By now you should be familiar with the ABC's of behavior. I have an example of how to do a breakdown and analysis of a video ( ). By now you should have all revisited your original posts from last week's assignment and re evaluated it for the ABCs. I would like you to find a video that has some sort of establishing operation, pick one behavior that has some sort of distinguishable consequence and do a break down and analysis of the video. Make sure you include the video link.
Include a list of the terms and concepts you used in your post. (example - Terms: positive reinforcer, extinction, reinforcer, discriminative stimulus...)
Let me know if you have any questions.
In this clip we see ralphie the little boy right after he has just dropped an “F” bomb. His dad hears him and tells his mother. He knows right away that he will be punished.
A- around his parents
B- Says the “F” word
C- Gets soap in the mouth
By the soap being not pleasant, but aversive the cursing behavior will hopefully decline. To decrease this behavior the parents are “adding” soap, to hopefully lessen the behavior. Making this: Positive Punishment.
Analysis: Ralphie had emitted the behavior of saying a curse word and his parents had to elicit a punishment to decrease the use of such words. The target behavior that is being punished is the cursing, and the punishment that is added is the bar of soap in the boy’s mouth.
Terms: aversive, positive punishment, emitted, elicit, target behavior, punishment.
This clip is from the movie “Waiting”. It demonstrates a behavior that most servers would love to do in this situation, but don’t because of the consequences involved.
A) In the context of serving
B) Dean gets a bad tip
C) He gives back the tip to the customer
Negative Reinforcement
Since “C” (giving back the tip) involves taking away something, it is negative. Since “B”(getting a bad tip) increases the behavior of giving back a tip, it is reinforcement.
This is negative reinforcement because giving the tip back to the customer is aversive, therefore he is less likely to do it again.
Analysis: In the context of serving at the restaurant “Shenanigans”, Justin Long, who plays Dean, is serving a couple who he expects will not tip. The couple orders expensive meals and drinks and Dean is emitting good service to them. The couple doesn’t tip very well at all, so Dean gives the tip back to them, which is an aversive consequence.
Terms used: Context,negative reinforcement, aversive, emits, consequence
This is a link to the movie trailer for “The Scarlet Letter”. This may have been sparked after I saw the movie “Easy A” this weekend, which is actually a fun movie. But this clip (2:06-2:25) shows a woman (Demi Moore’s character of Ester) who is socially ostracized for her acts of adultery. The community knows of this act because Ester becomes pregnant in a new land while her husband is back in her original country.
A - In the context of a Christian community
B - Ester commits adultery
C - Has to wear the red letter A on her wardrobe so people know of her acts
Having to wear a red letter on her wardrobe is aversive to her because it lets everyone know what she has done. This is aversive to her, so this will decrease her from emitting this behavior in the future.
“C” is adding the letter A to her wardrobe, so it is Positive.
“B” is looking to decrease the behavior, so it is Punishment.
The consequence for her behavior is positive punishment.
Analysis: In the context of a small Christian community, adulterous acts are viewed as wrong. This is a behavior that is viewed as “culturally wrong”. This may not be viewed as wrong in another culture. When proof of her adulterous behavior is found, this elicits negative reactions in her community members. She is then punished by being socially ostracized. The establishing operation here is influencing the consequence of social ostracism. Not only being looked down upon by her community is an aversive punishment to her, but the addition of actually having to wear the letter A is making the punishment a more aversive stimulus. I like to think of it as the punishment takes an extra step to make sure this woman feels wrong.
This form of positive punishment is made more aversive with the addition of the letter A on her clothing. The community used this punishment as a way to decrease her adulterous behaviors. The irony of the story is that the person Demi Moore’s character was sleeping with was actually the town’s pastor.
Terms used: Positive punishment, aversive, elicit, emitting, establishing operation, consequence,
I failed to clearly describe how this video is an example of an establishing operation. Ester is already being socially ostracized for her adulterous behavior. The society is using positive punishment by socially ostracizing her. By also making her wear a scarlett letter, this is making the punishment more aversive. The scarlett letter would then be the establishing operation because it make the punishment more aversive.
This is a commerical from the 1960's for cigarettes. In the present day we do not see these types of commercials anymore because we know all the negative health risks brought about by cigarette smoking. This is still a good example clip for this activity because commericals are very common forms of establishing opperations. In this example the person is eliciting quitting, and emitting a quitting behavior.
A=person attempting to quit smoking
B=watches a cigarette commercial
C=desires a cigarette
This is a positive reinforcement because the commercial increases the desire for a cigarette. The establishing operation in this example is the fact that the person is attempting to quit smoking. This is an example of deprivation establishing operations because they are attempting to not smoke cigarettes. This could be considered an aversive consequence since the person wouldnt want to desire a cigarette since they are attempting to quit, but the commercial forces them to try and keep from smoking. If the person would decide to smoke however, and say smoked an entire pack very quickly, they may become satiated to the cigarettes.
(establishing operation, deprivation, satiation, postive reinforcement, consequence,elicit, and emit.)
This video clip is from the show “The Full House”
This demonstrates positive punishment.
watch 0:29-10:27 minutes
Kimmy is in high school and she made a bad choice by drinking too much at the party. She didn’t want to listen to her friend DJ at all and they went home. DJ covered for her and let her sleep in her bed for the night so she doesn’t get in trouble from her parents. When Kimmy woke up next morning she had a huge headache and loss of her memory from the previous night. DJ was really upset with her and the two friends got in a argument and didn’t want to be friends any more.
A: Kimmy and DJ going to a college party,
B: Kimmy happened to drink too much,
C: and ended up getting a huge headache in the morning
Analysis: Hanging out with older kids at a college party and being around alcohol elicited Kimmy to want to be like the college kids. Kimmy emitted drinking alcohol. Her consequence for that behavior came in following morining, when she woke up with a huge headache. This is an example of a positive punishment, since she expericed something aversive after she emitted that particular behavior.
Terms Used: consequence, elicit, emit, positive punishment, aversive
This video is from the show Friends. Ross is persuaded to join the gym because of the attractive female.
A: Discussing joining the gym
B: Seeing an attractive woman who's a member of the gym
C: Joining the gym
This is positive reinforcement. Ross is reinforced for joining the gym by having an attractive woman elicit him to emit this behavior. Along with being a pleasurable stimulus for Ross, the attractive woman is also the establishing operation because she makes it seem like joining the gym is much better than it would be without her presence.
Terms: positive reinforcement, reinforced, elicit, emit, pleasurable, stimulus, establishing operation
A: Seeing an attractive woman as a member of the gym
B: Ross joins the gym
C: Ross gets to work out with the attractive woman
The target behavior is joining the gym. This is positive reinforcement. Ross is reinforced for joining the gym by having an attractive woman elicit him to emit this behavior. Along with being a pleasurable stimulus for Ross, the attractive woman is also the establishing operation because she makes it seem like joining the gym is much better than it would be without her presence.
Terms: positive reinforcement, reinforced, elicit, emit, pleasurable, stimulus, establishing operation
The establishing operation is the attractive woman. This woman makes working out more reinforcing to Ross because now he's working out with an attractive woman.
This video reminds me of something my mom might make me do. It is a video about a teenage boy who got caught by his father with pot and has to wear a sign that says "I like to smoke pot and get cauhgt with it" next to a busy intersection , he is also grounded from tv internet and has to mow every single house's lawn in the subdivision.
A:Father catches him with pot
B: Has to stand with sign next to road
C: Is embarassed
This is Positive punishment because his father wanted to elicit the decrease of the target behavior of possesing pot and used an aversive tactic of having the boy emit embarassment and making him stand next to road.He used secondary reinforcers because it did not involve a necessity but rather social humilliation. The boy admitted to being embarassed and tried to lie about whos pot it was and some people driving by may have encouraged behavior by giving a thumbs up to the boy. I think there is a little bit better way to handle this but it is a rather entertaing and different one.
Terms Used: Elicit, Emit, Positive punishment, aversive, target behavior, primary and secondary reinforcers.
This is a clip from friends. In the clip the friends are in Vegas. Earlier in the episode Ross drew on Rachel's face and she refused to leave the room, so the two of them stayed in and got drunk.
A: In vegas
B: Ross and Rachel get drunk
C: Marriage
This is positive punishment because the consequence is aversive since Ross and Rachel are no longer seeing each other, they just happened to get really wasted. If they had not been in Vegas Ross and Rachel's drinking most likely would not have elicitted the behavior of getting married since there aren't any 24-hour wedding chapels in New York (that I'm aware of). This makes being in Vegas an establishing operation because it makes the punishment more 'punishing'.
Terms usd: Positive punishment, aversive, consequence, elicitted, establishing operation
After looking through my notes and readings I realized that the clip I posted above would be better for discriminitive stimulus than for establishing operation. So I found this clip instead.
(watch until appx. 1:00)
Ross is going through what he calls a 'dry spell', he has not had sex for 6 months. He goes to Joey for advice and Joey helps him.
A: Ross has not had sex for 6 months
B: Ross has sex with Rachel
C: Ross is happy
Now I could not find a clip of the after 'effects' of Ross and Rachel having sex, but in the show Ross does brag about it and feel good about himself. He emits many behaviors that seem cocky. The fact that Ross has not had sex in a long time, makes the desire and the act more reinforcing to him, that is why it is an establishing operation. The establishing operation of lack of sex elicts Ross to emit the behavior of seeking help from Joey, which leads to a goofy story that 'romances' women.
Terms used: establishing operation, reinfocing, emit, elicit
In this clip the establishing operation is that the ring must be destroyed, and the council is choosing who should do it. The behavior emitted is Frodo volunteering to take the ring to Mordor. The consequence of this behavior is that the council decides to let Frodo take the ring.
A: At the Council of Elrond
B: Frodo volunteers to destroy the ring
C: The council deliberates and agrees
Analysis: In the context of the Council of Elrond, Frodo emits the behavior of volunteering to take the ring to Mordor and destroy it. The consequence of this behavior is the deliberation of the council, and ultimately the journey that Frodo takes to get the ring to Mordor. Although the task of destroying the ring is hard enough, great forces are guarding the gate of Mordor. Therefore, the already difficult task of destroying the ring is even more difficult. This clip is positive reinforcement because Frodo adds the behavior of volunteering, which causes the council to emit a behavior of deliberating.
Terms: establishing operation, behavior, emitted, consequence, positive reinforcement.
This clip from the 'family guy'. The father give son strict warning to eating ice cream.
A: In the context of kitchen.
B: Dad warning about eating ice cream.
C: Spanking.
This is an example of the positivie punishment. The father against eating ice cream his son. Spanking is a way of the punishment so spanking is aversive to the son. Spanking is decrease his eating ice cream behavior. Spanking elicited a stoping behavior. The son emitted the stoping behavior. Also spanking is the establishing operation because it is a aversive stimulus for him if he still eating ice cream, spanking will be intensify.
Terms: postive punishment, aversive, decrease, elicited, emitted, establishing operation
In the clip I choose, a short clip of the show "Full House" is shown. Aunt Becky and Uncle Jesse decide to play on the kids' indoor playground. But they both want to go down the slide first. Jesse gets to the slide first but as a consequence of the behavior Becky catches him and pulls his ears on the slide.
A-Jesse and Becky are playing on the slide
B-Jesse goes down the slide first
C-Jesse gets his ears pulled by Becky
We can assume that the punishment administered by Becky was very aversive to Jesse because first of all, it looked painful and secondly, he said "ow" a lot. In the future, Jesse might be wise to let Becky go down the slide first so he doesn't get his ears pulled again.
Terms used: aversive, consequence, punishment
This clip is from the television series Friends. Chandler's boss slaps his employees' butts when they do a good job. Chandler is uncomfortable with this sort of reinforcement, so he asks his boss to stop. His boss then starts slapping everyone else on the butt, and Chandler feels left out.
A. In the context of a meeting
B. Chandler is deprived of a butt slap from his boss
C. resulting in Chandler feeling excluded.
Being excluded is aversive to Chandler, so he will be less likely to request the deprivation of a butt slap.
Since "C" involves taking something away, it is Negative.
Since "B" will decrease, it is Punishment.
Therefore this is an example of Negative Punishment.
Analysis: In the context of a meeting, Chandler is deprived of a butt slap from his boss which is aversive to Chandler. The lack of a butt slap elicits Chandler to feel excluded.
This is negative punishment, because it removes a desirable stimulus (butt slap) which decreases the likelihood that Chandler will request to be deprived of a butt slap.
Chandler was originally the only employee to receive a butt slap as reinforcement. Because he is uncomfortable, he asks his boss to stop. Being deprived of a butt slap makes Chandler realize that he really does want it, so when he does get a butt slap again, it is even more reinforcing. This means that the deprivation of a butt slap is an establishing operation.
Terms: reinforcement, aversive, negative punishment, elicits, desirable stimulus, establishing operation
A. Deprivation of butt slap
B. Chandler asks for a butt slap
C. Chandler receives a butt slap
Receiving a butt slap is desirable for Chandler, so he will be more likely to ask for a butt slap in the future.
Since "C" involves adding something, it is Positive.
Since "B" will increase, it is Reinforcement.
Therefore this is an example of positive reinforcement.
Deprivation of a butt slap acts as an establishing operation for Chandler, because it forces him to realize how much he actually wants one. This causes Chandler to ask for a butt slap from his boss. The butt slap is more reinforcing for Chandler after he was deprived of one.
The clip I chose is from According to Jim where Jim brings in a platter for condiments, food, and a beer to sit down at his chair in preparation for watching television.
A: Wanting a beer
B: getting interrupted
C: getting irritated
In the context of really wanting his beer, Jim gets interrupted by a phone call eliciting him to emit irritation. Typically, this would have acted as positive punishment because Jim would want to lessen the occurrence of the aversive target behavior (being interrupted), however, as you see later in the clip, the same behavior returns.
Establishing Operation:
In this case, Jim constantly being interrupted just as he is about to take a sip of his beer serves as an establishing operation. Obviously, Jim really wants that beer if it is the first thing he opens on the platter of options he has. You can really tell he wants a drink of beer after he is interrupted the first time and goes straight back to the beer. Because of this interruption, something that was already considered intrinsically reinforcing to him became even more reinforcing because he was being deprived of it. So as you can see, the consequence of getting interrupted “C” played back into the original antecedent of wanting a beer “A.”
Terms used: eliciting, emit, positive punishment, aversive, target behavior, establishing operation, intrinsic, deprived, consequence, antecedent.
(Poor quality, turn the speakers up!)
This is a clip from the 1996 film, Space Jam. For those of you that have been living in a cave for the last two decades, this is a movie about the Looney Tune characters and Michael Jordan teaming up to play a basketball game against the evil alien 'Monstars'. At this point in the clip, the team obviously needs some shaping up. Michael decides to hire a new player in hopes of eliciting the team to win their game. Her name is Lola Bunny. The other Looney Tunes find her very attractive, and a great ball player as well.
A: Need a good basketball team
B: Practicing Basketball
C: Recruit Lola
Since a pleasurable consequence (Lola) is being added, it is positive. Since the behavior (practicing basketball) is intended to increase, it is reinforcement. Therefore, it is positive reinforcement.
This is an example of an establishing operation because by recruiting Lola, the other players (in particular Bugs Bunny) will be more likely to reinforce their basketball practicing behavior. Michael knew that Lola's sweet looks would elicit the other players to emit a competetive and motivated approach to learning this game. Not only do the Looney Tunes have a great basketball player on their team, which is extrinsically rewarding, but also some eye candy, an intrinsic reward. The consequence is more pleasurable as a result.
Terms: Establishing Operation, Pleasurable, Emit, Elicit, Positive Reinforcement, Intrinsic, Extrinsic, Reinforce,Consequence
A: Unmotivated, untalented basketball team
B: Recruit Lola
C: Practice basketball more.
Michael Jordan is looking around, and realizes that his team is not ready for the upcoming basketball game (A). To due this, he recruits Lola to the team (B). Because of her skill and good looks, the team will be more likely to practice (C).
This is an example of an establishing operation. Bugs Bunny has a history of being a love addicted fellow. Rarely in the history of Looney Tunes does he have the chance to meet a female rabbit. This is what makes the reinforcer more reinforcing. Lola's good looks, the reinforcer in this situation makes Bugs Bunny want to learn the game more.
In this clip from Friends Monica and Chandler have sex together for the first time. Before that though, they kiss and make out for the first time. Monica is lonely and sad at her brothers wedding and Chandler tries to comfort her. The behavior shown is positive reinforcement. The pleasurable stimulus added is the sex.
A= In the context of Monica being sad and lonely
B= Monica and Chandler Make out
C= They have sex
Establishing operations is when something reinforces the reinforcer. The behavior of kissing is reinforced in sex, which as is shown later in the episode, was very good for both of them. The fact that they have good sex reinforces the idea of them kissing more. However the next time they kiss and have sex it is simply because they like it, so the context changes. Throughout the season and the rest of the series, they continue to kiss, have sex, and eventually date, get married, and have children.
I am using another Family Guy clip to demonstrate a behavior term because I love Family guy. In this clip, Brian, Peter, Chris, and Stewie are in the context of the living room. They are bored and all drink IPECAC to see who can go the longest without emitting a puking behavior to win the last piece of pie in the fridge. Here is the breaking of the down:
A = In the context of the living room
B = Puking
C = Lois asking "Who wants chowder?"
An establishing operation makes a stimulus more aversive or more pleasurable even if the stimulus is a pleasurable one or an aversive one. In this case, eating chowder is a pleasurable consequence for waiting in the living room, but because of the IPECAC, the chowder seems rather aversive.
Terms Used:
establishing operation
in the context of
This video is a group of guys from the University of Oregon singing Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance" a Capella.
A: Outside the Union
B: Singing Lady Gaga A Capella with a choreographed dance
C: Crowd laughing
In the context of being outside of the college's union men singing to lady gaga a Capella with a choreographed dance elicits a consequence of the crowd laughing.
The crowd laughing is something being added to the behavior causing an increase in the singing and dancing, therefore this is positive reinforcement.
"establishing operations work by altering the value or strength of the consequence regardless if it is aversive or pleasing" In this video the laughter and joy that is emitted by the crowd reinforces the singing and dancing more than what it would without it. The singing and dancing would more than likely be reinforcing because they enjoy doing it, but when someone else is also enjoying what they are doing it reinforces the behavior even more.
Terms used:
Elicits; Establishing operations; emit; aversive; reinforce; positive reinforcement
This is a video that I have used in previous classes as a positive reinforcement video however there is positive punishment also in this video. How it starts is Sheldon is trying to train Penny not to talk so much by reinforcing her with chocolates. She leaves the room to talk on her phone and Leanord gets upset and tells Sheldon he is forbidden from doing that. Sheldon then sprays him with water.
A=In the context of Sheldon and Leonard having a conversation about Penny
B=Leonard Forbidding Sheldon to Train Penny
C=Sheldon sprays water in Leonard's face.
Sheldon sprays water at Leonard which is adding a stimulus which makes it positive and Sheldon sprays him because he wants to stop the target behavior of forbidding him to train which makes it punishment. So this clip is about positive punishment.
Terms: Positive punishemnt, target behavior, reinforcement, context.
"swear jar"
In the context of a corporate office, a jar has been placed at the secretary's desk to remind people of the negative punishment that is elicited when they emit the behavior of using swear words. However when the idea of buying Budlight for the whole office with the money is presented, the punishment backfires and turns into a form of positive punishment. If they swear, they will be rewarded with budlight, as opposed to its original intention of being a negative punishment by removing money from their pockets. Absolutely hilarious!
A: in the office
B: swearing
C: rewarded with bud light
positive reinforcement of foul language in the workplace!
terms: emit, elicit, positive reinforcement, negative punishment
I was lounging around my dorm room one night with my roommates watching Tosh.O on Comedy Central. As anyone that is a fan of the show knows, (and you should be a fan of the show. If you aren't then, well, I'm not totally sure what, but it means something bad I think probably) Tosh does a segment in which he shows a video and then puts 20 seconds on the clock to see how many funny comments that he can post before time runs out. I saw this video and instantly sprung to my feet and stared at my roommates for an absurd amount of time. After a number of hours had passed, they questioned my behavior and I emitted a yell of, "This could be used for something in my behavior modification class! I'm sure of it!" Sure enough, I looked at the homework requirements for this week and this worked perfectly.
This video is of a dance party attended by children of questionable age, in which they proceed to dance quite provocatively, much like the moves seen in many a rap video. Now for this week's Video Breakdown. (Another Tosh reference.)
I am going to analyze the reactions of we viewers that are watching this video, as apparently these children's parents did not consequence anything at all and, instead, allowed it all (Thankfully)
We begin this video by pressing play and see children of a young age dancing very provocatively in the context of a dance party in an unknown location. This initial viewing elicits a hearty and intensely loud laugh to be emitted from us (possibly loud enough for those in other rooms to hear). The Establishing Operation within this video is that these children are absurdly young, enhancing the level of hilarity we have been rewarded with for viewing such incredibly funny material.
A: Viewing a Dance Party.
B: Watching Members dancing very provocatively.
C: Mild hysteria in laugh form
The reinforcer for us viewing this hysterical video is that we feel out of breath and hoarse from laughing so much. This consequence will function as a positive reinforcement as it is being added to the behavior and will most definitely empower us to watch this video many more times, and also the show more often.
Positive Reinforcement
Pardon the language at the end of this video.
I'm sure by now you can tell that I am a fan of Friends and enjoy using clips from the episodes to help me learn behavior modification. This clip is an example of positive reinforcement.
A- Ross's apartment
B- Watching Die Hard
C- Want to watch Die Hard again
Analysis: The three characters in this clip; Ross, Chandler and Joey, really enjoy the movie "Die Hard." So the antecedent is them hanging out in Ross's apartment, they emit a target behavior of watching the movie "Die Hard" together, after which the consequence is an excitement to watch "Die Hard 2," which is really "Die Hard" but just watching it again is exciting enough. I identified this as an establishing operation because the excitement level can either increase or decrease making the consequence more aversive or pleasing. I'm not sure that I understand establishing operation completely because to make the consequence of this situation more pleasing, I feel as though I should change the behavior to: Ross and Joey being excited about watching "Die Hard" again. To make the consequence more aversive, I would change the behavior to: Chandler not reinforcing the excitement emitted by Joey and Ross. However, I'm not sure. I guess I understood this more than I do.
Terms: behavior modification, positive reinforcement, antecedent, emit, target behavior, consequence, establishing operation, aversive, pleasing
In this trailer we see the main character, Olive, as a nobody just going through high school without much to her name. One day her gay friend decides to have her fake losing her virginity to him at a party, and in doing so the whole school finds out, thinking it's real, and she becomes extremely infamous/famous depending on where you look.
the breakdown goes as follows:
A- at a party
B- fakes losing her virginity
C- everyone freaks out and she becomes famous
This would be positive reinforcement, because the school gives her far more attention and popularity, hence eliciting an increased likelihood of her faking sex with someone else.
Olive emits a behavior that is far different than what people expected from her around the school, and this causes a crazy reaction from everyone. Olive's previous behaviors are the establishing operation in this clip, because they change the way everyone reacted to her naughty behavior. If she was a slut and pretended to sleep with her friend, it wouldn't have been near the same response. The way the school responds to her behavior is a definite reinforcer. She used to be a nobody and now she is a somebody, gaining lots of attention.
terms- emit, establishing operation, positive reinforcement, elicit, reinforcer