Week #6 Video Analysis - Extinction (Due Saturday)


For this assignment please find a short video clip online the extinction of a behavior that was previously reinforced.

I would like you to:

1) write a brief description of the video and provide the url

2) Based on what we covered in class so far, I would like you to identify the ABC's (These should be listed out A=; B=; and C=). The main behavior involved in the video, the antecedents to the behavior, and the consequences of the behavior using the terms and terminology we have learned from the book, class, and other sources.

Remember we are looking for the shaping of a behavior.

Keep these questions in mind when formulating your response. Is there an establishing operation involved? Any discriminative stimulus? What is the context? Who / what is eliciting the behavior? Who is emitting it? Etc.? Was punishment or reinforcment used/ was it positive or negative? What was the previously reinforced behavior? Was there an extinction burst? Was there variability in the  behavior? Spontaneous recovery? etc.

Use these questions when you formulate your video response - don't simply answer each questions.

3) Finally, please make a list of the behavioral terms used in your response.

This is due Saturday.

Let me know if you have any questions,

--Dr. M


The video I found is an assinment a student did for a pysch class. It demonstrates the process of extinction burst in a variety of settings from teh elevator to the copy machine.

Antecedent= A guy enters the elevator.
Behavior= Guy pushes button for the floor he wants.
Consequence= The elevator doors are suppsed to close, but nothing happens.

When we get on elevators we emit a button pushing behavior to get to the floor we want. We are reinforced by the elevator doors closing and moving either up or down.

The elevator did nothing after the guy pushed the button so he pushed it again. Still nothing. This is the process of extinction, taking away any and all reinforcement to eradicate a certain behavior. They guy becomes frustrated and begins emitting the behavior more frequently in a variety of ways (hitting the button, pushing it harder, more rapidly) This is considered an extinction burst.

In the video there are other examples involving a door that won't open, a pop machine, a payphone and a copy machine.

Terms! extintion burst, emit, reinforced, antecedent, behavior, consequence.



In this video clip two friends are at the store together. One girl decides to show her friend that she can do a dance by emitting the dancing behavior. Then the friend entertains the idea of her friend dancing in public; at this point she is eliciting her friend’s behavior. Then after commenting on how she is embarrassing she simply walks away ignoring her friend which in turn produces a negative punishment because she is taking away her attention from her dancing embarrassing friend. This is also when the extinction burst happens. After ignoring her friend for a while the friend stops dancing extinguishing the embarrassing behavior. The girl doing the dance continues to do so and then stops. For a moment she experiences a spontaneous recovery when she puts what looks to be a bra on her head. This action of putting the bra on her head also shows variability in her behavior. When her friend still does not laugh at the joking behavior she is doing she stop the messing around all together.

A=Being in a department store talking about dancing
B=Actually dancing to the song
C=Having her friend ignore her because she is being embarrassing

Terms: Elicit ,Emit, Spontaneous Recovery, Extinguished Behavior, Antecedent, Behavior, Consequences, Negative Punishment, Variability.


The video I found takes place at a restaurant with a broken self-serve pop machine.

Antecedent: girl in a restaurant
Behavior: trying to fill up an empty bottle with pop
Consequence: the pop machine isn't working and the girl leaves empty-handed

Normally, in a fast-food restaurant, such as this, we emit the behavior of helping ourselves to a refreshment at the pop machine by pushing the ice bar then pressing which selection of pop we prefer. We are reinforced by having our drink filled up and no longer being thirsty.

This video demonstrates the process of extinction. The machine does not produce any pop when the girl emits the behavior of filling up her drink. But she is not reinforced because nothing happens.She gets frustrated which results in extinction burst where the broken pop machine elicits the girl to become frustrated and emit a temporary increase in her behavior where she begins to try all of the pop choices several times. Because she is not reinforced, her behavior is extinguished and she walks away.

Terms: emit, elicit, antecedent, behavior, consequence, extinction, extinction burst

I had trouble finding a video for extinction so I used one displaying extinction burst instead. The video I found is from the same site posted above, however I am going to focus on another example of extinction burst in the video.


If you watch the video from 52 seconds to 1:13, the guy is trying to get a pop out of the pop machine but it is not working.

A: trying to get a pop
B: push button to release pop
C: the machine is supposed to release a pop but nothing happens

When trying to buy a pop, we emit the behaviors of inserting our money into the machine and pushing our desired choice of pop. We are often reinforced in this behavior by receiving the pop we requested, or at least a pop. However, in this video, the machine does not release a pop. This is an example of extinction: the behavior that was once reinforced is no longer reinforced. This usually leads to an extinction burst in which the guy tries pushing the button several times, tries pushing all the buttons, even hits the machine, and still no pop.

Terms: emit, desired, extinction, extinction burst, reinforced, antecedent, behavior, consequence

1.) First of all I do realize that this video is very long, but I think it is a good video for this assignment. The first 6 to 7 minutes are of the trainer talking about how extinction is better than punishment. Here is a brief overview. In this video a dog trainer talks and demonstrates how to train a dog to stay using extinction. In this video the trainer uses what it known as clicker training. By using clicker training instead of punishment the dog enjoys staying and finds the distractions reinforcing. So in behavioral terms this type of training is a positive reinforcement. The trainer also states that is you were to use punishment; the forcing of the stay would be aversive to the dog and cause stress.

In the demonstration part of the video, every time the animal emits the desired behavior, it receives a treat. So in this context, every time the dog stays and ignores the distraction, the trainer elicits a clicking behavior, which is then followed by a treat. So this example of extinction is reinforcing to the dog. If the dog responds to the distraction then the consequence is that the dog simply does not receive a treat. And if I am correct, I believe that the clicking sound in the video would be a conditioned stimulus.


2.)Antecedent = Outside in a yard with a trainer
Behavior = Dog ignores distraction and stay put
Consequence = Dog receives a treat

3.) Terms: reinforcing, positive reinforcement, punishment, aversive, emits, behavior, context, elicits, extinction, consequence, responds, conditioned stimulus

1) This is a video of a guy trying to start his car, but it won't start. It's a pretty simple video, but I think it shows extinction pretty well. A behavior that was previously reinforced (your car starting when you turn the key) is no longer reinforced, even though you emit the same behavior.


2) A= The antecedent to the behavior is guy wanting to go somewhere in his car. B= He emits a behavior of turning the key to start his car. C= The consequence is the car not starting. Previously, whenever he would turn the key, his car would start. When all of us emit the behavior of turning the key to our car, we expect it to start. That behavior is almost always reinforced. Since this guy's car does not start, it will eventually result in a reduction in the behavior. Since he knows it's not starting, he is less likely to turn the key because the car most likely will not start. His behavior of turning the key is likely to be extinguished. There is an extinction burst, in which he keeps trying to turn the key, thinking that it might just start. It also seems like there is some variability in his extinction burst. He keeps trying to turn the key, and sometimes he holds it longer than others. It also seems like the video was made to show to someone, who might be able to figure out the problem. This is another way that he emitting a different behavior in order to get the car to start.

3) extinction, reinforced, emit, extinguished, extinction burst, variability, emitting

1.) I know the video that ive found was the first blog published for this assignment but im going to focus on the elevator button pushing extinction burst. In this video the guy gets into the elevator and pushes the button, but nothing happens. The doors don't close and the elevator doesn't go anywhere. In this video the guy continuously pushes the button to get the elevator doors to close but the doors don't close. In this video we see an extinction burst because when we enter the elevator and emit a button pushing action we expect the elevator to respond appropriately and to reinforce our button pushing behavior by closing the doors and delivering us to our desired floor.

2.) The antecedent in this video is the guy getting into the elevator, the man emits a behavior of pushing a button to get the elevator door to close, the consequence of this behavior is such that the doors don't close and the guy remain in the elevator in a stationary position. In this we see the guy get frustrated and starts punching the button, hitting it more rapidly and in increased intensity.

3.) emit, extinction, extinction burst, antecedent, behavior, consequence, reinfrocement.


1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jn97UnozDb4&NR=1
This clip was actually entitled "Extinction Burst". The clip showed several examples of actions we do everyday that we are normally reinforced with that go extinct. The examples showed a boy trying to use the elevator, trying to open a locked door, trying to get a beverage from a soda machine, trying to use a phone, and trying to make copies from a copier.

2) I am going to focus on the second example of the boy trying to open a locked door.

A= A boy by a door that he is planning to open
B= The boy knocks on the door, shakes the door handle, and thrusts body against it
C= The boy does not get inside the locked door

This is negative punishment because the door that is usually open is now locked. The boy is no longer reinforced by having the door opened for him when he knocks or when he turns the door handle. The act of the boy going through door once performing one of those behaviors goes extinct. The extinction burst happens when the boy keeps trying to knock and turn the door handle, and the actions happen more frequently. The also displays variability with his actions as he tries to use several different methods to get through the door rather than just knocking and turning the door handle. I think the boy also shows a little bit of aggressive behavior as he starts to pound on door and thrust his body into it. He is obviously frustrated that his actions are not reinforcing him to get through the door.

3) negative punishment, reinforced, behaviors, extinct, extinction burst, variability, aggressive behavior

1)The video I found shows a little boy having a series of temper tantrums. After his first temper tantrum, his mom leaves and goes into the adjacent room. The sounds of crying stop, and you see the little boy appear in the doorway. He is not crying, but as soon as he sees his mom, he begins to throw his temper tantrum again. This pattern continues many times throughout the video.


2) A=Seeing his mother
B=Throwing a temper tantrum
C=Mom leaves the room

This is an interesting video because it shows what can happen when a behavior that has previously been reinforced is no longer reinforced. An extinction burst almost always occurs as it does in this case. Probably in previous situations, the same antecedent and behavior elicited a different reaction from the mother. She probably tended to the boy or at least paid attention to him in some way. Thus, the boy learned that temper tantrums were positively reinforced with attention from his mother. In this video though, when his mom does not reinforce him with attention in the manner that he was used to, he goes through an extinction burst. He continues throwing the temper tantrums more and more in the hopes that at some point his mom will emit the reinforcement behavior. The discriminate stimulus to this behavior is probably a lack of attention from the mother to the boy or possibly even the boy experiencing boredom. He is more likely to throw a temper tantrum in this context than if he were busy playing with his toys. Although this video does not actually show the boy ending his temper tantrums, it can be assumed that very soon he would no longer attempt to get his mother's attention through the tantrums.

3) Terms: ABCs, extinction burst, positive reinforcement, emit, elicit, context, discriminative stimulus

1.)The video I found if of a kid and a pop machine. In this video you see him trying to get something to drink, but can’t because the machine won’t take his dollar. I believe this video is an example of extinction. The pop machine does not take the money when the boy emits the behavior of putting a dollar in it. In this context, the consequence of this behavior is negatively reinforced because the boy leaves without a pop. During the process, an extinction burst occurs because the machine elicits the boy to become very frustrated. He even kicks the machine and runs up to and hits I thinking that it will help. I think that because the boy tries a variety of things to get the machine to take his dollar, this would also be an example of variability. In conclusion because the boys behavior is not reinforced, his behavior is extinguished and he leaves.


2.)Antecedent = Boy at a pop machine
Behavior = Trying to buy a drink
Consequence = The pop machine isn’t working and the boy leaves without a pop

3.)Terms: extinction, emit, context, consequence, behavior, negatively reinforced, extinction burst, elicits, variability, reinforced, extinguished, antecedent

1) My video is from CollegeHumor.com, and it is sort of an ad for their Twitter account. They have a guy go out into the streets of New York and make fun of the idea of Twitter by announcing aloud in a group of strangers what you would usually say on Twitter. The people around him don't reinforce him or punish him in most cases, they just don't react outwardly at all, which if there were no cameras filming him would probably force this behavior into extinction

2) The guy was emitting a disruptive behavior, which would have elicited a response in many places (for instance, if this same thing happened in my hometown, people would probably call the cops. Not only because he was acting suspiciously, but because he was a stranger in town). I guess you run into enough genuinely crazy people (or people just looking to screw with you like this) in NYC, that people have learned not to react. He has probably been reinforced or punished for speaking his entire life, by people carrying on a conversation with him, answering his questions, rolling their eyes at him, etc.
Antecedent: Sitting on a curb on a sidewalk
Behavior: Announcing "Can't wait to get drinks with my girls later! WOOO!"
Consequence: No reaction from those surrounding him

3) reinforce, punish, behavior, extinction, emitting, elicited, antecedent, consequence

1) This clip is of two guys doing a project for their psych 420 class on extinction bursts. They use multiple example of instances of when people will try harder to elicit a behavior before giving up.

2) The guy is on an elevator. He is trying to elicit the doors to close by pressing the button. When it does not happen, he tries repeatedly. The doors closing after pressing the button is usually reinforcing but in this case, it's not. It become an example of a process of extinction because the reinforcing behavior is no longer enforced - but the participant tries repeated to obtain that reinforcement before giving up (extinction burst).

A = being in the elevator
B = pressing the button to go to a different level
c = leaving because the doors won't open.


3) extinction bursts, elicit, reinforcement, antecedent, behavior, consequence

I had some trouble finding a video not already used above...So I decided to come up with my own example. Hope that's alrite.

Antecedent: Broken phone (dropped in water)
Behavior: Continuously attempting to turn phone on (extinction burst)
Consequence: Eventually, the behavior becomes extinct as the phone's inability to turn on leads to no reinforcement

Another example that I thought of would be when people are trying to log into some account online and their password fails. They continuously type in variations of the password, which elicits frustration from the person,, and even the same password in hopes of reinforcement. Eventually after this extinction burst, the behavior goes through extinction as the account is unable to be successfully logged into.

Terms: behavior, extinction, ABC's, reinforcement, extinction burst, elicits

Here is a video Dr. Maclin helped me find relating to my example on extinction, extinction burst within password login attempts.



This video shows a dog helping a woman with the laundry. The dog helps with the laundry by putting the clothes in the woman's hands, and then the dog is reinforced with a treat. While it doesn't look like an extinction burst, you can notice the dog working harder (pushing the clothes into the woman's hands more aggressively) because the dog is being reinforced less.
The reinforcement also makes the dog want to emit this helping behavior in the future.
B=Grabbing laundry from washer, handing to woman
C=Work harder because woman is reinforcing less.

reinforcement, emit, behavior, extinction burst


1) I had trouble finding a video for this assignment. This Youtube video shows a broken vending machine, and a group of kids trying to get drinks out of it. We are usually positively reinforced at vending machines by getting an item after we put money in. In this case, the machine didn't give the kids the item.

2) A= Broken vending machine
B= Boy emitting a grabbing behavior--trying to get his drink
C= The group gives up because they are only having aversive experiences when reaching in the vending machine.

The broken vending machine is eliciting the grabbing behavior the boy is emitting. If the machine would have given his drink to him, he would not have to grab at his drink.

3) Terms: positively reinforced, emit, elicit, aversive

1) The video I chose is actually a pretty well known youtube video. A little girl is talking about what she is going to do if a monster comes into the house. She reply's with a bad word. The mom initially positively reinforces her behavior by emitting a laughing behavior when her child says the word, so she continues to elicit the behavior. Eventually the mom says "we don't use that word, because it is a bad word." The mother has now made clear the target behavior that needs to be extinguished, and positively punished it by telling her that is a bad word. However, the child is also experiencing deprivation from the positive reinforcement that was previously provided (laughter) so I'm unsure if this is positive or negative punishment.

2) A= Mom asks what the child would do if a monster came into the house
b= child responds with a bad word
c= mom laughs
a= mom asks what the child would do id a monster came into the house
b- child responds with a bad word
c= mom explains that is a bad word and child stops behavior

3) terms: positive reinforcement, positive punishment, negative punishment, emit, elicit, target behavior, deprivation, extingush,

I used a clip from the movie Austin Powers. It can be found at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlv7Bp-L2MM
In the video Scott and Dr. Evil are talking. The antecedent in the video is the two of them sitting at the table together. Scott is trying to emit a talking behavior but every time he tries to speak Dr. Evil stops him by saying "shh". Normally, when someone speaks they are positively reinforced by someone else listening and often giving either verbal or nonverbal feedback. This is not the case here. The behavior is Scott trying to talk but Dr. Evil is not allowing it. The consequence is that Scott is unable to say what he wants. The video shows an extinction burst when Scott tries to speak faster. When his normal speed of speech wasn't working this elicited him to try to speak faster. Eventually Scott stops trying to speak altogether thus extinction has occurred.

Terms: emit, positive reinforcement, behavior, consequence, extinction burst, elicit, extinction


The video that I found has a variety of extinction burst. First there was an elevator scene where he got on and the door would not close but he kept pushing the button any. Another scene was him trying to get into a room but the door was locked so he tried knocking on the door and no one came. The guy in the video also went to a vending machine to get a pop but nothing happened. He didn’t put money in so as a result he got nothing in return. The guy also tried to get a pay phone and a copy machine to work after trying so hard nothing happened after he emitted these behaviors.

A-A guy going to the pop machine to get a drink
B-Pushing the button to get a pop
C- As a result of pushing the button nothing comes like it was suppose to.

The guy is emitting the behavior throughout the video trying to get these various items t o work for him. When we go on an elevator we all expect the door to close after us, after putting money into a pop machine we all expect to get a pop, after going to a door that won’t open we respond with a knock. This is extinction burst because something was expected of something but there was no reinforcement involved. After every behavior the guy emitted there should have been a consequence to follow.

Term: extinction burst, emitted, consequence, reinforcement, emitting, behaviors, respond

The video I found on YouTube was a dog helping their owner with the laundry. The dog gets reinforced with a treat after pulling clothes out of the washer and handing them to her (I'll call the dog a she because, well I don't know for sure) owner who places them in the dryer. The owner also makes the dog pick up the clothes that she drops. The dog tries harder for a treat as the laundry help continues.


A = the need to do laundry
B = the dog physically helping with the laundry
C = when the dog no longer receives treat, works harder to "impress" the owner

The dog emits a "helping" behavior by using its teeth to physically pull clothes from the washer. The owner is eliciting these behaviors by having a treat handy - something the dog has obviously come to expect (reinforcer). The initial establishing operation of conditioning the dog to help with laundry began with the owner teaching the dog to help around the house; the owner may just be lazy as well. Either way the reinforcement was a positive one as you can witness the dog helping. The extinction burst comes into play when the dog waits for a treat when there are clothes laying on the floor, but is not reinforced when she finally picks up the clothes.

Terms: emit, elicit, reinforcer, establishing operation, positive reinforcement, extinction burst

The video is a woman trying to take a cat for a walk. unfortunately for her the cat does not want to cooperate at all.


A= cat on a leash
B= cat does not want to walk
C= woman can't take the cat for a walk

The woman in the video wants to take the cat for a walk. Taking the cat for a walk is a reinforcement to the woman. The cat does nothing but lay on the ground. The woman has an extinction burst and tries many ways to get the cat to walk with her but it does not work. In the end the woman stops trying to get to cat to go for a walk.

Reinforcement, extinction burst

1) This video is about a lady who taught her dog to do the laundry by the behavior of shaping. The dog does the laundry and she positively reinforces him with a treat.
2) A= The laundry needs to be done.. I think..
B= The behavior is the dog putting the laundry from out of the basket and into the washer
C= the consequence of the dogs behavior is simply the reinforcement of the treat. The dog knows that he will get the treat if he puts the laundry in the washer, so he emits the behavior and gets a treat for it.
The main behavior is the dog doing the laundry (I think) The establishing operation I think would be that the dog's owner wants the dog to help her with the laundry, so by eliciting the dog some treats the dog now helps her with a chore around the house. She is definitely using positive reinforcement, and the variability in behavior I think is just that the dog has an extinction burst when he didn't get the treat. Other than that he seems to be doing the same behavior of putting the laundry in the washer.
Fun terms I used: positive reinforcement, behavior, emit, consequence, eliciting

1) This site I found right away on Youtube and it's an excellent video about extinction. Two girls are in the store and one girl starts dancing, the other girl is getting embarrassed so she ignores her friend so she'll stop the dancing behavior.
* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5E5OhWKDCqs
2) A=The girl comes to the store to talk to her friend about whether or not she's heard the new song.
B= The girl actually starts dancing
C= Her friend starts to ignore her because she finds her embarrassing and doesn't want her to be around her.
The main behavior is the girl emiting the action of dancing, and I feel the establishing operation is that the girl wanted to show her dance to her friend.. I think. There was definitely a variety in the girls behavior to get her friends attention when she puts the bra on her head, and I believe that could even be titled as an extinction burst, right? Also, the girl who was ignoring her was using negative reinforcement by not giving her dancing friend any attention.
Sweet terms: behavior, emit, variety behavior, extinction burst, negative reinforcement.

I also had a hard time finding a clip for this video analysis. The one I found doesn't actually show the extinction process but is leading up to it.


In this video, the guy is saying how we shouldn't respond to haters because we are just feeding into and encouraging their behaviors. By responding to them, we are actually eliciting their actions.

A= People hating
B= People respond to haters
C= Haters continue/increase actions

By emitting a responsive behavior, we are actually using positive reinforcement because we are increasing the behaviors. What the guy is saying is that if we quit responding, the haters' actions will decrease and/or stop. Removing the response behavior will result in extinction.

Terms: Extinction, behaviors, eliciting, emitting, positive reinforcement

I had a little bit of a hard time figuring out a clip for extinction, but I think this clip works. This clip is from the show 'Friends'. It is the scene where Ross goes to the bathroom when he is on a date with a girl. Ross uses the restroom and emits the behavior of pulling his pants up and cannot do this. Normally, we would be reinforced by pulling our pants up because we would be able to feel better about ourselves and not embarrassed. But as the clip goes on, Ross tries whatever he can to get his pants up and has little success. There is no spontaneous recovery, because Ross is unable to get his pants on. He is punished by his behaviors because of the shame and guilt he feels when he exits the bathroom.

A- On a date
B- Uses the bathroom with tight leather pants on
C- Can't get his pants up, embarrassment

In the beginning of the show, you don't see it in the clip, Ross is positively reinforced by these pants because of his feelings of self-confidence. This is the antecedent. He feels great going on his date. But then is punished by the behaviors he emits in the bathroom.

Terms...Reinforcement, Punished, emits, antecedent, spontaneous recovery, extinction

1. Admittedly you have to stretch just a tad for extinction to apply to this example; but the clip is funny and is an interesting, albeit exaggerated/unreal example of immediate extinction.
Here Bender, the loveable robot from Futurama, is turned into a human being much like in the classic story of Pinocchio. Unfamiliar with all the wonders of human experiences Bender begins experimenting with all sorts of human pleasures. Eventually he finds himself no longer being rewarded for his experimentation and so his searching behaviors are extinguished.
2. A- Being turned into a human being sets the occasion for
B- Experimenting with all sorts of new ways of experiencing pleasure, which leads to
C- Bender no longer being reinforced and thus extinguishing his experimenting behaviors.

I know that extinction is a procedure (often confused with punishment). Satiation and deprivation are opposite terms referring to the likely amount of reinforcing power a particular stimulus will have. This clip seems to be satiation to the point of extinction. So can satiation be an establishing operation for extinction, or is satiation a type of extinction? One problem with this idea that I can see is that satiation will where off after a short time, and although extinction can also wear off through spontaneous recovery, it ordinarily is more permanent than satiation is. In this case we’d have to be very specific with exactly which behavior we are claiming has become extinct.
In this clip I would say that Bender’s experimentation behavior (which was made up of a variety of topographically distinct yet functionally similar behaviors) became extinct after his extinction burst (becoming aroused by seeing Amy, then he needed to kiss Amy to get the same effect, then he wanted to kiss everyone, namely the Professor, to get the same effect) unsuccessfully lead him to a sufficient amount of reinforcement for continuing his searching behaviors. This is evidenced by Bender’s claim “Nah, this ain’t workin’ anymore.” Meaning, “I’m no longer being reinforced for emitting these behaviors.”
3. Terms: extinction, punishment, satiation, deprivation, reinforcing, topographical, functional

I am redoing the assignment because I was having trouble finding a video that actually shows extinction. Hopefully this one works. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPF1ZPO3Axg&feature=related
The video is of a guy trying to start his car. He tries turning it over a couple of times but does not succeed. The antecedent is the car not starting, the behavior is being in the car, the consequence is that it won't start. Generally when you turn a key you get positive reinforcement of the car starting. This guy did not receive that. He shows variability when he gets out and pushes and has the girl in the car try to start it. This could also be considered the extinction burst. He tries over and over again with nothing happening. In the end if you're car won't start the behavior will be extinguished meaning you will stop trying.

terms: antecedent, behavior, consequence, positive reinforcement, variability, extinction burst, extinction


I'm not sure if this video works for extinction, but it shows a toddler throwing a tantrum and crying excessively. The toddler is trying to get the attention of a person in the house who is walking around with a dog and completely ignoring the child. It would appear that by the end of the video the child's tantrum has failed to gain the adult's attention, so the tantrum throwing/crying behavior should have been extinguished.

Antecedent: the child is in the same place as the adult
Behavior: the child tries screaming, crying, and throwing a tantrum near the adult to get the adult's attention
Consequence: the child's behavior is ignored by the adult

Obviously, the child hoped that by emitting tantrum behaviors, he would elicit some sort of attention from the adult. However, the adult provided no positive reinforcement for the tantrum behavior, so the child engaged in an extinction burst and began crying harder and following the adult around the house. It is difficult to tell in the video, but being ignored probably contributed to the extinction of the child's tantrum behavior.

Terms: antecedent, behavior, consequence, emit, elicit, positive reinforcement, extinction

This video shows a guy at a pizza place with his friends that tries to ask a waitress out on a date by writing a note on a heart, but she didn't give the guy her number. This video is an extiction burst because the guy could have gotten dates before, but this time he was rejected.

A- At a restaurant eating pizza with the guys.
B- The guy decided to work up the courage to ask the waitress out and he writes on a paper heart.
C- The guy is rejected by the waitress.

The guy was eliciting a behavior of asking the waitress out. This was a positive reinforcement because although the guy was rejected, he made the effort and had the courage to ask the girl out and hopefully this extiction burst didn't stop him from asking girls out ever again.

Terms: Eliciting, behavior, positive reinforcement, extinction burst, antecedent, consequence.

I can't seem to find a different video on extinction of behavior. I found the same one that several other students found. This video was about two girls in a department store shopping. One of the girls started dancing, emitting the dancing behavior, as the other just watches. The one that was watching seemed not interested in her friend's dancing and possibly embarressed. The dancing girl continues in hopes for a reaction, but never gets one and finally stops dancing. She then puts a bra on her head for another chance of getting a reaction from her friend, but again gets nothing. The dancing girl is getting negative reinforcement from her friend. She might have been previously positively reinforced by this behavior. After the negative behavior/reaction from her, the dancing girl then shows extinction of her previosly reinforced behavior.


Antecedent-Two girls are shopping at a store and then start talking about .
Behavior- One girl starts dancing to a song. She tries to get a reaction from her friend.
Consequence-The friend doesn't respond to the dancing and walks away.

Terms: Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence, Emit, Negative Reinforcement, Positive Reinforcement, Extinction, Previously Reinforced Behavior

It took me a while to find this video, but I hope it's worth it (stop watching at 1:41)
In this video JD and Turk have stopped doing their traditional "EAGLE" because in the sketch show the interns threw, they portrayed JD and Turk as gay- which extinguished their behavior of being touchy feely with each other. Turk gets his paper published, but JD can't hung him because of the embarrassment.

A- Turk and JD like to hug
B- Turk and JD are perceived as gay
C- Hugging behavior is extinguished due to negative reactions from it.

terms: behavior, extinguish, negative

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