November 2010 Archives

Reading Activity "B" Week #14 (Due around Thursday)


Please read sections 5.4 Changing Antecedents and 5.5 Selecting a Reinforcer.

When you answer the questions below use the behavioral language you have been learning all semester.

What is the behavior you are modifying?
What are some of the antecedents to that behavior?
How might you change some of the antecedents to help change the behavior?
What are some antecedents of the behavior that might be difficult to change or have control of?
How might you avoid situations where the antecedent might be present?
What reinforcer are you going to use to modify your behavior?
What is the Premack Principle?
What are some of your high frequency behaviors that might be used as reinforcers?
What is the behavioral chain related to your behavior?
How can you reorganize or change the behavioral chain associated with your behavior?


Reading Activity "A" Week #14 (Due around Tuesday)


Please read section 5.3 - Functional Analysis of Behavior

When you answer the questions below use the behavioral language you have been learning all semester.

What is a functional analysis of behavior?
What is the behavior that you wanted to modify from section 5.1?
What are some functions of that behavior?
Based on the notes you have been recording about the behavior, what are some of the contexts in which it occurs?
If you were to conduct an indirect assessment of your problematic behavior, how might you go about that?
How are the functions and contexts of your target behavior related?
What would be one function would your behavior have (what is your hypothesis)?
How would you use a DRO to modify your behavior?
How will you reinforce the behavior?
What intervention might you do? And how would this look in terms of the ABC's?
What type of reinforcement schedule are you going to use?


Reading Activity "B" Week #13 (Due around Thursday)


Please read section 5.2 - Rule Governed Behavior

When you answer the questions below use the behavioral language you have been learning all semester.

What is rule governed behavior?
What behaviors do you have that are rule governed?
What rule governed behavior do you have that you might want to modify?
What are the ABC's of that behavior?
For the behavior that you would like to change based on section 5.1, what would be some rules you could implement that would make it easier to modify that behavior?

PLEASE CONTINUE TO KEEP A RECORD OF YOUR TARGET BEHAVIOR. We will be using this record in your next assignments.

Reading Activity "A" Week #13 (Due around Tuesday)


Please read section 5.1 - Measuring Behavior.

When you answer the questions below use the behavioral language you have been learning all semester.

What is a behavior that you would like to change?
What are some of the functions of that behavior?
What does it look like when you do the behavior (topography)?
What context(s) does the behavior occur in/under?
How is the context related to the function of the behavior?
How would you specifically state a target behavior for this behavior?
How might you go about recording the behavior?
If you were going to change this behavior using reinforcement what would be the ABC's that you would use?

PLEASE KEEP A RECORD OF THE BEHAVIOR. We will be using this record in your next assignments.

Reading Activity "B" Week #12 (Due around Thursday)


Please read section 4.3 - The Importance of Goals

After reading the section, think of all the terms and concepts used in all of sections we have covered so far. Please respond to the following questions and try to use these terms and concepts as you respond to the following questions.

What are three things you will remember from the section?

For the target behavior you used in the previous section 4.2 use what you learned from section 4.3 to set goals and then evaluate them using the information from the chapter.

Include a list of the terms and concepts you used in your post. (example - Terms: positive reinforcer, extinction, reinforcer, discriminative stimulus...)

Reading Activity "A" Week #12 (Due around Tuesday)


Please read section 4.2 - Self-Directed Behavior Steps 

After reading the section, think of all the terms and concepts used in all of sections we have covered so far. Please respond to the following questions and try to use these terms and concepts as you respond to the following questions.

 What are three things you will remember about steps of self-directed behavior? If you were to use self-directed behavior what behavior would you change?

Please work through the steps of self-directed behavior using the target would change.

What if anything would you like me to be sure and go over in class when we meet next?

Include a list of the terms and concepts you used in your post. (example - Terms: positive reinforcer, extinction, reinforcer, discriminative stimulus...)

Pavlov Video (Due Tuesday)

Briefly discuss the Pavlov Video. What did you find most interesting about how it portrayed Pavlov's work? What did you find most suprising about Pavlov's work? Do you think the work protrayedin the video was ehtical for the time?

This assignment can be a little late since it is shorter notice.

Please read section 4.1 - Need for Self-Directed Behavior 

After reading the section, think of all the terms and concepts used in all of sections we have overed so far. Please respond to the following questions and try to use these terms and concepts as you respond to the following questions.

 What are three things you will remember about self-directed behavior? If you were to use self-directed behavior what behavior would you change? Would this behavior change by using reinforcement or punishment? If punishment is required can you think of a good DRO to use instead?

Do you think self-direct behavior techniques can be readily applied to the real world today? How so or Why not?

What if anything would you like me to be sure and go over in class when we meet?

Include a list of the terms and concepts you used in your post. (example - Terms: positive reinforcer, extinction, reinforcer, discriminative stimulus...)

Reading Activity "A" Week #11 (Due around Tuesday)


This assignment can be a little late since it is shorter notice.

Please read sections 3.3

After reading the section, think of all the terms and concepts used in all of sections we have overed so far. Please respond to the following questions and try to use these terms and concepts as you respond to the following questions.

 What are three things you will remember about classical conditioning?

Do you think classical conditioning can be readily applied to the real world today? How so or Why not?

What if anything would you like me to be sure and go over in class when we meet?

Include a list of the terms and concepts you used in your post. (example - Terms: positive reinforcer, extinction, reinforcer, discriminative stimulus...)