By now you should be familiar with the ABC's of behavior. I have an example of how to do a breakdown and analysis of a video ( By now you should have all revisited your original posts from last week's assignment and re evaluated it for the ABCs. I would like you to find a random video, pick one behavior that has some sort of distinguishable consequence and do a break down and analysis of the video. Make sure you include the video link.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Clip Description:
Ask any guy what it feels like to be kicked in the nads and he’ll more than likely tell you it’s one of the most aversive feelings in the world. It’s generally looked upon as one of the most effective punishers in the book. With this in mind, it would be almost impossible to think of a reinforcer that would make one want to increase the harming of their love-apples. Cinco Balls Insurance does just this. For one low monthly premium, you can be assured that there is in fact a pleasurable aspect of getting hit in the acorns.
A: In the context of everyday life
B: Get hit in the balls
C: Receive check for $300
Receiving a $300 check is a pleasurable stimulus. Therefore, one will be more likely to let this harmful accident happen in the future.
The consequence involves adding something. This makes it positive.
As a result, the behavior is likely to increase. This is called reinforcement.
Therefore, this is an example of Positive Reinforcement.
In the context of everyday life situations, whether it be at the bar with the guys or playing baseball, an unfortunate and usually aversive behavior sometimes occurs. The target behavior is getting hit in the balls.
This painful incident usually elicits a mad, screaming behavior. With Cinco Balls Insurance, one is reinforced when the nut-hitting behavior occurs. Getting hit down under now elicits an insurance claim, which emits pleasurable $300 payout.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because it involves a behavior that one would ‘want’ to increase (Getting hit), by adding a pleasurable reinforcer ($300). As a result, testicle-hitting behavior would increase. As odd as this sounds, it makes sense.
In the very beginning of this clip, the father answers the door and acts very bizarrely towards his teenage daughter’s friend. The clip doesn’t show why he is acting like this but that isn’t very unusual for this show; the parents are always getting themselves into strange situations and are often in bad moods. After the friend is allowed to enter the house, the daughter, named Lily, hits her father on the shoulder. I guess, for being so strange and for initially slamming the door in her friend’s face.
A breakdown of the behavior and consequence:
A-The dad is having a bad day
B-Greets Lily’s friend oddly
C-Gets hit on the arm by his daughter
The dad was in a bad mood which set the occasion for him to answer the door strangely. Because the dad said “ow” and clutches his arm after getting hit, we’re just going to assume that the hit on the arm hurt and was aversive. Since he probably doesn’t want to get hit on the arm again, we can assume that he probably won’t answer the door like that again because he was punished by his daughter for the behavior.
In this video the girl has tourettes. Obviously this is a behavior that has consequences because she even says that she cannot go by public places or churches. In this video there are a couple different ABC
for the first one, when they are driving in the car she turns to the old couple and yells profanity towards them, in this case;
A= parked next to an old couple
B=yells profanity
C=gets glared at
This behavior is being punished positively by the old couple giving her a dirty look, and overall minimizing the rate of this behavior.
If we watch the video further, the situation and the consequence changes
A=at a baseball game
B=yells profanity
C=crowd cheers and supports her
by the croud cheering and clapping they are positively reinforcing her behavior of yelling at the other team, there for increasing the behavior.
This link is a clip from the movie Supersize me. Morgan Spurlock goes to McDonalds and must order his meal super-sized because it was suggested by the employee. When he eats the meal he get really sick and as a consequence of eating too much food he ends up throwing up out of his car window.
A= At McDonalds.
B= Morgan Spurlock eats the food.
C= Morgan Spurlock throws up the food.
McDonalds usually elicits a hunger/eating behavior in most people. Throwing up the food would be considered a positive punishment, because the act of throwing up adds something to the behavior that will decrease the chance that he is going to eat McDonalds again.
watch from 1:08
(then watch this clip, they go together for this ABC example but I could not find them as a set)
This is a clip from friends showing Ross getting angry at his boss for eating/throwing away his sandwich. Early in the episode Ross explains to the friend's that the sandwich was very important to him as it was the 'only good thing going on in his life'. (he had recently been evicted and is going through his 2nd divorce).
A:Being at work
B:Ross yells at his boss for eating his sandwich
C:Ross is required to see the office shrink and go on sabbatical.
I think this is negative punishment because Ross is being punished by being forced to take a leave of absence from his job, which he loves, and that is aversive to him. Ross is most likely not going to repeat the behavior of yelling at his boss again because of this punishment.
Here is one of many fabulous clips from the show The Office. Dwight and Jim are driving in the company car when Dwight talks back rudely to Jim. See how Jim handles Dwight emitting this behavior.
A - In the context of the company car
B - Dwight talks back rudely to Jim
C - Dwight hits his head on the seat
Because the consequence of getting hit in the head is adversive to Dwight, this will decrease his behavior of talking back rudely to Jim when Jim asks a question. This is a form of positive punishment because Jim is slamming on the breaks (adding something) in order to decrease Dwight talking back (punishment).
Analysis: In the context of the office car Jim questions Dwight as to why he is sitting in the back. Dwight reacts rudely to Jim we find Jim feeling the need to punish Dwight and decrease his rude behavior. Because Jim used punishment in this video by means of a punisher of a car seat, this will hopefully decrease Dwight’s talking back behaviors. This could also punish Dwight enough to modify his behaviors of talking back in the office around all of his co-workers.
The next time Jim asks Dwight a question, and Dwight responds politely, Jim could possibly reinforce this new behavior by saying, “Thanks for being polite Dwight”. This would help to reinforce good behavior, instead of only resorting to punishing a bad behavior.
The above clip is from an old show from the early 90s (you may remember, you may not) called the Dinosaurs. In this video, unruly baby dinosaur Sinclair eats too much sugar because nobody was watching him.
A: Being alone
B: Getting into fridge
C: Getting sweets
Because most people enjoy sweets, this particular consequence is reinforcing which increases the likelihood that Sinclair will emit the same behavior in the future. Because he is being reinforced by getting sugar, the reinforcement procedure is positive.
In the context of baby Sinclair being left alone in the kitchen, he emits the target behavior (getting into the fridge) where he is presented with a pleasurable consequence of receiving sugar.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because Sinclair is presented with a pleasurable stimulus in response to a desired behavior. Receiving sugar in this instance will elicit more trips to the refrigerator in future contexts of being unsupervised.
On a side note, at the end of the video, the refrigerator arms shove a funnel in Sinclair’s mouth which likely caused satiation
For this activity I decided to use the last clip on this video, which starts at around 8:45. In the video, Jim is telling Dwight that he has psychic powers, just messing with him. In an effort to make fun of Jim, Dwight tells him to perform an act right there in front of everyone, and with the help of Pam, they pull the joke on Dwight.
a- at work
b- Jim pranks Dwight and makes him believe he is psychic
c-Dwight freaks out and believes him
I was just watching random clips of the office and decided to use this random one because I loved the reaction, and I feel like Dwight's reactions are always a strong reinforcer to keep messing with him. It's a huge piece of the show.
The behavior of this was clearly in the hands of Jim and Pam, pulling this prank on Dwight and making him believe he was psychic. The reaction of Dwight is a positive reinforcer, because it is humorous and would cause Jim to continue pulling jokes like this in the future in order to get similar responses.
In this video it is the typical americas funniest home videos genre of clip. There is someone that is doing something not extremly dangerous, but somehow the person manages to hurt themselves.
A:On zipline
B: Does not jump off in time
C:Crashes into tree
This would be positive punishment because she will most likely not want to crash into trees again so she will decrease behavior and it is positive because the pain from crashing into the tree was added
A: Elliot is in the shower
B: Elliot get’s water poured on her
C: JD gets a raccoon thrown on him in the shower.
Positive Punishment
Getting a raccoon thrown on you in the shower is an aversive stimulus. Therefore, JD is less likely to pull a prank on Elliot again. The consequence of this example is adding something, thus making it positive. The behavior is likely to decrease, therefore it is called punishment.
Analysis: Elliot is taking a shower and JD decides to pull a prank on her by pouring a bucket of water (whether extremely hot or extremely cold) on her. She then decides to punish JD by throwing a raccoon in the shower, which is aversive. Therefore, it is not likely that JD will pull a prank on Elliot again.
In this clip from Friends, Ross is playing with his daughter, Emma, when he gets the urge to sing Baby Got Back , by Sir Mix-A-Lot. The result of this singing is Emma laughing for the first time. Later, (although not shown) he tells Rachel, Emma’s mother, how he got her to laugh and Rachel tries it in order to elicit laughter. At this point nothing else has worked. At the end of the clip they are both singing the song to Emma when their friends walk in.
A= Singing Baby Got Back
B= Emma Laughs
C= Sing more of the song
Emma’s laughter is a positive reinforcer because adding laughter to the situation increases Rachel and Ross’ singing of the song.
Take Two:
A= In the Context of Trying to make Emma Laugh
B= Singing Baby Got Back
C= Emma's Laughter
So Ross and Rachel want Emma to laugh, which is the antecedent for singing Baby Got Back, and Emma's laughter is the positive reinforcement they need to continue singing.
A: Death
B: Crying
C: Relief
Positive Reinforcement
At the end of the clip, there is a scene in which the character uncovers a gravestone and cries. The antecedent elicits the behavior of crying. The behavior emitted is the crying. The consequence of this crying is abstract, but I feel that the entirety of the clip gives a sense of closure, or relief. Because relief is desirable, and the use of crying elicited relief, I would say this is an example of Positive Reinforcement. The likelihood of crying, to relieve oneself of the grief over the death of a loved one, will increase if relief is achieved through the emitted behavior of crying.
Analysis: Within the context of death, a man is seen uncovering a grave emitting a behavior of crying, presumably over the death of his wife. The site of the gravestone elicits a crying behavior from the onlooker. After the tears have passed, there is a scene in which the screen is encased in bright light, which I took to be a way to express relief within the onlooker's soul.
This clip is from one of the episodes from the “Modern Family” TV show, I am sure a lot of people are familiar with this show.
This is an example of positive punishment, because the parents, mostly mom, is adding something that is aversive to her son and apparently it happens to be unpleasant for the father as well, the mom wants her son to stop breaking things/ruining her electronics like the computer and the digital camera.
A: in context of family riding their bikes together
B: son has to ride his sister’s bike
C: stop ruining parent’s electronics
Time: 1:13-1:30 minutes (this is where they demonstrate the punishment)
The mother likes this idea so she can teach her son a lesson, the father is not so happy about this form of punishment because his son may get teased. The father is trying to talk him self up and telling us his son his going to get a boys bike, he put his foot down, and if he actually buys him the bike, I predict that his son is still going to break things and not be careful with anything since he wont be properly punished for his behavior.
I see, I thought that since a boy riding a girls bike was unpleasant idea, I thought the mom was adding something aversive to decrease the behavior of breaking things, so I thought it was a positive punishment.
A: in context of parents and son riding the bikes together
B: breaking electronics in the house
C: the boy is riding his sisters bike and not getting a boys bike
This clip is from the television series Modern Family. Phil accompanies Jay (his father-in-law) to test out his new model airplane. Phil is overly excited and can't stop talking. Jay is less than thrilled, because he was looking to some alone time.
A: In the context of Jay's alone time
B: Phil is talking too much
C: resulting in Jay hitting Phil with his model airplane.
Getting hit with a model airplane is aversive to Phil, so he will be less likely to talk during Jay's alone time.
Since "C" involves adding something, it is Positive.
Since "B" will decrease, it is Punishment.
Therefore this is an example of Positive Punishment.
Analysis: In the context of Jay's alone time, Phil emits a talking behavior that is aversive to Jay. The talking behavior elicits Jay to fly his model airplane into Phil; knocking him to the ground.
This is positive punishment, because an aversive consequence was added to reduce Phil's undesirable behavior. As a result, this should decrease the frequency of Phil talking too much.
This is a clip from Family Guy. It shows Peter and Lois in the context of the living room. They are talking about owning a restaurant and all of a sudden, Peter believes that he is dreaming. He then states that because he is dreaming, there will be no consequences for his actions.
A = in the living room
B = adopting 30 puppies
C = the laughter and joy of having 30 puppies
This is an example of positive reinforcement.
Peter believes that he can emit whatever behavior he wants without any consequences. However, when reducing his behavior down into the ABC's, the C stands for consequence. Conversing with Lois about achieving one of their dreams together has set the occasion for Peter to believe he is dreaming when in fact he is not. He then does something incredibly insane by adopting 30 puppies. The outcome of this target behavior is actually quite pleasing. Thus reinforcing his puppy adopting behavior with joy and laughter.
I picked this video that I've already known about:
The video is of 8 girls beating up one girl. They invited her over for the sole purpose of beating her up. They recorded the beating and put it on the internet to "look cool" but their plan backfired and they were arrested. There's a few different ways that this video could be put into the ABCs.
A: 8 teenagers dislike one girl
B: Record her beating
C: Arrested
- positive punishment
A: One girl is invited to a "friend's"
B: Girl severely beaten up
C: Traumatized from these teenagers
-positive punishment
ABCs for second example -
A:Invited to a enemy's house
B:Trusted that things would be okay
C:Severely beaten up
This clip is related to fight between tiger and monkey.
A: The monkey beat to tigers during they were played.
B: Tigers try to beat to the monkey.
C: Tigers did not beat the monkey because it ran up to trees.
In the context of animal life in situations, the monkey provokes a quarrel to tigers. The monkey’s beating elicits a beating behavior on tigers so they emitted the beating behavior. But, they did not success.
This is an example of elicit and emit because the monkey started to mischief the tiger response was the beat to it.
A: in the context of a mountain
B: Monkey goad tigers
C: tigers beat monkey
This clip is related to positive punishment. In the context of animal life situation beating is aversive to monkey so the monkey's teasing behavior is decrease.
This is a clip from That 70s Show. Hyde drills a hole in Red's floor to steal his cable. Red is less than impressed when he finds this out.
A. everyday life
B. Hyde drills a hole in Red's floor to steal his cable from upstairs.
C. Red comes downstairs yells at hyde and threatens him with physical punishment(threatens to put his foot in his ass).
This is a positive punishment because Red is yelling at him and threating physical violence. And it will keep him from doing it again because he doesn't want to be yelled at again or for red to use physicality with him.
I don't know if any one else watches "The Big Bang Theory" but I really like it!!! Ao in this clip Penny is just returning home from a trip to Nebraska to see her family.
A) Penny states that her family had all gotten the flu over the weekend
B) Sheldon begins to emitt a panicking behavior
C) Penny Leaves
This one seems like a punishment but really it is a Negative reinforcement. This is true because Sheldon wanted Penny to leave as soon as he heard that she may be carrying a germ. Because she left (something was taken away or subracted) it makes it negative but he got what he wanted so the behavior was reinforced. Thus meaning that next time he comes in contact with possible germs he will do the same thing.
Sorry about that!!!
This is a commercial for the "kindle" where a man is trying to read a book on another electronic book other than kindle and has difficulty because of the glare it produces from the sun. He then asks the lady next to him how she is able to read with the sun shining on them.
A: Outside by a pool
B: Explaining the benefits of a kindle
C: Wanting a kindle
In the context of being outside by a pool the behavior emitted was the explanation of the benefits a kindle gives a person with a consequence of one wanting a kindle. This would be an example of positive reinforcement because the explanation is increasing and the consequence is adding something.
First off, i am still crying from laughing at this video. It is a foreign advertisement for promotion of safe sex "wearing condoms." Man is in supermarket with child and child throws a horrible fit over some candy.
A: child shopping with dad
B: put candy in cart without asking dad
C: dad places candy back on shelf
In the context of being at the supermarket the child put a bag of candy into the cart without asking. This elicited the father to emit a disciplinary act of placing the candy back. This exchange happened a couple times until the child emitted a aversive screaming behavior in front of everyone.
Also I think it could go
A: shopping
B: put childs candy back
C: child throws embarassing tantrum
I think this is the best way.
This is a video that I stumbled upon (not the website) and found quite humorous. A while back, a friend of mine introduced me to the hilarity of big balls through youtube. In this clip, a child and a woman who is presumed to be her mother are playing around with large dodge balls in the front yard of a suburban neighborhood. The child joyously runs out onto the lawn with the woman chasing playfully. The child grabs a large dodge ball and throws it at the woman, to little success. The child then runs away, giggling, as the woman picks the ball up and throws it at the child's back, knocking the child on her face quite forcefully. The child begins to cry in pain as the woman runs to her and consoles her.
A: In the front yard.
B: Throwing large balls at others.
C: Face-plant of EPIC proportion.
The antecedent in this case is being in the front yard, and the behavior is throwing a large ball at another person. The specific context however, is being in the front yard playing with her mother. In another context, such as playing dodge ball with other children her own age and size, this behavior may not have the same consequence. In this case, the consequence for throwing a large ball at her mother was an EPIC face-plant. This works as a positive punishment because the face-plant is added and will, inadvertently as it may be, lessen the likelihood of the child throwing a large ball at her mother again.
Brief Description:
This clip is about two of the Friends characters, Phoebe and Rachel, finding out secretive information from their third friend Ross who believes the two women are excited about Ross getting an apartment.
A- Ross's possible apartment
B- Rachel and Phoebe screaming
C- Ross screams
Rachel and Phoebe emit a screaming behavior from excitement, thus eliciting a high energy environment. Ross, being influenced by Rachel and Phoebe, emits a screaming behavior. This is positive reinforcement because the behavior of Rachel and Phoebe increases, the increase defines it as reinforcement. Ross emitting a screaming behavior is adding to the situation thus making it positive.
Bah!! Sorry!
I do believe that the more people scream, the behavior is contagious in this particular situation. But I'm confused because they are screaming for different reasons.