Reading Activity "A" Week #13 (Due around Tuesday)


Please read section 5.1 - Measuring Behavior.

When you answer the questions below use the behavioral language you have been learning all semester.

What is a behavior that you would like to change?
What are some of the functions of that behavior?
What does it look like when you do the behavior (topography)?
What context(s) does the behavior occur in/under?
How is the context related to the function of the behavior?
How would you specifically state a target behavior for this behavior?
How might you go about recording the behavior?
If you were going to change this behavior using reinforcement what would be the ABC's that you would use?

PLEASE KEEP A RECORD OF THE BEHAVIOR. We will be using this record in your next assignments.


I have decided to implement a behavioral intervention to help me change my studying behaviors (study more frequently). Studying more frequently serves many functions, some of which elicit better grades, less stress during finals, and the ability to retain more information. This behavior can have several topographies such as making notecards, reading, writing, rehearsing information, etc. and can occur in several contexts. Studying can really happen anywhere depending on your tastes, but for me, the context which I prefer to study are at my house at the kitchen table, at my desk, at Panera, or in the library. All of these contexts contribute to all of the functional aspects I wish to gain; however, the type of studying I am doing elicits me to decide which context will best help me accomplish my goals. For example, I like to study at my kitchen table for Biopsychology because there is a lot of room to spread out my book, notes, and my computer (and is also where my tea is!) whereas the library is a good place to go when I need to get some reading done and do not want to be distracted. I study at my desk mainly during the day when nobody is home, if I only need to work on my computer, or if my roommate is annoying me. I study at Panera when my friends and I get together for dinner/study parties…not much of a party! I also don’t get a lot done in Panera, so only little things that require no concentration can get done there!

When it comes to specifically defining the behavior of studying more, I have decided to set aside an hour each day to study for my biopsych final, limit daily facebooking time because it is a distraction, and study more frequently in places with less distractions such as the library (there is no t.v. there and I have more willpower there to stay away from the computer).

In order to know where initially stand before I implement my behavioral intervention, I must keep record of my current habits to form a baseline. For example, for a few days I will record how much time I really spend studying for biopsych, how long I am on facebook, and where I am studying and what is distracting me. After this is recorded and graphed, I will clearly see what areas need improvement and will know where to focus my attention in order to make my behavioral intervention most effective.

I will definitely reward myself for accomplishing my specific target goals. For example, after my hour of daily biopsychology studying is up, I will take a break and watch a half an hour of t.v. Although I am trying to study in places with less distractions (where there is no t.v.), I think rewarding myself with a half an hour of t.v. may be a pitfall, but I think it will work – especially now that Dancing with the Stars is over and I don’t really watch anything else! If I decrease my amount of facebooking time (I’m not sure how much needs to be decreased yet but will after I record my baseline), I will reward myself with watching a movie. I really don’t think this will be that difficult because I really love the 25 days of Christmas movies so that is a good incentive – plus, if a good movie is one, I will HAVE to get my homework/studying done before then anyway :)

The behavior I would most like to modify within myself is to increase my exercising behaviors. This behavior can have a variety of different functions including: Lose weight, reduce stress, increase muscle mass, meeting people at the gym, hang out with other people who exercise, decrease BMI, ect..Topograhies for exercising behavior occur in a variety of ways. A few of the topographies include: running, weight lifting, playing sports, walking to class, taking an exercise class, and there are many others. These topographies occur in different contexts including: at the gym, outside, on a field, on a court, in the home ect..Context really has an impact on the function of this behavior. Obviously we live in Iowa and there are certain times of the year when working out outdoors is just not plausable. I prefer to work out in the gym because there is a variety of different types of workout equipment readily available to me. I also enjoy meeting people at the gym, so this is my ideal location to modify my behavior. It also increases the amount of time I spend exercising because it would be a waste of my time to go all the way to the gym just to turn around and leave.
The target behavior I would like to address would be to run at least 2 miles everyday. That is not the only exercise I would like to get but that would be a specific example of a target behavior within my modifying behavior. Actually doing the behavior will elicit a recording behavior. To record this I will emit the behavior of writing a daily record of how far I ran and how long it took me to run the 2 mile distance. In order to actually change a behavior it is necessary to use reinforcements and punishments. For this particular target behavior I would use positive reinforcement to reward myself for completing the target behavior. A=want to increase exercise, B=ran 2 miles, C=get to drink a soda at dinner. I love drinking pop so this would really keep me motivated because if I am unable to drink a pop with my dinner I wouldnt be too happy.

1. What is a behavior you would like to change: eating when I am not hungry
2. What are some of the functions of that behavior: something to do when I am bored, social interaction, satisfying cravings
3. What does it look like when you do the behavior: eating when watching TV, ordering a larger meal than what I am hungry for, having nothing else to do/being bored
4. What context(s) does the behavior occur in/under: when I am watching TV, friends wanting to go out to eat but I have already eaten recently, being in/at a place where normal eating occurs but I am not hungry
5. How is the context related to the function of the behavior: I often find myself needing something to do with my hands. When I watch TV there is nothing for me to do with my hands and its somewhat of a comfort thing to eat while watching TV. When this happens I am less likely to pay attention to the amount of food I am consuming. Another thing is I like being able to hang out with my friends and going out to eat is just something we do. Instead of tagging along and just ordering a salad or small appetizer, I will order a regular size meal even if I have just recently eaten.
6. How would you specifically state a target behavior for this behavior: I think my target behavior for this behavior would mostly revolve around the eating when I am bored or watching TV.
7. How might you go about recording the behavior: by writing in a journal or documenting each time I feel the urge to eat when I am not actually hungry. When writing down the instances I could rate the level of my hunger to see how it corresponds with my normal eating habits when I am hungry
8. If you were going to change this behavior using reinforcement what would be the ABC’s that you would use:
A: watching TV
B: eating junk/snack food
C: overeating/overconsuming

1.What is a behavior that you would like to change? lifting weights more often
2.What are some of the functions of that behavior? getting into better shape would be a primary function to lifting weights. the more I emit a behavior leading to working out, the better chance I have in getting bigger muscularly. Also, lifting weights functions as a confidence boost, especially when I start noticing improvements in the weight I am lifting. That alone is very reinforcing in continuing to lift, it's just a matter of making it to that point without slacking.
3.What does it look like when you do the behavior (topography)? lifting weights elicits a huge variety of behavior depending on what it is you're doing, such as push ups, pull ups, dumbbell bench press, barbell bench press, incline bench press, bicep curls, etc to name a few.
4.What context(s) does the behavior occur in/under? The behavior occurs when I'm at the WRC, at the YMCA back home, or just in my room occasionally depending on how motivated I am.
5.How is the context related to the function of the behavior? I can only do certain workouts in my room in comparison to the WRC which allows me to emit virtually any workout I decide to do that day.
6.How would you specifically state a target behavior for this behavior? Do specific lifting workouts at least three times a week for no less than an hour a day.
7.How might you go about recording the behavior? write down the # of days I workout and how much time I spent on each workout.
8.If you were going to change this behavior using reinforcement what would be the ABC's that you would use?

A-Desire being in better physical shape
B-Work out for at least an hour
C-Go to 23rd street and get some juice

A behavior I would like to change is to make myself be more efficient with my time. I tend to spend a lot of time when I should be doing something productive, lying around and accomplishing nothing. The functions of my laziness would be that it is easier, and more convenient to watch tv, get on facebook, or lie around than it is to get out school books and study or clean or go work out. The topography would be things like when I get ready I often have the TV on, which means that I get into a show (even if its one I’ve seen many times) and take even longer to get ready or convince myself to finish the show/ movie and postpone productivity. It is also just sitting around doing nothing. My bed is very comfortable and I am content to lie there and daydream, free read, or get on facebook and look at pictures for hours.

I typically have the best intentions. I do not have a super hard schedule and I do not typically work for more than three and a half hours in one day. So on days like today I’ll get up and make coffee and shower, and then while I’m getting ready its warmer in my room, so I get ready in there rather than the bathroom, and then turn on the tv and get hooked on a show or movie. I of course want to see the end so I emit behaviors that function to waste time rather than behaviors that function to get homework done. I would say a specific antecedent would be in the context of when I have a few hours to get things done the behavior I emit is laziness rather than productivity and the consequences are that I’ve got nothing done hours later.
A= In the context of having a few free hours
B= Turn on the tv while getting ready, or get on facebook
C= hours later I’ve got nothing done

Specifically my target behavior would be to watch less tv, spend less time on facebook, and spend less time daydreaming and free reading. A good way to record it would be in the notepad next to my bed. It is right next to where I do most of my procrastinating and is the same place I write my to-do lists. I could record the hours a day I end up watching tv and on facebook and reading as a baseline, and then see about how much time I would need to complete homework or complete the list I’ve made and then begin to manage my time accordingly.

With the ABC’s I could give myself time to relax each day, assuming I have my things done. I am currently watching Smallville from the first season with my boyfriend at night, so a reward could be that if I get everything done I can watch that, but if not I have to study before bed. Another reward could be that if I get everything done I can just relax in my room and watch tv or get on facebook as much as I want. However, before things are done I have to turn both off. A way to go about modifying my behavior as I get ready would be to listen to music instead of watching tv while I get ready. Music is not something I get super wrapped up in, and waiting for the end of a song would take a minute where as waiting for the end of an episode could take twenty or more. There are a few ABC’s that I could use
A= In the context of having a Tuesday to work on things
B= Listen to music while getting ready
C= Ready to get to work much sooner, get more done

A= In the context of listening to music, and being ready earlier
B= Get whole list completed
C= Get to watch Smallville at night instead of study
This would be a good positive reinforcement because it is adding the privilege of watching Smallville and it is a time I can be lazy and not waste time because I have already had a successful day.

A=In the context of lying around for hours, watching tv and getting on facebook
B= Get nothing done
C= need to spend evening doing homework and not watching Smallville or just having truly relaxing time for myself
This is a good negative punishment because I am taking away the privilege of really relaxing time, and I can usually hold myself accountable for the things I need to get done.

A= In the context of getting things done
B= Work Out
C= Oreo Ice cream treat
This is a reinforcer that I would like to incorporate as well, working out is important to me because it makes me feel good about myself and although I am not always good about going, I often have to pass on the gym because I’ve wasted time and have to put other things first. Oreo ice cream is my favorite dessert, and I almost always have some on hand to reward myself after working out. So adding this as a positive reinforcer (adding the treat in hopes of working out more) and knowing that I have this at the end of my work out, which can only come after a day of productivity could be a good reinforcer.

A behavior that I am willing to change is not working out as much as I should. I tell myself everyday that I am going to work out, but I never find the time to do it. I occasionally do work out, but not enough as I should. This would be a behavior I would like to change because it will elicit other healthy behaviors in my life. Not working out has many functions. One of those functions is that I don’t like to work out by myself, so if no one can go with me and my friends are just as lazy as I am, then I won’t want to go. Also, working out requires time, so time would definitely be a function. An obvious function of working out would be losing weight and feeling better about myself. A variety of workout locations would be an example of what it looks like when I work out. Some locations would be snap fitness, where I work out if the weather is bad, or outside where I run. What my behavior looks like depends on where I am at. If I am in Snap, then the topography would be lifting weights, doing crunches on the mat, or running on the treadmill. The location acts as the context where my target behavior and topography occur in.

The context (Snap, or outside) relates to the function of my behavior directly. If I am outside, I am only allowed to emit very few behaviors. The main behavior would be the ability to run outside without being tied down to a treadmill. In order to achieve my goal, I have to set a target behavior. By doing so, I am able to narrow down the goal. This is important because if my goal or desired behavior is too broad, then I will most likely not achieve it. I would specifically state my target behavior by setting a time to work out everyday. This would allow me to manage my time better in order to make it to the gym on time. Along with setting a time to work out, I would bring a notebook to my workout so I can log my workouts. This would be an example of how I would go about recording my behavior.

If I were to reinforce myself, (which I would because reinforcement helps out a lot with working out), I would reward myself. An example of a reward would be allowing myself to eat ice cream every Sunday. If I do lose weight by following my work out plan, then I will be reinforced also by weight loss.

A: In the context of being overweight/out of shape
B: Work out
C: Lose weight

1)The behavior that I would like to change Is to drink more water.
2) what are some functions of that behavior: to keep my body hydrated, regulate my skin and weight. By drinking water instead of pop or juices I would be eliminating those calories and emitting a behavior that would help increase my overall health
3) What does it look like when you do the behavior (typography)-Stopping at drinking fountains, carrying a water bottle, asking for water at restaurants.
4)What context does the behavior occur in/under?- behaviors will occur when I am out and about or at home. Everyday when I leave for class I will grab a water bottle, and when I am out eating I will limit myself to water.
5) how is the context related to the function of the behavior?- well it basically says that everywhere I go I should be able to obtain drinking water either in my home, out to eat, or just anywhere when carrying a water bottle.
6) how would you specifically state a target behavior for this behavior?- everyday to carry a water bottle and refill it atleast once a day. Always ask for water at restaurants.
7)how might you go about recording this behavior?- write down how many times I refill my bottle, and the rate at which I drink juice compared to the rate I drink water.
8) if you were going to change this behavior using reinforcement what would be the ABC’s that you would use?-
A- Getting thirsty
B-reach for water
C- get a checkmark on my sheet

The behavior I will try to decrease is cracking my knuckles. I didn't want to use a punishment method, so I decided that I will use a DRO method; therefore, I will try to increase the frequency of using power-putty. This will occupy my hands so that hopefully, I will emit a knuckle-cracking behavior less often. The function of using power-putty is to occupy my hands. The topography (what it looks like) is carrying power-putty with me to classes and keeping it in my palm. The context of the behavior (using power-putty when I would normally crack my knuckles) would be when I'm bored or stressed. Since it is close to finals week (which is stressful), I will take the power-putty to my classes. The specific target behavior would be stated as: carry and use power-putty during and between all classes to keep hands occupied. I think the easiest way to record when I use power-putty will be to carry a small notebook and pencil with me and write down how many times and how long I use the power-putty. For every two hours I use power-putty, I will use one Hershey's Hug as a reinforcer. Here are the ABC's of using power-putty:

A. In the context of sitting in class
B. I use power-putty to occupy my hands
C. resulting in eating a Hershey's Hug.

1.What is a behavior that you would like to change?: studying more often

2.What are some of the functions of that behavior?: there are many functions that studying serves: better grades, less stress when taking tests, retain information for future use

3.What does it look like when you do the behavior (topography)?: there are many topographies when emitting a studying behavior: reading, recopying notes, quizzing with friends, study games

4.What context(s) does the behavior occur in/under?: when i emit a studying behavior it's usually in the library, in the computer lab, in the lounge, or in my room

5.How is the context related to the function of the behavior?: wherever i go to study i like to have my computer and the internet available to me in case i need to look something up, and it also needs to be a quiet place with as few distractions as possible

6.How would you specifically state a target behavior for this behavior?: to spend at least an hour a night reading and reviewing notes for classes

7.How might you go about recording the behavior?: write down when i study and for how long and tally it up at the end of the day

8.If you were going to change this behavior using reinforcement what would be the ABC's that you would use?:
A- in the context of sitting in my room

B- turn the tv off and sign off facebook to eliminate distractions and read and review notes for an hour

C- get to watch an episode of House

A behavior I would like to change is how I spend my money. Some functions of saving money are that I’ll have more to spend on Christmas presents, I won’t need to borrow money from my parents, and I’m less stressed. The topography of saving money is putting my tips away after work or only bringing a certain amount of money with me when I go out. Some antecedents that elicit spending behavior is going to the mall, going to a bar, or looking at clothes online. Some antecedents that elicit saving behavior is Christmas (so that I save money for presents), going to work, or when I don’t have a lot of money. The context is related to the function of the behavior because it directly affects what kinds of behaviors are emitted. A target behavior for saving money is putting my money away so I can’t spend it. To record this behavior, I would write down every time I spent money, how much was spent, and what I spent it on. To change this behavior using reinforcement, I could use the ABCs in this way:
A: earning money
B: save 100$
C: spend 10$ on something for myself

1. What is a behavior you would like to change: have a time for exercise

2. What are some of the functions of that behavior: gain a sound health, can have a balanced body, lose a weight.

3. What does it look like when you do the behavior: going to WRC when I have a free time, take a tennis class for next semester

4. What context(s) does the behavior occur in/under: I don’t have a time for going to WRC, attending the tennis class

5. How is the context related to the function of the behavior: I can have an exercise time for jogging around campus instead of going to WRC. Of course, going to WRC is more effective than just jogging because if I go to WRC, I can workout as using diverse facilities.

6. How would you specifically state a target behavior for this behavior: In my opinion, my target behavior can be having a time for exercise on Monday and Wednesday.

7. How might you go about recording the behavior: I will make a note for recording behavior that I want to modification. By writing in a result of my behavior (exercise time or rate) each time when I achieve my goal.

8. If you were going to change this behavior using reinforcement what would be the ABC’s that you would use:
A: In the context of going to WRC
B: work out for twice in a week
C: eating coffee

The behavior I would like to change is my unhealthy snack eating habits. I want to decrease this behavior.
Functions of this behavior include eating unhealthy when I am stressed, eating unhealthy when I am bored, eating unhealthy in social groups, choosing unhealthy eating choices at the store as well as at places like the union. Basically the functions all are ways in which I make my body less healthy.

My behavior topographically looks like I am choosing to eat unhealthy snacks (high in calories) more often than health snacks. This would look like eating cookies after lunch, or eating ice cream before head. These behaviors are all similar in that they are unhealthy eating, and basically serve the same function of making my body less healthy as well as making me feel less healthy.

This behavior occurs under many different contexts which will make it more difficult to modify. Eating occurs in many different places, home, school, out with friends, when I visit home. I think having a more strict schedule would increase my chances of changing this behavior because it leaves less room for social contexts to hurt my behavior.

The context of the behavior is extremely important because it sometimes making the unhealthy eating behaviors more or less reinforcing to me. At home unhealthy snacks might be very reinforcing because I feel it relieves stress. However, in the same breath, being out with friends and eating unhealthy is very reinforcing because you are going along with the group.

I would specifically state this target behavior as eating unhealthy snacks not during meals. This would mean any time outside of a meal that I chose to eat something unhealthy. This would then be recorded anytime I “snacked” how then I could rate if the food item was healthy or unhealthy. Hopefully in recording this behavior I will see when I am most likely to snack, and then realize it. Then I can change these snacks from unhealthy to healthy snacks. I will take extra steps like only buying healthy snacks to make my choice of eating healthy easier. I will record this by writing down each snack I have during the day. I will also record at what time this happened, as well as in what context (where I was). This is a very specific record that will hopefully give me better insight as to how to modify this behavior.

If you were going to change this behavior using reinforcement what would be the ABC's that you would use?

A – In the context of the home
B – Eating healthy snack
C – Watching an episode of the Office after homework

Because I want the behavior of eating healthy to increase I will use reinforcement. Also, because I am adding the reinforcer of the Office to the behavior, this would be positive reinforcement. This will then increase the behavior from happening. Also, the context is very important. I would want to take things a step farther and figure out the ABC’s for all of my different contexts.

A – In the context of the union
B – Eating a healthy snack
C – Going on facebook for the remaining time until my next class

Again, this would be positive reinforcement because I am adding something in order for the behavior to happen again. However the ABC changes a lot due to the context. It would be very important to record all of my behaviors, in all of their contexts, in order to fully change the behavior of eating healthier. Also, I feel reinforcement is a much better choice rather than punishment because it will be easier and more pleasurable for me to do.

I would like to increase my studying behavior.

This behavior has many functions, all of them beneficial to my academic lifestyle. Some of the functions have immediate benefits, others come later. Studying poses the function of knowing the class material more thoroughly. I'm going to school to receive an education, not to take a test. What good is a degree if you don't learn anything? Next, it functions to make me perform better on tests which allows me to receive a good grade in the class. The good grades raise my GPA, and increase my chances at getting into grad school.

Studying has many different topographies. One of them is re-reading the assigned readings. More specifically, underlining all of the vocabulary and main ideas. Another topography is taking notes from the readings, as well as the lectures. Re-reading the lecture and reading notes is another topography.

Studying for school should appear in more contexts of my life, but the time where I should increase my studying the most is when I'm at home with nothing to do. I have a few hours to spend before work or class, and I choose to creep on facebook or stumble around the internet instead. My at-home-down-time is the context in which I should increase this behavior.

If I were to specifically state a target behavior, it would be wise to focus on one behavior at a time. I think the most effective studying topography would to re-read the assigned chapters and take notes on what I've read. Instead of just looking at vocabulary and moving on, I will read into the context of the vocabulary in order to gain a more full understanding of the material.

To record the behavior, I could make a section of my notebook and outline the reading assignments of every class. Next to each chapter, I could start a tally to see how many times I've reviewed it. Before every test, I will make sure that I will have at least two tallies next to every chapter.

A: At home with a few hours of free time
B: Re-read a chapter from class
C: Do something fun on the weekend (positively reinforce)

I would need to make sure that the weekend fun would not interrupt my studying time, but everyone needs a break from studying. My down-time tends to come on the weekdays, so this is when I would increase studying behavior.

1. I would like to change my spending habits, so the behavior I want to change is the amount of money I am spending, in other words I need to save money.

2. Some of the functions of spending money is feeling happy after you buy something you like, for example you had a long stressful week at school so you go shopping and you feel much better.

3. The behavior looks like, I go get my wallet with my debit card in it and I go to the stores and pick out stuff and then pay with my card or cash.

4. Context always matters, so I have to be somewhere at the store to shop, and I have to have money on me to buy stuff. If I wasn’t in this situation, the behavior of spending wont have occurred.

5. The context is what gives us the access to the behavior in the first place and that results in being happy when you make a purchase.

6. Target behavior would be physically taking something and caring it to the cash register.

7.Recording this behavior is very easy, its called a sales receipt, this is what makes me aware of my spending, to record everything I would have to keep track of the receipts, keep them all in the same place, add them up every two weeks, to keep track of numbers.

8. I would use reinforcement to change this behavior, good reinforcement would be having the privilege of being more with friends, doing things together that don’t require spending money all the time, like going to the gym, staying in and renting movies.

A) When hanging out at the mall,
B) don’t take the debit card, take some cash with me,
C) increasing the amount I save every two weeks.

1. I would like to change my spending habits, so the behavior I want to change my spending habits, in other words I need to save money.

2.Some of the functions of spending money is feeling happy after you buy something you like, for example you had a long stressful week at school so you go shopping and you feel much better.

3.The behavior looks like, I go get my wallet with my debit card in it and I go to the stores and pick out stuff and then pay with my card or cash.

4.Context always matter, so I have to be somewhere at the store to shop, and I have to have money on me to buy stuff. If I wasn’t in this situation, the behavior of spending wont have occurred.

5.The context is what gives us the access the behavior in the first place and that results in being happy when you make a purchase.

6.Target behavior would be physically taking something and caring it to the cash register.

7.Recording this behavior is very easy, its called a sales receipt, this is what makes me aware of my spending, to record everything I would have to keep track of the receipts, keep them all in the same place, add them up every two weeks, to keep track of numbers.

8. I would use reinforcement to change this behavior, good reinforcement would be having the privilege of being more with friends, doing things together that don’t require spending time all the time, like going to the gym, staying in and renting movies.

A) When hanging out at the mall,
B) don’t take the debit card, take some cash with me,
C) increasing the amount I save every two weeks.

The target behavior that I would like to change is
procrastinating, or waiting to work on a project until the last possible moment literally. The functions that procrastination serves is to aleeviate current stress of doing the project, might allow me to get other things done like sleeping, have more fun doing other things like pointlesly surfing the internet. For me the topography of the target behavior of procrastinating is constituted by doing anything other than reading coursework between the hours of 9:30 am and 12pm m-f between classes. Napping on tues. or thurs right after classes and watching DVDS when there is a big project due in less than 3 days. The context the behavior occurs under is when there is a big project due and I have a nice 3 hour time block to get it done but instead play on facebook but does not include the 40 hours that I spend at work or the 19 in class or the few I spend sleeping everynight. The context is releated to the function in that when procrastination is done at work it is not detremental as procrastination on homework.
The specific target behavior for this would be to work at least 20 mins a day on project until its done.
To record this behavior I would set an alarm or stopwatch to time the productive amount of time spent working on the project a day.The ABC's using a reinforcement procedure would like like this:
A=having available time
B=working on project 20mins
c=get to watch one supernatural episode
Terms used: Reinforcement procedure, context, topography, function

What is a behavior that you would like to change?
The behavior I would like to change is that of pulling/plucking hair out of my neck and chin. I do it a lot, and actually, I just did as I was trying to think of words to type.

What are some of the functions of that behavior?
This behavior functions to relieve boredom. While typing this blog, I thought deeply which elicited the plucking behavior. I also emit the behavior while in class, especially when I am sitting.

What does it look like when you do the behavior (topography)?
I know you've seen me do this in your class. My fingers find a way up to my neck and start feeling for good ones to pull. I mostly use my right hand, but the left one can contribute from time to time. At home, a tweezer also fits under the topography of this behavior. There is not too many variations to this behavior. It for the most part, looks the same across all contexts.

What context(s) does the behavior occur in/under?
The behavior occurs in many contexts. At work, in class, at my desk, in the kitchen, on the couch in the living room, walking to class, sitting in church, taking a test are all situations that bring about the plucking behavior. The topography of the behavior really allows it to occur almost everywhere. It only requires the use of my fingers to execute it.

How is the context related to the function of the behavior?
The context is related to the function in that the context always seems to elicit the behavior. If I am bored or concentrating, I always find my hand reaching for my neck. Thus where I'm at has a direct influence on the plucking action.

How would you specifically state a target behavior for this behavior?
A specific target behavior requires defining a behavior that obvious to tell whether or not you did it. In this case, I can narrow down my plucking behavior to how many hairs are plucked each day. Therefore a great target behavior would be to say "I am going to pluck 2 less hairs than the day before."

How might you go about recording the behavior?
I would record this behavior by keeping a running total of hairs pulled in my planner. I chose my planner because I have it with me all the time. Its in my backpack which I have at class and its at home. This enables me to see how many I plucked the previous day and lower my goal for the next.

If you were going to change this behavior using reinforcement what would be the ABC's that you would use?
Here is one example of how I would use them:
A - In the context of a classroom
B - Playing with pen, or other little trinkets
C - Reinforced by getting to participate in slice night at Old Chicago, or perhaps watching a movie at the end of the week.

Terms Used: topography, reinforced, elicit, emit, target behavior, context, function

A behavior that I would like to change is to run more often.

Some functions of this behavior are to feel more energized, stay fit, feel better about myself, relieve stress, and to be able to sleep at night.

Running more often looks like moving at a pace faster than walking 3 times a week, it also has a topography of an increased heart rate and redness of skin signifying flow of blood.

This behavior is emitted in the context of a treadmill being open in the WRC, the weather not being extremely cold, and having free time.

The context is related to the function in that when I have free time and am able to run, or the weather permits me to run outside, or there is a treadmill open it elicits the functions.

Specifically a target behavior for this would be to increase my heart rate by running at a faster pace than walking 3 times a week.

In order to record the behavior I would write down the amount of time spent doing the behavior each time.

The ABC's I would use in order to change this behavior would be:
A: In the context of having free time 3 days a week
B: The running behavior is emitted
C: Resulting in the access to a candy bar once a week

I would like to change my tv watching behavior. The main function of that target behavior are that I like to have background noise on. I cannot work or concetrate without some noise so I turn on the tv and then get distracted watching it. The topography of this behavior is watching tv while working and not doing work. The context of this behavior is generally when I am studying or working on paperwork. The context is that I am studying and the function of the behavior is to have background noise. I would state the target behavior as watching tv while trying to study. I would catch myself emitting this behavior and write it down in my phone.
A: Studying with tv on
B: distraction by the tv
C: no studying is accomplished

What is a behavior that you would like to change?
The behavior I chose was studying

What are some of the functions of that behavior?
The functions of studying are to increase my base knowledge, make me more prepared for tests, allow me to access higher forms of education, and provide a better life for myself and my family

What does it look like when you do the behavior (topography)?
reading a book, reading notes, writing out equations, taking notes

What context(s) does the behavior occur in/under?
in my well lit, slightly cool office, in front of my computer
How is the context related to the function of the behavior?
it provides an environment that is conducive to my studying behaviors. the light enables me to read longer. the temp keeps me more alert, being at the computer keeps my attention focused directly in front of me
How would you specifically state a target behavior for this behavior?
Studying 30 mins additional each day after my original period of study from 9-10 pm
How might you go about recording the behavior?
keep a log of the time I studied my material on excel and then graph it to view the data
If you were going to change this behavior using reinforcement what would be the ABC's that you would use?
A: studying from 9-10 pm
B: move time frame up an hour to 8-9 pm
c: allow for more free time or sleep afterwards

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