By now you should be familiar with the ABC's of behavior. I would like you to find a video clip where reinforcement is being used. Briefly describe the clip and then define the ABC and state if this is positive or negative reinforcement, and include a working url. It might be useful to look back through the blog and see how students from last semester did this.
Repeat the above by finding a clip where punishment is being used.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Negative Punishment
Phil and Claire, parents of three in the show ‘Modern Family’ often have a hard time controlling their children’s behavior effectively. Luke and Haley, two of their children, have school projects that they need to work on. In the past, Phil and Claire helped their kids out with their homework, to the point where they almost do it for them. Their opinions change however, when they see what Luke can accomplish without their help. Claire decides enough is enough. As Haley is passively watching her project being complete, Claire uses a punishing procedure to ensure Haley will do her own work from now on.
A: Haley has a school project; she plans to acquire help from her mom.
B: Mom throws already made muffins away, forcing Haley to do them herself.
C: Haley does her own homework, learns to be more self-sufficient.
Positive Reinforcement
Jay often has a hard time taking the father figure role with his adopted son, Manny. Jay is constantly trying to teach Manny life lessons, many of which are meaningless or elementary. In this clip, Jay buys a chessboard and figures it would be a good time to teach his step-son how to play. Little does Jay know, Manny happens to be a champion chess player. Gloria, Jay’s wife and Manny’s biological mom, knows this but doesn’t have the heart to tell her husband that he is once again ‘too late’ on this lesson. She likes the effort Jay puts in his fathering techniques and wants to reinforce this behavior.
A: Jay buys a chessboard, wants to teach Manny how to play chess.
B: Gloria tells Manny to purposely lose to Jay, Manny loses.
C: Jay is thrilled to appear as the dominant father figure. He continues to use positive child-rearing techniques in the future.
Negative Punishment
A: School project
B: Haley not doing homework
C: Mom throws muffins away
Positive Reinforcement
A: New chessboard
B: Play chess with dad
C: Manny loses
I chose this clip because it was rather humorous and depicted negative reinforcement in the workplace, even if it isn't legitimate. In the clip there is a worker being harassed by his boss to get the job he is assigned done faster. In doing so, the boss is applying negative reinforcement, because once he is done with the job, the boss will stop nagging him.
(if things played out the way they're supposed to)
A- boss gives him job and pesters him to finish it
B- worker does the job
C- boss leaves him alone
I chose this clip because it depicted positive punishment being used in a child-like situation. The young girl is playing a math game online, and every time she clicks on a wrong answer, she gets hit by a snowball, hence punishing her for answering wrong. Whenever she clicks the correct answer, she hits them with a snowball, reinforcing the correct answer.
A- Girl is presented with a math problem
B- Girl answers the question wrong
C- Girl gets hit by a snowball
I choose this video clip to depict an example of a positive reinforcer. The mother of an autistic child wants her son to use specific words that she says. In order to increase the chance that he uses to words she rewards him by giving him a lick of a popsicle for saying the words she asks. Since she is giving him something it makes it positive and since its something he wants its a reinforcer. A= autistic child; B= uses his words; C= he gets a lick of the popsicle.
This video clip represents an example of positive punishment. When the child plays this game on the computer they have to answer math questions. If they answer a question incorrectly a snowball gets thrown at the on the screen (adding a negative thing to the situation) which is going to decrease the likelyhood that the child is going to answer the question wrong again. A= computer game; B= answer a question wrong; C= get hit with a snowball
Reinforcement: The clip I chose to show negative reinforcement is from the show “Big Bang Theory.” In this particular clip, Sheldon gives Penny a chocolate every time she does something right. Penny is given a chocolate when she says she’ll stop talking, takes the dishes, doesn’t take someone’s seat, and leaves the room to talk on the phone. They even describe the process and the theory in the clip.
(Specific Example)
A-Penny spends a lot of time at the guy’s apartment.
B-Penny takes the dishes to the kitchen.
C-Sheldon gives Penny a chocolate.
Punishment: The clip I chose as an example of punishment is from the show “Sabrina.” At the beginning of the clip, the cat, Salem, tells Sabrina about how he is actually a warlock that was sentenced to 100 years as a cat because he tried to take over the world. The basis of the show is that a teenage girl lives with her two aunts and their house cat. On her 16th birthday, she finds out that she and her two aunts are actually witches and that their pet, Salem, can talk. After Sabrina finds out she is a witch and her cat can talk, the cat explains that the witches’ council turned him into a cat.
A-Salem is a powerful warlock.
B-Salem plans to take over the world and sets those plans in motion.
C-The witches’ council sentences Salem to live as a cat for 100 years.
The clip I found on youtube is that of the David Letterman show. It comes from the segment of Stupid animal tricks. As you see this clip is a stupid pet clip, one I actually find pretty hilarious, that depicts positive reinforcement.
A- The owner holds his dog and says “Bailey.. play dead”
B- The dog goes limp, causing David Letterman to laugh hysterically
C- Dog is reinforced with a doggie treat
The second clip I found was from my favorite movie "Stepbrothers". The scene happens after Dale and Brennan get in a huge fight and wreck their house as well as cause a huge scene. Their parents are punishing them in this clip. They use negative punishment in doing so.
A- Brennan and Dale get in a disagreement over a drum set
B- Brennan and Dale get in a physical fight which damages the house and causes a huge scene
C- Both are punished when their parents take away their T.V. privileges (during SHARK WEEK!)
A- On david lettermen show
B- The dog goes limp, when owner says "Bailey, play dead"
C- Dog is reinforced with a doggie treat as David Letterman laughs hysterically
A- Brennan and Dale in their family's house
B- Brennan and Dale get in a physical fight which damages the house and causes a huge scene
C- Both are punished by their parents who take away their T.V. privileges (during SHARK WEEK!)
This video is a classic case of Positive punishment. When peter wants ice cream and is told he cant have any he disobeys and gets spanked. Spanking is a positive punshment because they are adding the hitting to the behavior to hopefully lessen the times they do what they are told not to.
A-peter is told he cannot have any ice cream
B-Peter doesnt listen and gets the ice cream
C- He is spanked for not listening and eating the ice cream when he wasnt supposed to
One pretty realiable example of positive reinforcement is used when trying to get kids to do chores or to be potty trained. This is a video of first time parents telling how they got their kids to do certain things. In this episode the parents are trying to positively reinforce the behavior of going to the bathroom in the potty to their 3 year old. If you skip to 4:10 in the video you can see the parents making a potty chart with their son and telling him he can collect marbles and get a prize when the cup is full.
A-The kid has to go to the bathrrom
B-He goes in the potty
C- He gets a reward to encourage the correct behavior.
This clip entails the life of heroin addicts. It gives a series of events in which these people steal, prostitute themselves, and purchase drugs. It ends very climatically.
I feel that the Antecedent in this situation is a drug addiction. This addiction sets up the context for every undesirable behavior that is expressed.
There are several behaviors that are the result of the Antecedent (drug addiction). One behavior is that of homelessness. The man and woman are homeless, I infer, due to their lack of funds, which is due to the drug addiction. Because these two are homeless, their homelessness elicits the behavior of theft. Again the drug addiction also is the Antecedent for the woman’s prostitution. This prostitution is emitted due to the need for heroin. And of course the action of taking the drugs is another behavior that is elicited from the drug addiction.
The consequence of these behaviors is best seen in the eventual bleeding from the woman’s vagina, and also the eventual miscarriage. (The official video, at the very end, shows the doctor returning to the room, holding a dead fetus).
This is positive reinforcement. The drug addiction, in this case, increases the likelihood of drug using behavior to occur.
Just to stay in line with the previous video, I did another video entailing drug addiction. This is a video of clips from Requiem For A Dream. They show the downfall of drug addiction and also parts about withdrawal.
The Antecedent is the drug addiction. It creates the punishing behavior. The punishing behavior is the spiraling down that occurs in each character’s life. The addiction again creates the behavior of prostitution. It also highlights the behavior of withdrawing from life, as occurs in the end.
The consequence of these behaviors is that they punish the behavior of behaving and living without drug addiction. This is positive punishment. Living a life without addiction would be the ideal life. The use of drugs creates the addiction that reinforces a drug addicts life, and punishes the behavior of non-addiction.
For my first example, I will be more specific this time:
A: Drug Addiction
B: Prostitution
C: Make Money
Positive Reinforcement
Reinforcement: I chose this video for positive reinforcement, because I believe it is a good example of how to train your dog to do something, without punishing it. This dog gets really excited when it sees the nail clippers, so in order to not make it freak out, the owner gave the dog a treat.
A) The dogs get excited over the nail clippers.
B) The object is shown to the dog and put near their nails. The owner clicks or says “yep”.
C) The dog gets a treat.
Punishment: I chose this video to represent negative punishment because it depicts how if you don’t do a certain behavior, then you will most likely get punished. In this case, Bill isn’t living up to his boss’ standards, so he is fired. Other reasons why Bill is fired are shown throughout the video also.
A) Bill isn’t performing well.
B) Bill is fired.
C) Bill will perform better at his next job.
Punishment: The video I chose was from the popular clip with will ferrel and his "landlord". The reason I chose this video for punishment was because the lanlord wanted to drecrease the behavior of not paying rent on time. The tennant (Ferrel) is scared by the lanlord and is met with threats of eviction and profanity when he did not pay the rent.
A)Tennant is suppose to pay rent
B)Tennant does not pay rent on time
C)Tennant is met with threat of eviction and harassment from landlord
Reinforcement:For positive reinforcement I chose a well known youtube video Charlie bit my finger. In this video the older child is reinforced to repeat the aversive action because his parents and brother reinforced him with laughter.It also reinforces Charlie's biting which is not a good thing to reinforce.
A)Charlie bites his brother 's finger
B)he gets upset but his brother Charlie laughs
c)The boy repeats the behavior
I think the first video response is actually
A=In presense of landlord
B= Not paying rent on time
c=being evicted
and this would make it Negative punishment since the landlord is trying to decrease the occurence of the tennant not paying the rent on time and is using an aversive consequence of evection by taking away housing which makes it negative.
The second video should be this
A=On camera
This is positive reinforcement because the parents are encouaging (increasing) the biting habbit by using a positive response (adding laughter).
I chose this video because it is pretty clean cut and clear what is going on. The bird Toby used to bite and was previously untrained and unpleasant. After positive reinforcement Toby is a well trained bird who knows tricks. This is positive reinforcement because the bird Toby is getting a treat every time he does something right, which in this video is obeying the command given by his trainer.
A: Command is given
B: Toby obeys command
C: Gets treat
I chose this video mostly because it was kind of interesting and weird. It is definitely positive punishment. In the video a young girl is repeatedly late for school because she takes a long time getting ready. After 5 tardies she is given her punishment. She is given Saturday school and 3 hits with a paddle. Because she is given the licks and nothing is taken away it is positive punishment.
A: Taking too long to get ready
B: Tardy
C: Punishment of detention and the paddle.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe I do not have to redo my assignment. for Punishment the behavior trying to degrease is tardiness. The girl taking too long to get ready sets the occasion for her to be tardy, and the consequence is detention or paddle so
A= Taking too long to get ready
B= Tardy
C= Detention/ getting a paddle
For my reinforcement procedure the behavior is obeying the command. Giving a command sets the occasion for obeying and when obeying the consequence is getting a treat.
A= Giving a command
B= Obeying a command
C= Getting a treat
Negative Punishment
In this episode of Friends, Chandler has done something to anger Joey. So, to punish Chandler, Joey makes him sit in a box. Througout the episode it is apparent that Chandler has been removed from the social setting and cannot participate in the Thanksgiving festivities, therefore I see this as negative punishment.
A: Chandler did something to hurt Joey
B: Sits in a box
C: Chandler does not repeat his behavior
Positive Reinforcement
(until 1:30)
This episode of the Big Band Theory Sheldon reinforces Penny by giving her chocolate when Penny emits a behavior that Sheldon approves of.
A: Penny spends a lot of time around Sheldon
B: Penny emits a behavior that Sheldon approves of
C: Penny is given chocolate
A:Joey was not home
B:Chandler kissed Joey's girlfriend
C:Chandler sits in a box
A:Sheldon's apartment
B:Penny is quiet
C:Sheldon gives her chocolate
This you tube clip uses positive reinforcement. The owner of the dog is trying to teach him not to eat food of the floor. He starts by not letting him eat out of his hand until he says “ Good Boy!” then he lets him eat. The owner takes longer and longer to give the dog a treat for patience. This is a great example of positive reinforcement because the owner is giving/adding a reward to increase the frequency of the desired behavior.
A: (antecedent) Dog has a habit of eating off the floor,
B: (behavior) the owner wants the dog not to touch the food off the floor,
C: (consequence) the owner gives the dog a treat when he puts piece of food and the dog doesn’t touch it.
At 2:21 to 2:40 minutes
I love watching The Nanny! I watched this episode and I saw that they used positive punishment. This clip is about Maggie bringing her new boyfriend to meet her family. The dad isn’t really happy that he is an underwear model but Fran is happy that he was money and comes from a rich family with his dad being the plastic surgeon. Positive punishment is when something unpleasant is given in response to the behavior. Fran and Maggie’s dad demonstrate this in this clip, when Fran says something the dad is not happy with he steps hard on her toes under the table!
A: Fran and Mr. Sheffield eating dinner with Maggie’s new boyfriend,
B: Fran says things like they are both adults and are responsible and can do what ever they like,
C: Mr. Sheffield steps on Fran’s toes to make her stop saying stuff that he doesn’t like.
I found a clip of a dog trainer and how to use positive reinforcement to get your dog to do tricks. She explained how a dog won't understand what you want them to do unless you reward them and that by doing so, they'll continue to do the trick. This is an example of positive reinforcement
a: anywhere where a trick can be preformed
b: trick (example: jump through a hoop)
c: given a treat
The clip I found was from an older sitcom show (I'm not sure of the name). It was a mother punishing her son (and husband) for whistling and yelling things and girls. The mother's form of punishment was to make her son and husband wear a dress so they have some feel for what it's like to be a girl. This is negative punishment because the mother is taking away their normal clothes.
a: in the presence of girls
b: whistling and yelling
c: forced to wear a dress
This clip for both negative reinforcement and positive punishment is from the popular show "Family Guy." The news anchor's son is found to be the culprit of some sort of wrongdoing and, when the father is doing his news reporting, he tells of the wrongdoing and of the community service that his son had received. In addition to the legal punishment that the boy was handed, the father also tells his son, and everyone else watching, that he is a "very bad boy."
This expression of disapproval illustrates that the father may be taking less pride in his son as a result of his wrongdoing. This could lead to the son feeling badly for his actions and wanting to change them to make his father proud of him.
A: Untold antecedent
B: Possessed drugs
C: Father's disaproval
The legal ramifications of the boy's wrongdoing is that he receives a sentence of 200 hours of community service. This is a positive punishment, as it is adding community service in an attempt to change the undesired behavior.
A: Unexplained antecedent
B: possessed drugs
C: 200 hours of community service
This clip shows that, in many cases, the judicial system will punish a given person, but that person's family and friends will often become disappointed in that person, taking away the pride that they had once had, reinforcing more desirable behavior through a negative reaction to the aforementioned undesired behavior.
This expression of disapproval illustrates that the father may be taking less pride in his son as a result of his wrongdoing. This could lead to the son feeling badly for his actions and wanting to change them to make his father proud of him.
A: At school
B: Possessed drugs
C: Father's public disapproval
The legal ramifications of the boy's wrongdoing is that he receives a sentence of 200 hours of community service. This is a positive punishment, as it is adding community service in an attempt to change the undesired behavior.
A: At school
B: Possessed drugs
C: 200 hours of community service
Positive Reinforcement
The clip I chose is from the “Big Bang Theory.” Basically, Sheldon uses a reinforcement procedure to increase the frequency that Penny won’t emit behaviors that are aversive (annoying) to him (i.e. sitting in his seat, talking loudly, etc.) In order to do this, he reinforces her pleasurable behavior by presenting her with chocolate.
A: Penny is over at Sheldon’s place which sets the occasion for
B: her to emit behaviors which Sheldon doesn’t find aversive which results in her
C: being reinforced with chocolates.
Positive Punishment
This clip is also from the “Big Bang Theory.” In this clip though, Sheldon is annoyed by Penny making French toast obnoxiously on oatmeal day. Rather than reinforcing her behaviors like he did in the first clip, Sheldon punishes her behavior by chastising her.
A: Penny is again over at Sheldon’s place setting the occasion for
B: her to emit aversive behaviors which resulted in
C: Sheldon emitting a sour attitude towards her (which hopefully results in the extinction of this particular behavior).
I hope I did this correctly!
To be more specific:
Positive Reinforcement
A: Sheldon's apartment
B: being quiet
C: get chocolate
In other words, in the context of being in Sheldon's apartment, whenever Penny is emitting quiet behaviors, Sheldon reinforces her with chocolates.
Positive Punishment
A: oatmeal day
B: making French toast
C: dirty look/sour attitude
In other words, in the context of it being oatmeal day, Penny making French toast elicited Sheldon to emit a sour look towards her as a form of punishment.
A clip that I found that pertains to punishment is from the TV show Secret Life of the American Teenager. Adrian is having a pregnancy scare and ended up going to the hospital to get it checked. When Ben arrives he is told that another doctor will be examining her, and because he is scared of the idea of Adrian being attracted to her original doctor tries to talk her into getting a female doctor. When the doctor who is going to examine her comes into the room Ben realizes that Adrian is also attracted to this doctor. Ben overreacts to the questions the doctor asks and becomes possessive of Adrian. Because of this, the doctor tells Ben he can wait in the waiting room. In order to show the doctor that he is with Adrian he gives her an engagement ring.
A- Adrian goes to the hospital
B- Ben becomes possessive of Adrian and is asked to wait outside
C- Ben gives Adrian an engagement ring
(starts at 26:24 and you may have to push play twice)
In this clip an example of positive reinforcement is displayed. The teacher is trying to get her students to be able to read what is on the board and in order for them to get more involved and do what she is asking she gives those who participate candy in order to increase the participation.
A- Class
B- Participation in class
C- Participants receive candy
I selected my clips from the television series The Office.
Reinforcement: The following clip illustrates positive reinforcement. Jim and Dwight are both salesmen at the company. One of Jim’s favorite things to do is pull pranks on Dwight. In this episode, Jim puts Dwight’s stapler in jello. He is reinforced by office workers (including his manager, Michael) laughing at his prank. This will make him more likely to emit a pranking behavior in the future.
A. Boring day at the office sets the occasion for
B. Jim to pull a prank on Dwight which results in
C. people laughing at the prank.
Punishment: The following clip illustrates positive punishment. Michael is planning a casino night in the company warehouse as a fundraiser for the boy scouts. He tends to have grandiose ideas. Toby, the Human Resources representative, tells him that inviting the boy scouts to the fundraiser is not a good idea. Michael already hates Toby, but this sets him over the edge. This is positive punishment, because Michael is trying to decrease Toby's involvement by yelling at him in front of the entire office.
A. Michael’s impractical idea sets the occasion for
B. Toby to stand up to Michael which results in
C. Toby being yelled at in front of everyone.
More specifically:
First Clip
A. Boring day at the office sets the occasion for
B. Jim to put Dwight's stapler in jello
B. resulting in everyone laughing.
Second Clip
A. Michael's impractical idea sets the occasion for
B. Toby to tell Michael he didn't call the boy scouts
C. resulting in Michael yelling at Toby.
Punishment "I want ice cream" Family Guy
I this clip Tom Tucker is portraying a father figure to Peter Griffin. They are sitting down for a meal and Peter insists on having ice cream rather than his food. Tom tries to used threats to get Peter to comply, but eventually results in a positive punishment of peter being spanked for not listening.
A: Having a meal
B: Whining about ice cream and not listening
C: Peter gets spanked for eating the ice cream
Reinforcement "Seat-belt Ad"
During this clip a man's seat-belt alarm is going off and is really annoying, along with a guy that pops up in the back seat that is making the same noises. That alarm is an example of a negative reinforcer. Its trying to get you to emit a seat-belt wearing behavior.
A: driving down the road
B: not wearing seat-belt
C: annoying alarm and guy
I am a big fan of The Office so I had to go with an office clip!! Dwight has taken over manager when he thinks Micheal has gotten a job with corporate. Dwight wants everyone in the office to listen to him so he trys to positively reinforce them with "Schrute Bucks"
A)Dwight deems himself in charge of the office
B)Employees behave well and do what Dwight says
C)They recieve a "Shrute Buck"
By the way if you don't watch the clip 1,000 Schrute bucks gets you 5 extra minutes of Lunch!
This clip is of Micheal coming back to the office after the roast the night before. Incase your not familiar a roast if when people get up and make fun of one person. Micheal wanted to have a Roast of himself and he took it very personally. He was angry at the employees so he comes into the office with notecards full of insults for each person. This is positive punishment because he is trying to make them feel bad by adding insults.
A)Micheal is upset about the Roast
B)He insults every one else
C)He feels better
this is a clip from the show the big bang theory. the girl is acting annoying so the guy gives her a piece of chocolate everytime she stops talking or acts less annoying. he was using positive reinforcement to change her behavior.
A. guy finds girl annoying
B. gives her a piece of chocolate when she stops talking and stops being annoying
C. she stops talking as much and gets up and leaves
This clip is related to negative reinforcement. The contents of this clip is about workplace. In this clip the worker got some torment by his boss. The boss always monitor to his follower anywhere and then he leave when the worker finished his work.
A: boss bother his follower until he finished his work
B: worker does do work
C: Boss does not bother worker anymore
This clip is related to positive reinforcement. In this clip the women give popcorn to boy when he correct the quiz. In this situation, popcorn can be reinforcer and the women used reinforcement procedure.
A: The boy speak right answer
B: The women give popcorn
C: He can get popcorn
Negative Punishment
All you need to watch is the first 15 seconds. Joey and Chandler, two of the main characters on Friends walk into their friend Monica's apartment and have some dialog. The part that I understand as negative reinforcement is when Chandler says, "then we put out fire by peeing and no get invited back."
A- Joey and Chandler invited over to help grill
B- Joey and Chandler urinate on the fire to put it out
C- Joey and Chandler don't get invited back
This is negative reinforcement because a once pleasurable experience, being invited over to grill, is taken away. Even though this didn't happen, the dialog shared is still an example of negative reinforcement.
Negative Punishment
This is another clip from Friends involving all six characters and one of Joey's fans, that has turned into a stalker, Erica. Erica believes Joey is the real Dr. Drake Ramore and doesn't understand that it's just a character Joey plays on TV. I believe this is negative reinforcement for Erica because the thought that Joey is the actual Dr. Drake Ramore is being taken away by being lied to thus ending her behavior of stalking Joey.
After watching the clip again and having gone over what we did in class, I decided to change my ABCs for clip two to a more specific target behavior.
A- Joey is on a soap opera
B- Erica throws her glass of water in Joey's face
C- Joey ends their relationship
Since the consequence is Joey is decreasing a once pleasurable behavior, it would constitute as negative; and his goal is to decrease the behavior of Erica throwing water in his face, it would be punishment. Negative punishment.
Oops: ABCs for the last one:
A- Erica stalks Joey because she believes he's a real Doctor
B- Joey and friends lie to Erica
C- Erica stops stalking Joey
This clip shows the Griffins sitting in the kitchen. Lois wonders where Peter is and asks Brian. He lies to her but Lois grabs a dog whistle and asks again. Brian must tell the truth for Lois to stop blowing the whistle.
A = Sitting in Kitchen
B = Lying
C = Dog Whistle Blown
This is an example of negative reinforcement. Brian tells the truth so that the aversive stimulus will be taken away. Thus reinforcing the truth telling behavior.
A = Sitting in Kitchen
B = Telling the Truth
C = Dog Whistle Blown
I had mixed it up, the dog whistle is being used as a reinforcement for telling the truth. Lois stops blowing the whistle when Brian emits the truth telling behavior thus making it negative reinforcement.
In this clip there is a little girl named Alyssa that is holding a broom and her dad is saying (sweep, sweep, sweep).
A= The parents giving Alyssa the broom
B= Alyssa trying to sweep the floor
C= Alyssa learning how to use a broom
The consequence is alctually the parents telling Alyssa good job and praising her for sweeping
In this clip Stewie Griffin is pretending to be a gymnast. He has created his own version of a Pommel Horse. Before he attempts, Brian the dog tells him it is a bad idea, but Stewie doesn't listen and gets really hurt.
A: Homemade Pommel Horse
B: Stewie jumps from trampoline and flips off the table
C: he flies into the china cabinet and gets really injured from glass.
This is an example of a punishment. Because Stewie decided to Pommel Horse in the house, he got hurt by crashing into the china cabinet thus lowering the probability of him doing that again.