"After multiple re-watchings of the Legally Blonde film series, we knew that sorority sisters enjoy dressing alike, but we never realized how strict the undergrad stylistas were! IvyGate received seven pages of the supposed dress code requirements for Pi Phi's Cornell chapter."
After reading this article I am severely disappointed with the writer's inclusion of information. Being in a sorority, I understand what this dress code is for, and why it is so strict, and at times very blunt. The dress code is for formal recruitment. I am unsure how long Cornell's formal recruitment is, but at UNI it goes on for four days. In the four days we have five events. The University of Iowa holds formal recruitment for an entire week, with multiple events per day. Though, the dress code seems strict and at times inappropriate, it is very important that each chapter has a cohesive attire. It makes it a lot easier for the women going through recruitment, this way they can keep each chapter straight. Terms like "cameltoe" are not appropriate to have written in a dress code. However, having been the one in charge of regulating my chapters dress code at in formal occasions, I understand that if you are not very straight forward about the message you are trying to convey, the message will not be received. I feel bad that Pi Beta Phi's (another error in the writer's article was that the sorority was only referred to as their nickname) informal letter of dress code standards was publicized. I will agree, things like "if you weigh over 130lbs then where 3 pairs of spanks" are completely inappropriate and rude statements, especially from one sister to another. I can say that, in my chapter, such behavior would never be accepted or permitted. However, I do understand the point of a dress code for formal recruitment, and I understand the concept of looking extremely presentable. However, even the comparison to the movie Legally Blonde frustrates me.Sororities, and fraternities for that matter, will always have an incorrect reputations. This article is a perfect example of that. However I can confidently say that my sorority has held the top female grades on campus for the past three consecutive semesters. Every greek house has at least one philanthropy that they support, plus Magical Mix Kids and Make a Wish Foundation (all greek chapters at UNI help both of those organizations). My sorority has both a local philanthropy and an international philanthropy. To give greek like such a poor image is truly sad. UNI has one of the smallest greek life's, yet we in total support at least 13 philanthropic organizations, much more than an average college organization. Even though our campus is small, the UNI chapter of my sorority is one of the top chapters of the sorority internationally, and has been for a long time. A strong student organization is something to take pride in, whether it be student government or greek life. To under mind the work that these students do is very naive.