For this assignment please find a short video clip online. Based on what we covered in class on Thursday, I would like you to identify the main behavior involved in the video, the antecedents to the behavior, and the consequences of the behavior using the terms and terminology we have learned from the book, class, and other sources. If you can, tell us if it is reinforcement or punishment and what you base that on (why). When you post make sure you 1) first describe the video in regular lay terms, 2) describe it in behavioral terms (ABCs - use as many of the terms we have already learned so far), 3) is it reinforcement or punishment, and 4) Post the url.
Use the numbering when you make your post.
I will provide an example in a comment below....
1)The video I am using here shows a professor talking about a blog he did for his website Cognitive Daily. He is in a darkened classroom full of his students presumably in a cognitive psychology course.
2) The context of the behavior is that of a professor in a classroom. The antecedent to the professor’s behavior is the class starting and lights darkening for his presentation (the darkening of the room sets the occasion for the presentation). The behavior he is emitting is that of giving a presentation. The consequence is that the student(s) look interested nodding his head in agreement and listen to him politely.
3) Under the circumstances the professor is likely to give another presentation in the future – there for this is an example of reinforcement. Since the consequence appears desirable (polite nodding students) which is being added as it were, this would make it positive reinforcement.
1. The video I choose is of a guy skying diving out of a plane with a kayak. The guy lands in the water and then is able to kayak from there.
2. The context of the behavior is that of a man skydiving out of an airplane. The antecedent to the man's behavior is being in the plane preparing to jump out with his kayak. The behavior the man is emitting is jumping out of the plane and falling towards the ground. The consequence landing safely into the water so the guy can begin kayaking and the adrenaline rush of completing his extreme act.
3. The man is likely to repeat the act again or at least skydive; therefore, this behavior was a reinforcer for the man. The consequence was desirable and somewhat pleasurable (the adrenaline rush), which would be an example of positive reinforcement.
1.) The video I chose is of a man doing extreme watersliding stunts. He does flips and turns on his way down the water slide!
2.)The context of the behavior is that of a man doing stunts down a waterslide. The antecdent to the man’s behavior is the waterslide and park, so to speak, that the waterslide is located in (which sets the occasion for the action). The behavior the man is emitting is doing stunts on his way down the waterslide. The consequence is that the man lands safely on the slide each time a stunt is performed which reinforces his behavior.
3.)The man here is likely to repeat this act again because his behavior was a success, therefore, a reinforcement. Since the consequence of the man seemed pleasureable and desirable - it most likely produced an adreneline rush, this would be an example of a positive reinforcement.
1) The video I chose is an old toothpaste commercial. In the commercial, a man and woman are seen in a restaurant and are noticed immediately because of their clean teeth. At the end of the commercial, they end up kissing (or nearly kissing since the commercial is quite old) due to their clean teeth.
2) The antecedent of this behavior is being in a restaurant with other attractive people. The behavior is smiling and showing off the clean smile, and the consequence is getting positive attention from the opposite sex. The context of the behavior is that the man and woman who notice each other have just brushed their teeth. Thus, the commercial is implicating that if one brushes one's teeth and smiles in a public place, then one will attract positive attention from the opposite sex, such as being kissed.
3) This is an example of positive reinforcement. It is reinforcement because the behavior of brushing the teeth is likely to continue in the future. It is positive because receiving good attention from the opposite sex is generally thought of as a pleasant thing.
1. The video I chose is Ten of Lebron James best dunks as of 2007. He literally jumps over people and flies through the air while people cheer for him.
2. The context of the behavior is a man playing in a basketball game. The Antecedent to the behavior is basketball being played in a formal environment(professional basketball game). The behavior the man is emitting is dunking the ball into the basket instead of shooting it or laying it in. The consequence is that the crowd cheers for him and he establishes his superior athleticism.
3. LeBron is likely to repeat this act because the consequences of his behavior have positive valence. The consequences of his behavior is an example of positive reinforcement.
1. The video I chose is "The Best MMA Knockout Ever". Both fighters throw a punch, at the same time, and knock each other out.
2. The context of the behavior is mixed martial arts fighting. The antecedent to the behavior is the cage (inside the arena) that both fighters are currently in. The behavior that both men are emitting is throwing strikes and kicks in an attempt to win the fight. The consequence is that they both knock each other out and there is controversy over how the fight will be ruled (who wins? is it a no-contest? draw?).
3. Both fighters will return to fight another day so this is an example of reinforcement. They both may have won/lost/tied, but it is only one fight of many for both men. The consequences of both mens actions will reinforce their decision to continue fighting because of the possibility of winning (positive valence).
1. The video I chose is Brett Favre's game-winning touchdown pass earlier this season for the Minnesota Vikings. He escapes a pass rusher and fires a perfect pass to the end zone for Greg Lewis.
2. The context or antecedent of the behavior is Favre is playing an NFL game against the S.F. 49ers with the score 24-20. Minnesota needs a miracle touchdown on the last play to win the game. Favre's behavior is he is under pressure, evading the pass rush and throwing the football. Favre elicit's a positive reaction from the Vikings fans while the 49ers fans emit an aversive behavior. All of these things along with the Vikings winning the game are a consequence of Favre's behavior (TD pass).
3. Favre's behavior will act as positive reinforcement due to the enjoyable outcome of the action (winning the football game and celebrating with his teammates and fans). Thus he will likely repeat this behavior.
1. The video I chose was of a mom tickling her baby to make her laugh because she has a hilarious laugh.
2. The context of the behavior is a baby in her highchair in the kitchen. The antecedent to the baby's behavior is her mom tickling her. The behavior she is emitting is laughing hilariously. The consequence is making her mom laugh as well.
3. The baby is likely to keep laughing since she is making her mom laugh too. This is an example of reinforcement because she is likely to do the behavior again since the consequence is desirable for the baby.
1. This is a Family Guy clip of a recurring character answering a 911 call during a training exercise to become a cop.
2. The antecedent to the behavior is getting a 911 call. The behavior is the 911 operators comedic response to the 911 caller. The consequence is that the caller does not get any help.
3. In this case the operators behavior acts as negative punishment. His response causes the caller to get attacked by an assailant (negative) and so the caller would be less likely (punisher) to use 911 again. Another analysis is that the 911 operator would also recieve negative punishment by failing the test and not getting the job he wanted.
1. The video I chose is a Scrubs clip of Dr. Cox giving Elliot one of his rants.
2. The antecedent of the behavior is Elliot asking Dr. Cox for help. The behavior Dr. Cox is emitting is a rant about how he wants to be left alone. The consequence is that Elliot does not receive any help and has to hear a long rant.
3. Elliot is less likely to go back to Dr. Cox for help since Dr Cox is more likely going to only rant at her again which is unpleasant for her. This is negative reinforcement because Elliot is removing herself from the rants.
1. This video is from the 2008 Olympics. It is the winning 400 free relay in swimming. The US come back and beat the French.
2. The antecedant is a pool in Beijing during the Olympics. The behavior is swimming. The consequence is winning.
3. The swimmers are being reinforced by the cheers of the crowd. The swimmers are also being reinforced by the gratification of the good feeling of winning. They will want to feel that again, so they will continue to practice.
1) I chose a video from the website . They preform improv comedy in public areas, tape the events, and place them online for everyone to enjoy.
2) The antecedent is being in the subway in forty-four different cities around the world. The behavior was riding the subway pants-less. (It had over three thousand participants in New York alone.) The consequence was that people stared awkwardly at them, laughed, and generally were gawked at.
3) I would call this a reinforcement. This is the nine year anniversary of this event, more than five thousand people participated in multiple cities throughout the world.
1) I chose a YouTube video of a kitten acting surprise when its owner makes a certain hand gesture.
2) The antecedent is the kitten acting surprised. The behavior is it's owner continuing to make the "surprised" hand gesture, which the kitten responded to by continuing to act surprised. This response is the consequence.
3) This is a reinforcement because the owner wanted the kitten to keep acting like it was surprised.
1. This is a video I found on youtube of a little baby who is being told to give an evil look by some adults. When the baby does the evil look everyone laughs (including the baby) and then the baby repeats the behavior.
2. The antecedents to the behavior are the people telling the little boy to make an evil face. The behavior of the baby is actually making the serious/evil face. Then the consequences of the behavior are that everyone laughs.
3. This is an example of reinforcement. The behavior is the little boy making the evil face. The consequence is that everyone laughs. Since the outcome of the behavior was positive it increases the chance of the baby repeating the evil look.
1.This is a video of a guy bungee jumping off of a cliff. The video was found on
2)The antecedents is the behavior of the guy who is going to jump. The behavior of the guy as he bungee jumps. Then the end result of him jumping and feeling the rush.
3) This is an example of reinforcement because the guys has to prepare him self to jumop and in the after the jump hes happy with is actions and behavior.
1)The video I am using shows a little boy riding his bike and running into a tree.
2) The context of the behavior is that of a boy riding a bike. The antecedent to the boy's behavior is him riding down the street. The behavior he is emitting is that of running into a tree. The consequence is that he hurt his leg when he fell off his bike.
3) This is an example of punishment because the consequence (hurting his leg) was undesirable. The boy will be less likely to ride his bike in the future because he might be afraid of getting hurt.
1.) The video I choose to use is a live performance by a DJ
group called Birdy Nam Nam. The DJ?s are performing a live set at a
DJ festival in Europe for a fairly large audience. Each DJ plays an
individual instrument on their turntable (i.e. one plays a bass
line, one the drum line, one lead, and one a scratch routine) and
together they make a composition.
2.) The context of the behavior is DJ?s performing a live set
for a large audience. The antecedent of the behavior is the DJ?s
performance being at a large, live outdoor festival in Europe in
which many are in attendance. The behavior being emitted is that of
excitement and enthusiasm by both the DJ?s performing and the
audience in attendance. The consequence of the behavior is that
everyone seems to be moving in rhythm to the music, one body,
jumping to the rhythm, in perfect harmony. And they all seem to be
very excited about what they are hearing from the live
performance. And this rather encourages the DJ?s to come up with
new rhythmic ?drops? as well as shows them that they are established
and respected by the musical community.
3.) In my opinion the reaction of the audience is positively
reinforcing the DJ?s behavior as well as letting them know that they
are very skilled at what they are doing. It might even have such an
impact that the DJ?s keep the set for violins pt.1 as seen in the
video exactly the same for their next performance.
1.) The video I chose was of Travis Pastrana's record setting jump in a rally car. This was performed on national television right after midnight. It was a jump of 250 ft. where he was to land on a floating barge.
2.) The context of the behavior was Travis's jump with a large national audience watching. The antecedent was the event that was featuring the car jump. The behavior is that of excitement and anticipation being emmitted by Travis and the crowd. The consequence of the behavior is that everyone got to see a new world record that was executed very well.
3.) I think that this is an example of positive reinforcement. This guy has made a living off of doing risky things and doing them well. Getting paid for something that he loves doing is rewarding to him This would make that action desirable, therefore increasing the likelihood of similar events.
1) This video is about a trainer teaching a dog how to sit and stay sitting.
2) The antecedent was the owner holding a dog treat and standing next to the dog. The behavior the dog emitted was sitting and continuing to sit as the dog trainer circled the dog while holding the treat to the dog's nose. The consequence was that the dog received the treat because the dog sat the entire time while the trainer circled the dog.
3) This is a positive reinforcement because the owner is giving something to the dog if the dog emits the behavior that is demanded. When the dog emits the behavior, the dog receives the its reward (a treat). The dog likes treats receives treats when it sits; therefore, the dog will continue the behavior.
1. The video I chose is of a man named Kevin James performing a magic trick. He is on the stage auditioning for the show America’s Got Talent.
2. The context of the behavior is that of a man performing a magic trick. The antecedent to Kevin’s behavior is being on stage in front of thousands of people and in front of TV cameras (the stage, audience, and cameras set the occasion for the magic trick). The behavior Kevin is emitting is performing the magic trick. The consequence is that he gets applause, verbal praise, and positive facial cues.
3. Kevin is likely to continue to perform magic and specifically performing this trick. This is an example of positive reinforcement since the audience and judges had a desirable reaction. Since Kevin received something desirable it makes it positive reinforcement.
1.The video I chose is of a man at a water park going down a water slide a performing a front flip on the way down.
2.The context of this behavior is that the man is at the water park. The antecedent is that the man is at the top of a water slide preparing to descend. The behavior is the man going down the slide and doing a front flip on the way. The consequence is that the people in the pool below applause his performance.
3.The man is likely to do another flip down the slide in the future, so this is an example of reinforcement. Since the consequence of people applauding seems to be desirable this is a positive reinforcement.
1. The video i chose is a kid beatboxing (making noises with his mouth that sound like electronica music).
2. The antecedent is there was a contest and the kid wanted to enter. So he made is video and posted it. the consequence is that he got a lot of positive feedback on his post.
3. The positive feedback reinforces this kind of behavior with social praise/ acceptance.
1. The video I chose is a girl that graduated from my hight school playing at a talent show. She actually just made it onto the show American Idol, so I thought it would be interesting for everyone to see.
2.The antecedent is the talent show, the behavior is Katelyn Epperly playing piano and singing, the consequence is applause.
3.Katelyn's behavior is being reinforced by the applause. The audience was supporting her behavior and encouraging her to continue. The reinforcement clearly worked because she is still singing and has decided to further pursue her talent.
1. The video i chose is a gummi bear that is singing and then gets its foot caught in a trap. The gummi bear eats its leg to get out and thinks its delicious. It starts to sing again and then gets caught in another trap.
2. The antecedant is the gummi bear getting caught in the trap. The behavior that is being emmited is the gummi bear eating its leg, and the consequence is the gummi bear finding out that its leg tasted good and that it lost half its legs.
3. This video is an example of positive and negative reinforcement. The gummi bear found out that it tasted good which is positive, but it also lost its legs in the process, which is negative.
1) The video I selected is a clip from a post game press conference by Mike Leach. He has a mild and less-than-PC rant about his team's performance and the reasons for this poor performance: the coaches' failure to prepare their players, and their players' lack of focus.
2) The context of this clip is obviously an embarrassing loss to what was supposed to be an inferior opponent. Another important bit of context is Mike Leach himself--he's slightly on the unorthodox side, especially in a social sense (he's the coach who got fired in December for allegedly telling a trainer to lock a player in a closet). He's also done interviews where he focuses on his intense obsession with pirates. He also is one of the greatest offensive minds in the sport, and has orchestrated some of the most impressive passing offenses in history over the past 10 years. Mike Leach is more than just a little different; he almost seems like a savant.
Antecedent: Team's poor performance in the game (a better antecedent may be their poor preparation for the game)
Behavior: Assessing blame for the performance, partially blaming the coaches then shifting focus to the team and their "fat little girlfriends".
Consequence: A long term consequence of this "aversive" behavior (and others similar to it) is his firing.
--> Also, Texas Tech won 4 of their last 5 games, and didn't lose to any "inferior" opponents...but that one doesn't fit the assignment as well, so I'm not using it.
3) His firing is definitely a punishment. His repeated aversive behavior (he's essentially a renegade, and the administration at the school really didn't like it) led to his firing, and being fired from your job should cause a person to reduce whatever actions led to the firing. In this situation, I really don't see Leach drastically changing the way he does things, because he's too successful and stubborn, and will probably get another job somewhere without altering his behavior.
1. The video that I chose is a guy pulling a skunk prank on random people in public places by using a fake skunk to scare or surprise them.
2. The context of the behavior is a guy who pranks random people for fun. The antecedent to his behavior is any sort of outdoor public place where public sitting benches specifically set the action for the behavior. The behavior the guy is emitting is using a fake skunk on a leash to approach people unexpectedly. The consequence is getting people to somehow react to the skunk and think it is real until they figure out it is merely a prank.
3. The guy is likely to repeat his behavior and use the fake skunk to fake people out because in all cases, it was a success. To him, the consequence was pleasurable, self-satisfying and humorous to get reaction and evoke emotion from random strangers. To the people pranked, it was likely an aversive consequence because they were not expecting it and were expecting it to spray and create a stink, until they realized they were being pranked.