For this assignment please find a short video clip online where the shaping of a behavior is occurring.
I would like you to:
1) write a brief description of the video and provide the url
2) Based on what we covered in class so far, I would like you to identify the ABC's (These should be listed out A=; B=; and C=). The main behavior involved in the video, the antecedents to the behavior, and the consequences of the behavior using the terms and terminology we have learned from the book, class, and other sources.
Remember we are looking for the shaping of a behavior.
Keep these questions in mind when formulating your response. Is there an establishing operation involved? Any discriminative stimulus? What is the context? Who / what is eliciting the behavior? Who is emitting it? Etc.? Was punishment or reinforcment used/ was it positive or negative?
Use these questions when you formulate your video response - don't simply answer each questions.
3) Finally, please make a list of the behavioral terms used in your response.
This is due Saturday.
Let me know if you have any questions,
--Dr. M
In this video a man is training his dog to pick up a piece of garden hose and put it on the wooden podium. He does this in small steps: get the dog to look at the hose, pick up the hose, then put the hose on the podium. In each step he reinforces the dog with a piece of chicken when it emits the desired behavior.
Antecedent = Dog is with trainer in a room. A piece of garden hose is on the floor.
Behavior = The dog looks at the piece of garden hose.
Consequence = The dog receives a piece of chicken.
Soon the trainer doesn't reward the dog for simply looking at the hose. The dog decides to pick it up and is reinforced with chicken. The dog thinks the trainer wants the hose and brings it to him, but doesn not get rewarded. She tries it again and again (extinction burst)and still receives no chicken. Unsure what to do, the dog follows the trainer as he makes his way to the podium. As the trainer turns and looks at the podium the dog drops the hose (on accident?) onto the podium and is finally rewarded with chicken. The trainer put the hose back on the floor and the dog uses the law of recency and puts the hose onto the podium after bringing the hose to him doesn't work. After a few more tired the dog puts the hose onto the podium right awat instead of trying to bring it to him.
Terms! reinforces, emits, behavior, antecedent, consequence, extinction burst, law of recency
This video takes place in a classroom where the teacher is giving a demonstration of conditioning. The student’s elicit the behavior by using snaps to signal to the boy whether or not he is close to emitting the behavior they want him to do. This example is similar to the experiment we did in class when we made one of our classmates do an action (I believe it was jumping jacks). The Antecedent to the behavior is that the kids are in class learning about conditioning. The actually behavior is the boy attempting to do the action the class is shaping him (by the snaps) to do. The consequence to the behavior is when he finally gets the idea that he is to turn on the radio and jam to the music. You can see the students are establishing operation when the closer he gets to his target behavior the more snaps he receives. The students are using positive reinforcement by giving him snaps when he is close to the desired behavior.
A=In a class room learning about conditioning
B=Getting the student to turn on the radio and jam to music
C=The student turns on the radio as jams
Terms: Conditioning, Elicit, Emitting, Antecedent, Behavior, Consequences, Shaping, Establishing Operation, Target Behavior, Positive Reinforcement.
1.) The video I found was of a woman and her dog. In this video a woman is shaping the behavior of her dog by eliciting a rewarding behavior. The target behavior that she is rewarding is getting the dog to help her with her laundry. The owner does this by continually rewarding the dog every time it grabs and hands over a piece of clothing. The consequence of the dog emitting this behavior results in a positive reinforcement – the dog gets a treat. In this context, by reinforcing the dog’s behavior, the dog is more likely to grab a piece of clothing because the reward is desirable.
2.)Antecedent = Owner and dog in laundry room
Behavior = Dog grabs a piece of clothing from washer
Consequence = Dog receives a treat
3.)Terms: behavior, eliciting, target behavior, consequence, emitting, positive reinforcement, context, reinforcing, desirable, actecedent.
1. The shaping video that I chose to use for this post is a the potty training episode of Jon and Kate Plus 8. Here Jon and Kate are shaping their girls' potty training behavior.
2.A= home
B= potty training the girls to use the "big girl"
C=the girls receive positive feedback,M&M's,
stickers, and a first time photo for going potty in
the toilet without any accidents.
In the video, positive reinforcement is used to shape the girls' target behavior to become potty trained.The potty chairs serve as a discriminitve stimulus to emit a potty behavior. They set the occasion for the girls to operantly respond and when they see the potty chairs, they emit a potty behavior by using it independently. To increase the number of the times the girls emit the potty behavior, Jon and Kate use positive reinforcement. As a consequence for going potty in the "big girl" potty, the girls are reinforced with verbal praise, getting a sticker, M&M's and a first time photo for going potty. I think the sticker chart serves as an establishing operation because earning a sticker increases that chances that the girls will emit the behavior again because it makes the reinforcer more attractive.
Jon and Kate seem to be using a lot of reinforcement to shape the potty behavior. I question if this is an adequate amount or if they are providing too much. It would be interesting to see if satiation has the potential to occur.
Terms: Antecedent, behavior, consequence, reinforcer, positive reinforcement, discriminative stimulus, establishing operation, satiation, elicit, emit, shaping, target behavior
1) This is a video of a woman wanting to train her dog to do a somersault. The woman actually talks about using shaping to train your dog, and I think this is a very popular way of doing so, we just don't always think of it that way.
2) A= The woman wanting to train her dog to do a somersault. B= The dog emitting a somersault behavior. C= The woman reinforcing her dog for emitting a somersault behavior with a treat. The women and her dog are in a grassy area, and she wants to teach her dog this new trick. Shaping occurs during this training because she does it in steps. First, the dog is reinforced with a treat after he touches the target (in this case, a ball on a stick). Once he has that behavior learned, she lowers the target and only reinforces the dog for touching the target when it is lower. Once he has perfected it, she only reinforces the dog for touching the target when it is in between his legs. This eventually leads to the dog emitting a somersault behavior, in which he is reinforced for doing once again. This is a good example of shaping using positive reinforcement, in which he receives a reward for emitting a behavior.
3) shaping, emitting, reinforcing, reinforced, reinforces, positive reinforcement
1.) This is a youtube video from in which a man is teaching you how to shape your dogs behavior into emiting one of obedience by sitting and staying on command. The man places the dog in a sitting position and clearly says "sit" to the dog and proceeds to walk around the dog while telling it to "stay" and the dog does just that. Upon completion of the task the trainer reinforces the dogs good behavior positively by giving it much praise and also by petting the dog.
2.) The antecedent to the behavior is training a dog to sit, the behavior being emitted by the dog is one of obedience by sitting and staying, the consequence is that the dog receives praise and gets a couple pats on the head by the trainer. There is an establishing operation i believe in this video when the man places the dog in the sitting position and tells him "sit". I think this could also be a discriminative stimulus for the dog as well because its distinctly telling the dog to sit and stay. But i might be a bit confused, ill have to go back through my notes and take a look exactly at how these two operations differ from each other. There definitely is a target behavior in this video and that is quite obviously that the dog sits and stays. But i also thing that obedience could be a target behavior in this video as well.
3.) emit, reinforcement, antecedent, behavior, consequence, establishing operation, discriminative stimulus, target behavior.
In this video, a woman is trying to get her dog to emit the target behavior of "getting in the box". She uses shaping in order to get the dog to get in the box on its own.
A= presentation of box, snaping of fingers in combination with treat thrown in box
B= getting the dog's whole body in the box on its own sets the occasion for
C= being reinforced for getting in the box and receiving more treats
which eventually leads to
A= presentation of box
B= dog puts whole body in box
C= owner rewards it with a treat and praise
In the beginning, she snaps her fingers and throws some type of food into the box to get the dog to go in it. However, the first several tries it just retrieves the food out of the box but doesn't actually go in. Soon, the dog starts to put its front paws in the box and the owner tries to coax the rest of its body in. She snaps her fingers multiple times while the front paws are in the box to try to get the dog to put the rest of its body in. After a while, the dog begins to put its paws in the box because it knows that it will be reinforced with a treat. When it does, the owner rewards it and praises it by saying "good boy." The dog has now been "shaped" to automatically get in the box itself if it wants to be rewarded. The dog has been positively reinforced in this target behavior. Finally at the end, the dog starts to put its whole body in the box, then the owner reinforces its behavior by giving it a reward and lots of words of praise. The owner elicits the behavior in the beginning by presenting the dog with a treat in order to get it in the box. Once the dog emits that target behavior, it is rewarded and reinforced until it puts its whole body in the box on its own.
Terms: emit, reinforces, positively reinforced, target behavior, shaping, elicits, sets the occasion for
This is a fantastic clip of using shaping and a "clicker" to train your dog to turn on a light switch with his/her nose.
2. A- (Establishing operation to make food highly reinforcing) Presence of light switch.
B- Shaping dog to flip switch.
C- Dog is rewarded with a treat and eventually learns to flip light switches on command.
This clip includes a lot of the techniques we have been talking about. She uses an establishing operation to make food a highly reinforcing stimulus. The treat (and later her voice) is used as positive reinforcement for the target behavior of "flipping the light switch." However, she first rewards the dog when it looks at the white plate, then for moving towards white plate, then only for touching the white plate, and finally an extra reward when the dog flips the switch on the white plate. This gradual process is what makes the clip an example of shaping.
Shaping is based on a continuous reinforcement schedule I'd say since every time the behavior is emitted it receives a reinforcing stimulus. However the topography of the behavior slightly changes each time resulting in some behaviors that were originally reinforced no longer being reinforced.
The video even mentions that she had to move the positioning of the white plate numerous times to avoid development of any "superstitious beliefs" in the dog. A superstitious belief is formed when a person (or animal) associates a reinforcer with a behavior not directly related to the reinforcer, but that was merely by chance linked with the reinforcer. In this case the dog may have formed the superstitious belief that only light switches at the top of boards, or in the middle of the floor, provide reinforcement. Since the location in the room, and alignment of the switch on the mounting board are not directly related to the target behavior she modified these variables to make sure the dog did not learn to associate these random occurrences with the reinforcing stimulus.
3. establishing operation, shaping, reinforcing stimulus, positive reinforcement, continuous reinforcement, emitted, topography, superstitious beliefs.
This is a video of how to play Marco Polo in a pool. The behavior I am focusing on is the actual demonstration of the game. The basic game rules of Marco Polo are that one person is it(Marco) and the rest of the persons are trying to avoid being tagged(Polo). The person who is "it" has to keep their eyes shut while trying to tag the other participants. the only way for the person who is "it" to know where everyone is it is through a formal call and response. The person who is it calls out "Marco" and the rest of the people playing have to respond "Polo". There is many behaviors going on in this video.
The person who is it elicits a target behavior from the rest of the people playing.
A= People are playing a game with formal rules in a pool.
B= The person who is "it" calls out Marco
C= The rest of the people playing call out "Polo"
The context of the behavior is that a game with specific target behaviors that need to be emitted by the participants for the game to work.
the person who is "it" is shaping the behavior of the other players. The other participants only emit the target behavior of calling out "polo" after it is elicited by the person who is it.
This clip is a promotion to watch the season finale of The Biggest Loser. It shows the contests, where they started with their weight, all the hard work they did and what they achieved after doing it.
2) A= Overweight contestants on show that promotes losing weight
B= Contestants continuously exercising and eating healthy foods
C= Contestants lose weight if they choose the behavior listed for "B"
The trainer elicits the behavior of working hard while exercising. The contestants emit the behavior of lifting heavy weights and running long distances. The contestants start on the show with aversive weight. Every time the contestants get weighed in, the contestants normally lose weight which is a negative reinforcement because it is taking away aversive weight that is hard to carry around on the body all the time. When the contestants don't train hard and don't eat the right foods, they are punished because they still weight the same and are losing at the game.
3) elicits, behavior, emit, aversive, negative reinforcement, punished
1)This video shows a woman training her cat to use the toilet instead of the litter box. I picked it because it is just a funny concept in general, and the video itself is humorous. In the video, she goes through several steps of how to slowly shape your cat's behavior so that he or she no longer goes in the litter box but in the toilet.
2)A=Cat needs to pee or poop
B=Cat goes in the toilet
C=Cat receives attention from owners
This video shows well just how many different levels or steps there can be in the shaping process. The woman in this video never says how long the process usually takes, but I could see it taking several weeks possibly because there are so many steps involved. One thing that she emphasized was that different stages may take different amounts of time depending on your cat. I thought this was a good thing to point out about shaping. It is usually effective, but sometimes it takes a very long time and a lot of patience to achieve the ultimate goal. The context for this cat's behavior is that he or she be in the bathroom, and the discriminative stimulus is a need to pee or poop. Even the context though is something that the owner modified for her own use. The litter box had not always been in the bathroom, but she moved it in there so that being in the bathroom would elicit the peeing or pooping behavior from the cat. This video is a bit long but is a good example of shaping.
3) ABCs, shaping, discriminative stimulus, elicit, context
This lady has already trained her dog to do various tricks, and this is just a demonstration. Through out the video, she is positively reinforcing the dog for its proper behavior by saying “good girl” whenever the dog emits the behavior the lady is trying to elicit. This is positive reinforcement.
The antecedent is the lady and the dog are on a stage for a TV show. The behavior is that the lady and dog are performing. The lady is giving commands, and the dog is following them.
The consequence is for each desired behavior that the dog emits, the woman rewards the dog with either praise or a treat.
Terms: positively reinforcing, antecedent, behavior, consequence, positive reinforcement, emit, elicit,
This is an interesting video demonstrating shaping and motivation. In the video, the principal of the high school is participating in a psychological experiment in which she is given a set of materials in two cups. The leader of the experiment is trying to shape her behavior by reinforcing her with the word "good," every time her actions lead toward the desired goal of placing all the red items in the same cup. As you can tell when watching the video, the subject (the principal) begins to get very frustrated as she is failing at the task. Is saying the word "good" eventually enough of a reinforcement to accomplish the behavioral task of shaping, or are there too many objects within the task to make associations with (besides the red marker, red pen, red etc.)?
Overall, the word good elicits a physical and emotional reaction from the principal. As the experiment drags on, the principal begins to emit a lack of motivation and increased frustration.
Antecedent: Objects on chair with two cups
Behavior: Experimenter states the word good whenever the principal starts putting the red objects together/gets closer to desired result
Consequence: Eventually, (I believe in Part II of the video) the principal selects all of the red objects and places them together upon gradual reinforcement of the word good, finally demonstrating the target behavior.
Terms: Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence, reinforcement, result, motivation, elicit, emit, target behavior, shaping
I know I've used this example before, but it's just the perfect example.
Every time Jim reboots his computer, it makes the bootup sound. Jim then reinforces Dwight after the sound, by giving him an altoid. Jim continues this for days, giving Dwight an altoid everytime his computer makes the boot-up sound. Eventually, Dwight sticks his hand out after the boot up noise is made. Jim asks him what he's doing and he replies that he's not sure, and that his mouth is watering. Dwight is now conditioned!
A=Boot up sound
B= Giving Dwight Altoid
C= Dwight holds out hand and salivates every time boot up noise is made
reinforcement, conditioned,
1) This is a video of a USC football practice. I searched for a while to try to find a good example of shaping in coaching, because that was the most obvious example that jumped into my head. In this drill, you can hear the coach giving feedback to each player as he takes part in the drill. When a player executes well, the coach compliments him, and will usually give a player tips on how to perform better. You can hear this a good example of this from the 2:49 to 2:59 point in this video, where the coach says "Good", which would be the reinforcer, and then proceeds to shape him by giving him tips on how to improve, which means that he is still shaping his behavior. If a player executes every skill that the coach taught him very well, then he would probably get a more excited and definite response, like a "Great job!" or "Perfect!" or something.
Antecedent: Performing a defensive drill in practice
Behavior: Not executing every part of the skill effectively
Consequence: Mistake identified by coach, who attempts to correct the mistake
The coach's first reaction of saying "Good" would be considered a positive reinforcement, encouraging the player, and then the coach's identification of the error would be considered positive punishment, as his identification of this error should lead to a decrease in frequency of the undesirable behavior ("not pulling him with his left hand").
3) shaping, reinforcer, antecedent, behavior, consequence, positive reinforcement, positive punishment
Forgot my URL...
1) This is a video of a guy telling people how to train a dog to fetch a beer from the fridge. He breaks it down into steps, and uses positive reinforcement to get the dog to learn each step. Then, he only reinforces the dog for doing the whole trick at the end.
2) A= Man wants beer
B= Man uses positive reinforcement to train the dog to fetch
c= Dog fetches the beer
The mans desire for beer elicits his training behaviors emitted in order for the dog to learn.
3) Terms: Positive reinforcement, elicit, emit
1) This is a video of a woman training her dog to roll over. She records her attempts for a few days and the last shot showed the dog rolling over successfully. She talks in the video about using positive reinforcement to train her dog. Obviously, that ties in with everything we have been talking about in class. The dogs owner is eliciting a behavior that shows the dog he should roll over, the dog is emitting the behavior by rolling over. The establishing operation is that the owner of the dog is holding the dog treat in her hand while showing the dog that she would like him to roll over. This shows the dog that he will be reinforced by emitting the behavior, which positively reinforces the target behavior (rolling over).
2) A=being told to roll over
b= rolling over
c= receiving a treat
3) terms: emit, elicit, establishing operation, positive reinforcement, target behavior
I chose a video of a man teaching a dog to "sit pretty" or sit up on his hind legs. The video can be found at The video shows the owner of the dog eliciting her to "sit pretty" The antecedent in this video is them man sitting with his dog. The target behavior here is the dog "sitting pretty". The discriminative stimuli here is the trainer holding food. This is setting the occasion for the dog to participate in the training. The behavior is the dog "sitting pretty". It takes awhile for the dog to learn to do this. The owner is eliciting the behavior by giving the dog treats as she completes each step of the training. The treats act as positive reinforcement for the dog. The owner giving the dog treats is the operant behavior because it is setting the occasion for the dog to continue. The video shows that as the dog gets closer to the target behavior there is more reinforcement. It's not just the treat as a reinforcer but also the owner giving verbal praise which could be seen as a reinforcer. The consequence is that the dog is able to emit the behavior of "sitting pretty". I would assume that the dog would continue to receive treats as reinforcers as she continues to do the trick so extinction does not occur.
Terms: elicit, antecedent, target behavior, discriminative stimuli, setting the occasion, positive reinforcement, operant behavior, reinforcer, consequence, emit, extinction
I found a video of shaping with trying to get a little girl learn how to pick up after herself. Her parents used reinforcement to help her learn the steps it takes to pick up her doll and to put it in the right place. As the video begins she emits the behavior but doesn’t go straight for the doll. On the second try after being reinforce with candy she learns the consequences of putting her dolls away. Which in the future she will pick up her dolls more often. We all are conditioned to shaping to something rather if it’s cleaning after ourselves or realizing after studying for a test you could get a good grade.
A-Showing the girl candy
B-The little girl responds by wanting candy
C-She begins to pick up her dolls to receive candy
Terms: reinforcement, consequence, shaping, conditioned, emits
1.) The video I found is of a woman trying to teach her dog to roll over. The target behavior would be rolling over. The woman elicits this behavior by repeating “roll over” to the dog and follows by actually rolling the dog over. Every time the woman does this, she continually reinforces the dog with a treat. So the consequence for the behavior would be positive reinforcement. In this context, the antecedent to the behavior would be the shaping behavior by the owner. The behavior would be to roll over and the consequence is getting a treat for performing the action. Due to the fact that the consequence is positive reinforcement, the dog is more likely to emit this behavior.
2.) Antecedent = Dog with owner in a room
Behavior = Dog rolling over
Consequence = Dog receives a treat.
3.) Terms: target behavior, elicits, reinforces, consequence, behavior, positive reinforcement, context, antecedent, shaping, emit.
In this video, the owner of this dog is shaping a "greeting" behavior using fake dogs. By using dog treats to reinforce the positive aspects of greeting a new dog politely (target behavior). The owner emits a calling behavior (controlled stimulus) to get the dogs attention. Upon coming to her name, the dog is reinforced with a treat; the dog is then instructor to touch the fake dog and in doing so, receives another treat (positive reinforcement). This is a short clip and even contains some comic relief - at the end of the video, the dog bumps the inflatable dog and it falls over. I was amused to say the least.
A = the want (or need) to shape the dogs greeting behavior
B = dog responds to being called
C = receives treat for acknowledging fake dogs existence
Terms: positive reinforcement, shaping, reinforcer, target behavior, controlled stimulus
For this post, I chose a video showing how to train your dog to stop barking. While the video does show things you shouldn't do, I am going to focus on the last bit of the video, which shows what you should do.
The trainer in the video said that by petting your dog when he barks, you are actually rewarding him for his barking behavior. What you want to do is actually elicit a quiet behavior by telling the dog in a stern voice "No" or "Quiet." When the dog emits the quiet behavior, then you can and should reward him by petting him. This will give him a pleasurable consequence, letting him know that his behavior is appropriate.
A= Dog Barking
B= Tell dog "No" or "Quiet" in a stern voice
C= Dog quits barking and you pet it.
This could be an example of positive punishment as you are presenting the dog with a command to lessen the amount of barking. However, it could also be seen as positive reinforcement as you present the dog with a petting behavior when he is quiet to increase and encourage the quiet behavior.
Terms: behavior, elicit, emits, pleasurable, consequence, positive punishment, positive reinforcement
The video I found was a man teaching a dog to stand on its hind legs. The target behavior is standing and if possible walking on the dogs hind legs. The trainer uses 'clicker' training to train the dog. The dog is reinforced by a treat.
A- Sitting position with use of clicker training
B- Stand on hind legs
C- Given a treat
There is an establishing operation with the involvement of the clicker because the dog is expected to complete some task by the trainer. The owner uses verbal ques and clicks to encourage the dog to do the trick. When the dog emits the standing behavior, he is reinforced with a treat and by positive words by the trainer.
Words- Emit, reinforced, establishing operation, target behavior
In this video the trainer is trying to train a young horse to jump a grid with confidence. The trainer first walks the horse through a series of ground posts keeping the horse straight with a nice and easy rhythm. Then the trainer goes to trotting with the horse and adding more ground posts until the horse is comfortable. Then after the young horse jumps over the posts with ease, the horse can start jumping.
A- Having a setting where the horse can be trained.
B- The horse goes through a series of walking, trotting, and then finally jumping.
C- The horse jumps over the grid.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the trainer talks to the horse while making it feel comfortable and stroking their hair. When the horse emmits the behavior of trotting and going to the next step he is reinforced by the trainer who elicits a behavior of talking to and stroking the horse.
Terms: positive reinforcement, antecedent, behavior, cosequence, emmiting and eliciting.