Reading Activity "B" Week #13 (Due around Thursday)


Please read section 5.2 - Rule Governed Behavior

When you answer the questions below use the behavioral language you have been learning all semester.

What is rule governed behavior?
What behaviors do you have that are rule governed?
What rule governed behavior do you have that you might want to modify?
What are the ABC's of that behavior?
For the behavior that you would like to change based on section 5.1, what would be some rules you could implement that would make it easier to modify that behavior?

PLEASE CONTINUE TO KEEP A RECORD OF YOUR TARGET BEHAVIOR. We will be using this record in your next assignments.


Rule governed behavior works to elicit behavioral changes by use of verbal antecedents. For example, during the first few days of the semester, when going over the syllabus, most professors verbally emphasize their policy regarding the use of cell phones during class by saying something like “the use of cell phones during class will result in (elicit) you being asked to leave class for the day.”

When I think of rule governed behavior, I mainly think of behaviors we emit because of our religious views and/or because the government tells us what is right and wrong. For example, we are told not to kill, steal, commit adultery, etc. These particular examples fall under both religious and government order (Ten Commandments as well as government laws). Other rule governed behaviors that I abide by and therefore emit are wearing my seatbelt, not speeding (too much), stopping at stop signs/red lights, etc. For some, behaviors are mainly regulated by their religion whereas others who may not be religious acknowledge that a lot of their behaviors is governed by laws implemented by the government, family members, or peers. Regardless what or who governs one’s behavior, we can all hope that it is governed for the better!

For the most part, I follow the rules so there are not many behaviors that are rule governed that I need to modify. I do speed a little – only a few miles over, so I suppose I will use this for my example.

Using the example of speeding, both reinforcement and punishment work to modify my behaviors. For example:

A: Driving
B: Speeding
C: Receive a ticket

A: Driving
B: Not speeding
C: Don’t receive a ticket - have more money!

In order to modify the behavior that I chose for myself (studying more), I could implement rules for my specific target behaviors (studying biopsych for an hour, limiting daily facebook time, and studying in places with less distraction). For my first target behavior, I could make a rule stating that I must study biopsych from 7:00-8:00 p.m. every night, I can only get on facebook for 1 hour per day, and I have to study in the library for at least 4 hours per week. By setting clear rules, these goals will be easier to track, achieve, and maintain.

Rule governed behavior is behavior that is emitted due to some sort of rule, legal or not. I have several behaviors that are governed by rules, as does everyone. Rules govern people’s driving, their social activities, and many other aspects of life. Some behaviors that are rule governed is that I’m not allowed to drink until I’m 21. This affects what I do for fun in my social life. Rules also govern my driving. Speed limits keep me from driving any speed I like. Signs tell me what type of behavior I need to emit. Lights tell me if I can go or not.

One behavior that I’d like to change that is rule governed is speeding. I’ve gotten pulled over three times for speeding but luckily only received one ticket. The consequences for speeding have elicited me to pay more attention to how fast I’m driving and to reduce the speed if it’s too fast.

A: driving on the highway
B: driving over the speed limit
C: getting pulled over by a cop/receiving a ticket

For the behavior I’d like to change (saving money), some rules I could make to make it easier to save money would be to only keep $10 in my purse, only spend $20 on the weekends, always have at least $100 in my bank account, and only buy absolutely necessary things.

Rule governed behavior is a behavior that is emitted because of some sort of rule. this rule could be set by the government, religion, family values. The Rules delegate what the correct behavior is. There are many punishments when these rules are broken or not followed. for example, if you are pulled over for speeding you are given a ticket to hopefully lessen the times you speed.
some rules that i know i have to follow are of coarse traffic laws, respect rules in the classroom, living in my 'fathers house' has rules as well.
one that i would like to modify is the drinking age rule.

For a punishment
A-at a party
B-drinking under age
C-get caught and fined

For a reward
A-at a party
B-do not drink
C- do not get in trouble

Rules that would help to make this easier would be to not go to parties where there is alcohol. Or take me own drink in with me so i do not feel obligated to drink.

Rule governed behavior is behavior continues in order to keep order where the antecedents are verbal. It can encompass social norms, morals, laws, or other rules. I follow most laws, and rules like paying my rent and other bills on time, because I was told I have to, and to avoid the consequence of a ticket or fine.
A= In the context of paying rent on time
B= I turn rent in
C= I do not get in trouble
But if I were to not follow this rule governed behavior I would receive positive punishment:
A= In the context of paying rent before the 5th
B= I pay it on the sixths
C= my landlord adds a 40$ fine so my rent goes from 405$ to 445$
Adding the 40 fine is a good positive punishment because for those paying for rent themselves, 405$ a month is a lot, but 445$ a month is really a lot of money, especially around the holidays. For me, I would have to ask my parents for an extra 40$ and explain why, even though they gave me rent money a week ago, I still paid late.

A rule governed behavior I would like to modify would be overspending. I am lucky enough to have my parents paying for my college, room and board, utilities, and groceries. Which means I do not need to work a lot and make a lot of money. My job pays minimum wage and I work 3-6 hours a week. Which means my paycheck isn’t very much, but my friends are always insisting I go out to eat and out for ice cream and out to bars. The behavioral class would be overspending and the functions of that behavior would be going out to dinner, going out for ice cream, going out to bars where I have to pay to get in because I’m underage.
A= In the context of wanting to spend time with my friends
B= I go out, and spend money
C= Have almost no extra money when I need it, or to save.

For my 5.1 behavior, I chose the specific target behavior of watching too much TV. My rules could be that I cannot turn it on in the morning while getting ready. That it can only be on for one hour between 9am and 6pm. (I often have two or three hours I am home during that period of time). That I can only turn it on after 6pm if I have completed at least 2/3 of my days To Do list. I think these are really good rules that cover most of my day and my TV watching.

Rule governed behavior is behavior continues in order to keep order where the antecedents are verbal. It can encompass social norms, morals, laws, or other rules. I follow most laws, and rules like paying my rent and other bills on time, because I was told I have to, and to avoid the consequence of a ticket or fine.
A= In the context of paying rent on time
B= I turn rent in
C= I do not get in trouble
But if I were to not follow this rule governed behavior I would receive positive punishment:
A= In the context of paying rent before the 5th
B= I pay it on the sixths
C= my landlord adds a 40$ fine so my rent goes from 405$ to 445$
Adding the 40 fine is a good positive punishment because for those paying for rent themselves, 405$ a month is a lot, but 445$ a month is really a lot of money, especially around the holidays. For me, I would have to ask my parents for an extra 40$ and explain why, even though they gave me rent money a week ago, I still paid late.

A rule governed behavior I would like to modify would be overspending. I am lucky enough to have my parents paying for my college, room and board, utilities, and groceries. Which means I do not need to work a lot and make a lot of money. My job pays minimum wage and I work 3-6 hours a week. Which means my paycheck isn’t very much, but my friends are always insisting I go out to eat and out for ice cream and out to bars. The behavioral class would be overspending and the functions of that behavior would be going out to dinner, going out for ice cream, going out to bars where I have to pay to get in because I’m underage.
A= In the context of wanting to spend time with my friends
B= I go out, and spend money
C= Have almost no extra money when I need it, or to save.

For my 5.1 behavior, I chose the specific target behavior of watching too much TV. My rules could be that I cannot turn it on in the morning while getting ready. That it can only be on for one hour between 9am and 6pm. (I often have two or three hours I am home during that period of time). That I can only turn it on after 6pm if I have completed at least 2/3 of my days To Do list. I think these are really good rules that cover most of my day and my TV watching.

Rule governed behavior is behavior emitting by certain rules or antecedents. These could be made by religion, family, and the government. So, people have a responsibility of keeping their behavior that is rule governed. If i will not follow certain rule that is rule governed, I will receive punishment about my behavior. For example, if I am underage for drinking (in Korea people can’t drink until 19years old) of course, I couldn’t drink. If I broke this rule I will have to pay fine.

A rule governed behavior that I would like to change is skipping a Sunday mass. Although I can go church for mass on Sundays despite its so close in my dorm I often skip a mass. Attending Sunday mass is a very important duty in catholic.

For example:
A: On Sunday
B: skip a mass
C: I feel guilty

A: On Sunday
B: attending a mass
C: I can feel comfortable

In the 5.1 section, I chose a behavior that is having a more time for exercise. One of my target behaviors is attending a tennis class perfectly. There is some rule that is if I skip the class I will get low grade. I guess it could be make me not skip the class.

Rule Governed Behavior is in a sense, control on the antecedent. This can be governed by social institutions such as family or religion. Rule governed behavior can be laws that one is coerced to follow, or rules that one passes along from person to person. For example, everyone has their own family cold remedy. "Mom always said increase your liquid intake when you start feeling ill". My behavior in the context of being sick is therefore governed by this rule.

To continue with my self-directed behavior focus, I would like to modify my studying behavior. Many college advisors suggest spending three hours outside of class studying for every one hour in class. I tend to reverse this formula and spend one hour studying for every three hours in class. This is a rule governed behavior I could improve at.

A: At home
B: Minimally use my time to study
C: Receive lower grades on tests

Like I stated in the preceding paragraph, I wanted to increase my studying behavior. University advisors suggest spending three hours outside of class studying for every one hour in class. This equals out to 45 hours a week in studying. I think it would be wise to gradually increase my studying time, instead of trying to find 45 hours of free time which I usually do not have. I can make up rules for myself to better fit my schedule.

Rule governed behaviors are behaviors that people emit as a result of some form of instruction. The instructions can be in the form of rules, laws, or a form of perceived perception. Religions often have a lot of perceived regulations, like catholics need to confess their sins. This is not a law or a rule necessary, but instructions given by others tell catholics that is the behavior they need to emit.
My life is full of rule governed behaviors. I have to be to work on time in the morning or I might get fired. I have to go to classes or may grades may drop. When I am driving to class I have to follow the speed limit which is a law.
There are a couple of rule governed behaviors that I would like to change. An example behavior for this is refraining from using my phone while I am at work. My current behaviors look something like this:
A=At work
B=On my cell phone
C=My boss takes my phone away
Although I get my phone back at the end of my shift it is very embarrassing to have my boss take it away in front of my coworkers. The behavior I would like to change from section 5.1 was too exercise more often. A rule I could implement to increase this behavior would be to exercise first thing in the morning so I have it out of the way. I think if I set my alarm for a particular time everyday so I have to wake up, I will be more likely to go workout and have it over with in case something else comes up later on in the day.

Rule governed behaior is based of social norms and obligations and are followed or not depending if the individual values the rules and if the punishment is something that they find aversive. Some behaviors that I have that are rule governed are dont murder people, because one i beleive it is not my job to take peoples lives and two i really dont want to spend the rest of my life in prison because i find that aversive. A rule governed behavior that I might want to modify is doing homework while in capstone class that I have no idea what is ever going on
A=capstone class(back in the valley MLK JR &21st century)
B=doing homework for other classes
C=not do so swell on the paper assignments

A=capstone class
b=pay attention
c=better grade on paper (questionable)

To modify this behavior I could leave my homework out of reach like in my car or in a really awkward folder so i cant get it out in the middle of class, I could also try to make it a point to write down three interesting facts I learned from the lecture that i could use in my paper.

According to the reading, rule governed behavior is behavior which is maintained through the obligation of maintaining order. In simpler terms, it is a behavior we emit due to a verbal rule. Some rule governed behaviors that I emit are: do not eat meat on Fridays during Lent (religious holiday before Easter), do not use my cell phone at work, and obey the speed limit. A behavior that I should improve on is obeying the speed limit. I always drive approximately 5 mph above the speed limit (which is common), but sometimes when I'm not paying attention to my speed, I drive faster than that. This is problematic, because I could receive a speeding ticket. Here are the ABC's of this behavior before I modify it:

A. In the context of driving my car
B. I exceed the speed limit
C. resulting in a speeding ticket.

Here are the ABC's after I modify this behavior:

A. In the context of driving my car
B. I obey the speed limit
C. resulting in no speeding tickets.

The behavior that I chose to modify in 5.1 is using power-putty to occupy my hands. Hopefully this will elicit decreased knuckle-cracking. Some rules that I could follow are: use power-putty for "X" number of hours each day and use power-putty for at least 30 minutes of each class. Using power-putty will soon become a habit for me, and it'll be easier to decrease my knuckle-cracking behavior (since my hands will be occupied).

Rule governed behavior is behavior that is maintained through the obligation of maintaining order where the antecedent is verbal. This type behavior can result from established norms, morals, or ethical standards. Rule governed behavior may also result from rules an person (or organism) has followed throughout history and time.

Many of my rule governed behaviors seem to stem from my religion. Things like don’t kill, don’t commit adultery, etc are things I feel are maintained because they seem to be rules. My town, for example, is an extremely conservative little town. The behavior of mowing your lawn on Sunday is a rule governed behavior. Because everyone in the community follows the “no work on Sunday” theme, people follow this rule. Even little kids in my community know their mom is not allowed to do laundry on Sunday, and all of the car washes are empty because washing your car on Sunday would be considered work. This behavior clearly results from established norms, morals, and ethical standards of my community.

I would want to modify the no work on Sunday behavior. If I wanted to go to a movie on Sunday with my boyfriend, this wouldn’t be allowed. Sure, we could go to a movie if we wanted, but the social norms established are enough to keep us from going (A movie would be considered wrong because we’d be supporting a business that works on Sunday). However, unlike something like speeding this behavior isn’t a law. It’s a type of rule governed behavior that happens because people stick to it, and it’s a type of ethical law.

A – On a Sunday
B – Going to a movie
C – Being viewed as “sinful” or unchristian

This behavior is positively punished by the addition of people socially stigmatizing against you for seeing a movie on a Sunday. This will then be likely to decrease the behavior. However, because this behavior is a rule-governed behavior, it will be less likely to happen just because social norms have been established that it shouldn’t happen in the first place.

For my previous behavior of wanting to decrease my unhealthy eating habits I could a rule that I am only allowed to eat out so many times a week. This would then limit my unhealthy eating. Set rules have a much greater effect on people as seen by examples of speeding or even as the example of going to a movie on a Sunday. The rule of eating out only once a week would then help me to eat at home more, which typically involves better choices. And I would be sure that the day of the week I ate on wasn’t on a Sunday of course ;)

Rule governed behavior is behavior that can result from the establishment of norms, morals, or ethical standards. It also can come from rules to which an organism has adhered to throughout it's history. This behavior is based on maintaining order, with a verbal antecedent. Some behaviors are emitted, or intentionally not emitted, based on social procedures within a culture. The example given in the reading was the avoidance of sexual relations between members of the same family.

Some behaviors I have that are rule governed are- Don't use cell phone at work, Don't wear shorts to work after October 1st, stop at every stop sign/red light, etc. A rule governed behavior that I could modify is getting to class on time. I usually do, but sometimes I get into a routine in the morning and I end up being late to class. This isn't terribly problematic, but I'm not the type to ever show up late for things, so I don't like it.

A- In the context of school mornings
B- I sluggishly prepare for class
C- I am late for class

A- In the context of school mornings
B- I get myself out of bed and quickly prepare for class
C- I am on time for class

The behavior that I wanted to change from 5.1 is getting into better shape/ working out more often. Some rules I could set in are- you must spend X amount of time working out each week. Every other day you must work out for X amount of time. If you miss a workout, you must not use facebook for X amount of hours.

Rule governed behavior is behavior that is maintained via the obligation of maintaining the order where the antecedent is verbal. It can result from established norms, morals, or ethical standards or from rules to which an organism has obeyed throughout its history. Essentially, this means that you know what to do without being reinforced or punished.

Some behaviors that I have that are rule governed are religious views, depending on your religion. Also, some behaviors that I think of are rules that your parents raise you with. This coincides with religious beliefs. Another behavior would be stealing, lying, cheating, etc. These are rules that you know are not right and don’t fit social norms.

For the most part, I follow rule governed behavior. A behavior that I might want to modify would be chewing gum at work. I know this is seen as maybe a petty behavior, but I talk a lot at my job and communicate with costumers a lot. This is actually seen as a rule governed behavior because costumers see it as disrespectful and rude if you are chewing a big wad of gum. If a manager catches you chewing gum, they will tell you to spit it out. I know of a girl who would always chew gum, and they eventually wrote her up because she never listened. This can be shown in the ABC’s:

A: In the context of working
B: Chew gum
C: Get scolded or written up

The behavior I chose for 5.1 was losing weight. Some rules that could be implemented to that to make it easier would be to exercise right away in the morning so I could get it out of the way ( even though I am definitely not a morning person). This way, I could shower and get ready for the day right afterwards. If I don’t work out right after waking up then I would feel guilty.

Rule governed behavior is behavior that is maintained via the obligation of maintaining the order where the antecedent is verbal. It can result from established norms, morals, or ethical standards or from rules to which an organism has obeyed throughout its history. Essentially, this means that you know what to do without being reinforced or punished.

Some behaviors that I have that are rule governed are religious views, depending on your religion. Also, some behaviors that I think of are rules that your parents raise you with. This coincides with religious beliefs. Another behavior would be stealing, lying, cheating, etc. These are rules that you know are not right and don’t fit social norms.

For the most part, I follow rule governed behavior. A behavior that I might want to modify would be chewing gum at work. I know this is seen as maybe a petty behavior, but I talk a lot at my job and communicate with costumers a lot. This is actually seen as a rule governed behavior because costumers see it as disrespectful and rude if you are chewing a big wad of gum. If a manager catches you chewing gum, they will tell you to spit it out. I know of a girl who would always chew gum, and they eventually wrote her up because she never listened. This can be shown in the ABC’s:

A: In the context of working
B: Chew gum
C: Get scolded or written up

The behavior I chose for 5.1 was losing weight. Some rules that could be implemented to that to make it easier would be to exercise right away in the morning so I could get it out of the way ( even though I am definitely not a morning person). This way, I could shower and get ready for the day right afterwards. If I don’t work out right after waking up then I would feel guilty.

(Sorry this is late.)

Rule governed behavior is maintained via the obligation of maintaining order. Gives the society some structure of how to behave appropriately in that culture. These are rules that people avoid, they don't feel right about emitting the behavior, because in their sense its morally wrong.

Some behaviors that I have that are rule governed, children should not steal from their parents, young people should respect the elderly, you should talk to your friends ex-boyfriend, you shouldn’t steal at stores, basic things like that.

I think everybody should stop at stop signs, every time. I have a problem with this behavior.
I shouldn’t keep doing this because its legal and unethical.

A: On the road,
B: when I don’t stop on the stop sign,
C: have a chance of getting caught and getting in trouble.

My goal in section 5.1 was to save more money from my pay checks. Some of the rules that I would implement is:
To get more organized: Make sure to keep receipts in one place and order by the date of the purchase.

What is rule governed behavior: Rule governed behaviors are behaviors we emit due to an antecedent presented to us, which can be visual or verbal.

What behaviors do you have that are rule governed: Not drinking while underage, wearing a seatbelt in the car, not using a cellphone during class periods, quiet hours in the dorms, class registration and payment schedule

What rule governed behavior do you have that you might want to modify: payment schedule for tuition and registration fees. I often wait until the last few days to pay my tuition bill and this has caused a problem for me in the recent past and ended up costing me extra.

A: Paying tuition by a set date
B: Waiting until the last minute to pay a bill
C: Spending more money than intended or necessary

For the behavior that you would like to change based on section 5.1, what would be some rules you could implement that would make it easier to modify that behavior: I think that if I made a rule that stated I could not eat any food past a certain time at night (i.e. 9 p.m.) and enforced that rule with reinforcements and punishments it could help me to modify the behavior overall. Also, I could have my roommate make a rule that if she notices my late night snacking she could take my snack away and hit me with it… Aversion therapy :)

What is rule governed behavior?
Rule governed behavior exists due to established verbal antecedents to maintain order. This can result from established norms in a culture. Because of this, certain behaviors are emitted, and some are avoided.

What behaviors do you have that are rule governed?
I always wear my seat belt, and also wear clothes in public. I go to school, and I don't kill people.

What rule governed behavior do you have that you might want to modify?
I believe that it is not imperative that I need to modify one of these behaviors, but I can think of one thing I do that would have its benefits in stopping. Downloading music illegally happens so much that it could be considered a norm, but it is still illegal. I would definitely want to extinguish this behavior as it could get me into a lot of trouble.

What are the ABC's of that behavior?
The ABC's go a little like this:
A: In the context of being on my computer
B: Downloading music
C: Possibly being caught and fined a whole lot of money (even though I have taken steps to not get caught...I think). The fine being a very effective punisher.

For the behavior that you would like to change based on section 5.1, what would be some rules you could implement that would make it easier to modify that behavior?
One rule that I could put in place to help reduce the pulling/plucking behavior is that I have to shave every morning. If I shaved every morning that would give me nothing to pull. Another rule would be to clip my finger nails every two days. This will keep them too short to be able to pinch or grab a hair. Keeping something such as a pen or rubber band around to "distract" my hands from picking would also serve as a good rule.

Terms used: rule governed behavior, antecedent, emitted, punisher

A rule governed behavior is one that is "maintained via the obligation of maintaining order where the antecedent is verbal. They can result from established norms, morals, or ethical standards or from rules to which an organism has adhered throughout its history."

An example of a rule governed behavior that I have personally is not drinking before 21, following speed limits, and not having a kid before marriage.

A rule governed behavior that I have that I would like to modify would be texting in class.
A: In the context of being in class
B: Texting
C: Not understanding material

A rule that I could put in place in order to make the behavior of running more easier to modify would be to reward myself for accomplishing the sub-goals each week. I would allow myself a candy bar once a week as long as the sub-goals were done, and I would also reward myself with a movie each night that I accomplish the sub-goals.

Rule governed behavior is behavior that is emited because of certain rules or antecedents. These rules could be made by religion, family, and the government.

I emitt rule governed behavior in the form of not following the speed limit, returning my rental movies on time, and not having loud parties in my apartment. One rule governed behavior that I would like to change would be texting while driving.
A= in the context of driving
B= texting on my phone
C= recieving a ticket and a fine
(positive punishment)

For the behavior that I wanted to change (studying/reading more) I would make a rule stating that I needed to have at least half of my reading done before I turned on the tv each night. Also I would need to complete all the readings for two classes for the week before I could go out with my friends.

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