February 2010 Archives

Please use this to comment on your reading for sec 5.2.

1) I'll leave it up to you about what and how you would like to comment, however I would ask that you attempt to write using behavioral terms.

2) Discuss the rules that you have related to your behavioral project in terms of the material in section 5.2.

Please use this to comment on your reading for sec 5.1.

1) I'll leave it up to you about what and how you would like to comment, however I would ask that you attempt to write using behavioral terms.

2) Discuss how you are going to measure and record your behaviors related to your behavioral project in terms of the material in section 5.1.

Week #8 - Section 4.3 - Goals (Due Thursday)


Please use this to comment on your reading for sec 4.3.

1) I'll leave it up to you about what and how you would like to comment, however I would ask that you attempt to write using behavioral terms.

2) Discuss the goals that you have related to your behavioral project in terms of the material in section 4.3.




Product Placement Links Celluliod and Cellulite


"The researchers found 1,180 "brand placements" in the 200 movies: 427 food brands, 425 beverage brands and 328 brands of food-related retail establishments such as restaurants or convenient stores. Sixty-nine percent of the films contained at least one such product placement, and in those movies, specific brands of foods or beverages were consumed, handled, shown or mentioned an average of 8.6 times."


How can product placement work to control your behavior?

Little Stores Fatter Kids


"...a significant proportion, about 15 percent, reported they shopped in corner stores both before and after school, five days a week, consuming up to 3,560 calories per week in junk food and soft drinks. For these children, the corner store is a potential health threat."


What are the ABCs related to this story? In behavioral terms what are people try to do about it?

Hunter S. Thompson - Technical Support?

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How would you describe this familiar scene of dealing with tech support in behavioral terms?

Annoying Orange


Sometimes we want to end an irritating behavior, but accidently reinforce it. From a behavioral perspective what going one here and what might be don about it?


Dubai murder suspects climb to 26

I'm not an investigator or remotely close to being labeled one, but something tells me a case with 2 or 3 suspects doesn't seem near as bad as having to deal with 26. How would you even begin? Where would you begin?! The news story I chose deals with the murder or Hamas leader Mahmoud al-Mabhouh. Investigators had it "narrowed down" to eleven suspects when Dubai police announced that they had 15 new suspects. Investigators now have the daunting challenge of narrowing down this huge list of suspects. Police in Dubai, India suspect that secretive Israeli foreign intelligence unit is behind the attacks. Not only is the amount of suspects an issue to deal with, but also the fact that these suspects are carrying passports from various point around the world (passports from Australia, France, Ireland, Great Britain). Countries that are helping out with the investigation also noted that those passports were created in a legal manner - what a shocker.

Check out this story - there are videos along the left side you can view for further information.


Mid-term Suggestions


Hi Class - we will be having our mid-term the Thursday before Spring Break. I am in the middle of formulating the exam and would like your input on what you feel is fair game for test. I will seriously take your responses into consideration while making the exam.

1) What topics are fair game to cover?

2) What topics are not fair game to cover?

3) How would you like to be tested?

Psychology Club

Briefly discuss the meeting. What if anything related to the BMod class?

"Traditional advertisements targeting teens don't affect them. Talking about issues of health, illness or even death, they don't get it," the group's director, Remi Parola, told The Associated Press in an interview. "However, when we talk about submission and dependence, they listen."


How do advertisements affect behaviors? Why are some adds more effective and changing behaviors than others?


Michelle Obama Takes On Food Deserts (VIDEO)


"As part of Lets Move!, the campaign to end childhood obesity, First Lady Michelle Obama is taking on food deserts.  These are nutritional wastelands that exist across America in both urban and rural communities where parents and children simply do not have access to a supermarket.  Some 23.5 million Americans - including 6.5 million children - currently live in food deserts.  Watch the video below and learn what the First Lady is doing to help families in these areas across the country."


How is it that fast foods are an antecedent to obesity? How does the First Lady propose to change these antecedents to change the behaviors associated with obesity? 


We have been putting a great deal of work into using the terms and terminology we have learned so far in our posts and comments. For this exercize I would like you to comment on 3 existing posts (or comments) on the class website. Write the terms you used in your response; count the number of terms and then write "the number of terms are...."

Assume that everything on the website relates to behavior modification. In your response discuss the post or comment in behavioral terms from a behavioral perspective.  

A good example of what I am talking about can be found at:


Once you respond to 3 posts or comments go then write:

1) My first response was on the following post or comment and the number of terms is.....

2) My second response was on the following post or comment and the number of terms is.....

3) My third response was on the following post or comment and the number of terms is.....

4) Add the the numbers from 1, 2, and 3 and write the total number of terms is......

Section 4.2 (Due before Tuesday Week #8)


After reading section 4.2 please do the following:

1) Write the class of behavior you are working on for your self-directed behavior project.

2) Decide on 1 behavior you are going to do to help you achieve your goal. This will be the behavior you will be writing down / recording and graphing.

3) Write the behavior as a specific target behavior.

4) State why it is a good target behavior - i.e., how does it fit the requirements of a good target behavior?

5) State how you are going to quantify the behavior - i.e., how are you going to graph the behavior? What will the label on the y-axis of your graph say?

Don't start recording your behavior just yet.

Section 4.1 (Due Friday)


By now you should have read section 4.1 and you should have posted a behavioral class you want to use for your self-directed behavior. If you have not - go back and do this first.

For this post I would like to 1) post the behavioral class you are going to use, and 2) list at least 3 target behaviors you might help  you to achieve your behavioral goal (either reinforce or punish - doens;t matter right now).

Notice in my comment that I haven't given very specific target behaviors - we will go over these again later - for now just put down some behaviors that will help yyou achieve your desired behavior.

When you are done with this section you can read 4.2 which will be due on Tuesday week #8.

Please read the email I sent out before starting this project. If you don't have the email let me know and I'll resend it.

For this assignment simply state what class of behavior you are going to work on for your self-directed behavior project (Recall that we worked on behavioral classes in section 1.5 - go back and review if you need to).

You are not committing yourself to this behavioral class, you can change it later.

When you finish your comment - you can start on the reading sec 4.1 due Friday - http://www.psychologicalscience.com/bmod/2010/02/section-31-due-friday.html

By now you should have several weeks worth of data for your eating food project.

Please provide the following:

1) What was your food eating goal?

2) What was your target behavior?

3) How did you record your eating behavior on a day to day basis?

4) What was your baseline behavior? Was it an increasing or decreasing trend?

5) What was your intervention? Did you use reinforcement if you reached your weekly goal? What did you use as a reinforcer?

6) Was your intervention successful? Did the trend line decrease?

7) What did you think of this project? What was the hardest thing about this project?

8) If you were to do another behavioral project what behavior would you work on?

Week #6 - Bonus Web Divergence (Due before week #7)


What I would like you to do for this homework is to have some fun and find some websites of a topic that interests you and that relates to behavior modification. Please try to incorporate the behavioral terms we are learning into your writing.

1) Please discuss your topic in general, why it interests you and how it relates to behavior modification.

2) Post at least 2 links to the sites you visited that were most informative about your topic. For each site discuss the information you found and how it relates to your topic (please don't just say they discussed positive reinforcement - how do they go about it? etc?).

3) Discuss how these sites further expanded your understanding of your topic of interest (kind of like a conclusion).

4) Make a list of behavioral terms you used in this post (this is to help get you focused on using behavioral terms in your regular writings).


Week #6 Video Analysis - Extinction (Due Saturday)


For this assignment please find a short video clip online the extinction of a behavior that was previously reinforced.

I would like you to:

1) write a brief description of the video and provide the url

2) Based on what we covered in class so far, I would like you to identify the ABC's (These should be listed out A=; B=; and C=). The main behavior involved in the video, the antecedents to the behavior, and the consequences of the behavior using the terms and terminology we have learned from the book, class, and other sources.

Remember we are looking for the shaping of a behavior.

Keep these questions in mind when formulating your response. Is there an establishing operation involved? Any discriminative stimulus? What is the context? Who / what is eliciting the behavior? Who is emitting it? Etc.? Was punishment or reinforcment used/ was it positive or negative? What was the previously reinforced behavior? Was there an extinction burst? Was there variability in the  behavior? Spontaneous recovery? etc.

Use these questions when you formulate your video response - don't simply answer each questions.

3) Finally, please make a list of the behavioral terms used in your response.

This is due Saturday.

Let me know if you have any questions,

--Dr. M

Week #6 Video Analysis - Shaping (Due Saturday)


For this assignment please find a short video clip online where the shaping of a behavior is occurring.

I would like you to:

1) write a brief description of the video and provide the url

2) Based on what we covered in class so far, I would like you to identify the ABC's (These should be listed out A=; B=; and C=). The main behavior involved in the video, the antecedents to the behavior, and the consequences of the behavior using the terms and terminology we have learned from the book, class, and other sources.

Remember we are looking for the shaping of a behavior.

Keep these questions in mind when formulating your response. Is there an establishing operation involved? Any discriminative stimulus? What is the context? Who / what is eliciting the behavior? Who is emitting it? Etc.? Was punishment or reinforcment used/ was it positive or negative?

Use these questions when you formulate your video response - don't simply answer each questions.

3) Finally, please make a list of the behavioral terms used in your response.

This is due Saturday.

Let me know if you have any questions,

--Dr. M

For this assignment please find a short video clip online where superstitious behavior is occurring.

I would like you to:

1) write a brief description of the video and provide the url

2) Based on what we covered in class so far, I would like you to identify the ABC's (These should be listed out A=; B=; and C=). The main behavior involved in the video, the antecedents to the behavior, and the consequences of the behavior using the terms and terminology we have learned from the book, class, and other sources.

Remember we are looking for superstitious behavior.

Keep these questions in mind when formulating your response. Is there an establishing operation involved? Any discriminative stimulus? What is the context? Who / what is eliciting the behavior? Who is emitting it? Etc.? 

Use these questions when you formulate your video response - don't simply answer each questions.

3) Finally, please make a list of the behavioral terms used in your response.

This is due Thursday.

Let me know if you have any questions,

--Dr. M


Week #6 - Sec 3.4 Readings Comment (Due Saturday).


Please use this to comment on your reading for sec 3.4. I'll leave it up to you about what and how you would like to comment, however I would ask that you attempt to write using behavioral terms. I will also use this as a way to 'time stamp' that you read the section on or before Saturday.

Let me know if you have any questions,

--Dr. M

Week #6 - Sec 3.3 Readings Comment (Due Thursday).


Please use this to comment on your reading for sec 3.3. I'll leave it up to you about what and how you would like to comment, however I would ask that you attempt to write using behavioral terms. I will also use this as a way to 'time stamp' that you read the section on or before Thursday.

Let me know if you have any questions,

--Dr. M

Download Your Week Of Eating In Spending Tracker


"Making your own food is a great way to save money. There are so many examples of how making your own food is way less expensive (and less wasteful in terms of extra packaging) than buying the food pre-made or pre-packaged. Eating in restaurants can get very pricey, so to that end, the Huffington Post is trying to make it easy for you to keep track of your expenditures during the Week Of Eating In challenge, which starts February 22nd. "


Fitness Gadgets: The 13 WEIRDEST Weight-Loss Gizmos


We have so far discussed the topography and function of a behavior as it relates to a behavioral class. How do the antecedents alter the topography of exercize? Here are some crazy gadgets that are used for exercize.


Discuss the use of these devices and the different types of behavior they elicit.

After reviewing the case on Kitty Genovese (1964) I came across this article on a high school  homecoming gang rape in which 20 people stood by and watched (and/or participated) - in which no one stepped in to help the girl. These kinds of stories are very disturbing, however, they are important in research regarding the psychological aspects that witnesses go through when witnessing a crime. Some psychologists believe this is known as the 'bystander effect'. People become so concerned over what may occur to them (socially and physically) if they were to go to the police and report the crime they witnessed. The idea that "there are more people around, why should I  be the one to help?" is troublesome for investigators and the victim because something should (or could) be done to help, but nobody comes forward at the time of need. This fear of retaliation hinders the investigation process and undermines the whole point of law in these sort of situations. The context of this situation makes me wonder if some sort of "incentive" program be put in place to try and coax witnesses to step forward and help out the police during the initial investigation. But then the question comes to mind - what incentives could there be if the witness were to comply (taking into consideration their life may be in danger if they "tattle")? There are many psychological questions that come into play on these very sensitive subjects. 

Article on the Kitty Genovese Murder (1964)

Homecoming Gang Rape Article



"...things aren't as cheap as you think."


This is an interesting article that explains some of the actual costs of the items we buy and the activities we do. Clearly, after reading this article it may very well change some peoples' behaviors. How would we explain this using behavioral terms and concepts? How does the article function within the ABCs of behavior?

Portfolio Material

You can use this blog entry to make posts on anything related to Bmod that you would ultimately want to use in your portfolio....

Week #5 - Sec 3.1 Readings Comment (Due Saturday).


Please use this to comment on your reading for sec 3.1. I'll leave it up to you about what and how you would like to comment, however I would ask that you attempt to write using behavioral terms. I will also use this as a way to 'time stamp' that you read the section on or before Saturday.

Let me know if you have any questions,

--Dr. M

Week #5 - Sec 2.5 Readings Comment (Due Thursday).


Please use this to comment on your reading for sec 2.2. I'll leave it up to you about what and how you would like to comment, however I would ask that you attempt to write using behavioral terms. I will also use this as a way to 'time stamp' that you read the section on or before Thursday.

Let me know if you have any questions,

--Dr. M

A Conversation with Temple Grandin (Audio)

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"Animal scientist Temple Grandin says autism helps her see things as animals do. Grandin talks about her work designing humane slaughter systems for animals, and her unique way of looking at the world."


1) What aspects of the interview relate to the material we are covering in our class? 2) What terms and concepts did they use correctly (or incorrectly)? 3) What aspect of the interview did you find the most interesting and why?