Video games are already a ubiquitous component in the lives of young boys and grown men alike, but a new Japanese game is literally making a splash all its own.
The AFP reports that Sega has debuted four types of "Toylets," or urine-controlled games, in Toyko men's rooms in pubs and game arcades. Urinals are fitted with special pressure sensors, with eye-level LCD screens displaying the action. "
How does this relate to the ABCs of Behavior Modification. What is the Antecedant, Behavior, and Consequence here?
Perhaps I could see where these form of games could apply well with training young boys in toilet training. However, for grown men I don't see why it would be necessary. Only a few minutes is spent in the restroom and using that time to play a game seems a bit ridiculous, but then again I am not a man.
This does apply to the ABC's because there is a desired behavior that is being achieved. The Antecedent being the needing to use the restroom, the Behavior is the action of releasing one's self, and the Consequence is the pleasure of not needing to go any more. Till nature calls again anyway.
It is a good way to get the desired behavior, but it's still a pretty out there idea and a lazy way to teach your kids. We have enough technology.
I feel as if this could help children to learn how to potty train, or it can even maybe help children or adults who have issues going to the bathroom to learn to go to the bathroom more often then they do. This would reduce the chances of them soiling their pants. There are a few ways I can see the ABC working in this case. The one I see is that the antecedent is the in the bathroom, the behavior is urinating, and the consequence could be beating the previous visitors score. Such a game/toilet may help to increase the times kids use the bathroom and learn the good habits of going to the bathroom when they need to. It will also teach them the importance of good aim (for men mainly). ha
I am somewhat confused. Is this a game that someone is controlling with their own hand and a statue? Or is it controlled by the pressure of the individual's urine? If this is controlled by customers peeing into the target spot, there are a few different ways to look at this. Either the pub's are using them as a way to influence customers to be more accurate on their aim so there is less clean up for them, or it is a unique toilet training tool. However, grown men do not need to be trained, and as far as young boys go, having this training technique would be useless unless they had it in their own home for everyday use.
The ABC's could be utilized here, the antecedent is men having to use the restroom, the behavior is peeing on the target spot, and the consequence is the accuracy they maintain while relieving themselves. At least that is my opinion on the whole thing.
This is way too funny. I wish Americans would come up with something like this. Hahaha. ...but really. I can see how this could be useful in reinforcing little boys to use to big boy potty and learn to aim, but a video game is a bit extreme. I'm sure if we created this, as Americans, we would just be given an even worse image than we already have. For instance, us being consumed in tv and video games and being lazy. Let's hope that this game just stays abroad.
This is just weird. What will they come up with next? The Antecedent is obviously the need to go to the bathroom, the behavior is the act of urinating to control the game, and the consequence is playing the game either winning or losing as the ending result.
I thought about this for a bit and for a pub to use this type of gaming system is really smart of them. A possibility as to why they are using this is to increase beer and liquor sales. If I was really into this game and wanted to beat the high score, I obviously am going to keep drinking more for two reasons. Firstly to get intoxicated or feel good, and secondly to have the urge to urinate and then being able to beat the high score. Those Japanese are pretty smart people!
I agree with a few of the comments above, whereas this 'game' may be beneficial for potty trainer, it is also a bit ridiculous. Yeah, it may be fun for boys/men to play while they pee, but really? What happened to just getting in and out of the bathroom. Do we really need that much nonsensical stimuli to entertain us? We're constantly filled with games and our material devices have increased greatly...and now the toilet is even subject to this.
The antecedent would be needing to pee, the behavior would be peeing/ playing the game and the consequence would be losing or winning the game.
I found this hilarious! Although, I would have to say that if we want to train people by using a game in the bathroom, I would rather see it on the mirror above the sink, where people wash their hands. Maybe if we make washing our hands correctly into a game, we can save the world from spreading germs! ;) Also, it looks to be more of a screen to attract people and then bombard them with advertisements. I can't read japanesse, but those look like bottles of milk, sake, and a can of beer, on the screen at the end of the game.
If anything I would say the ads will be working to modify our behavior and influence our purchases.
HA! Having worked as 'hostess' (custodian) for a restaurant, I think this is brilliant. The guy's bathroom ALWAYS had urine all over the ground, down the sides of the urinals, everywhere! I can't say from experience, but I highly doubt it's that difficult to do it right. The urinals we replaced the old ones with had tiny little pictures of flies in the bottom, which drastically reduced the mess we had to clean. I think this is similar; give the guys something to pee at and suddenly it's a competition. The feel-good emotions of winning (or just peeing on something...?) would appear to act as a reinforcer for making it into the urinal on the desired spot.
I'm pretty sure I'll need something like this if I ever have little boys...
I believe that this video game would be very beneficial for potty training boys.The boys would see using the potty as reinforcing because they could try and win the game/earn more points than the last person and the reinforcement would cause the boys to use the potty more frequently. The ABC's tie into the video because the antecedent would be the urge to urinate, the behavior would be urinating in the toilet, and the consequence would be winning the game/losing or earning points.
I love it! There is nothing I'd like more than to play a videogame while im peeing in the urinal! Sega has been blowing my mind since the Sega Genesis in the 90's. What could possibly be next!?! This is videogaming to the extreme and I want this potty in my house!!!! The antecedent is probably the need to pee, the behavior is peeing in the urinal, the consequence is winning the game because you drank the most beer and have released the most urine!
Okay this is a bit messed up because personally I don't want to watch anyone or anything, including statues, pee!! Haha but if all little boys were reinforced by earning high amounts of points for going to the bathroom properly, then I suppose it has logical meaning. This reminds me of little kids getting sticker charts every time they go to the bathroom by themselves, or do it the right way with out any help. Reinforcement is a great method to apply here!
I think it's a good approach for potty training as long as it focuses on aim. I don't know if it's a good idea to reinforce kids for intensity of peeing, which could result in worse messes from what we gamers like to call "splash damage" (I couldn't resist). I also like the idea of making it a competition with the other patrons of the restroom, the prestige acts as an additional reinforcer to aim precisely.
I think this is hilarious, and not suprising because they seem to come up with the craziest inventions "accross the pond." The ABC's are utilized pretty obviously here, with the Antecedent being going to the bathroom, the behavior is urinating while playing the game, and the consequence could be a number of things by having fun, beating your score, or becoming more "accurate" with their aim. It's probably a genius idea, though, because I'm assuming it probably creates less of a mess because they'll be so entirely focused on making it in the urinal... haha.
I think this would be a blast to see in the bathrooms of bars. It would be very entertaining to play some of those games as strange as they are. I don't know if there would be any real relevance to helping children go to the bathroom though. I guess it would be a reinforcer for going to the bathroom. They would be excited to go use the bathroom because they are rewarded with a fun game to play while using the toilet. I don't know how useful it would turn out to be, but its a cool concept.