Week #13 - Functional Assessment of Target Behavior


After reading section 5.3 (I'll email that to you) conduct a functional assessment of the target behavior you have decided to use for your project.

1) State the target behavior

2) What are the antecedents to the behavior?

3) What are the consequences to the behavior?

4) How do you think the behavior is functioning? List several hypotheses as to why in the order of most liekly.

5) For the top hypothesis, what might be an intervention you might use to change the frequency of the behavior?

Let me know if you have any questions,


--Dr. M


1) Target Behavior: Work out three times per week for an hour using one of the p90x dvd’s.

2) Antecedents: Being at home. Having a clean living room with weights readily accessible and pull-up bar hanging in the hallway. Need to have eaten at least an hour before the workout.

3) Consequences: Afterwards I feel better and more energized. Routinely working out helps get rid of my low-back problems.

4) Functioning? This behavior is currently functioning to try and make working out a regular part of my day/week. Not working out serves the function of providing extended periods of pleasure through inactivity and loafing. Most likely not working out serves this function in much the same way that eating late at night messes up future eating habits. By not working out on one particular occasion I get to lounge and not sweat and get tired. This makes it easier to skip the next time, etc. etc. Furthermore, each time I don’t work out it becomes that much harder to work out the next time which increases the amount of motivation I need to do it.

5) An initial intervention is to slowly add a very small amount of exercise to my daily life in order to make it a routine so as not to go so long that starting up again takes an incredible amount of effort. Decreasing the intensity of the workout would increase the likelihood that I would perform the behavior.

1.Target Behavior: Stop procrastinating by starting home work and studying early.
2.Antecedents: After class prepare notes and lay out materials that are needed for class. Turn off phone and television.
3.Consequences: Feeling accomplished and ahead in all class. Being productive to get all A’s
4.Functioning: My target behavior is functioning to help me achieve good grades in class and to become productive with my school work. Being unmotivated can lead to procrastination. Not procrastinating will help me accomplish the grades that I need. Having a routine in not procrastinating will help in future classes. Procrastination makes it difficult to complete the work and to stay encouraged to do the work.
5.Intervention: I could Study alone in the library for two hours. Rewrite notes after class. Start papers a week in advance. Stop talking on the phone during homework time. No television as I complete homework.

1.)Target Behavior. Create better study habits by reading over my notes each day, read assigned readings and take notes, and by completing study guides before the exam.
2.)Antecedents: In dorm room, have TV and radio off, and keep door shut. May also be at work and have interruptions.
3.)Consequences: When I am in my dorm room, I will feel more accomplished and ahead in my classes. Due to the environment, I will feel as though I used my time efficiently and I will be able to concentrate. When I am at work it is harder to get things done and I don’t feel as accomplished.
4.)Function: My target behavior is functioning to help me do the best I can in my classes. It should help me get good grades and feel better about what I have accomplished. By staying ahead in my work (completing study guides and reading) and through repetition, I should not only do better in my classes, but also learn the material and not just forget it later.
5.)Intervention: Take advantage of the quiet time I will have without roommate. This should give me 3 or 4 hours without interruptions. Or ask roommate to shut of the TV or radio for an hour.

1) My target behavior is flossing my teeth every night for at least 30 seconds.

2) What are the antecedents to the behavior? I feel alert and ready to go to the bathroom to brush my teeth, floss my teeth, and wash my face before bed.

3) What are the consequences to the behavior? The next morning, my teeth feel clean and white.

4) How do you think the behavior is functioning? It keeps my teeth clean. I feel like my teeth will stay in great condition for years to come. My dentist will not hassle me about not flossing enough.

5) For the top hypothesis, what might be an intervention you might use to change the frequency of the behavior? I will floss my teeth after I know I'm done eating and that is before bed and will do this before I start an activity that I know will make me tired.

1) State the target behavior: My target behavior is exercising at least 3 times per week for at least 45 mins.

2) What are the antecedents to the behavior?: Waking up early in the morning before class; finishing all my homework before running, lifting weights, etc. at night

3) What are the consequences to the behavior? More energy, increased self-esteem/release stress, more physically fit, losing body fat and gaining muscle tone

4) How do you think the behavior is functioning? List several hypotheses as to why in the order of most likely: I think the most likely function of this behavior is to lose body fat and gain muscle tone, so overall to become more physically fit and increasingly make this behavior more routine

5) For the top hypothesis, what might be an intervention you might use to change the frequency of the behavior?

To increase my behavior of exercising, an effective intervention would be to manage my time more effectively (waking up earlier), allowing me to exercise on a scheduled basis throughout the week

After reading section 5.3 (I'll email that to you) conduct a functional assessment of the target behavior you have decided to use for your project.

1) State the target behavior: Getting more than 7 hours of sleep each night.

2) What are the antecedents to the behavior? Where I sleep is crucial to my behavior. Whether or not I drank that night as well is something important. Also, maybe whether or not I have to wake up early and if I took naps should be involved.

3) What are the consequences to the behavior? More energy, easier to critically think during the day, and more projects will be accomplished and it will increase my self esteem!

4) How do you think the behavior is functioning? List several hypotheses as to why in the order of most liekly. I feel the functioning of my behavior will improve my energy, self esteem and overall physical and mental health. One hypothesis is if I drink on a weeknight (Sunday through Thursday), I will get less than 7 hours of sleep. Another hypothesis is that if I sleep in a different location I will get more sleep, and my last hypothesis is that if I sleep alone then I will get more sleep. Whether or not I get more than 7 hours of sleep will determine my physical health for the next day.

5) For the top hypothesis, what might be an intervention you might use to change the frequency of the behavior? I think an intervention possibility is staying at my own apartment by myself. I also think drinking less alcohol will better my consequences of being positive because I'll be getting more sleep. Last, if I know that I have to wake up in the morning I think a good intervention is to go to bed at a decent time.

1.) Target Behavior: Attend every class I have in a week

2.) Antecedents: Going to class, taking notes in class, paying attention while in class, writing down assignment due dates and test times.

3.) Consequences: Better grades, a better understanding of class material, a knowledge of test and due date assignments.

4.) I believe the behavior is functioning on a senoritis kind of level. Its my senior year, either way you cut it in May ill be walking across the stage and receiving a diploma. Physically im here, mentally i checked out at the start of the semester and have been waiting for May 8th to roll around so I can boogie on out of here. Another reason i think my behavior is functioning as so is because it's my last semester up here and i want to have fun with all my friends that i probably wont see for awhile, so while im here now what better time for some shenanigens and a little fun in the sun.

5.) To change the frequency of senoritis hitting me maybe I wont plan to do things until al my classes are over later on in the day, and plan to not do things a couple of days before i have a test so that i have ample time to study and prepare for my exam. I also might treat myself to FAC if i do attend all of my classes for the week (but lets be real, i know im going to end up their anyway). So in that case i could possibly have a little sunday-funday with some of my friends upon me successfully attending all my classes for one weeks times.

1) My target behavior is to exercise more frequently by incorporating more physical activity and cardio workouts into my daily routine (in more defined terms in previous posts).

2) In order to achieve my goal, I need to actually make time for my target behavior. This will require me to wake up earlier in the mornings to do my Pilates videos and the leave time in my daily schedule for exercise. My antecedents would be knowing my class/work schedule a head of time, so I can plan out when I can go work out for that week.

3) The consequences of my behavior may be fatigue and hunger, but I am hoping in the long run that I will start to see results from working out daily, which will reinforce me to make it a daily routine extending farther than the conclusion of this course. I will want to make sure that I drink water to replenish my body and eat healthier after I work out so that exercising pays off.

4) I think my current behavior of little physical activity and exercising falls back on several excuses. Number one being that "I don't have time." This really just reflects laziness and a lack of motivation. Number two being that "I have too much homework" or "work takes up too much of my time." Others may be that I need someone to commit with me to motivate me to get to the gym. Another excuse may be that the weather is not nice enough (when it was winter) to exercise outside.

5) For my top hypothesis of being lazy and lacking motivation, I can work on finding a partner who will commit to working out with me so I can get myself to the gym on a regular basis. I could implement reinforcers for myself after I actually exercise to increase the frequency of working out in the future. A reinforcer might be a new outfit or pair of shoes, or maybe just treating myself to Four Queens after a full week of exercising daily. :)

1) My target behavior is completing at least 2 hours of reading assigned class readings, studying for a test, filling out worksheets, or writing a paper a night.

2) Antecedents to the behavior include staying off Facebook, leaving the TV off, shutting my door, and having a list in my assignment book of everything I need to get done that night.

3) Consequences to my behavior would be staying ahead in my classes, feeling a sense of accomplishment that I was productive, hopefully I will see results as I get better grades because I did not have hurry to get things done because I procrastinated. Also, I won't feel as stressed if I stay ahead in my classes and do more homework at night. My overall health and mental well-being will be in much better shape.

4) Right now, it is hard for me to do a lot of homework at night because I am tired and ready to be done with school; I am definitely lacking motivation. I am also a big procrastinator which doesn't help the situation. My target behavior is not functioning at a level that I am necessarily happy with, so I hope with a little intervention and reinforcement I will be where I want to be with my homework. It would be nice to not have to be stressed out so much while I finish up my last semester at UNI.

5) An intervention I could use to change the frequency of the behavior would be to go to bed earlier, increasing my energy and allowing me to stay up at night to do more homework. Since I am lacking motivation, a reinforcer might also help give me a little motivation. Getting an "A" would be reinforcing, but if I think giving myself a Oreo (or other cookie) when I complete a big project or paper might give me some motivation as well.

1. My target behavior is to lessen my time on my computer each day.

2. For me to achieve this goal I have to always have a book ready for me to read, keeping my phone charged and near me so I can contact my family by phone instead of on the computer and limiting my tv time since I normally am on my computer when I am watching tv.

3. Consequences of my behavior will be I will get enjoyment from reading since I love to do it, I will be able to discuss and suggest books to the kids I work with, I talk to my family more which is much more personal than e-mailing them, and I don't sit in front of the tv all day.

4. My current behavior is functioning to relieve my boredom. It also keeps me busy so I don't feel like I have to do anything else (like exercise). It keeps me updated on my friends and family since I spend most of my time on facebook. It also gives me something to do when I can't sleep (which is often).

5. An intervention to stop me from using me from using my computer for mindless tasks when I'm bored would be to set a time limit per day. That way when I get on the first thing I'll do is my homework. After that I can check e-mail and facebook and then anything else I feel necessary. If I can keep under the time limit for a whole week I get one day where I can double my time limit.

1) My target behavior is to increase the amount of homework and class readings I get done ahead of the due date.

2) Based on the data I have collected so far, the antecedent for my behavior is my environment. If I am home, I tend to get more readings done.

3) I check facebook or get a snack after I get my class readings done.

4) My target behavior is functioning to decrease stress in my life because I want to get As & Bs in all my classes and get stressed when I don't think I am reaching that goal. It is also functioning to allow me to get more truly restful sleep. Also, my target behavior keeps me occupied and gives me a reason to save money and stay in, rather than going out and partying or shopping.

5) I could reward myself for engaging in my target behavior of getting class readings/homework done early by going to the gym instead of getting on facebook or having a snack.

1. My target behavior is to brush my teeth twice a day and floss once a day.
2. The antecedents to my behavior will be in the morning, first waking up and beginning my morning routine. At night possible antecedents would be not staying at my house; being so tired I fall asleep right away; laziness.
3. The consequences of my behavior if I am able to complete my goals will be having fresh breath; clean teeth; less cavities; better gum health. If I am unable to complete my goal the consequences would be long term dental problems; aversive breath; grimy teeth.
4. The function of my goal is to have healthier teeth. If I don’t brush my teeth, a hypothesis might be I will have bad breath and people wont want to talk to me. I will have a bad taste in my mouth. I will have more dentist visits.
5. To intervene, I can bring a tooth brush and floss in my purse so I have it everywhere I go. Also I can make sure I complete this regiment before I get into the bed and lay down because I never want to get back up when I’m laying down.

1. My target behavior is to study more on weeknights and during the day on weekends.
2. Antecedents for my behavior are: keeping my energy level up throughout the day so I can study more effectively at night, having my girlfriend come over to study together, no video games, and not going out on weeknights.
3. Consequences for my behavior include: better scores on tests, completed assignments, improve overall GPA, less stress come test time. Failure to work towards my target behavior could possibly result in decrease in scores, failed tests, or worse, failing a class.
4. The function of my target behavior is to improve studying habits by replacing my currently poor studying habits. By doing so I will feel more accomplished and worthwhile, as opposed to regretfully wasting time going out or playing games.
5. I can bring in intervention methods by giving my game controllers to a roommate for the time being, studying with my girlfriend as a motivator, and opening up notes/books as soon as I get home from work.

1. My target behavior is to be more studious by studying and doing homework for at least an hour and a half each day Monday-Thursday and a total of at least three hours over the weekend.

2. The antecedents to my behavior are planning when and where, setting aside time the night before to be sure I stay on schedule as well as making a list of assignments and due dates and having my books, homework, and notes together and ready when it is time to study. Also, being sure that I take my medicine in the morning to help me focus so that I know I will be able and ready to work when it is time.

3. The immediate consequences of my behavior are feeling good about myself and feeling prepared as well as accomplished when I have studied. I also feel less stressed and am able to have an even better time when I hang out with friends, knowing that I have already done what I need to. The more long-term consequences of my behavior is that I will do better on tests and exams and get better grades overall.

4. My current behavior of procrastinating functions to give me more time doing things I want rather than the things I need to do. It gives me more time to spend with my friends and boyfriend. It allows time for naps as well. The function of my target behavior is to relieve the stress and worry of being behind and feel better about my accomplishments and success.

5. For an intervention, I could do homework and study with friends. I could be involved in a study group. I could also do my homework with my boyfriend. All of these allow me study and get homework done, but also be around my friends, who also act as movitators for me.

1) Sleeping 7-8 hours each night.

2) Wearing my sleeping clothes, laying in bed in the dark, closing my eyes

3) Feeling refreshed in the morning

4) My primary behavior is going well, I have gotten between 7 and 8 hours of sleep every night during my intervention. But some of my peripheral goals, like never hitting the snooze button, have not been quite as successful. My hypothesis for this is that when my alarm goes off, I usually will stay in bed and read my e-mails or other things online, or flip on the radio to listen to the Dan Patrick Show instead of getting out of bed and being physically active. Another hypothesis is that I am not getting enough sleep at night, or more specifically I am not getting as much sleep as I am accustomed to getting.

5) An intervention for my behavior of hitting snooze would be getting out of bed right when my alarm goes off. A discriminative stimulus which could aid in my intervention would be changing the alarm to something different, you could probably say I've been conditioned to lay in bed when I hear my 2 ringtones, The Breaks by Kurtis Blow or The Distance by Cake.

1)Studying for at least 2 hours (ending before 10:30pm) Sunday through Thursday each week.

2) Having a clean work space, getting enough sleep the night before so I'm not tired, knowing the due dates for the assignments

3) Improving my study habits by spending more time doing homework each day. It makes me feel better about the knowledge I'm gaining, and I receive better grades.

4) This behavior is functioning to help me receive better grades, and learn more throughout college. I know that if I don't have enough sleep from the night before, I don't study very much because I get too tired. Also, if my desk or room is messy, I feel the need to clean and organize it before I can start my homework.

5) I could let myself sleep in an extra hour on Saturday morning if I spend the right amount of time doing homework during the week. I won't have to feel guilty about staying in bed longer because I will hopefully have most of my homework done for the week.

1. Target Behavior- Study for at least 2 hours every weeknight
2. Studying in a place that isn't distracting, being more organized, not procrastinating
3. Hopefully improving my grades, become a more studious student, sense of accomplishment for completing assignments
4. This behavior is a function to get me on track as a student by raising my grades and hopefully overall, raising my GPA. I need to study in a place that isn't distracting because otherwise I find other things to do, I need to be more organized with my planner so I know what assignments are due and when.
5. I could start studying in the library, or a space where I don't feel so comfortable.

1) My target behavior is to incorporate more vegetables in my diet.

2) Some of the antecedents are avoiding fast food restaurants when I'm hungry, buy more vegetables when grocery shopping, and carry veggies with me as a snack to school.

3) Some of the consequences to eating more vegetables would be that I get more vitamins/antioxidants in my diet, I'd feel better after eating healthy foods as opposed to greasy junk food, I'd see a decrease in my weight, and they're beneficial to my digestive system.

4) This behavior serves as a function to get me to take better care of myself, move toward a healthier diet, assist in losing weight, and making it a habit to eat right for when I have kids and can lead by example.

5) I can put a limit to how many times I can go out to eat per week and have a daily goal for serving amounts of vegetables.

1) Working at least a day ahead on my school work

2) What are the antecedents to the behavior? Writing down every assignment in my planner, reading my planner, attending class so I can get the correct dates

3) What are the consequences to the behavior? More time to reflect on my assignments, an increase in my free time because my work will be done, better grades because more time will be devoted to the assignments

4) How do you think the behavior is functioning? With the recent happening of my my computer crashing and my grandmother dying by behavior has not been functioning well. I have become very behind on my school work. I can only hope that my goal behavior of being ahead of my school work will help me to work quickly and get me back on track.

5) For the top hypothesis, what might be an intervention you might use to change the frequency of the behavior? My intervention is going to have to be that I cannot go out with my friends until all of my work is completed. Even though, I could really use being with my friends right now. There is no way that I will complete everything that I need to do if I spend all my time with them. So I will go out with my friends only if all of my work for the week is already finished

1. doing physical exercise (push/pull/sit ups) everyday
2. allowing myself time to complete my target behavior. being at home where the pull up bar is. Remembering to preform my target behavior.
3. The consequences of the target behavior is to keep my body healthy and in good shape.
4. Break down muscle tissue so it can reform into bigger muscles. The resistance on my muscles against gravity over repetitions tires my muscles. Burn calories. feel tired afterward.
5. an intervention i could use to increase the target behavior would be to not let myself get dressed before i do the exercises. Since i have to get dressed everyday i would have to do the exercises everyday.

1) My target behavior is drinking more water. I would specifically like to drink at least 36 ounces of water a day.

2) Some antecedents to the behavior include what I have eaten that day, if I have water with me when I go places, my knowledge of the accessibility of a bathroom, whether I have exercised that day, and how much of other beverages I drink.

3) The consequences to the behavior are having more energy, being healthier in general, and having to go to the bathroom more often.

4) I think that right now, I may not drink much water because:
I do not get thirsty easily on a regular day.
I do not often have water accessible.
I'll drink some other type of beverage to satisfy my thirst.
I don't exercise much so I don't get thirsty from that.

5) For the hypothesis that I do not get thirsty easily on a regular basis, I might try to intervene by keeping water right in front of me all the time to remind me to keep drinking, even if I am not thirsty.

Sorry this is so late Dr. MacLin.

1. Target behavior:

2. Some antecedents to the behavior include having a planner and knowing what I need to accomplish each time I dedicate myself to studying. Getting adequate amounts of sleep to maintain my energy throughout the day, being organized overall so I dont feel pressured or like studying is a hassle when I want to be doing other things, studying in a place that isnt distracting

3. The consequences of the behavior are having a personal sense of accomplishment, feeling good about myself, less stress and anxiety because my time is more balanced. As far as long term, my dedication and routine studying will improve my grades and help me do better on exams.

4. My target behavior is functioning to decrease the amount of stress in my life on a day to day and long-term basis. I am not procrastinating and therefore dont feel as if I am cramming everything in at the last minute. Having a routine to study has also created more balance in my life so I have time to enjoy other things without feeling guilty such as going out, going to the gym, relaxing or being outside.
5. Intervention: Staying on campus after class instead of going home before work. Changing where I study on campus has also helped because I often become distracted at the union, i started studying at the library. Another intervention is going to bed early and at roughly the same time each night. I have also rewarded myself a couple times by enjoying a night out with friends to have margaritas.

1.) My target behavior is to work out more frequently by incorporating cardio exercise and physical activity in my routine three days a week.
2.) My antecedents are: having my homework done so that I have time to work out, having a neat and clean space to work out at home, having a parking pass so I can park at the gym, and going to bed early or getting up early to make sure to get a workout in.
3.) The consequences of my behavior would be having to watch the things that I eat, and feeling tired and hungry, but their are also good consequences that come with my behavior. My self-confidence has gotten a lot better and I feel much more fit and healthy.
4.) There are many reasons right now that I have for not working out, but I need to make myself find time to do it. Time is exactly something that I don't have this semester. I am working 25 hours a week with a full course load and trying to do homework and have a social life is hard enough let alone trying to workout. Another reason is that I am not motivated to work out, and even if I do find the motivation I never stick to anything.
5.) My intervention is to start slowly at first and then gradually work myself up to longer workouts, and I also want to find a workout buddy to help me with my lack of motivation of working out.

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