Hi Class,
So far we have discussed reinforcement (increasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence) and punishment (decreasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence). What I would like you to do is to find a couple of video clips off the internet where one illustrates reinforcement and the other illustrates punishment.
For each clip I would like you to briefly describe/summarize the clip. 1) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced or punished behavior (be careful as there are often many behaviors in a video and you need to isolate the behavior of interest). 2) Next tell us what the consequence of the behavior is. 3) Then tell us how, that consequence either will increase or decrease the frequency of the behavior. 4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something. 5) Finally tell us to the antecedent is.
Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, positive punishment, negative reinforcement, negative punishment.
Do the same for the second clip
For originality sake, make sure the videos you are not using the same videos the four other students before you just used.
When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URL at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used.
Let me know if you have any questions....
Here is an example....
1) This is a video where someone put keypads on stairs so they play music when people walk up them. 2) the behavior is walking up stairs (as opposed to taking the escallator). 3) The consequence of taking the stairs is they get to make music as the go up them. 4) becasue they get to make music which is pleasurable, they will take the stairs more often. 5) This consequence involves adding something, in this case music is added. 6) The antecedant is being in a train station and having the option to take either the stairs or the escallator.
A=leaving train station and having a choice of stairs or escallator.
B=choosing to take the stairs
C=playing music
This is an example of positive reinforcement becasue they are adding music to increase the frequency of taking the stairs.
Now Do The Same For The Second Clip :-)
NOTE - You can add to your blog post (for example if you relaize you forgot to include your URLS: -) And you can comment on other students posts by clicking on the Reply link (right after the time and date of the post). People like it when you like what they wrote and you tell them so...
Also notice that when you reply to a comment it is indented so you know which post the person is replying to....
and did you realize I mispelled relaize...opps.
1)This video is at a New Jersey Preschool where the teacher encourages the students to sit with their legs crossed around the circle while they listen to the teacher. One boy is sitting in the desired position so the teacher praises and thanks him for his good behavior and the other students follow suit to also receive praise from the teacher.
2)The consequence of the children sitting in the teacher's desired position elicited praise from the teacher.
3)The praise and approval from the teacher will increase the children's behavior of sitting cross-legged on the floor.
4)The teacher added praise and approval to increase the children's behavior of sitting cross-legged.
5)The antecedent in the video is the students sitting in class.
A=in preschool class
B=sitting cross-legged on the floor
C=receiving praise and approval from teacher
This video is an example of positive reinforcement.
1)The second video shows the differences between a mom and dad's punishment technique.The toddler acted out, threw fits, bit, and pushed other people.
2)The mom claimed to threaten the son but admitted she backed down on the actual punishment. The dad followed through on the negative punishment by taking away the son's toys when he bit or pushed other kids.
3)The dad asked the son if he knew why his toy was taken away and he acknowledged that it was because he bit or pushed other people.The taking away of toys will decrease the son's violent behavior because he doesn't like having something pleasurable taken away from him.
4)The consequence involved the removal of the son's toys.
5)The antecedent was the toddler interacting with other people.
A=toddler interacting with other people
B=biting and pushing
C=removal of toys
This is an example of negative punishment because the dad removed the son's toys as punishment.
I chose a clip from the Big Bang Theory show where Penny receives chocolate from Sheldon for being quiet. This is Positive reinforcement.
1)Her behavior is talking too much
2)Once she is quiet, she receives chocolate
3)Receiving chocolate increases her behavior for being quiet and decreases her talking which is the problem.
4)There is an addition of chocolate for her behavior
5)The antecedent is being in the living room where people are trying to watch TV.
A-watching Tv in a living room
B-not talking
C-receiving chocolate as a reward
The second clip I chose is a scenario where two children are playing with their toys and one child decides to misbehave and hit his brother.
1)The childs behavior is being naughty by hitting his brother
2)The consequence of the child is getting sent to the corner for "time out" for 2 minutes
3)"Time out" will decrease the childs naughty behavior
4)The consequence is removing the child from having fun and playing with his toys
5) The antecedent is being at home and playing with toys
A-Being at home, playing with toys
B-misbehaving by hitting his brother
C-getting a "Time out" for 2 minutes
This is an example of Punishment
I thought this clip was very interesting because it shows HOW many people are being affected by the positive reinforcement that is taking place in the school. The kids were so excited to get a punch on their card, praise, and possibly a GOOD call from the principal’s office to a parent. 1) The behavior that the teachers are looking for is just GOOD behavior in general. 2) If the students show good behavior then they will get a punch on their punch card as well as a “good job,” which seems good enough right? But no…it keeps going...if you fill your card with punches then you will receive a NEW card, as well as more praise, a call to your parents saying you’re a “star”, and extra recess time (what kid doesn’t want that?) 4. Since the children know they will receive praise and other extra things (such as the extra recess time), they will present good behavior more often, and their good behavior will increase. 5) The antecedent would be the school that the children go to (Duncanville).
A: Being at school
B: Showing good behavior
C: Getting praise
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the kids are going to increase their good behavior to receive praise.
p.s. I thought this video was also good as well..
For the particular example that I wanted you use…you will need to skip the first 54 second and start at 55 second mark. This clip is from the show Family Guy. Lois gets Chris’s report card and it shows bad grades, so Lois will not let Chris watch TV until he improves his grades. 1) Doing homework and studying is the behavior of interest in this video. Lois wants Chris to get better grades by studying more and doing his homework. 2) The consequence of the behavior would be that Chris gets his TV privileges taken away until he gets his grades up. 3) The consequence will increase the likelihood that Chris will do his homework, which means he will decrease watching as much TV. 4) This consequence shows the removal of the television. 5) The antecedent would be being lazy on couch not doing homework
A: Being Lazy and watching TV
B: Get bad grades
C: Get TV privileges taken.
This would be an example of negative reinforcement because one behavior will increase because something is stopped.
(go to 55 sec mark)
My first clip is a popular commercial from about 2 years ago. It is a T-Mobile commercial and the parents are talking about managing the kids cell phones. They talk about if the kids do well in school they can get more texts and if they misbehave they can subtract minutes and texts. 1. The behavior the parents are looking for is good behavior at home and at school, mainly about receiving good grades. 2. The consequence of the behavior is getting less texts or minutes on their cell phones. 3. If the kids can get more texts or minutes on their phones it is likely that they will make their behavior better and try to earn better grades. 4. The consequence will involve the removal of minutes if they do not behave. 5. The antecedent is not trying in school
A= Not trying in school
B= Getting bad grades
C= Lose of minutes and texts on cell phone.
This is an example of negative reinforcement.
My second clip is from Super Nanny. I used to love that show and all the different ways she had to punish children without physically hurting them. In this clip the mom and three children are playing a shopping game and the oldest daughter wants everything to be her way. She acts out and then Super Nanny comes to the rescue and explains what is going to happen if she continues being naughty. 1. The target behavior in this clip is sharing. 2.The consequence is sitting in the naughty chair if the rules are not followed. 3. The consequence will increase the act of sharing. 4. The consequence is the removal of playing with her sisters. 5. The antecedent is playing with her sisters.
A= Playing with her sisters
B= Not sharing with her sisters
C= Sitting in the naughty chair.
This is an example of negative punishment.
Ok, I used the same clip from Big Bang Theory (which I've never seen) as Nichole, but I used a different behavior found 2:30 minutes into the clip. 1) Leonard has told Sheldon he can't condition Penny, so Sheldon squirts Leonard in the face with water. 2) The behavior Leonard saying no. 3) The consequence is getting squirted in the face with water. 4) Because Leonard doesn't like getting squirted in the face with water, the behavior will decrease. 5) The consequence involves adding water. 6) The antecedent is sitting on the couch.
A=sitting on the couch
B=saying no
C=getting squirted in the face with water.
This is an example of positive punishment.
My second example is for training horses. 1) The video explains that it is the release of pressure that gets the horse to move forward. 2) The behavior is moving forward. 3) The consequence is no more pressure. 4) Because the horse doesn't want pressure, it will move forward more often. 5) The consequence involves taking away pressure. 6) The antecedent is the horse feeling pressure.
A=feeling pressure
B=moving forward
C=pressure goes away
This is an example of negative reinforcement.
The first video clip I used was from Family Guy. It's probably not the best video for class but I thought it was pretty hilarious. The behavior in the first part of the video is drinking beer. Quagmire tells Peter that if he drinks the beer he gets another one. Therefore, the consequence of drinking the beer is getting another beer. Because Peter likes beer, Quagmire telling him to drink one so he'll get another one will increase the frequency of drinking the first beer. The consequence involved adding something, the beer in this case. Lastly, the antecedent is being at a party with Quagmire where there is beer.
A= Being at a party
B= Drinking Beer
C= Receiving another beer
This is positive reinforcement because Peter gets what he wants when he drinks the beer.
My second video clip I used showed a video of a girl speeding and getting pulled over by a cop. The behavior in this video is speeding. The consequence of this behavior was being pulled over by a cop and given a ticket. This consequence will decrease the behavior of speeding because that could have been a very scary experience for her and she also got money taken away because of it (therefore, it is negative reinforcement because it is taking something away). The antecedent in this case is driving home from school.
A= Driving home
B= Speeding
C= Receiving a ticket
I can see how this can either be positive punishment or negative punishment. In once sense, the girl was GIVEN a ticket, so it is positive punishment. However, the ticket TOOK her money away, and therefore could be negative punishment. I believe it is negative punishment because what would really get a person to stop speeding is the taking of money, not receiving a piece of paper.
My first video is a clip from a tv show where one character, Mac, is using rewards to get Charlie to sit down and get back to to work. The behavior that Mac wants is for Charlie to stop talking and the consequence of him doing so, is him receiving some beef jerky. I think it will increase the frequency of the behavior because it involves a pleasurable consequence. Its kind of a crude example and very similar to dog training. The consequence involves the addition of something positive which in this case, is beef jerky, which he's going to want more, so the frequency of the desired behavior should increase. The antecedent is a sweatshop that creates dresses.
Antecedent = A sweatshop beneath their bar.
Behavior = Charlie sits down and stays quiet.
Consequence = Mac gives him some beef jerky.
This is an example of positive reinforcement.
My second clip is from the old movie "A Christmas Story" It takes place right after Ralphie had said the F dash dash dash word. He told his mother that he heard it from his friend Schwartz so she called Schwartz' mother and upon finding out, she pretty much loses it on him. The target behavior is clearly NOT to use foul language. As the video portrays, the consequence of using said language is a severe lashing at the hands of one's mother. The consequence (hopefully) will decrease the frequency of the behavior because no one likes being violently attacked. The consequence results in the addition of pain. I assume the antecedent of the incident is at school seeing as this is where the behavior took place.
Antecedent - At school.
Behavior - Using foul language
Consequence - Physical retribution from mom
This is an example of positive punishment because there is pain and humiliation added after the behavior takes place.
I chose a video clip that involves a woman who is training her two canines to do tricks such as “stay” and “down” with simple hand motions. You only have to watch for one minute to see a clear example of reinforcement.
1) The dog’s decision to stay or to run when given the command to stay.
2) If the dogs obeyed her commands, they received a dog treat as reinforcement.
3) If the dogs receive a treat every time they obey her commands, it will increase the frequency of them obeying.
4) The consequence involves the addition of a treat and the addition of good dog behavior.
5) The antecedent is the dogs being in their home.
A= The dogs are at home and have been given an order from their owner
B= The dogs obey
C= The dogs receive a treat
This video is an example of positive reinforcement.
The second clip I found involves a 13 year old boy who got in a fight at school. His mother decided that his punishment would be public humiliation. She made her son stand at the corner of a busy intersection wearing a sign that said “I don’t know how to behave in school! If I continue I will end up working hard for little money.”
1) The behavior being punished is the kid getting into fights at school.
2) The boys’ consequence was having to wear the sign for 2 hours at a busy intersection, or in other words public humiliation.
3) His consequence will decrease his frequency of getting into fights at school.
4) The consequence involves the removal of bad behavior at school.
5) The antecedent is the child in school.
A= The teenage boy in school
B= The boy getting into a fight
C= The mother punishes the boy with public humiliation
The video is an example of positive punishment.
1. The cat needs to go to the bathroom. So the cat goes to the toliet.
2. The behavior is the cat climbing on the toliet and going number 2.
3. The consequence of his behavior is the cats front feet fall in the toliet.
4. Although falling in the toliet wouldn't be too fun, this is a pleasurable act, the cat doesn't have to use the litter box. If he doesn't have to use the litter box, then his feet won't be dirty.
5. The antecedant is the cat going to the bathroom in the toliet.
A. The cat has to go to the bathroom.
B. The cat goes number 2.
C. The cats front feet fall in the toliet.
This is positive reinforcement because the cat is going to the bathroom somewhere other than the carpet.
1. The boy was mad at his mom.
2. The behavior the child does is he starts throwing things.
3. The consequence is the child is sent to his room.
4. The antecedant is the child was mad at his mom.
A. The child was mad at his mom.
B. The child starts throwing things.
C. The mom sends the child to his room.
This is negative reinforcement because the child is sent to his room for not behaving.
In this clip, the baby laughs whenever his mom blows her nose. 1) The behavior is blowing one’s nose. 2) The consequence for blowing one’s nose is that the baby laughs. 3) The consequence increases the behavior because the baby is cute when he laughs and that is desirable. 4) The consequence involves the addition of the baby’s laughter. 5) The antecedent is a runny nose.
A=Runny nose
B=Blow nose
C=Baby laughs
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the baby’s laughter increases the frequency blowing one’s nose.
This is a clip of a teacher lecturing and a student answering his cell phone in the middle of her lecture. The video isn’t in English but you can still understand what’s going on. 1) The behavior is answering one’s cell phone. 2) The consequence is that the phone gets smashed. 3) The consequence will decrease the behavior because having one’s cell phone smashed is undesirable. 4) The consequence involves the removal of one’s cell phone. 5) The antecedent is being in class.
A=In class
B=Answer cell phone
C=Phone gets smashed
This is an example of negative punishment because the teacher smashing one’s cell phone decreases the frequency that one will answer the cell phone in class.
First video
This is a video about a lady leaving for the day but the dog barks for hours because of separation anxiety. The lady wants to decrease this behavior and calm the dog. Therefore, she uses positive reinforcement.
1) The behavior I am going to isolate during this video is changing the barking behavior of the dog because of separation anxiety.
2)The consequence of the behavior is trying to occupy the dog while being away from the lady.
3) This should decrease the frequency of the barking. 4)This involves adding toys and treats to make the dog relaxed.
5) The antecedent is the lady leaving the house and leaving the dog alone.
A=Left at home alone
C=Give treats to be quiet and occupied
This is an example of positive reinforcement because it decreased the aversive behavior of barking by praising the quietness of the dog.
2nd Video
This is a video about a dog that is jumping on the owner. The owner wants to decrease this behavior so he gives the dog a time out. Eventually, the dog learns he shouldn’t do this or he will get another time out.
1The behavior is the dog jumping on the owners face
2) The consequence is the dog gets a time out
3) The time out will decrease the aversive behavior.
4) This is removing the reward of petting the dog after and removing attention from the dog.
5) The antecedent when the dog is with the man.
Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Dog is near the man
B=Dog jumps on the man
C=Dog gets a time out
This is negative punishment. The man is taking away the rewards. This is to decrease the jumping behavior and giving time outs.
1) This video shows a woman training her dog by using a clicker and treats to reward good behavior.
2) The behavior is walking next to the owner instead of pulling on a leash.
3) The consequence of walking next to the owner is that the dog gets a treat and a click. The dog also gets to have a little longer leash and more freedom. This will increase the behavior because the dog enjoys the freedom and the reinforcement of getting a treat and a click.
4) The consequence involves the addition of the treat and the click.
5) I think the antecedent is being on a walk with the disobedient dog.
A= being on a walk with the disobedient dog
B=obeying the owner
C=treat and a click
1) I am pretty sure this video is from a movie called Dangerous Minds. It shows the teacher trying to get her students to emit a certain behavior with a reward of a trip to an amusement park.
2) The behavior is trying to get her students to complete an assignment and she says the board of education will pay for a trip.
3) One would think the consequence will increase the behavior because the students will want to go on the trip, but after one student speaks up, the students no longer want it. They are upset about the board of education lack of help before. Because of who is giving the consequence, it will decrease the behavior.
4) It involves the addition of a trip the underprivileged kids usually wouldn’t be able to go on.
5) The antecedent is an inner-city classroom with underperforming kids.
A= an inner-city classroom with underperforming kids
B=completing the assignment
C=A trip to the amusement park
Both videos are positive reinforcement.
1) I am pretty sure this video is from a movie called Dangerous Minds. It shows the teacher trying to get her students to emit a certain behavior with a reward of a trip to an amusement park.
2) The behavior is the teacher assigning the poem the students have to read after one of the students hits on her. It would have been assigned anyway one could assume, but it was assigned sooner because of the comment from the student.
3) The punishment may decrease the behavior because the kids will think if they talk like that they will receive more assignments.
4) It involves the addition of an assignment.
5) The antecedent is an inner-city classroom with underperforming kids.
A= an inner-city classroom with underperforming kids
B=hitting on the teacher
C=a poem was assigned
This one is positive punishment.
In the first clip the baby cries anytime they hear the Michigan fight song, and cease to cry when they hear marry has a little lamb.
1)The behavior that I am targeting in this clip is the baby starting to cry.
2) The consequence of the baby crying is that the music gets changed.
3) The parents changing the song whenever the baby cries will increase the baby’s crying because she is getting what she wants.
4) The consequences here is the removal of something aversive.
5) The antecedent is the playing of the Michigan fight song.
A=Michigan fight song being played
B=Baby Cries
C=Music is changed
This is an example of negative reinforcement because the baby’s crying leads to the taking away of something displeasing.
The second clip I’m using is a scene from the movie “Step Brothers.” This scene is right after the brothers reveal their music video project and the fact the wrecked their dad’s boat.
1) The behavior I am concentrating on is the language and the way Brennan talks back to his step father.
2)The consequence of him talking back is that he gets spanked.
3) The consequence is used as a tool to decrease the talking back.
4) The consequence in this instance is the addition of spanking to the scenario.
5) The antecedent here is the wrecking of the boat.
A=Boat is wrecked
B=fight/talking back
This is an example of positive punishment, where the addition of spanking is supposed to decrease the likely hood of talking back.
1st clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-fc5os23mI
2nd clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JeWhaByyxZ4&feature=related
This is a clip of a dog loading the washing machine, shutting the door and then starting the load of clothes. 1) The behavior is the dog doing the laundry. 2) The consequence of the behavior is the dog getting a treat and verbally praised. 3) This consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior because the dog is being rewarded. 4) The consequence involved the addition of a treat. 5) The antecedent would be in the laundry room.
A= In the laundry room
B= Dog starts washing machine
C= Receives treat and verbal praise.
This is an example of positive reinforcement.
This is a clip of a girl talking on her cell phone and she gets her phone taken away because she has bad grades. 1) The behavior in this example is the girl not getting good grades. 2) The consequence of this behavior is getting her cell phone taken away. 3) The consequence should decrease the frequency of the girl getting bad grades. 4) The consequence involves getting something taken away. 5) The antecedent would be at school.
A=At School
B= Getting bad grades
C= Cell phone is taken away
This is an example of negative punishment.
1) My first clip is where a mouse is running over different obstacles 2) the behavior is the mouse going over the obstacles 3) the consequence is the mouse getting food at the end of the obstacles 4) because the mouse is getting food after doing the obstacle course he will continue to do more challenges he is given 5) in this case food is added in order to reinforce the mouse’s action 6) the antecedent is being on the table with the obstacle course on it in which the mouse has the option to do correctly in order to get food
A= obstacle course on table B= mouse going over obstacle course C= Food
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the mouse will continue to do the obstacle course if food is given.
2) My second clip is a man trying to open a door, but has his unsuccessful with burned hands because his friend heated the door handle 2) the behavior is the man opening the door 3) the consequence is the man burning his hands 4) because the man burned his hand he won’t open doors as often or will at least check them first 5) In this case the friend heated up not one, but two different doors to see if the man will fall for the same trick 6) the antecedent is the man wanting to open the door which he fails
A= the man wanting to open the door B= the man opening the door C= the man burning his hands
This is an example of negative punishment as the man will not open the door anymore if his friend continues to heat of the door handles
In this clip, a woman is singing and decides to put on heals and stand on her coffee table. The woman loses her balance, falls off the table, and ends up being in excruciating pain. 1. The behavior is standing on the coffee table while singing. 2. The consequence was falling off the table and hurting herself. 3.The probability of her standing on the coffee table again will decrease. 4. The consequence involved the addition of pain. 5. The antecedent was performing for the webcam.
A= Webcam (performing for it)
B= Singing while on top of a coffee table
C= Woman falls off coffee table and hurts herself.
This is an example of positive punishment because she received pain after falling off the coffee table, so she is less likely to stand and sing on it again.
This is a video clip from the show, “Amazing Race”. In this clip, a challenge is taking place where one woman is supposed to launch watermelons at a flag. Her partner stands by and shouts out words of encouragement. One of the watermelons back fired and hit the woman launching it straight in the face. Although the woman was hurt, her partner continued encouraging her to finish because she wanted to win the race. 1. The behavior was launching the watermelons at the flag. 2. The consequence for the woman launching the watermelons is moving on in the race if she continues the challenge. 3. The woman will continue launching the watermelons because she is being encouraged by her partner. 4. The consequence involves an addition of something because they will get to move on in the competition, so the woman is adding encouragement. 5. The antecedent is being in a competition where the woman has the choice to continue launching watermelons or not.
A= Amazing race- competition where woman has to launch watermelons
B= Launching watermelons
C= the women get to move on in the competition if the woman continues launching watermelons.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the woman’s partner encourages her to continue launching the watermelons so they can move on in the competition.
!!-the title of this video is incorrect. The procedure demonstrated in this video is POSITIVE PUNISHMENT NOT NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT.
This video clip is taken from a hilarious Australian mockumentary on the lives of highschool kids. Mr. G is the drama teacher at Summer Heights High. He is talking about the number of ways he punishes his dog, Celine, when she’s naughty. I chose to focus on the punishment used to keep Celine from looking at him. When Celine looks at Mr. G he firmly says “NO, DON’T LOOK AT ME” and she looks away. The procedure used by Mr. G to get Celine to stop looking at him is an example of POSITIVE PUNISHMENT.
BEHAVIOR OF INTEREST: Celine looking at Mr. G.
CONSEQUENCE: firmly being told “NO, DON’T LOOK AT ME”
HOW IT WILL INCREASE/DECREASE FREQUENCY OF BEHAVIOR: it will DECREASE the behavior of Celine looking at Mr. G because every time she looks at him he uses a stern, unpleasant voice to tell her “NO, don’t look at me” therefore influencing Celine to not look at Mr. G.
IS THE CONSEQUENCE ADDING OR REMOVING SOMETHING: the consequence of being told “NO” in a stern voice is adding something unpleasant. It is adding an unpleasant vocal response to Celine looking at Mr. G.
ANTECEDENT: Mr. G being with Celine.
A- Mr. G being with Celine
B- Celine looks at Mr. G
C- Mr. G responds unpleasantly with “NO, DON’T LOOK AT ME.”
A new soup place has opened up and word is the soup is so good you need to sit down to eat it. However, the “soup nazi” requires certain behaviors in order for him to give you your soup. You must be complacent, you must not ask questions, and you must be quick in deciding your order. Any deviation from these and there is no soup for you!!!!
George and Elaine demonstrate what NOT to do when ordering their soup from the soup nazi. As a result of not following the soup nazi’s regulations Elaine and George get yelled at and leave with no soup.
George, being so desperate for his lobster bisque, goes back a second time and tries to order again this time being complacent. As a result he gets the soup and avoids being verbally assaulted by the soup nazi!
BEHAVIOR OF INTEREST: proper ordering technique
CONSEQUENCE: not getting yelled at by the soup nazi
HOW WILL IT INCREASE/DECREASE THE FREQUENCY OF THE BEHAVIOR: by increasing the frequency of ordering the soup properly, you will avoid being yelled at by the soup nazi
IS THE CONSEQUENCE ADDING/REMOVING SOMETHING: the behavior of ordering properly ensures that you will not get yelled at and kicked out. Ordering properly TAKES AWAY the yelling.
ANTECEDENT: being in line at the soup place
A- being in line at the soup place
B- ordering soup properly
C- not getting yelled at
This scenario is an example of NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT.
The two clips I found for reinforcement and punishment both happen to be cartoons. They are ridiculously stupid and have no point to them, however, they are slightly funny and do provide a good example of both.
The first cartoon involves reinforcement. Miles come in to talk to his boss, Mr. Grey. Mr. Grey tells Miles that because he has worked so hard he gets a reward. Miles gets the reward of having the day off for the rest of his life. Normally, that would be considered a punishment, but Miles is perfectly okay with this, and is grateful for Mr. Grey’s reward, therefore I consider it to be a reinforcer. The behavior in this scenario is that Miles is working hard. The consequence of the “good” behavior is that Miles doesn’t have to work. This will likely increase Miles’ “good” behavior because he quite enjoys having days off. I think this would be an example of negative reinforcement because you are taking away the aversive stimulus, which would be working.
A= Mr. Grey talking to Miles
B= Miles does “good” work
C= Miles gets rewarded with time off
The second cartoon involves punishment. Tiffany is a teenager who is out past her curfew. Her parents are complaining that she is an hour late. Tiffany walks in and her parents confront her about being late. Tiffany gets upset, so Tiffany’s parents ground her. They take away her cellphone, and she’s not allowed to have boyfriends. This makes Tiffany even more upset, she is then sent up to her room. The behavior here is that Tiffany is coming home past her curfew. The consequence of Tiffany coming home late is that she gets grounded. This will most likely decrease her behavior of coming home late. This is a good example of negative punishment, because something pleasant is being taken away because she was late.
A= Tiffany has a curfew
B= Tiffany comes home late
C= Tiffany gets grounded by her parents in order to punish her for coming home late.
In the first clip, a lady is working with a horse to train it to ‘smile’. She uses the “clicker train” method in order for reinforcement to work.
1) The target behavior is when the horse smiles
2) The horse’s consequence for smiling is that he/she will get a treat
3) By giving the horse a treat, the behavior of smiling will be reinforced and therefore increase
4) The consequence is an addition in this scenario because the horse is GIVEN a treat
5) The antecedent is working with a horse in a stable.
A= Working in the horse stable
B= The horse smiling
C= a treat
This would be an example of positive reinforcement because the behavior will increase based on the addition of a desirable consequence.
The second clip I found is a news clip concerning a boy that misbehaved in school, and the way that his mother punished him for the inappropriate behavior. She made him stand on the corner of a busy intersection holding a sign that said “I don’t know how to behave in school!”
1) The target behavior was the boy’s fighting in class
2) Standing on the corner with the sign is the boy’s consequence
3) The consequence should decrease the frequency of the undesired behavior (no one likes public humiliation).
4) By wearing the sign on the corner, the consequence was added
5) The antecedent would be the classroom the boy was in
A= School
B= Fighting in class
C= Public humiliation by wearing a sign on a street corner
In this case, the ABC’s would lead to positive punishment. I say this because the addition of the sign will likely decrease the poor behavior.
The URL for my second clip is listed above.
This first clip I have is an example of positive reinforcement. This woman and her bird, Einstein, are on a game show and the woman asked her bird a question and after giving the correct answer the bird is given a treat.
1.) The target behavior is the bird answering the question correctly.
2.) The consequence of the behavior is the bird getting a treat.
3.) The bird getting a treat after giving a correct answer will increase the likelihood of the bird answer qestions correctly.
4.) The consequence involves the addition of a treat.
5.) The antecedent is the bird being given questions.
A= The bird being given questions
B= The bird answering the questions correctly.
C= The bird is given a treat
My second clip is an example of positive punishment. This is a clip from The Early Show that shows a mom punishing her son for lying by using extreme measures such as hot sauce and cold showers.
1.)The target behavior is the boy lying.
2.) The consequence is the mother giving him hot sauce and cold showers.
3.) The consequence will decrease the frequency of the boy lying.
4.) The consequence involves the addition of hot sauce and cold showers.
5.) The antecedent is when the mother asks the boy a question.
A= Asking the boy a question
B= The boy lying
C= The boy being given hot sauce and cold showers.
In my first clip, the teacher is asking the class questions and rewards them with candy bars if the answer correctly.
1) The target behavior of this clip is the students answering the questions correctly.
2) The consequence of this behavior is receiving a candy bar from the teacher.
3) This consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior because receiving a candy bar is something that the students enjoy, so they will therefore start answering more questions and trying to get them right.
4) The consequence involves the addition of the candy bars.
5) The antecedent is being in class.
A= Being in class
B= Students answering the questions correctly
C= Students receive candy bars
This is an example of positive reinforcement.
My second clip is a scene from the movie "Freaky Friday". The mother removes her daughter's door because she is put in detention during school. She tells her daughter that privacy is a priveledge and decides to punish her by removing her door.
1) The target behavior is the daughter being put in detention at school.
2) The consequence is her mother removing her door to take away her privacy.
3) The consequence will likely decrease the frequency of the daughter misbehaving in school.
4) The consequence involves the removal of something, in this case it is the removal of the door.
5) The antecedent is being at school.
A= Being at school
B= Girl gets put in detention
C= Mother removes her door
This is an example of positive punishment.
In my first clip, the teacher is asking the class questions and rewards them with candy bars if the answer correctly.
1) The target behavior of this clip is the students answering the questions correctly.
2) The consequence of this behavior is receiving a candy bar from the teacher.
3) This consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior because receiving a candy bar is something that the students enjoy, so they will therefore start answering more questions and trying to get them right.
4) The consequence involves the addition of the candy bars.
5) The antecedent is being in class.
A= Being in class
B= Students answering the questions correctly
C= Students receive candy bars
This is an example of positive reinforcement.
My second clip is a scene from the movie "Freaky Friday". The mother removes her daughter's door because she is put in detention during school. She tells her daughter that privacy is a priveledge and decides to punish her by removing her door.
1) The target behavior is the daughter being put in detention at school.
2) The consequence is her mother removing her door to take away her privacy.
3) The consequence will likely decrease the frequency of the daughter misbehaving in school.
4) The consequence involves the removal of something, in this case it is the removal of the door.
5) The antecedent is being at school.
A= Being at school
B= Girl gets put in detention
C= Mother removes her door
This is an example of positive punishment.
This first clip I found was from the cartoon The Berenstain Bears. In this particular episode, it talks about the power of just three words: please and thank you. 1.) They are using the words "please" and "Thank you" to their family, friends, and teachers. Specifically, they see that Mr. Grizzly is always grumpy. The kids decide to thank him for all his work and award him with a plaque. 2.) The consequence of using this behavior is the people you say "please" and "thank you" to will appreciate you more and realize that you are grateful for they did for you/what they do. 3.) Using these "magic" words will increase this behavior because when you make someone feel good, or make someone happy, it makes you happy in return! 4.) In this case, it is the addition of "please" and "thank you" to reinforce the behavior. 5.) The antecedant is that Mr. Grizzly is always a grumpy downer and never smiles.
A = Mr. Grizzly is being grumpy and doesn't smile.
B = The kids say "thank you" and award him a plaque.
C = Mr. Grizzly smiled and was much more friendly to the kids and teachers.
This clip illustrates Positive Reinforcement.
The next clip I found was a dog training video. The man teachers the viewers how to train your dog to minimize it's barking habits. 1.) The instructor says to use the affirmative words like "stop" and "NO", also he mentions that we should reward the quiet, not the barking. 2.) In return, the dog should eliminate much of it's barking habit. 3.) The behavior is likely to decrease because the dog will learn that each time it is quiet, he will receive some sort of praise, whether it be "good boy/girl!" or a treat. 4.) In this case, it is the addition of the affirmative words and/or treats. 5.) Finally, the antecedant is the dog barking too much.
A = Dog barking
B = owner rewards dog for being quiet, uses the words "NO"/"STOP"/"QUIET"
C = the dog doesn't bark as often
This clip illustrates Positive Punishment.
My first clip is one probably everyone has seen before. It is a clip of a baby making the "evil eyes" look.
1) The target behavior is making the face.
2) The consequence of the behavior is laughter from the baby's parents.
3) The consequence will increase the behavior because the baby also enjoys laughing with her parents.
4) The consequence involves the addition of laughter.
5) The antecedent is the parent asking the baby to "give them the evil look."
A=Dad tells baby to "give them the evil look"
B=Baby gives the look
C=Parents laugh
This is an example of positive reinforcement.
This second clip is another that a lot of people have probably seen. It is a clip of a girl discussing how to avoid talking to people you don't want to talk to. Just a heads up for anyone with better morals than my own, this video has a lot of cursing. Though many situations are cited in this video, I will be using the first one: a guy grinding on a girl at a bar/club/party etc.
1) The target behavior is the guy grinding on the girl.
2) The consequence of the behavior is the girl making "the face."
3) The consequence will decrease the behavior because the guy will get uncomfortable.
4) The consequence involves the addition of "the face."
5) The antecedent is being at a bar/club/party etc.
A=At a bar/club/party etc.
B=Guy starts grinding on girl
C=Girl gives guy "the face"
This is an example of positive punishment.
**The first clip I chose was a woman describing how to easily potty train a child. She described that it is highly important that you never scold a child for having an “accident.” Instead she tells the viewers that if you let the child sit in their waste or urine that the child will feel uncomfortable and will know next time that they need to make it to the bathroom when they need to go.
1. The target behavior is the child going to the bathroom in their pants
2. The consequence of the behavior is being uncomfortable in their pants.
3.The consequence will decrease the frequency of the child going to the bathroom in their pants.
4.The consequence involves the removal of being uncomfortable going to the bathroom in the child’s pants.
5.The antecedent is the child being potty trained anywhere.
A- Potty training
B- Child goes to the bathroom in their pants
C- Sits in urine or waste for 12 minutes and feel uncomfortable
Positive punishment
**In the second clip I chose, it demonstrates a cartoon named Steve that smells bad, and he was attracting flies and did not like the smell, so Steve decided to take a shower to remove the smell. Also, in the video shows many different examples of negative reinforcement.
1.The target behavior is taking a shower because Steve smells.
2.The consequence of the behavior is that it removed the smell.
3.The consequence will increase the frequency of Steve’s behavior to take a shower to be clean and smell good.
4.The consequence involves the removal of bad smell from Steve’s body.
5.The antecedent is that Steve smells very bad and attracts flies.
A- Steve smells bad
B- took shower
C- Removed smell
Negative Reinforcement
1. This first one is from a different part of “The Big Bang Theory” that other people are using. Leonard and Sheldon are talking about the fact that Sheldon is training Penny. They talk about her laugh and how Sheldon thinks he can change the tone of her voice to a more pleasing lower register. She comes in a laughs in a high pitch than says something in the same register than Sheldon asks for her to say it again. This time she says it in a lower register and is rewarded with chocolate. Sheldon’s hope is that by rewarding her with chocolate when she speaks in a lower register, she will speak exclusively in a lower register making Sheldon a very happy man.
A= having conversation
B= Penny speaking in a lower register
C= Penny gets chocolate
This is positive reinforcement, because she is getting chocolate for increasing her use of a lower tone of voice.
2. This next video involves punishing. The segment of the video that I want to talk about starts about 1 minute in. The entire video is how to deal with a child having a tantrum while shopping. The video says to take them out of the store and give them a time out. It is also important that if you promised something from the store, do not give it to them if they throw a fit. Then talk about how if this is the way they will act when they go to the store than they won’t be going.
So the behavior targeted is the tantrum. The punishment for this is to give them a time out. By doing this the tantrums will decrease in occurrence. The punishment is a negative one because it involves taking away something they were promised at the store. The antecedent is being at the store.
A=Child is at the store
B=Child throws a fit
C=Child gets time out AND no cookie!
My first clip is Eric Cartman from South Park crying to his mom so that he can be the first person to have a Chinpokomon. 1) The behavior is Eric crying. 2) The consequence of the behavior is his mom buying the Chinpokomon. 3) Eric’s mom folding so quickly after he cried increases the frequency of the behavior. 4) The consequence involves the addition of something. 5) The antecedent is the popularity of the Chinpokomon.
A: Chinpokomon being so popular
B: Eric crying so he can have one
C: Eric’s mom buying him the Chinpokomon
*Positive Reinforcement*
My second clip is from Family Guy. Peter challenges Stewie, Brian, and Chris to an ipecac drinking competition. They each have to drink a bottle of ipecac and the last person to puke will win a delicious piece of pie. 1) The behavior is drinking the ipecac. 2) The consequence if the behavior is them all throwing up. 3) Throwing up, as much and as horribly as they did, will decrease the frequency of the behavior. 4) The consequence involves the addition of something. 5) The antecedent is sitting in the living room.
A: Sitting in the living room
B: Drinking ipecac
C: Puking
*Positive Punishment*
Video 1:
1) This is a video where a woman sings a song and her friends sing with her
2) The behavior is sing
3) The consequence is have a good time
4) In this video her friends try to reinforce the behavior of sing
5) The antecedent is that she sings in that bar
A= Work in the bar
B= Sing
C= Have a good time
This is an example of reinforcement.
Video 2:
1) This is a video where a man dream to be 5 years again and the door of the lift open and he turn 5.
2) The behavior is being like a kid all day
3) The consequence is in the end he can´t drive the car
4) Because of the age (“removed”) he can´t do what he really likes
5) He wish turn 5 years
A= The man turn 5
B= Act and is a Kid
C= He can´t drive the car
This is an example of punishment.
This clip that I picked is from Southpark where Cesar Milan from the Dog Whisperer has been asked by Cartman’s mom to help her with Cartman’s bad behavior. The behavior that Cesar is trying to correct is Cartman’s aggressiveness/bad behavior. Every time Cartman displays aggressiveness/bad behavior he is pinched followed by a tsst noise. This consequence will overtime eliminate the aggressiveness/bad behavior, (which at the end of this episode he turns into a good respectful boy). The consequence involves the addition of the pinch. The antecedent is Cartman not getting what he wants.
The ABC’s (Antecedent, Behavior, and Consequence) is:
A=Cartman not getting what he wants.
B=Cartman being aggressive/showing bad behavior.
C=Cartman getting pinched followed by a tsst noise.
This example is of negative punishment.
This clip that I picked is of two cats “talking”. The behavior that is being illustrated is cuteness. If the cats act cute then their owner will give them treats. This consequence wills enforce the behavior of the cats acting cute by the addition of treats. The antecedent is the owner walking into the room.
The ABC’s (Antecedent, Behavior, and Consequence) is:
A= The owner walking into the room.
B= The cats acting cute.
C= The owner giving the cats treats.
This is an example of Positive Reinforcement.
-(this is the link w/o the translation)
Justine Lueders
This video clip has elements of both reinforcement and punishment, but for the purposes of this post we will use it for punishment. This clip basically summarizes some pretty easy tips in order to get your drink faster while you are at the bar. It goes through some sure fire ways to get a drink that will not tarnish your reputation. Then it goes to some more extreme steps, referred to as ‘the dark arts’ that could have an immediate payback but may harm your reputation in the long run. We will look at one of these specific actions more in depth.
The target behavior that we will specifically look at is referred to ‘going over the top’. In this method the individual who wants a drink will reach over those in front of them with a handful of cash and yell out their order. The video says that although this may bring about instant success it could very possibly sour relations down the road. The consequence in this situation is not specifically displayed in this video but I like to imagine that this prick got nothing but a glass full of foam, as displayed earlier in the video as a possible consequence. If the individual requesting a drink in this rude fashion received only a glass of foam or a flat beer then it will cause them to reduce or all together stop their ‘over the top’ technique. The consequences would be the removal of something; in this case a good beer is replaced with a crappy one. The antecedent in this case would be a busy bar scene.
A= a busy, crowded bar
B= the ‘over the top’ technique of getting a drink by reaching over everybody with a wad of cash and ordering a drink out of turn
C= (hopefully) a flat beer or a glass full of foam
This is an example of negative punishment.
In order to fully explain the reinforcement that is taking place her I needed two videos. Yes, it is that awesome. If you watch the top video you will see a scene from the show “How I Met Your Mother” in which Marshall and Barney are laying out the ground rules for a slap bet. Once this is understood you can move on to the next video, which depicts Marshall at his invented holiday which takes place on Thanksgiving, aptly named ‘Slapsgiving’. It opens up with Marshall giving his last slap away as a gift to his friends. After they argue about it and decide to not slap Barney the slap is yet again returned to Marshall for the big finally.
The target behavior that we are looking at in this video in particular would be Marshall giving away his last slap bet. He does so selflessly at a great personal loss to his own pleasure. His two friends, however, cannot agree as to whom should get to give the slap. They begin on complementing the slapping abilities of the other but then degenerate into arguing for the final slap. In the end however, both friends are thankful for Marshall giving away his slap and both agree to not slap Barney. This then brought everybody closer together, just like Marshall had hoped and initiated by offering up his slap. In a simpler version here it goes. Behavior-giving slap away, consequence-friends are grateful, 3-giving things to others will increase the behavior, 4-the consequence is the addition of praise, 5-the antecedent is slapsgiving.
B=Marshall gives his final slap away
C= His friends greatly appreciate it and thank him for it
This is an example of positive reinforcement.
1) My first clip is a lady who trained her horse how to fetch a stick by using a clicker and treats.
2) The behavior being targeted is teaching the horse to fetch the stick like a dog.
3) The horse will go fetch the stick and bring it back to it's owner. Then it will receive a click and a treat.
4) This will increase the frequency of the behavior.
5) It involves the addition of something, seeing as the horse gets a treat for fetching the treat.
6) The antecedent is the owner throwing the stick.
A= owner throws stick
B= horse fetches stick
C= owner praises horse with click and a treat.
This is an example of Positive Reinforcement.
1) My second clip is of two boys who were obviously acting out a situation. The "child" in the video had forgotten his belt downstairs and the "father" punished him for forgetting it by beating him with it.
2) The behavior is that the boy is being beaten with the belt.
3) The consequence is that he won't forget his belt downstairs anymore since he received this negative punishment.
4) This will decrease the frequency of his behavior or leaving the belt downstairs.
5) The antecedent is leaving the belt downstairs.
A= child leaves belt downstairs
B= child is beaten with the belt from father
C= child won't leave belt downstairs anymore
This is an example of Negative Punishment.
For my first clip I decided to choose a mule being trained through positive reinforcement involving a clicker and treats 1. The target behavior is trying to get the mule to walk into a little stall where the person is standing 2. The consequence of this behavior if it is completed is receiving a treat and hearing the “Clicker”. 3 The consequence of this behavior will increase the behavior of the mule walking into the stall. 4. The consequence of this behavior is the addition of the treat. 5. The antecedent is the mule in the barn.
A= Mule in barn
B= Mule stepping into stall
C= Mule receiving treat and hearing clicker
My second clip is a banana that is either going to be rewarded or punished for putting or not putting away its laundry. (Weird I know). 1 The target behavior is trying to get the banana to put away its laundry. 2 The consequence of the behavior if it puts away the laundry is being praised with money. The other consequence of the banana not putting away its laundry could be punishment through abuse. 3 The consequence of this behavior is eventually punishment through abuse since the banana did not put away the laundry. 5 The antecedent is the banana being in the room with the laundry on the floor.
A= Banana in bedroom with laundry
B= Banana refusing to put away laundry
C= Banana is abused by being thrown against the wall
http://youtu.be/YersIyzsOpc - Youtube Original : Greatest Freak Out Ever Video
The punished behavior is not exactly illustrated in this video because the video starts with an explanation of the punishment, however, one can infer that the reason the boy’s World of Warcraft account was suspended because he was on it too much, didn’t do his homework, or something of that sort. The consequence of this boy’s behavior is that his World of Warcraft account was suspended by his mother. I think, judging by his reaction to the loss of his account, that this consequence will definitely stop whatever the unwanted behavior was. Obviously, he loves his World of Warcraft game very much and probably doesn’t want to lose it again. Because this type of punishment involved taking away something, the correct term to describe it is “negative punishment.” Since the punished behavior isn’t known, choosing an antecedent is a bit tricky. Let’s say for example that the punished behavior was that he didn’t do his homework. In that case, one reason he may not have done his homework was because he was playing his World of Warcraft game too much.
In this case,
A= He played World of Warcraft.
B= Skipped doing his homework.
C= Got his World of Warcraft account shut off.
http://youtu.be/JJhYRiwV-7c -Youtube Video Clip from the movie “The Goonies”
The reinforced behavior here is Chunk confessing and telling the Fratelli‘s the information they want to know. The consequence of him telling them what they want to know is that they will stop hurting him and threatening to put his fingers in the blender. This consequence makes Chunk fearful of his life, therefore he chooses to increase the frequency of the behavior, which in this case is increasing the frequency of the information he is telling them. This process is called negative reinforcement because it involves the removal of the torture in exchange for an increase in the behavior. The antecedent to Chunk spilling his guts is the Fratelli’s threats.
A= The Fratelli’s threaten to strangle Chunk/put his fingers in the blender.
B= Chunk tells them whatever they want to know.
C= The Fratelli’s stop torturing him.
1) In this video a lady talks about the benefits of using positive reinforcement with children verses negative reinforcement. Next, a lady shows how positive reinforcement works on children in a class room setting.
2) The behavior shown in the video is sitting cross legged like the teacher asked.
3) The consequence of the behavior is that the boy gets singled out in front of the other children and praised for listening.
4) Because the boy got singled out and praised from the teacher, the other children changed their positions and sat cross legged like the teacher asked.
5) The consequence was by adding verbal praise and positive reinforcement, all the children wanted attention and praise so they will listen to the teacher.
A= having the choice to behave and listen to the teachers order or to not listen to the orders
B=choosing to sit cross legged
C=getting praised in front of the other children
This is an example of positive reinforcement because she complements the students on what they are doing right and gets the children to change their behavior.
1) In this video a group of kids want to come up with a way to get people in their school to recycle so they come up with a way to use negative reinforcement. The kids hide in the trashcan and when someone throws something away that should be recycled they throw the trash back at them and say “recycle!”, and then punch the person in the face.
2) The behavior shown in the video is throwing away garbage that should be recycled.
3) The consequence of the behavior is getting yelled at and punched in the face.
4) Because someone got punched in the face for throwing something away, they might think twice about recycling or just be afraid of the garbage can.
5) The antecedent of this clip was throwing trash away.
A=having the choice to throw trash away or recycle it.
B=choosing to throw something in the trash
C= Getting yelled at and punched in the face.
This is an example of negative reinforcement because it uses an aversive method to get someone to change their behavior.
http://youtu.be/YersIyzsOpc - Youtube Original : Greatest Freak Out Ever Video
The punished behavior is not exactly illustrated in this video because the video starts with an explanation of the punishment, however, one can infer that the reason the boy’s World of Warcraft account was suspended because he was on it too much, didn’t do his homework, or something of that sort. The consequence of this boy’s behavior is that his World of Warcraft account was suspended by his mother. I think, judging by his reaction to the loss of his account, that this consequence will definitely stop whatever the unwanted behavior was. Obviously, he loves his World of Warcraft game very much and probably doesn’t want to lose it again. Because this type of punishment involved taking away something, the correct term to describe it is “negative punishment.” Since the punished behavior isn’t known, choosing an antecedent is a bit tricky. Let’s say for example that the punished behavior was that he didn’t do his homework. In that case, one reason he may not have done his homework was because he was playing his World of Warcraft game too much.
In this case,
A= He played World of Warcraft.
B= Skipped doing his homework.
C= Got his World of Warcraft account shut off.
http://youtu.be/JJhYRiwV-7c -Youtube Video Clip from the movie “The Goonies”
The reinforced behavior here is Chunk confessing and telling the Fratelli‘s the information they want to know. The consequence of him telling them what they want to know is that they will stop hurting him and threatening to put his fingers in the blender. This consequence makes Chunk fearful of his life, therefore he chooses to increase the frequency of the behavior, which in this case is increasing the frequency of the information he is telling them. This process is called negative reinforcement because it involves the removal of the torture in exchange for an increase in the behavior. The antecedent to Chunk spilling his guts is the Fratelli’s threats.
A= The Fratelli’s threaten to strangle Chunk/put his fingers in the blender.
B= Chunk tells them whatever they want to know.
C= The Fratelli’s stop torturing him.
My first video is called “go…Bwaah.” This video we watched in class but to summarize a young girl is holding the leash of a dog and yells “go!” and the dog takes off. She then screams “BWAAAH” and hits the pavement. The video is only about three seconds long. The target behavior I chose was the girl yelling go. The consequence of her behavior was getting pulled to the pavement. This behavior will definitely decrease in the future and it involved the addition of a painful fall. I chose the antecedent to be holding a trained dog’s leash.
A= Holding a trained dog’s leash
B= Yelling GO!
C= Eating some concrete
This behavior was definitely met with positive punishment.
My second video is called “Michael Jordan Dunks Missed Free Throw.” The target behavior is Michael Jordan dunking. The consequence of this behavior is scoring points which will more than likely increase the frequency of this behavior happening again. The behavior added the addition of applause and cheers which reinforces the behavior and the adding of points. The antecedent is playing basketball in front of a crowd.
A= Playing basketball in front of a crowd
B= Dunking a missed free throw
C= Scored points and the crowd cheers
This is an example of positive reinforcement
Video 1:
1) The first video is of a dog that is reinforced every time he listens and comes to the owner.
2) The behavior would be the dog coming to owner when it’s called.
3) The consequence of coming when called is that the dog gets praised.
4) Because the dog is praised when he comes when called he will be more likely to listen when she calls for him.
5) The consequence involves adding praise to the dog for his behavior.
6) The antecedent is the dog being in the backyard and having the choice whether to listen when the owner calls him.
A- Dog being in backyard and deciding whether to come when called or not.
B- The dog choosing to come when the owner called it.
C- The dog getting praised.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because they are adding praise in order to increase the frequency of the dog coming when it’s called.
Video 2:
1) This video is about a mom who punishes her son for lying about getting in trouble by putting hot sauce in his mouth.
2) The behavior would be the child lying.
3) The consequence would be getting hot sauce in his mouth.
4) Because the boy is punished with hot sauce in his mouth when he lies he will be less likely to lie to his mother.
5) The consequence involves adding the punishment of the hot sauce in his mouth.
6) The antecedent would be the boy deciding to lie to his mom or tell her the truth.
A- The boy coming home from school and deciding to lie to his mother or tell her the truth.
B- The boy choosing to lie.
C- The boy getting hot sauce in his mouth.
This is an example of positive punishment because they are adding punishment in order to get the boy not to lie in the future.
*Just so you guys know if you watch this video you are going to be super mad and want to go find this mom and hit her.
My first clip demonstrates a guy riding his bicycle on a moving treadmill. He is attempting to stay on the treadmill and does a fairly good job until he wipes out 40 some seconds into his endeavor. 1) The target behavior of this clip would be riding your bike on a moving treadmill opposed to just riding you bike on the cement or running on the treadmill like a normal person. 2) The consequence of this behavior is completely wiping out and probably having some major bruises and a headache. 3) I assume that this consequence will decrease the frequency of this behavior. 4) This consequence involves the removal of something, which is the success of continuing to ride his bike on the treadmill. 5) Hanging out with friends would be the antecedent or potentially being asked to do a dare.
A= Hanging out with friends/dare
B= Riding a bike on a moving treadmill
C= Wiping out
I would say that this is a negative punishment since the behavior is being decreased and something is being taken away.
The second clip I chose is a commercial that most people have probably seen. Basically a woman opens up a bag of Beggin Strips (a dog treat) and tons of dogs instantly smell the odor of bacon and come running towards the woman. At the end of the clip the dog professes his love for his owner. 1) The target behavior is giving you dog a Beggin Strips treat! 2) The consequence is having a dog that is deeply appreciative of you and your generosity. 3) The consequences of this behavior will increase the frequency of this act. 4) This definitely involves the addition of something; in this case the love of you pet. 5) The antecedent of this situation would be owning a dog.
A= Owning a dog
B= Giving you dog a Beggin Strip
C= Having a dog that loves you
This clip demonstrated positive reinforcement!
The first clip I decided to use is of a man dancing in the street. The dancer is then hit by an ice cream truck because he is dancing in the street. The behavior being punished is dancing in the street. The punishment for the behavior (dancing in the street) is being hit by an ice cream truck. This consequence should, in theory, greatly decrease the frequency of that behavior. The antecedent to the behavior was the music playing.
A= Teach me how to Dougie started playing
B= Man started Dougieing in the street
C= Man gets hit by an ice cream truck
Positive punishment because pain is added to punish behavior
My second clip is of President Obama roasting Donald Trump and the Corespondents Dinner shortly after the release of the Presidents' long form birth certificate. The behavior being targeted for reinforcement is the joke telling being done by the President. The consequence is the crowed laughing. This consequence will probably increase the behavior in the future. The antecedent was Donald Trump demanding the long form birth certificate be released.
A= Donald Trump demands long form birth certificate
B= President Obama roasts Donald Trump
C= Crowed laughs
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the addition of laughter makes the behavior of joke telling more likely in the future.
This clip is from the movie Billy Madison. While on a field trip, one of the children pees their pants and is scared to show/tell anyone. Billy Madison sees him and tries to make him feel better by saying that everyone does it and it's a cool thing to do. To reinforce this idea, he tells the rest of the class that you are only cool if you pee your pants, and Billy himself pees his pants to make the boy feel better, and now the boy won't get made fun of. 1) The behavior is telling the boy and the rest of the class that it's cool to pee your pants (even though it obviously is not), and then having Billy Madison himself pee his pants. 2) The consequence of the kids peeing their pants is that they think they're cool. 3) Since the children think that peeing your pants is cool, they will do it more often. 4) The consequence involves adding something, which would be peeing your pants. 5) The antecedent is being on the field trip and a boy wets his pants.
A = Field trip where a boy pees his pants
B = Billy says its the "cool thing to do"
C = The boy feels better about himself, and the rest of the class thinks it is cool as well
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the boy is told that if he pees his pants he will be cool, and eventually the rest of his classmates think so, as well.
This clip is from the movie Home Alone. Kevin is home alone and Harry is trying to break into the house to rob it. Kevin made the doorknob very hot so when Harry grabs it he severely burns his hand. He yells and falls over and sees that his hand is burnt very badly. 1) The behavior is Harry placing his hand on the hot doorknob. 2) The consequence of grabbing the doorknob is that Harry burns his hand and falls over. 3) Since he severely burnt his hand, the frequency of him grabbing the doorkknob will greatly decrease. 4) This consequence involves adding something, and in this case it is the burn to Harry's hand. 5) The antecedent in this situation is Kevin's home by the hot doorknob.
A= Kevin's home by the hot doorknob
B= Harry touches the hot doorknob
C= Harry burns his hand and falls over
This is an example of positive punishment because Kevin has made the doorknob hot in order to keep Harry from returning to the house again.
1.In the first clip, Adam Sandler is trying to get his son to take bath by dressing up as Scuba Steve’s father asking him to take a bath so he could be in the secret club.
2.The consequence of the behavior would be smelling clean and being a part of the scuba Steve club. 3.Since his son loves scuba Steve and would love to be a part of his team, it will make him want to take baths more.
4. This consequence involves the adding of something.
5.The antecedent is his son is smelly and approached by the teacher.
A= Teacher talked to Adam Sandler about his sons hygiene.
B= Taking a bath
C= Being a part of scuba Steve’s club
Positive reinforcement
1.In my second clip, its from the office and Michael is having a diversity day. For this, he has different races taped to their forehead and tells everyone to treat them like their race on their forehead. He is trying to push the limit and starts mocking Kelly.
2.The consequence of his behavior is that he is slapped by Kelly.
3.Since he was slapped, he realizes he took it too far and will likely decrease his behavior.
4.This consequence involves adding something.
5.The antecedent is Michael puts races on peoples for heads for others to treat them like the race that’s on their card.
A=Michael puts race cards on everyone’s face to get people to treat others like the race written on the forehead
B= Michael yells racial slurs at Kelly
C=Michael gets slapped
Positive Punishment
My first clip is from an episode of Friends. It is the one where Ross is trying to get his son Ben to be more excited about Hanukka. He does this by dressing up as an Armadillo and bringing presents and talking to Ben about Hanukka stories. This is an example of positive reinforcement.
1) The behavior is Ross dressing up as an Armadillo and telling Hanukka stories.
2) The consequence is that Ben gets more excited about Hanukka.
3) because the Armadillo makes learning about Hanukka more fun, Ben is more likely to get excited about Hanukka now.
4)The consequence is adding something, in this case it would be excitement for Hanukka.
5) The antecedent is Christmas (or Hanukka).
A= Christmas/Hanukka time.
B= Ross dressing up as an Armadillo and telling stories.
C= Ben getting more excited about Hanukka
My second clip is another Episode of friends. It is the one where Rachael taught Ross's son Ben to play practical jokes and to teach Rachael a lesson they played one on her. They did this by throwing a dummy down the stairs making her believe that it was Ross. This is an example of positive punishment.
1)The Behavior is Ben and Ross playing a practical joke on Rachael by throwing a dummy down the stairs to scare her.
2)The consequence of this behavior is scaring Rachael.
3)Since this consequence scared Rachael it will decrease Rachael's behavior of playing practical jokes.
4)This consequence is adding something, which is scaring Rachael of practical jokes.
5) The antecedent is being in a hallway outside of Rachael's apartment with Ross chasing Ben.
A= Ross chasing Ben in a hallway outside of Rachael's apartment.
B= Ross playing a joke by throwing a dummy down the stairs.
C= Rachael got scared.
Video 1
1) In this clip Penny is be positively reinforced by Sheldon when he gives her chocolate every time she does some behavior he deems good.
2)Penny uses her 'good' behavior around Sheldon and he is pleased.
3)The consequence will increase because Penny enjoys the chocolate and will continue to do good behavior in order to receive more.
4)The consequence involved the addition of chocolate.
5)Sheldon's apartment.
A=Sheldon's Apartment
B=cleaning up
Positive Reinforcement
Video 2
1)In this clip from Family Guy, Greg is found with cigarettes and is forced into the snake pit and the tattle teller is forced into the closet of fire for punishment.
2)Greg will no longer smoke and Jane won't tattle.
3)Their behaviors will decrease.
4)The consequence involved the addition of the snake pit and the closet of fire.
5)In the Brady household.
A=In the Brady home
B=Lying and smoking
C=4 hours in the snake pit
Negative Punishment
In this first clip, a guy tells his dog to get him a beer. The dog then runs to the fridge, opens it, grabs a beer, and brings it back to the man.
1. The target behavior is the dog getting the beer for the guy, this is a reinforced behavior.
2. The consequence of the behavior is praise and a treat.
3. The consequence will increase the frequency of getting a beer for the guy, because he is reinforced with a treat.
4. The consequence involves the addition of a treat.
5. The antecedent is the man sitting on the couch.
A= Man sitting on couch
B= Dog getting man beer
C= Dog getting treat
This is an example of positive reinforcement
The second clip I decided to do is one that has been very popular. In this clip two little boys are sitting in a stroller. The older brother puts his finger in his baby brother’s mouth. The younger bites the older one’s finger. He does it a second time, but the second time it really hurts.
1. The target behavior is the second time Harry puts his finger into Charlie’s mouth. This is the punished behavior.
2. The consequence is that Charlie bites him hard and it hurts.
3. The consequence will decrease the chance of Harry putting his finger into Charlie’s mouth again because he was bit harder the second time and it hurt.
4. The consequence involves the addition of pain.
5. The antecedent is sitting in a stroller.
A= Sitting in a stroller
B= Harry putting his finger into Charlie’s mouth
C= Charlie biting Harry’s finger hard.
This is an example of positive punishment.
Best commercial ever!!
1. dad puts back the sugary cereal that the boy wants to eat.
2. boy throws a fit in the supermarket
3. it does not show if the father gives the cereal to the child, but consider in this context that he does then this would be positive reinforcement.
4. the behavior involves the addition on the temper tantrum by the little boy.
5. the antecedent is shopping at the super market in the cereal section
A – Shopping at the super market in the cereal section
B – The little boy wants some sugary cereal, dad does not want boy to have cereal and put it back on the shelf
C – Boy starts screaming and throwing a fit in order to get the cereal and so the father would then obey the boy, thus the boy will repeat the action in the future.
Positive reinforcement.
1. dog chases cat
2. dog is put in cage
3. this is positive punishment
4. the owner is adding the cage, so the dog will not continue in the behavior of chasing the cat
5. the antecedent is the owner has a cat in the house
A – cat is in the house
B – the dog chases the cat
C – the dog is put in the kennel until he settles down
Positive punishment
My first video is called "Dog Training". In this positive reinforcement example the man will "sneeze" and the dog will get him a tissue, when the dog does this the man will reward him with a treat.
The target behavior would be for the dog to grab a tissue for the man when he sneezes. The consequence of the dog giving the man a tissue is a treat. The consequence of the man giving the dog a treat will increase the frequency of the dog giving the man the tissue when he sneezes. The consequence involves the addition of a treat to reward the dog when it gives the man a tissue. The antecedent is the man sneezing.
A=The man sneezing
B=Dog picks up tissue
C=Dog gets treat
This behavior was positive reinforcement
The second video I decided to do is called "Fat guy falling off dance machine". The target behavior is the kid dancing on the machine, this will lead to positive punishment of the other kids laughing at him as a consequence of him falling. This consequence will lead to a lower frequency of him dancing in front of the crowd. This clip involves the addittion of the kids laughter at the other kid falling down. The antecedent is dancing in front of a crowd.
A= Dancing in front of crowd.
B= Falling off of machine.
C= Kids laughing at him as a result.
This is an eample of positive punishment.
I liked the dog one. I saw that when I found my dog getting a beer one! Good example.
1.) This is a video where Charlie’s brother sticks his finger in Charlie’s mouth to get a laugh. 2.) The behavior is Charlie’s brother sticking his finger in Charlie’s mouth. 3.) The consequence of sticking his finger in Charlie’s mouth is getting bit. 4.) Because it is aversive to get bit, Charlie’s brother will stick his finger in Charlie’s mouth less often. 5.) This consequence involves adding something; in this case the bite is added. 6.) The antecedent is Charlie and his brother being videotaped while sitting together.
A=Charlie and his brother sitting together while being videotaped.
B=Charlie’s brother sticking his finger into Charlie’s mouth.
C=Charlie’s brother gets bit, and ‘it really hurt.’
This is an example of positive punishment because Charlie is adding the bite to decrease the frequency in which his brother will stick his finger into his mouth.
1.) This is a video where when the cat hears a can being opened it comes running and starts to meow. 2.) The behavior is the cat running and meowing . 3.)The consequence of running and meowing is that the cat is fed tuna fish. 4.)Because the cat gets to eat tuna fish, which is pleasurable, he will come running when he hears a can being opened more often. 5.) This consequence involves adding something, in this case the tuna fish is added. 6.) The antecedent is the cat hearing the can being opened.
A=Hearing the can being opened
B=The cat comes running and meowing
C=The cat gets to enjoy yummy canned tuna fish
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the tuna is added to increase the frequency of the cat coming running and meowing when a can is being opened.
Not to be mean, but next time make sure you look a few posts before you. The Charlie one was the same that I used.
My apologies, I must have just looked at the prior four videos instead of the prior four students.
Because my last post completely sucked! Here is a much more pleasant/ humorous alternative:
Well, it was the humorous final video of today’s class…I strongly felt the need to use it!
Positive Punishment
Summary-It’s very short and easy to describe. The little girl learned a valuable life lesson. Do not hold onto the dogs leash when you tell your dog to “GO”. It was clearly learning through positive punishment as something unpleasant was added to stop her from repeating the unwanted or dangerous action. I think she learned her lesson by “punishing herself”. Could this be “self-punishment”? After all, there is self-reinforcement.-->At any rate, it's positive punishment!
1. The girl Yelling “Go” to her dog was a specific behavior that lead to an unfortunate punishment.
2. By Yelling at her dog to go, she was pulled forward by the leash she still had in her hand. This caused her to face plant into the sidewalk/concrete.
3. The consequence will definitely decrease the likelihood that the girl will ever repeat this behavior. (unless the impact kill all of the memory part of her brain that would aid her in remembering the consequence of this action…in which case, she would be a lost cause…)
4. The consequence involves the addition of something bad/unpleasant. The unpleasant this is the smashing of her face into the concrete ground.
5. The antecedent is the driveway or the sidewalk or just on concrete. It could have a million outcome, unfortunately for her, the outcome was a face-plant.
A= In driveway
B= Girl Yells “GO” while holding onto the dogs leash
C= Girl Smashes her face into concrete
Negative Reinforcement:
Summary- The man is in a store shopping with his son. His son wants sweets, the man says “no”, and the child throws a temper tantrum. The child’s horrible behavior then reinforces condom use. This is negative reinforcement in terms of condom use. The use of a condom is reinforced in the way that it removes something unpleasant and bad-like “unexpected” (term used loosely as I don’t wish to offend anyone-just going off the child in the commercial example) or misbehaving children.
1. Target behavior is the child’s temper tantrum and psychotic behavior
2. As a consequence of the child’s behavior, witnesses may choose to never have children or just wait until they are ready. It most definitely should turn down people sex drive at least a little!!!! Therefore, it will promote condom usage.
3. The consequence of condom use will decrease the unpleasantness of unexpected children that are misbehaved and difficult to manage (particularly by individuals that aren’t ready or grown up enough themselves.) Therefore, it will decrease the behavior as there will be fewer parents that are not ready to raise a child…assumedly (according to the clear assumption made by the commercial-THIS DOES NOT NECESSARILY APPLY TO 100% OF PEOPLE OR ENTIRELY MY OPINION) children will be better behaved when the parents plan to have a child and raise it responsibly.
4. The consequence involves the subtraction of something. That is the subtraction of an unexpected child that will through temper tantrums in public places.
5. The antecedent is the grocery store. This is the public place where the child chooses to misbehave and display to the public one of the negative outcomes of unexpected children
A=In a grocery store
B=Child screams and throws a fit
C=All witnesses use condoms!/Increases condom use
Personal side note I am making outside of the point I made in reference to the commercial…this is so that people don’t view me as insensitive, heartless, child-hating, etc. as a consequence of my behavior which is posting this blog= All children can misbehave-even when they are expected, planned, and in a stable family…the point over all is use a condom! This is negatively reinforced by the fact that if you use a condom, the consequence of a horribly misbehaved child will be much less likely of occurring. The consequence of me posting this disclaimer is that nobody comes at me in the street/or class with a pitch fork!
-Mary Schmidt
Clip 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2sV8PRK9hs&NR=1
1.) This clip is a Subaru commercial that is demonstrating how appropriate this type of car is for a busy lifestyle. The commercial shows a busy mom hauling around her three kids and all of their hockey gear. 2.) She is able to have such an active lifestyle because her Subaru allows her to transport herself, kids, and a lot of equipment with ease. 3.) The target behavior being illustrated is that you should buy a Subaru. 4.) The consequence of this behavior is being able to have an active lifestyle and easily take care of your family’s needs. The consequence will most likely increase the behavior because whoever buys the Subaru will continue to drive their vehicle with enjoyment and pass on the word for their love of Subaru’s. 5.) The antecedent is the lifestyle of an active person.
A = Active lifestyle
B = Buying a Subaru
C = Ability to easily pursue your daily activities
This is an example of positive reinforcement.
Clip 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XO_uJVL8KkA
1.)This clip is a Snicker’s commercial that is demonstrating how grouchy people can get if they’re hungry and don’t have a Snicker’s bar. The commercial shows loggers cutting down trees, one of them is grouchy so they turn into a “diva” to show that they are grouchy, moody, hungry. Once they have a Snicker’s bar they turn back into themselves and are able to get back to work. 2.) The workers are able to get back to work and do an efficient job since they had a Snicker’s bar. 3.) The target behavior is to eat a Snicker’s bar or else you will get hungry, grouchy, and annoying. 4.) The consequence of not eating a Snicker’s bar will most likely increase the behavior that is eating a Snicker’s. 5.) The antecedent is being in a grouchy/hungry state.
A = Being in a hungry/grouchy state of being
B = Not eating a Snicker’s bar
C = Getting hit with a big wooden log.
This is an example of positive punishment because by eating the Snicker’s, you are decreasing the frequency of being hungry and therefore not getting hit with a big log.