Obesity Research
Obesity has become as serious a contributor to the burden of disease and shortening of healthy life as smoking, according to new work published this week in American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Another recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that health effects from obesity may soon overtake improvements to the average lifespan resulting from declines in smoking. We'll get the latest on research into obesity, and talk about weight and health.
What are some of the environmental factors of obesity? What are the cosequences of obesity? How is obesity measured? What are lifestyle behaviors? What are some of the suggestions on how to change these behaviors?
(Also read http://www.cbc.ca/health/story/2010/01/06/obesity-smoking-public-health.html)
Obesity is a growing problem that America has faced for a while now. Fast food is too convenient and cheap, people are working more which causes them to eat on the go, and people are becoming lazy. People see a commercial on TV and want what they see. People eat because they are bored, happy, sad, or depressed. Obesity can cause major health problem such high blood pressure,diabetes, and heart failure. Some people make it a habit to go out to eat on special occasions which if done on a regular can cause obesity. Everything people do involves food rather if it consist of going to a movie and getting popcorn and candy or watching a little league baseball game and enjoying a hot dog and pizza. Change can occur if people have self control. It is hard but it is possible. People are loosing weight all the time. Cut Back on fatty foods and eat more vegetables and fruits and make sure to include plenty of physical activity.
I agree with Kendrah on all of the points she made. Fast food is much cheaper than healthy food (especially most organic food), so most people are going to opt for whatever will save them money. Most of us grew up with our parents telling us to 'save our money', so most people eat junk food and don't see the harm they're causing their bodies. Our health systems are set up so they provide care for people that are already sick. I think they should also have preventative programs for people to attend. I also think they should tax pop, fast food, and other junk food. Then maybe people will buy healthier foods because they will be cheaper than junk food. If people start eating healthier, it will save them money because they will need less medicine and treatments throughout their lifetimes.
Fast food is the devil!! I agree with the points you have both made. I've found myself waiting at a drive through... or ten in my day - it's definitely bad policy! It is cheaper (and at times faster) than health foods, especially when you are in a hurry. I do like the idea of taxing junk foods and it makes sense. Sugary foods can be just as dangerous as cigarettes or booze so might as well try to deter people from purchasing them by implementing a tax. When I was younger I drank 3-4 Mountain Dew's on a daily basis. This is something I would never do today having knowledge of sodas horrid lack of nutrition. If people are looking to lose weight cutting back on sugars is crucial. The first step could be switching to a diet soda. It is doable, I have been in that situation so I know that it is possible.
Obesity is a serious and frustrating problem. It is an easy, preventable problem that affects many individuals. It is frustrating that so much money goes towards obesity when this money could be going towards unpreventable causes, like certain forms or cancer or genetic diseases. Society has created the problem of obesity. They have made fast food to accessible and affordable.