How is this an example of discriminitive stimulus? What kind of schedule of reinforcement it? Is this a good example of operant behavior - how so?
How is this an example of discriminitive stimulus? What kind of schedule of reinforcement it? Is this a good example of operant behavior - how so?
This epic montage depicts a discriminative stimulus. In this case the stimulus is the alarm that goes off when the countdown clock reaches 4:00. The button must be pressed every 108 minutes.
This is also a good example of an establishing operation. In this case, not pushing the button would bring about extremely aversive happenings to the island, endangering everybody's life. This makes the behavior of pushing the button both intrinsically and extrinsically rewarding as there are lives at stake!
This is considered negative reinforcement. When the button is pressed (B), the clock resets to 108:00 and the alarm starts. Another thing being taken away is the havoc that would be emitted if the button wasn't pushed. The button is a secondary reinforcer, as the pusher had to be trained and told about the project.
This is a great example of operant behavior. There are many factors involved that are influencing the behavior of person pushing the button. Whether it's one of the other Lost survivor's influence, or the training video itself. Their behavior is clearly controlled to a tee.