Online Assignment (Week #4 Tuesday)


Think of a simple behavior that you would like to change for yourself (drink more water, eat less junk food, take the stairs more often, stop speeding, etc.). Next do the following:

1) State the behavior. (ex drink more water)

2) State the behavior as a specific target behavior. (ex drink eight 16oz glasses of water every day)

3) State the contingency or consequence that will occur if you do the desired behavior. (ex if I drink 8 glasses of water in a day, I get a beer at night. And if I do this every day for a week, I get to go out for pizza.)


Please use as many behavioral terms as possible. Make a list of the terms you use at the bottom of your post.


1) I wish to emit an exercising behavior more consistently.

2) My target behavior is running two miles on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday at 6:00 pm.

3) A reinforcement procedure will be used to reinforce my target behavior. I will reinforce the target behavior with the reinforcer of buying a desired article of clothing every two weeks that the target behavior has been emitted as specified.

Terms: emit, target behavior, reinforcement, reinforce, reinforce.

1. I wish to emit the behavior of donating plasma more often.

2. My target behavior is to donate plasma twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5 pm if possible.

3. I will reach my target behavior by reinforcement of allowing myself to go shopping every month. By using this reinforcer I will be more prone to emit this desired target behavior.

Terms used are as follows: Emit, Target behavior, Reinforcement, Reinforcer.

1) I would like to emit a behavior of practicing my piano more.
2) More specifically, my target behavior is that I would like to spend an hour Monday, Wednesday, and Friday every week in front of a piano or keyboard and practice music.
3) For reinforcement, if I complete an hour of practice on that day, I get to play Xbox for 45 minutes. Because I like gaming so much, this will make for a great reinforcer. Another thing is that I will probably want to play games so much that my craving for gaming will elicit a piano practicing response.
Terms: Emit, target behavior, reinforcement, reinforce, elicit, response

1. I wish to emit eating healthier by emitting more salad, fruit, or vegetables and less junk food more often. This may be hard to emit during "that time of month" because it may elicite my mood for chocolate.

2. My target behavior will be to emit eating healthier by emitting salad at least twice a day and eliminate candy, bread, and chocolate for two months.

3. If I emit eating healthier by eating salad, fruit, and vegetables by the end of two months, the reinforcement will be by rewarding myself with a snickers candy bar, or triple chocolate meltdown at Applebees! =)

Terms: Emit, Elicite, Target Behavior, Reinforcement

1.) I would like to emit the behavior of not biting my nails. This is will be difficult because when i'm nervous or trying to concentrate hard I elicit a nail biting behavior to myself.
2.)My target behavior will be for the first week to emit nail biting twice a day and after that only once a day until the third week where I shall no longer emit the behavior at all.
3.)I will reinforce myslef with Reeces Pieces every day that I follow my set schedule and I will also be a punisher and punish my self if I emit the behavior too much by going to the gym everyday I break my limit.
Terms: Emit, Elicit, Terget Behavior, Reinforce, Punish, punisher

1)I would like to emit the behavior of staying at my apartment on the weekends.

2) The target behavior would be staying at my apartment on the weekends instead of driving home or to my boyfriend's house on the weekends. This way, I'd be able to make more friends and be involved in more activities.

3) If I emitted the behavior of staying at my apartment on the weekends more often instead of leaving, I would become more involved in activities at UNI and would get a major reinforcement of making friends. Another reinforcer would be saving more money on gas. However, it's very easy not to emit this behavior because when I got to my boyfriend's house, I am reinforced because I see him as well. Staying at school seems like a punishment because I don't get to see the people I love and care about.

Terms: Target behavior, emit, reinforcement, reinforcer, reinforced, punishment

1) To emit a behavior of eating more vegetables

2) To emit a behavior of eating at least 3 vegetables, such items can included but are not limited to, salad, broccoli, spinach, carrots, green beans.

3)If I emit the behavior or eating at least 3 green vegetables a day I will be positively rewarded with 1 hour of down time where I can do whatever I choose witch is extremely desirable and once a week I will be positively rewarded with a soda. The prospect of the soda once a week with elicit me to emit the eating behavior and thus will increase my frequency of my target behavior which is eating vegetables. Getting healthier will be a discriminating stimulus.

Emit, Positive Reinforcement, Reward, Desirable, elicit, increasing the frequency, target behavior,discriminating stimulus

1. I would like to elicit the behavior of eating more fruit

2. (specific target behavior) I would like to end up emitting the behavior of eating one whole apple and one whole pear every day. This way I could satiate my hunger with healthy alternatives.

3. As a consequence of emitting the behavior of eating one apple and one pear each day I will reinforce myself with an episode of Seinfeld for each piece of fruit I consume. Watching Seinfeld is a reinforcer for me because it brings me serenity now! The more times I emit the behavior of eating an entire piece of fruit the more I can reinforce myself with Seinfeld.

TERMS USED: elicit, emit, emitting, satiate, consequence, reinforce, reinforcer

1. I would like to emit the behavior of exercising more.

2. My target behavior will be emmitting the behavior of going to the gym and running for 20 minutes three times a week (monday, wednesday and friday).

3. I will reinforce my target behavior by going shopping every month that I do not miss a day of exercising. Another reinforcer will be getting into better shape instead of feeling lazy.

Terms: emit, target behavior, reinforce, reinforcer.

1.Emit the behavior of exercising more.
2.Emit the behavior of running for 30 minutes five days a week.
3.If I emit the target behavior of aversive running for 30 minutes five days a week, I can emit the behavior of buying a new outfit as a consequence. I could possibly buy a smaller size and this could reinforce me to continue running.

Terms: Emit, behavior, aversive, consequence, reinforce, target behvaior.

1.) I would like to emit the behavior of drinking less pop.

2.) My target behavior will be emitted the behavior of drinking only one pop every other day.

3.) If I emit the behavior of drinking only one pop every other day, at the end of the week I will reinforce myself by going out to dinner.

Terms: emit, reinforce, target behavior

1) I was to emit an exercising behavior on a more regular basis

2) My target behavior is as follows: Exercise for 30 minutes per day at least 5 days a week. After each month, I will increase the duration of exercise by 20 minutes. I plan to use a reinforcement procedure so that I meet my target behavior.

3) If I exercise for 45 minutes at least 5 days a week I will positively reinforce myself with a small ice cream cone from McDonalds on the 5th day of exercising. And if I do this for one month with straight, I will buy myself a new pair of jeans. My goal is that the positive reinforcement will elicit me to engage in an exercising response automatically after a while.

Target behavior, emit, reinforcement procedure, reinforce, response, elicit, positive reinforcement.

1) I would like to emit a behavior of increasing the frequency of aerobic exercise I emit each week.

2) I would like to emit a target behavior of running consecutively for 45 minutes per day.

3) If I emit a target behavior of running consecutively for 45 minutes per day, as a consequence, I will reinforce my behavior by emitting a behavior of watching an episode of Spartacus after each run. The establishing operation of me liking the TV show, Spartacus, elicits a desire for me to want to emit a behavior of watching the show, and makes the reinforcer stronger. The positive reinforcer of watching an episode of Spartacus increases the frequency of me emitting the target behavior or running 45 minutes per day.

Terms used: emit, target behavior, consequence, reinforce, emitting, establishing operation, elicits, reinforcer, positive reinforcer

1) The behavior I would like to emit is to exercise more regularly.
2) The target behavior that I would like to elicit is to get outside and run at least twice a week (or at the WRC) and do 60 push ups per day.
3) If I emit the target behavior for three weeks, the consequence would be that I'd use a reinforcer which would be the purchase of a new Playstation game.

Behavior, emit, target behavior, elicit, reinforcer, consequence

1) I hope to emit good time management skills

2) My target behavior involves me doing my homework before I emit a working out or hang out with friends response.

3) The consequence for this target behavior is a form of reinforcement. When I emit this target behavior it will elicit me getting better grades and having less stress.

Terms: emit, target behavior, response, consequence, reinforcement

1. I would like to emit a behavior of watching less T.V. everyday
2. My target behavior will be watching only 1 hour of T.V. every day during the week, and 2 hours a day over the weekends. Emitting this target behavior will elicit more time to work out, do homework, and participate in more activities.
3.If I admit this target behavior the consequence may be that my grades will go up, because I will have time to do more homework. Another positive consequence may be that I will go out and participate in more activities. Also, if I emit this target behavior for a whole month, I will allow myself to go see a movie in the theater, and getting to go to the movie theater would act as a positive reinforcement.

terms: Emit, Elicit, Consequence, Target Behavior, Positive Reinforcement

1) I wish to emit the behavior of doing homework for hours on end
2) I wish to emit the behavior of doing homework for at least 2 hours, uninterupted by facebook, netflix, or texting.
3) An environment that will likely elicit this behavior would be the library. If I emit the target behavior successfully then I will reward myself with one episode of a Netflix series in the computer lab. If I do 2 or more hours of homework straight then I am depriving myself of television watching. When I do this I set up an establishing operation of making the tv show VERY appealing. As this process continues I will know during my grueling hours of homework that I will be positively reinforced with a relaxing episode of tv.

Terms: emit, elicit, deprivation, target behavior, establishing operation, appealing, positive reinforcement

1) The behavior I would like to emit is studying more often.
2) The target behavior is going to the library every night from 7-11 to read out of each of my textbooks and outline the chapters.
3) The consequence would be getting better grades by doing well on tests and homework. By increasing this behavior, I will have positive consequences. If I do this, each night when I get home I will be able to relax and watch TV without worrying about homework, tests, quizzes, etc. This will be an establishing operation of making watching TV even more pleasurable

Terms used: emit, target behavior, consequence, establishing operation, pleasurable

1) Exercise more.

2) The target behavior I wish to alter is to emit a running behavior, outside for at least a half an hour, a minimum of five days a week.

3) If I emit a running behavior at least five days a week, the consequence will be a positive reinforcement procedure in which I will reward myself with a large bowl of ice cream.

Terms: target behavior, emit, consequence, positive reinforcement

1) The behavior I would like to emit is to eat healthier.
2) The target behavior is choosing to eat fruits/vegetables over unhealthy foods.
3) The consequence will be that my immune system will be better and it will be self-rewarding and I would have positive consequences. If I were to eat healthy foods, I would be decreasing the want for fattening foods.

Terms: behavior, emit, target behavior, consequence, positive consequence.

1) I want to increase the behavior of writing in my planner.

2) The target behavior that I want to emit is writing down the events/due dates for the upcoming week on Sunday afternoons.

3) The antecedent which would elicit this behavior would be putting myself in a productive environment such as the library. If successful in planning ahead, I will be negatively reinforced when the stress I often feel will be removed. I will also be positively reinforced by the good grades that will follow.

Terms: behavior, target behavior, emit, antecedent, elicit, negative reinforcement, positive reinforcement

1) I would like to emit the behavior of eating healthier.
2) The target behavior is to eat vegetables and fruit at lunch and dinner.
3) A consequence of emitting healthier eating habits 6 days a week will be me reinforcing my behavior by going shopping at the end of the month. Shopping will elicit my behavior to increase the healthier eating habits.

Terms used: emit, elicit, behavior, target behavior, reinforcing, and consequence.

1.) I would like to emit an exercising behavior more.
2.) I would like to emit an exercising behavior at least 4 days a week.
3.) As a consequence of emitting an exercising behavior at least 4 days a week, I will decrease the amount of pounds that I weigh. As a reinforcement to continue this exercising behavior, I will enjoy a treat of my choice once a week.
Terms I used: emit, behavior, consequence, decrease, reinforcement

The Operant Behavior is eating fast food because it’s easier.
The Target Behavior is to stop eating so much fast food.
My goal is to only eat fast food once a week.
If I only eat out once a week then I will reinforce myself with a nap twice a week if I do this for a month I will reinforce myself again with being able to spend a little extra money at the bar at the end of the month. If I don’t stick to this plan I will be punished with less money and gaining weight.

Operant Behavior, Target Behavior, Reinforce, Punished

*1. I would like to emit a cleaning behavior.
*2. The target behavior that I would emit is a cleaning behavior in the commentary areas in my apartment, on mondays and thursdays.
*3. The consequence in emitting a cleaning behavior on monday and thursdays will be reinforcing to my roommates to spend more time in the kitchen and living room together. Also, it would increase the amount of visitors we would like to invite over. To be reinforced to emit a cleaning behavior, my roommates will make me dinner.

Terms- emit, target behavior, consequence, reinforce

1. I would like to emit the behavior of exercising more.
2.My target behavior is to emit the behavior of working out on the tredmil everynight for 45 mins at 8:00 pm.
3. My weight gain has elicited me to emit the behavior of working out more. If I emit the behavior of workingout everyday, I get the reward of eating a bowl of ice cream at the end of the week. The ice cream will reinforce me to emit the behavior of working out.

1) I would like to exercise more often.
2) My target behavior is to go to the WRC three times a week and work out for 1 hour (30 minutes of machine, 30 minutes of ab work).
3) In order to elicit the change in my behavior, I would reinforce emitting a working out behavior with the consequence of allowing myself to go on Facebook. For every hour of working out, I will get a half hour of Facebook time that night. This would be an example of positive reinforcement because I am adding Facebook time for emiting a working out behavior.

Terms: target behavior, elicit, behavior, emit, consequence, positive reinforcement

One behavior that I would like to emit is calling family at least once a week. I want to call my parents sibling and grandmother at least once a week.
My target behavior is I want to talk to each family member for at least 30 minutes and catch up on their week and what they are doing. I want to make sure I always tell them I love them before I hang up.
If I call all my family every week, I want to reinforce myself by going out and having fun with friends or go do something fun like bowling or a movie. If I don’t emit the behavior I want to punish myself by staying home on the weekend until I call my family or go home and spend time with my family.
Terms: behavior, emit, target behavior, reinforce, and punish

1. I will strive to emit a studying behavior more frequently
2. The target behavior I would like to reinforce is reading fifteen pages out of each of my text books (the assigned readings) every day of the week until the semester is over.
3. For reinforcement, I will buy myself a new computer at the end of the semester (if I emit the target behavior daily).
I used the terms: target behavior, emit, reinforce, and reinforcement.

1) I would like to emit the behavior of doing my homework earlier.
2) My specific target behavior is to emit the beginning of my homework at least 1 day before it is due and have it done at least 3 hours before it is due.
3) If I begin my homework at least 1 day before it is due and finish it at least 3 hours before it’s due, I will be less stressed and get to relax. If I do this every day for a month, I will gain better time management habits and get to go out and enjoy myself. Being less stressed will reinforce my emitted response of not procrastinating. Since my homework is due Tuesdays and Thursdays for most of my classes, Mondays and Wednesdays will become discriminative stimuli eliciting me to emit homework.

Terms used: emit, behavior, target behavior, reinforce, response, discriminative stimuli, elicit

1.) I would love to emit the behavior of making it on time to my first class of the day.

2.) In order to carry out this behavior, I will try to wake up fifteen minutes earlier each day. Hopefully by emitting this specific target behavior, I can make it to my first class on time.

3.) Several consequences can come from my target behavior. It will make me go to bed earlier, I will get more sleep, I won't have any more awkward instances where I walk in to the classroom and everyone glares at me. Also, I won't miss any information that might be said within the first few minutes. To reinforce my behavior, I will make up for that lost sleep by rewarding myself a nap after class!

Emit, behavior, target behavior, consequences, reinforce, rewarding

1.) I would like to emit the behavior of doing more good deeds.

2.) My target behavior is to emit a good deed every day.

3.) I will reinforce the behavior of emitting a good deed every day by have a desirable outcome of feeling better about myself and others eliciting a feeling of joy.

Terms: emit, behavior, target, reinforce, desirable, eliciting

1.) I would like to eat healthier.

2.) My target behavior would be to eat more fruits and vegetables.

3.) I will reinforce the behavior of eating more fruits and vegetables by allowing myself to emit the behavior of having a small portion of junk food one time a week. All the food in the dining center elicits a strong urge for me to eat junk food all the time, so treating myself once in a while will help satisfy that urge. However, eating too much junk food might result in gaining weight, which is a punishment.

Terms: target behavior, reinforce, emit, elicits, punishment.

1. The behavior I would like to emit is drinking less pop.
2. A target behavior I would like to emit is limiting me to one 12 oz can of pop every other day.
3. If I do not emit this behavior, I will be punished by not being able to have a can of pop for four days. I would not want this aversive outcome. If I stick with this plan for a month, I will allow myself to have multiple pops one day. This will be a reinforcer and will reward me for sticking to the plan. Multiple pops in one day is a desirable result.

Terms: emit, target behavior, punished, reinforcer, desirable, aversive

1 )I would like to emit a behavior of exercising more.
2 )The target behavior I am focusing on is running at least 3 times a week between Monday and Thursday.
3) I will reinforce this targeted behavior by reinforcing myself at the end of every week by going out with my friends.
Emit, target behavior, reinforce, reinforcing

1) The behavior that I would like to emit more often is to read in my spare time because the amount I am reading right now is aversive to me.
2) The target behavior would be to try and get a book read per month or so.
3) If I do the above target behavior, I will be reinforced with having a broadened vocabulary and an expansion of knowledge in many areas.

Terms: emit, aversive, target behavior, reinforced

1) The target behavior I would like to emit a behavior of change in is working out more.
2) Emit a behavior of working out three days a week.
3) If I work out three days every week for two weeks I will allow myself to buy a new pair of jeans. The jeans will be a reinforcer to help me motivate myself. This form of behavior modification is positive reinforcement.

(Target behavior, emit, reinforcer, behavior modification, positive reinforcement)

Online Assigment (week 4 Tuesday)

1) I would like to emit the behavior: putting lotion on my hands
2) My target behavior will be putting lotion on my hand every night
3) If I complete my target behavior every day I will get a reinforcement, on weekend I will reinforce myself eating chocolate or an ice cream for recompensate my good behavior. If I m not, I will be punished later because off the pain.

Terms: emit, target behavior, reinforce, reinforcement, punished

A)I would like to emit the behavior of exercising more often.
B)The target behavior is exercising three times a week.
C)After emitting the behavior of exercising three times a week I will reward myself to a dessert as a form of positive self reinforcement in order to increase the frequency of exercising.

Terms: emit, target behavior, increase the frequency, positive self reinforcement

A) I would like to emit the behavior of not working out as much.
B) My target behavior will be watching tv when I get home from class.
C) If I don't emit the behavior of working out out for 5 days out of the week, I will be rewarded with a positive reinforcement of working out the other two days. While doing this I will decrease the frequency of working out.

Terms: Emit, target behavior, rewarded, positive reinforcement, decrease the frequency.

1. I will emit the behavior of excercising more often
2. My target behavior would be to emit the behavior of working out on the treadmill or eliptical for 30 minutes or more on Mondays, Fridays, and Sundays.
3. If I emit the target beavhior of working out more often following the conditions above for a whole month, then I will be reinforced by the pleasant stimulus of being able to buy the shoes I've been wanting to get.

Terms: emit, behavior, target behavior, pleasant stimulus, reinforced

A) I want to emit a homework doing behavior on the weekends
B) The target behavior would be reading
C) The antecedent would be figuring out my assignments in advance, the behavior will be reading assigned chapters, and the consequence would be being positively reinforced by more free time during. This free time will be positive reinforcement because it will elicit a calm emotion for me. Inversely if I fail to emit this behavior I will be negatively punished because that free time will be taken away. This will lead to a feeling of stress which is aversive.

Terms: Emit, Target Behavior, Antecedent, Consequence, Positive Reinforcement, Negative Punishment, Elicit, Aversive

1)I would like to emit the behavior of exercising more often.
2)The target behavior is exercising three times a week.
3)After emitting the behavior of exercising three times a week I will reward myself to a dessert as a form of positive self reinforcement in order to increase the frequency of exercising.

Terms: emit, target behavior, increase the frequency, positive self reinforcement

1)I wish to emit a behavior of playing more tennis.
2)The target behavior is emitting a behavior of playing tennis 5 times a week.
3)After emitting the behavior of playing tennis 5 times a week I will be postively self reinforced by rewarded with a new tennis balls in order to increase the frequency of my own behavior.
terms- target behavior, emit, reinforcement, increase frequency

1) I want to emit a behavior of getting out of bed on time during the week.
2) My target behavior is to get out of bed at 7a.m. Monday thru Friday.
3) I will reinforce myself each day if this happens with a cocktail at night, after the target behavior has been met with a positive response for at least one month I will self-reinforce the action with taking myself out for dinner.

Terms: emit, target behavior, reinforce, positive response, self-reinforce

1) I wish to emit a behavior of devoting more time to school and homework and less time at work.
2) My target behavior is to devote at least 4 hours a day outside of the classroom to school and homework.
3) I will use a self-reinforcement technique to reinforce my target behavior. I will positively reinforce my target behavior with a weekend out if I emit the said goal for one week. If the said goal is met for one month, I will positively reinforce it by spending a weekend out of town.

Terms: emit, target behavior, self-reinforcement, reinforce, positive reinforcement.

1) State the behavior.
- emitting less of a behavior of smoking cigarettes.
2) State the behavior as a specific target behavior.
-The target behavior is to stop smoking in the car.
3) State the contingency or consequence that will occur if you do the desired behavior.
- When I am driving the car it elicits a want to emit a smoking behavior. In order to stop this I need to lessen the amount of time that I spend in a car. If I do not smoke in my car, I will positively reinforce myself by going out and buying a new outfit every other week, and if I continue for a whole month I will buy a new pair of shoes.
Terms: emit, elicit, target behavior, positive reinforce

1. I hope to emit the behavior of sleeping more every week night
2. My target behavior is to go to bed by 11:30pm every week night and sleep until 8am the next morning
3. When I reach my target behavior I will be reinforced by my increased energy and alertness. I will also be able to elicit a higher productivity during the day. The reinforcer of being able to work at an increased productivity level will increase the likelihood of my achieving the target behavior. I will also keep myself form over sleeping so that I don’t satiate the reward for the reinforced behavior. The consequence will be a healthier, more productive self.

Terms: Emit, behavior, target behavior, reinforced, elicit, reinforcer, satiate, consequence.

1. I want to emit the behavior of not shopping as much.
2. The target behavior is to stay out of shopping malls and clothing stores, as well as avoiding online shopping.
3. If i emit a target behavior of not shopping, then once consequence would be having more money to use on more important things. If i can emit the target behavior for a month then i will positively reinforce myself with a manicure and pedicure.

terms: emit, target behavior, consequence, positive reinforcement

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