent occurrences while shopping.
The second example from the article is a little simpler to analyze. It was another act of violence mentioned.
1. The target behavior was pepper spraying other customers.
2. The consequence of the behavior was being able to purchase the desired, discounted xbox 360
3. The consequence of getting the discounted item will likely increase the woman’s frequency of using pepper spray on other customers (assuming that she goes unpunished)
4. The consequence involves the addition of an xbox in the woman’s possession
5. The antecedent is Black Friday Shopping/deals
A=Black Friday Shopping/deals
B=Pepper Spraying another customer
C=Getting a discounted xbox 360
By eliciting a behavior of spraying pepper spray the woman gained something desirable. She received positive reinforcement. The discounted xbox was the additional, pleasurable thing added. This is another great example of an established operation because it is unlikely that 1. Such amazing deals would occur and 2. People would get pepper sprayed while shopping on other days of the year. It is a reasonable assumption that this behavior is something that is extremely unlikely to occur on shopping days other than Black Friday. (Same as I mentioned in the above example) I’m not sure how to relate this to extinction. In fact I don’t think it does because the behavior is not something that is emitted often enough to go through periods or loss or extinction. Perhaps if someone was able to withstand pepper spray and when she sprayed them she did not get reinforced my moving in line and getting an xbox. However, I think if most people were pepper sprayed, they would move and the woman would still get reinforced.
Terms: target behavior, positive punishment, aversive, extinction, desirable, positive reinforcement, emitted (various tenses thereof), elicited (various tenses thereof), establishing operations, antecedent, behavior, consequence.
The article I read was about animals whose behaviors are thought to predict earthquakes. This happens because the animals sense a change in the chemicals found in the groundwater in their habitats. The animals this article focuses on are reptiles and amphibians. The most successful of these animals were L'Aquila toads.
1) The target behavior emitted by the toads was fleeing their habitat when they sensed the chemical change in the groundwater
2) The consequence of the behavior was the toads surviving.
3) The consequence of surviving will increase the the behavior of fleeing in the presence of the chemical change stimuli.
4) The consequence involves the addition of survival and a longer lifespan.
5) The antecedent is the chemical changes in the groundwater.
A = Chemical changes in the groundwater
B = Toads flee their habitat
C = Toads survive the oncoming earthquake
This is an example of positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of something pleasurable, in this case the addition of more time to their lifespan and in biological terms, more chances to successfully reproduce and pass on genes. I would say that survival would probably be the most important primary reinforcer. The neutral stimuli of a chemical is negatively associated with an oncoming earthquake. Therefore, the chemical change becomes as discriminative stimuli, warning of an aversive event, in this case an earthquake. This stimuli elicits a fleeing response in the toads in order to survive.
The second behavior I decided to speak about was the behavior of the scientist studying these toads.
1) The target behavior is studying L'Aquila toads.
2) The consequence of the behavior is finding results that could be beneficial in the future for predicting earthquakes or just being successful in short.
3) The consequence of having initial success will increase the behavior of researching.
4) The consequence includes the addition of success and additional data.
5) The antecedent is studying earthquake predictors.
A = Studying earthquake predictors
B = Research L'Aquila toads
C = Successfully collect data
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the addition of something pleasurable, in this case success and data, would cause the target behavior of doing research to increase.
Terms - target behavior, consequence, antecedent, emit, elicit, stimuli, discriminative stimulus, pleasurable, aversive, primary reinforcer
^Website for that article^
The first article I examined is one that looked at the US military handing over one of the largest military camp in Iraq over to Iraqi forces. This highlights another sign that the US is serious about pulling out of Iraq and allowing them to govern themselves.
The target behavior is phasing control over to Iraqis, namely handing over Camp Victory.
The consequence of this behavior is that the US has less control in Iraq and the Iraqis have more self-determined control in their country and everyday lives.
This will increase the amount of responsibility that Iraq has over its own future.
This target behavior involves the addition of control of Camp Victory to the Iraqis.
The antecedent of this behavior was the mandate that the United States has made. They will continue to draw down troops and to continually hand over control to the Iraqi people.
A=U.S. mandate handing over more and more control to Iraqis
B=Iraqi forces are given control of Camp Victory
C=Iraqis are now more self-determined
This is an example of positive reinforcement. The United States government continually rewards the new Iraqi government with additional responsibilities and freedoms as they become more stable. However, at the same time the popular opinion here in the US is that we need to be out of Iraq, therefore, we have set a time table that forces us to emit certain behaviors at certain times to show progress of getting out of there. The Iraqis are given more and more ability to be self-determined and a sovereign country. This behavior will continually increase because the government has to stick to its deadline and because the Iraqis are becoming more and more stable.
The second article I examined spoke of Syria and the anti-government protests and the backlash of the government. The government has killed hundreds if not thousands of protestors since the Arab Spring revolutions began. This went largely unnoticed because of strict censorship in the country. However, several components of Syria’s army have defected to the rebel’s side because they refuse to fight against civilians. Thus, a civil war may result as a consequence of these actions.
The target behavior here is parts of the army defecting to fight with the rebels against the oppressive government.
The possible consequences would be they could be executed for treason. However, with the government in shambles there is unlikely to be any MP to dish out punishments. Therefore, the more possible consequence is that they can now help protect the protestors. Their reward is a clean conscious because they do not have to kill innocents.
This is likely to increase the behavior with which this happens, i.e. more and more soldiers will defect. Once this trend starts it will be difficult to reverse.
The reinforcer involves removing any guilt they may feel fighting civilians. This would be an example of negative reinforcement.
The antecedent for this event is that soldiers were ordered to hold off, kill, and attack civilians.
A=Being ordered to attack civilians
B= Defecting from the army to assist the civilians
C=A clean conscience
1.) After emitting the behavior of reading articles on the Huffington Post website, I chose to write about Occupy Wall Street protestors in L.A. I chose to write about this topic because it is slightly different than the other protests you hear about because in this case police disguised themselves to be protesters in order to learn how the protesters were going to resist the police’s negative punishment.
2.) The target behavior of the police force is to reinforce their power by disguising themselves in order to gain more knowledge as a desirable consequence.
3.) The desirable consequence of the police gaining more knowledge by disguising themselves as protestors will most likely increase if they continue to gain knowledge. However, I believe by this point in time protesters are aware of who is in their camp and with the season growing colder people are more likely to abandon the protest, not join.
4.) The consequence includes the addition of knowledge for the police force that they did not have prior to their undercover work.
5.) The antecedent would be the “Occupy” movement. Without this movement, people would not emit these behaviors and police would not have to go undercover in order to gain information.
A= The Occupy movement
B= Police went undercover to gather information about how protestors were going to resist police force
C= Gaining knowledge and arresting protestors
I would consider this situation to be positive punishment. It involved the addition of knowledge which led to the arrest of protestors, which I would consider punishment.
1.) The target behavior of the protestors is to prove how unfair and aversive the job market is (or lack thereof) is right now. This illustrates the reinforced behavior because they are continuing to emit the behavior of protesting.
2.) The consequence of the behavior being emitting is getting arrested because protestors accidently informed police of their plans.
3.) The consequence could increase or decrease the frequency of people protesting. If they are in jail, obviously they will not be able to protest, however it could reinforce them to continue protesting even longer because of what police did.
4.) The consequence involves the removal of protesters secrecy of their plans.
5.) The antecedent would be the “Occupy” movement. Without the movement people would not need to protest and come up with ways to avoid aversive consequences from the police.
A= The Occupy Movement
B= Protestors sharing their ideas with undercover cops
C= Getting arrested
I would consider this situation to be positive punishment. It involved the addition of knowledge and the removal of protestors.
For my news article, I chose a piece about the new Coca-Cola cans. Every holiday Coca-Cola changes the look of their cans. This year they are partnering with the World Wildlife Fund to highlight the threat to polar bears’ Arctic habitat by global warming. In order to do this, they changed the regular Coca-Cola cans to white with polar bears on it. The Diet Coke cans are still silver with snowflakes on them; however, people are having many problems because the cans look so similar. Some people are upset, some are confused, some think that messing with the red cans borders on sacrilege, and some even think that regular Coke tastes different in the white cans versus in the regular red cans. Because of the change, people who drink Diet Coke regularly have been accidentally drinking regular Coke at places that sell it by the can. In stores, the packages of Coke are still in red boxes, so that is not as much of a problem. The company now says they will be distributing the traditional red cans with polar bears on them and expects that there will be no white cans in circulation by February, the end of the campaign.
1. The target behavior emitted is Coca-Cola changing the color of regular Coke cans to white instead of red.
2. The consequence is that people are upset, confused, and angry.
3. Responding negatively will decrease the frequency of Coca-Cola changing the regular Coke cans to white instead of red. Since people are emitting anger, Coca-Cola will learn from it and decrease the likelihood that next holiday they will alter the color of the regular Coke cans.
4. The consequence of people emitting anger is the addition of an aversive feeling.
5. The antecedent is the holiday season.
A= The holiday season
B= Coca-Cola changing the color of the regular Coke cans white instead of red
C= Consumers becoming angry, confused, and upset
This could either be reinforcement or punishment; however, since I worded the target behavior the way I did, it is an example of positive punishment. The ADDITION of anger by the consumers will DECREASE the likelihood that Coca-Cola will change the regular Coke to white cans again. Since the company wants consumers to buy their products, when they emit anger it is received as an aversive consequence. Therefore, it is less likely that next year Coca-Cola will emit changing the regular Coke to any other color than red. They also were no longer receiving reinforcement by customers buying their product, so they experienced extinction burst. They emitted variability in their behaviors to try to elicit customers to remain with them. They emitted posting information on their website stating how the Coke and Diet Coke cans were still different, they talked to customers, and although I did not see it, they probably had some sort of announcement about the campaign to show customers why they were doing it. Since they were not being reinforced, they emitted the second target behavior I discuss.
1. The second target behavior is Coca-Cola distributing the original regular Coke red cans before the end of this year’s campaign.
2. The consequence is that consumers will no longer be angry, confused, and upset.
3. The consequence will increase the frequency of Coca-Cola distributing the traditional red Coke cans. Emitting distribution of the traditional red Coke cans will elicit consumers to no longer be angry.
4. The consequence involves the removal of anger by the consumers.
5. The antecedent is consumers emitting anger over Coke can color change.
A= Consumers angry over Coke can color change.
B= Coca-Cola distributing the regular red Coke cans this year.
C= Consumers are no longer angry.
This is an example of negative reinforcement. The REMOVAL of the aversive reaction of consumer anger serves as a reinforcer to INCREASE Coca-Cola switching the white Coke cans back to red. Since Coca-Cola wants to make their customers happy, they realized that the only way to eliminate the anger would be to emit a color change back to the original cans that everyone is familiar with.
There was an interesting component of the story that had to do with something we learned. A customer had mentioned that the regular Coke in the white cans tasted different than those in the regular red cans. This would be an example of superstitious behavior. It may have tasted different, but was most likely not even caused by the can color change. I know sometimes my Diet Coke cans taste funny, but it was just coincidence that theirs was in the white cans. They will now associate the white cans with off-tasting Coke; therefore, they will be less likely to buy Coke when it is in the white cans. All-in-all, I thought this was actually a pretty good article to exemplify different concepts from class.
Terms used: target behavior, elicit, emit, emitted, consequence, emitting, aversive, antecedent, reinforcement, punishment, positive punishment, extinction burst, reinforced, negative reinforcement, reinforcer, variability, superstitious behavior, associate
The article I chose was from about how children let the whole existence of Santa thing out of the bag. It talks about how some parents can get mad because of what kids did at school. Then it talks about the plausibility of Santa getting gifts to every boy and girl on Christmas.
The part I want to focus on is a part where a student told another student that Santa didn’t exist. That night the parent of the first student got a phone call from the parents of the other student and told them that their kid could never play with the other kid again. The behavior is telling a kid Santa doesn’t exist. The consequence is that they can’t play with the kid again. I think this consequence will decrease the occurrence of the behavior being performed. The consequence involves taking away playing privileges. The antecedent is being at school.
A=Being at school.
B=Telling kid Santa doesn’t exist.
C=No longer allowed to play with mentioned kid.
This is an example of negative punishment. I believe that the telling the kid that he can’t play with their friend again would be a good establishing operation because it would increase the chance that the kid won’t emit the behavior again.
The second behavior is trying to keep older siblings from telling younger siblings the truth. They say to tell them that it’s fun for young kids to believe so don’t spoil it for them. The consequence is keeping the wonder in the younger siblings intact. The consequence will increase the behavior and involves the addition of confidentiality with the older siblings.
A=Older sibling knows the “truth.”
B=Tell them that it’s fun for young kids to believe in Santa.
C=Older sibling doesn’t tell the younger sibling.
This is a form of positive reinforcement.
I emitted a reading behavior of an article entitled “Black Friday or Green Monday... Holiday Shoppers Ride the Rainbow”. I find it very interesting that most retailers make most of their money in such a short time period (from October to December in most cases, depending on the industry of course).
1) Target behavior: Getting shoppers to elicit a buying behavior not only on Black Friday but also during the following week as well online.
2) The consequence of the behavior (shopping on Cyber Monday as well as the whole week following black Friday) is free shipping on goods purchased.
3) The consequence will increase the behavior. We all ready know that shopping online has increased over the past years; retailers want you to buy more during this peak time so their inventories go down and they will reward you with free shipping on your items.
4) The consequence involves the removal of shipping fees.
5) Shopping during cyber week.
A-Cyber week
B- Shopping online during cyber week
C- Free shipping if you buy products during cyber week
I believe this is an example of positive reinforcement. If you purchase items during a specific period, you are benefiting by getting free shipping. You could argue that this is a conditioning technique, retailers want shoppers to buy products way before the holidays so by the time the holidays do roll around they will have depleted inventories.
1) Target behavior: Wanting shoppers to emit a buying behavior on Black Friday.
2) The consequence of the behavior is good deals for the shopper.
3) The consequence should increase a buying behavior, but with scales of economies that is sometime hard to say. If people do not have discretionary income, they may not shop at all, and that includes Black Friday.
4) The consequence involves the increase of sale items available for the holiday season.
5) Shopping on Black Friday.
A-Black Friday
B-Shopping the sale items
C-Discounted items that could be purchased as gifts of for personal consumption.
Again, I believe this is an example of positive reinforcement. Retailers know that they will make plenty of money over the holiday season. Black Friday is the kickoff for the shopping season. The retailers are reward the consumers with specially priced merchandise to entice them to come to their stores and purchase products.
Terms: positive reinforcement, reward, elicit, emit, consequence, behavior, cost benefit, antecedent,