What I would like you to do - using the format we have for the other video assignments - find a video that includes both reinforcement and punishment. Break it down into the ABCs and discuss the videos in behavioral terms.
What I would like you to do - using the format we have for the other video assignments - find a video that includes both reinforcement and punishment. Break it down into the ABCs and discuss the videos in behavioral terms.
The video I found is a Marine getting punched in the face for 50 dollars. The antecedent is a group of men hanging out in a room with a video camera and maybe consuming alcohol. From then there are two behaviors and two consequences. The first behavior is a man getting punched in the face. The consequence for him is that he got punched in the face(punishment) but got paid 50 dollars(reward). The second behavior is a man punching another man in the face. The consequence for him is getting to punch his friend without getting punched back(reward) but has to pay 50 dollars(punishment, as he wont be wanting to pay all the time to repeat this).
I chose a clip from the moie, "The Ugly Truth." The antecedent is receiving a pair of vibrating panties and wanting to try them. The behavior is Abby's putting on the vibrating panties. However, she is unexpected taken to dinner while wearing them. While at dinner, she loses the remote and a young boy picks it up and begins turning on the underwear. The reinforcement of this clip is the physical gratification that she experiences. The punishment however, is the embarrassment of this happening in public and in front of her bosses / coworkers / strangers.
All in all, this clip is hilarious, and there's no denying that.
For this assignment, I chose a Bud Light commercial from Bud.tv. In this commercial, every time someone swears, they have to put money in the swear jar. The money in the swear jar will be used to buy the office a case of beer.
A= swearing
B= putting money in the swear jar
C= buying a case of Bud Light for the office
The punishment is losing money every time you swear by having to put money in the swear jar; however, the punishment is somewhat reinforcing because the money will add up to a case of beer. So depending on how you look at it, swearing could either be punishing or reinforcing. The ABC's could also be switched up as in A=knowing the office will get a case of beer, B=swearing, C= putting money in the swear jar. In this situation, knowing that you will get a case of beer elicits the behavior of swearing. Knowing that the office will get a case of beer could also serve as a discriminative stimulus because it stimulates people to swear.
I am somewhat confused by positive and negative punishment but I am going to guess that this video is an example of positive punishment: in an attempt to decrease the likelihood of swearing behavior occurring in the future, an operant response is followed by the possibility of having to lose money every time you swear. Privileges aren't taken away (negative punishment); however, you know emitting the target behavior requires certain punishments.
Overall, the context is being in the office, knowing that the office will get a case of beer elicits the behavior of swearing, and the people who work in the office are emitting the behavior of swearing. Having to put money in the swear jar could serve as either punishment because you are losing money, or as reinforcement because you are eventually going to get a case of beer for the office.
Terms: antecedent, consequence, punishment, reinforcement, elicit, emit, context, discriminative stimulus, positive punishment, negative punishment, target behavior, operant response.
This is the full length clip of a group of fisherman catching a shark, and having a crocodile try to steal it away.
A- shark swimming in the lagoon
B- catching a fish
C- 1)rewarding the fisherman with a trophy
2)punishing the croc for his attempt
The antecedent involves the shark swimming around in the lagoon, which sets the occasion for it's subsequently being caught, or at least having attempts at this made. "Catching a fish" is an example of a functional class of behaviors. For the fisherman this involves the use of pole's, a boat, etc. Yet for the crocodile it involves "chasing" the shark to land (I imagine he thought he was doing this) and then running up on shore to eat it.
The fish acts as a discriminative stimulus to both the croc and the fisherman. Each emitted the behavior elicited by the shark, "catching and eating" for the croc, "catching and mounting" for the fisherman.
The fisherman end up being postively reinforced by catching the fish. The croc attack on land probably increased the reinforcing power of the catch thus acting as an establishing operation. The crocodile on the other hand was positively punished with a hard knock on the head decreasing the likelihood that he would chase a shark up on land when people are near by.
In the future it would likely take an establishing operation such as deprivation in order for a food item to elicit such an agressive hunting behavior on the part of the croc.
Terms: antecedent, functional class, discriminative stimulus, emitted, elicited, positively reinforced, positively punished, establishing operation, deprivation.
This was actaully posted on my Facebook wall a day or so ago and thought it was a fun example of the ABC's of behavior modification.
The video starts out with one guy dancing by himself in an outside concert. He looks goofey, but soon another guy jumps in and dances too. Then a third. Soon you haev a large group grooving on the lawn. It's pretty cool, and brings a smile to your face as you watch all these people come together.
Now for the ABC's.
Antecedent - I believe the setting is the antecedent. He's at a concert, the weather looks nice, the music has a good beat.
Behavior - Go, man, go! He starts dancing. Just loses himself in the music.
Consequnce - Others catch on and dance with him. Dance party!
The context of the man being at a concert is very important. If you saw this man dancing down the sidewalk with no music around you might think he was soemthing was up (can we say ecstasy?)
The more people jump in the more positive reinforcement this guy gets. He's gaining support for his decision to enjoy the show and let loose.
Antecedent, behavior, consequence, positive reinforcement, context.
This is a video of a practical joke that I have actually seen done with some of my friends. The game that the two men on the right are playing is a real game, without the man on the left. Basically two people just see who can hit each other on the head with a spoon harder, and the first person to give up and say it is too painful loses. In this video, the man in the middle is being punished, while the two outside men are being reinforced for their behavior. For the man in the middle, here are the ABCs:
A=Hanging out with friends
B=Play the spoon game
C=Pain on his head
In this situation, the man in the middle is experiencing an aversive consequence, and as a result will be less likely to play this game in the future. Thus, the behavior is decreasing. This situation is positive punishment, because something aversive - pain on the head - is being emitted by the other men. However, for the other men, the ABCs look a little different:
A=Hanging out with friends
B=Play the spoon game
C=Pain on his head
With these two men, they are experiencing a positive consequence which is the enjoyment they receive from deceiving their friend. Because they are receiving enjoyment, the behavior will be more likely to occur in the future. This makes it positive reinforcement, because something good (the men's enjoyment) is being added to the situation.
Terms: ABCs, positive punishment, positive reinforcement, emit, aversive
For this video assignment I wanted to exploit my roommates drunk antics. In this video my drunk roommate Bob attempted to do a cartwheel in the dorms - did I mention he was intoxicated?! It is a very short clip of him failing miserably and consequentially ends up with a massive headache.
A= heavy drinking and peer pressure from friends
B= a failed attempt at a cartwheel
C= massive headache from hitting skull on door jam
The punishment in this case is Bob hitting his head hard on the door jam. This behavior is a negative reinforcer because his drunken antics elicited pleasurable responses (this video made Bob known on UNI campus and Cedar Falls in general). This sort of reinforcement has motivated him to drink heavily and continue with the antics (search YouTube for "Bob tries to ride a unicycle"). Depending on your perception of his behavior, the cartwheel bit reinforced his love for drunken buffoonery (which is fun for observing!). Reactions from friends and/or strangers also reinforces binge drinking in this case.
Antecedents - Bob emitted a drinking behavior (more than likely enough for 3 individuals), which elicited comments/ideas from friends.
Behavior - Horrible cartwheel attempt in a small hallway led to his neck hurting hard
Consequence - "I hurt my neck hard." His actions were reinforced by responses from other people.
Terms: Punishment, reinforcement, elicit, emit, consequence, behavior, antecedent, pleasurable.
The video that I found is on America's Most Dumbest criminals. This man is seen standing outside looking suspicious so someone calls the police. The police walks up on the guy and say he what you are up to. The suspicious man drops a pipe on the ground and the police officer said hey you just dropped you pipe and the man says no I didn’t that’s not mine my pipe is right here. Keep in mind that you’re not supposed to have a crack pipe in the first place. Why would you show the police officer the one you are carrying? The man punishment is getting arrested for having drug paraphernalia. And the reinforcement is for him to not have him carry illegal drugs with him or any other paraphernalia.
A- Looking suspicious
B- Getting caught with drug paraphernalia
C- Getting arrested
Terms Punishment and Reinforement
The video that I found is a Superbowl commercial featuring Brett Favre. The commercial is playing off of Favre's age and ability to play as well as his waffling on whether or not he is going to return. The target behavior is can either be his athletic ability (2020 MVP) or his struggle to make decisions on retirement. This all can depend on the context in which the view perceives the commercial.
A: Playing football, winning the 2020 MVP
B: Accepting honor for 2020 Most Valuable Player, making light of his decision making process and age
C: i. Reinforcement: Increasing his image as an NFL player regarding his durability and athleticism at age 50
ii. Punishment: Decreasing his image by making fun of his own waffling on retirement
Terms: Context, Target Behavior, Reinforcment, Punishment