For this assignment please find a short video clip online the extinction of a behavior that was previously reinforced.
I would like you to:
1) write a brief description of the video and provide the url
2) Based on what we covered in class so far, I would like you to identify the ABC's (These should be listed out A=; B=; and C=). The main behavior involved in the video, the antecedents to the behavior, and the consequences of the behavior using the terms and terminology we have learned from the book, class, and other sources.
Remember we are looking for the shaping of a behavior.
Keep these questions in mind when formulating your response. Is there an establishing operation involved? Any discriminative stimulus? What is the context? Who / what is eliciting the behavior? Who is emitting it? Etc.? Was punishment or reinforcment used/ was it positive or negative? What was the previously reinforced behavior? Was there an extinction burst? Was there variability in the behavior? Spontaneous recovery? etc.
Use these questions when you formulate your video response - don't simply answer each questions.
3) Finally, please make a list of the behavioral terms used in your response.
This is due Saturday.
Let me know if you have any questions,
--Dr. M