You are encouraged to attend this important meeting of the psych club. If you attend and blog about your experiences you can use this for class credit - something that you can add to your portfolio....
Please announce the following in classes, as appropriate:
"The UNI Psychology Club will be holding its April meeting in Room 112, Seerley Hall, at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, April 5. The meeting will feature election of officers for academic year 2010-2011, details regarding the upcoming volleyball tournament (scheduled for April 24), information about the Psi Chi induction ceremony April 11 at 2:00, and the popular "Registration Gossip" session discussing Fall classes and professors (no faculty allowed!). Free pizza and pop will be provided. Any questions should be addressed to President Lisa Hickman:"
I went to the Psychology Club meeting tonight because I wanted to run for a position next year. Basically, we went over details about the volleyball tournament coming up and a sign-up sheet for that was passed around. Then they talked about the Psi Chi induction ceremony that will take place this Sunday. Then we elected new officers for next year, in which I was elected treasurer. The new officers will also take over for this years officers at the Psi Chi induction. Then we discussed professors and courses offered next fall. Even though I already have all of my psych major requirements, it was still helpful for me to go to offer advice and explain current courses that I have already taken for other students registering.
I also attended the Psych Club meeting. Like Wesely said, we went over information about the volleyball tournament as well as the Psi Chi induction ceremony on Sunday, April 11th. New officers were elected and will be introduced at the ceremony on Sunday. We then had the "Registration Gossip" session and discussed classes as well as professors for next fall. This really helped me as I am just finishing up my first year and have many more Psychology classes to come. It is information that I will definitely take into consideration when registering for fall courses. Having this session helped me get a feel for what is ahead of me and I really enjoyed it as I am always open to advice.