Test Review Thursday 24th 2011

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Hi Class,

I will be in my office from 9:00 to 2:30 this Thursday to review essays from Exam #1. Please sign up in 10 minute intervals for the times between 9:00 to 2:30 to go over your exam. You will need to look at the times others have used so you do not double book. Times are first come first served.


10:20 Otto History & Systems


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9:00 - Kacey Beckendorf
9:10 - Megan Stanton - hs
9:20 - Cory Derringer
9:30 - Kristine Kearney
9:40 - Suzie Wolf
9:50 - Rachel Georgie - bm
10:00 - Olimpa sp
10:10 - Aaron Aamodt
10:20 - Kaili Benham
10:30 - Alissa Hoehle
10:40 - Amy Boley
10:50 - Macie Anderson - sp
11:00 - Kim Kluesner
11:10 - Rothaad
11:20 - Brad Balk - hs
11:30 - Julia Bower
11:40 - Amber McKinley
11:50 - Jordan Samuelson - sp
12:00 - Rachel Suckow - bm
12:10 - Beth Siegel - hs
12:20 - Cassidy Vislisel
12:30 - Kaitlyn Byrnes
12:40 - Alex Klopfenstein
12:50 - Ashley Dalluge
1:00 - Jacob Nolton
1:10 - Jaime Hayes
1:20 - Rachel Willis
1:30 - Jayme West
1:40 - Collin Bohlke - bm
1:50 - Chelsea Crowell
2:00 - Laura McNally (hs / bm)
2:10 - Maggie Balik
2:20 - Sally Kleiss

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