Reading Activity "A" Week #14 (Due around Tuesday)


Please read section 5.3 - Functional Analysis of Behavior

When you answer the questions below use the behavioral language you have been learning all semester.

What is a functional analysis of behavior?
What is the behavior that you wanted to modify from section 5.1?
What are some functions of that behavior?
Based on the notes you have been recording about the behavior, what are some of the contexts in which it occurs?
If you were to conduct an indirect assessment of your problematic behavior, how might you go about that?
How are the functions and contexts of your target behavior related?
What would be one function would your behavior have (what is your hypothesis)?
How would you use a DRO to modify your behavior?
How will you reinforce the behavior?
What intervention might you do? And how would this look in terms of the ABC's?
What type of reinforcement schedule are you going to use?



When conducting a functional analysis of behavior, you are basically assessing all aspect of the behavior (antecedents, etc.) in order to devise a successful intervention program in hopes to change the behavior. The general behavior I have decided to change is studying more – more specifically, studying my biopsychology for an hour per day, limiting facebook time, and studying in places with less distractions. There are several functions of this behavior, but most the biggest function is probably to get good grade as well as retain the information even after test time.

So far, I have realized that I am no facebook more often then I really should be and that I am not getting much studying done while at my apartment, especially when my roommates are home because I just want to talk to them. It doesn’t help that one of my roommates lacks motivation for school which rubs off on me. I went to the library the other day and really got a lot done and can get a lot done when I am here alone. Constructing this baseline has really given me a grasp on when the behavior occurs, when it doesn’t, and what I need to work on.

I have already been conducting direct assessments of my behavior (recording it), but have not been conducting indirect assessments. If I were to begin doing so, I would probably just have my roommates analyze how often I am on facebook or how much time I spend studying.

The functions and context of my behavior are somewhat related – they both tie around school. I find that I am more successful at achieving more studying when I actually feel like I am at “school” as in studying in the library. When I am at my apartment, I don’t really feel like I am in school so it is more difficult to emit greatness here, but when I am at the library, studying is the norm and is expected making it easier to do so.

The function of my behaviors go like this: studying biopsych an hour per day will help me do better on my final exam, limiting facebook time will help me be more efficient and get more work done as will studying in places where there are less distractions. These three things are differential reinforcements of the other for my main goal of studying more. These smaller goals help me elicit specificity as to what needs to happen to achieve the general goal and are not as ambiguous.

As far as my intervention goes, I will reinforce myself with the following whenever I achieve one of my DROs. These ABCs most resemble a fixed interval schedule of reinforcement because they both deal with time (hour studying, TBD facebook time). After studying for 60 minutes, I will reward myself with a half an hour of tv and after I am able to limit my facebooking time to TBD amount, I will reward myself with a movie.

So, the ABCs for the above examples will look like this:
1. A: An upcoming biopsych final
B: Studying an hour daily
C: Watch a half an hour of tv

2. A: The end of the semester
B: Limiting facebook time (amount TBD)
C: Watch a movie

A functional analysis of a behavior involves observing a person's behaviors. From this observation you are able to develop a plan to help the individual modify their observed behavior. The behavior that I want to modify is to get up at 7:00 AM every day. The function of this behavior is to allow myself more time in the day to make the most of my experience of life. I am often in the habit of hitting the snooze button on my alarm. A reason for this is that I do not set a bed time for myself, and so the hours of sleep that I allow for myself are not consistent and vary each day. If I were to conduct an indirect assessment of my behavior, I would interview my wife about my waking up behavior.

The function of my behavior is that I feel stressed about getting my homework done. By awaking each day at 7:00 AM, I will allow myself to give my homework more attention, which allow me to feel less stressed out about getting my homework done. The way in which I can achieve this is by getting in bed at 10:30 PM, in order to unwind and fall asleep by 11:00 PM. this will give me 8 hours of sleep each night, and allow approximately two or three extra hours in my ordinary day.

Although the feeling of pride and satisfaction in following through on my word is good motivation to modify my behavior, I have decided to reinforce my getting up early behavior with an hour of video games at the end of the night. I usually do not get to play video games because I have to do my homework due to my "lack" of time. I like to play video games because it is "me" time. By waking up at 7:00 AM, I will allow myself to play an hour of video games, which is contingent on me utilizing my extra time by doing my homework.

A: Not enough time for "me" time
B: Wake up at 7:00 AM and do homework,
C: Play an hour of video games at night

This is an example of positive reinforcement.

Terms: functional analysis, behavior, modify, indirect assessment, positive reinforcement.

1. What is a functional analysis of behavior: A functional analysis of behavior is observing one’s behavior and applying the ABC’s to that particular behavior. Once the ABC’s have been applied, analysis of said behavior occurs to provide possible reasons as to why the particular behavior is or is not occurring.

2. What is the behavior that you wanted to modify from section 5.1: Late night snacking

3. What are some functions of that behavior: boredom, late night hunger strikes, cravings

4. Based on the notes you have been recording about the behavior, what are some of the contexts in which it occurs: later at night when I am watching TV, late at night when I am procrastinating my homework, or when my roommate decides she wants a snack I decide I want one too

5. If you were to conduct an indirect assessment of you problematic behavior, how might you go about that: ask my roommate what my behavior looks like and why she thinks I do it so frequently.

6. How are the functions and contexts of your target behavior related: my unnecessary snacking mostly occurs later at night (past 10 p.m.) while I am watching T.V. or doing something unproductive, such as procrastination.

7. What would be one function your behavior would have (hypothesis): snacking due to boredom

8. How would you use a DRO to modify your behavior: for every evening that I do not emit a late night eating behavior I put a dollar in a container towards a reward for myself, such as a mini-shopping spree (this will also be rewarding, because if I am not eating so much junk food at night, I will able to fit into smaller sized clothing!)

9. How will you reinforce the behavior: similar to the DRO process listed above

10. What intervention might you do, and how would this look in terms of the ABC’s: instead of eating when bored, try doing something productive, like reading a book or doing sit-ups instead.

A: bored late at night
B: snacking on junk food
C: feeling unsatisfied with oneself, unintentional weight gain

A: bored late at night
B: reading a book
C: feeling of being productive, being entertained

A: bored late at night
B: doing slight exercises: sit-ups, push-ups
C: becoming more fit

What is a functional analysis of behavior: A functional analysis of behavior is observing one’s behavior and applying the ABC’s to that particular behavior. Once the ABC’s have been applied, analysis of said behavior occurs to provide possible reasons as to why the particular behavior is or is not occurring.

What is the behavior that you wanted to modify from section 5.1: Late night snacking

What are some functions of that behavior: boredom, late night hunger strikes, cravings

Based on the notes you have been recording about the behavior, what are some of the contexts in which it occurs: later at night when I am watching TV, late at night when I am procrastinating my homework, or when my roommate decides she wants a snack I decide I want one too

If you were to conduct an indirect assessment of you problematic behavior, how might you go about that: ask my roommate what my behavior looks like and why she thinks I do it so frequently.

How are the functions and contexts of your target behavior related: my unnecessary snacking mostly occurs later at night (past 10 p.m.) while I am watching T.V. or doing something unproductive, such
as procrastination.

What would be one function your behavior would have
(hypothesis): snacking due to boredom

How would you use a DRO to modify your behavior: for every evening that I do not emit a late night eating behavior I put a dollar in a container towards a reward for myself, such as a mini-shopping spree (this will also be rewarding, because if I am not eating so much junk food at night, I will able to fit into smaller sized clothing!)

How will you reinforce the behavior: similar to the DRO process listed above

What intervention might you do, and how would this look in terms of the ABC’s: instead of eating when bored, try doing something productive, like reading a book or doing sit-ups instead.

A: bored late at night
B: snacking on junk food
C: feeling unsatisfied with oneself, unintentional weight gain

A: bored late at night
B: reading a book
C: feeling of being productive, being entertained

A: bored late at night
B: doing slight exercises: sit-ups, push-ups
C: becoming more fit

sorry for posting twice, but my original post was not displaying.

A functional analysis of behavior is determining what the function of a target behavior is and also figuring out what the antecedents and consequences are for that behavior. The behavior that I wanted to modify from the previous section is spending money on things that aren’t important. Some functions of this behavior are to cure my boredom, to make me feel better, or I’m lazy.

Some of the antecedents to this behavior is if I don’t have a lot of food and I don’t feel like cooking what I have, I have a big event that I want new clothes to wear to, or if I’m in a bad mood. An indirect assessment might be difficult to conduct because the behavior is somewhat personal and doesn’t necessarily affect others but I could interview my parents because when I have problems with not having enough money, they help me out.

The functions and antecedents of the behavior are related because when certain antecedents are present, emitting the behavior leads to the functions. One hypothesis is that I spend money at restaurants when I’m too lazy to make food. I could use DRO by reinforcing myself when I make my own food. I could reinforce myself with dessert because I rarely have dessert. For an intervention, I want to decrease the behavior of spending money on things that aren’t needed like new clothes that I don’t need or food when I have some at my apartment.

The type of reinforcement schedule I will use will be fixed ratio. After I save up $100 I will reinforce myself with time away from homework to watch a show or a movie.

A: being lazy
B: spend money on food
C: have less money (when I need more)
A: Going to a big party
B: buying a new shirt
C: have less money (when I need more)

A functional assessment of behavior helps develop a hypothesis about the ABC’s of behavior by identifying the antecedents and consequences that maintain the behavior. The behavior I wanted to modify from 5.1 is wasting time, specifically watching less TV. Some functions of this behavior are watching getting hooked on shows or movies, or simply just watching it to do something that requires little thinking. According to my notes, I typically do this behavior in large slots of time, in two main time periods. First is when I have gotten up early because my boyfriend had class early and I couldn’t go back to sleep. I typically have two to three hours before I have class. The other is when I get home from class. I typically have either two or three hours until work or I have the evening to myself. In either case I tend to do any of the functions of wasting time and then later I’m overwhelmed and tired. So my abc’s would be:
A= in the context of being up early, having extra time to get ready
B= turn the tv on/put in a movie
C= wasting time I could have been studying or getting things done


A= in the context of finishing a confusing Stats class or a day full of classes
B= watching tv before work/to wind down
C= Have more to do later with less time to do it

If I were to do an indirect assessment of this behavior I would ask my roommates and boyfriend how much I do this behavior and why they think I do it. The functions and contexts are related because they both have to do with feeling stressed out, or needing some time to relax. I think overall my behavior is an effort to unwind a bit.

A DRO would be that every time I get at least half of my to-do list done I can relax and watch movies or tv all I want that night. Another would be that every time I get my entire list done I can do nothing the next night, since my lists usually plan ahead anyway. Another would be that if I get enough of my list done to go work out, I can have ice cream and Oreos (my favorite) before bed.
A= In the context of having free time
B= getting half my to-do list done
C= Watch a little tv that night (an hour tops)


A= In the context having free time
B= finishing an entire list in one day and not having homework to do the next
C= can watch all the tv I want

A= in the context of free time
B= getting half or all the list done in time to work out
C= Oreo ice cream later!

The ice cream, and extra tv time are ways I can relax and reward myself for the work I did. This means that I get things done, and reinforce the opposite of the behavior I am trying to change, which qualifies differential reinforcement, and is also positive reinforcement. This is because for everything I am getting done I am adding a bonus, tv time, or ice cream. These ABC’s are all ways that are intervening on me emitting my time wasting behavior. The reinforcement schedule would be continuous initially, but after two and a half weeks of continuous reinforcement I think I should moved to fixed interval. So that every other time I finished half or whole list I could be reinforced. I think fixed interval would work best because it could be a way to motivate myself like “only two more, only one more.”

Terms used: fixed interval, continuous reinforcement, positive reinforcement, Antecedent, consequence, emit, indirect assessment, functional analysis of behavior, functions of behavior, intervention.

The functional analysis of behavior is a way to help develop a hypothesis between the ABC’s and their relationship. Basically by breaking down the ABC’s of the behavior then we can see what is reinforcing the behavior and then decide how to approach to change the behavior. The behavior I wanted to change was to drink more water. It is not because I drink to much pop or juice I just dislike drinking water and therefore really NEED to change this behavior for physical health problems I have had previously from not drinking any water. The functions include, being hydrated, healthier skin, more energy, less toxins, etc.

The behavior occurs everywhere if I decided not to drink water so some behavioral changes include asking for water and limiting my choice to only water at restaurants.

An indirect way to assess the problematic behavior would include, asking others about my habits, and seeing how much they realize this is happening.

The functions and context of my behavior relate as such. To make things simpler for others lets change my behavior to drinking too much pop and then my target behavior being to drink more water. By drinking water it lowers calories, lessens caffeine, is cheaper, so they help me feel better and save money.

My hypothesis could be: drinking pop because of the taste. My DRO would be reaping the health benefits by drinking more water. For each pop I do not drink I will reward myself by having something sweet to make up for the sugar within the pop. The little rewards and reinforcement will help to keep my water drinking increasing.

The intervention I would do would include instead of ordering or buying a pop, to not be able to carry any change around for a vending machine and carry a water bottle around inplace of the change.

In my intervention I would be exhibiting a positive reinforcement schedule
A: at a restaurant
B: order water
C: have dessert instead

A: At school
B: Carry a waterbottle
C: allowed a snack at the end of the day

The functional analysis of behavior is the process one undergoes once the target behavior, antecedent and consequences have been identified. When you look at the ABC's, a functional analysis will determine how the antecedent is related to the behavior, and how the behavior is related to the consequence. In simpler terms, what functions does this behavior have, and how can we achieve these functions without the target behavior?

In section 5.1, I decided to increase my studying behavior. The target behavior I decided to focus on was to re-read the assigned chapters for each class before the test. This is a behavior that has a function of making me learn the material more thorougly and will ultimately lead to me doing better on exams. This behavior also has secondary functions, like keeping me out of trouble and saving me money by not going out.

In the past week, I have noticed that I have my mind set on studying until I sit down at my desk at home to actually do the homework. I have a hard time with procrastination, especially if I have no other plans for the evening. Another thing holding me back from studying is the distractions from my roomates. It seems they're always up to something interesting which is usually enough to get me to put my books down and postpone my reading even further.

One way I could indirectly assess my behavior is to ask some of my friends with good study habits their secrets, and tell them my problems to see if they've dealt with that too. I hypothesize that the context of my behavior relates to the functions in that I often have a few hours of spare time, time which could be spent learning content more thoroughly. The decisions I make during this time however, are less than responsible.

It would be easy to use a DRO to modify my studying behavior. I would love to be reinforced for studying, but the consequences of it are often secondary, and I don't receive them right away. Instead, I could reinforce reading a chapter by allowing myself to spend an extra dollar or two on the weekends. If I improve my study time during the weekdays, I will have more time on the weekends to relax and feel good about reading. I will intervene on my behavior using a variable ratio schedule. For every few chapters I read, I will reinforce myself with a few extra spending dollars on the weekend. (I couldn't afford to spend one dollar for every chapter assigned!)

A: At home
B: Waste time on internet
C: Lower exam scores, extra homework on the weekends


A: At home
B: Re-read assigned material, study notes
C: Raise exam scores, more free time on weekends

A functional analysis of behavior evaluates antecedents and consequences (and how they relate to the target behavior) during the intervention to determine how effective it is. It is a breakdown of the ABCs to determine what is reinforcing and what is not.

I decided I want to decrease my knuckle-cracking behavior. Cracking my knuckles serves the function of relieving tension. It usually occurs when I am bored or stressed. I have noticed it happens during class the most. This makes sense, because it is only one week until finals. I have been feeling more stressed than usual, and cracking my knuckles is a way to relieve my tension.

If I were to do an indirect assessment of my knuckle-cracking behavior, I would ask my classmates (preferably someone who sits closest to me) to keep a tally of how frequently I emit this behavior during class.

I am attempting to modify my behavior through use of a DRO method. I am using power-putty to occupy my hands so that I do not crack my knuckles. I am reinforcing my power-putty use with chocolate. It has been an adjustment using power-putty, so I have had to change the frequency of reinforcement. At first, I planned to reward myself with one Hershey's Hug for every two hours I used power-putty. I found that this was too difficult to start with. I am now rewarding myself with one Hershey's Hug for every 30 minutes of using power-putty. Once I start using power-putty more, I will increase the time. This will be a Variable-Interval schedule of reinforcement. The ABCs of my intervention are:

A. In the context of sitting through a class lecture
B. I use power-putty to occupy my hands
C. resulting in a Hershey's Hug (and decreased knuckle-cracking!)

A functional analysis of behavior is basically an assessment done to help you develop a hypothesis regarding the relationship between the ABCs of behavior. The assessment is designed to help you understand the environment, or antecedents in which the behaviors occur and how the outcomes of the behavior function to maintain it. Essentially the assessment is used to increase the desirable behaviors, and decrease the undesirable behaviors. There are six steps in the behavior modification process. They are: Steps involved in the behavior modification process:

Step 1: Describe the target behavior
Step 2: Describe the consequences
Step 3: Describe the antecedents
Step 4: Examine the ABCs (Functional Assessment)
Step 5: Devise new antecedents and consequences
Step 6: Evaluate the outcome

The behavior that I wanted to modify in 5.1 was not working out as much as I should. Some functions of that behavior are not wanting to work out by myself, and time. It seems as though I don’t have enough time in the day to work out. Some of the contexts in which my behavior occurs is at Snap fitness where I work out when it is cold out, or outside where I run when it is nice out. One way that I am assessing my behavior is recording it, which is a form of direct assessment. A form of an indirect assessment would be to have my boyfriend, who does personal training sometimes, quiz me or give me a questionnaire involving the workout I should be doing. He may be very subjective though, considering he knows how lazy I am and doesn’t see me work out.

The functions and contexts of my target behavior are related because if I don’t have any one to work out with, or if I don’t have enough time then I wont want to go work out at Snap, or run outside. My hypothesis of my behavior would be that I don’t have enough time to work out during the day. The DRO would be the weight loss I would get from working out more. I would reinforce myself by letting myself have a day off, but still do some sort of physical activity.

My behavior of trying to work out more is desirable, so my intervention would be used to increase it. Instead of not working out, it would be obvious to go to Snap, but also do other exercises at home. A type of reinforcement schedule I would use would be a fixed interval, because every Sunday I would take off in order to rest, or not get burned out.

A: In the context of being out of shape
B: Go to the gym
C: Sweat, or burn calories.


A: In the context of having free time
B: Go to the gym
C: Sweat, or burn calories.

functional analysis of behavior: A functional analysis of behavior is observing a behavior and applying the ABC’s to that particular behavior. Once the ABC’s have been applied, analysis of the behavior occurs to provide possible reasons for why the particular behavior is or is not occurring.

The behavior that I wished to modify in 5.1 is the desire to lift weights more often/ get into better shape. some functions of that behavior would be to run, do pull up and push ups, do barbell weights, etc. This behavior occurs in the context of nights where I don't have homework, and on weekdays. One way that I could indirectly assess my workouts would be for my friend, who lifts all the time, to question me about how often I've been working out, and other questions involving my actual workout.

in terms of my current behavior, which is being lazy and not lifting or putting other things before working out, the comparison between that and the context of when lifting occurs is that lifting only occurs on week days, which means I'm putting fun weekend plans with friends before workouts.

My hypothesis would be that I put other things before lifting in most situations, so I don't have the time to get it done. The DRO for my working out would be the results I get from lifting, such as improved size of muscles and the confidence associated with post-workout. I will reinforce the behavior by allowing myself to get a juice drink from 23rd street after a workout. also, the act itself is reinforcing because of the results it gives like I said above.

A type of intervention I could use is little workouts on nights that I cant lift because I'm busy to keep myself in more of a routine.

A- In the context of being free at night
B- Go work out
C- Feels good man

The functional analysis of a behavior is designed to help you develop a hypothesis regarding the relationship between the ABCs of behavior.It is used to identify the environment in which the behaviors occur and how the outcomes of the behavior function to maintain.

The behavior that I am working on modifying is saving half of my paycheck every time I get paid, which is every two weeks.

Some of the functions of spending money on yourself is it makes you happier, you feel like you accomplished something, especially if it was on sale.
Some of the contexts that my behavior occurs are:

-being physically at the mall
-seeing a commercial on TV, advertising make-up, lotions,or clothing
-reading magazines and seeing pictures of products

What would be one function of my behavior would have (hypothesis): I shop because I need to feel happier.

How would I use a DRO to modify my behavior?
Every three days that I keep my spending under 20 dollars, I get a sticker, and if I collect enough stickers for the month then I have the chance to buy a accessory that I really like for my good behavior.

Making an indirect assessment of my problematic behavior would be really easy. I would write out a budget form, and then fill in the amount of money I spent for each category. I would also have follow up questions, for example: What do I spent most money on and why? And distinguish between needs and wants.
I would reinforce myself by rewarding myself with non tangible items. Spending more time with friends, watching my favorite shows, and working on a scrap book.
A: At the mall or stores
B: keep the spending to the minimum
C: watch two hours of my favorite show

I would use fixed schedule of reinforcement, because I need to know when the reward is coming, if I don’t do that I would not emit the proper behavior because of uncertainty. Thinking about the rewards elicits my target behavior, which leads to the desired results.

The functional analysis of behavior is used to help identify the environment around us, meaning the antecedents, in which behaviors occur, and how the outcomes of the behavior function to maintain it (consequences). When we functionally analize something we look to the behavior and figure out what is reinforcing it so we can figure out an intervention for that behavior, that is if we wanted to change the behavior.

The behavior I would like to modifiy was my unhealthy snack eating behavior. This behavior functions serve many ways in my mind. The unhealthy snacks function as something to do when I’m bored or something to eat (or occupy me) when I’m stressed or nervous. The taste of the food is also a function because it makes the unhealthy snacks reinforcing to me.

My behavior, I have found, mostly occurs when I am studying in my room. I do the majority of studying in my room with the kitchen right around the corner. The behavior doesn’t occur when I am on campus, or when I sometimes study in the library. My unhealthy snack eating behavior typically happens during my study hours at home late at night when I am feeling tired and usually stressed.

I could conduct an indirect assessment of my target problem behavior by using surveys. I could survey myself, but also survey my roommates on my unhealthy eating behaviors. I found my functions and contexts of my behaviors are closely related because many times unhealthy snacks function as convenient things to eat more than anything. Because I am busy studying at home, I want to quick grab a snack. Unhealthy foods are quick and tastey and take little time away from the stressful studying I am doing.

My hypothesis is that the excuse of needing a snack gives me a reason to stop studying and take a relaxing little break. By getting am unhealthy snack, I stop studying for that brief moment in time. This reduces my stress for a second. I now associate the unhealthy snack food with relaxation and release of stress from studying.

In order to reinforce a difference behavior, I will choose the behavior of eating a healthy snack. This then doesn’t put so much stress on not snacking in general. I will reinforce this behavior by allowing myself a 15 minute study break when I choose a healthy snack like an apple. This will help reduce the stress from studying and also reinforce me to choose healthier snacks.

The intervention I might use would involve taking away the unhealthy snacks from the house, but most importantly filling my fridge with healthy snacks and making them reinfroceing by having myself take a longer break to eat them and relax.

A – in the context of studying in my room
B - leaving room and eating apple
C – 15 minute study break

Because we are adding a 15 minute study break, this would be positive reinforcement. Because we are using reinforcement we are working to increase the target behavior of healthy snack eating. We would expect the behavior to increase, and it’s important that the consequence is found reinforcing by the person undergoing the intervention, aka me. The reinforcement schedule will happen right after I choose the healthy snack. I will also reinforce myself at the end of each week by getting my nails done after choosing healthy snacks all week. This will hopefully not only continue the behavior day by day, but also week by week.

Functional Analysis of Behavior is to look beyond the basic idea about why a behavior is happening and what function it may serve in that persons life. This is just a look at what specific goals are reinforcing the desired behavior. By analyzing a behavior we can elicit certain enviornments or emit particular behaviors to get the desired effects from the modification of a behavior whether it be positive or negative.
The behavior I would like to change from section 5.1 was to exercise more often. This behavior can serve a few different functions in my eyes. One function of this behavior would be to shed a couple of unwanted pounds. Another function would be to decrease the high levels of stress I am feeling right now around finals time. Also to gain muscle and have a healthier BMI. These are just a few functions of the exercising more behavior in my life. Different people modify their behaviors in terms of different functions of that behvaior.
For the time being my behavior most often occurs in the Wellness and Recreation Center here on campus. A few reasons contribute the this particular context of my behavior including: weather, money, and time. These all interact and elicit my work out behavior in the WRC. I am extremely stressed out this time of the semester right before finals so I find myself wanting to workout more often to relieve some of the stress. Unfortunately I am also extremely busy and the amount of time I have to workout is limited.
The possible reasoning for not working out as much as I originially planned may be contributed to it being so cold outside. This bad weather really makes it difficult to motivate myself to leave my cozy bedroom and head to the WRC to workout. The only thing really reinforcing me to workout at this point is the function of losing weight since I will be going on vacation over break.
In order to modify my behavior I can use reinforcement to keep me motivated. One possible reinforcement for my working out is to allow myself to eat a special treat every week. If I work out the amount of time planned I can get a dessert at a restaurant or buy a candy bar from a convinient store, but only one treat a week. A possible intervention for my behavior would be to force myself to workout right away in the morning.I would make this reinfocing by letting myself take a nap during the day to makeup for the missed sleep (I usually dont let myself take naps).
A=wake up
B=go straight to the gym
C=Get exercise out of the way for the day.

The functional analysis of behavior helps you to develop a hypothesis about the ABCs and how they relate to the target behavior.

The behavior that i wanted to change in 5.1 was that i wanted to study more. Some functions of that behavior r better grades, and retaining more knowledge. And, eventually a college degree. Some contexts in which it occur are the library or somewhere quiet with limited distractions.

The functions and context are related. The context that im in affects the funtions of the studying, i need to be in more of a school environment as opposed to a laid back environment like my room to emit more of this behavior.

I will reinforce the behavior by rewarding myself with an episode of house for every hour i study.

What is a functional analysis of behavior?
Functional analysis of behavior refers to the studying of a certain behavior of an individual. The individual is observed to discover the antecedents leading up to the behavior and to find out what exact function that particular behavior has. All of this is done to conjure up an intervention which is done in an attempt to modify the individual's behavior.

What is the behavior that you wanted to modify from section 5.1?
Pulling/plucking hair of the neck and chin

What are some functions of that behavior?
Relieve boredom and/or stress, to "shave" sort of, further my thinking process

Based on the notes you have been recording about the behavior, what are some of the contexts in which it occurs?
Sitting in the classroom, sitting in church, sitting at my desk, at work, while working on homework, watching TV. It occurs across a wide variety of contexts.

If you were to conduct an indirect assessment of your problematic behavior, how might you go about that?
I would give myself a questionnaire. It would ask me questions about how often I do it and where, etc. I also think that interviewing my roommates and girlfriend would be a good idea. These people are around me the most and can give an honest answer to research questions.

How are the functions and contexts of your target behavior related?
One function of my target behavior was to relieve boredom. When I am sitting in a class the lecture can be rather boring sometimes, and because I am in class I cannot do much to entertain myself so I start to pick. I also display the picking behavior to relieve stress, and stress happens across a bunch of contexts. If a certain homework assignment is causing me some grief, I start to pick.

What would be one function would your behavior have (what is your hypothesis)?
I hypothesize that my picking/plucking behavior functions as a boredom fixer. Perhaps if I keep myself busy I will be able to extinguish this target behavior of mine.

How would you use a DRO to modify your behavior?
I could use a DRO by reinforcing behaviors other than plucking when I am in a situation that would normally elicit the plucking behavior. I could give myself a scooby snack for every time I do something else with my hands. This continuous reinforcement would surely help in shaping myself to not pluck my little neck hairs.

How will you reinforce the behavior?
I could use scooby snacks, or the weekly pizza eating at Old Chicago. Although I could very easily become satiated on that pizza so I would have to switch it to going to a movie every two weeks.

What intervention might you do? And how would this look in terms of the ABC's?
I would intervene by implementing a schedule of shaving and trimming my fingernails. I know that I do not pick after I have just shaved or trimmed my nails. If these two things happen regularly, then it should decrease my problem behavior.

What type of reinforcement schedule are you going to use?
I will used a fixed ratio reinforcement schedule. The dollar slice night will be the reinforcer. It would occur once a week if I decreased in the number of hairs pulled that week.

Terms Used: antecedents, contexts, target behavior, extinguish, continuous reinforcement, shaping, satiated, reinforcer, fixed ratio, reinforcement

The functional analysis of a behavior is done to asses the antecedents and the contexts in which the behavior occurs to assist the person is modifying the behavior.

My behavior is watching tv while trying to study.

The functions of that are wanting a distraction from my homework.

The context in which it occurs is reading or working at my apartment in my room or the living room.

I would indirectly asses the behavior by having friends ask me questions about the shows that are on at certain times and the classes that I am taking. I would have them record the information and I would compare it to see how much television I am watching vs how much I am studying.

I believe that the functions and the contexts are related because I often do not want to do my homework so I look for distractions such as roommates or television. I believe it comes from boredom and sometimes frustration.

I believe that my tv distraction is a function of boredom so if I put myself on a reinforcement schedule every 30 min I could focus more.

I would reinforce myself for reading for 30 min by being able to go talk to my roommates or watch tv or be on facebook for 5 min.

I would reinforce on a fixed ration scale and I would intervene by unpluggint the tv in my room so I had to go out to the living room every 30 min to do things. Then it would not be so easy to just cheat.

A=in my room

B= reading 30 min

c= interaction with roommates and tv

The functional analysis of behavior is used to acknowlegde the Antecedents and the mataining of the traget behavior with the involvment of the consequences. It is the step that happens before creating and implementing an intervetion for reinforcing or punishing a specific target behavior. Functional anlaysis also helps to address the purpose of the the behavior instead of just looking at the topography.
The behavior that I wanted to alter from section 5.1 was redusing procrastination so that assignments are completed a full 24hours ahead or due date.
Procrastination funstions as a coping mechanism from stress, basically an avoidance technique. It also allows other things to get done , even though the other things such as sleeping or partying may be without benifits.
Procrastination is almost unavoidable when involves the use of a computer because I find my self on facebook and everything else except what i am suppose to be doing. Another enviroment that brings on procrastination is when I attemp to do the assignment in my bedroom because I usually end up putting in a movie or texting. The procrastination is usually the worst for any time of writing assignment particularly if it is a substantial part of a grade.

To conduct an indirect assesment of my target behavior of procrastinating I would ask my classmate who frequently works and studies with me about my approaches to various projects and then asses the situation and create a the ABCs.
How are the functions and contexts of your target behavior related?
When I start to work on a project I sometimes get distracted in the process which turns back into procrastination because it all amounts to me ultimately trying to avodi the aversive process of writing a paper.
What would be one function would your behavior have (what is your hypothesis)? To avoid the aversiveness of writting a paper , because I feel that I am a bad writer I do not want to put a significant amount of time into something and recieve a bad grade because than I cant rationalize it and say it is because I only spent an hour on it that I recieved a bad grade.
How would you use a DRO to modify your behavior?
Everytime that I equally distribute the time spent on a project say 20 mins a day instead of 1 hr before its due I get to do something else that is enjoyable
How will you reinforce the behavior?
I could reinforce this behavior by everytime I complet a large project ahead of schedule I get to do something fun on the weekend like go visit friends or go to a movie etc..

What intervention might you do? And how would this look in terms of the ABC's?I might avoid using the internet all together when I only need the computer to type something up.
A=when using a computer
b=only use microsoft office
c= get to watch favorite movie after done with assignment

What type of reinforcement schedule are you going to use? Positive because it would be better to do that than negative reinforcement because if I was going to use negative reinforcement I would say If I complete my paper ahead of time I do not have to scrub the toilet or do dishes this week, but those things have to get done.

What is a functional analysis of behavior?
A functional analysis of behavior is a way in which you can determine the antecedents to a behavior, what elicits the behavior, and what the behavior functions as, or what is causing the behavior to be maintained. It also helps in "developing a hypothesis regarding the relationship between the ABCs of behavior.

What is the behavior that you wanted to modify from section 5.1?
A behavior I wanted to modify is the behavior of being on Facebook, or to reduce the amount of time spent on Facebook.

What are some functions of that behavior?
Facebook serves as a way to relieve boredom, and it also allows me to be able to communicate with family and friends. Unfortunately it also serves as a procrastination tool.

Based on the notes you have been recording about the behavior, what are some of the contexts in which it occurs?
This behavior occurs when I am bored, or am not wanting to do homework.

If you were to conduct an indirect assessment of your problematic behavior, how might you go about that?
I would ask my friends when they go on Facebook, and their reasons for it. I would also ask them for ideas or suggestions to limit the amount of time spent on it.

How are the functions and contexts of your target behavior related?
The functions and contexts of this behavior are directly related in that, when bored it provides me with something to do, and when there's something I don't want to do it gives me an option that is more appealing.

What would be one function would your behavior have (what is your hypothesis)?
My hypothesis is that when bored Facebook gives me something to do, and when there is something I am not wanting to do it gives me a way out.

How would you use a DRO to modify your behavior?
I would reward myself for doing other things that I enjoy. For example I would reward myself when I read a book when bored rather than getting on Facebook.

How will you reinforce the behavior?
In order to reinforce the behavior I would allow myself 15 minutes of Facebook time at night as long as I wasn't on it at all during the day.

What intervention might you do? And how would this look in terms of the ABC's?
An intervention that I might do is to have a book near by at all times. This would give me the opportunity to do something other than go on Facebook when bored.
A: In the context of being at home
B: Read a book
C: Not bored.

What type of reinforcement schedule are you going to use?
I will use a Fixed interval schedule because I would be allowed to get on Facebook once a day at 7:00 provided that I was not on Facebook during the day.

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