Section 4.2 (Due before Tuesday Week #8)


After reading section 4.2 please do the following:

1) Write the class of behavior you are working on for your self-directed behavior project.

2) Decide on 1 behavior you are going to do to help you achieve your goal. This will be the behavior you will be writing down / recording and graphing.

3) Write the behavior as a specific target behavior.

4) State why it is a good target behavior - i.e., how does it fit the requirements of a good target behavior?

5) State how you are going to quantify the behavior - i.e., how are you going to graph the behavior? What will the label on the y-axis of your graph say?

Don't start recording your behavior just yet.


1) The behavior class I am working on is to lose weight
2) The behavior I am chosing to help achieve my goal is to reduce calories
3) I am going to consume less calories
4) This is a good target behavior because it is easy to observe and to measure. If the number of claories decreases then I can easily tell if I am successful
5)I am going to use a calorie chart and a calorie scale to record calories in my note book

1) The behavior class I am working on is to lose weight
2) The behavior I am chosing to help achieve my goal is to reduce calories
3) I am going to consume less calories
4) This is a good target behavior because it is easy to observe and to measure. If the number of claories decreases then I can easily tell if I am successful
5)I am going to use a calorie chart and a calorie scale to record calories in my note book

1)The behavior class I will be working on is making healthier food choices more often.
2)The behavior I am chosing to help achieve my goal is incorporating more fruits and vegetables in my diet.
3)I will try to make sure I have a serving of fruit or vegetables at each meal & replace any sugary snacks with fruit or vegetables.
4)This is a good target behavior because it gives me chances to make healthy food choices on a daily basis.
5)I will graph the number of times I had a serving of fruit or vegetables per day. I'll try to hit 5-7 each day.

1) The behavioral class I will be working on is to exercise more frequently.

2)In order to reach this goal, I will try to emit at least 30 minutes of physical activity, 5 times per week.

3) Partake in at least 30 minutes of physical activity at least 5 times per week.

4) This is a good target behavior because it is narrowly defined. I will be able to identify whether I engaged in the behavior or not. I will also be able to record the amount of time spent exercising each week and what days I exercised.

5) I will graph my behavior with the x-axis as days (Sun-Sat) and the y-axis as the amount of physical activity (in minutes).

1.)The behavior class I am working on is creating better study habits.
2.)The behavior I choose, to help achieve my goal, is to increase the amount I study for each class.
3.)I am going to study or do work for 3-6 hours each day.
4.)This is a good target behavior because it is easy to observe and measure. If the number of hours is between this range (or higher), I know I am reaching my goal.
5.)I will record my behavior in a notebook before entering it on the graph. I will use hours of studying on the y-axis and the time in days on the x-axis.

1) The class of behavior I'm working on is creating better study habits.

2) The behavior I chose to help me achieve my goal is completing my homework in a timely manner.

3) My specific target behavior is going to be completing at least 2 hours of homework every week night.

4) This is a good target behavior because it is very specific. I specify the number of hours and when I want to complete them. It is also manageable; I am able to fit 2 hours of homework into my schedule every night. I can also measure it easily by counting the number of hours I do homework at night.

5) I am going to quantify my behavior by keeping track of the number of hours I study every night on a piece of paper that I will keep on my desk where I will be able to see it every night. So, the "number of hours" studied will go on my y-axis of my graph.

1) The class of behavior I am working on is getting more sleep

2) I'm going to not drink as many nights. (When I drink I don't sleep well at all and I wake up early)

3) I am going to drink only 2 times on even weeks and 3 times on odd weeks

4) I feel this is a good target behavior because the consequences are going to be positive! Plus it's easy to graph :)

5) I will make the graph in terms of hours each day.
X axis: days of the week
Y axis: hours of sleep

The class of behavior I'm working on is becoming more physically fit
1) The class of behavior I'm working on is becoming more physically fit
2)The behavior I chose to help me achieve my goal is increasing my exercising to at least 4 days a week through various modes of exercise such as running, swimming, and lifting weights at WRC Fitness Center, all within a healthy high protein diet
3)I am going to exercise at least 4 days a week
4)This is a good target behavior because it's specific and simple to graph in terms of minutes
5)To quantify this behavior, I am going to record my target behaviors in terms of minutes

1) The behavior class that I am working on is brushing and flossing my teeth every night.

2) The behavior I am choosing to help me achieve my goal is using my toothbrush with toothpaste as well as my floss every night to clean my mouth.

3) I am going to brush my teeth with toothpaste and floss after brushing my teeth every night.

4) This is a good target behavior because it is observe, measure, and graph. Either I brushed and/or flossed or I didn't.

5) I will create a line graph and record the data for each day.
The x-axis is for each day of the week...Mon. Tues. ect.
The y-axis is to be set up as this....
1st line- Don't brush or floss
2nd line- Brush but not floss
3rd line- Floss but not brush
4th line- Brush and floss
By recording my data on the graph, I will easily be able to see how I am doing with my target behavior.

1. the behavior class I am working on is to exercise more frequently.
2. the behavior I choose to help me achieve my goal is to preform push ups, sit ups, and pull ups.
3. I am going to complete 50 push ups, 75 sit ups,and 20 pull ups.
4. This is a good target behavior because it is easy to observe and quantify.
5. I am going to quantify this behavior by recording the repetitions completed of each exercise. The y axis on the graph will be a the number of repetitions. I will be able to have a line for each exercise on the same graph.

1. The behavior class I am working on is being more studious.
2. The behavior I am choosing is to spend more time studying and doing homework everyday.
3. I will spend at least 1 1/2 hours studying and doing homework every week day and at least 3 hours on the weekends.
4. This is a good target behavior because I can easily tell if I am successful. That is, I can time how long I study each day, and know that if my time is met, I am successful.
5. I am going to time how long I study each day and put it into a bar chart with days going across the x-axis and the amount of time along the y-axis.

1) Exercise more frequently
2) Work out 1 hour three days/ week.
3) Follow one of the P90X dvd’s three days of the week (MWF).
4) It is precise (since “workout” can mean a lot of different things, cardio, stretching, resistance) yet at the same time allows me to do a variety of exercise since the DVD’s cover a wide range of activities. It is manageable since the program actually has you working out with the DVD’s 6 days per week (possibly 7) this slower pace will suit my activity level a lot better. It also fits fairly easily into my weekly schedule since I can easily fit a one hour work-out into any evening given my class schedule and Stacey’s work schedule. Also it is not too much since I cannot necessarily spend an hour or two hours 6 nights a week (as the P90X program actually requires).
5) I will measure “hours spent working with P90X DVD’s” on the y-axis. Minutes might be a stronger reinforcer since they will make for larger numbers and make it seem like I’m doing more, perhaps I’ll label it in minutes to trick myself into thinking I’m doing more. This will be easily seen and recorded since each DVD has a stop-watch in the lower right corner telling you how long you’ve worked out for.

1. The behavioral class I am working on to have better study habits
2. In order to achieve this goal, the behavior I am going to do is do homework every weeknight
3. The target specific behavior for this would be to spend 2 hours on homework every week night.
4. It's good because it's easily recorded, can be easily times and is easy to reward. You either study for 2 hours a night or you dont.
5. Graph the numbers of hour each night I study.
x axis days of the week
y axis hours

1) The behavioral class I will work on is improving my study habits.
2) I will be working on studying more and doing more homework.
3)I will spend at least 2 hours (ending before 10:30 pm) studying and/or doing homework Sunday through Thursday each week.
4) It is specific because it lists a set amount of time, a set ending time, and what days it will be taking place. I will be able to record the hours that I study each day, and it fits into my normal schedule.
5) My y-axis will be the amount of time I studied/did homework (in hours). The x-axis will be days. I will keep track of this behavior in a small notebook that I will keep on the top of my desk (because this is the only place I do homework).

1) The behavior class that I am working on flossing my
teeth every night.

2) The behavior I am choosing to help me achieve my goal is to use my plastic held disposable floss every night to clean between between each tooth.

3) I am going to floss for 60 seconds each night.

4) This is a good target behavior because it is easy to observe, measure, and

5) I will create a line graph and record the data for each day.
The x-axis is for each day of the week...Mon. Tues. ect.
The y-axis is to be going to be time in seconds.

By recording my data on the graph, I will easily be able to see how I
am doing with my target behavior.

1) The behavioral class I am working on for my project is keeping my body more hydrated.

2) The behavior that will help me to achieve this goal is drinking more water.

3) I am going to drink at least 36 ounces of water every day.

4) This is a good target behavior because it is precise in the number of ounces that I will consume. It is also good because it is a manageable amount of water, it is measurable, and it fits within the scope of my daily life.

5) I will quantify the data by measuring the number of ounces of water I drink. I can do this by using a water bottle I have that has the ounces marked on it. "Ounces" will be the variable on the Y-axis.

1:The behavioral class i will work on is not procrastinating
2: Write down the times I start studying my notes after class. Time myself to see how long I stay focused and increase 5 minutes each day
3:Read notes after class, Use time wisely by studying evey night at 7pm, andStudy for exam a week before
4:This is a good target behavior bnecause it is specific and it will help me achieve my goal.
5: Grapd using Time put into studying and grades received.

1.) The behavioral class I am working on is to improve study habits
2.) The behavior that I am using to achieve my goal is time spent studying
3.) spend a min. of 2 hours a day on homeork
4.)This is a good target behavior because time is easy to measure and record and translate to a graph. Also, its something I feel it is an attainable goal
5.) Using a notebook to record the amount of time spent on each day during the week. Then taking that data and putting it on a graph where the X-axis will have Monday-Sunday and the Y-axis will have time spent studying.

1) The behavioral class I am working on is to improve my study habits.

2) The behavior I am going to be doing is setting a certain time to study/homework every night.

3) I am going to spend at least two hours a night for five nights a week working on school work.

4) This is a good target behavior because I really need to improve on my studying and homework. It is also a good behavior because it is easily recordable, hours spend studying can be easily recorded.

5) The graph for this behavior will look like a hours spent studying per day. The y-axis will be my hours of studying and the x-axis will be the five days set aside for studying.

1) The behavioral class I am working on is to improve my study habits.

2) The behavior I am going to be doing is setting a certain time to study/homework every night.

3) I am going to spend at least two hours a night, from 7-9pm, for five nights a week, Sunday through Thursday working on school work.

4) This is a good target behavior because I really need to improve on my studying and homework. It is also a good behavior because it is easily recordable, hours spend studying can be easily recorded.

5) The graph for this behavior will look like a hours spent studying per day. The y-axis will be my hours of studying and the x-axis will be the days of the week

1. The Behavioral Goal I am working on is to have a more structured workout.
2. The Behavior I am choosing to achieve my goal is to workout 4 days a week, run 1.5 miles each time, and stretch before and after I run.
3. Run 1.5 miles 4 times a week.
4. This is a good target behavior because it is manageable within my schedule; with working 20 hrs a week and my classes running 1.5 miles and stretching 4 times a week will fit into my schedule. In addition to it being manageable It is also easy to measure. I will be measuring my behavior by the amount of time spent on the task.
5. I am going to quantify be behavior by the amount of time spent on the task. I will have number of days exercised on the x axis (1-4) and on the y axis I will have time spent running/exercising. Therefore I will have the amount of time I spent stretching before running, the amount of time I spent running 1.5 miles, and the amount of time I spent stretching after my run recorded on one graph.

1. The Behavioral Goal I am working on is to have a more structured workout.
2. The Behavior I am choosing to achieve my goal is to workout 4 days a week, run 1.5 miles each time, and stretch before and after I run.
3. Run 1.5 miles 4 times a week.
4. This is a good target behavior because it is manageable within my schedule; with working 20 hrs a week and my classes running 1.5 miles and stretching 4 times a week will fit into my schedule. In addition to it being manageable It is also easy to measure. I will be measuring my behavior by the amount of time spent on the task.
5. I am going to quantify be behavior by the amount of time spent on the task. I will have number of days exercised on the x axis (1-4) and on the y axis I will have time spent running/exercising. Therefore I will have the amount of time I spent stretching before running, the amount of time I spent running 1.5 miles, and the amount of time I spent stretching after my run recorded on one graph.

1) The behavioral class I will be working on is getting my homework done ahead of time.
2) The behavior I am choosing to achieve my goal is to do class readings every day of the week, except Saturday and Sunday.
3) Do class readings 5 days a week.
4) This is a good target behavior because it is measurable and reasonable and fits into my schedule.
5) I am going to quantify the behavior by creating a graph where the X axis is days (M-F) and the Y axis is the amount of readings I did that day.

1)The behavior class I want to increase is reading
2)I want to spend at least an hour every day reading something, either text or fiction.
3)Read for at least 1 continuous hour, everyday, 7 days a week.
4)This is a good target behavior because it is well defined and easily recordable.
5)The graph is easy, record the date and whether or not I read.

1. I am working on having better dental hygiene.
2.Flossing/ Brushing(Feedback? Should I choose one or can I both on my graph)
3. I will brush and floss in the morning and at night.
4.It is a good target behavior because it is observable and measurable.
5. I will have a graph with 9 AM and 9 PM on the Y axis. On the X axis I will put the date and graph if I emitted the behavior or not.

1. I will become more studious by attending class regularly
2. I will attend every class throughout the week
3. I will be attending every class through my MWF schedule as well as every class on my T/Th schedule. Making this 100% of my classes attended for the week.
4. This is a good target behavior because it is easily observable and recordable.
5. I will have one graph with MWF, and another with T/Th on the X-axis and on the Y axis for each graph with be the classes i have on those corresponding days. This should clearly represent the emittance of my studious behavior.

1) The behavioral class I'm working on is consistent, moderate levels of sleep.

2) Sleeping between 7 and 8 hours each night, from the time I fall asleep to the time I get out of bed.

3) I will be sleeping for 7 to 8 hours each night of the week, getting up as soon as my alarm goes off in the morning.

4) This is a good target behavior because it is:
Specific: 7-8 hours of sleep, from the time I fall asleep til the moment I get out of bed, every night. Sleep 8 hours in a night, and I don't meet the criteria. Sleepless periods of less than 30 minutes throughout the night won't count against my 7-8 hour count.
Manageable: Nearly all people can thrive on 7-8 hours of sleep at night. The most difficult thing will be recording the time I actually fall asleep at night, but that should be basically no problem.
Measureable: 7-8 hours of sleep, from the moment I fall asleep until the moment my alarm goes off and I get out of bed (this is significant secondary goal of my intervention, I'm very bad at getting out of bed when my alarm goes off. This would be considered a sub goal of my primary goal).
Practical: As with..everyone else, sleeping is a significant part of my every day life. It's not going to be a shocking adjustment to my life to sleep. Recording my times should take 20 seconds, which is time that I would usually be laying in bed dozing off and wasting my time anyways.

5) My x-axis will show the days of the week, and the y-axis will show the hours of sleep each night. The hours of sleep will correspond with the day they are following, even though a majority of hours of sleep will occur on the day after it's recorded as occurring.

1. The class of behavior I am choosing for my goal is improving my study habits.

2. The behavior I am going to do to help me achieve my goal is setting a certain amount of time aside to study and do homework on the weekdays and weekends.

3. For my specified target behavior, I will spend at least 1.5 hours studying every day of the week and between 3 to 6 hours total on the weekends.

4. This is a good target behavior because the amount of time I have designated to studying and homework is manageable. I can fit these times easily into my schedule after class and before I go to work. The target behavior is also easy to observe and measure. If I am studying for a certain length of time on the weekdays and weekends, I am succeeding.

5. I will record the day and amount of time I spend studying each day in a notebook and then graph that information. The number of hours studied will be the x-axis and the days will be the y-axis.

1. The behavioral class I am choosing is drinking more water on a daily basis.
2. The behavior that will help me achieve this goal will be drinking more water.
3. I am going to drink 8- 8oz glasses of water every day.
4. This is a good target behavior because this is the guideline from most health care providers. I can easily measure this in using a 8oz water bottle. I can drink these 8 glasses in between classes, at work on my breaks, and at home.
5. I will use a daily chart to keep track of each 8oz glass, I will know if I succeed by checking my chart daily.

1.) The behavioral class I am choosing is to work out more frequently.
2.) I will go to the gym at least 3 times a week to help reach my goal.
3.) I will go to the gym at least 3 times a week and do cardio and ab workouts for 45 minutes while I am there.
4.) This is a good target behavior because it is easy to measure and it is very attainable.
5.) I will graph the behavior with the x-axis as the days Monday through Sunday and the y-axis the amount of physical exercise that I do in minutes.

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