Topical Blog Week #4 (due Thursday)


Topics in the News?

What I would like you to do is to start applying what we are learning in class to real world matters. Some might ask, "What good is learning psychology if we can't apply it to real world matters?" So that is what we are going to do with this week's topical blog assignment.

What I would like you to do is to either go to NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to what we have been learning in the class.

For your news I would like you to briefly describe/summarize your piece. 1) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced or punished behavior (be careful as there are often many behaviors in a video and you need to isolate the behavior of interest). 2) Next tell us what the consequence of the behavior is. 3) Then tell us how, that consequence either will increase or decrease the frequency of the behavior. 4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something. 5) Finally tell us to the antecedent is.

Please then list the ABC's of the behavior


Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, positive punishment, negative reinforcement, negative punishment. Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.

Now find another behavior in the same news piece and repeat the steps (i.e. do it again).

For originality sake, make sure the videos you are not using the same pieces of news the four other students before you just used.

When you are done, copy and paste the URL at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.

Since we are trying to get you to use terms we are learning, please either underline the terms used (prob with a word processer cut & paste) or make a list of terms at the bottom of your post.

Let me know if you have any questions.

--Dr. M


I read an article about the opening of the world trade center memorial in New York.

1) The target behavior emitted in this article is the opening and allowing people in the National 9/11 Memorial at 10:00 on Monday, September 12th and allowing visitors to enter and look at this memorial.

2) The consequence of this behavior is that several thousand visitors will come to see the names of 2,983 people on the memorial and will remember the attacks on 9/11.

3) It will increase the behavior because the more people come, the more will be allowed in. This will create more money if there is a cost to this memorial and will also create more tourism.

4) This consequence involved the addition of people to see the memorial.

5)The antecedent would be the remembrance and dedication on the 10th yr anniversary of 9/11.

A= 10th year anniversary of 9/11
B= allowing people in to see the memorial
C= people looking at memorial/ remembrance of 9/11

I believe this is positive reinforcement because the opening of the memorial will increase people's attendance. So it is adding something. One establishing operation could be the names on the memorial. This could reinforce the reinforcer of seeing the memorial because people would be able to find the name or names of their loved ones.

1) Another behavior used in this article is visitors registering for a pass to get into the memorial.

2) The consequence of this behavior is that people will get into the beautiful memorial.

3) The consequence will increase this behavior because emitting this behavior will allow the people to gain access to the memorial so they can spend time thinking about their loved ones and remembering them.

4) This involves the addition of access to the memorial.

5) The antecedent is the opening of the memorial because it sets the occasion for people having to emit the behavior of registering for a pass.

A= opening of memorial
B= registering for a pass
C= gaining entrance into the memorial

This is positive reinforcement because the addition of access to the memorial is created. The memorial elicits all of the behaviors discussed above. If the memorial was closed, it would be extinction, because that reinforcement for registering for passes would no longer be there.

Terms: elicit, emit, positive reinforcement, punishment, consequence, extinction, establishing operation, reinforce, reinforcer, target behavior

A person driving a BMW collided with a motorcyclist, causing the motorcycle to start on fire and pin the motorcyclist underneath the car. When people saw the man pinned under the car, they worked as hard as they could to lift the car and remove the man from underneath the car, saving his life.

1) The target behavior emitted first was a driver colliding with a twenty-one year old motorcyclist.
2) The consequence of the behavior emitted was the car pinning the motorcyclist as it burned.
3) The consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior.
4) The consequence involves the addition of something.
5) The antecedent was morning rush hour.

A: Morning rush hour
B: Driver colliding with a motorcyclist
C: Car pinning motorcyclist as it was on fire

This is an example of positive punishment. After the driver emitted the behavior of colliding with the motorcyclist, the consequence was so extreme, harming another person and injuring them self; hopefully it caused extinction of the target behavior.

1) The next target behavior elicited in response to the accident was a man pulling the injured motorcyclist from underneath the car.
2) The consequence of the behavior was saving the man’s life.
3) The consequence will increase the likelihood that the behavior is emitted again.
4) The consequence involves the addition of something.
5) The antecedent causing the behavior elicited was a hurt man trapped under a burning car.

A: Hurt man trapped under a burning car
B: Pulling the motorcyclist from underneath the car
C: Feeling good about himself; praise from others

This is an example of positive reinforcement. The behavior elicited was in response to seeing the man trapped underneath the burning car, the discriminate stimulus. Because the behavior emitted, elicited so much positive reinforcement, it is likely that the man will do the same if ever presented a similar situation.

Terms: Target behavior, emit, consequence, behavior, antecedent, punishment, extinction, elicit, reinforce, reinforcement, discriminate stimulus

My news article is about an actress, Nikhita Thurkal, being banned from being in Kannada language movies for three years. The ban was brought about because she allegedly had an affair with another actor, Darshan. The Kannada Film Producers Association received word of the ban through a police investigation of a domestic dispute between Darshan and his wife. He was accused of beating his wife, who was allegedly arguing with him about the affair. Ms. Thurkal has been told she can appeal the decision in court.

1.) The target behavior is the ban on Ms. Thurkal.
2.) The consequence is loss of income for Ms. Thurkal.
3.) The consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior.
4.) The consequence involves the removal of income for Ms. Thurkal.
5.) The antecedent is rumors of an affair between Nikhita and Darshan.

A – Rumors of affair between Nikhita and Darshan.
B – Ban on Nikhita
C – Loss of income for Nikhita

This is an example of negative punishment, because it is the removal of income that is supposed to decrease the bans that Ms. Thurkal will receive. The Association is hoping it will bring about extinction of Ms. Thurkal’s affair with Darshan. The loss of income could be very aversive to Ms. Thurkal. Not only could the loss of income be considered aversive, it could also be considered a form of deprivation. The discriminative stimulus would have been the rumors of the affair. Ms. Thurkal could deny the rumors (as she did) or confirm them. She also could have said nothing.

The second behavior that I’ll use is the alleged abuse of Darshan’s wife. For this exercise, I’m assuming it actually occurred and am writing this from the viewpoint of the wife.

1.) The target behavior is arguing with Darshan.
2.) The consequence is pain.
3.) The consequence will decrease the number of times she argues with her husband.
4.) The consequence involves the addition of physical pain.
5.) The antecedent is finding out about his alleged affair.

A – Find out about affair
B – Argue with Darshan
C – Pain from being hit

This is an example of positive punishment, because it’s the addition of physical pain that’s supposed to decrease the amount of arguing Mrs. Darshan argues with him. The physical pain would be aversive to her and she wouldn’t want to have it done to her again. This would cause the extinction of the arguing behavior. You could also say that the arguing elicited Darshan’s temper, and he emitted a hitting response. The discriminative stimulus is her finding out about the affair. She didn’t have to argue. She could have disbelieved it or decided not to bring it up. If I were her, I’d emit a leaving behavior, but instead, she emitted a dropping the charges behavior. Then again, I assume it’s harder for women to get a divorce in the Middle East than it is here.

Terms I used: antecedent, behavior, target behavior, consequence, negative, positive, punishment, decrease, extinction, aversive, deprivation, discriminative stimulus, addition, elicit, emit, response.

The article that elicited a reading behavior from me was about belly laughter’s ability to increase an individual’s pain threshold. The overall purpose of the study after its initial findings is to examine the relationship between human bonds and belly laughter since humans are the only species that can belly laugh.

1) The target behavior is belly laughter.
2) The consequence of the target behavior is the release of endorphins.
3) The consequence will increase the likelihood of the behavior because endorphins make people feel good.
4) The consequence involves the addition of something i.e. endorphins.
5) The antecedent is watching comedy.

A= Watch a comedy
B= Belly laugh
C= Endorphins are released

This is an example of positive reinforcement because the addition of the endorphins is a desirable consequence which makes the behavior more likely to occur. This behavior would involve establishing operations if someone were in a really good mood which would cause the person to emit a belly laughing behavior more causing more endorphins to be released.

1) The target behavior is inflicting pain.
2) The consequence of the behavior is gaining data.
3) The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior because gaining data is the purpose of a study so it is pleasurable to researchers.
4) The consequence involves the addition of data/knowledge.
5) The antecedent is conducting a research study.

A=Conducting a research study
B=Inflict pain
C=Gain data

This is an example of positive reinforcement because the addition of data increases the likelihood of emitting the behavior of inflicting pain. This behavior involves extinction because if the researcher inflicts pain but no data is gained, the researcher is not being reinforced.

Terms: elicit, emit, consequence, behavior, antecedent, target behavior, reinforced, desirable, establishing operations, positive reinforcement, extinction

This article was short and simple, yet it showed how a young adult women (19 years old) emitted bad behavior by ruining 65 pairs of Victoria secrets underwear with chili. The total damages ended up being over $700.
1. The target behavior would be emitting a behavior of pouring chili on a display of Victoria Secret underwear. This behavior would definitely be aversive.
2. The consequence of emitting this behavior was being arrested and charged with a felony.
3. I think that the consequence after emitting this behavior was punishment, which will decrease the behavior and act as negative punishment.
4. This consequence after emitting this behavior would remove something. The consequence of being arrested would REMOVE your freedom.
5. The antecedent is at a Victoria Secret store.

A= At a Victoria Secret store
B=Pour chili on underwear
C= Get arrested

-This would be an example of negative punishment. The girl going to jail, and being charged with a felony which should decrease the behavior, and the consequence to the behavior was aversive and punishment.
1. Another target behavior in this article would be emitting a behavior of shoplifting.
2. The consequence of this behavior was being banned from going back to the Victoria Secret store.
3. This aversive consequence should decrease emitting the behavior of shop lifting.
4. The consequence for this behavior is removing something. This is removing the right to go into the Victoria Secret store, and banning someone from going in there would be a removal of something, which would be aversive.
5. The antecedent would be at a Victoria Secret Store

A= At a Victoria secret store
C=Banned from going back into the store

-This would be an example of negative punishment because the girl is getting her rights to enter the store taken away from her. The behavior elicited the police to ban her from the store, which means she is not a loud back in, which could lead to extinction.

Terms: target behavior, emitting, aversive, behavior, consequence, negative punishment, antecedent, elicited, extinction

The article I read was about a man with a mental disorder who emitted a violent act of behavior and killed two young girls and four adults in the streets of China near a kindergarten.
1. The target behavior of this man would be emitting an act of violence by killing two young girls and four adults with an axe on the streets randomly near a kindergarten. This could be because other acts of violence have been happening, causing the ill man to copy the act.
2. The consequences of this behavior was being detained in a mental instituion because of his actions and possibly the death penalty depending on the judges orders.
3.Because the man had a mental illness, it's hard to state if detaining him will be the cause of punishment for he will not be able to be left alone possibly ever again. I think this would decrease his behavior, but it's hard to say because of his illness.
4.The consequence is taking away his freedom and possibly death?
5.The antecedent is being outside on the streets in a Chinese town.

A-on the streets
B-violent act of murdering innocent people and children
C-Being detained and maybe death penalty

I believe if the man got the death penalty it would obviously be negative punishment.

Terms: emit, target behavior, consequence, negative punishment

The article I read was about a black man in Mississippi that was beaten and run over by a truck driven by four white teens who were drunk and planned to do this. The man ultimately died. The teenagers involved now have the possibility of facing the death penalty. However, the victim's family has emitted a writing behavior to the prosecutor and state and federal officials not to seek the death penalty against the teenagers because of both religious and personal beliefs regarding the death penalty, of both the victim and family members.

1.) The target behavior is writing the letter.
2.) The consequence of the behavior is officials making a decision regarding the use of the death penalty.
3.) Considering the actual consequence is still sort of unknown it could go both ways. If officials decide to seek the death penalty then that could cause a decrease in the target behavior in the future. However, if officials decide not to seek the death penalty then that consequence would most likely increase the target behavior.
4.) The consequence would involve the addition of something because no matter the outcome of the decision, you are still adding the decision of the officials as the consequence.
5.) The antecedent would be the man being murdered.

A= Man getting murdered
B= Family writing a letter to officials involved in the case
C= The decision made my state and federal officials

This would be an example of positive reinforcement if the decision is to not seek the death penalty, but positive punishment if the decided to seek the death penalty.

1.) The target behavior is the teenagers killing the victim.
2.) The consequence of the behavior is getting arrested.
3.) The consequence will most likely decrease the target behavior.
4.) The consequence involves the addition of something.
5.) The antecedent is the teenagers seeing the man

A= Teenagers seeing the victim
B= Teenagers murdering the victim
C= Teenagers getting arrested

This would be an example of positive punishment because you are adding the arrest in order to decrease the target behavior.

Terms: emitted, target behavior, positive punishment, positive reinforcement, consequence

The article I decided to analyze discusses a study on why we emit craving behaviors. This article specifically talks about food.
1) The target behavior here is eating the food.
2) The consequence of the behavior is having a pleasurable feeling.
3) The consequence will increase the operant behavior.
4) This is the addition of something, food.
5) The antecedent is food craving.
A= Food craving
B= Eating food
C= Pleasurable feelings
This is an example of positive reinforcement. The good feeling is the reinforcer. This good feeling then predisposes you to eat this food over again making the target behavior increase. This will only work if satiation does not occur.

1) Target behavior is chewing gum in place of eating when cravings occur.
2) The consequence of chewing gum is not craving the food anymore.
3) The consequence will increase the behavior.
4) The consequence involves the removal of cravings.
5) The antecedent here is still the craving of food.
A= Craving food
B= Chewing gum
C= No longer craving food, removing calories and guilt.
This is an example of negative reinforcement. Chewing the gum takes away the craving for food. This is reinforcement for those who do not want to add more calories to their diets. Hopefully by chewing the gum the craving for food will go through extinction because it is not reinforced by eating food.
Terms used: extinction, emit, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, reinforcer, satiation, operant behavior, target behavior

What’s in the News?
Joe Gloar was driving his work vehicle for Safe Lite when he was hit by a drunk driver, because the drunk driver blew a stop sign going 60 MPH. The Safe Lite truck flipped and skid into a building, and the SUV catch fire. Joe Gloar climbed out the window of his truck, seen the SUV on fire then coaxed the driver out of the burning SUV. The man in the SUV ran from the scene but was caught by police shortly after arriving to the scene.

1) The target behavior is the drunk driver running a stop sign going over sixty miles per hour and hitting a safe lite truck.
2) The consequence of the behavior is the drunk driver hitting the truck driver, Joe Gloar, in his safe lite truck eliciting the truck to flip upside down, and the SUV to emit catching on fire.
3) I would hope that I consequence of getting in a severe accident while being drink would decrease the frequency of drinking and driving to happening again.
4) This behavior involves the addition of a crash for not obeying the laws.
5) The antecedent is the driver of the SUV getting into his car drunk.

A=SUV driver eliciting driving his vehicle drunk
B= SUV running a stop sign at 60 MPH after he emitted a drinking behavior.
C=hitting the Truck driver causing the truck to flip and the SUV to catch on fire.

This behavior involves, Positive Punishment. Because adding the accident (positive) would hopefully decrease the frequency of it happening again (punishment). Hopefully, this will cause an extinction of drinking and driving, for the person driving the SUV.

1) The man running from the scene of the accident after the police had been called.
2) More jail time for running from the police.
3) The consequence will decrease because of the addition of jail time to the drunk driver.
4) The consequence will involve the addition of jail time.
5) Getting into the accident.

A=Getting into the accident.
B=The drunk driver ran from the scene of the accident.
C=The man will get more jail time for leaving the scene of the accident.

This is an Example of: positive Punishment, With the addition of jail time and the frequency decreasing. This behavior involves, extinction, I hope the man will learn not to run from the cops.


This is a story of my friend from home, Joe. He was driving the Safelight truck when he was hit by the drunk driver. So I have two news articles of the same story, one from here, and one from home. Crazy but it can happen to anyone, so drive SAFE.

This particular article is about an outbreak of a bacterial infection called Listeriosis across half a dozen states, resulting in four deaths. The outbreak was linked to cantaloupes in particular. Pregnant women, the elderly, people with weak immune systems, and children are especially susceptible to this bacterial infection. Listeriosis is characterized by muscle aches and a fever.

1. The target behavior in this article is thoroughly washing the outside of cantaloupes purchased from the Rocky Ford, Colorado area before you emit the behavior of eating it.
2. The consequence of thoroughly washing the outside of your cantaloupe before emitting the behavior of eating it is not getting Listeriosis.
3. The consequence of not becoming infected with Listeriosis will increase the frequency of you emitting the behavior of washing your cantaloupe.
4. Remaining healthy and not becoming infected with Listeriosis presents something pleasant.
5. The antecedent is having a cantaloupe.


A=having a cantaloupe
B=washing your cantaloupe before eating it
C=staying healthy and not being infected with Listeriosis

TERMS: target behavior, emit, antecedent, consequence, positive reinforcement


1. the target behavior is eating your cantaloupe before you wash it
2. the consequence of emitting the behavior of eating the cantaloupe before emitting the behavior of washing it.
3. the consequence of emitting the behavior of eating the cantaloupe before emitting the behavior of washing it is possibly becoming infected with Listeriosis.
4. The consequence of becoming infected with Listeriosis obviously presents something unpleasant (bacterial infection)
5. The antecedent is still having a cantaloupe


A=having a cantaloupe
B=not washing the cantaloupe before you eat it
C=becoming infected with Listeriosis

TERMS: target behavior, emit, consequence, positive punishment

I read an article on NPR’s website about a counterterrorism unit in the Mall of America.
1) The target behavior emitted that an officer asked Francis Van Asten questions about why he was emitted a video recording behavior in the mall.
2) The consequence is that the questioning led to Mr. Van Asten getting taken to the police station for “suspicious activity.”
3) I would say that from this consequence, it is likely that Mr. Van Asten will decrease any emitting of video recording behavior in the Mall of America.
4) I suppose it could be said that the mall was taken away from him.
5) The antecedent would be that he was video recording in the Mall of America.
A=Video recording in the Mall of America
B=Being Questioned about his recording
C=Taken “downtown”
I believe that the emitted behavior of taking Mr. Van Asten “downtown” is an example of negative punishment because it included the removal of the mall and I believe it will decrease any video recording responses that would be emitted in the mall.
1) Another target behavior in this article was that Najam Qureshi’s father failed to emit a response which required him to take his cell phone with him while leaving the food court.
2) Because the same counterterrorism unit noticed the phone sitting on the table, they felt it elicited them to contact the police because it was considered suspicious.
3) The consequence (which included a house call from the FBI) will probably increase his response of picking up his phone when leaving an area.
4) I would say that they took away his dignity.
5) The Antecedent would be that Mr. Qureshi’s father put his cell phone on the table while at the food court.
A=putting phone down to eat at food court
B=Forgetting to pick up phone
C=FBI comes to house
This would be an example of negative reinforcement because although his dignity was taken away, I’m sure he will increase emitting phone picking up response.
Terms: Positive Punishment, Negative reinforcement, emit, elicit

1) The Target behavior being emitted is moving to a remote area of the USA to avoid low levels of electromagnetic radiation.
2) This behavior is a negative punishment because people are having to emit the behavior of leaving their families in order to live without illness.
3)I think the consequence of the target behavior of leaving one's family will decrease because people want to be around family and friends despite their illness.
4)The consequence involves the removal of one's relationships so one can live without illness. It also involves the removal of the symptoms of the illness.
5)Living in an environment of EMR and getting sick from it.

A=Getting sick from EMR
B=Moving away from family
C=relationships gone

This behavior involves negative punishment because they have to leave their families in order to get better which makes the person choose between one of two adversive choices.

1)the target behavior is this woman hiding in a cage to avoid EMR and her symptoms from it.
2)the consequence of her emitting this behavior is that she is cut off from the world and cannot see the outside world.
3)I think the consequence would decrease the frequency of the behavior because she does not want to be held in a cage all alone.
4)The consequence of the behavior involves the removal of freedom.
5)The antecedent is the symptoms the woman experiences from EMR.

A=Symptoms from EMR
B=Living in a cage
C=Cut off from the rest of the world.

I believe that this behavior the woman is emitting which is being elicited by her symptoms is an example of negative reinforcement because she is getting removed from the rest of the world but she feels better. This could also be an example of negative punishment because she is locked in a cage trying to feel better and reduce the behavior of being sick but she is removed from society.

Target Behavior, Negative punishment, Negative reinforcement, Emit, Elicit, punishment, adversive.
My news piece is about a man in China who killed 6 individuals with an axe yesterday. The man, a farmer who is suspected to be mentally ill, hacked 2 young girls and 4 adults to death outside of a school. This behavior in and of itself is very disturbing, but unfortunately this is just the most recent attack. Since 2010 there have been a string of attacks on children in China by individuals who were suspected to have a mental illness. The first of these was a community doctor who stabbed eight school children to death. He was executed a month later after being denied the insanity plea. The second attack was another individual who killed seven children and two adults in a child care facility with a butcher knife who later killed himself. About a month ago eight children were seriously hurt when an employee at a child care facility slashed them with a knife. Now the most recent attack. As previously stated these attacks have all been performed by ‘mentally ill’ individuals. It is estimated that 17% of Chinese adults, roughly 173 million people, suffer from some sort of mental disorder. The government has limited the media attention given to the school killings for fear that these are simply a string of copycat killings.
The target behavior that I wish to look at is that of copycat behavior in killings. What the heck is the antecedent for this kind of behavior? I will assume what was said about his being mentally ill is true, though it is questionable. When an individual sees all the attention that is given to someone who perpetrated such a crime it may seem appealing. Especially with the first killer, a community doctor who tried to plea insanity, I’m sure this story would have received much attention and could appeal to a mentally ill individual. The behavior committed was that of the actual murders. The consequence of this behavior for the time being is jail time and a possible execution. Jail time will certainly act as a negative punishment, his freedom and his life will possibly be taken from him. The antecedent, I believe, would be seeing the glamorized story of previous killings combined with mental illness.
A= glamorized previous murders and mental illness
B= murder of 6 individuals
C= prison & possible execution
Another behavior in this story was that of the Chinese government now limiting the amount of media attention to these school killings. Now surely they are not trying to sweep it under the carpet but they do not want to give ‘special’ attention to it so that others are motivated to perpetrate a similar crime. The specific target behavior would be reducing amount of coverage to the school killings. The consequences for this will be mixed. It serves yet again as an illustration of how a government can limit the abilities of free speech and, thus, might create outcries against this censorship. However, it will also deter individuals from committing similar crimes in the future because they will pass like a vapor, without any recognition. The consequences will either be negative reinforcement or positive punishment. It will be negative reinforcement because it will be the reduction of a horrible stimulus, school killings. It would be positive punishment if the government receives additional criticism to censorship. The negative reinforcement will result in frequency of such behavior and a positive punishment will result in a hesitancy to exhibit such behavior in the future. The antecedent is the fear of copycat killings in the future.
A= fears of copycat killings
B= limiting the amount of media attention given to school killings
C= Reduction in school killings or criticism for censorship

Terms-reinforcement, negative punishment, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, response, antecedent, consequence, target behavior, emit

**1. I read an article in the Huffington Post website, called Extra Sleep on Weekends Tied to Worse Test Grades, Study Shows. The main part of this article was suggesting that students should not emit a catch up on missed sleep during the weekends behavior. The study showed that students who did not sleep on the weekends did better on attention tests, then those students who slept on the weekends to make up for a lack of sleep.

1. The target behavior in this article is students catching up on sleep on the weekends, which used to punish due to the decrease in attention tests.

2. The consequence of the behavior was the “sleep debt” that might be to blame for teens poor school performance which would be very aversive.

3. The consequence will decrease the frequency of catching up on sleep on the weekends.

4. The consequence involves the removal of the extra sleeping hours on the weekends

5. The antecedent is the weekend

A= The weekend
B= catching up on sleep
C= decrease in poor school performance

Negative punishment

**2. The second behavior that I found in this article is delaying school starting time by 30 minutes may help young students with their lack of alertness.

1. Delaying elementary –high school starting time by 30 minutes to allow them to be more alert in class, better moods, less tardiness, and even healthier breakfasts.

2. The consequence would be that the students would eventually benefit the students.

3. The consequence would increase the behavior of the students in a classroom.

4. The consequence involves an addition of extra few hours to sleep during school days.

5. The antecedent would be the schools system.

A= The school system
B= delaying school starting time
C= Benefit the students to be more alerted

Positive Reinforcement

Terms used = antecedent, target behavior, positive reinforcement, negative punishment,emit,aversive

The news clip I looked at talked about how celebrities are getting their computer and email information hacked into and is being leaked all over the internet. The FBI is looking into the investigation to catch the criminals. Scarlett Johansson is one of the victims who have been exposed on the internet. They are claiming that it’s not her but a look alike.
The behavior that I am trying to target is the consequence and punishment of putting nude photos on your computer. The consequence being famous is that you have no privacy, so anything that can be accessed will. Putting nude photos on a personal computer, when you famous, is a very bad idea. I think this consequence will decrease the behavior of celebrities putting personal stuff on computers, phones, and anything else that could be easy for the public to access. I think the antecedent is just being famous and thinking you can do anything. I think it triggers a lot of behaviors that could happen.
A= being famous
B= letting guard down and posting personal information on a computer
(nude photos)
C= getting photos exposed to the web and leaking all over the media
I think this behavior is a negative punishment because having the freedom to put anything you want on your personal computer is taken away because being famous your privacy is taken away.
I think this situation involves extinction and extinction burst because I think once a celebrity has had their privacy invaded they will stop the behavior of putting personal things on their computer until the public leaves them alone.
In the same news clip I looked at the behavior of the media reporting the celebrity news. The host looked at different views of having the pictures displayed. She talked about how Scarlett should embrace the pictures and look at how beautiful the pictures are.
The behavior I am trying to target is the optimism the news lady shows when describing the news event. I think the consequence is that she is trying to show the positive side of the terrible invasion of privacy. She tries to show that it is a terrible thing that Scarlett’s pictures got exposed to the public but now that the public has seen the pictures she should be proud of who she is and her body. I think this will increase the news ladies behavior of trying to talk about the positive things that will come from negative situations because people would be more understanding and I think it makes her a better person for looking at the positive. I think the antecedent is being on the news.
A= being on the news
B= looking at the positive when reporting the news
C= better responses from viewers
I think this behavior shows a positive valence as well as a positive reinforcement because its taking something bad and making it more pleasurable not only for the viewers but also the celebrity.

My video was about Novak Djokovic winning the US Open which marked his 3rd grand slam title defeating Rafael Nadal. This enabled Novak to improve his record to 64 and 2 which is the best of all time since John McEnroe.
1) The target behavior was Djokovic defeating Nadal.
2) The consequence was winning the US Open
3) The consequence will increase his behavior to win more tournaments.
4) The consequence resulted with an addition to his winning streak.
5) The antecedent was the US Open tournament.
A- US Open tournament
B- Defeating Rafa
C- Winning the US Open
This is an example of positive reinforcement as Novak emitted a behavior of winning the US Open he was reinforced with a trophy and will want to continue winning which was a target behavior.
1) The other target behavior elicited to the response of Novak Djokovic winning the Open is Rafael losing the open.
2) The consequence of Rafael losing was 2nd place.
3) The consequence will decrease the likely hood that the behavior will be emitted again.
4) The consequence involves the removal of a win for his record and the title of champion.
5) The antecedent was the US Open Tournament.
A- Us Open Tournament
B- Beaten by Djokovic
C- 2nd place at the US Open
This is an example of negative reinforcement as Nadal emitted a behavior of losing to Novak In the final and felt a feeling of extinction as he set to win the final. The behavior emitted a behavior of Nadal to train harder to come back and win his next tournament.
Terms- emitted, elicited, target behavior, positive, negative, punishment, reinforcement, extincti

The first article I read is about celebrity nude photographs getting hacked and posted onto the internet for all to see. Scarlett Johansson has been the latest victim to have pictures stolen and posted.
According to Jamie East, who was interviewed, the target behavior is to either dont emit the behavior of taking nude photos of themselves or dont store them on your mobile phone. The consequence elicited from the behavior is having your pictures possibly stolen and posted on the internet for the public to view. The said consequence is probably going to decrease the frequency of the behavior. The consequence involves the addition of embarrassing photos online. The antecedent is some kind of intimate situation with the celebrity's significant other.
A - intimate situation with significant other
B - take nude photos and store on mobile phone
C - photos get stolen and posted for all to see
This is an example of positive punishment because the consequence involved an addition of something aversive for their behavior.
Behavior, emit, elicit, punishment, reinforcement, consequence, frequency.

The second article I read made me chuckle a little bit. It is about a tweet that the University of Iowa sent about Republican Presidential candidate, Michelle Bachmann. The tweet made a reference to Bachmann being a cougar, which is an older woman who emits a preference of younger men. The Associated Press made an inquiry about the tweet which elicited The U of I to immediately remove the tweet. They later tweeted an apology.
The target behavior here is for a professional administration to act professional and to resist making less than appropriate tweets. The consequence of the behavior was to be inquired by the Associated Press, prompting an apology. The consequence will cause the U of I to decrease the frequency of sexually charged tweets regarding female presidential candidates. The consequence involves the addition of extra attention from the Associated Press. The antecedent is Michelle Bachmann visiting Iowa.
A - Bachmann visiting Iowa
B - Iowa tweet refers to her as a cougar.
C - A.P. inquires about it, prompting removal of tweet and an apology.
This is an example of positive punishment because the U of I received extra unwanted attention.
Emit, Elicit, behavior, target behavior, frequency, consequence

In my article entitled Women's cancers reach two million, it was specifically targeting behaviors involving prevention. The first target behavior they addressed was 1.) going to the doctors office for early screening and vaccinations, or doing self-checks at home. 2.) There are several consequences to this behavior. The rate of breast and cervical cancer in women can decrease, your personal chance of getting cancer decreases, and the likelihood of curing your cancer (if detected early from these behaviors) will be greater. 3.) It will increase because having cancer obviously would be terrible. Not to mention it costs a ton of money and it could be terminal. Yikes... 4.) This would require the addition of self-checks and vaccinations. 5.) The antecedent is the rate of cancer rising in women, plus... Cancer sucks!
A = Rise in rates of cancer for women
B = Early screenings, self-checks, vaccinations
C = Possibly cancer free, healthy, may be able to detect the early stages of cancer before it is untreatable.
This is an example of Positive Reinforcement. Because the evil cancer will hopefully elicit us to emit the behavior of prevention.

In the same article, they discussed the importance of safe sex practices. So, for another target behavior, 1.) I am going to discuss using safe sex practices. 2.) Like the last behavior, this one also has several consequences, such as: being cancer free, STD free, less likely to contract cervical cancer, you're healthy, no unwanted pregnancies, etc. 3.) The consequences of this behavior will definitely increase the frequency of safe sex practices because being safe can prevent a number of things, which I just listed in number two. 4.) This behavior requires the addition of something. In this case, it would either be birth control, condoms, etc. 5.) The antecedent for this behavior would be the rate of women's cervical cancer rising.
A = The rate of women's cervical cancer rising
B = Practicing safe sex
C = No cancer, no STDs, no kids, and you're healthy!
This is an example of Positive Reinforcement. Both of these behaviors can be seen as an establishing operating as well. For example, if someone has already had cancer and has survived through it, by emitting these behaviors, it is more reinforcing to them. That is the case because they know what it's like to have cancer and what happens when you are that sick.

Terms: target behavior, elicit, emit, positive reinforcement, establishing operation, consequences

My article is about a woman who plead guilty for killing her step-daughter and will be spending 18 years in prison. 1) The target behavior I'm using is the step-mom killing her step-daughter. 2) The consequence is her ending up in jail. 3) This will decrease the frequency of this behavior. Hopefully emitting this behavior will make her never do it again. 4) It involves the addition of something because the cops came and arrested her. 5) The antecedent is the step-daughter.

A= step-daughter
B= step-mom kills her
C= gets jail time

This is an example of positive punishment because she emitted a behavior that was not right and deserves to be punished.

She not only admitted to the murder, but also to financial identity fraud. 1) Commiting financial identity fraud. 2) The consequence is more jail time. 3) This will also decrease the frequency of the behavior. 4) It involves the addition to her punishment. 5) The antecedent is making the decision to commit the crime.

A= decision to commit fraud
B= committing financial identity fraud
C= jail time

This is an example of positive punishment because because she will hopefully not do it again with the consequences she's getting.

Terms: target behavior, consequence, frequency, emit, antecedent, positive punishment, punishment.

The news article I found for this assignment is about a woman that lives in India and has been fasting for 11 years. Her name is Irom Sharmila and she lives in Manipur which is located in northeastern India. She is fasting to try and force the government to repeal a controversial law called the Armed Forced Special Powers Act (AFSPA), which gives the Indian army and paramilitary forces sweeping powers to arrest people without warrants. They are known to use deadly forces against suspects without fear of prosecution.

1.) The target behavior emitted in this news article is to inform people about the laws being reinforced in other countries.

2.) The consequence of this behavior is eliciting the belief that perhaps some laws should be altered to have a less aversive consequence.

3.) It will increase the target behavior as a result of more people eliciting conversations about behaviors they are reinforcing.

4.) The consequence would involve the removal of aversive laws, or at least modifying them to be more desirable.

5.) The antecedent is being in a country that elicits behaviors that are not desirable in most developed countries.

A = Being is a less developed country
B = Going on a hunger strike
C = Being recognized for strongly disagreeing with the government

This is an example of negative reinforcement. She was extinguishing the behavior of eating in order to show how aversive she believes the AFSPA law is.

1.) The target behavior emitted in this article is to elicit a feeling a fear if a person was to emit a law breaking behavior.

2.) The consequence of fear being elicited will lessen the likelihood of individuals committing crimes.

3.) It will decrease the target behavior of eliciting fear because people will be less likely to commit the crime when they know the aversive consequence.

4.) The consequence would be less crimes being elicited due to the harm that could be elicited on them.

5.) The antecedent is being under the rule of a government that elicits fear in people by having aversive consequences to illegal behaviors.

A = Being under the rule of strict government
B = Following the law
C = Not being beat

This is an example of positive punishment. They are taking away certain freedoms in order to maintain peace. This involves establishing operations.

Terms: elicit, emit, behavior, aversive, consequence, desirable, punishment, establishing operations, extinguishing


The piece that I watched featured a man in a spongebob costume emit the behavior of dancing and irritating two women on the sidewalk, this elicited the behavior of a beatdown. The two women emitted the behavior of beating down the man in the spongebob outfit.
1) The target behavior would be dancing on the sidewalk and irritating people who tell you to get away from them.
2) The consequence of this behavior would be getting in a physical confrontation with two women.
3) The consequence will decrease the frequency of the target behavior.
4) The consequence involves the addition of a physical confrontation.
5) The antecedent is a tourist attraction.
A= Tourist attraction.
B= Irritatingly dancing in peoples personal space.
C= Getting into a physical confrontation.
This is an example of positive punishment because the behavior will decrease in frequency with the consequence of getting into a physical confrontation.

Another behavior in this video would be the behavior of someone calling the police when a physical confrontation occurs between two women and a spongebob costume wearing man.
1) The target behavior would be calling the police due to a fight.
2) The consequence of the behavior would be the police showing up and breaking up the fight.
3) The consequence will increase the behavior because the consequence made it so there was order in a chaotic scene.
4) The consequence will positively reinforce the behavior.
5) The antecedent is a street fight.
A= Street fight.
B= Calling the police.
C= Police break up the fight.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the fight behavior will elicit the behavior of the police being called. The police calling behavior was then emitted.
Terms: Elicit, emit, positive reinforcement, positive punishment, behavior, consequence, antecedent.

My article of choice is titled "Al-Qaeda leader in Pakistan Abu Hafs al-Shahri killed". 1) The target behavior is the killing of a Al-Qaeda leader. 2) The consequence of this behavior is making it harder for Al-Qaeda to recover from the death of their previous leader, considering the latest killing was that of the man they thought would take his place. 3) This consequence will increase the frequency of this behavior because it is causing issues for Al-Qaeda and it is slowing them down/making it harder for them to recover from their wounds. 4) This consequence involves the removal of an Al-Qaeda member. 5) The antecedent of this would be being in Afghanistan fighting this war.
A= being over in Afghanistan fighting the war
B= killing an important figure of Al-Qaeda
C= making it harder for Al-Qaeda to recover from previous deaths
This is a form of positive reinforcement, and also involves establishing operations.

1) The next target behavior in the article is the US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta saying the US would retaliate against insurgents on Pakistani soil. 2) The consequence is Pakistani officails saying that his comments were out of line. 3) This consequence will probably increase the frequency of the behavior given the situation. Just because the Pakistani officials said it was out of line doesn't mean that the US will take that to heart. As stated above, this will only cause the US to continue to heavily emit the necessary actions to get the job at hand done. 4) The consequence involves the adding of a comment by the Pakistani officials. 5) The antecedent is heavy tention between the US and Pakistan.
A= heavy tension between the US and Pakistan
B= Leon Panetta saying US would retaliate against insurgents on Pakistani soil
C= Pakistani officials say his comments were out of line
This is an example of negative punishement, and also includes establishing operations.

Terms: emit, antecedent, target behavior, positive reinforcement, negative punishment, establishing operations, consequence


I read an article about a man in Norway who confessed to killing 77 people after being captured moments after placing a car bomb. 1) The target behavior is the prevention of the death of innocent people. 2) The consequence of this behavior is prison time or possibly death depending on the country. 3) The consequence will decrease this behavior if he is continually locked up. 4) The consequence involves the removal of this mans freedom. 5) The antecedent is placing the car bomb.

A= Placing car bomb
B= Killing innocent people
C= Being captured and locked up

This is an example of positive punishment because the man doing this was punished by having this freedom taken away from him. By emitting this behavior, this will elicit the behavior of the police to arrest him.

Terms: positive punishment, emitting, elicit, antecedent, behavior, consequence

The second article I chose to do was about a man who did creative graffiti on the streets of Connecticut. This man confessed to the vandalism and served time because of it. He is now on probation. 1) The target behavior is to stop vandalism. 2) The consequence of this behavior is either serving time or paying a fine. Most likely both. 3) The consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior. 4) The consequence involves the removal of this mans freedom. 5) The antecedent is simply walking at night with criminal intent.

A=Walking at night
c=Get in trouble with the law

This is an example of positive punishment. They took away his freedom so that he would stop the vandalism behavior. I can also see this as positive reinforcement also though. The public elicited a non-adversive response to his work and praised it by giving him media coverage, so he will continue to emit this behavior.

Terms: antecedent, behavior, consequence, emit, adversive, elicit, positive punishment, positive reinforcement.

The article I chose to review was a brief description of kamikaze ants. Johan Billen of Belgium and his team reported the behaviors of the ant of Borneo as suicidal. These ants will squeeze themselves to death when another creature tries invading their nest. When the ants of Borneo squeeze themselves lethal yellow goo is released and kills the invader. 1) My first target behavior is simply the act of committing suicide. 2) The consequence of this behavior is protecting your nest. 3) Ultimately this consequence will increase this suicidal behavior because it is effective for the colony. 4) This consequence involves the addition of something and that is safety/protection. 5) Being attached by an invading creature.

A= Being attacked by an invading creature
B= Squeezing yourself to death
C= Protecting you colony

This target behavior is an example of positive reinforcement because it increases the behavior with addition of something in the consequence. This specific target behavior doesn’t elicit either an extinction nor an establishing operations response.

1) The second target behavior that I would like to look at is the fact that these ants don’t eat as much food. 2) The consequence of this behavior is that the ant can store more lethal goo in their bodies. 3) This consequence will increase this behavior because the more goo they have the more lethal they are and the better they can protect their colony. 4) This consequence involves the addition of something and that is more goo. 5) The antecedent for this behavior is eating.

A= When Billen ants eat
B= Not being able to eat very much
C= Storing more good in your body

This behavior is another example of positive reinforcement. The behavior increases and the quantity of goo is an addition to it’s original state. This is an example of natural reinforcement. It’s not necessarily manipulated by an outside person.

Terms: target behavior, consequence, behavior, antecedent, positive, reinforcement, elicit, extinction, establishing operations, response, natural reinforcement, manipulated.

This news article is about 8 Amish men who were arrested because they did not have orange triangles on their buggies. They did not have them on there because they say it violates their religious beliefs, which are wearing bright colors or trusting in manmade symbols for their safety. 1) These Amish men emitted a behavior of refusing to attach orange triangles to their buggies. 2) The consequence of this behavior is that these men were arrested and put into an aversive situation, which would be jail. 3) I think this consequence will decrease the frequency of the men not complying with the law again. Although it is against their religious beliefs, I don’t believe they want to be in an aversive situation again. 4) This consequence involves the removal of something, and in this case the men’s freedom. 5) The antecedent is that the men belong to an ultraconservative Old Order Amish sect.
A= Men are part of an ultraconservative Old Order Amish sect
B= They do not attach orange triangles to buggies
C= They are arrested
This is an example of negative punishment because these men had their freedom taken away, and were put into an aversive situation for not complying with the law. This is punishment for the men because they do not want to break their religious beliefs. This could also be an example of an establishing operation. Since the men refused to put orange triangles on their buggies, by sending them to jail they may want to put them on more since they do not want to go back to jail.

1)The Amish men emitted a behavior of not paying their fines. These fines were for not having the orange triangles on their buggies. 2) The consequence of this behavior is that the men were sent to jail for between 3 and 10 days. 3) I think this consequence will decrease the frequency of this behavior happening again because the men do not want to experience jail again. 4) This consequence involves the removal of something, and in this case it would be the Amish men’s freedom. 5) The antecedent is that the men were issued tickets for not having orange triangles on their buggies.
A= Tickets issued for not having orange triangles
B= Men did not pay fines
C= Subjected to jail time
This is an example of negative punishment because these men had their freedom taken away, and also could have had their money taken away if they had paid the fines. This is punishment because these men are not wishing to break any laws, but they do not want to go against their religious beliefs, and yet were punished for them.

I read an article about how First Lady Michelle Obama got Darden restaurants to join her campaign aimed at ending childhood obesity.
1. The target behavior emitted in this article is to reduce calories by 10 percent in Darden Restaurants menu over the next five years.
2. The consequence of this behavior is making healthier meals to lower our countries obesity rate.
3. This change emitted will increase the behavior of restaurants making healthier food because it will help lower obesity rates which is pleasurable.
4. This behavior involves the removal of calories from the food options.
5. The antecedent would be Michelle Obamas Campaign.

A= Michelle Obamas Campaign
B= Darden Restaurants lowering amount of calories in food
C= Lower obesity Rates
I think this is negative reinforcement because they are taking away calories in the food to reinforce people to eat healthy and lower obesity rates. Extinction is not involved here because nothing is ending.
1. The second target behavior emitted in this article is that McDonalds pledged to downsize fries in Happy Meals and add fruit to every meal.
2. The consequence of emitting this behavior is lowering calories in children’s meals.
3. This changed emitted by McDonald’s will increase the behavior of other restaurants doing the same thing to make healthier food options for children because it will help lower childhood obesity.
4. The behavior involves the increase of something (fruit) into the happy meal.
5. The antecedent would be Michelle Obamas Campaign.

A= Michelle Obamas Campaign
B=McDonald’s downsizing fries and adding fruit
C= Lower childhood obesity
I think this is positive reinforcement because they are adding fruit to the happy meals. Extinction is not being used in this situation.

TERMS: elicit, emit, Target behavior, Positive reinforcement,pleasurable

The news story I read discussed the European debt crisis. Spain, Greece, Portugal and other nations are holding billions of dollars in debt in many of Europe’s major central banks. There is a potential consequence of this debt crisis spilling over to the U.S. economy. The article discusses how some of these problems could affect our nation.

1)One issue discussed was that some European governments borrowed more than they could afford to repay. The target behavior is if a nation, like Greece, defaults on the billions it owes to European banks, many of the banks could suffer enormous
losses. The target behavior being defaulting on loans.

2)The consequence of a European nation emitting a behavior of defaulting on loans owed to other European banks is the other banks suffering huge monetary losses.

3)The consequence of other nations emitting a behavior of losing a large amount of money should decrease the frequency of a nation emitting a behavior of defaulting on its loans, because the consequence is aversive to the other banks. The aversive consequence will decrease the likelihood and frequency of the other banks emitting a behavior of loaning that nation money in the future.

4) The consequence involves the removal of money, which is a pleasurable reinforcer.

5) The antecedent is a nation in Europe lacking funds to repay loans to other European banks.

A= lacking funds to repay loans
B=defaulting on loans
C=suffering huge monetary losses

6) This is an example of negative reinforcement

1)Another target behavior is if some of Europe’s other banks suddenly look weak, other banks may emit a behavior of hesitating to extend credit to each other. The target behavior is looking weak to other banks.

2)The consequence of some of Europe’s other banks looking weak to other nations, would be other nations emitting a behavior of not extending credit to each other.

3)The consequence of other banks not emitting a behavior of extending credit to each other should decrease the frequency of other banks looking weak, because they want other banks to credit them in the future.

4)The consequence involves the removal of credit, which is a pleasurable reinforcer.

5) The antecedent is some European banks defaulting on loans, causing other banks to appear weak.

A=European banks defaulting on loans
B=other banks appearing weak
C=other financially stable banks not extending credit

6)This is an example of negative reinforcement.

This article/video is about the show Dr. Oz. Dr. Oz claims that he tested apple juice and found significantly high levels of arsenic. However, the FDA is fighting back and claiming that his tests were not done correctly and accuse him of giving out misleading information.

1) The target behavior is the FDA emitting a behavioral response to Dr. Oz claims, calling his allegations irresponsible and misleading. 2) The consequence is that Dr. Oz is left to defend his original claims. 3) I would believe that the behavior would increase because the FDA’s job is to prove that food and drugs are safe so if they did not keep an eye on these kinds of things then we wouldn’t know what was safe. 4) I believe it involves the addition of something because the FDA is getting attention. 5) The antecedent would be that it is the FDA’s job to monitor food and drugs.

A) FDA doing their job by monitoring information about food
B) Call Dr. Oz out on his allegations about the apple juice
C) Dr. Oz has to defend his original claims.

I believe this consequence is positive reinforcement because the FDA is getting attention from the media because they called Dr. Oz out on his claim

1) Dr. Oz emitted a testing behavior in order to measure the amount of arsenic in leading brand-named apple juice. 2) The consequence of this behavior was negative punishment from the FDA. This caused the FDA to elicit a behavior of disapproval. 3) This will probably decrease the behavior of Dr. Oz testing and releasing information. It involves the removal of Dr. Oz’s credibility. 4) The antecedent would be that the producers of the Dr. Oz show needed to come up with a show idea so they decided on testing apple juice.

A) Producers of Dr. Oz come up with show idea
B) Test levels of arsenic
C) FDA challenges his claims and he loses credibility.

This would be an example of negative punishment. Dr. Oz tried to show that apple juice has a negative valence therefore it should be disliked. He saw the consequence as aversive, harmful and unhealthy for people to consume. On the other hand, the FDA disagreed with his claims.

TERMS: Emitted, Consequence, Negative Punishment, Antecedent, Negative Valence, Aversive, Elicit


The video I watched on the BBC news website was about the increase in men having their own space or “man caves” as they are called today.
Positive Reinforcement
1) The target behavior is the men hanging out and spending time in their man caves.
2) The consequence of the men not going out to bars and drinking.
3) The consequence of the men not going out to bars and drinking will increase the frequency maintaining a happy relationship.
4) The consequence of the men not going out to bars and drinking involves the addition of happiness to his life.
5) The antecedent is the men having man caves.

A. Men having man caves.
B. The men hanging out and spending time in their man caves.
C. The men not going out to bars and drinking.

Positive Reinforcement
1) The target behavior is the men going to their room to relax and decorate it how they want.
2) The consequence was the man now has a place that is just his that nobody can mess with and he is most likely happier with his life.
3) The consequence of the man now having a place that is just his that nobody can mess with and he will most likely be happier will increase the frequency of the men be happy in their relationships and life.
4) The consequence of the man now having a place that is just his that nobody can mess with involves the addition of happiness to his life.
5) The antecedent is the men having their separate room to do with what they want.

A. The men having their separate room to do with what they want.
B. The men going to their room to relax and decorate it how they want.
C. The man now has a place that is just his that nobody can mess with and he is most likely happier with his life.

The article I read from the New York Times is about a former Colombian spy chief that was sentenced to 25 years in prison for collaborating with paramilitary assassination squads and his involvement in the 2004 murder of a sociologist.
1) The target behavior is destroying and hiding public documents.
2) The consequence is 25 years in prison.
3) This will decrease the behavior because a) he's in prison and therefore has no access to public documents and b) his freedom and credibility as a politician has been taken away.
4)This consequence includes the loss of freedom, credibility, and trust.
5)The antecedent is collaborating with paramilitary assassination squads.
A=Collaborating with paramilitary assassination squads
B=Destroying and hiding public documents
C=25 years in prison
This is an example of negative punishment.

The second behavior I will speak of is how the spy chief originally got his job. The Colombian president stated that "I nominated him because of his resume and his family...I trusted him"
1) The target behavior is gaining the president's trust.
2) The consequence was getting nominated.
3) This will increase the behavior because he gained the nomination.
4) This consequence includes the addition of the nomination.
5) The antecedent is running for Spy Chief in Columbia.
A=Running for Spy Chief in Colombia
B=Gain the president's trust
C=Get the nomination
This is an example of positive reinforcement.

Terms: target behavior, consequence, antecedent, negative punishment, positive reinforcement

My article was about an orangutan in a Malaysian zoo that is being forced to quit smoking. The orangutan, named Shirley, started smoking after zoo observers began throwing cigarettes in her cage. The zookeepers deemed this unnatural and is now making Shirley quit. Poor Shirley 
1. The target behavior is Shirley smoking cigarettes when most orangutans don’t
2. The consequence is that Shirley gets addicted to smoking cigarettes
3. The consequence of getting addicted to cigarettes will increase the chance of Shirley smoking in the future
4. The consequence involves pleasure and addiction to cigarettes
5. The antecedent is zoo visitors giving Shirley cigarettes
A= Zoo visitors give Shirley cigarettes
B= Shirley smokes cigarettes
C=Shirley gets a pleasurable experience from smoking and gets addicted to smoking cigarettes
This would be an example of positive reinforcement because the likelihood that Shirley will emit the behavior of smoking is increased and it’s positive because you are adding the pleasant stimulus of pleasure and addiction of smoking cigarettes. The other people smoking at the zoo could be establishing operations for making Shirley want to smoke, as well.
1. The target behavior is Shirley emitting the behavior of smoking
2. The consequence is Shirley gets her cigarettes taken away.
3. This consequence will decrease the chance that Shirley will smoke a cigarette
4. The consequence involves the removal of a pleasant stimulus
5. The antecedent is the zookeepers not wanting orangutans to smoke
A= Zookeepers claim it is unnatural for orangutans to smoke
B= Shirley smokes a cigarette
C= Zookeepers take away the cigarette so that Shirley will quit smoking
This would be an example of negative punishment because the zookeepers are decreasing the behavior of smoking. The negative part comes from the removal of a pleasant stimulus in order to decrease the smoking behavior. This could also be considered deprivation because they are withholding a stimulus that once reinforced a pleasant response to the orangutan.
Terms used: Negative punishment, emit, pleasant stimulus, reinforced, reinforcement, behavior, deprivation, target behavior, establishing operation, positive reinforcement, antecedent, consequences,

Everyone knows how geese and ducks will eat about anything that you throw out for them. Well apparently sea gulls will do the same thing, and they don’t get the concept of the window blocking their food either.

1) How to punish sea gulls for taking food would be to get them to elicit a behavior of trying to get food without getting it at all.
2) The consequence of the behavior is pleasure seeing the sea gulls trying to get the french-fries and not being able to.
3) Seeing that the sea gulls cannot get the French fries it will increase the frequency of the behavior.
4) The consequence involves the addition of the windshield. Without the wind shield the sea gulls would get the French fries and the fun would be over with.
5) The antecedent was the front of the car.

A) Windshield of the car
B) Throwing French fries on the dashboard of the car
C) Seagulls can not get the french-fries therefore we are punishing the seagulls

This is an example of positive reinforcement. The wind shield being the barrier between the french-fries and the seagulls shows us that we can throw the French-fries on the dash board without the seagulls ever getting them.

1) From the seagulls perspective: really want to get the french-fries.
2) The consequence of the behavior is the seagulls can not get the French-fries do to the windshield blocking their progress.
3) The consequence will decrease the frequency of trying to get the French-fries.
4) The consequence involves the addition of the windshield, hindering the advancement of the french-fry stealing seagulls.
5) The antecedent is the beach side parking lot.

A) Beach side parking lot
b) Seagulls trying to get French fries
c) Seagulls can not get French fries because the french-fries are inside the car, they can not get them through the windshield.

This is an example of negative reinforcement. It could be extinction in the long run if the birds stop trying to get the french-fries and realize they can not get them at all.

Terms: elicit, target behavior, consequence, behavior, negative reinforcement, extinction, frequency, antecedent, punish, positive reinforcement.

The article that I chose was about an 80 year old retired police officer who got carjacked, robbed, beaten and left in an Alley by four young women in their 20s.
1. The target behavior is four women deciding carjack an old man.
2. The consequence was that the women obtained a car and got away.
3. This consequence of the women getting away with carjacking may increase their behavior to try it again.
4. The consequence involves adding something, in this case the women obtained a car.
5. The antecedent is on Chicago roads at night.

A= On Chicago streets at light
B= Carjacking an old man
C= Getting away with a car

This would be an example of positive reinforcement, because their behavior led them to gaining a car and getting away with it, which is likely to increase their behavior.

1. The target behavior would be the old man forgetting to lock his car doors.
2. The consequence was that four women were able to carjack him.
3. This aversive consequence will likely decrease his behavior in forgetting to lock the car doors again.
4. The consequence involves the removal of something, in this case the mans car.
5. The antecedent is driving at night in Chicago.

A= Driving at night in Chicago.
B= Forgetting to lock the car doors
C= Getting carjacked.

This would be an example of negative punishment because the aversive consequence was the old man losing his car which will decrease his behavior of forgetting to lock his car doors.

Terms: Aversive, consequence, positive reinforcement, negative punishment, target behavior.

This article discusses how hospitals are refusing to screen women for ovarian cancer because the cost of screening is very expensive. Because women aren’t being screened for this cancer, many women are dying. The main point in this article is that women should be routinely screened in order to detect cancer early so lives can be saved.
1. The target behavior discussed is the refusal of hospitals to screen women for ovarian cancer.
2. The consequence of this behavior is that many women are dying from ovarian cancer
3. The consequence will decrease the frequency of hospitals refusing to screen women.
4. The consequence involves the removal of something. In this instance, the loss of lives.
5. The antecedent is the high cost of screening women for ovarian cancer.

A = Cost of screening women for ovarian cancer is very expensive
B= Hospitals refuse to screen women for ovarian cancer
C= Many women are dying from ovarian cancer

This is an example of negative punishment. The target behavior of failing to screen women for ovarian cancer is likely to stop because the consequence (women dying quickly from ovarian cancer) is very aversive. Because women are dying (their lives are being taken away), I consider it negative punishment.

The article also discusses how September is National Ovarian Cancer Month!
1. The target behavior stated is that women are being educated about ovarian cancer
2. The consequence of the target behavior is lives are saved
3. The consequence (saved lives) will increase the frequency of women being educated
4. The consequence involves the addition of lives
5. The antecedent is National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

A= September is National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month
B= Women are being educated about ovarian cancer
C= Lives are saved

This is an example of positive reinforcement because the saved lives will increase the frequency of women being educated. The antecedent (National Ovarian Cancer Month) is a discriminative stimulus because it elicits a learning response in many women. It also elicits the need to get screened in many women.

Terms used: Elicit, target behavior, antecedent, discriminative stimulus, aversive, punishment, reinforcement.

1.) The Target behavior I am trying to target is John Boehner speaking in public speeches to the American public. John Boehner’s speeches has always been reinforced because of his radical views, whether or not that has been self-reinforcing or there are that many crazy people in the world, I do not know. The reinforcement comes from the public’s response or supposed response to his message. This consequence will increase the frequency of this behavior. This involves the addition of support from his party members, himself, and the general manipulated public. The antecedent in this case could be many things. It could be his political lifestyle, his republican/ conservative views, but I believe the antecedent in this case is Obama’s Job Speech.
A= Obama’s Job Speech
B= Boehner giving a speech
C= Public cheering him on
This ABC’s is considered positive reinforcement because after Boehner emitted a speech giving behavior it was reinforced by adding cheering and support. The Operant behavior in this situation is Boehner’s training and beliefs in the conservative party.
2.) The target behavior I choose was Obama proposing the American Jobs Act to a joint congress session. The unfortunate consequence of this was an outrage by John Boehner and the tea party/republicans on office. This consequence is likely to decrease the frequency that the president will emit or elicit a bill making/purposing. The effects of this behavior caused a decrease of support for the president even though it is probably the right decision by him. The antecedent is the slow growing economy.
A= A non-thriving economy
B= Obama’s American Jobs Act
C= Mass disapproval
This is an example of negative punishment because it caused a decrease in Obama’s behavior and also took away approval which makes it a “negative” action.
Terms: Behavior, Operant behavior, positive reinforcement, negative punishment, elicit, emit, self reinforcing

The article I chose is from the Huffington Post and is about Texas Governor Rick Perry comparing Social Security to a Ponzi scheme. Obviously he is not very fond of the current Social Security system and made this very clear during the Republican Candidates Debate. He is very unhappy that the government is telling the young adults of this country that Social Security will still be there when they are of retirement age.
1) The first target behavior I will choose is Perry controversially calling Social Security a Ponzi scheme.
2) The consequences of this behavior are not as aversive as I thought they would be. Apparently Republican voters are happy with this statement and his numbers in the polls have not changed. They actually slightly improved and they said they are MORE likely to vote for him after this Social Security-Ponzi scheme comparison. Since they are so supportive, it will elicit more comments from Perry.
3) The consequence will probably increase the frequency of these outrageous comments from Perry. The Republican voters seem to enjoy it and that is who Perry is trying to please. Because of this, I don’t see these comments slowing down anytime soon.
4) The consequence involves the addition of support from Republican voters.
5) The antecedent is the Republican Candidates Debate.
A= Republican Candidates Debate
B= Perry controversially calling Social Security a Ponzi scheme
C=Support from Republican voters
This would be considered positive reinforcement because the support from voters is being added.
1) The next behavior I will examine is the criticism from both political parties. Neither side, Republicans and Democrats, seemed to enjoy this comparison that Perry made.
2) The consequence will be less support down the road from fellow Republicans. Democrats obviously already don’t agree with Perry, but losing support from his own party could harm him greatly. Making radical statements such as this usually never help a presidential candidate, so I imagine the consequences will be fairly aversive to his presidential hopes.
3) Although he says he is not retracting his statements, I find it hard to believe he will continue emitting these controversial behaviors if he keeps losing support from fellow Republicans. If he does keep saying polarizing statements such as comparing Social Security to a Ponzi scheme, Republicans will increase the frequency of their disapproving behavior.
4) The consequence involves the removal of support for Perry by Democrats and his own party members.
5) The antecedent is the 2012 Presidential campaign.
A=2012 Presidential campaign
B= the criticism from both political parties
C= less support down the road from fellow Republicans
This is negative punishment because the support from Republicans is being removed because of his statements.
Terms: aversive, negative punishment, emit, positive reinforcement, elicit, antecedent, behavior, consequence

The piece is essentially about an accident that occurred during an air show. The accident involved a plane that crashed into the stands of the Nevada show. The accident killed three and injured others.

1. The target behavior is the plane crash
2. The consequence is that fewer people want to attend the air show in the future
3. The consequence will hopefully decrease the frequency because there will be fewer air shows because fewer people will attend, this means less potential for an accident. Also, there will probably be more safety precautions put in place in future.-thus decreasing the frequency of the behavior.
4. The consequence involves the removal of fans at the shows
5. The antecedent was: at an air race/show

A=at an air race/show
B=Plane crashes
C=fewer people attend the show

(From the perspective of the people who host/put on the air show) This example is negative punishment because the action leads to the decrease of something good/desirable. That is, it is desirable to have people attend an air show. However, due to the emitting of an accident in terms of a plane crash, fewer people will be comfortable attending the show in the future. Since there was an accident, the producers of the air race/show will be elicited with the punishment of losing/decreasing business.

1. The target behavior is the same as the last situation-plane crashes
2. The consequence was that people died or got injured (or even mentally traumatized)
3. The consequence will hopefully decrease the frequency because more safety precautions will most likely be put into place and people will be more careful in their decisions to go to air shows and races.
4. The consequence involves the removal of human life.
5. The antecedent was that the victims were attending an air race/show

A=at an air race/show
B=Plane crashes
C=People died or got injured

This is also an example of negative punishment. It is just a different part or type of outcome compared to the first example. That is the extinction of human lives are the negative or decreased point an hand. As the plane elicited a crashing behavior at the air show it emitted an explosion on the innocent by-standers. The target behavior of the plane crash took away or decreased the desired human life. That is to say that it decreased the number of healthy people at the show. This punished the people that attended the show by decreased how much they enjoyed the show. It also positively punished them as it took away the peace of mind of the survivors. The crash emitted a tragic experience that added aversive memories to the victims that survived. This crash was aversive both positively and negatively-depending on the perspective.

Terms: negative punishment, extinction, elicited, emitted, target behavior, punished, positive punishment, negative punishment, aversive, consequence.

This article (actually 2 about the same thing) talks about how Netflix is changing its services. They recently had upped their prices by 60% and some people are very upset. They explain that they are now changing it so that instead of $9.99 a month for DVDs in the mail and streaming online, they will not be sending DVDs anymore. The streaming online portion will still be under the name Netflix and the DVDs will now be sent from a separate entity named Qwikster. If people want to pay for one or the other they can, but if you want both still it will now be $16 per month (the increased price people complained about). Netflix says that people should be happy because then they can be better at streaming and better at DVD by mail. However, critics still say customers will be upset at having to pay different places each month.

1) For my first target behavior, Netflix raised the price of their streaming and DVD services by 60%.
2) The consequence is that they lost about 1 million of its 25 million customers so far.
3) The loss of customers SHOULD decrease the frequency of Netflix raising their prices.
4) The consequence involves the adverse removal of customers.
5) The antecedent is changing technology.

A= changing technology
B= raising prices by 60%
C= losing millions of customers

This is an example of negative punishment because the removal of customers should elicit a decrease in the frequency of Netflix emitting a price increase. It seems like the customers are trying to emit deprivation as an establishing operation so that if Netflix wants more money, they will lower their prices to get more customers. The customers are making themselves more reinforcing to Netflix.

1) The second target behavior is Netflix splitting its services into two separate businesses, Netflix (streaming) and Qwikster (DVD mailing).
2) The consequence is that customers are paying for one or the other, therefore Netflix is losing money.
3) If customers only pay for one service or another, Netflix is losing money; therefore, this should decrease the likelihood that Netflix will keep the services split.
4) It involves the removal of money.
5) The antecedent is unhappy customers.

A= unhappy customers
B= splitting into two businesses
C= losing money

This is an example of negative punishment. Just like the previous, the deprivation of money should act as an establishing operation to elicit Netflix to combine the services. Money should become more appealing and more reinforcing.

Terms used: target behavior, consequence, antecedent, negative punishment, elicit, emitting, emit, deprivation, establishing operation, reinforcing


This one is just funny if anyone wants a laugh:

For my news piece I chose an article about a man, Oscar Pistorius, from South Africa that wants to compete in the Olympics and Paralympics. He has two prosthetic legs and was only cleared to run against able-bodied athletes in the year 2008. I found this article very interesting because I highly enjoy running and sprinting is something he and I are both interested in.
1. The target behavior I am looking at in this article is earning a medal at the Olympics. 2. The consequence of earning a medal is reaching his goals. 3. The consequence of earning a medal will increase the behavior of earning a medal because he will have more confidence the next time he runs a race to compete for a medal. 5. The consequence involves the addition of medals to his collection. 6. The antecedent of earning a medal is running the race.
A=Running the race
B=Winning a medal
C=Lots of fame and money and confidence!:)

This is an example of positive reinforcement because after he wins a medal he is more likely to try again and even possibly harder. He has to emit running behavior to try to win a medal. Even though the training might be aversive it will be worth it in the end. The response to his success could make other people will prosthetic legs want to achieve their goals and dreams.

1. The next target behavior I am going to look at is Pistorius wanting to run in more races. 2. The consequence of the behavior is more training. 3. The consequence of training will increase the frequency of races he can be in because he will be more prepared for it. 4. The training involves the addition of training. 5. The antecedent is the goal to be a well known Olympian.
A=Be a well known Olympian
B=Run more races
C=More training
This is an example of positive punishment. He is going to do some very aversive training that will not be fun for him to do but hopefully in the end he will become closer to his goal. He is going to have to emit the behavior of working out on a very scheduled basis. Right now Oscar is feeling some deprivation because he hasn’t reached all of his goals he wants to.

Terms:Target Behavior, consequence, antecedent, positive reinforcement, emit, aversive, response, positive punishment, and deprivation.

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