"From unruly retrievers to pampered pugs, Victoria has seen them all. But what about the owners who live with them? It's not just the dogs that need help! It's Me or the Dog follows Victoria Stilwell as she tries to restore harmony in homes where pets are running riot and the family is in the dog house."
April 2011 Archives
What Wilson is trying to do, late in his influential career, is nothing less than overturn a central plank of established evolutionary theory: the origins of altruism. His position is provoking ferocious criticism from other scientists. Last month, the leading scientific journal Nature published five strongly worded letters saying, more or less, that Wilson has misunderstood the theory of evolution and generally doesn't know what he's talking about. One of these carried the signatures of an eye-popping 137 scientists, including two of Wilson's colleagues at Harvard.
(Thanks to Osman for sending)
Discuss how the material you have learned from this class has changed how you think about or view the world.
Thank you and have a great summer break.
Token Economy - For this post I would like you to develop a token economy to practice what you learned.
What is your setting?
What behavior class are you going to change?
What are the target behaviors you are going to change though reinforcement (Keep in mind the use of Differential Reinforcement and Premack Principle)?
What type of token are you going to use?
What are some considerations for the use of these tokens?
What are you going to use for the backup reinforcers?
What was your rationale for choosing these reinforcers?
What is the token value and how did you select that value?
What are you using for a bank and how did you arrive at that decision?
What are the hours of operation for your bank?
Who will you need to explain your program to?
How will you go about explaining your program (what will you actually say)?
What is your plan for reducing the need for tokens to maintain the target behavior?
Looking back at your token economy you have planned, what are some potential problems you should anticipate and plan for?
Let me know if you have any questions,
--Dr. M
What I would like you to do for this topical blog is to have some fun and find some websites places or organizations that use or tried to use token economies. Please try to incorporate the behavioral terms we are learning into your writing and some material from the lecture on token economies.
1) Please discuss your topic in general, why it interests you (or not) and how it relates to behavior modification.
2) Post at least 2 links to the sites you visited that were most informative about token economies.
3) Discuss how these sites further expanded your understanding of token economies (kind of like a conclusion).
4) Make a list of behavioral terms you used in this post (this is to help get you focused on using behavioral terms in your regular writings).
Please read the chapter assigned for this week.
(Reading Schedule: http://www.uni.edu/~maclino/hybrid/bm_book_s11.pdf)
After reading the chapter, please respond to the following questions:
Of the various aspects of Behavior Modification presented in the chapter, which did you find the most interesting? Why? Which did you find least interesting? Why? What are three things you read about in the chapter that you think will be the most useful for you in understanding Behavior Modification? Why? What are some topics in earlier chapters that relate or fit in with this chapter? How so?
Please make sure you use the terms, terminology and concepts you have learned so far in the class. It should be apparent from reading your post that you are a college student well underway in a course in psychology.
Make a list of key terms and concepts you used in your post.
Let me know if you have any questions.
--Dr. M
Please read the chapter assigned for this week.
(Reading Schedule: http://www.uni.edu/~maclino/hybrid/bm_book_s11.pdf)
After reading the chapter, please respond to the following questions:
Of the various aspects of Behavior Modification presented in the chapter, which did you find the most interesting? Why? Which did you find least interesting? Why? What are three things you read about in the chapter that you think will be the most useful for you in understanding Behavior Modification? Why? What are some topics in earlier chapters that relate or fit in with this chapter? How so?
Please make sure you use the terms, terminology and concepts you have learned so far in the class. It should be apparent from reading your post that you are a college student well underway in a course in psychology.
Make a list of key terms and concepts you used in your post.
Let me know if you have any questions.
--Dr. M
Please read the chapter assigned for this week.
(Reading Schedule: http://www.uni.edu/~maclino/hybrid/bm_book_s11.pdf)
After reading the chapter, please respond to the following questions:
Of the various aspects of Behavior Modification presented in the chapter, which did you find the most interesting? Why? Which did you find least interesting? Why? What are three things you read about in the chapter that you think will be the most useful for you in understanding Behavior Modification? Why? What are some topics in earlier chapters that relate or fit in with this chapter? How so?
Please make sure you use the terms, terminology and concepts you have learned so far in the class. It should be apparent from reading your post that you are a college student well underway in a course in psychology.
Make a list of key terms and concepts you used in your post.
Let me know if you have any questions.
--Dr. M