Visualizing Voice
Karrie Karahalios, Assistant Professor in Computer Science at the University of Illinois, shows several examples of conversational dynamics, retreaval through the use of a real time voice visualization on a tabletop and examples of new interactions by using the interface as a social mirror.
How does manipulating the environment such as adding a chair, camera, or computer change a behavior in a virtual space? How do you design a virtual interface to get people to interact? How would a behaviorist approach this issue? What part of the video most closely takes a behavioral approach? How does the researcher measure the behaviors she is trying to elicit from the people involved? In the beginning she talks about virtual environments that use a token economy, what current vrtual games/environments use a form of token economy? She said her device that displayed voice into a color spiral may have encouraged people to argue because the colors were better during arguements. How does this relate to the antecedents of behavior modification?

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