This week's readings deal with schedules of reinforcement and extinction. What I would like you to do is to find a couple of video clips off the internet where one illustrates one of the schedules of reinforcement and the other illustrates extinction.
For this assignment write using the language of behaivor. The TA will be looking for this as a grading point.
For each clip I would like you to briefly describe/summarize the clip. 1) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced or extinguished behavior. 2) Next tell us what the consequence of the behavior is. 3) Then tell us how, that consequence either will increase or decrease the frequency of the behavior. 4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something. 5) Finally tell us to the antecedent is. (note some of these will not exactly fit for the extinction since the reinforcement is absent - maybe say what the reinforcement was prior to the extinction etc.)
Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
Now do like we did in class and state how the consequence or lack of consequence alters the behavior. Also justify or make a case why a schedule of reinforcement is in place or why extinction is occurring.
Do the same for the second clip
For originality sake, make sure the videos you are not using the same videos the four other students before you just used.
When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URL at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used.
Let me know if you have any questions....
I have emitted a watching behavior of the T-Mobile Family Allowances Commercial in which parents could emit a giving behavior of more minutes to their kids cell phones or by subtracting their minutes. This elicits the kids to emit in a hard working, positive behavior and to perform well in school.
1. The target behavior being emitted here are the kids actions and academic achievement in school or at home which is being reinforced by their parents who are using the T-Mobile family Allowances.
2.If the kids are emitting a good behavior or a hard working behavior in school, then their parents will add more minutes to their cell phone, but if the kids are emitting in a negative behavior or they are slacking off in school, then their parents will take away their minutes.
3. The consequence of taking away the kids minutes will elicit the kids to emit in a more hard working behavior so they can earn more minutes, and this will decrease their negative behaviors. The consequence of giving more minutes will increase their behavior of working hard so they can earn even more minutes.
4. The consequence of this commercial can go both ways. Parents are allowed to emit in a giving or emit in a taking away behavior depending on the way their kids are acting and doing in school.
5.The antecedent is being at home, while the parents are emitting in a observing behavior on their kids.
A-At home
B-Emitting in a positive/negative/hard-working/slacking behavior
C-Depending on their behavior, consequence is earning more minutes or having minutes taken away.
The parents are using the T-Mobiles Family Allowances website to give or take away the kids individual cell phone minutes which alters their kids behaviors. This is an example of variable ratio because depending on the kids actions and behaviors, parents are adding minutes or subtracting minutes but there is no fixed amount. It can range from a min/max amount.
The second slip I emitted in watching was a Vicks commercial in which a kid throws a temper tantrum in a store, and the mother throws one back, and suddenly the kid stops throwing the tantrum because he realizes how much of a scene he was making by watching his mother.
1. The target behavior the mother emitted was throwing a temper tantrum immediately right after her son by screaming and throwing her purse on the ground and then falling to the ground and flailing around (still screaming). The target behavior of the son was throwing a temper tantrum by screaming and then watching his mother immediately throw her temper tantrum and then afterwards the son put back the snacks and walked off with his mother like a good child.
2. The consequence of watching his mother act out in a disruptive behavior elicited the boy to stop and think about the situation and therefore emitted in a behaved manner.
3. The consequence of emitting a watching behavior of his mother throw a temper tantrum will decrease his temper tantrum behavior because the child realizes how ridiculous he looks (after watching his mother).
4. The consequence involves the addition of having to watch his mother act disruptive in the store in front of people and doesn't want that to happen again.
5. The antecedant is being in a grocery store.
A-Being in a grocery store
B-Throwing a temper tantrum
C-Watching mother throw temper tantrum which stops the sons behavior of screaming
This is an example of extinction because the child was throwing a temper tantrum to get something, and instead of the mother ignoring the child, she too threw a temper tantrum which extinguished the child's temper tantrum and may have caused the negative behavior of the child to be extinct.
I emitted the behavior of watching a clip from Family Guy where James Woods emits the behavior of picking up and eating pieces of candy.
1) Picking up and eating candy is the target behavior that is being reinforced.
2) The consequence of the behavior is enjoying a delicious piece of candy.
3) The consequence will increase the behavior because delicious candy elicits pleasurable feelings.
4) The consequence involves the addition of a piece of candy.
5) The antecedent is picking up the candy in an ally.
A=Being in an ally
B=Picking up and eating candy
C=Enjoying a delicious piece of candy
In the context of being in an ally, emitting a behavior of picking up candy and eating it results in the consequence of enjoying a delicious piece of candy which therefore increases the likelihood that the behavior will occur. This is not only illustrates reinforcement but also continuous reinforcement. It is continuous reinforcement because every time James Woods picks up a piece of candy and eats it, he is also reinforced by enjoying the delicious piece of candy every time he emits the behavior.
I emitted the behavior of watching a clip of an Old Spice commercial in which a sea captain is emitting the behavior of punching a sea monster that is emitting the behavior of attacking his shoulder.
1) The target behavior that is being extinguished is punching the sea monster.
2) The consequence is that the sea monster still attacks his shoulder.
3) The consequence increases the behavior because it is not being reinforced therefore the man is experiencing an extinction burst so he will continue to do the behavior in hopes of reinforcement.
4) The consequence involves the addition of a sea monster.
5) The antecedent is that in the past when the captain punched a sea monster that was attacking him, the sea monster quit attacking him which was a desirable consequence which reinforced the captain’s punching behavior.
A=A sea monster is attacking the captain’s shoulder
B=The captain punches the sea monster
C=The sea monster continues to attack the captain’s shoulder
In the context of a sea monster attacking one’s shoulder, the behavior of punching the sea monster is emitted which results in the consequence of the sea monster attacking one’s shoulder. This is an example of extinction because one can assume that the captain emitted the behavior of punching a sea monster that was attacking him in the past which resulted in the pleasurable of consequence of the sea monster stopping its attack which reinforced the punching behavior. Since the captain is emitting the punching behavior but the reinforcer of the sea monster stopping the attack is not being presented, the captain is experiencing an extinction burst in which he emits the behavior of punching repeatedly in hopes of getting the reinforcement.
The antecedant for the fisrt video would actually be finding candy in an alley so it would look like:
A=Finding candy in an alley
B=Picking up and eating candy
C=Enjoying a delicious piece of candy
In the second video,
4) The consequence should involve the removal of the sea monster but since the behavior is being extinguished the consequence is that the sea monster remains.
I chose to emit a watching behavior of a few Reba video clips.
1)The target behavior that is being reinforced is Reba working for 8 hours a day
2) The consequence of this behavior is that Barbara Jean emits a cooking and cleaning behavior (which is at first very aversive to Reba because she doesn't like Barbara Jean, but then ends up being very pleasurable to her since she has a long had day at work).
3) The consequence will increase the chance of Reba emitting the behavior of going to work, because she doesn't have to worry about her children and can come home to a clean house and a nice meal.
4) The consequence adds a meal to the table and a clean house, which is the pleasurable part of the situation to Reba.
5) The antecedent in this case was that Reba had to get a job (which was at first aversive to Reba) so Barbara Jean had to step in.
A= Reba had to get a job
B= Reba worked 8 hours a day
C= Barbara Jean emitted a cooking and cleaning behavior for Reba
In this case, the consequence alters Reba's behavior because in the rest of the episode, she has to make a decision about whether to stay at work or not since she was having trouble finding a babysitter. Therefore, the consequence led to a working response from Reba since she could finally be at peace about leaving her children at home. I believe this is a fixed interval reinforcement schedule because at the end of Reba's 8 hour day, every day of the work week, she was reinforced with Barbara Jean's cooking and clean house. It doesn't state that she worked any less or more than a normal work day, so that is why I believe that this is fixed interval.
For my second clip, I used another Reba video (sorry, it's a good show!). In this clip, Brock found out that someone died in his house a while back but doesn't want Barbara Jean to find out because she will make him miserable. Reba overheard this and told Barbara Jean. This was very reinforcing to Reba because is made her ex-husband miserable.
1) The target behavior in this episode is Reba trying to emit a scaring behavior to Barbara Jean.
2) The consequence of this behavior is that Barbara Jean gets so scared of being in her own house that she emits crazy behaviors and ends up having to spend more time with Reba, which is VERY aversive to Reba.
3) At first, the consequence would reinforce the behavior because it tortured Brock and was very aversive to him. However, that changed because it backfired and meant that Barbara Jean would spend more time at Reba's house, which was once again, aversive to Reba.
4) At first the consequence was pleasurable and added joy to Reba's day, but then things changed and became very aversive to Reba, but it still added something. This time it added Barbara Jean's annoying and aversive behaviors.
5) The antecedent is that Brock told Reba that someone had died in his house.
A= Brock telling Reba that someone died in his house
B= Reba telling Barbara Jean emitting scaring behaviors to her
C= Barbara Jean getting scared and annoying Reba
The consequence of Barbara Jean emitting annoying behaviors to Reba definitely alters the behavior greatly. Instead of trying to elicit a scared response from Barbara Jean, Reba actually has to turn around and help her "get rid of the ghosts" that are in her house, just so she will stop emitting these annoying behaviors. Therefore, the scared behavior of Barbara Jean that originally reinforced Reba ended up backfiring. The original reinforcement was extinguished because the annoying behaviors turned to Reba instead of her ex husband. That is why this represents extinction. Reba was originally reinforced by Barbara Jean's aversive actions, but the reinforcements were removed after the tables turned.
After emitting the behavior of viewing the video, I realized some behaviors that were a good example of extinction. This clip is a video of a dog fetching the ball thrown by his owner, then after a few throws, the owner doesn’t throw the ball.
1) The target behavior would the dog running after a small ball within a distance of less than probably 25 meters.
2) The consequence is giving the ball back to the owner, when the owner throws the ball again to repeat
3) This consequence will increase the behavior of the dog chasing after the ball and fetching it, bringing it back
4) The consequence is adding the frequency of the ball being thrown—this is positive reinforcement
5) The antecedent is in the backyard, with a lot of grassy space to run
A=Backyard, with a lot of grassy space to run
B=Dog running after the ball—“fetching”
C=Owner repeating the throwing behavior
The lack of consequence would be the beginning of extinction. The ball would act as the unconditioned stimulus, but after learning that the behavior would be repeated, it would be conditioned. The pretending to throw would be the conditioned stimulus. Then, not releasing the ball would be the removal of unconditioned stimulus. Therefore, if this removal of the unconditioned stimulus occurred more frequently, it would be aversive to the dog, and the dog decrease the behavior of fetching.
The next clip that elicited a watching behavior was about training a cat to do different things, such commands like “up” and “sit”. These commands elicited the behavior for the cat to emit.
1) I will select the one target behavior is the cat sitting down on the ground in the house near the lady commanding
2) The consequence is a reinforcing treat, paired with a clicking sound.
3) The consequence will reinforce the cat to increase the frequency of the behavior
4) This consequence is having the reinforcing treat. This is positive reinforcement (addition of treat).
5) The antecedent is in a family room with the cat’s owner in her home
A=In a family room in a home of the owner and the cat
B=the emits a response of sitting after command
C=the cat is reinforced with a treat paired with a clicking sound
The consequence of the sitting behavior is reinforced with a treat. This will increase the behavior. This is an example of fixed ratio. Each ONE time the behavior is emitted, it is reinforced. This is a fixed number that depends on the number of times emitted, which happens to be one.
Continuous Reinforcement
This video clip shows a baby emitting a scared and then laughing behavior as consequence for his mom emitting a behavior of blowing her nose. (1) The mom blowing her nose is the target behavior. (2) The consequence of the target behavior (blowing nose) is the baby laughing. (3) The consequence of the baby emitting a laughing behavior will increase the frequency of the mom blowing her nose, because the consequence is pleasurable. (4) The consequence involves the addition of something, the baby’s laughter. (5) The antecedent is the mom needing to clear her nasal passageway.
A=needing to clear nasal passageway
B=mom blowing her nose
C=baby laughing
The consequence of the baby laughing after the mom emits a behavior of blowing her nose, will increase the likelihood of the mom blowing her nose in the future, especially around the baby to elicit the same pleasurable consequence. This is an example of a continuous schedule of reinforcement because the baby emits the laughing behavior (pleasurable consequence) every time the mom emits the behavior of blowing her nose (target behavior).
This video clip shows a baby throwing wood toys out of an ark across the room. This video shows extinction, but not in the assumed method of the parent ignoring the undesirable behavior. In this video the baby’s behavior is altered due to lack of interest in her own target behavior, and the behavior is extinguished. The baby emitted a throwing behavior of her toys, but then lost interest and discontinued the behavior. (1) The baby throwing her wooden toys is the target behavior. (2) The consequence of emitting the target behavior is personal enjoyment on the baby’s own behalf. (3) The baby apparently lost interest in the target behavior, and no longer received personal enjoyment out of emitting the target behavior of throwing the toys, so the behavior was extinguished, and will not continue (at least for awhile). (4) The reinforcement prior to the extinction was the addition of personal enjoyment or interest in emitting the throwing behavior. (5) The antecedent is wanting to throw toys.
A=wanting to throw toys
B=throwing toys
C=pleasure from throwing toys, but lost interest so behavior extinguished
The consequence of the baby receiving pleasure from throwing the toys (target behavior) was the prior reinforcer, but the baby lost interest and no longer received pleasure from emitting the target behavior, so the behavior was extinguished. The behavior was extinguished for awhile, but that doesn’t mean the baby will not experience spontaneous recovery in the future and find that she receives pleasure from emitting the target behavior again. This is an example of extinction because a reinforcer (pleasure from throwing toys) that was found pleasurable lost its reinforcing power, and the behavior was extinguished.
The clip I used for reinforcement showed an NCIS moment. In the clip, a woman is emitting an informative behavior by telling the NCIS crew about inappropriate touching. When she says that hugs are “yellow light”, it elicits a questioning response from Abby, who asks if people don’t like that she hugs them all the time. This elicits a denial from her co-workers, which reinforces her decision to still hug others. 1. The target behavior is asking a question about people’s feelings. 2. The consequence of the behavior is that her coworkers tell her they like her hugging them. 3. The consequence will increase Abby’s hugging behavior because she has been reinforced by the verbal responses that it is pleasurable to others. 4. The consequence involves the addition of verbal responses. 5. The antecedent is being in told that others don’t like hugging.
A= (Abby) being told others don’t like hugging.
B=Abby asking if her hugging others bothers them.
C=coworkers tell her they like her hugging them.
I believe that the consequence alters her behavior because she was told that others do like her hugging behavior and so now she will increase the number of hugs she gives them. This is an example of positive reinforcement, because the responses were added and told her she should increase the target behavior. It is also an example of variable ratio, because even though Abby hugs people, it’s not every single time she sees them, so that makes it variable. It’s interval because it’s based on number of times she sees them.
My second clip shows a guy attacking a vending machine because it didn’t reinforce him by giving him a pop. 1. The target behavior is getting the machine to give the guy a pop. 2. The consequence of this behavior is that the man emitted an attacking behavior to try to get the pop. 3. The consequence leads to extinction because the pop doesn’t reinforce him by giving him the pop even though he attacked it. The consequence could either decrease his behavior of going to that pop machine, or it could lead to spontaneous recovery if he goes back to the machine in a few days. 4. The consequence involves the addition of a rage response, indicted by the kicking and hitting. 5. The antecedent is the pop machine not dispensing pop.
A=pop machine doesn’t dispense pop
B=man tries to get pop by attacking machine
C=man walks away
There are different ways that the consequence could alter behavior. I believe, since the guy emitted such a mad response, that he will not use the vending machine again, so the consequence alters the behavior by decreasing the frequency of the man using that particular machine. We do see extinction burst in this clip when the man is attacking the machine. It is a very aggressive response for something the man considers to be very aversive (not getting the pop). The consequence shows that extinction has happened because he has stopped trying to get the pop.
I have emitted a watching behavior of a schedule of reinforcement where a player in a halo game is negatively reinforcement when he is killed several times because the wraith (tank) keeps killing him when he spawns which is set on a fixed interval of two seconds, but he has to keep playing to win the level.
1) The target behavior is the player trying to beat the level and he is reinforced by being spawned many times in the hope of traveling past the point he is being killed at.
2) The consequence of his behavior is being killed by the tank not once, 6 times in his valiant effort to beat the level.
3) The consequence will decrease his behavior of dying, but increase his strive to defeat the tough level.
4) The behavior involves the addition of him spawning multiple lives in hope to defeat the level.
5) The antecedent is the level and more specifically the spot where he keeps dying is.
A= video game level B=dying via wraith (tank) C= Respawn every 2 seconds
I have also emitted a watching behavior of extinction where a young man with obsessive compulsion disorder goes to a clinic at UCLA and seeks help to extinguish his behavior of wanting to hurt himself.
1) The target behavior is the young man’s chronic OCD problems and how the doctors extinguish them.
2) The consequence of the behavior is the extinction of his OCD thoughts or episodes.
3) The consequences of emitting a behavior of going to UCLA will decrease the frequency of his OCD.
4) The eliciting of treatment for the young man involves removal of his tendencies toward OCD.
5) The antecedent is the clinic at UCLA.
A=UCLA clinic B=treatment for OCD C=extinction of OCD tendencies
The consequence alters the behavior because the player is negatively reinforced by being killed over and again, but cannot continue the level unless he keeps trying to push on. He is also on a fixed interval schedule because he keeps spawning in the same spot every two seconds.
The consequence alters the behavior in the second video clip because extinction occurs when a man with OCD goes to a clinic to cure his episodes and because he went to the clinic he was cured.
I have emitted a watching behavior of a schedule of reinforcement where a player in a halo game is negatively reinforcement when he is killed several times because the wraith (tank) keeps killing him when he spawns which is set on a fixed interval of two seconds, but he has to keep playing to win the level.
1) The target behavior is the player trying to beat the level and he is reinforced by being spawned many times in the hope of traveling past the point he is being killed at.
2) The consequence of his behavior is being killed by the tank not once, 6 times in his valiant effort to beat the level.
3) The consequence will decrease his behavior of dying, but increase his strive to defeat the tough level.
4) The behavior involves the addition of him spawning multiple lives in hope to defeat the level.
5) The antecedent is the level and more specifically the spot where he keeps dying is.
A= video game level B=dying via wraith (tank) C= Respawn every 2 seconds
I have also emitted a watching behavior of extinction where a young man with obsessive compulsion disorder goes to a clinic at UCLA and seeks help to extinguish his behavior of wanting to hurt himself.
1) The target behavior is the young man’s chronic OCD problems and how the doctors extinguish them.
2) The consequence of the behavior is the extinction of his OCD thoughts or episodes.
3) The consequences of emitting a behavior of going to UCLA will decrease the frequency of his OCD.
4) The eliciting of treatment for the young man involves removal of his tendencies toward OCD.
5) The antecedent is the clinic at UCLA.
A=UCLA clinic B=treatment for OCD C=extinction of OCD tendencies
Sorry for accidently emitting a behavior of posting 2 of the same blog post. :)
I emitted the behavior or watching this YouTube clip after the blog elicited me to do so. This clip is from a British TV show called Trick or Treat. This clip has to do with the participant emitting extinction and mainly extinction burst, variability, and spontaneous recovery.
1) The behavior being emitted here is the participants are trying to gain enough points to get to 500 pounds of money. The target behavior I am focusing on is the behaviors of the participants trying to get points.
2) The consequence of the target behavior is that the participants gain points which will lead them to winning the money.
3)Gaining points will increase the behavior because of their various behaviors are getting reinforced with more points so they can win the money.
4)The consequence involves the addition of points for what they believe is the behavior they are emitting.
5)The antecedent is being put in a room with a sign telling the participants eliciting them to gain points so they can win money.
A= room eliciting the behavior with signs and money
B=Various behaviors to gain points
C=gaining those points
The consequence alters the behavior because the participants are willing to try anything even looking silly to get the points. Because the consequence of gaining points and then money they are ignorant of the other sign above their heads. This is showing extinction because eventually the participants think a certain behavior they were emitting stopped working so they went on to try another.
The second clip that emitted the behavior of watching was a clip from Spongbob Squarepants. This clip deals with reinforcement. In this clip Spongbob is trying to life his 'weights".
1)The Target Behavior Spongebob is emitting is a lifting behavior, trying to raise his weights above his head.
2)The consequence of lifting the heavy bar is that Spongebob is able to life the bar above his head.
3)This consequence will increase the behavior being emitted because Spongebob wants to be buff.
4)The consequence involves the addition of weights.
5)the antecedence is Spongebob wanting to become more buff.
A= Spongebob's desire to become more buff
B= Lifting the bar bell
C= Getting the bar bell above his head and gaining muscles
The consequence alters the behavior because Spongebob will try and continue to work out in order to get buff. It is reinforcement because his getting stronger is reinforcing the working out behavior.
The first clip I emitted the behavior of watching and posting is a Pepsi commercial. There is a young boy who is not in his culture but is being taught to emit motions of martial arts. At first he is unable to emit such behaviors such as break boards. But after growing older and drinking pepsi he is now able to emit the different behaviors or martial arts.
1.The target behavior that is being reinforced is drinking pepsi. 2. The consequence of drinking pepsi is the ability to break boards and become better at martial arts. 3. The consequence of being able to emit the behavior of breaking boards will increase the frequency of drinking pepsi. 4. The consequence as the addition of skill in the martial arts area. 5. The antecedent is emitting the behavior of buying pepsi.
A= Buying pepsi
B= Drinking pepsi
C= Increased skills in martial arts
The consequence of being better at martial arts will increase the behavior of buying pepsi because the commercial portrays that pepsi will help you become better at emitting such actions as break boards. A schedule of reinforcement is here because without the pepsi one cannot become a great martial arts performer.
The second clip I emitted finding for this assignment is a prank gone wrong. There are men, looks like they are in a car shop, and they emit the behavior of putting an air bag in one of the tires. Then one of the men sits on the tire with the air bag and the air bad blows up. As a consequence the man seems to be very hurt or out of it.
1.The target behavior being extinguished is sitting on air bags. 2. The consequence of emitting the behavior of sitting on an air bag is being blown up into the air and hurting one’s self. 3. The consequence of being hurt will decrease the behavior of sitting and messing around with air bags. 4. The consequence involves the addition of broken bones or other bodily impairments. 5. The antecedent is the man trying to impress his friends.
A= Wanting to impress your friends
B= Sitting on air bags
C= Getting hurt being blown up into the air by the air bag
The consequence of being hurt will likely extinguish the behavior of sitting on air bags that will blow up because a person can be physically harmed. Extinction is occurring because most people do not want to harm themselves and after being blown up into the air by an air bag the person is most likely not going to emit that behavior again.
For my second clip, the man being hurt will extinguish the behavior of sitting on air bags in a tire that will blow up. Extinction has occurred because he is no longer being reinforced by his friends. Being physically unable to move also causes extinction to occur. He will not be reinforced by his friends because they will no longer be laughing and telling him to try it. So he will not have a desire to try it again and the behavior will be extinguished.
The first video that I emitted a watching behavior to is a clip from one of my favorite movies, “Office Space.” In the scene, Peter failed to emit putting a cover sheet on the TPS report as specified in the memo. First, Bill Lumberg talked to him about it making sure he puts a cover sheet on it next time. Then another supervisor comes to talk to him about the same thing and Peter must sit through another lecture about the memo.
1) Putting a cover sheet on the TPS report is the target behavior being reinforced
2) To increase or reinforce this behavior, supervisors talk to him eliciting him to put a cover sheet on the TPS reports.
3) The consequence will increase the behavior of putting a cover sheet on the TPS reports.
4) The consequence involves the addition of long drawn-out lectures
5) The antecedent is that TPS reports are due.
A=TPS Reports are due
B=Peter forgets to put on cover sheet
C=Peter gets lectured multiple times
In the context of the TPS reports being due, Peter emits a behavior of forgetting the cover sheet resulting in the consequence of being lectured several times about the memo and the cover sheet. This increases the likelihood of Peter emitting a behavior of putting the cover sheet on.
This is an example of reinforcement. Not only that, but it is an example of continuous reinforcement because one supervisor after another came to talk to him about the memo.
The second video I emitted a watching behavior to is actually the intro to the show “Dexter’s Laboratory” (points for nostalgia right?). The part I am focusing on in particular is at the end. Dexter finally obtained the remote to turn on the sign and pressed the button. After emitting this action, the sign did turn on. Naturally, Dexter repeatedly emits the same behavior with a look of rage on his face.
1) Pressing the button is the target behavior being extinguished.
2) The consequence of the behavior is that the sign does not turn on.
3) The consequence will increase the behavior because he knows that pressing a button turns on the sign, but in this case it is not so he is performing an extinction burst.
4) The consequence adds frustration.
5) The antecedent is that Dexter got the remote and the sign isn’t on.
A=Dexter got the remote and the sign isn’t on.
B=Dexter presses the button on the remote.
C=Sign doesn’t turn on.
In the context of having the remote and the sign not being turned on, Dexter emits pressing the button resulting in the consequence of the sign not turning on. Because of the fact that normally emitting this behavior results in the sign turning on, Dexter increases the behavior resulting in an extinction burst.
This is an example of extinction. The target behavior normally would result in reinforcement, but in this case the sign would not turn on like normal causing him to have an extinction burst.
Video #1
Video #2
In the first video I emitted the behavior of watching was a clip from The Office. In the clip Dwight is at a spin work out class with some other people. The instructor tells the class that it is cool down time and instead of listening and obeying Dwight takes over and instructs the class to do something else.
1) Dwight emitting the behavior of not listening to the instructor is an example of extinction.
2) The consequence of Dwight’s behavior is frustration from the instructor.
3) Typically, eliciting the instructor to be mad at you is an aversive thing. The instructor’s anger would normally decrease the inappropriate behavior.
4) In this case, the consequence actually involves the removal of the instructors help.
5) The antecedent in this clip was being in a workout class.
A= In a workout class.
B= Dwight not following instructions
C= A very angry instructor
Knowing the character Dwight tells us that he probably doesn’t care if he is being disruptive. His personality is the kind to do whatever he wants no matter the consequence. But, normally if the instructor was clearly frustrated with a particular behavior you were engaging in, you would no longer emit that behavior. Extinction is occurring because when the instructor gives a command, the class is no longer obeying. Instead, they are confused and some even start to follow Dwight’s commands and ignore the instructor. This is very aversive for the instructor; he is not used to this and cannot properly do his job without the reinforcement of the class following his directions.
The second video I chose to emit the behavior of watching was a clip from the TV show Big Bang Theory. It’s more of a collaboration of a bunch of instances where Sheldon emits a particular knocking sequence. Whenever Sheldon knocks on a door to go in, he has to knock 3 times in a row then says their name then repeats this action until they answer the door.
1) The target behavior that represents a fixed ratio is the action of Sheldon knocking three times in a row followed by calling their name.
2) Sheldon’s behavior elicits a consequence of the particular person finally answering the door annoyed.
3) As annoying as Sheldon’s knock is, in the end he is reinforced by them answering the door so his behavior is reinforced causing it to increase.
4) The consequence involves the addition of Sheldon getting his way. It is reinforcing for Sheldon to be answered.
5) The antecedent is Sheldon knocking on the door of his friends’ apartments.
A= Outside of Sheldon’s friends’ apartment
B= A very specific pattern of knocking
C= His friend answering and slightly annoyed
Because of the fact that whoever Sheldon is trying to get a hold of eventually answers, he continues to emit this obnoxious knocking behavior. Sheldon doesn’t care that his friends may be annoyed by it because he got what he wanted by them answering him. This is a great example of a fixed ratio because Sheldon feels he has to do something a specific number of times in order to be reinforced.
I emitted a behavior of watching a video clip of an older AXE commercial. It is about a guy who is training his fish Albert Einstein II to do tricks “crazy” tricks, and you don’t even realize that is an axe commercial until the end. At the end of the commercial you see that the point of it was to “get a girlfriend” with AXE.
1) The behavior that is being reinforced in this video clip would be the fish doing tricks such as going through a hoop, making a soccer goal, and getting a touchdown.
2) The consequence of this behavior is receiving a treat/food off a little stick every time the behavior is emitted.
3) The consequence of receiving treats would be pleasurable, so it would increase the fish’s behavior of doing tricks.
4) In this case, the fish is RECEIVING treats, which means it would be an addition. The first gets treats for emitted a certain behavior.
5) The antecedent would be swimming in an aquarium/fish bowl
A: Fish swimming in its bowl/aquarium
B: Fish doing tricks
C: Receiving treats
The consequence of emitting a behavior of doing tricks would increase the behavior because the first is receiving something for its behavior. The consequence of this is pleasurable. I think that this could be an example of fixed ratio. Fixed ratio is doing something a fixed number of times before receiving something either pleasurable or aversive. In this example the fish needed to emit the behavior just ONCE to receive his pleasurable consequence. It was not on average, it was always a fixed number of times. This for example it would be FR1. The behavior only needs to be emitted once to receive a consequence.
In this video clip, a man is having very aversive feelings after a vending machine would give him what he wanted, or his money back. After this, the man is feeling aversive and hits the vending machine hoping it will give him what he usually gets. This man is experiencing extinction.
1) The target behavior that is being emitted in this clip is the man attempting to get something out of the vending machine.
2) The consequence of the emitted behavior is that the man does not receive anything out of the vending machine. The vending machine ate his money and did not give him what he wanted. The vending machine is usually reinforcement though, because prior to this every time he inserted money the vending machine would work properly.
3) I believe that this will increase the man’s behavior because he knows that the vending machine USUALLY gives him what he wants, so he will try it again. The man is experiencing an extinction burst.
4) The consequence shows an addition of frustration and aversive behavior. It also removes money that he put in the vending machine.
5) The antecedent is a man at work
A: A man at work
B: Buying something from a vending machine
C: Vending machine ate his money and did not give him what he wanted.
The consequence to this behavior makes the man feel aversive. I believe the man will keep emitting this behavior because in the past he has received reinforcement. The man is experiencing an extinction burst since he is USUALLY reinforced by the behavior being emitted. If the man experiences this aversive consequence more often, or next time he emits a behavior of putting money into a machine then he will most likely stop emitting this behavior for good.
The video show us a TV program where the participants have to answer a question in only 30 seconds. If the answer is correct they stay more time and have a chance to win the game (reinforcer=money), if they fail they lose the game.
1) The target behavior is when the woman answers to the question.
2) The consequence of this behavior is the right answer.
3) This consequence will increase her participation in the game.
4) The consequence involves the addition of money (every time she gives a correct answer she can win more money).
5) The antecedent is the presenter asking the question.
A=The presenter ask the question
B=The woman answer the question
C=The answer is correct
In this example the consequence (correct answer) allow the woman continue the game and the presenter can ask other question (antecedent). In this case a schedule of reinforcement is present: Fixed interval, because after the question there are always 30 seconds to the woman answer.
This video it’s a commercial with George Clooney, he his very famous and usually he is recognize in the streets but when he goes to a Nespresso shop all the women ignore him.
1) The target behavior is the man thinks the girl wants an autograph
2) The consequence he get surprise because she just want a coffee
3) This consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior
4) The consequence involves a new situation that the man is not used to.
5) The woman speaks with him (say: “excuse me, I m sorry do you mind if I…”)
A= A woman speaks with George Clooney
B= He thinks that the woman wants an autograph
C=He get surprise when he realize that she just want a coffee
In this example the consequence probably will go decrease the behavior of thinking that if woman talk with him is because they don’t want an autograph but the coffee; so when he goes to a Nespresso shop the probably of an autograph behavior will be extinguish.
I found a video called push, button receive bacon. This video demonstrates that when you emit the target behavior, pushing the button, the elicited is response to pushing the button, is receiving bacon.
1) The target behavior being emitted is pushing the button, first on the president’s podium, and then on the hand dryer.
2) The consequence of this behavior, is receiving bacon.
3) This will increase the frequency of the behavior (who doesn’t love bacon?).
4) The consequence involves the addition of something, bacon.
5) The antecedent is the button, knowing bacon will come out of it if it is pushed.
A: A button that if pushed bacon comes out.
B: Pushing the button.
C: Receiving bacon.
This consequence will likely increase the target behavior and its occurrence. With the establishing operation being that you know you will receive bacon if you were to push the button, this will most likely cause most people to push it, and keep on doing so (as long as they do not become satiated). Each time the button is pushed, the person is rewarded with bacon.
This demonstrates a fixed ratio schedule of reinforcement, more specifically FR1. Each time the button is pushed the person receives bacon so that is why it is a fixed ratio, and since it is every time, the ratio is one.
Disclaimer: Only watch the first twenty seconds because that is what displays the fixed interval, and the rest of the video is horrible to watch.
This video shows a guy who has just finished eating at a buffet. When he goes outside to leave he ends up throwing up.
1) The target behavior demonstrated in this video (or occurred before the video was shot) a man eating out at buffet.
2) The consequence of the behavior is that he throws up shortly after eating.
3) This will likely decrease the behavior (eating at that specific restaurant) from happening again.
4) The consequence involves the addition of something, the actual act of throwing up.
5) Prior to extinction occurring, the antecedent was being at the restaurant/buffet.
A: Sitting in the restaurant.
B: Eating food from the buffet.
C: Throwing up.
It is likely that emitting the behavior of eating at that specific restaurant (prior to when this video was shot) elicited a pleasure response, reinforcement of the behavior. After this incident it is likely that he will not eat at that specific restaurant again, the behavior has been extinguished, because it caused him to throw up. This is a good example of the extinction of a behavior.
First, I emitted the behavior of watching a clip that is considered an example of Continuous Reinforcement. The clip I chose simply shows a man sleeping on a couch.
1)The target behavior is the act of sleeping.
2)The consequence of this behavior is no longer being tired and being able to elict energetic behaviors from yourself after resting.
3)This consequence will undoubtedly increase the behavior of sleeping because we all obviously enjoy sleeping because it is a desirable thing to us.
4)The consequence involves in addition of the sleeping behavior.
5)The antecedent in this clip would be sitting down on the couch while tired.
A= sitting down on the couch while tired
B= fall asleep
C= no longer tired and have more energy
The consequence in this clip of no longer being tired alters the behavior (and by alters the behavior it would mean keeps the behavior going) because you are getting a very enjoyable outcome from the sleeping behavior. Everyone enjoys the act of sleeping because it rejuvenates the body why it is tired, and who likes to be tired? The schedule of reinforcement is in place as continuous reinforcement in this case because sleeping is something that we are constantly doing and we always get reinforced for it with new energy and rest.
Second, I emitted the behavior of find a clip that represents Extinction. This clip it about a girl who is shopping and her friend comes up to her in the store. They are interacting fine at first but the other friend begins to embarrass her.
1)The target behavior of the clips is where a girl becomes embarrassed by her friend who is dancing in the store and starts avoiding her.
2)The consequence of the behavior will be the girl no long wanting to go in public with her friend because she is embarrassed.
3) I think that this consequence will increase the behavior because she does clearly not want to be seen in public with her friend because the conditions are aversive to her, so she will continue to avoid her if she sees her out in public again.
4)The consequence involves the addition of embarrassment whenever they are in public together because her friend acts out.
5)The reinforcement prior to the extinction was enjoying being able to be in public with her friend without embarrassment.
A= reinforcement before extinction was not having to worry about the aversive embarrassing behavior.
B=friend starts dancing and embarrasses the other girl so she starts trying to avoid her embarrassing friend
C= no longer wanting to be in public with the friend
The consequence here alters the behavior because by the girl being embarrassed to take her friend in public anymore, she will continue to emit the behavior of avoiding her friend while in public places. Extinction is occurring because taking her friend in public used to be something that she would be reinforced for because they could do fun things like shop together. Now that her friend is emitting the behavior of dancing in public when she knows it is embarrassing her, she no longer is being reinforced for the behavior that used to reinforce her all of the time.
After emitting the behavior of viewing this video, I noticed a simple, yet good example of reinforcement. This clip is part of the game show Jeopardy.
1.) The target behavior is that Andy answers a question correctly.
2.)The consequence of this behavior is receiving money.
3.) The consequence will increase the frequency of this behavior because receiving money is a pleasurable outcome.
4.) The consequence involves the addition of money.
5.) The antecedent in this clip would be eliciting an answer of a question that Andy knows the answer to.
A= Asking question Andy knows the answer to
B= Andy answers question correctly
C= Andy receives money
This clip is an example of continuous reinforcement because every time Andy answers a question correctly, he can expect to be reinforced by receiving money. The consequence of his behavior (receiving money) will alter his behavior because money is pleasurable to Andy and he will want to continue winning money, so he will continue to answer questions correctly.
The video I emitted the behavior of watching was a short clip from the movie 50 First Dates. Drew Barrymore’s character has short-term memory loss, which causes her to forget everything from the prior day as soon as she falls asleep. Adam Sandler’s character met Lucy at the restaurant and they fell in love with each other, so he tries the same pick-up lines from the first day they met, but after awhile they stop being reinforced.
1.) Target behavior that is no longer reinforced is Adam Sandler’s character using pick-up lines on Drew Barrymore’s character.
2.) The consequence of this behavior at first is that she starts liking him, but after awhile he stops being reinforced therefore the consequence is that she thinks he is rude.
3.) The consequence of the woman thinking he is rude will decrease the frequency of his behavior of using pick-up lines on her because this is an undesirable outcome for him.
4.) The consequence involves the increase of negative feelings towards him.
5.) The antecedent to this clip is that he likes her and wants her to like him.
A= Adam Sandler’s character likes Drew Barrymore’s character and wants her to like him
B= Adam Sandler’s character uses pick-up lines on Drew Barrymore’s character
C= Adam Sandler’s behavior is no longer reinforced for that pick-up line, therefore the new consequence is that Drew Barrymore’s character thinks he is rude.
The new consequence of his behavior (increase of negative feelings towards him) will decrease his behavior in the future because he wants her to like him, so this is an aversive outcome. This clip is an example of extinction because he helped her build her waffle house the day before, and she reinforced that behavior by showing signs of having feelings towards him, then the next time he tried to hit on her, she stopped reinforcing the behavior by showing that she doesn’t have feelings towards him
Terms: consequence, emit, elicit, reinforcement, target behavior, antecedent,extinction, continuous reinforcement
For the first clip I emitted the behavior of watching an ABC News clip focused on the Conrad Murray trial in California. Murray is accused of injecting Michael Jackson with the dose of anesthesia that killed him. The state is aiming to punish Conrad Murray by charging him with manslaughter. The statements that Murray has made up to this point is eliciting the behavior of protesting the court by the late Jackson’s fans.
1. The target behavior being emitted in this clip is Murray’s behavior of killing his patients. The prosecution for this case is attempting to extinguish the behavior of Murray treating people in the future.
2. The consequences for emitting this behavior is the definite trial and the possible punishment of incarceration.
3. If Murray is found guilty, the consequence of incarceration will (hopefully) extinguish Murray’s murderous behavior.
4. His potential consequence may be viewed in two ways. The positive punishment aspect would say that the added prison sentence will extinguish the behavior. The situation may be seen as negative punishment because his freedom and medical license will be removed.
5. Caring for Jackson was the antecedent
A. Being Jackson’s doctor
B. Murdering Michael Jackson
C. Going to jail
The punishment of Murray’s undesirable behavior of manslaughter will definitely alter his behavior. Without the consequence of going to jail, who is to say that Conrad Murray won’t emit a murderous behavior again. The effectiveness of Murray’s punishment of prison time will extinguish the target behavior because he will be removed from any possible antecedents which in turn will elicit the behavior of killing another person.
This video clip is focused on models that fall on the runway. It is a compilation of some of the most memorable falls by top models around the world.
1. The target behavior is falling
2. The consequence for this undesirable behavior is the feeling of embarrassment.
3. When the model feels embarrassed, this will reinforce the behavior of walking down the runway (not falling all over the place).
4. The consequence is and addition because the falling behavior elicits the feeling of embarrassment which was not felt before the fall.
5. The antecedent is being in a runway show
A. Being in a runway show
B. Falling
C. Feeling embarrassed
The consequence of falling will decrease the behavior of falling, and will increase the desirable behavior of walking normally. Reinforcement is occurring because the clip shows model’s walking behavior improves after falling.
The first clip I looked at emitted a target behavior of waiting for reinforcement. This is called Differential Reinforcement at low rate. In the video it showed a dog that had to emit the behavior of waiting ten seconds looking at its reinforcement (rice cookie) before getting reinforced. The owner elicited the emitted behavior by placing a cookie on a table in front of him, on the dogs’ foot, and holding it in front of him. If the dog didn’t wait ten seconds for the cookie the reinforcer is withdrawn and they have to wait another ten seconds until the target behavior is met for the reinforcement. This process helps slow down behavior and teaches that even if you wait reinforcement will still occur. This is the consequence of the target behavior emitted. This consequence will increase the behavior of waiting to get reinforced also known as positive reinforcement. The consequence gains or adds patience and slowing a behavior down. The antecedent of the emitted behavior is having a cookie (reinforcer) in front of the one receiving the reinforcement.
A= knowing you can receive reinforcement. (Having cookie in front of you)
B= waiting to receive the reinforcement
C= if you wait you receive the reinforcement
The consequence influences the behavior because if the target behavior is not emitted, the reinforcer is not given. If the target behavior is emitted the reinforcement is given. The schedule of reinforcement and fixed intervals helps regulate the target behavior by being constant. This also will help create the target behavior more effectively.
The next clip I looked at showed extinction of a behavior. It showed a child had Over Compulsive Disorder. They treated the child by exposing him to his fears to extinguish the behavior of OCD. The treatment created extinction of the targeted behavior. The consequence of the behavior if it didn’t become extinguished would cause him to worry about the color black, be afraid of pills, not step on cracks, and compulse about hurting himself. The extinction is occurred by exposing him to his fears emitted by another person. The reinforcement of doing the behavior is that he felt safe, even though it was causing him to not be able to function as a normal human. The antecedent to the behavior was being afraid of certain things.
A= something that the boy was afraid of that caused him to compulse
B= compulsive behavior
C = extinguishing the compulsive behavior by exposing him to his fears
Extinction occurs because he is not afraid of the things that emit him to compulse.
I emitted a behavior of watching a clip from the movie “Liar Liar”. The behavior I am targeting in this video is the man’s repeated lying to everyone in his office. The consequence of this behavior is that everyone he lies to (compliments) will elicit a warmer feeling toward him. This consequence will cause the man to emit a behavior of lying more often. This involves the addition of something, and in this case would be the man’s lies, and also the increased positive feelings that the other people will elicit. The antecedent in this situation would be the man in his office trying to make everyone like him more.
A= Man tries to make everyone like him more
B= lies (compliments) something about everyone that talks to him
C= everyone likes him better
If there was no consequence for this behavior, then the man would have no reason to lie to his coworkers. But since he is being positively reinforced by getting away with the lies, he will continue to do it. If he got caught lying, or if the people had aversive reactions to his compliments, then this would alter his behavior and he would most likely extinguish his lying behavior. Every time the man walks past these people for the first time each day, he feels the need to compliment them so that they will like them better. So when he is approaching work, he knows that he will have to lie and compliment these people each day.
I emitted a behavior of watching a clip from the movie “Liar Liar”. The behavior in this video is the woman getting told that the man “has had better”. The consequence of this behavior is that the woman gets upset and kicks him out. This consequence will decrease the frequency of the woman sleeping around again since she was not reinforced for her behavior. This consequence involves the removal of something, and in this case, the removal of the woman sleeping around. The antecedent in this situation would be that the woman likes to sleep around.
A= Woman likes to sleep around
B= Gets an aversive response from a man she sleeps with
C= Ends this behavior of sleeping around
Since the woman was negatively reinforced for emitting a behavior of sleeping around, she will most likely decrease the number of times she sleeps around now. If there had not been a consequence in this situation, she would continue to sleep around, but since she was faced with an aversive consequence, her behavior of doing so will affect how often she does it. Extinction is occurring in this situation because the woman emitted a promiscuous behavior of sleeping around, and then ended up having an aversive response one of the times she did so. Since she was not reinforced for one of the times she slept with a man, she will extinguish the behavior of sleeping around.
I emitted a watching behavior of an episode of Modern Family to find an example of extinction. Cam and Mitchell have a daughter named Lily and they are in the beginning process of adopting a new baby. However, whenever the new baby is brought up Lily gets upset and possessive over Cam. The couple realizes that in order to bring a new baby into their home they have to sort of wean Lily off of receiving so much attention from Cam to hopefully help her adjust better to the prospect of a new baby.
1.) The target behavior Cam and Mitchell want to extinguish is Lily's possessiveness over cam.
2.) The consequence of this behavior is Cam emitting an ignoring behavior towards Lily's attempts to elicit attention from Cam.
3.) This consequence will decrease the frequency of Lily emitting possessive behavior towards Cam.
4.) This consequence involves the removal of all of Cam's attention towards Lily.
5.) The reinforcement prior to extinction was Cam's undivided attention towards Lily.
A= Cam's undivided attention towards Lily
B= Cam ignoring Lily when she was emitting possessive behavior
C= Lily's decrease in emitting possessive behavior
The consequence of cam ignoring Lily decreases her possessive behavior towards her father. In this situation extinction has to occur in order for Lily to be better prepared for the arrival of a new baby.(Just as a side note you start seeing the extinction process at around 9:00 into the episode)
I also emitted a watching behavior of a video clip from FRIENDS to find an example of fixed ratio. a group of friends are emitting a playing behavior in a game, and the winner of the game wins a previous bet. In this case if the girls win then the boys have to give up their duck and rooster, and if the boys win they get the girls' apartment. During the game every time one of the groups gets an answer correct they are reinforced with one point.
1.) The target behavior is answering a question correctly
2.) The consequence of this behavior is being reinforced with one point
3.) That consequence will hopefully increase the frequency of answering a question correctly.
4.) The consequence involves the addition of a point.
5.) The antecedent is the game that their involved in.
A= The game they are playing
B= Answering questions correctly
C= Receiving one point
The consequence alters their behavior by them trying harder to get an answer correct. This schedule of reinforcement is in place to motivate them to answer correctly in order to win the entire game. In order to be fair each question that is correctly given will result in that team receiving one point; the friends are aware of the exact number of points they will receive for emitting the target behavior.
After emitting a watching behavior of this very interesting youtube video on training monkeys to help the disabled, a fixed ratio of reinforcement is used. There were three stages in this video, but in the very first stage, the monkey was being reinforced each time he or she completed a simple task of different sized rings on a holder. The monkey would be reinforced by hearing the bell, which would indicate that he/she was emitting a behavior of doing the right task the right way.
1. I believe the target behavior was putting different sized ring toys on the holder.
2. The consequence of emitting the task behavior elicits a behavior of the trainer ringing the bell.
3.The consequence will increase the frequency of the monkey completing the tasks because the bell elicits the behavior that the monkey is emitting a good behavior.
4.The consequence involves the addition of completing that stage of the training.
5.The antecedent is monkey training.
A= Monkey training
B= putting different sized ring toys on the holder
C= trainer ringing the bell for the task being correctly completed
The consequence in the trainer eliciting the bell consequence behavior, alters the monkeys emitting completing tasks behavior. The consequence of using the bell, increases the monkey’s frequency of behavior because the monkey knows that he or she completed the task to move on to a different stage of training. The behavior is a variable ratio reinforcement because each and every time a task is correct, the trainer rings the bell, but sometimes the monkeys do not complete the task correctly. The variable ratio is not always constant and is only “on average.”
After I emitted a watching behavior of this video, I realized this video show an organism extinguishing the behavior of another organism. The couple went to go to their favorite restaurant where they used to be able to eat organic foods, and the restaurant that was usually a reinforcement with their food, was closed down. The couple then leaves the area and completely will stop going to the store, then extinction has occurred.
1. The target behavior would be the Mind, Body and Spirits restaurant downtown Rodchester being closed
2.The consequence of the behavior is emitting a never returning behavior to that area
3.The consequence will decrease the couples visits to the downtown area of their favorite restaurant
4.The consequence involves the removal of the restaurant
5.The reinforcement that was prior to extinction was the Mind, Body and Spirits restaurant
A= Prior reinforcement of restaurant
B= restaurant closed
C= Never returning back to that area
The consequence alters the behavior because the restaurant extinguished the behavior of eating there. The extinction of taking away the restaurant will decrease the couples visits to that area again.Therefore, the once reinforcing restaurant food, now caused an extinction to the couple and other customers.
terms used- extinction, extinguished, consequence, reinforcing, reinforcement, emit, elicit, target behavior, variable ratio
I emitted the behavior of watching this video clip. This elicited a pleasurable feeling because I felt like I found a original example. This is a compilation clip of Michael Scott, who is a character off of the show “The office”. During the clip, Michael is emitting the behavior of saying “that’s what she said” every time it fits with a inappropriate saying.
1) The target behavior being emitted in this clip is Michael saying “that’s what she said”.
2) The consequence of this behavior is that the people around him laugh.
3) This consequence will increase the frequency of his behavior because he receives the attention of the people around him.
4) This consequence involves the addition of people’s laughter and attention.
5) The antecedent for this behavior would be when people say something that can be taken as inappropriate Michael then emits the behavior.
A= When someone says something that can be taken in an inappropriate way
B= Michael emits the behavior of saying “that’s what she said”
C= People around him laugh therefore giving him the attention he wants
The consequence alters the behavior because if the people around Michael didn’t elicit the positive feedback of laughing, I don’t think he would do it. This would be an example of Fixed Ratio. In the show, every time someone says something that can be taken as inappropriate Michael always responds. If every 5 minutes he emitted this behavior it would be a fixed interval, but he comments every single time the opportunity arises.
I emitted the behavior of watching another clip from the TV series “The Office”. This clip is about Pam and Jim emitting an aversive behavior towards Dwight in order to get a rise out of him.
1) Clicking the pen – There is variability in this extinction burst because then the target behavior becomes blinking.
2) The consequence of this aversive behavior is Dwight getting upset.
3) The consequence will probably increase the target behavior because they annoyed Dwight and that was their goal.
4) The consequence involves the addition of something. This something being Dwight getting annoyed, so it’s the addition of an aversive state.
5) The reinforcement prior to the extinction burst was that Dwight ignored them and therefore didn’t get annoyed.
A) Not getting annoyed by Jim and Pam’s pranks
B) First clicking the pen, then variability of the extinction burst led to blinking
C) Dwight becoming annoyed and upset.
Because Pam and Jim continue to do things that are aversive to Dwight, first clicking a pen and pretending to use Morse code and then blinking, the consequence is that Dwight becomes thoroughly upset and annoyed. This extinction burst in occurring because at first Dwight ignores their behavior but at the end he finally gives in and gets upset and gives them attention.
This is a clip from the show Weeds. The mother is reinforcing her daughter to emit the behavior of exercising so she doesn’t have an aversive appearance.
1.) The target behavior being elicited is to exercise.
2.) The consequence of this behavior when it is emitted is to be in desirable shape.
3.) The consequence following an exercise regime will most likely increase the behavior being emitted.
4.) The consequence involves desirable feeling reinforced towards ones’ self worth.
5.) The antecedent would be going outside to perform the reinforced behavior of exercising.
A = Being outside
B = Exercise
C = Getting “in shape”
This relates to reinforcement by the mom encouraging her daughter to get in shape by exercising and emitting the behavior of going to the class that is being held outside. By exercising, this will elicit her to get “in shape” therefore she will spend more time outside as a consequence.
This is a clip from The Office. Jim conditioned Dwight to expect to receive an Altoid every time he heard a certain sounds from the computer. Jim then elicited the behavior of making the sound on his computer, but did not follow through with the desirable consequence which was receiving an Altoid. Dwight’s behavior was then extinguished once he realized there was no reason Jim should elicit the behavior of giving him an Altoid.
1.) The target behavior is making the noise on the computer.
2.) The consequence of this behavior is giving Dwight a mint.
3.) The consequence following the behavior will increase Dwight’s desire for Jim to elicit the behavior of mint giving.
4.) The consequence involves the addition of an Altoid mint, which Dwight enjoys.
5.) The antecedent would be sitting at a computer desk.
A = Sitting at the computer
B = Making a noise
C = Receiving an Altoid mint
This relates to extinction. Jim and Dwight were both eliciting the behavior of sitting at a computer desk. Jim would make a noise and as the consequence, Dwight would be asked if he wanted a mint. Dwight found this to be desirable and every time he heard that noise, he would expect a mint. This would lead to him sitting by the computer more often.
I emitted the behavior of watching this clip on YouTube. In this video, the baby emits the behavior of pitching a huge fit expecting attention from his mother. When his mother walks away, he stops. Then he moves again in the end so she can see him and then starts pitching the fit again.
1. The target behavior in this clip is the baby getting attention from his mother and giving him what he wants (which seems like has worked before in the past).
2. The consequence of his behavior is that he is just ignored by his mother.
3. This will eventually decrease his behavior because if he’s not getting any attention, he’s going to get tired of pitching a fit and eventually quit screaming and crying.
4. This consequence involves the removal of a stimulus. The mother is ignoring him which is taking away a behavior.
5. The reinforcement prior to this example was the baby’s mother coming to his side when he pitches a fit and giving him what he wants.
A=at home
B=the kid pitches a temper tantrum
C=Mom walks away and ignores him
Again, this is an example of reinforcement because that kid pitches a fit in front of his mom because he expects her to give him what she wants. When she goes out of his view, he stops his tantrum and walks to where she is. Usually, she would help him but since he didn’t, his behavior stopped for a second.
Within the first few seconds of this video, there is an example of a variable ratio. In this video clip (first 20 seconds) the player hits four different blocks. When she hits a certain one, they get a mushroom which makes Mario bigger.
1. The target behavior of this clip within the first 20 seconds is to get bigger by finding a mushroom.
2. The consequence of finding the mushroom is that Mario gets bigger.
3. This behavior will increase the behavior of the player hitting the blocks because they want to find things inside them that will help them win and defeat the game.
4. This consequence involves the addition of a pleasurable stimulus which increases the behavior.
5. The antecedent is playing a video game.
A=playing Mario
B=Hitting the bricks
C=finding a mushroom that makes him bigger
This video is an example of a variable ratio reinforcement schedule because you don’t know how many bricks you’re going to have to hit before you can be rewarded with a specific prize that will make you bigger, give you a life, etc. You have to do it a certain amount of times before you get reinforced, you just don’t know how many times it will be.
I emitted the behavior of watching a video clip on the internet about a dog. . This is an example of a fixed ratio schedule. This video equals FR1.
1. The target behavior of the dog is pushing a button once.
2. The consequence of pushing this button once will give the dog food. So, this dog is being reinforced to push this button once by the coercion of food.
3. The consequence of this behavior will increase. The dog is eliciting a response of hunger whenever the button is pushed. The button signals a certain sound, which lets the dog know the food is going to be released. Naturally, dogs enjoy food, so they will emit the behavior of pushing the button more and more often.
4. The consequence involves the addition of food.
5. The antecedent of this behavior is the owner trying to teach the dog to push the button.
A= Man teaching his dog to push button
B= Dog pushes button once
C= Dog receives food
The consequence in this video makes the dog elicit a behavior of hunger and therefore will push the again for food. This video is a fixed ratio. The word fixed comes from the dog pushing the button only once before receiving food. (Fixed number of times = 1). The ratio portion of this video refers to a number of tries. (Number of tries = 1).
I then emitted a behavior of choosing a second video. The subject that I was looking for in this video is extinction. In the video, the girl asks another if she can demonstrate a dance she had just learned.
1. The target behavior of this video is for the girl who is dancing to elicit a response of reinforcement from the other girl that is supposed to be watching her.
2. The consequence of this behavior is the other girl ignoring the girl that is emitting a dancing behavior because she is embarrassing.
3. The consequence will then decrease the behavior (dancing) that is being emitted.
4. The consequence of the dancing involves the removal of attention that the girl is receiving.
5. The antecedent of this video is the two girls being in a shopping store, and the other agrees to watch the girl emit a behavior of dancing.
A= Being in store with girl that agrees to watch the dance
B= Dancing embarrassingly while other girl emits behavior of ignoring her
C= Girl is ignored and stops dancing.
Originally, this girl was receiving the consequence of the other person watching. Now that this consequence has been taken away, the behavior will decrease eventually leading to extinction.
Extinction is occurring because the other girl emitted a behavior of embarrassment and stopped reinforcing the dancer by ignoring her.
Video 1
Video 2
The first video I chose for reinforcement is an example of intermittent reinforcement. The reason this is is because in the old spice commercial there is a octopus attacking the sea captain who is wooing the woman and the reason for intermittent reinforcement is because the ocopus is only reinforced for this behavior every once in a while by the man being scared. It doesn't take continuous reinforcement for the octopus to attack the sea captain every time.
1)The target behavior is attacking the sea captain.
2)The consequence is striking fear in the sea captain and having an aversive affect to the man.
3)This consequence will increase the frequency of the octopus attacking the man.
4)The consequence involves the addition of the octopus giving the man an aversive behavior.
5)The antecedent is in the context of the man being in the company of the octopus.
A= Man being in the company of the octopus.
B= Attacking the man.
C= Man being in fear of the octopus.
The intermittent reinforcement is in play because the octopus in the video isn't necessarily being reinforced for the behavior being emitted, but the octopus continues to do so.
My second video illustrates extinction because of the extinction burst at the end. The man is dancing on the game and when he isn't hitting the notes right he emits a burst of extinction when he swears and hits the machine out of frustration.
1) The target behavior would be to hit the correct notes on the game with dancing.
2)The consequence of the behavior is approval from his friends.
3)The consequence of these events will increase the likelihood of him repeating the target behavior.
4)The consequence involves the addition of clapping and approval.
5)The antecedent is in the arcade.
A= Arcade.
B= Hitting the correct notes on the game.
C= Approval of his friends and peers.
The reason this falls under extinction is the extinction burst in the video where he knows it isn't working and is trying everything to get that reinforcement including swearing and hitting the machine.
Blog Assignment Week 6
I emitted a watching behavior towards a video about dog training and positive reinforcement. The video basically shows a man eliciting a dog to emit a tissue fetching behavior whenever he sneezes.
1.) The target behavior is the dog emitting a fetching of tissues behavior
2.) The consequence for the dog is reinforcement via petting and verbal support
3.) This consequence will increase the frequency of the targeted behavior
4.) It involved the addition of praise and petting to the dog
5.) The antecedent to this behavior is the man emitting a sneezing or sick behavior that the dog can pick up on
A= The man emitting sneezing or coughing
B= The dog emits a tissue fetching behavior
C= The dog is positively reinforced for his behavior with praise and petting
The consequence of emitting the target behavior is a positive reinforcement through praise; this will definitely increase the likelihood that the dog will emit the target behavior every time the antecedent is present. This is a great example of continuous reinforcement as well. Every time the dog emits the targeted behavior he is reinforced. This makes a it a scheduled reinforcement that is continuously reinforced without regard to interval or ratio.
This video is of a man emitting a temper tantrum while in extinction. He is screaming, yelling, and aggressive because a vending machine won’t dispense a water/soda for him because it is sold out.
1.) The target behavior is the man using a vending machine
2.) The normal consequence of this behavior is being reinforced by a soda/water
3.) The normal consequence would increase the frequency
4.) This consequence involves the addition of something but in this case of extinction it is the removal of something
5.) The antecedent is being extremely thirsty
A= Being extremely thirsty
B= Trying to get a drink from a vending machine that’s sold out
C= Not getting a drink and going into extinction
The behavior of trying to get drinks out of a vending machine is eventually going to decrease if he keeps using this vending machine because he is in extinction. The previously reinforced idea that every time you put money in the machine you will receive a beverage has been removed. The guy started acting his rage out in an extinction burst and eventually the extinction process will be finished and he will no longer expect drinks when he puts money into a vending machine.
Terms: target behavior, positive reinforcement, consequence, emitting, eliciting, emits, ratio, interval, scheduled reinforcement, extinction, extinction burst
URL: 1.)
When I emitted a behavior of reading this assignment, it elicited a very aversive response. I had no clue what videos I was going to choose. After I emitted a lot of thought, I knew that the target behavior was going to be from The Office. Every time Jim turns on his computer, he gives Dwight an Altoid. 1) Jim was continuously reinforcing Dwight every time the computer made the noise. After many times doing this, Jim discontinued this target behavior. This illustrated extinction because Dwight was no longer reinforced. 2) The consequence of the behavior is Dwight’s mouth emits a bad taste when the bell rings because he is expecting a mint. 3) The consequence will elicit Jim supply Dwight with less mints because he does not like Dwight and wants him to have aversive feelings. 4) The consequence involves the subtraction of the mints. This is why it is extinction because the reinforcement was taken away. This was very aversive for Dwight. 5) The antecedent is Dwight emitting annoying behaviors towards Jim. It does not tell this from the video, but I watch The Office a lot so I know some background on the video.
A=Jim being annoyed with Dwight
B=Jim giving Dwight a mint every time the bell rings
C=Dwight’s mouth tastes bad when the bell rings and he doesn’t receive a mint
Jim will no longer give Dwight mints so he feels uncomfortable. It is extinction because Jim no longer reinforced Dwight.
I emitted the watching behavior of watching a semi-popular YouTube video from BGSU. 1) The behavior is the student pressing the Easy Button. 2) The consequence is the student shooting the other student with an AirSoft gun. 3) The consequence of the behavior will increase because the first student will think it is funny that the other student will emit a fightened behavior. 4) The consequence involves the addition of the bullet to the other student. 5) The antecedent was the student’s teacher assigning the student to create an example of classical conditioning.
A= The antecedent was the student’s teacher assigning the student to create an example of classical conditioning
B=The behavior was shooting the other student with an AirSoft gun.
C=The consequence was the other student being frightened.
The consequence was the other student being scared and it increased every time he emitting a shooting behavior towards him.
Schedules of reinforcement
I emitted a behavior of watching a clip titled “Pavlov's Pizzeria”. The clip showed us both Fixed and Variable ratio of reinforcement for selling pizzas. The first girl was paid $100 for selling 5 pizzas. The second girl got a bonus when she did a good job.
1) Target behavior is selling more pizzas.
2) consequence is a $100 bonus
3) The consequence will increase the behavior, the more pizzas you sell the more times you will get a bonus.
4) The consequence is the addition of a bonus.
5) out selling pizzas.
A)out in the sales world.
B)Selling pizzas
C) Get the bonus
The consequence (bonus money) will increase the behavior of selling pizzas (at least a variable ratio schedule should). This seems to be the only way they get paid (the bonus) so the subjects will emit a behavior of selling more pizzas when they see a bonus is in their future.
The video emits several different extinction subplots as well as extinction burst (elevator door not closing, door knocking and no one answering, soda machine not giving out product after money has been put in, no dial tone when the phone is picked up, and a copy machine not working. 2. The consequence for all of the reactions is extinction because what the guy was trying to achieve (see above) did not happen. 3. All of the consequences (if the definition of extinction is correct) will decrease frequency of the behaviors (see above again). 4. All of the consequences show the removal of something positive i.e. The door not closing, no one answering the door, no soda, no dial tone, the copy machine did not make copies. The antecedent is: in the elevator, at the door, in front of the soda machine, at the phone, at the copy machine….
I’m going to dissect one of the clips:
A)In the elevator
B)pushing the button to close the elevator
C) Elevator door does not close.
These are all examples of extinction with extinction bursts. Extinction is occurring each time because the elicited behavior is not being achieved any of the times.
Reinforced Video:
Summary: this is a video about a dog being reinforced every time he gets in the pool and does not bark.
1) The behavior that is being reinforced is the dog not barking in the pool.
2) The consequence of the behavior is every time he gets in the pool and doesn’t bark he is reinforced with praise.
3) The consequence should increase the behavior of the dog not barking in the pool.
4) The consequence involved the addition of praise when the dog does not bark in the pool.
5) The antecedent is the dog being in the pool.
A) The antecedent is the dog being in the pool.
B) The behavior is the dog not barking in the pool.
C) The consequence is the dog being reinforced with praise when he doesn’t bark in the pool.
The consequence alters the behavior because the dog is more likely to not bark in the pool when he is being reinforced with praise and being able to play in the water. This is an example of fixed ratio schedule of reinforcement because the dog is constantly reinforced when he doesn’t bark in the pool.
Extinction Video:
Summary: This is a clip from the TV show Super nanny. It is about a family that needs help manipulating the behavior of her children, because they have an aversive behavior when it comes to listening. The child use to run free and do whatever he wants and he was reinforced by getting whatever he wants.
1) The behavior that is being extinguished is the child doing whatever he wants.
2) Consequence when he does not listen is that every time he does not listen he has to sit in the time out circle and he no longer gets to whatever he wants.
3) The consequence should decrease the child doing whatever he wants.
4) The consequence involves the removal of the child’s play/snack time.
5) The antecedent is the child being outside with his mom.
A) The antecedent is the child being outside with his mom.
B) The behavior is the child doing whatever he wants.
C) The consequence when the child does not listen then he has to sit in the time out circle.
The consequence of the child having to sit in the time out circle when he does not listen to his mom alters the behavior because if the child gets time out when he does not listen then he is more likely to listen to his mother the next time. Extinction is occurring because the child is no longer being reinforced with doing whatever he wants and getting snacks all the time.
Extinction Burst:
I emitted the behavior of watching a video that a group of kids made for their psych class. These boys emitted examples of multiple different extinction bursts. The one I'm going to discuss is the first one, when the boy is inside the elevator and trying to get the door to shut. After pushing it a few times, he has an extinction burst and begins to pound on the button and hit it harder and faster.
1. The target behavior is to elicit the button that will close the elevator doors.
2. The consequence of this behavior is that the door will close, and he can go to the desired floor.
3. The consequence of going to the desired floor, will increase his likelihood of him repeating the target behavior.
4. The consequence involves the addition of pleasurable behavior.
5. The antecedent is in the elevator.
A= Elevator
B= Pushing the button for the doors to close
C= Door closes and elevator moves to desired floor.
The lack of consequences involved in this situation emits a behavior of the boy hitting the button multiple times after it doesn't work, thus emitting a behavior of extinction burst.
I emitted the behavior of watching a second video clip about reinforcement. In this video, it shows how when Scooby Doo is scared to go on with the investigations, the rest of the crew emits the behavior of rewarding him with a scooby snack.
1. The target behavior is Scooby receieving a snack.
2. The consequence of this behavior is that Scooby will emit a behavior of continuing the investigation.
3. This consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior because Scooby enjoys the scooby snacks.
4. This consequence involves the addition of scooby snacks.
5. The antecedent is Scooby being afraid.
A= Scooby is afraid.
B= Scooby receives scooby snack.
C= Scooby continues on with the investigation.
This consequence alters the behavior because if Scooby wasn't being reinforced with a Scooby snack, then he most likely would stay afraid and not emit a behavior of completing the investigation. This is an example of fixed ratio because everytime he is afraid, he is reinforced with a scooby snack.
Video 1:
Video 2:
The first video I chose was a clip from the office. In the clip Jim conditions Dwight to reach over his desk for an altoid in response to a certain noise. He does this over the course of a few weeks. He uses a continuous response schedule as well as a variable interval schedule, because Jim does this randomly through out the day (not on a fixed amount of time). The target behavior is to get Dwight to reach out for an altoid following a certain noise. The consequence is that Dwight gets an altoid. The consequence involves the addition of the altoid. The antecedent for the event is being in the office and hearing the noise.
Jim uses a continuous response schedule as well as a variable interval schedule, because Jim does this randomly through out the day (not on a fixed amount of time). Jim also gives Dwight an altoid every time the noise occurs. The consequence of receiving an altoid alters Dwight’s behavior because the altoid is desirable to him.
A=being in the office and hearing the noise
B=reaching over the desk
C= receiving an altoid
The second video I chose is a teenage throwing a temper tantrum because his mother cancelled his video game account. The extinguished behavior in this case would be the boy’s game playing, since his account was cancelled. The act of canceling the account would completely extinguish the behavior because he would be unable to play then. The consequence involves removing the opportunity to play the game. The antecedent in this case is that the child was most likely playing (what the mother thought was) too many video games.
The behavior is altered by the consequence because the behavior cannot be done with out the membership. I believe that extinction is occurring by the actions of the child. The child clearly displays an extinction burst. He screams and kicks over the game, my assumption is that he normally does not do these things in order to play the game – which also shows variability. The extinction burst and variability are both good signs that the extinction process is working.
A= the child playing a video game
B= canceling the video game
C= not able to play game/temper tantrum
Emitting the behavior of putting money in a pop machine and manipulating the buttons generally elicits the reinforcing behavior of the individual receiving a pop as reinforcement for the action of putting money in the machine.
In this clip, they emit the behavior of putting money in the pop machine to receive no reward as the pop machine elicits a aversive response of not depositing the pop in the customer’s receiving tray. In the video there is a discriminative extinction stimulus eliciting a “heads-up” that the machine is broken. The part of the machine that moves up and grabs the correct beverage from the appropriate location was full of pops. This showed that people had bought them but they were not being put in the tray for the customer to receive them. This warned that the machine was not working correctly and thus “told” the organism that no reinforcement would be giving if they did the emitted the behavior of putting money in the machine, which normally is the correct target behavior which leads to the emitting of a reinforcer (a pop).
1. Put money in the pop machine=target behavior
2. No pop comes out because the machine is broken=consequence
3. The consequence will decrease the frequency of using that pop machine/ putting money in it
4. The consequence involves the subtraction or removal of something. Their money is subtracted and the pop that they would usually get is also not present Their pop is secondarily “subtracted” as well.
5. Going to a pop machine to buy a pop=antecedent
In the case of this video, it displays extinction because no reinforcement will be emitted in response to the normally reinforced target behavior. The backed up pop bottles are the particular stimulus in the environment that serves as an indicator of the extinction of reward/reinforcement.
A=At a pop machine
B=Put money in for a pop
C= Don’t receive a pop/Machine is broken
The consequence of not receiving a pop for the input of money will alter the behavior of using that pop machine. The alteration will be a decrease in an individual’s elicited use of the machine because it is not reliable in terms of receiving reinforcement. Extinction is occurring because the individual is no longer being reinforced for a behavior that was previously reinforced. This extinction will consequently lead to the person no longer using the pop machine. (Broken Pop Machine)
(Second video on reinforcement)
The video is from Two and a Half Men. When the bar that the men are attending elicits the ringing behavior of the bell, the people in the bar elicit a drinking behavior of their shots. Basically the clip emits encouragement for attending the bar and playing the drinking game with the bell.
1. Emitting the behavior of ringing a bell is the target behavior in the bar
2. The consequence of ringing the bell is that everyone (first barks) and then takes a shot.
3. The consequence will increase the frequency of the bell ringing because people first, are at a bar and want to drink, and second, the bar makes more money every time someone takes a shot. People want to take a shot, and it is part of the game to take one when the bell rings. Taking a shot and the bar making money will increase the frequency of ringing the bell.
4. It involves the addition of something. That is the addition of a shot and more ringing of the bell and possibly even attending the bar more.
5. The antecedent is=At a bar.
A=At a bar
B= Bell Rings
C= Take a shot
The consequence of the bell ringing is that everyone takes a shot. Taking a shot increases the frequency of the bell ringing, and the frequency of the bell ringing is directly related to the consequence of taking the shot. The bell ringing alters the individual behaviors to encourage taking a shot when a bell rings. This is a clear example of continuous reinforcement. The schedule of continuous reinforcement is the practice of getting reinforced every time a behavior occurs. So every time someone rings the bell, it is reinforced with a shot. *****Every time someone emits the behavior of ringing the bell, it is reinforced by people taking shots.
v=xEDxRCa_wfc&feature=related (Two and a Half Men-shots at Pavlov’s Bar)
(The link was messed up in my last post)
I emitted a watching behavior of a video of a baby laughing everytime his dad ripped a piece of paper, this shows continuous reinforcement because the ripping of paper elicits the laughing behavior from the baby everytime.
1) The target behavior is the paper being ripped.
2) The consequence of this behavior is the baby laughing.
3) This consequence is pleasureable to the dad so it will elicitate an increase the frequency of the target behavior.
4) The consequence involves adding something, in this case the babies laughter.
5) The antecedent is having a piece of scrap paper.
A= Having a piece of paper
B= Ripping the paper
C= Baby laughing
The consequence alters the behavior to occur more often because the target behavior is causing a pleasurable consequence every time it is emitted,which reinforces the behavior. This shows continuous reinforcement because the behavior is being reinforced every time.
The second clip is of a man emitting a behavior of putting money into a vending maching three times trying to get a bag of chips and fails three times, showing extinction, because he is no longer being reinforced for putting money in the vending machine.
1) The target behavior is putting money into the vending machine for a bag of chips.
2) The consequence of this behavior is that the bags of chips get stuck.
3) This consequence will decrease the frequency of emitting this behavior again.
4) The consequence involves taking away something, in this case the mans money.
5) The antecedent is a vending machine that doesn't work right.
A= Vending Machine
B= Putting money into the vending machine
C= Chips getting stuck
Because the consequence was aversive it alters the behavior by causeing the frequency of this behavior to decrease. This shows extinction because a behavior that is normally reinforced (putting money into a vending machine typically results recieving a reinforcement) was no longer being reinforced. He even showed extinction burst because he tried three different times to get chips before giving up.
The video I found has examples of both intermediate reinforcement and extinction. This clip shows a little girl using language that is not acceptable for a girl of her age. Rather than correcting her however, the mother laughs because what the little girl is saying is funny. This laughter is positively reinforcing to the little girl. At the end the mother tries to correct the bad language.
The target behavior in this clip is the swearing emitted by the little girl. The consequence for this behavior the majority of the time is laughter emitted by the mother which is a pleasing response. At the end of the clip however, the mother tells the little girl she should say "butt" instead of "ass". Presumably correcting the girls language is aversive.
The consequence of the mother laughing when the little girl says ass increases the frequency she will use this word again. In fact you can see every time the mother laughs the little girl smiles and says it again. This consequence involves adding a pleasurable stimulus (the mothers laughter which implies approval).
The second consequence, which was the correction, was meant to decrease the frequency of the behavior. The mother is attempting to remove the positive feeling of approval which should be aversive to the little girl. This is an example of extinction because it is trying to reduce the frequency of a target behavior that was previously reinforced. The antecedent for both was being asked about monsters.
A=Mother asks about monsters
B=Little girl says she will "kick its ass"
C=mother laughs, then eventually corrects
In the context of talking with her mother, a little girl emits a target behavior of swearing in front of her mother. The target behavior of swearing elicits a positively reinforcing response of laughing from the mother. This is a continuous schedule of reinforcement because the mother laughs every time the child swears. Then when the mother corrects the daughter she is attempting extinction. This means that the swearing will become more and more frequent until the mother begins to correct her in an attempt to extinguish the trait at which point the behavior should, in theory, decrease.
The second video I watched was a Halloween clip where a man dressed as a scarecrow tries to scare trick-or-treaters but instead is punched in the face when he scares the wrong person. The target behavior in this clip is the behavior of scaring people and it is emitted by the man dressed as a scarecrow. The consequence of this behavior is being punched in the face. This consequence should decrease the frequency of dressing up as a scarecrow to scare trick-or-treaters because being punched in the face is an extremely aversive consequence. The consequence involves adding pain (making it positive punishment). The antecedent is that is is Halloween.
A=It is Halloween
B=Man dresses as scarecrow to scare trick-or-treaters
C=scarecrow gets punched in the face
Consequence should extinguish the scaring behavior because the aversive pain was extremely punishing.
In this clip, a man emitted the behavior of asking a woman to marry him in front of a large audience at a basketball game. This clearly elicited a feeling of great stress in the woman, so she emitted the behavior of rejecting him and running off of the court. 1. The target behavior emitted in the clip was the man confessing his love for the woman and proposing to her. 2. The consequence of the emitted target behavior is the woman rejecting his proposal and running off the court. 3. The consequence will decrease the frequency of the man emitting his love for the woman and proposing to her. 4. The consequence involves the removal of the woman (perhaps removal of woman in the relationship). 5. The antecedent is two people in a relationship.
A= Two people are in a relationship
B= Man confesses his love and asks the woman to marry him
C= Woman rejects his proposal and runs off
I believe this is extinction because before the proposal, the woman’s role in the relationship reinforced the man to love her enough to want to marry her. The target behavior being reinforced (man loving woman enough to want to marry her) was possibly extinguished when the woman emitted the behavior of rejecting the man and running off the stage. The man is unlikely to ask the woman to marry him again, because he is no longer being reinforced by the relationship or the presence of the woman in the relationship. The man may emit extinction bursts in attempt to win the heart of the woman, but if the woman no longer reinforces him with her presence, then eventually he will give up and the behavior will be extinguished.
In the second clip, a fixed ratio schedule is emitted. A woman reinforces a dog with a treat whenever the dog emits a sitting behavior. 1. The target behavior is the dog emitting a sitting behavior. 2. The consequence is the addition of a treat. 3. The consequence is likely to increase the frequency of the target behavior because the treat is a desirable stimulus to the dog. 4. The consequence involves the addition of a treat. 5. The antecedent is woman trying to teach her dog to sit by presenting him with a treat.
A= Woman teaching her dog to sit by presenting him with a treat
B= Dog emits a sitting behavior
C= Woman gives dog a treat
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the consequence involves the addition of a treat, so the target behavior is likely to occur more often. It is also an example of a fixed ratio schedule because every time the dog emits the sitting behavior, he will be reinforced with a treat. The woman needs to continue reinforcing the dog with treats and eventually praise alone or else extinction will occur over time.
For my first clip, I found a commercial that begins with a man and his son. The boy emits a very aversive behavior of throwing a temper tantrum in the grocery store when he doesn't get the cereal he wants. The father keeps emitting the behavior of putting the cereal back, however the boy keeps trying to put it in the cart. The boy continues to scream and scream, and finally, at the end of the commercial, the viewer realizes that it's a commercial for condoms.
1.) The target behavior that this commercial wants everyone to emit is using condoms.
2.) The consequence of this behavior is not getting pregnant. Also, it means not having to deal with kids acting out in public.
3.) This consequence will increase the use of condoms, because it is always super annoying and SUPER embarrassing when kids throw fits in public.
4.) The consequence involves the addition of condoms and safe sex practices.
5.) The antecedent is seeing kids have temper tantrums in public settings.
A = Seeing kids have temper tantrums in public.
B = Using condoms
C = Not becoming pregnant and not having to deal with your child being out of line while in public.
The consequence (pregnancy) or the lack of the consequence (not becoming pregnant) alters the behavior of using condoms because we all know how much work goes into having a child. This commercial is one of the thousands of difficult obstacles that no parent likes to face. However, if the use of condoms increases and has a fixed interval of using a condom every time someone has sex, it severely decreases the likelihood of these tough moments of parenting. If you use a condom every time you have sex, you are reinforced every time by NOT becoming pregnant.
In my second clip, which demonstrates extinction, the man emits a behavior of dancing at an outdoor concert downtown Helsinki. Even though it is completely normal and accepted to dance at concerts, the man received aversive behaviors from others around him. Eventually, this behavior that was once reinforced is now extinct, and he ends up walking away from the concert.
1.) The behavior that is extinguished is dancing at a live concert.
2.) The consequences of this behavior include aversive looks, people walking away, people getting agitated.
3.) This behavior will be extinguished because his dancing wasn't enjoyed by the people around him.
4.) It required the addition of the aversive looks and behaviors of others.
5.) The antecedent is the live music playing downtown.
A = Live music is playing downtown
B = Man starts to dance
C = People emit mean glares and start to walk away/get annoyed.
In this case, the consequences the man received completely altered his behaviors and ultimately made him leave. When you think of live music, it is commonly known that people dance and sing along. Therefore, this behavior that was once reinforced is now extinguished because of the aversive consequences this man went through. Extinction occurred because no one would dance along with him or be nice to him.
I emitted the behavior of watching a video on the old school video game Ms. Pacman. During the video, Ms. Pacman emitted the behavior of eating the little dots while trying to avoid the colored ghosts. In order to go to the next level, Ms. Pacman must emit the behavior of eating all the dots on the game screen.
1) Ms. Pacman eating all the dots on the screen is the target behavior.
2) The consequence of Ms. Pacman emitting the behavior of eating all the dots is Ms. Pacman getting to go on to the next level.
3) If Ms. Pacman gets to go onto the next level that will increase the likelihood that she will continue emitting the target behavior of eating the dots.
4) The consequence involves the addition of the next level of the game.
5) The antecedent would be the game starting.
A= The game starting
B= Ms. Pacman emitting the behavior of eating all the dots
C=Ms. Pacman goes onto the next level after all the dots are gone
The consequence alters the behavior because Ms Pacman wouldn’t be emitting the eating behavior of it didn’t get her to go to the next level of the game. The behavior being reinforced is under a fixed ratio schedule. Ms. Pacman is unable to move to the next level until she eats all the dots. It is a fixed ratio because Ms Pacman has to eat a fixed number of dots in order to proceed to the next level.
For my second video I emitted the behavior of watching a clip where a man and a woman get trapped on an escalator. I watched this clip because it emitted a good example of extinction and was funny as well.
1.) The target behavior is that the man and woman are “stuck’ on the escalator.
2.) The consequence of the target behavior is that man and woman can’t get to where they are going.
3.) The consequence will decrease the likelihood of the behavior happening
4.) The consequence involves the removal of getting where the people are supposed to be going
5.) The previous reinforcement would be that the escalator was working and the people are reinforced by getting where they want to go. However, the escalator is not working this time, thus the behavior cannot be reinforced.
A= Escalator breaks while man and woman are on
B= Man and woman “stuck” on the escalator
C= Man and woman can’t get where they are going
The behavior is altered by the escalator being broken down because the people aren’t reinforced by it working to get where they want to go. A good example of extinction burst would be, after the escalator breaks down the woman and man start to yell in order to get someone’s attention, because they are no longer being reinforced with the escalator working properly like they expected
Terms Used: Behavior, emit, extinction, extinction burst, reinforcement, reinforced, target behavior, fixed ratio schedule, antecedent, consequence
For my extinction example, I emitted the behavior of finding and watching a video of a girl experiencing an extinction burst when her elevator door does not emit the expected consequence of opening when the target behavior of pushing the button is emitted.
1) The target behavior in this case is pushing a button.
2) Under most circumstances, the consequence of this behavior would be the door opening.
3) The door opening would increase the behavior of pushing the button because it are reinforces the expected consequence of the door opening.
4) This consequence involves the addition of freedom as the door opens.
5) The antecedent is being in an elevator.
A=In an elevator
B=Girl pushes button
C=Door opens
Previously the subject had been reinforced by an open door when emitting a pushing button behavior. Because the door does not open as expected when the target behavior is emitted, the subject experiences extinction. Due to this extinction, the subject emits an extinction burst, including aggressive behavior.
Schedule of Reinforcement
For my second video I emitted a finding and watching behavior of a video of a woman teaching her dog a fixed ratio schedule of reinforcement.
1) The target behavior is the dog sitting 3 times.
2) The consequence is receiving a treat.
3) Receiving the treat increases the likelihood that the dog will sit because it is a pleasurable reinforcer.
4) This consequence involves the addition of a treat.
5) The antecedent is training a dog.
A=Training a dog
B=Dog sitting 3 times
C=Receiving a treat
A schedule of reinforcement is in place, more specifically a fixed ratio schedule, because the consequence of receiving a treat is emitted consistently when the dog emits a sitting behavior on command 3 times.
The video I emited a watching response for, is a home video in which the actors emit a behavior of playing Russian roulette. In Russian roulette, a revolver is taken and one bullet is placed inside. 1) The target behavior here is pulling the trigger. 2) The consequence of this behavior is living. 3) The consequence of living, will increase the likelihood of playing this game again. In this case, the “gun” is on the phone so no one is truly dying. 3) The consequence will increase this behavior because the players who do not get the bullet will think they are lucky and emit a superstitious behavior, believing they won’t get the bullet. 4) The consequence in the case of the living, involves the removal of a possible aversive. 5) The antecedent is the playing of Russian roulette.
A) Playing Russian roulette.
B) Pulling trigger
C) living
The consequence of living, will increase the behavior of pulling the trigger again, because not only will the person be alive, but they will get a thrill out of winning and want to risk the chances again. This is an example of variable ratio scheduling. It is variable because 5 out of every 6 times the trigger is pulled, no one will get shot.
`While emiting a behavior of web surfing, I remembered a video I had ran across last year. In this clip, Jenna Marbles, describes the best way to elicit a leaving behavior of people you don’t want to talk with. 1) The target behavior here is the act of approaching another person. 2) The consequence of said behavior is the person you approach giving the aversive facial expression. 3) This consequence will decrease the operant behavior. 4) This consequence involves the addition of an aversive, the ugly face. 5) Previously being reinforced by approaching women at bars or clubs.
A) Previous reinforcement by women
B) Approaching a woman at bar
C) Receiving an aversive facial expression
The consequence of receiving an aversive facial expression, causes the target behavior to decrease because it is aversive to the subject. This is an example of extinction because the behavior used to be reinforced when approaching women at bars. After approaching a woman who emits the behavior of using this the guy goes through an extinction burst, by trying new approaches and saying things like “come on, quit playing.” After realizing that her face is not going to change, the behavior of approaching this woman at the bar is extinguished.
My first clip demonstrates one of the schedules of reinforcement. Almost everybody has either heard about or seen an episode of Who Wants to be a Millionaire therefore I don’t need to emit much of a description of what’s happening in the clip. Basically a contestant, John Carpenter, is given a question, which elicits a correct response from him which is reinforced with winning of a large sum of money. 1) The target behavior is answering a question correctly when a response is elicited. 2) The consequence of this elicited response is winning a large sum of money, being on your way to becoming a millionaire. 3) This consequence will increase the frequency of this behavior being emitted. 4) This consequence involves the addition of a pleasant thing, which is money. 5) The antecedent would be the question, which is elicits the response.
A= Being asked a question
B= Giving the correct response
C= Winning a large sum of money
The consequence of winning a large sum of money is definitely a pleasant outcome, therefore we can expect that the emitted behavior will continue to be elicited from this consequence. Since we are adding a pleasant consequence I will conclude that this clip is an example of positive reinforcement. I would also conclude that this clip demonstrated a fixed ratio reinforcement schedule. Every time a question is answered correctly a large sum of money is given FR1.
My second clip demonstrated an instance of extinction. In the clip somebody is attempting to open a jar. However, the jar is not opening as easily as expected so they are forced to try different methods in order to achieve their expected consequence. 1) The target behavior is opening a jar 2) The consequence of this behavior before the extinction was being able to access what was inside the jar. 3) This consequence will increase the emitted behavior of opening a jar because you ultimately are supposed to get what’s inside. 4) This consequence involves the addition of something, which is what’s in the jar. 5) The antecedent to the target behavior is wanting what’s in the jar.
A=Wanting something out of the jar
B= Opening the jar
C (before extinction) = Being able to access whatever is in the jar that you wanted
This is another example of positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of something pleasant and this addition will increase the target behavior. However, this is also an example of extinction. In this particular clip, the jar will not open right away meaning the consequence that is expected is not elicited immediately. The subjects of this clip try a number of different techniques in order to open the jar. This is known as variability. Eventually the jar is opened in the end, which reinforces their efforts.
In our first clip we are going to see a turtle eating a pigeon. Yes, that’s correct, a turtle killing and eating a pigeon. That’s all there really is to the video, not too complex. The target behavior in this video would be the turtle sneaking up on pigeons and devouring them. In this particular video the turtle is being reinforced for its behavior and the consequence of this behavior is the removal of hunger for the turtle, thus increasing the frequency of this through negative reinforcement. The antecedent for this behavior was the feeling of hunger for the turtle and the easy access to pigeons.
A= a hungry turtle with easy access to pigeons
B= eating pigeons
C= the removal of hunger from the turtle
The schedule of reinforcement in this instance would be a variable ratio (VR) schedule. It can be seen in the video that the turtle attempted to eat a pigeon twice with no success, and those are just the failures that we witnessed. Therefore, the turtle is not rewarded by the removal of hunger every time he attempts to eat a pigeon. The passage of time does not really matter so that rules out interval reinforcement schedules. However, it does depend on how many times he attempts the behavior. After enough attempts he is bound, by sheer statistical probabilities, to get a pigeon. Therefore, this is a variable ratio schedule of reinforcement that increases the frequency of attempted pigeon eating behavior.
Our second clip was shot by an individual who had been experiencing continuous problems with squirrels getting into his bird feeders. As you can see he has tried nailing tin to a tree but the squirrels just jump it. Now he came up with a device that spins when there is a certain amount of weight is on the bottom of the feeder. This way if a light weight bird perches on it no big deal. However, if the weight of a squirrel rests on the bottom it begins to spin. I would guess that the owner inserted some sort of spring in it. Regardless, the target behavior in this video that will, hopefully, become extinct is that of the squirrels eating at the feeder. The consequence for the squirrels attempting to eat at the feeder is that they are flung off. The consequence for their behavior is two-fold. First, the squirrels are flung off the feeder, which is abrupt, intense, immediate, and happens every time the squirrel attempts the behavior. As can be seen by the definition of effective punishment the consequence of squirrels being flung from the feeder is a very effective form of punishment. Therefore, because it is so effective it will certainly decrease the frequency of the behavior. The punishment can be seen as both removing something, the access to food, or the addition of being flung from the feeder. For the sake of fun we will use the latter. The antecedent would be having a feeder in a tree that the squirrels used to be able to access for food.
A= a feeder where squirrels used to have access to food
B= jumping on the feeder, trying to gain access to the old food source
C= being flung from the feeder
This would be an example of a schedule of punishment. I would argue that this would be an example of continuous punishment rather that continuous reinforcement…if there is such a thing. I would argue this because every time the squirrel emits the behavior of trying to get food from the bird feeder they will be punished by being thrown from the feeder without any food. Because this happens every time that makes it continuous and because it will decrease the frequency of the behavior it is punishment, thus continuous punishment.
Turtle eats pigeon
Squirrels at feederh
My first clip is from the cartoon American Dad. The son is emitting a helpful behavior of running an errand for his dad. For doing favor for his father, the boy elicits a reward in the form of a bunny. Very simple. The target behavior is doing favors for his father. The consequence of the behavior is receiving compensation in the form of a bunny. Since he emits a liking behavior toward bunnies, the consequence will increase the frequency of doing favors for his father. The addition of a rabbit makes this a case of positive reinforcement. The antecedent is the father needing something picked up.
A - dad needs something done
B - son does favor for dad
C - son receives a bunny
This is a schedule of reinforcement because the consequences are going to increase the frequency of the target behavior.
The second clip is from Family Guy. Peter is having a random flashback and calls Quagmire more of a letdown than fruit stripe gum. Then it shows him put a stick of the gum in his mouth, emit a chewing behavior. For a second, he appears to emit an enjoying behavior. Almost immediately thereafter he's disappointed. The target behavior shown is chewing Fruit Stripe Gum. The consequence of chewing the gum is happiness because it tastes good but very quickly stops tasting good. This will lower the frequency of chewing Fruit Stripe Gum. The consequence begins with addition of a enjoyable flavor but stops becoming reinforcing because the flavor doesn't last. The antecedent is Peter sitting at home watching tv wanting to have some gum.
A - sitting at home
B - Chewing Fruit Stripe Gum
C - Pleasurable experience due to good flavor, but it ends so ultimately dropping frequency of chewing that gum.
The consequence is going to alter the behavior because Peter doesnt want to chew flavorless gum. Since it starts out as pleasurable but stops being pleasurable after a short time, it will no longer be reinforcing so this is an example of extinction.
In my first clip Oliver, the “little brother” emits a behavior of annoying his “big sister” by barking and biting at her leg. This elicits no response from Princess, who emits an ignoring behavior. Oliver, who has probably been previously reinforced with attention, emits different techniques to elicit Princess’ attention. Oliver continues, but to no avail.
1) The target behavior emitted is Oliver biting and barking Princess.
2) The consequence elicited is Princess ignoring Oliver.
3) Princess emitting an ignoring behavior toward Oliver will decrease the frequency of the biting and barking.
4) The consequence involves the removal of attention.
5) The antecedent or reinforcement prior to extinction would have been Oliver and Princess playing and Oliver getting attention.
A= Oliver and Princess playing/Oliver getting attention
B= Oliver biting and barking at Princess
C= Princess ignoring Oliver
The video does not show Princess and Oliver playing together; however, it is something we can infer with good probability. Princess had previously emitted reinforcement of Oliver barking and playfully biting her because this elicited Princess to give Oliver attention. Since Princess has stopped reinforcing Oliver, Oliver’s aversive behavior of biting and barking will be extinguished. Oliver emits all of the steps of extinction. He is no longer reinforced for something previously reinforcing which elicits him to emit extinction burst. It is evident in the video that he emits a higher frequency of biting and barking in order to reestablish reinforcement of attention. During this extinction burst, Oliver emits variability. Oliver emits running around Princess, biting her ear, and jumping in her face in order to elicit attention. Since Princess does not emit attention no matter what aversive behavior Oliver emits, the behavior should be extinguished successfully.
Schedule of Reinforcement
The second clip is of a woman training her pit bull to emit tricks. She tells him to sit, lay down, high-five, wave, and shake. When the dog emits the correct behaviors, she gives him a treat, sometimes. It is a very simple video.
1) The target behavior emitted is the dog emitting the correct tricks on command.
2) The consequence is the dog, sometimes, getting a treat.
3) The consequence will elicit an increase in the frequency of the dog performing tricks on command because he is receiving treats when he emits the correct behavior.
4) The consequence involves the addition of a treat.
5) The antecedent is owning a dog.
A= Owning a dog
B= Performing the correct tricks on command
C= Getting a treat, sometimes
If the dog emits the correct trick on command, he will be reinforced with a treat. The addition of something desirable will elicit him to emit the correct trick on command more frequently. The owner does not emit reinforcement continuously since the tricks are not reinforced each and every time they are emitted. She emits intermittent reinforcement, specifically a variable ratio schedule of reinforcement. The schedule of reinforcement emitted is ratio because the frequency of reinforcement appears to depend on how many tricks the dog emits. It is variable ratio reinforcement because the dog is not reinforced after the same number of tricks each time; it is reinforced after a couple tricks and not reinforced until about 5 or so more are emitted. On average it seems the schedule of reinforcement would probably be VR2; however, it is difficult to say since the video is not very long. As long as the owner does not significantly increase the amount of tricks required to elicit reinforcement, using VR reinforcement should be effective. The dog cannot predict how many tricks are necessary to elicit a treat; therefore, the dog should emit a higher frequency of tricks continuously in order to receive reinforcement.
In this clip, Stewie from Family Guy is waiting for his mom to fix his breakfast, when she doesn’t come, Stewie emits the behavior of drinking a soda hoping to elicit a behavior from Lois to stop him and fix breakfast. She does not come. The target behavior is Stewie screaming at Lois. The consequences of this behavior is that Lois emits the behavior of ignoring Stewie which is the opposite behavior that Stewie was trying to elicit. The consequence will decrease the behavior because it is not being reinforced, it is being extinguished. Lois probably responded to most of Stewies outbursts before which reinforced a rather aversive behavior being emitted by Stewie. The consequence involved removing attention to Stewie when he was emitting the aversive behavior. The antecedent was Stewie sitting hungry in the kitchen.
A= Stewie sitting hungry in the kitchen.
B= Stewie screaming at Lois
C= The screaming behavior was extinguished by Lois ignoring Stewie.
When Lois emitted the ignoring of Stewie behavior, Stewie was not reinforced so he tried to emit a different behavior of saying he was going to drink a soda in hopes he would elicit Lois’ behavior of coming and making him breakfast. Because Lois refused to emit the behavior Stewie desired, Stewie’s behavior was extinguished. Extinction is occurring because the typical behavior of Stewie yelling at his mom did not elicit the typical response of Lois giving Stewie attention so he got frustrated and tried a new behavior.
Variable Interval Schedule.
In this clip we have a rat in a box that has a lever to push and a hole where the reinforcement is given. You will see that this is an example of Variable Interval schedule of reinforcement because the rat is reinforced on average every 30 seconds. The target behavior is the rat pushing the lever. The consequence of the behavior is that the rat keeps emitting the behavior of pushing the lever because he is unaware that it is not that but the time interval that is eliciting his reinforcement. Because the rat is being reinforced it will elicit the behavior of wandering around and pushing the lever even more. The consequence of the rat emitting the behavior of wandering the box and pushing the lever is that food is added. The antecedent is a rat locked in a box with a lever and food hole.
A=Rat locked in a box.
B=Rat wandering and pushing lever for avg or 30 secs.
C=Rat gets food.
The consequence will increase the behavior of the rat wandering the box and pushing the lever because he won’t realize that he is getting his reinforcement on an interval schedule and not a ratio schedule. The variable interval schedule of reinforcement is in place so that the rat continues to try to figure out the pattern of reinforcement therefore continuing to emit the behavior of wandering the box and pushing the lever.